Aerosol, gel and aquafumigator Raptor - as a means of combating domestic bedbugs

No one is safe from unwanted neighbors such as cockroaches, bedbugs, ants, etc. It doesn’t matter to them at all whether it’s a barracks or an elite new building; they have the same chance of settling in both. And if you have acquired them, then do not delay the destruction measures. They will not leave on their own, but will be fruitful and multiply. And here insecticides (remedies against insects) will help you, but even here there are some nuances when choosing a product. Like any sane person, when choosing an insecticide, you will think: which drug will be safe for use on humans, and which drug will give me a 100% guarantee of destroying unwanted neighbors. The insecticide market now offers a variety of products that differ both in chemical composition and type of processing. In this article we will talk about an insecticide like Raptor that will help you get rid of bedbugs.


Aerosol "Raptor" has a wide range of effects, affecting various household pests. It contains flavorings and solvents. But the main action is based on three insecticidal substances in the composition: piperonyl butoxide, tetramethrin and cypermethrin. They affect blood-sucking parasites as follows:

  • tetramethrin (0.2%) has a nerve-paralytic effect on insects, but does not affect humans and domestic animals due to low toxicity;
  • piperonyl butoxide (0.5%) is a “partner” of tetramethrin or its catalyst, enhancing the effect;
  • cypermethrin (0.2%) is also a nerve poison and affects bedbugs at the larval and mature stages; has the greatest activity during the first 24 hours after treatment.

Important: The active substances act if the insect has not received its portion of the poison. Poisoning continues in the nest, during “communication” with other relatives.

Operating principle

The mechanism of action of the “chemical triad” is as follows:

  1. When the insect moves over the treated surface, the poison remains on its legs.
  2. The insecticide penetrates the body through the chitinous cover, affecting the nervous system of the bug.
  3. By contacting other individuals, the insect infects them, and they are subject to the same poisonous effect.
  4. The parasites become paralyzed and die within 24 hours. The poison lasts up to 20 days, but over time its effectiveness decreases.

The effect of poison on bedbugs is weaker than on other indoor pests (cockroaches, ants). They are quite tenacious and quickly adapt to the action of toxic substances. Their survival is due to the fact that sprays and aerosols are not so concentrated and their impact is weaker.

Bedbug repellent "Raptor"

Note: If you treat the nest itself so that the poison gets directly onto the insects, this will guarantee their death. When treating places of their possible movement, Raptor cannot completely destroy parasites, since the active substances are poorly attached to the surface.


Reviews about the drug:

  • “When I noticed the bedbugs, I was terribly scared. There weren’t many of them, but I immediately went to the store and decided to buy Raptor, since this insect repellent is inexpensive and quite popular. I purchased three cylinders at once to definitely get rid of pests. I cleaned the entire room. Sprayed liberally and everywhere. Within two days I began to find dead bedbugs. Two weeks later I cleaned up and forgot about the problem.”
  • “Bed bugs were found at the dacha and they started biting the child. The store only had Raptor, so I bought it. I sprayed everything I could. The smell is pleasant, no one got poisoned, no one even sneezed. But the effect was not pleasing. I found several bedbugs, the rest remained alive. Maybe there were some particularly tenacious ones, but in the end I bought a very strong and smelly product, and it helped.”

Feedback from a customer with the nickname Barto
Read the instructions carefully and use the drug “Raptor” correctly to get rid of the hated bedbugs!


The cost of the drug is within reason. Based on the region, the price varies from 150 to 300 rubles, maybe slightly higher. A person with an average “wallet” can easily buy “Raptor” for bedbugs at such prices. One cylinder is enough to treat a large room with furniture.

So, in the online store the approximate prices for this type of product are as follows:

  • "Raptor" aerosol against crawling insects (350 ml) is offered at a price of 288 rubles,
  • "Raptor" aerosol against bed bugs (225 ml) costs 357 rubles,
  • "Raptor": an aquafumigator insect elimination system is sold for 437 rubles.

The price depends on the volume, shape, type of product and the specific online store or other place of purchase.

Choosing the most suitable remedy

Most often, consumers choose universal Raptor products in the form of an aerosol (spray), since this type is the most convenient. However, they are not always effective in controlling bedbugs (unlike cockroaches, flies and mosquitoes), since killing these insects requires a fairly large concentration of the insecticidal substance, which disperses and decreases during the spraying process.

Therefore, it is best to use a special “Raptor” aerosol for bedbugs, in which the concentration of the active substance is designed specifically to destroy this particular type of insect. The aerosol is most effective when applied directly to the source of destruction. The advantages are also the absence of traces and the rapid dissipation of odor.

To kill bed bugs, a much higher concentration of insecticide is required than to kill flies and ants.

As for the Raptor gel, the fight against bedbugs has its own nuances. Unlike cockroaches or ants, which are attracted by the smell and taste of the gel, bedbugs will not eat the substance, since they are interested in blood . In this case, one can only hope for their bodily contact with the gel, the poisons of which will ultimately lead to the death of the insect. This method is suitable in case of a large concentration of individuals in the room.

The Raptor aquafumigator is recommended by the manufacturer itself as one of the means of exterminating bedbugs. But since the product is universal, its effectiveness in the fight against bedbugs is not always noticeable. If there is a large concentration of individuals, repeated treatment will most likely be required.

The fumigators we are used to against mosquitoes are intended for them. This form of bedbug control is absolutely ineffective .

Traps are more suitable for fighting cockroaches, since it is easy to select bait for them. In this case, bedbugs prefer the smell of blood, which is very difficult to imitate. There are no special bedbug traps in the Raptor line. These are found on sale from other brands, but quite rarely, and are highly expensive.

The cockroach trap, like the gel, will not attract bedbugs.

Advantages and disadvantages

When used correctly, the Raptor aerosol completely eliminates the bedbug population, leaving the apartment clean. The product has a number of positive qualities:

  • due to the composition, which includes three strong insecticides, it acts quickly: insects experience paralysis and death within 15 minutes after exposure;
  • since the concentration of toxic substances is insignificant, it is not very toxic and has no effect on the human body;
  • has a barrier function, affecting insects entering the apartment for 2-3 weeks;
  • has a pleasant aroma of jasmine or mint, without causing irritation during processing;
  • does not leave stains or streaks after spraying surfaces, does not spoil soft coatings;
  • affordable and sold in specialized departments of stores or online stores;
  • does not cause any difficulties in use: it can be used to treat an apartment immediately after purchase;
  • one cylinder is designed to treat a surface measuring 60 square meters, which indicates its efficiency.

All these positive qualities are fully manifested when the entire apartment and every corner of it have been exposed to the drug. Even if one of the rooms is not infested with bedbugs, they are able to lay eggs in it, so the effectiveness of the impact will be minimized.

You can hire professional exterminators who guarantee 100% results.

The drug has some disadvantages:

  • insufficiently concentrated composition (typical of sprays), which may affect the effectiveness of killing blood-sucking insects;
  • bedbugs have the ability to adapt to this product, which ceases to affect them;
  • universality of use, that is, it is designed for different pests, which reduces the impact on a specific insect.

Note: If you purchased an aerosol, but you are going to spray it after some time, then you need to store the can away from heat and light. Its contents are under pressure and may ignite when heated.

Quality of the drug

Raptor fumigators have a number of advantages:

  • Efficiency. This quality is ensured by the content of a substance such as Japanese-made cyphenothrin in the disinfectant. This is what helps to get rid of the problem of insects in the house once and for all.

  • Easy to use. You don’t need anything other than water to activate the work of a product like Raptor against ants, mosquitoes, cockroaches, ticks and other insects.
  • Safety. This quality is laboratory confirmed. The only safety condition for using the presented product is strict adherence to the instructions from the manufacturer.
  • Uniqueness. By minimizing human contact with chemicals during disinfestation, the active substance will effortlessly control pests even in the most inaccessible corners of the apartment.
  • Versatility of application. “Raptor” against mosquitoes, ticks, and ants will help get rid of unwanted pests in your summer cottage. For apartment residents, this same product will become an indispensable assistant in expelling cockroaches, flies and other insects from their homes.

Instructions for use

The Raptor bottle has a volume of 225 ml and a spray nozzle for ease of use. You can use other attachments to help the product penetrate into hard-to-reach places where parasites are located. Therefore, Raptor is ready to use after purchase and does not require additional actions. The instructions are written on the can and if followed, the manufacturer guarantees the result.

On the eve of use, the apartment is put into a state of “combat readiness”. The rooms must be washed and vacuumed, cabinets, sofas and other furniture must be moved away from the walls and placed so that it is more convenient to treat all surfaces. Wash curtains, bedspreads, clothes, bedding and treat them at high temperatures.

"Raptor" for bedbugs: instructions

All its inhabitants, including pets, must leave the apartment. Flowers should be removed from the premises, aquariums and terrariums should be tightly covered with glass (it is better to move them to neighbors). Products, dishes, and toys for children should be sealed. Close doors, windows, and vents in rooms tightly.

When treated with “Raptor” against bedbugs, “Raptor” is already ready for use and the following manipulations are carried out with its help:

  1. Shake the can so that the components are distributed evenly.
  2. Wear personal protective equipment: gown, gloves, mask.
  3. The product is sprayed at a distance of 30 cm, with your arm extended forward and the container placed in a vertical position.
  4. Spray one area for no more than 2 seconds to avoid creating a wet spot or puddle;
  5. The treatment is carried out in a continuous line, which the bugs are not able to cross.
  6. Particular attention is paid to the nests in order to spray the parasites themselves and their larvae (treating open areas will not give the same effect).
  7. After the effect of “Raptor” on bedbugs, the apartment is left closed for half an hour, after which cross-ventilation is carried out for at least an hour.

Note: Some people experience an allergic reaction when the spray is inhaled and enters the respiratory tract. To avoid this, it is important to follow the rules of personal protection and use the instructions for the drug.

“Raptor” is produced in different forms: as an aquafumigator, aerosol, gel and smoke bombs, so you can always choose the most convenient product to use. The Raptor smoke bomb against bedbugs penetrates well into the most inaccessible corners and crevices and poses a danger to the most tenacious bedbugs. It is convenient for her to process uninhabited premises: warehouses, garages, dachas (in the off-season). In apartments, this procedure is dangerous due to the high permeability of the suspension of toxic particles.

Bedbug treatment areas

Since the bug mainly leads a sedentary nocturnal lifestyle and feeds on blood, we will look for it not far from our vacation spots. Beds, sofas and all bedside furniture. We process:

  • Mattresses seams, labels, zippers.
  • Sofa cushions, furniture frames, joints of elements.
  • Back side of carpets, paintings.
  • Bedside tables, chests of drawers (bottom, pull-out shelves, back wall), poufs.
  • Gaps in the floor and baseboards.
  • Bedside electrical appliances, sockets and switches (disconnect power in advance).
  • Places under the window sill and heating panels.
  • Joints and places where wallpaper does not fit tightly.

For prevention, we will treat ventilation shafts, entrance door frames and window frames. Carry out the cleaning after 2 - 3 days, the presence of corpses will indicate the effectiveness of the treatment, if you need to repeat disinsection, do it in a week. Raptor spray can be used in the initial stages of infection or as a preventive measure. If the premises are severely infested, resort to the use of more powerful drugs, such as Confidant, Averfos, Cypermethrin, Agran, Fufanon, Alatar, Get, Medilis, etc.

-Doctor. My head itches! - Darling, you got bitten by bugs. - Is it possible to take them out? - Certainly. It's $10 from you. - Well, we have free medicine! - Hm-yes. It looks like the bugs have already reached the convolutions.

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