Medilis Cyper - methods of use in pest control

This powerful drug is one of the main means of choice in the fight against bedbugs. It has long been developed by scientists and is used very widely in both residential and industrial premises.

It involves a number of insecticides, including “Medilis Antiklop”, acaricidal-repellent agent “Medilis Comfort”, “Medilis Super” and “Medilis Cyper”. Therefore, it is necessary to talk in more detail about their characteristics, features of use and the degree of danger for warm-blooded animals. This description is very important, since with the help of drugs you can also get rid of ticks, mosquitoes, woodlice, cockroaches and other parasites.


The main structural component of Medilis is cypermethrin. It is complemented by other substances that give it a stronger effect, pronounced surface-active properties and a less pungent odor.

This is interesting! The product belongs to pyrethroids, derivatives of pyrethrins, which are synthesized from plant materials. Common chamomile and some other flowers are richest in it.

The modern insecticide "Medilis NEO" also consists of:

  • acetamiprid;
  • imidocloprid;
  • neonicotinoids;
  • permethrin;
  • tetramethrin;
  • FOS;
  • Chlorpyrifos.

Experts have achieved a ratio of substances that makes the product capable of destroying even a huge colony in an apartment densely populated with bedbugs.

Medicines "Medilis"

Once in the gastrointestinal tract of a person or pet, "Medilis" does not cause any harmful effects to it, because it only affects insects.

How does the drug work?

Permethrin is an insecticide, a neurotoxin, that affects the central nervous system of bedbugs and disrupts the activity of sodium channels. In this case, the entire central nervous system is overexcited, paralysis of the limbs and further death of the pest are observed. Cypermethrin acts similarly, but also changes the speed of movement of sodium ions, provoking the destruction of nerve cells. After it enters the insect’s body, convulsions, paralysis and death of the bug occur.

“Insecticide” really shows high effectiveness against parasites also because the work of two powerful insecticides in it is enhanced by the action of a synergist. It increases the neurotoxic effect of both poisons and speeds up the rate of development of irreversible changes in the central nervous system, and also interferes with the production of protective enzymes in the body of the bug.

The insecticide reaches the insect by contact - by contact with the legs and antennae. Trying to cleanse itself, the insect somehow introduces the drug into the stomach, which enhances its effect. A bedbug can become infected by touching a treated surface, and even more so by direct contact with the drug during treatment of an apartment.

Operating principle

Initially, the drug has a yellowish color, and when diluted, it acquires a white tint with a special repulsive odor. "Medilis" gets on the limbs of the bug, and from there it penetrates its digestive system. It penetrates into his body through the oral cavity, as well as being absorbed from the surface of chitin.

Spreading throughout the bloodstream, the drug has a damaging effect on the central nervous system, causing paralysis in insects. This effect is explained by the fact that due to excessive influence, the bug develops convulsions, discoordination of nerve impulses occurs, and then its death follows.

The insecticide was developed by specialists so that it is a fairly viscous composition that firmly adheres to the body of the insect. Therefore, the bug brings it to its nest, where as a result the entire population of pests is destroyed.

As a rule, the usual duration of action of a diluted drug is one day. The solution actively affects adults and larvae. The eggs remain intact. But the bugs that appear again from them will be instantly exterminated by the residual influence of the product, which lasts for at least sixty days. Therefore, Medilis is considered a very effective insecticide.

Properties of cypermethrin

Medilis Cyper contains cypermethrin. The substance, synthesized by Japanese chemists in the early 1970s, is still popular in agriculture and in everyday life for controlling insect pests. Here are four of its main properties.

  1. Penetration. The substance has an enteric contact effect, that is, it enters the “victim’s” body orally (through the mouth) or through physical contact with the poison (penetrates through the chitinous coating of insects).
  2. Action. Cypermethrin is very toxic - it causes critical overexcitation of the nervous system, leading to paralysis and death.
  3. Sustainability. A distinctive feature of cypermethrin is its resistance to ultraviolet radiation. It does not lose its insecticidal properties when sprayed in open areas.
  4. Validity. In dry weather and indoors - up to one and a half months. If there was precipitation, the treatment will need to be repeated one to two weeks earlier. After intense and prolonged rains - immediately after the grass and soil dry out.

Contraindications and safety measures

Due to its high toxicity, there are contraindications for working with cypermethrin in the following groups of people:


Certain types of the drug are sold in a variety of factory packages ranging from five milliliters to 3500 ml.

Attention! There is also a type of product that is initially packaged in a container with a spray bottle. Therefore, there is no need to prepare it for use.

Therefore, the price range for insecticides in this series is very large.

The cost of some drugs is around four hundred rubles, while others reach a thousand or more.

"Medilis" is a broad-spectrum agent and is capable of effectively destroying:

  • fleas;
  • ixodid ticks;
  • bedbugs;
  • mosquitoes;
  • midges;
  • mosquitoes;
  • ants;
  • various midges;
  • flies;
  • horseflies;
  • cockroaches, etc.

A medium-sized bottle with a sprayer is enough to treat at least 100 square centimeters.

"Medilis" is sold in special hardware stores and on Internet sites.

Important! Pickup of the purchase by the client or delivery to the apartment using a company courier is provided. In Moscow, you will have to pay about three hundred rubles in addition to the total cost of the drug. If the house is located far from the capital, then the price increases to five hundred rubles and higher.


The main active ingredient of Medilis Cyper is cypermethrin, the concentration of which in the solution is twenty-five percent. The liquid in the container has a yellowish tint and a rather unpleasant odor. But the prepared solution will have a light milky tint.

Using this product, you can completely get rid of synanthropic insects, ticks, adults, flies and mosquitoes. The drug will be effective for about two months.

Advantages and disadvantages

"Medilis" has a large set of advantages and a number of negative qualities. Each of them should be mentioned so that the buyer has a clear idea of ​​the product being purchased.

The drug differs very favorably from other insecticides in that:

  • quickly affects bedbugs with any, even minor contact with it;
  • has a fairly long-lasting effect;
  • affects a very large list of pests;
  • relatively inexpensive;
  • can be used to prevent the appearance of parasites in the apartment;
  • can be used several times in one place;
  • does not decompose under the influence of the external environment;
  • There are no fakes on sale.

The downside is that the drug is quite difficult to prepare for use yourself. The manufacturers of the product directly write: “Dilute Medilis Cyper,” and then detailed instructions for use are given on how exactly it should be diluted.

The insecticide has a pronounced odor, which is quite difficult to eliminate even after weathering.

During processing, it settles on clothes, so before sanitizing it is better to take old things and then throw them away.

If the home was previously disinfested using a drug based on pyrethroids, the effect of Medilis may become less pronounced.

Useful tips

"Medilis Cyper", reviews of which you can read below, is a very useful tool in the household. However, do not forget about safety under any circumstances. Improper use of this product may lead to health problems.

After carrying out serious treatment of the house, it is best not to spend the night in it at all. Although the manufacturers are silent about this.

Under no circumstances should the solution be poured into natural bodies of water or into sewers. It is best to pour it into the ground and sprinkle it on top.

Also keep in mind that the product may be addictive to household pests. Therefore, do not treat the room too often. Better understand the causes of infection.

Instructions for use

The solution must be made immediately before use. To dilute it, you need to take some unnecessary container, which you can get rid of immediately after sanitizing the room. The diluted Medilis Ziper should not stand for more than eight hours.

Bedbug nests and other suspicious places are treated. If there is a large colony of parasites, take ten milliliters for the same amount of liquid. Then the entire room is disinfested.

When specifying how to dilute the drug against bedbugs, it is worth considering that if there are few insects in the apartment, then five milliliters of product per liter of liquid will be enough.

On a note! Fifty milliliters of Medilis are used to treat at least one square meter, and a solution is made from a similar calculation. When prepared correctly, the result is a white, opaque mixture with a repulsive odor.

It is advisable to carry out the sanitation in such a way that after completion the surfaces are moistened. Before starting pest control, as well as after it, you need to thoroughly wash the floors and clean the room. Cabinets are moved away from the walls.

The person carrying out the treatment must be protected by impermeable clothing, safety glasses and a mask.

In the description of “Medilis Cyper” against bedbugs, the instructions say that you need to do sanitization:

  • upholstered furniture;
  • reverse sides of paintings and carpets;
  • back surface of cabinets;
  • skirting boards;
  • a hole in the wallpaper;
  • bed frames;
  • central heating radiators;
  • cracks in walls and floors;
  • corners of rooms;
  • vents, etc.

The mattress should be treated with Medilis and then placed outdoors for six or more hours in the sun.

Application of "Medilis Cyper"

Then the windows are opened wide and the furniture is returned to its place. Those areas in which apartment residents are often located are washed with a mixture of soap and soda. Hard-to-reach corners are not cleaned for at least three days.

The disinfected room should not be visited for twelve hours. If there were a lot of nests and the solution flooded the entire room, then it is better to leave there for the whole day and night.

Preparing the room before treatment

The disinfestation procedure must necessarily include initial measures to prepare the premises. They will enhance the effectiveness of the measures taken and reduce the risk of poisoning for the residents themselves. To prepare, you should do the following:

  • 1. Put all food in the refrigerator; cereals can be put into bags and taken out to the balcony.
  • 2. Place personal belongings, toothbrushes, and cosmetics in tight bags; it is advisable to place clothes in vacuum bags (to prevent them from absorbing unpleasant odors).
  • 3. Remove bedding and wash (before or after disinfestation).
  • 4. Take children, elderly people, pets out.
  • 5. Close the aquariums tightly with lids when the compressor is turned off.
  • 6. If it is impossible to wash, send pillows, rugs, blankets to the dry cleaner.

To find where bedbugs are hiding, you need to lift the mattress on the bed and disassemble all the wooden parts

Immediately before treating the apartment, you should put on protective equipment and clothing - a suit, a respirator

When disinsection, special attention must be paid to irrigation of the following areas:

  • · Sleeping places
  • Under sofas, beds
  • · Furniture interiors and folds
  • · Gaps in the floor, under baseboards
  • Back walls of cabinets
  • · Wallpaper where it leaves the wall
  • · Curtains
  • · Furniture next to the bed
  • · Bottom of the window sill
  • Thresholds of rooms and at the entrance door
  • · Carpets on the back

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