A spider crawls over a person: what does the sign mean, features of interpretation

Seeing cobwebs in a house or even in a city apartment is a common occurrence. Little spiders find secluded places and settle down there, covering dark corners with their webs.

Often, the first thing a person remembers when he sees a cobweb in the corner of an apartment is signs, folk beliefs and superstitions


Some believe that a spider's web promises prosperity and prosperity. Others believe that the web is a kind of amulet that protects the house and the people living in it from troubles and misfortunes.

Our ancestors have long believed that spiders are friends with the Brownie, and the web is the best catcher of problems, misfortunes and sorrows. Through its cells happiness and good luck come into the house, but evil and everything bad sticks, gets entangled in the web and melts.

On the head

If a spider falls on your head, expect sad news. Moreover, they will concern people close to you. It’s a different matter if the spider begins to crawl - then the signs promise success in work and profit. And if the spider is red, then you can double the positive effect of superstition - a career and material benefits are guaranteed to you.

In a special case, signs highlight the descent of a spider on a web. If the insect did not just fall on your head, but carefully descended on a spider’s web, expect pleasant surprises or gifts from a person close to you.

Signs of Indian summer

There are many signs that are associated with Indian summer. A long and frosty winter is foreshadowed by warm September. Thunder indicates that the winter period will have to wait for a long time, and the autumn days will be long and warm. If cold days prevail in September, this means that the snow will melt at the very beginning of spring.

If the weather remains warm on September 29 for the Bird's Bone holiday, then winter will be late. Precipitation will soon pass if, during rain, spiders begin to actively weave webs. A swan flying against the wind portends a storm.

On the day of the feast of Saints Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia, celebrated on September 30, it is very important to pay attention to the behavior of your cat. If she begins to wash herself in the house for a long time, this portends dry weather. Bright sun and warm weather promise fishermen a good catch. If clouds cover the sky for half the day, then the following days will be clear.

Source of the article: https://rsute.ru/630383-pochemu-osenyu-letaet-mnogo-pautiny-a-period-teplyx-dnej-nazyvayut-babim-letom.html

By hand

Ancient signs interpret a spider moving along the hand as a small monetary loss. There are a large number of special cases:

  • if an insect crawled along your hand around noon, expect financial profit;
  • if a spider falls on your hand, you will soon meet an old friend or loved one.

The interpretation of a spider crawling on the hand depends on the direction of its movement. Popular superstitions interpret the event differently for the left and right hands:

  • If an insect crawls on your left hand, expect profit - a reward, bonus, or maybe a new position. If a spider sits on your hand, you may win the lottery or find a wallet with money.
  • A spider on your right hand promises a pleasant meeting that you have long dreamed of. A spider on your right hand can bring you a meeting with an important person who will support you on your life's path.

The funds promised by the spider crawling along your left hand will not bring financial well-being - they will leave as quickly and suddenly as they came.

Up the hand

A spider crawling up your arm is a great omen. If an arthropod begins to climb your hand, expect financial income and increased well-being without much effort on your part.

Down the arm

A spider that ends up on your hand and crawls down towards your hand promises trouble. This behavior of the spider hints at future losses and instability of financial income. Anything can happen to you - you can lose your job, be demoted or have your salary delayed. A spider descending your hand also promises quarrels with loved ones.

Killing an insect

There is a sign: a spider is going down the web, and you accidentally slammed it. Don't be alarmed, there is no penalty for intentionally killing an insect. In ancient times, this was a sign of a good event to come; 40 sins were removed (according to unverified data, other sources indicate 7). You should be careful if the killing of the arthropod was planned. The elimination of the protector of the hearth promises the arrival of misfortunes and diseases. His associates may stop weaving the web, thus the protection of the house will weaken, and luck will leave the walls of the home.

By leg

An arthropod crawling on your legs usually promises pleasant events. But it all depends on the nuances:

  • if the spider suddenly fell on the leg - to unexpected profit;
  • if the spider is light - to love adventures;
  • dark - to betrayal of the other half.

Signs for different legs:

  • A spider on the left leg means loss. Especially if it creeps down. The trouble can concern both money and moral losses. You may face both problems at work and a lack of support from people close to you.
  • An insect on the right leg means success in all areas, including financial. This can be any event leading to well-being. For example, you may be waiting for a meeting with a person thanks to whom your projects or ideas will develop.

Up the leg

As in the case of the hand, upward movement portends only pleasant things. A spider crawling up your leg can indicate both success and achievement, as well as events that bring pleasure. For example, an interesting trip may await you.

Down the leg

A spider climbing down your leg means that you will soon have a long journey ahead of you. The trip will most likely be due to work related matters. If the insect is running hastily or has fallen off its feet, the business trip will be difficult. A spider crawling down also signals disease.

Progress of observation.

Guys, today I want to introduce you to how some insects prepare for winter. Do you want to know about it? Let's very quietly move apart the leaves that have fallen to the ground. What do you see there? (Answers 2 - 3 children)

You correctly noted that there are also adult insects here, but you can also
see their larvae
. Insects, like the bear, hibernate. They hide under leaves, in cracks and crevices in the bark of trees and overwinter there.

So who's hiding under the leaves and in the crevices of the bark? (Children's answers - larvae, adult insects)

But that is not all. Take a close look at the branches of the bushes

, fences, what do you see there?
Did you notice anything unusual? (Answers 2 - 3 children)
Guys, I want to give you a riddle : “The sieve hangs not with your hands”

What do you think this is? (Answers from 2 – 3 children)
That’s right, it’s a web, that’s what we see on the tops of plants, on tree branches, on fences and various buildings.

Guys, whose house is the web? (Answers 2 - 3 children)

Yes, spiders

, in the summer, with the help of the web, they catch their food, but
in the fall, the web helps the spiders
find a place for hibernation. Spiders climb onto plant branches and fences, stick their abdomen to them and release cobwebs. When the wind blows, the packs come unhooked and fly on the web until it gets attached to something. So they are looking for a place to winter.

Did you remember from which places the spiders set off on their journey (Answers 2 - 3 children)

Let's watch

like the wind will carry a spider with its web.

Flying spiders in tropical countries are a common, fascinating and frightening phenomenon. In the middle zone, migration is not so obvious, but it does occur. They don't have wings, so everyone will answer that they can't fly. They crawl well, some jump. But thanks to this, they are able to migrate over long distances – up to several kilometers.

How does the color of a spider affect?

In signs about spiders, the interpretation also takes into account the color of the insect:

  • Black. It is better not to meet such spiders for those who are afraid of them. Anyone who is afraid of an insect will face misfortunes. And those who are not afraid can expect happy events.
  • Red. It portends an improvement in financial situation, a new position or a pleasant reward.
  • Green. Indicates the probability of winning. You can count on a material find, an inheritance - housing or precious things.
  • Yellow. Promises a successful completion of the undertaking.
  • White. An encounter with such an insect foreshadows an imminent wedding or pregnancy.

Cross spiders are dangerous not only as sources of poison - they also promise trouble on the astral level - illness, difficult trials and even death.

Who is a tattoo suitable for?

Cobwebs on the elbow are a frequent guest among skinheads. With its help they emphasize their brutality. The design can be worn by both men and women. We can say that this is a universal symbol. The bearer of the symbol is always ready to respond for words and actions with active actions.

Tattoo Suitable:

  • boxers and kickboxers;
  • hockey players;
  • football players;
  • to rappers;
  • racers;
  • web programmers;
  • group leaders;
  • bikers, etc.

The tattoo is intended for strong personalities who are ready to defend their interests. The owner does not have to have muscles of steel.

It is enough to have self-confidence and the desire to actively defend your rights. Tattoos are respected and worn by football fans as their philosophy revolves around protecting the interests of the team they support.

Meaning of spider web tattoo

The meaning of the spider web tattoo has ethnic roots. Among the North American Indians, the openwork creation of a spider was a symbol of unattainability.

For slaves brought from the African continent, the web was associated with a rebellious disposition and a desire for freedom. In Japan and China, spider webs reflect independence and female sexuality.

Popular interpretations:

  • fight against the system;
  • dangerous player;
  • guard hunter;
  • strategist;
  • your order;
  • overthrow of power;
  • struggle for ideas;
  • sexuality.

In modern tattoo culture, the spider web on the elbow has a combined meaning. The pattern combines flexibility and the ability to hold prey.

That is why for anarchists and skinheads, woven threads represent a network. She binds them with a single worldview. Reflects the desire to fight systems, invulnerability to punishment for one’s actions.

The meaning of tattoos for men and women

On the skin of men, a pattern with a cobweb signifies the ability to set traps. The caught prey gets stuck in the web and cannot regain its freedom on its own. The design is assigned the meaning of holding and manipulation.

The location on the hand denotes a tactician, a person who controls his reality. He is a dangerous opponent because he knows how to wait and direct his efforts to the right point. Hunter and killer skills combined with aggression.

Photo from:

On the body of girls, a tattoo takes on the meaning of free love and the fight against restrictions. The image of a charming spider comes from Japanese mythology.

A demon in the guise of a spider can turn into a beautiful woman. No man can resist her charms. She does not kill her victims, but uses them as a source of vitality.

A tattoo takes on a similar meaning on the body of a modern girl. She is smart and knows how to use her strengths. The people around her are determined to bring benefits and protect her interests. Skillful manipulation allows you to turn any situation to the benefit of the tattoo owner.

The meaning of a tattoo in prison

The spider web tattoo has a rich prison past. For those who want to know what a tattoo on a prisoner’s body means, there are a large number of explanations on the Internet. The tattoo emphasized the status of the owner and had the meaning “spider weaving webs.”

Tattoo on leg

Only recognized authorities had the right to wear a tattoo. They rarely left the dungeons, receiving a substantial sentence. Inside the prison, such people enjoyed the position of unofficial masters of the zone.

In addition, tattoos were given to thieves who had earned respect for their skill. These individuals acted as mentors to the younger generation. Bearers of traditions and dangerous opponents of official power had the right to get tattoos.

Where did you meet the spider?

Spiders are ubiquitous insects. You can meet them in the most unexpected places. They mysteriously penetrate into any premises. They can be found not only in a garden, park or country house, but also in a city apartment, transport, and office. And for each case the sign has its own interpretation.

Why spiders are found:

  1. In the house. It has always been believed that spiders in the house mean wealth and prosperity. Of course, this concerned spiders, which did not harm humans. Killing spiders was considered a bad omen by almost all nationalities. The appearance of a spider in the house is mainly associated with positive events. If you see this arthropod in your home - a house or apartment, do not be alarmed and do not expect anything bad - its appearance is considered a harbinger of pleasant events. It is best for the spider to be white - it is believed that an arthropod of this color collects all the negativity in the house. The spider simply weaves it into its web. The appearance of a spider in a home, depending on the nuances, may portend different events:
      seeing a spider and getting scared is bad news;
  2. crawling along the floor towards you - changes for the better in the financial sector;
  3. runs across the floor - losses;
  4. runs on clothes - expensive new thing;
  5. weaves webs - sunny weather;
  6. a web without a spider means rain;
  7. crawling around the house in the morning - trouble;
  8. crawling after lunch - great luck;
  9. a black insect has woven a web over the bed - to the illness of the one who sleeps on the bed;
  10. a spider has woven a web over the marital bed - discord in relationships;
  11. a spider on the doorstep means losses.
  12. In the office. The interpretation of the sign relates to the scope of work and does not go beyond it:
      if an insect crawls nearby - a letter or a meeting;
  13. creeps up - bonus;
  14. a spider descended to the floor and quickly crawled away - a delay in salary or a reprimand from the boss;
  15. the spider fell right on the table - enemies and envious people.
  16. In the bathroom. A spider in the bathroom portends stagnation in all endeavors - troubles can affect both work and personal life. You may also experience loss of money or valuable items. But if an insect crawls towards you, this means profit.
  17. In the car. The car interior is a personal space. Therefore, the interpretation is no different from the appearance of spiders in the home. If an insect moves along chairs, panels or ceilings, an event related to money awaits you. But this can be either a profit or a loss of money. Subtleties of interpretation:
      a large insect means a big profit, a small one means insignificant;
  18. crawls over you - profit is guaranteed;
  19. weaved a web in the car interior - you are protected.
  20. On the street. The interpretation depends on the characteristics of the meeting:
      caught in a web - a lot of minor troubles;
  21. touched the web - good news and a pleasant meeting;
  22. cobwebs on clothes - to wealth.

Why do cobwebs fly in autumn, and what is known about Indian summer?

It is very easy to recognize that Indian summer has arrived. After severe cold, warm weather suddenly sets in, like in summer. And there is a cobweb flying in the air, which clings to the hair. Probably, before, I wouldn’t have liked this much, but not in the fall, when such warm days will be the last this year.

The term "Indian summer" refers to the period when our ancestors completed all the work in the field, and women began to do household chores.

It is noteworthy that several dictionaries describe Indian summer as a wonderful time when older women basked in the sun's rays in the fall.

Warm weather in autumn occurs as a result of several reasons. First of all, it is associated with an anticyclone, which returns Indian summer to temperate latitudes. In addition, the air is saturated with heat released by fallen leaves.

The folk calendar records 2 periods when Indian summer begins. First on the feast of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary on August 28 and continues until September 11. And then on the Day of Simeon the Flyer on September 14, when they say that the “old” Indian summer has come.

It is during this period that spiders are especially active due to the peak birth rate. Therefore, it is very common to see thin cobwebs flying in the air. This is probably where the name “old” Indian summer comes from. This time is called differently in different countries: in the Czech Republic - spider summer, in the USA - Indian summer.

Performance technique

If the composition is similar, a tattoo depicting spider webs may have a different appearance. The most often used in the image are the developments of old school and tribal styles. Their characteristic features:

  • Dense lines.
  • Sharp contrasting colors.
  • Geometric clarity of shapes.

However, today among masters there is an opinion that this set of techniques is outdated and looks too boring and conservative. Linework, dotwork, blackwork and new school techniques are becoming an alternative. Often other symbols are added to the drawing: images of a dragon, heart, cross, skull, etc.

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