Medilis cyper for bedbugs: instructions for use, how to dilute, composition and properties

Medilis Cyper is an insecticidal agent in the form of a concentrate that is very popular among consumers. This drug is based on cypermethrin, a substance for killing insects, invented in the last century.

Due to the fact that this component does not pose a strong danger to the lives of both people and their pets, it is widely used both in homes and in the agricultural sector. Reviews from people who have used Medilis Cyper say that this insecticide gives very good results. In addition, the drug takes effect within a day, after which all bedbugs die.


“After we saw several bedbugs in our apartment and then discovered itchy bites, we decided to get rid of them. We needed a product that would not harm our cat. We chose Medilis Cyper. So that our furry darling would not be harmed, we took her to my parents for a few days. The bedbugs actually died after the drug. Before bringing the cat back, we carried out a thorough wet cleaning and ventilated each room.”

Anastasia, Murmansk

This insecticidal preparation looks like a concentrate that has a pungent odor that disappears in a short time. This yellowish liquid is diluted with clean water and sprayed in those areas where the largest number of bedbugs are located. The product can even be used in summer cottages and garden plots, for which there is permission from Rospotrebnadzor. In addition, Medilis Cyper can be used to treat tourist centers against bedbugs, as well as in boarding houses, sanatoriums and similar premises.

Features of the insecticide

The drug in question is the latest development of Russian scientists.
The composition is created in such a way that it acts on the insect at any stage of its development. It is known that bedbug eggs and larvae are protected by a special chitinous layer and are difficult to influence. “Medilis anticlop” (reviews confirm this) is capable of destroying not only adult individuals, but also affects their offspring. A situation often arises when parasites develop strong immunity to an insecticide. The remedy for bedbugs “Medilis anticlop” is not persistently addictive, so it can be used repeatedly with equal success. Thanks to this, the drug causes a lasting effect, it is recognized as the most effective.

Mechanism of action on bedbugs

Like all pyrethroids, cypermethrin acts on the nervous system of insects , paralyzing both larvae and adult bed bugs. If ingested by a bug, this substance can lead to a significant deterioration in the passage of nerve impulses. Accordingly, the entire nervous system of the insect is very quickly blocked, which ultimately ends in the death of the bug.

On a note:

People have long used plants with a strong smell against bedbugs: wormwood, tansy, wild rosemary. In addition, Dalmatian chamomile flowers (Pyrethrum cinerariaefolium), which contain the substance pyrethrin, which kills insects, have a good insecticidal effect. Well-dried flowers of this chamomile can be used in the fight against various parasites. Throw them into a fire while relaxing outdoors, and various mosquitoes and midges will not like it at all!

It is also useful to read: Using Phenaxin for bedbugs: reviews and instructions
And one more thing: you can kill bedbugs in different ways. You can use dummy products for six months, or you can initially kill the bloodsuckers with proven means and methods...

See also our experiments on bedbugs:

We catch bedbugs and test different products against them - see the results...

  • We test the effect of Hector powder on bedbugs in two options: simple treatment and preparation of traps. See the results of the experiment.
    Experiment on bedbugs: at what temperature do they die and how it can be used in practice

    We put the bedbugs in a container that was treated with the Executioner product a week ago - we’ll see if the parasites are poisoned by the long-dried product...

  • We tested the Get Express product on bedbugs - let's see what came out of it...

    Experiment on bedbugs: The executioner killed them in 8 minutes

    We check the residual effect of the Executioner on bedbugs (how quickly they are poisoned upon contact with a previously treated but already dried surface)

  • Proven methods of killing bedbugs that have shown to be highly effective

What is an insecticide

Medilis Antiklop is produced by the MediLIS company, which produces products designed to kill insects of various types. There are about 60 products in the range, some of them are used more often than others. Not all products are designed to kill bedbugs.

Medilis Antiklop is popular; reviews of the product are in most cases positive. The drug is available in the form of a spray. The bottle contains a significant dose of toxic substances. This form of release provides the best effect

Drug modifications

Insecticides produced by Medilis are potent drugs in the fight against domestic bedbugs. The chemicals are very popular and receive positive reviews. Disinfestation products are available in three variations:

  1. Medilis-Antiklop.
  2. Medilis-Ziper.
  3. Medilis-Super.

These drugs differ from each other in that they contain different toxic substances. Due to differences in components, insecticides have different specific actions. They differ in speed and spectrum of action, scope of application, dose of application, effectiveness and toxicity. Depending on the place of use of the drug and the desired result, the consumer himself chooses what he needs.

All insecticides contain poisonous components. Some of them are more toxic to humans, some less so. When applying any pesticide, safety precautions must be observed. To do this, before starting disinfestation, it is necessary to remove children and pets from the treated area. To avoid the entry of toxins into the body, the person carrying out disinfestation must take care of the presence of a respirator, rubber gloves and thick protective clothing.

Composition and properties

"Medilis Cyper" is a translucent emulsion with a yellowish tint, where the active component is cypermethrin (25%). A peritroid insecticide can destroy the chitinous covering of parasites through touching it, and also block nerve impulses when entering the intestines.

In addition, the product consists of emulsifiers and fragrances, which does not block the strong unpleasant odor.

The product can be packaged in:

  • 1 ml ampoules;
  • 10 ml bottles;
  • 50-100ml plastic bottles.

A solution containing 0.01-0.5% of the main substance is prepared from the concentrated emulsion. It is good for exactly 8 hours after mixing the components. An unopened container with the drug can be stored for 5 years.

The broad insectoacaricidal effect of "Medilis Cyper" is aimed at destroying fleas, lice, bed bugs, ants, flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches, ixodid and scabies mites.

After applying the solution to the surface, the effect can last up to 3 months. The higher the concentration of the drug in the solution, the longer the active substance does not lose its properties. In water, the effect is not so long, limited to 3 weeks. If a set of measures is taken against ixodid ticks, the drug can have an effect on them for more than a month.

The degree of toxicity in terms of impact on the body of people and animals is not high (III). Upon contact with skin, it becomes class IV low-hazard.

Advantages of Medils Cyper:

  • long residual effect;
  • not affected by ultraviolet rays;
  • wide spectrum of action;
  • can be used for both prevention and destruction;
  • moderate toxicity;
  • reasonable price compared to similar insecticides.

Disadvantage of the drug: due to the fact that the main substance cypermethrin is a component of many other pesticides, bedbugs can develop immunity against it, especially if the apartment was previously treated with a drug similar to Medilis Cyper.

The product is intended for both household use and pest control professionals.

The following are subject to treatment with the Medilis Cyper solution:

  • places where arthropod insects accumulate in residential and industrial premises;
  • household waste zones;
  • foci of scabies and pediculosis and against their pathogens;
  • disinfection of various types of waste collection machines and devices.

Directions for use and dosage

Super and Ziper are used diluted and applied by spraying. Before starting to work with the drug, you must wear rubber gloves, and after finishing the procedure, throw them away and wash your hands with soap. The concentration of the finished solution depends on what pest is being combated. After adding the drug, the liquid should be shaken well for 5 minutes.

Medilis Super

If you need to get rid of lice, Super is suitable. From 1 ml of the product (1 ampoule) mixed with 119 ml of water, a solution with a concentration of the active substance of 0.2% is obtained. Apply the prepared concentrate to the scalp using a cotton swab and rinse with shampoo after 20 minutes. Then rinse your hair with an acidic solution (mix a glass of 9% vinegar with 200 ml of water), comb with a fine comb to remove nits and dead insects. Repeat hair treatment after 7–10 days. Do not use more than 2 times in 30 days.

To destroy body lice, it is advisable to treat the patient’s clothing. To do this, things need to be soaked for 20 minutes in water to which a 2% aqueous emulsion of the drug has been added. For 1 kg of dry laundry you will need 2.5 liters of solution. After this, rinse the laundry and soak again in 3 liters of hot water (80–85 °C) with the addition of 3 tbsp. l. soda and 15 g of laundry soap, then wash as usual.

To kill bedbugs, you should prepare a solution - take 5 ml of product per 995 ml of water. To prevent pest infestation, you can use a weaker concentration - 2 ml of the drug per 998 ml of liquid. It is better to treat the bed, mattress, and bed linen by boiling or disinfecting and washing in the manner indicated above. A more concentrated solution will help eliminate cockroaches - 15 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water. You can treat walls, floors, gaps between the wall and baseboard, and exhaust grilles.

Medilis Cyper

This product is not suitable for eliminating lice; otherwise, the concentrate is diluted in the same way as Super. The instructions indicate the following proportions:

  • for treating clothing to prevent ixodid tick bites - 5 ml of product per 995 ml of water,
  • to destroy flies (imago), cockroaches, fleas, wasp nests, hornets, it is necessary to dilute 4 ml of the drug in 996 ml of liquid,
  • ants, bed bugs, mosquitoes, mosquitoes - take 2 ml of insecticide per 998 ml of water.

Operating principle

The effect of the Medilis Cyper emulsion is due to the presence of cypermethrin in the composition at a concentration of 25%. The original composition has an unpleasant odor and a yellowish tint; the finished solution will have a light milky tint. The product destroys insects in the treatment area and lasts for about two months. It does not lose effectiveness when exposed to the sun. The disadvantage of Medilis Cyper is the fact that insects can develop resistance to it. If the procedures are no longer effective, the brand of insecticide should be replaced.

Cypermethrin is a poison that has a paralytic effect on fifty species of insects. It blocks nerve impulses, causing paralysis and death. The product penetrates the insect’s body through the digestive organs and directly through the chitinous cover. Due to its oily texture, the liquid adheres to the insect's body, which ensures complete destruction of pests in the treatment area. The drug can be used both at home and outdoors.


Industrial means of controlling bedbugs at home contain active chemicals that have an insecticidal effect. They are available in the form of solutions, aerosols, powders and, as a rule, act against several types of insects. The disadvantages of such drugs are a toxic effect on the human body, as well as a pronounced odor.

To combat unpleasant odors, some manufacturers add additional fragrances to insecticides. But this does not reduce their aggressiveness. Moreover, without feeling a specific odor, a person may lose vigilance and violate safety rules.

What is the best remedy for house bugs? Let's look at the most popular drugs. They lead to the death of insects by blocking nerve fibers and complete paralysis.


“Get” is a microencapsulated suspension on a water-fat basis, which contains chlorpyrifos. The product is effective against fleas, bedbugs, cockroaches, ants and other pests at all stages of development. Its action is based on the fact that the capsule with poison sticks to insects, they transfer it to their relatives, after which it opens.

Get is often recommended as an odorless and highly effective bedbug repellent

The drug is diluted in a ratio of 1:5 in water. One bottle is enough to treat 100 m2 of space. "Get" is safe for people and animals, has no pronounced odor, is low allergenic and does not leave stains.


The remedy for bedbugs "Karbofos" contains an organophosphorus compound - malathion, which affects all stages of development of bedbugs and other insects (ticks, cockroaches): from egg to adult.

Another popular bedbug poison used at home

To combat bedbugs, the product is added to water to form a 2% solution. To treat 1 m2 of space, 100 ml of liquid is required. The drug is characterized by relatively low toxicity, a strong unpleasant odor and an affordable price.

Analogues of "Karbofos" in terms of the active substance are "Fufanon", "Aliot", "Novaktion".


Tetrix is ​​an effective Dutch remedy for bed bugs: it should be sprayed with caution at home as it is toxic. The drug contains two insecticides - cypermethrin and metaphos

Tetrix insect repellent

The chemical is produced as a concentrate in tanks of various volumes - from 0.25 to 5 liters. To treat an apartment, you need to dilute 50 ml of the product in 1 liter of water. A bottle with a capacity of 0.25 liters is enough to disinfect a home of 3 rooms.

The disadvantages of Tetrix are the high price and strong smell.

Emulsion preparation

According to the instructions for use of Medilis Cyper, the working solution is prepared immediately before use. Tap water or filtered water from a pond will do. Measure out the required amount of product and liquid, combine and stir evenly for 5 minutes. The prepared solution can be stored for up to 8 hours.

To apply Medilis Cyper, you can use any sprayer: mechanical, electric, or even a regular sprayer. It is only necessary that the surface is covered with the working emulsion evenly.

When working with Medilis Cyper, use personal protective equipment (rubber gloves, mask or respirator).

To prepare the emulsion, use disposable containers that you won’t mind throwing away. To process 1 sq. m requires about 50 ml of solution. If you apply it to clothes, the effect will last up to 14 days.

During the procedure, use personal protective equipment, including closed clothing made of thick fabric, a respirator, and rubber gloves. If you are processing a room, open the windows and leave them open for at least half an hour after all work is completed.

12 hours after spraying the product in the room, you should wash surfaces that you frequently come into contact with with water and a soap-soda solution. Secluded corners that household members typically do not enter may not need to be cleaned until you are sure that the insects have disappeared.

From flies, midges and mosquitoes

In relation to mosquitoes, midges and flies, “Medilis Ziper” has an important advantage: it can cope with both adult individuals and larvae. To remove the larvae, you need a solution of 1 ml of emulsion per 2.5 liters of water

This composition is used to treat underground communications, basements, open and closed reservoirs, with the exception of those used for collecting drinking water, swimming or fishing. The mixture consumption is 100 ml for each square meter of open space.

To get rid of adult insects, you will need a solution of the same concentration, which is sprayed in the insects’ daytime habitats. In the case of mosquitoes, this can be the walls and ceilings of rooms, vegetation along the banks of water bodies. If flies and midges are present, garbage disposals should be treated. For each square meter of area, take 50–100 ml of the mixture.

Security measures

  1. Only the person carrying out the disinfestation should be present in the room being treated.
  2. A prerequisite is the use of protective clothing, masks, and goggles.
  3. You cannot eat, drink or smoke during treatment.
  4. The room must be ventilated during processing.
  5. You need to leave the room immediately after disinfection for a day.
  6. Upon returning to the apartment, all touched surfaces are wiped with a solution of soda, soap and water.
  7. Treatment should not be carried out on minors, pregnant or lactating persons.
  8. After treatment, you should wash your hands, face, and neck with laundry soap and water.
  9. The protective suit is washed and stored outside the living space (barn, cellar, warehouse).
  10. Healthcare institutions and children's institutions do not use Medilis Cyper.

Precautionary measures

  1. During processing, only those people who are directly involved in the process should be present in the room.
  2. During the treatment, there should be no dishes, food or personal belongings in the apartment.
  3. Each processing participant must have personal protective equipment - a special suit, respirator, rubber gloves.
  4. At the end of work, each participant must take a shower; Clothes should be washed at high temperatures.
  5. If someone feels unwell, the person should be taken out of the room into fresh air. Having discovered the symptoms described in the paragraph about the safety of the product, you need to take 10–20 tablets of activated carbon, call an ambulance and go out into the fresh air. You should also change your clothes and rinse your mouth with a soda solution.

A protective suit is important when using insecticides.
Despite the fact that long sleeves can serve as a budget replacement for such a suit, it is not recommended to neglect protection. And now you can find it at an affordable price. After disinfestation is completed, you should open the windows to ventilate the room.

After 12 hours, you can carry out wet cleaning of contact surfaces, and after 3-4 - a full wet cleaning.

The author, having experience working with cypermethrin-based products (including Medilis Cyper), recommends refraining from returning to the apartment earlier than after 3-4 days, as this may be unsafe.

Rules for treating premises where children and pets live

Children and pets are constantly eager to taste everything. And if animals can boast of good vitality, then the body of a small child is powerless against the toxic effects of the environment. Obviously, the best solution would be to leave the child with relatives or friends for a week or more. But not every family can afford it.

Children are very curious, and therefore they try to taste everything. This can be dangerous if insecticides are used.

The author can recommend several ways to solve this problem: you can select a room for the child where there are either no insects at all, or their activity is minimal. And carry out the treatment in those where the problem is more acute. In addition, you can simply treat only those surfaces where the child definitely cannot reach. And also a good solution may be to use small doses of the product along with wet cleaning within a day. This method is only suitable if there are still very few insects. And if there are already a lot of them, then it will not be possible to do without temporarily moving the child to another apartment.

With animals, everything is much simpler: the pet can live in another room without inconvenience. But don’t forget about tick and flea repellents for animals. The fact is that (most likely) these insects got into the apartment from the fur of a pet.

Preparatory activities

When using Medilis Antiklop spray, precautions must be taken. Before treatment, it is necessary to temporarily remove all people from the premises, as well as animals. You cannot leave aquariums, cages with birds and rodents, or other pets in the apartment. Next, you need to remove and seal the dishes, kitchen utensils, cosmetics and clothing.

Bed linen, bedspreads and curtains cannot be treated with the product. It is enough to wash them at the highest possible temperature with the addition of disinfectants, then iron them on both sides.

Before applying the insecticide, it is recommended to do a wet cleaning so that the spray settles on clean surfaces and not on dust and dirt. Otherwise, the liquid quickly disappears and its effectiveness decreases. It is advisable to move cabinet furniture away from the walls and vacuum it. If possible, upholstered furniture should also be treated with steam.

Windows and doors must be closed before treatment. It is important to use personal protective equipment. Moreover, a gauze bandage will not protect against toxic fumes, so it is recommended to use a high-quality respirator. You need to cover your clothes with an old raincoat, raincoat or thick robe, which will have to be thrown away after the procedure. You will also need gloves and safety glasses.

Of course, the procedure for getting rid of bedbugs is quite troublesome, but if you use Medelis Antibed, then one such event is enough.

Advantages and disadvantages

"Medilis" has a large set of advantages and a number of negative qualities. Each of them should be mentioned so that the buyer has a clear idea of ​​the product being purchased.

The drug differs very favorably from other insecticides in that:

  • quickly affects bedbugs with any, even minor contact with it;
  • has a fairly long-lasting effect;
  • affects a very large list of pests;
  • relatively inexpensive;
  • can be used to prevent the appearance of parasites in the apartment;
  • can be used several times in one place;
  • does not decompose under the influence of the external environment;
  • There are no fakes on sale.

The downside is that the drug is quite difficult to prepare for use yourself. The manufacturers of the product directly write: “Dilute Medilis Cyper,” and then detailed instructions for use are given on how exactly it should be diluted.

The insecticide has a pronounced odor, which is quite difficult to eliminate even after weathering.

During processing, it settles on clothes, so before sanitizing it is better to take old things and then throw them away.

If the home was previously disinfested using a drug based on pyrethroids, the effect of Medilis may become less pronounced.

Medilis-comfort: anti-tick spray

The product is also available in the form of a 100 ml aerosol, which can be used to protect against ticks and other harmful insects. Main active ingredients: alphacypermethrin (0.25%) and DEET (19%). After treatment, the protection effect lasts for 15-20 days. Bottle price: 230-240 rub.

On a note!

Using a spray, it is convenient to spray the product onto clothes, in which you can then go to the forest, on a picnic or fishing.

Instructions for use:

  1. Fabric products (curtains, mosquito nets, camping tents and equipment) and clothing can only be processed outdoors.
  2. Spraying from the bottle should be done from a distance of 20-25 cm from clothing.
  3. Hold the can at arm's length.
  4. Consumption rate: 1 press treats an area measuring 10x10 cm.
  5. More carefully you should treat those areas of clothing through which ticks can get to the human body: trousers near the ankles, knees, thighs and shins.
  6. Clothing must be dried for 2 hours, then it becomes suitable for wearing and does not have a local irritant effect on the skin.
  7. Re-treatment can be carried out after 15-20 days or after washing.

How to poison

You can forget about the existence of parasites forever by using “Medilis Antiklop”. The instructions for use clearly describe the entire algorithm of actions. If all preparatory measures have been completed, then you can begin processing the premises. The bottle must be kept strictly in an upright position, at arm's length.

How to remove bedbugs:

  • All furniture in the house is treated superficially and especially carefully at the joints. Don't forget about the back walls.
  • Next, you need to spray the floor, at the joints with the baseboards, crevices, cracks.
  • It is important to spray the spray into all available outlets, after turning off the electricity.
  • Next, window frames, window sills, areas under heating radiators and door jambs are processed.
  • Don't forget about the ventilation grilles.

If a breeding ground for bedbugs has been found, then this area and its radius are treated especially carefully. Otherwise, insects may migrate. After the procedure, you must leave the living space for 20 minutes. This time is enough for all adult parasites to die, and the eggs and larvae will be affected by the residual poison of the drug. It is important to ventilate the room well and do a thorough cleaning before allowing small children, elderly people and pets into the house.

Cleaning must be carried out wearing protective gloves, using a soap and soda solution. All surfaces with which a person comes into contact must be thoroughly washed. However, it is recommended not to wash areas under window sills, behind radiators, on the back walls of furniture and other hard-to-reach surfaces. The poison that remains on them will remain in effect for about two more months.

How to get rid of bedbugs

How to get rid of bedbugs using MediLIS
Bed bugs

Bed bugs are parasitic, blood-sucking, wingless insects. Both males and females and their larvae are bloodsuckers.

They are nocturnal, during the day they hide in cracks in walls, under wallpaper, in furniture grooves, books, dresses, electronics, in dark and warm places, in bird and animal cages. You can read more about bedbugs here.

Below, you can find the answer to your question: How to get rid of bedbugs? We present to you a list of means with which you can get rid of bed bugs.

1. “Medilis-anti-CLOP” (targeted insecticide, ready-made form) a combination of 3 active ingredients.

To destroy bed bugs from a distance of 10 cm from the surface with an aerosol jet, selectively treat places where they accumulate, live and move: joints of parts in beds, sofas, armchairs, cracks in walls, under window sills, along baseboards, borders, in places where wallpaper lags, the reverse side paintings, carpets, around door and window frames and ventilation grilles. Do not treat bedding! Consumption rate – 10 g/m2. Spray at a temperature not lower than + 10°C. 15 minutes after treatment, ventilate the room for 30 minutes and wash the working surfaces with which people come into contact with a soap-soda solution, using rubber gloves. Go to product page

2. “Medilis-CIPER” for bedbugs (broad-spectrum insectoacaricide, concentrate, 25% cypermethrin).

If the number of bedbugs is insignificant, use 0.01% DV aqueous emulsion at a consumption rate of 50 ml/m2 on a non-absorbent surface and 100 ml/m2 on an absorbent surface (the duration of the residual effect is up to 1.5 months).

If the premises are sparsely populated, only their habitats (beds, sofas, the back of bed carpets, etc.) are treated with bed bugs.

If there are a large number of bedbugs or if there is a predominance of surfaces in the treated room that absorb moisture well (plywood, unpainted wood, fabrics), the working concentration can be doubled. Repeated treatments are carried out according to entomological indications. Go to product page

3. “Medilis-SUPER” (broad-spectrum insectoacaricide, concentrate, 24% fenthion).
Use 0.1-0.2% (DV) aqueous emulsion at a consumption rate of 50 ml/m2, regardless of the type of surface being treated (residual effect is ensured for up to 3 months).

If the number of bedbugs is insignificant, use 0.05% DV aqueous emulsion at a consumption rate of 50 ml/m2 on a non-absorbent surface and 100 ml/m2 on an absorbent surface (the duration of the residual effect is up to 1.5 months).

If the premises are sparsely populated, only their habitats (beds, sofas, the back of bed carpets, etc.) are treated with bed bugs.

If there are a large number of bedbugs or if there is a predominance of surfaces in the treated room that absorb moisture well (plywood, unpainted wood, fabrics), the working concentration can be doubled. Repeated treatments are carried out according to entomological indications. Go to product page

4. NEW! Spray against bedbugs "Medilis-SUPERPOWER FROM BUGS" (ready solution / insecticide). Works on particularly resistant populations. It has a high acute effect against bed bugs and ensures 100% death of insects. The product exhibits a residual effect: up to 3 weeks on non-absorbent surfaces and 7 days on absorbent surfaces. Shelf life – 4 years. Go to product page
5. Kon (two-component insectoacaricide). Approved for use by disinfection services and the public at home. Designed to combat bed bugs and other insects. From 50 ml of concentrate, approximately 4 liters of the finished solution are obtained. Residual effect up to 1.5 months. The shelf life of the concentrate is 5 years. Go to product page
6. Kon (aqueous emulsion concentrate). Designed to combat bedbugs indoors. To prepare a working solution, you need to dilute 25 ml of the product in 10 liters of water. Residual effect up to 1.5 months. The shelf life of the product is 5 years. Use the prepared solution within 6 hours. Go to product page

Addresses of retail sales points in Russia for Medilis-ANTICLOP are here.

Instructions for use

Before making the solution, it is necessary to prepare the room for treatment:

  • take out all dishes and food;
  • hide clothes, bedding, and hygiene products in tight bags away from the area where the drug is distributed;
  • move furniture away from the walls, dismantle beds to the frame;
  • remove wall items;
  • find all insect locations;
  • remove from the premises everyone who is not involved in processing.

The solution should be prepared only before use.

To kill bedbugs

Mix the drug with water in a ratio of 5 ml:1 l. respectively, in case of severe infection. If the situation is not so bad, 1-2 ml will be enough. To treat 1 m², expect to spend 50 ml. products for all surfaces.


If infestation is high, everything must be treated: furniture, walls, baseboards, carpets and wall items, cracks and shelves, sockets and window sills, etc. When the number of individuals is small, only their nests are processed.

After treatment, you should leave the room for a day, first opening the windows for ventilation.

When you return, wipe all contact surfaces with a solution of baking soda and water (soap and water). Leave the remaining treatment areas untouched until all insects die.

Wash clothes and bedding at high temperatures.

Treatment against ticks

The area should be treated for ticks in the spring and summer, when ticks are most active.

  1. Dilute the product according to the instructions, using the dosage recommended for the type of ticks living in your area. If it is not possible to determine the genus, then you should use 120 ml per 10 acres.
  2. Spray grass and low shrubs, focusing on the perimeter to reduce the likelihood of ticks creeping in from adjacent areas.
  3. Leave the area for 3-4 days.

Processing should be carried out in a protective suit, with a respirator and rubber gloves.

Since the effect of the product lasts more than a month, it is forbidden to treat gardens and orchards even long before sowing; the same applies to playgrounds and sandboxes.

Picking berries is prohibited for 40 days after processing.

To destroy ixodid ticks

Treatment should begin at the end of April and continue until the end of August.


During the treatment, people and pets should not be allowed into the area for 3 days.

0.25 ml. The drug should be diluted in 1 liter. water, mix well and pour into a spray container.

The following are subject to irrigation with the working solution:

  • grass (especially tall and thick);
  • bushes;
  • lower branches of trees;
  • doorways.

The area should be treated around the perimeter to prevent other ticks from entering.

You cannot spray:

  • children's sandboxes and playgrounds;
  • recreation areas;
  • vegetable crops and fruit trees.


Application of the solution should be uniform without empty stripes outside the treatment.

Expect to treat 10 acres with 120 ml. substances.

Clothes can also be treated for preventive purposes. Fleas and ticks will cling to it and, upon contact with the active substance, receive paralysis of the entire nervous system and fall off on their own. This effect can last up to 15 hours.

To kill mosquitoes

To achieve the death of adult individuals, you will need to dilute it in 2.5 liters. water 1 ml. drug. The solution poured into a spraying container should be directed to the walls and ceiling of the apartment, grass and reeds near water bodies, paths and grass in the garden, etc., that is, to places where mosquitoes usually spend the day.

It is better to carry out processing in the late afternoon.

To treat 1 m² you will need from 50 to 100 ml. substances.


The product is prohibited for use if people swim in the reservoir or use it for obtaining drinking water and breeding fish.

To destroy the larvae, you need to treat ponds, basements, and sewer holes. 1 ml. the product is added to 2.5 liters. water.

20 ml. It’s quite enough for 1 m², and for open reservoirs the consumption is as follows: 100 ml. per 1m².

The container in which the solution was located must be disposed of after use. If possible, do the following: dilute 1 kg. Chlorine or slaked lime in 10 liters. water and fill the container with it. The “acidification” should last about a day, after which the container is thoroughly rinsed with water.

Each group of insects has its own rules for preparing the solution and processing.

Universal remedy

Developers of a Russian laboratory have created a product that destroys various types of pests. The name of the drug is “Medilis cyper”. It helps get rid of cockroaches, scabies lice, bedbugs and mites. A modern insecticide is based on cypermethrin. Retains properties for 5 years from the date of manufacture. It must be diluted with water before use. Packages of different sizes are available for sale. You can purchase 1 ml ampoules, 10 ml vials or 50 or 100 ml bottles. The poison is sold in specialized stores. The cost of a 50 ml bottle is 200 rubles.

When the drug gets on insects, it causes paralysis and rapid death. The effect after treatment lasts for 3 months.


The emulsion should be diluted before use. The container in which the liquid was located must be disposed of after use or treated with bleach for disinfection.

The instructions for use recommend diluting 5 ml of nerve agent in 1 liter of water. If there are few pests, the concentration can be halved. For high-quality disinfestation, it is advisable to use spray equipment. The approximate consumption of the solution per 1 m2 is 50 ml.

  1. Cockroach sanitation is carried out in all rooms where pests are found. If there is a large concentration of insects, it is necessary to carry out a disinfection procedure in adjacent rooms to prevent the migration of cockroaches to a place that is safe for them.
  2. For lice and scabies mites, the drug is used in places where patients are examined. The solution is soaked into couches, door handles and other things that have been touched by an infected person. The floor and walls are thoroughly irrigated. Disinsection is carried out in the absence of people. The next morning, wet cleaning is done. A person cannot be treated with the product.

"Medilis ziper" helps well against ticks. The area is treated in spring and early summer, when parasites become active. The solution is sprayed onto the grass, bushes, and paths along the site. The procedure should be done early in the morning, in calm weather. For it to be successful, it is advisable that there is no rain for 3 days. Typically, ticks disappear from the area a couple of days after disinfestation.

“Medilis cyper” for bedbugs affects insects with powerful toxins, destroys their nervous system, and instantly kills the larvae. For effective destruction, you need to spray all bedbug nests in the house with the solution, treat cracks, hard-to-reach places and furniture. When using the drug, you need to wear rubberized clothing and protect your lungs, eyes and hands. You should not ignore the recommendations; this will avoid serious poisoning.

Effect of the drug on insects

Medilis poisons all insects. After spraying the room, you don’t have to worry about pests living in the apartment again. The product destroys all populations of bedbugs: from the smallest to the largest. For two months, the drug retains all its toxic properties. This is why pests do not appear again, and then are afraid to settle in the apartment. Due to the paralytic effect that the product carries with it, bedbugs die instantly, and those who do not have time to hatch from the eggs are born dead. As a rule, Medilis Antiklop is used against bed bugs and those that live in the kitchen. In addition, if there are other insects in your apartment, they will also die out. For example, cockroaches, bugs and flies.

Mode of application

  • move all furniture away from baseboards, raise carpets, remove all pets from the house, hide food and personal hygiene items;
  • clean the apartment well, carrying out wet cleaning;
  • close all windows very tightly, the apartment should be stuffy and draft-free;
  • take the product in your hands, spray it on baseboards, wallpaper, under the bed, on sofas and armchairs, in all secret corners at a distance of 15 cm;
  • as soon as the treatment is completed, be sure to leave the room for several hours;
  • as soon as 3 hours have passed, open the windows for 30 minutes, the smell of Medilis should disappear;
  • where the bedbugs ran away, there will be a “dead path” of them, so there is no need to remove it, leave it for another 2 days and only then carry out wet cleaning.

Precautionary measures

In any case, even if the drug is not toxic to human health, it is important to take some precautions. For example, you should purchase gloves to handle the apartment in them. It is also important to buy a mask or gauze bandage so as not to breathe in the smell that you spray around the apartment. Wet cleaning after treating the premises is mandatory.


Medilis Anticlops

The Medilis Antiklop anti-bedbug product is available in the form of a ready-to-use spray. It contains three insecticides belonging to hazard class 3-4:

  • permethrin,
  • its two synthetic analogues are cypermethrin and tetramethrin.

The components of Antiklop are contact insecticides. They actively penetrate through the chitinous cover into the body of the bedbug, blocking ion channels in the membranes of nerve cells, changing its polarization and, thereby, blocking the transmission of nerve impulses to the fibers of muscle tissue of all organs of the insect. The drug has an instant (“knockdown effect”) paralyzing effect on the pest.

Characteristics of Antiklop

A single treatment is enough for the bedbugs to disappear completely, regardless of the size of their colony. Antiklop product retains its properties after application to the surface for 2 months. The prolonged effect guarantees the death of not only adult individuals and their larvae, but also their hatched clutches of young insect eggs.

Reviews about Medilis Antiklop are mostly positive, which indicates the high effectiveness of the product. The only drawback reported by consumers is the unpleasant odor that lingers for a long time, especially on absorbent surfaces.


I bought an apartment from an old housing stock already inhabited by hordes of bedbugs, cockroaches and other “neighbors”. Before making any repairs, I decided to destroy the bedbugs and all parasites myself. I looked through the ratings and reviews on the Internet and chose Medilis Antiklop. Everything went well - I swept the bedbug corpses out of the corners for another week. The only drawback, in my opinion, is the strange smell of the drug, which I felt for a long time until the repairs began.

Vladimir, Saratov

Instructions for use Medilis Anticlop

Medilis Anticlops

Instructions for use of Medilis Antiklop, located on the back of each bottle, describe in detail the algorithm of actions when treating the room:

  • – move furniture away from the walls, remove carpets and textiles, remove pets from the apartment, take out aquariums, bird cages, personal hygiene items, food, cutlery,
  • carry out wet cleaning,
  • close windows and doors tightly, avoiding drafts,
  • placing the pump nozzle on the bottle at a distance of 10-15 cm from the surface to be treated, spray the product on the back of the furniture, paintings, carefully treat the fastening points, legs of the bed, sofa and other furniture - the surface to be treated should be damp,
  • using a spray bottle on the bottle, treat joints, seams, baseboards, floors and walls, starting from the far wall and moving towards the exit from the apartment,
  • to create a barrier against the penetration of bedbugs into the apartment, it is necessary to treat the window slopes, the bottom of the window sills, the door frame and ventilation grilles,
  • leave the room for 2-3 hours,
  • after this time, open windows and doors for ventilation for 30 minutes,
  • Wash contact surfaces with soap and soda solution,
  • It is not recommended to wet treat areas where bedbugs accumulate for 2-3 days.


Despite the fact that the product is not toxic to warm-blooded animals, it is worth protecting yourself by protecting your respiratory organs with a respirator, your eyes with goggles, and the surface of your body and hands with rubber gloves and clothing that completely covers the body.

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