Tanrek - an effective pest control product, use for plants and reviews

Author: Elena N. https://floristics.info/ru/index.php?option=com_contact&view=contact&id=19 Category: Insecticides Published: March 20, 2012Republished: February 20, 2019Last edits: March 16, 2021

For those who are looking for a systemic insecticide with a wide spectrum of action, the material prepared by our specialists will be of interest. In this article we will describe the properties of the drug Tanrek produced by the Russian company August, which has proven itself well among both professionals and amateur gardeners.

Chemical composition and purpose of the drug

The active substance in Tanrek is imidacloprid (200 g/l), which belongs to the class of neonicotinoids. The manufacturer of this drug is Russian.

Tanrek insecticide is a water-soluble concentrate and is available in ampoules of 1 and 1.5 ml, in bottles of 10, 50 and 100 ml, as well as in 1 liter canisters.

This drug is classified as a means of intestinal contact action on insects.


Photo of the drug Tanrek

Active ingredient of the drug Tanrek: Imidacloprid

Method of penetration of the insecticide Tanrek into the pest body: intestinal, contact, systemic.

Tanrek effectively fights the following pests:

  • aphids;
  • thrips;
  • whitefly;
  • leafhoppers;
  • Colorado potato beetle;
  • apple blossom beetle;
  • codling moth;
  • cruciferous flea beetles;
  • cabbage flies;
  • bedbugs;
  • pennies;
  • domestic cockroaches.


The insecticide Tanrek destroys sucking and gnawing pests, including beetles (ground beetles, weevils), but has no effect on ticks.

Operating principle

The active substance included in the drug Tanrek binds the nerve receptors of the central nervous system of insects, as a result of which paralysis begins in pests, and then death. Due to paralysis, these “harmful” bugs cannot eat, therefore, from the moment the poison penetrates their body, they become harmless to garden and vegetable crops.

There are two lines of this drug:

  • Tanrek, VRK against aphids, whiteflies - effectively affects these pests on various garden and vegetable crops;
  • Tanrek, VRK from the Colorado potato beetle.

Insect repellent Tanrek - video

Ways to control cockroaches

Exterminating cockroaches is not just an event that may seem simple at first glance.
The bottom line is that these pests are highly adaptable and also have excellent adaptive mechanisms that have evolved over the course of their evolution. Important! If you are exterminating yourself, then do not use the same cockroach repellent for too long, because they can get used to it and the drug becomes completely ineffective. . The fight against cockroaches in a residential building

The fight against cockroaches in a residential building

Of course, many homeowners are familiar with the fact that cockroaches are incredibly tenacious parasites, and the substances that can effectively fight them are incredibly strong chemistry. When exterminating insects in your apartment, it is better to buy combined products against cockroaches, bedbugs, fleas, flies and other pests.

Important! If you currently have only one type of pest reproducing, you can simply take preventive measures against other insects at the same time.

The best means to fight cockroaches

There are a wide variety of anti-cockroach products. They can be bought in stores specializing in such products. To avoid buying low-quality fakes, which will also be useless, buy them in special stores. This is an incredibly important point, because at its core it is a poison that only affects a specific biological species and subspecies.

When choosing a remedy for cockroaches, bedbugs, fleas, you can:

  • consult with relatives, friends and neighbors who were able to successfully get rid of a cockroach infestation,
  • consult with a sales consultant - he will recommend a drug that is more suitable for you, based on the situation you described,
  • contact a specialist from one of the SES services for professional advice,

Important! There is no need to trust unfamiliar people. Having sold you a product that may not be of high quality, they do not bear responsibility, and this may result in damage to your children, pets or yourself.

Aerosols, traps, and gels against cockroaches are considered the most effective for controlling insects:

  • "Raptor"
  • "Clean house",
  • "Raid",
  • "Combat".

In addition, you can also purchase products against cockroaches, bedbugs, fleas in the form of powder or solution or powder:

  • "Dohloks"
  • “Brownie”,
  • “LS 500”.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of the drug Tanrek include:

  1. the drug can be used for treating plants, as well as for treating seed material;
  2. Tanrek's price is quite affordable;
  3. the drug has virtually no odor;
  4. after treatment with Tanrek, all insect pests die within 3-5 days;
  5. the product is equally effective on both adults and their larvae;
  6. the protective properties of the insecticide last for 2-3 weeks;
  7. is a popular remedy, always available in specialized stores;
  8. wide range of uses, helps against many pests;
  9. the drug does not accumulate in fruits, which can be collected within three days after treatment;
  10. Tanrek can be used against domestic cockroaches;
  11. it goes on sale in small packages, the working fluid is easy to prepare;
  12. the insecticide is equally effective in hot and cool weather;
  13. can be used as a prophylactic agent;
  14. used for indoor plants – against scale insects;
  15. moderately toxic to worms.

Fungicide Consento Commander Fungicide Teldor
Among the disadvantages of the drug Tanrek, experts note:

  1. the product does not help against ticks;
  2. the insecticide kills mealybugs in only a few applications (usually 3), while the insecticide destroys other insects after the first application;
  3. Some indoor plants develop phytotoxicity to this product - the foliage turns yellow, and if the dosage is exceeded, they die;
  4. aphids and whiteflies die more easily from Tanrek than beetles;
  5. The hazard class of the insecticide for bees is 1, therefore it is impossible to treat with the drug during the period of mass flight of bees in the garden;
  6. there is no measuring scale on the packages and bottles, so you have to use a syringe to measure the exact dose;
  7. It is necessary to add adhesives (soap or shampoo) to the drug solution so that the product remains on the foliage;
  8. can be used in tank mixtures with other drugs with a neutral reaction;
  9. Treatments should not be carried out during the day in sunny weather, so as not to burn the foliage.

Boric acid is the best folk remedy for cockroaches

Photo: stopklopam.ru
In cases where the use of chemicals is impossible (allergies, small children and animals in the house), many are saved by folk remedies. The most famous and best folk remedy for cockroaches is boric acid, which, when ingested by insects, guarantees them a painful death. To prepare the bait, you need to take a raw or boiled egg yolk, pour one packet of boric acid into it, roll into balls and place them in insect habitats. You can also prepare sweet baits with borax powder. Dry boric acid powder can be sprinkled where cockroaches travel (for example, under the sink where they go to drink water). Cockroaches catch the powder on their paws and then lick it off when they clean themselves. But this method is less effective; baits work better.


  • Safe for people and animals.
  • Inexpensive.


  • The method is effective if there are few cockroaches and the apartment is kept clean. Otherwise, some insects may go to feed, for example, in a trash can, and will not try the bait.
  • The balls need to be renewed regularly until the insects disappear completely.

From reviews of boric acid:

“We recommended boric acid for cockroaches. Of course, I didn’t believe that she could really help me, but I still decided to try. I bought a packet of acid, boiled an egg and mixed 1/3 of the yolk with the acid. I made balls, placed them around the kitchen in the evening and couldn’t sleep for a long time, because... I was worried that the balls, on the contrary, would attract even more cockroaches. I had no reason to be afraid! There have been no roommates in the house for a week now! In my opinion, boric acid is the best remedy for cockroaches!

“Whatever recipe you use: with potatoes, raw or boiled eggs, you need to understand that cockroaches run towards the food and eat it along with the acid, because boric acid has neither taste nor smell, they cannot identify it immediately and it corrodes them from the inside and they leave this apartment forever, periodically they send messengers there, so it is better for the messengers not to remove the balls from under the cabinets.

Rating: 8 out of 10.

Preparation of a working solution of the drug Tanrek

How to prepare a working solution of Tanrek:
pour a couple of liters of water into a container, measure out the required amount of product with a syringe, add it to the water, mix thoroughly, then add the remaining amount of liquid.

For spraying indoor plants, it is more convenient to prepare such a solution (and spray it) in a plastic bottle.

Prepare the solution immediately before treatment; it can be stored for no more than 2 hours. Remaining liquid should be disposed of immediately after completion of work.

Terms of use

Instructions for use of Tanrek provide for strict adherence to all points. Otherwise, harm is caused to humans, animals, and the environment.

  1. Spraying should be done in dry, windless weather in the morning or evening. Contact of the active component on a plant on a sunny day leads to burning of the leaves.
  2. While working, you should use rubber gloves and a protective suit. If spraying against aphids and whiteflies is carried out on tall trees, it is necessary to protect the respiratory tract with a respirator.
  3. It is advisable to use the finished solution immediately; it is allowed within 2 days. Over time, the product begins to lose its properties. The remains of the unused mixture are allowed to be poured into the soil near the cultivated crops.
  4. Repeated treatment should be carried out after 20 days. However, the time of harvest must be taken into account. At least 20 days must pass from the last spraying to the consumption of crops.
  5. It is recommended to use Tanrek VRK in early spring with the first leaves blooming, after harvesting. In special cases - after flowering.

For better adhesion of the active components to the leaves of the plant, a soap base is added to the solution. Safe laundry soap is best suited for these purposes.

The drug Tanrek: instructions for use against pests

For different garden and vegetable crops, the dosage of this insecticide will be different. Therefore, a specific working fluid is prepared for a specific cultivated plant.

For fruit trees and berry bushes

For garden crops, Tanrek's working solution is prepared as follows:
3 ml of the drug is dissolved in a bucket of water.
To process shrubs, up to 1.5 liters of working fluid is required for each bush. To spray mature trees, you need to use 2-5 liters of solution. Tanrek is effective in controlling aphids on apple and currant trees. Also helps to cope with apple blossom beetle.

Tanrek for tomatoes and cucumbers

To treat cucumbers or tomatoes against major pests, you need to prepare the following working liquid:
dissolve 5 ml of the drug in a bucket of water. To treat vegetable bushes, 10 liters of solution is required for every hundred square meters of area.

Tanrek, a remedy for aphids and whiteflies, can be used in a greenhouse - video

Tanrek for treating potatoes against the Colorado potato beetle

Against the Colorado potato beetle, you need to prepare the following Tanrek working solution:
dissolve 1 ml of the drug in a bucket of water (1 ml per 5 liters).
For every hundred square meters of area, use 5 liters of prepared working fluid. Interesting to know!
Top – 10 best remedies for the Colorado potato beetle
Work on treating potatoes with Tanrek against the Colorado potato beetle should be carried out in windless, dry weather, in the morning or after six o’clock in the evening, evenly spraying all the tops of the plants.

After treatment, you can go into the garden for manual work after 3 days, and the period of protection of potatoes with Tanrek is 2 weeks.

Tanrek for indoor plants and flowers

To rid indoor plants of pests, you should prepare the following working liquid: dissolve 5 ml of Tanrek insecticide in a bucket of water.


Some indoor plants show phytotoxicity to this drug. Therefore, first, treat a couple of leaves on the plant with the working solution and look at the result. If yellowing of the leaf plates has not occurred, full spraying can be carried out.


Reviews about Tanrek are positive. Experienced gardeners, novice gardeners and flower lovers share their impressions.

I planted petunia seedlings on the balcony. At one point she began to lose strength, and upon examination she discovered small black bugs. Aphids are like a plague to petunias. It will be devoured in a matter of days. Sprayed with Tanrek. The result is obvious the very next day. Within a week my seedlings came to life.

We have a large garden with cherries, plums, apricots and currants. We always use Tanrek for aphids and whiteflies. Initially it was used after flowering, when parasites were discovered one day. It didn't take long to see the effect. After this, we do everything according to the rules - the first treatment of the garden with the drug in early spring, the second - after harvesting.

Saved indoor plants from aphids. Unbeknownst to me, by the end of summer, pests had multiplied in the flower garden on the windowsill. I sprayed with the windows open and did not take flowers outside. One spray was enough to destroy the aphid colony. To consolidate the effect and protect against re-infection, I treated the flowers with the drug after a month. I poured the remaining solution into the pot and worked the soil.

Hazard class, precautions, expiration date

The drug Tanrek has a hazard class for humans and warm-blooded animals - 3 (low toxicity). For inhabitants of reservoirs and bees, the insecticide hazard class is 1.

Therefore, Tanrek is prohibited from spraying near rivers, lakes or ponds. Also, plants should not be treated with this product during the flowering period, so as not to kill the bees.

In soil, the half-life of the product is approximately 6 months.

When carrying out treatments, you should wear protective clothing that covers the entire body, cover your nasopharynx with a respirator, and cover your hands with latex gloves. Closed shoes are worn on the feet.

If the product gets inside, various health problems may occur, at the first signs of which you should consult a doctor.

The shelf life of the drug Tanrek is 3 years from the date of manufacture.

First aid

The recommendations below are intended only for providing FIRST aid, after which you should immediately consult a doctor and follow his instructions! DO NOT SELF-medicate!

  • If vomiting, nausea, weakness and malaise occur, you should immediately take the victim to fresh air.
  • If Tanrek gets on the skin, this area should be cleaned of the drug with a cotton swab or cloth, being careful not to rub the drug. After this, you need to rinse the skin area with running water or a soda solution.
  • If the drug is swallowed, take 5-6 tablets of activated carbon, drink 3 glasses of water and induce vomiting.
  • If the drug gets into the eyes, they should be rinsed open under running water for 10-15 minutes.
  • After providing first aid, be sure to consult a doctor! There is no antidote for Tanrek, so treatment will be symptomatic.

Insecticide Tanrek - analogues

The main analogues of the drug Tanrek are:

  • Biotlin and Biotlin Bau;
  • Bison;
  • Imidor;
  • Kalash;
  • Commander;
  • Confidelin;
  • Confidor;
  • Corado;
  • Monsoon;
  • Prestige;
  • Respect;
  • Taboo;
  • Tsvetolux Bau.

Each of these drugs can be used instead of Tanrek to treat garden or vegetable crops against many pests.

Tanrek is a wonderful systemic preparation for pests - video

The drug Tanrek: reviews of use

Elena, 45 years old, Moscow region: I have been treating tomatoes and cucumbers in my greenhouse with Tanrek for several seasons, dealing with whiteflies and aphids. In this case, one spraying is enough for these “harmful” insects to die. This drug was recommended to me by a neighbor at my summer cottage, who treats not only vegetable crops with this insecticide, but also fruit trees and berry bushes.

Natalya, 50 years old, Saratov region: I usually use the Tanrek insecticide to treat garden crops as a last resort - when the number of pests is too large. But I can say that despite the number of parasites, this drug kills them all at the same time. The first signs of poisoning in pests appear within 3-4 hours, and they die within about a day.

Nikolay, 38 years old, Volgograd region: My wife and I have a huge garden plot where we grow potatoes for sale. The most difficult period is when the Colorado potato beetle attacks our potatoes. On such a plantation it is impossible to collect it by hand. We tried different products, but Tanrek turned out to be the best - in one treatment this insecticide destroys adult Colorado potato beetles and their larvae. It’s easy to dilute the product and spray it – we usually manage to treat the area in one day, taking a break during hot weather.

The insecticide Tanrek is one of the best drugs in the fight against many pests in the garden and vegetable garden, especially the Colorado potato beetle, aphids and whiteflies.

It effectively copes not only with adults, but also with their larvae, and the plant protection period of Tanrek is at least 2 weeks.

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What is the problem?

Tanrek is an insecticide from the neonicotinoid class. These are new synthetic organic compounds unknown in nature; Today, only 5 neonicotinoids are known. At first, neonicotinoids seemed like a godsend: they are highly effective against targets, like pesticides, they have a number of valuable qualities (see below) and seemed low-hazard for vertebrates, incl. fish

However, firstly, all neonicotinoids were immediately assigned the first class of danger to bees. A little later it turned out that these substances are no less dangerous for crustaceans. But a hazard class is a generalized factor with a certain range of hazard parameter values. Tanrek's active ingredient, imidacloprid, is closer to its upper limit. For example, its LD50 for bees is 4-17 ng/individual for oral administration and 24 ng/individual for contact (!). Cypermethrin is from the same chemical class and also has hazard class 1, respectively. values ​​160 and 120 ng/individual. Those. Imidacloprid is tens of times stronger than its weak “chemical counterparts”, and the ratio of its intestinal and contact activity is the opposite of what they have.

Secondly, the translaminar activity of imidacloprid according to the totality of indicators is also many times higher: in 3-4 hours. it saturates literally the entire plant - from root caps to nectar and pollen. As a result, any non-predatory insect that visits a plant treated with Tanrek, even by chance, is doomed to death. Recent studies have finally confirmed: the main reason for the widespread death of bees and the pestilence of wild pollinators in Europe and a number of American countries is the result of the use of neonicotinoids.

But domestic bees are the main and irreplaceable pollinators. The role of “savages” in plant pollination is several times less - plant biocenoses have long managed to adapt mainly to bees, because As pollinators, they are consistently highly effective, and wild bees have not been able to withstand competition with domestic bees for thousands of years. Plants provide food for all living things, and the complete death of bees is an environmental disaster of historical proportions. Not human history, geological. Therefore, at present, neonicotinoids in the EU are allowed to be used only on protected ground, and imidacloprid is unconditionally prohibited. Are we too late? Time will tell...

And that is not all. All nicotine derivatives, as poisons, have a cumulative effect: their effect increases sharply when they accumulate in the body to a certain threshold concentration. The long-term consequences of systematic use of neonicotinoids are generally the same as those from tobacco nicotine. But imidacloprid also stands out among neonicotinoids for its persistence: its half-life in soil is 100 days and depends little on temperature. In fruits it breaks down faster, but still quite slowly, see below.

Imidacloprid is contained in many pesticides; of the most popular are Confidor, Iskra Zolotaya, Biotlin, etc. But they contain complementary active ingredients that reduce the danger of drugs and simplify their handling. Tanrek – pure imidacloprid, a very high concentration for this class of substances, 20% (200 g/l)

And its preparative form - water-soluble concentrate (WRC) - makes the Tanrek insecticide particularly demanding in terms of technology of use and compliance with precautions when working with the drug.

Therefore, the main rules for using Tanrek:

It is permissible to treat plants with this pesticide only once in the current season; Tanrek should be used only in case of pest invasion on a scale that threatens the entire crop or the existence of a perennial plant; Do not use Tanrek in conditions and/or at times when plants can be visited by pollinators, as well as on plants that they can at least “test”; Although Tanrek is classified as a hazard class 3 for humans, the precautions necessary for working with the drug in private household plots (see below) must be observed with the strictest class higher.

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