Remedies for bedbugs "Raptor": spray, gel, aquafumigator. Real reviews.

Aerosols The Russian brand “Raptor” is well known to consumers in their own country and abroad. The company produces products that help in the fight against crawling and flying insects. It received good reviews from users who used it to kill cockroaches. It is the undisputed leader in the insecticide segment. Each component included in it is carefully tested for toxicity to people and pets. The drug is available in different forms. Raptor aerosol against cockroaches is in high demand among consumers.

Aerosol against crawling insects

Consumers most often purchase Raptor aerosol, as it is convenient to use during processing. It effectively kills cockroaches when the insecticide is sprayed directly onto the insects. The aerosol quickly disappears and leaves no traces.


The Raptor contains:

  • cypermethrin (a widely used insecticide);
  • tetramethrin.

The product has a contact-intestinal effect. Cockroaches are not addicted to it, since the use of the main active ingredient, cypermethrin, began to be used recently.

Terms of use

Treatment of premises against cockroaches using Raptor aerosol against crawling insects is carried out sequentially, according to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Preparation of premises. Cleaning is carried out: the products are carefully closed and hidden in an inaccessible place.
  2. Determine the area of ​​disinfestation. People who do not take part in the process of baiting insects, children and animals should not be in the apartment or house.
  3. Windows, doors, and ventilation openings are closed.
  4. Direct processing is carried out. Aerosol spraying is carried out in those places where cockroaches were most noticed: under sinks and bathrooms, around sewer pipes, in the trash can area, behind cabinets.

The aerosol can should be shaken vigorously, surfaces and targeted areas should be treated at a distance of at least 20 cm. Windows and doors should not be opened for 15-20 minutes, after which the premises should be ventilated. It is recommended to use protective equipment during processing.

The aerosol is sold in a 350 ml bottle. Shelf life – 3 years (from date of manufacture). Price from 153 to 240 rubles.

What to do to prevent pests from infesting your apartment?

It is easier to prevent a problem than to solve it later - this rule always works. To protect your home from invasion by uninvited guests, it is important to keep your home clean. Dirt and garbage are favorable conditions for the breeding of cockroaches, so it is necessary to carry out general cleaning as often as possible and systematically maintain cleanliness, promptly get rid of waste and expired products.

The dining table and work surfaces in the kitchen should be wiped with a cloth after cooking and eating. Do not leave dirty dishes in the sink overnight, because leftover food, crumbs, and traces of grease attract insects. It is recommended to store all bulk products, spices and seasonings in closed containers

Light cosmetic repairs in the apartment are welcome: pay attention to peeling wallpaper, seal the cracks in the floor and walls. Faulty plumbing needs to be repaired as soon as possible, also because leaking water creates attractive conditions for pests to appear.

To prevent cockroaches from entering your apartment through the ventilation, install grilles with small holes, or even better, first cover the hole with a nylon stocking or gauze and install a grill over it.

High efficiency aerosol

Spray Raptor against cockroaches with increased efficiency is a professional means for exterminating insects. Has the following advantages:

  • massively exterminates the insect population;
  • instant action;
  • ease of use;
  • penetration into hard-to-reach places.


On a note!

The professional drug Raptor effectively acts on cockroaches that have adapted to other means.


The spray with increased efficiency belongs to the new generation of drugs. The main active substance in the Raptor aerosol is Cypermethrin. Upon contact with it, it affects the cockroach's stomach. Crawling through areas treated with an aerosol, insects become infected with a substance that instantly penetrates the chitinous cover into their body and almost immediately kills the pests. The shelf life of the drug is 5 years.


Before using the product, you should carefully study the instructions for use and strictly follow them:

  1. Calculate the amount of aerosol. One Raptor can with a capacity of 350 ml is enough to treat 50 square meters. m.
  2. Vents, windows, doors are closed before processing.
  3. Shake the can well and spray the product in places where cockroaches are most concentrated: in the area of ​​the sink, bathroom, baseboards, water pipes, direct the stream into existing cracks. It is recommended to treat furniture, walls and countertop surfaces.
  4. Hold the bottle with its contents vertically, at arm's length.
  5. Leave the room for half an hour, then clean.

To achieve the greatest effect, judging by the reviews of the Raptor aerosol, you should spray it wherever pests have been noticed. The spray is sold in 430 ml cans.


These devices were originally used in the fight against cockroaches. But as practice has shown, goosebumps do not bypass such traps, and the effect on them is no less effective. Therefore, now the manufacturer has expanded the range of action of traps and they can be purchased against ants. This is the safest form of release.

In this case, the active substance fipronil is used, which has a detrimental effect. In addition, the composition contains honey bait, which ideally attracts those with a sweet tooth to taste the poison. The traps have an adhesive tape that allows them to be attached to any horizontal or vertical surface.

It is possible to purchase separate traps that are designed for outdoor use. They come in the form of yellow triangles. They are placed on the ground; they have special pins that go into the soil and secure the trap.

Effectively affects all types of goosebumps. For maximum effect and with a large concentration of pests, it is required per 1 sq.m. place 4 traps.

Reviews regarding this form are not clear. Some claim that they are effective and allow you to get rid of the entire colony at home. But there are reviews that speak of absolute ineffectiveness when used on the streets. Not only do they not kill ants, but the traps become a home for insects, where they can even lay offspring.

Aerosol concentrate Barrier

The concentrated drug is a professional product used to kill cockroaches. The aerosol contains a formula that has no analogues in the world. This creates an effective barrier for insects. Its effect lasts for six months.

Aerosol concentrate


The product formula contains 3 active ingredients:

  • bifenhtrin;
  • Cypermethrin;
  • piperonyli butoxydum.

The aerosol has a nerve-paralytic effect on insects, providing a long-lasting effect. Therefore, it is recommended to use it in rooms with a large number of cockroaches or to provide a barrier effect.

The active substances evaporate gradually. This effect is achieved thanks to a special formula. On the treated base, the effect of the drug lasts for a month. By coming into contact with active substances, cockroaches infect their relatives. Both of them die after a short period of time. During spraying, toxic components instantly enter the body of pests. The barrier penetrates well through ventilation barriers, into cracks and other hard-to-reach places.

Instructions for use

To obtain the desired effect, the manufacturer advises spraying the product on surfaces that do not absorb liquid. Such materials include: plastic, tile, linoleum, metal. If you treat porous substrates, the duration of the spray is reduced. The room is processed in stages:

  1. The can should be shaken vigorously. Hold it vertically while spraying.
  2. To ensure a barrier effect, the places where cockroaches enter are treated: entrance doors, windows, loggias, balconies, ventilation shafts, cracks.
  3. To destroy existing insects, the places where they are most concentrated are subject to treatment.

The aerosol is sold in an 80 ml can. It can be used for three years. Average price – 220 rubles.

Universal aerosol

Raptor professionally protects against various types of insects, providing long-lasting effects and instant action, penetrating into hard-to-reach places.


Active components:

  • Cypermethrin. Substance of contact-intestinal action. Has a wide range of effects.
  • Tetramethrin. Its effect extends mainly to indoor pests. It enters the body through the respiratory system, paralyzing the nervous system.
  • Imiprotrine. Acts on pests instantly.

Universal aerosol
Universal aerosol Raptor effectively fights 17 types of pests.

How to use

It is recommended to shake the can well. This will allow you to get the best effect when treating rooms. Next, a series of steps are followed:

  • the bottle should be held vertically in your hand;
  • treat areas where cockroaches accumulate at a distance of 20 cm;
  • doors and windows must be closed for 20 minutes;
  • cleaning is carried out half an hour after ventilation.

It is recommended to re-treat contaminated premises after a month. The universal Raptor is sold in a 275 ml can. From the date of production it is valid for 3 years. The cost of the drug is about 380 rubles.

Pros and cons of spray treatment

Like any insecticide, Raptor preparations have their pros and cons: Pros:

  • It does not have a strong specific odor - it is available with a floral fragrance.
  • Does not spoil surfaces - does not leave stains or streaks.
  • The drug is ready for processing - no need to dilute or use additional products.
  • Speed ​​of action - after 10 - 15 minutes the first result is noticeable.
  • The residual effect of the drugs is protection for up to a month.
  • Availability - sold in markets, specialized stores, and the Internet.
  • Price varies by region and can range from 150 - 300 rubles per bottle.
  • Slightly toxic.

Disadvantages of the drug:

  • Effective in the initial stages of infection and prevention.
  • Toxic if inhaled - use a respirator.

Customer Reviews

When cockroaches appeared in the apartment, I was in a little shock. I can't understand where they came from. I asked my friends if they had encountered a similar problem. They advised me to buy a Raptor. I chose a universal product and used it according to the instructions. The result exceeded my expectations. I advise everyone who has Prussians to buy it.

Elena, Ekaterinburg

Raptor didn't help me. I do not know what to say. Maybe the neighbors have a lot of cockroaches, but they don’t fight them, or maybe it was necessary to buy not an ordinary spray, but a Barrier. I would be grateful for your advice.

Ekaterina, Saratov

An excellent drug. Effective instantly. We sprayed Raptor with aerosol for the night and went to our parents. In the morning, when I entered the apartment, I saw a “carpet” of cockroaches. It was quite a sight. A month later they re-treated. It's been a year now and there are no cockroaches.

Larisa, Moscow

Analogs from other manufacturers

Many companies are engaged in the production of poison for cockroaches. The following products are popular among consumers:

  1. . The trademark was founded in 1956, the country is the USA. It produces insecticides. Raid against cockroaches is an effective remedy that can quickly and effortlessly destroy them. It creates a barrier for 4-6 weeks. It goes on sale in the form of aerosols, gels, and traps.
  2. Clean house. A domestic product that easily copes with numerous pests without giving them a chance to survive. Available in different forms: aerosols, crayons, powders, gels, traps.
  3. Battalion commander Brand of the Henkel concern, production facilities are located in Korea. The product in the form of an aerosol has an effect on cockroaches, ants, and bedbugs. Sprays are safe and easy to use. Due to the presence of a flexible nozzle, spraying can be carried out anywhere. The products are sold in the form of gels, traps, and aerosols.

Dichlorvos Raptor should be used with caution, having first determined whether there is an allergic reaction to its constituent components. When treating premises, do not allow the spray substance to come into contact with the skin and mucous membranes. It is almost impossible to get poisoned by the drug. In case of headache, nausea, or watery eyes, it is recommended to take the sorbent, and if it comes into contact with the skin, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

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