Combat products for bedbugs: types and composition, instructions, how to use, reviews

The presence of bedbugs in the house causes many problems. There is an unpleasant, specific smell in the room, multiple bites appear on the body, sleep becomes restless, and the person himself becomes irritable and tired. And considering how quickly parasites multiply, the fight against them must be started in a timely manner. It is for these purposes that the Kombat anti-bedbug remedy is used.

Pros and cons of the "Combat" product

To form a general opinion about the product, you can consider its pros and cons.


  • Efficiency, fairly fast action. After the first use, the result is visible.
  • Does not pose a danger to people and animals.
  • Convenient use and easy application.
  • It is quite versatile and allows you to exterminate other pests as well.
  • Economical, since with one cylinder you can treat an area of ​​65 sq.m.
  • The composition includes components that have antifungal and antibacterial effects.


  • High price compared to products of the same range;
  • A short period of action, as soon as it disappears from the room, the action ends.
  • The product is not capable of destroying egg laying.

Another disadvantage is the smell. According to the manufacturer, the aerosol has a pleasant citrus, mint or fruit aroma; they are available in several types. But in fact, users note that the smell is completely unpleasant and very pungent. Also, according to reviews, the apartment needs to be ventilated for a long time to get rid of this “aroma.”

Product description

Combat Super-Spray is a powerful insecticide used to control crawling insects. Available in spray form. In addition, it is an antimicrobial substance with a special antibacterial effect. At the same time, the main active component of the aerosol does not have a significant effect on the human body, while insects die.

Combat SuperSpray includes the following elements:

  • Imiprotrine;
  • Cyphenothrin;
  • Propellant;
  • Water.

These substances are highly effective in getting rid of insects, and leave a residual effect that prevents other insects from arriving. Has a high level of bacterial activity. After treating all surfaces (wood, plastic, tiles), more than 99% of bacteria die. The main thing is that the treatment lasts at least 15 minutes.

A convenient nozzle is used for spraying. It is flexible, so you can rotate it in any way that suits you. This helps to spray the substance even into crevices where it is difficult to see, but where insects could well be hiding. Thanks to the nozzle, the aerosol is sprayed in the desired direction without the risk of getting into the eyes or skin.

Types and advantages of sprays

All aerosols from the manufacturer are divided into three types:

  1. Combat Super spray.
  2. Combat Super spray+.
  3. Multispray Combat.

The first two drugs are designed to kill only bedbugs. Multispray can be used to kill fleas, cockroaches, ants and other household insects. It contains permethrin and tetramethrin, which doubles the effectiveness of the drug. Multispray Combat is most suitable for fleas and cockroaches and is least effective in killing bedbugs. This is explained by the fact that bedbugs quickly adapt to any poisons and easily get used to products with a small concentration of toxic substances.

Combat Super Spray, which contains imiprotrin and cyphenothrin, can destroy parasites in a short time, can destroy bedbugs.

Combat Super spray is an improved product. It contains highly concentrated active substances.

When sprayed, the product settles in a thin layer on the surface . Running through it, bedbugs and fleas become infected and soon sag. The advantages of aerosols include:

  1. Ease of use. A ready-made solution for killing bedbugs and fleas is sold in cans. It is enough just to open the lid, direct the jet to the places where parasites accumulate and begin treating the room.
  2. Efficiency. The drug begins its destructive effect within the first minutes after contact with the insect’s body. Every day the strength of its action decreases, but its effectiveness remains for 20 days. The product is resistant to sunlight.
  3. No unpleasant odor. The solution is practically odorless, which is very important for the modern buyer.
  4. Safety. The Combat solution against bedbugs has a 3rd degree of danger in relation to people and animals. Only a large concentration of the drug that gets into the eyes, mouth or stomach can lead to negative consequences. Therefore, aerosol treatment must be carried out wearing personal protective equipment.
  5. Availability. Combat spray for bedbugs and fleas can be bought at almost any hardware store.

When using Combat spray to kill bedbugs, it is recommended to carry out wet cleaning . This is necessary in order to remove remnants of previous insecticides.

Various varieties of the drug Combat against crawling insects

“Combat” is a means for exterminating cockroaches, which specifically targets the cause of the problem. Available in various types and each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.


Products released in the form of aerosols are convenient to use. Nozzles, in the form of various shapes, help to accurately and purposefully spray the product exactly in those places where there is an accumulation of these pests. Aerosols are used everywhere: in apartments, office rooms, hospital complexes and sanatoriums.

Today it is possible to buy such types of aerosols as:

  • multispray.
  • super spray,

Multispray - has a wide spectrum of action. With its help, you can quickly get rid of and forget about cockroaches and other harmful crawling insects for a long time.

The multispray contains insecticides of the pyrethroid group. These are intestinal poisons that effectively destroy crawling and flying insects. Causes instant paralysis of insects, directly affecting their nervous system.

It is produced in the form of 400 ml bottles, costing about 200 rubles.

Super spray - has a more powerful effect. Differs in speed of action.

After application, the desired result is noticeable after a few minutes. Effectively destroys cockroaches, completely harmless to people and pets.

The manufacturer produces this product in 500 ml bottles, its cost, on average, is 300 rubles.


The gel of this series has a convenient shape and is highly effective.

It contains the following substances:

  1. Intexicide from the group of pyrethroids.
  2. A bait that attracts insects with its aroma.
  3. A gel component that gives the product a certain jelly shape and structure.
  4. Various preservatives.

To make the gel convenient to use, this gel is produced in the form of a tube (syringe), with various tips. The convenient tube shape allows you to use the product completely, without any residue. The advantage is the elongated spout-shaped dispenser, which allows you to easily reach hard-to-reach places.

The main advantage is that “Combat” in the form of a gel has a long shelf life; its effectiveness can last up to 9 months.

It is applied pointwise at a distance of a meter from each other.

It is important not to wash off the drug!

When carrying out gel treatment, do not forget about:

  1. Skirting boards around the perimeter of the apartment.
  2. Heating risers.
  3. Sewage pipes and sanitary fixtures.
  4. Gaps in floors and walls.
  5. The area under the bathroom sink and sink.

Do not apply the drug to:

  1. Clothes may have stains on them that will be difficult to wash off later.
  2. On electrical appliances and sockets - to prevent short circuits.

The gel produced in tubes has a capacity of 30 ml, with this amount you can treat an area of ​​up to 100 square meters. The cost of a tube is about 200 rubles.


made on the principle of bait containing poison. Insects are attracted to the smell emanating from it. They eat this bait with great pleasure and, accordingly, spread it throughout the room, as a result of which other individuals that came into contact with them also die.

Advantages of the trap:

  1. Lasts for a long time.
  2. Convenient to use.
  3. Does not harm the health of people and animals.

A package containing 4 traps costs up to 200 rubles.

There is a trap on sale disguised as laminate. Its cost is more expensive, but it is almost invisible on the floor.

Active substances

The insecticides imiprotrin and cyphenothrin are used as active reagents in SuperSpray. Both of them have a contact-intestinal effect; when the parasite gets on the body, they cause rapid paralysis and death of the insect.

The active ingredients in Multispray are permethrin and tetramethrin. Their action is similar to the previous ones.

IMPORTANT! When choosing between these two drugs to combat bedbugs and cockroaches, preference should be given to the highly specialized product “SuperSpray”.

Mechanism of action on cockroaches

The rate of exposure to chemicals on Prussians is significantly higher than in the case of bedbugs or other insects.

This performance is explained by two factors:

  • omnivorousness of pests, which allows insecticides to infect their intestinal tract in a short time.
  • Additional contact effect provided by the cockroach remedy Kombat.

The rapid death of the insect occurs due to blockage of nerve impulses. This is due to the contact of chemical components on the shell or legs of the cockroach. However, the parasite manages to visit its nest, thereby infecting several more individuals.

Please note: from an overabundance of insecticides, the pest’s internal organs begin to die, which is explained by the lack of energy balance.

Release forms

Combat represents a whole line of products that includes broad-spectrum drugs:

  • Gel. A fairly convenient remedy against bedbugs, especially when the owners do not know what habitat they have chosen. It has the shape of a syringe, the gel is applied pointwise or in a strip. Furniture, baseboards, and other places where pests may be present are treated. It works as follows: when an insect comes into contact with it, the gel sticks to the chitinous shell, then it penetrates the body and kills it. The big advantage is that one bug can destroy other individuals, since by carrying the gel on itself it transfers it to others. Another advantage is its prolonged action, so after application to the surface it retains its activity for quite a long time. The gel is absolutely odorless. Does not emit toxic toxic fumes.
  • Aerosol. A good option is when the owners know the habitats of the parasites. It does the job well, but does not last long after spraying.
  • Combat Multispray. This drug has a broad spectrum of action. It allows you to destroy any pests. Also effective against flying insects.
  • Super Spray. Used against crawling pests. This drug is also available in Plus form, it has the same effect, but with an enhanced form.
  • Trap. They are boxes containing a potent insecticide. Such devices operate as follows: when a bug falls into a trap, poison sticks to it. The poison does not kill it on the spot, which allows the insect to reach its relatives and also “treat” it with the chemical. This allows you to destroy a fairly large number of pests, but 100% results are not guaranteed. Traps work as auxiliary and preventive.


Regarding the most popular forms of release for use in residential premises, consumers still prefer sprays. Let's look at their differences and advantages.


Perhaps the most popular option, it is difficult to name the exact reason why it is so in demand. The active substances permethrin and tetamethrin, thanks to which you can get rid of not only bedbugs, but also other pests. The remedy also has a drawback, the fact is that parasites develop immunity to these substances, then its use becomes useless. Insecticides containing these substances will also not help.


Contains imiprotrin and cyphenothrin. These are potent substances that allow you to get rid of parasites in a short time. But it should be said that the drug is effective only against crawling parasites. If we talk about the Plus form, it has a stronger effect.


Kombat traps are sold in the form of small boxes that are filled with 2% hydromethylnon. The component is a strong poison for bedbugs, and most importantly, it is not addictive to parasites.

“When I first encountered bedbugs, I panicked greatly, and the household chemicals department advised me to get a battalion. The bug infestation was very small, so I got rid of the parasites within a day, but the next time (about a year later the situation repeated itself) I did not get the same effect. True, there were already many more insects. It seems to me that the product is effective only if the bedbugs have not yet filled the apartment.” Svetlana

The poison does not immediately affect the bug - the insect becomes infected after passing through the trap, after which it manages to transfer a portion of the poison to the rest of the parasites. Thus, bedbugs become carriers of the drug. If the trap is left in the room for about a month, it will be able to cope even with an overgrown population of bedbugs.

Combat Super Bait traps and their effectiveness

The Combat trap from Henkel has a low price; the reagent included in it has low toxicity, which is important for you and your pets. The trap operates on the principle of a chain reaction

The cockroach enters this area and eats the poison. At the same time, the substance has a delayed effect; when one cockroach comes into contact with other individuals, many more insects can become infected - tens, hundreds of the same ones as the infected one will die. The insect will have time to introduce poison into its nest, which will lead to the death of the clutch.

The manufacturer assures that the traps do not produce an unpleasant odor, do not leave traces, and can be placed in any corner of the apartment next to dishes, furniture and other things. The average cost for 6 traps is 450 rubles, about 75 rubles for one trap.

Reviews of Combat Super Bait traps

The popularity of traps is due to their low cost and ease of use. We have collected customer reviews from open sources, characterizing the main advantages and disadvantages of the “Combat Super Byte - a unique action tool (for hard-to-reach places)” traps.

“Powerful tool! All the cockroaches in the apartment disappeared. But the product in traps very quickly loses its effect. Traps are suitable for killing a small population of cockroaches. Conveniently hidden in hard-to-reach places, you can stick it to the wall. I put it behind the sofa, behind the refrigerator, under the closet and on the shelves. Although the manufacturer claims that the traps are valid for 3 months, I had to buy new ones after a month and a half, as the cockroaches began to appear again. If you bought a package of 6 pieces, then immediately lay out all the traps, otherwise they will simply fizzle out in the box.”

“At first the cockroaches disappeared, we were glad that the traps were working. But a week later they appeared again. Apparently this product was not enough for our conditions, we will buy an aerosol and gel.”

Judging by the reviews, we can conclude that the product is effective, but requires regular updating of traps. It copes poorly with large numbers of insects; additional insecticidal agents must be selected.

Preparing the premises

This stage is very important because it can significantly increase processing efficiency. Also, some actions are necessary to ensure the safety of those living in the premises.

  • You will need to move the furniture away from the walls to gain access to the baseboards, as well as the back walls of the furniture. When an apartment is heavily infested with parasites, you will need to dismantle beds, sofas, and armchairs in order to treat the frame, since fleas most often establish their colonies there.
  • Gently free the surfaces of all things. This applies to clothes, toys, etc.
  • Be sure to hide food, dishes and kitchen utensils so that the product does not get on them.
  • Remove bed linen, bedspreads and wash. This should also be done with animal bedding. After washing, things must be hung outside, and after drying, be sure to iron them.
  • If possible, the carpets are removed and sent to dry cleaning. If it is summer, you can simply hang them in the sun, but in winter they can be exposed to frost.
  • Be sure to thoroughly vacuum the entire room, especially carpeting and furniture. Remove dust and cobwebs. Carry out wet cleaning.

Why is Combat considered an effective remedy for bedbugs?

The insecticides that are part of the drug of this brand are characterized by intestinal contact action. The poison enters the body mainly through the outer covering. However, if you spray the product directly on bedbugs, in addition, the poison will penetrate through the respiratory tract, since a fine suspension containing insecticides lingers in the air for several seconds.

Through the digestive system

the poison does not penetrate the body of bedbugs, because they eat only human blood. For this reason, the main principle of the drug’s action on such insects is contact.

Combat brand products contain substances that cause paralysis in insects. This is due to damage to the nervous system. Upon contact with poison, tissue tone increases, which leads to loss of the ability to move, mate and feed. Moreover, irreversible changes are observed within the first day after treatment.

The effectiveness of Combat is also due to the fact that the toxic substances that are included in the composition belong to hazard class 3 in most cases. This contributes to the rapid death of insects.

Traps Kombat

Any insect traps are considered the safest means - the poisonous substance is inside a plastic box, which, by the way, has a very pleasant appearance. This way, neither children nor pets will get to the poison. But cockroaches will find themselves in the thick of things. The operating principle is as follows:

  • the cockroach comes to the pleasant smell and climbs into the trap,
  • he eats a toxic chemical (hydromethinol) and picks it up on his paws,
  • After some time, the insect itself dies and also spreads the insecticide to its relatives, which leads to their death.

The subtlety is that the poisons contained in the traps are quite weak. The cockroach will not die immediately after consumption, but will have time to “communicate” with other insects. Don't forget that there are particles of poison on his paws after visiting the trap! Accordingly, over time the entire colony becomes infected and dies.

One package contains 4 traps. This amount is enough to cover a large house. Moreover, after the complete destruction of insects, there is no need to remove them - old boxes will serve as a good means of prevention, all new cockroaches will become infected and die. By the way, there should be no difficulties with installing Kombat traps - on their back there is an adhesive surface that reliably fastens the trap to the wall or floor covering.

Reference. This remedy for cockroaches costs at least 300 rubles, but in online stores you can find offers for 250 rubles.

Carrying out processing

The procedure must be carried out with the windows and doors closed so that the active components do not erode. The substance is applied to a height of 1 meter. It is necessary to treat the back walls of furniture, baseboards, walls, floors, hard-to-reach places, pay attention to cracks. Upon completion, you need to change clothes, put your work clothes in the wash, wash your hands, wash yourself and leave the room.

So, leave the room for at least 2 hours, and upon returning, ventilate it well to get rid of toxic fumes. Regarding wet cleaning, it is not recommended to do it immediately, so as not to reduce the effect of the drug. But here a very important point should be taken into account. When children and animals live in the apartment, contact with the drug can cause severe intoxication and lead to serious consequences.

In this case, there are two options, the first is that the family moves out of the apartment for a while and returns only after all the cleaning activities. Second, cleaning is carried out after 2 hours, and the drug remains only in hard-to-reach places.

Since the drug does not affect eggs, the procedure must be repeated after 2 weeks.

Remember that pets also need to be treated during this period. To do this, you need to contact a veterinarian who will recommend an effective and safe medicine. It is prohibited to use kombat for animals!

Insecticide forms: trap, gel or spray

Most insecticides can be purchased at a hardware store or supermarket, but which one should you choose? Let's think about what form of the substance is ideal for getting rid of household pests.

    1. Firstly, the product must be safe for people.
  • Secondly, its effectiveness in destroying existing cockroaches and preventing the appearance of new ones is important.

Insecticide trap

From experience I can say that the best form of insecticides are so-called traps. They are designed as follows: a small plastic container containing poisoned food is glued in several places in the apartment. The insect eats a piece from the trap, gets sick, causes an epidemic among other cockroaches, and eventually they all die.

Even if only one individual ate the poison, this would be enough to exterminate the entire population. However, it is better to play it safe and stick the plates in several places. It is better to glue it where red-haired enemies can freely and without fear help themselves to the last delicacy of their lives: behind the refrigerator, above the kitchen cabinet, and so on.

One of the most effective and popular means is “Combat Superbyte”, and hundreds of positive reviews confirm this. A trap is the best choice because it is safe for humans.

Judge for yourself: systemic insecticides are not suitable for home use; fumigants can cause intoxication in households and their pets and require careful ventilation. In addition, few people want to look out for a red pest and then catch up with it, spraying Dichlorvos after it. Instead, you can stick traps in several places and forget about the unpleasant neighborhood.

And now the most important thing: the chosen product should destroy not only adult cockroaches, but also their larvae and eggs. This is exactly how the Kombat trap works.

That is, a single use of the product will allow you to forget about insects in the house once and for all.

The insecticidal trap does not emit toxic fumes, is easy to peel off and does not require special disposal - after use it can simply be thrown away with household waste. Remember that children and pets should not have access to insecticides, even if they are safe.

Insecticidal gel

This is another convenient format of an insecticidal product. Gel "Combat" is produced in a plastic tube-syringe and is applied pointwise around the perimeter of the apartment, on kitchen cabinets, behind heating radiators, etc.

Perhaps the most significant advantage of this form is the duration of the effect. The Combat trap lasts for an average of three months, while the gel remains effective for up to nine months. However, there is also a drawback - the death of the Prussians occurs only a couple of days after you apply the gel.

It is for this reason that the substance remains active for so long - surviving cockroaches, as well as those that hatched from previously laid eggs, will also sooner or later get to the deadly gel bait.

This way the entire pest population will gradually die out. By the way, you don’t have to worry about how to apply the gel in hard-to-reach places - the thin spout and convenient packaging will make this task much easier for you.

Insecticidal spray

If for some reason traps and gel are not suitable for you, or you come across a nest of cockroaches and want to destroy them all en masse, “Combat” can also be bought in the form of a spray. The product is in a small can and is sprayed pointwise under pressure.

This form of insecticide is good if you find a place where insects accumulate: in a cloud of spray, vile creatures die instantly

Most importantly, do not forget about precautions: do not inhale the product, make sure that it does not get on your skin or eyes, and after use, wash your hands thoroughly and ventilate the room thoroughly.

Instructions for use of spray Combat

In order for the treatment to produce results, the instructions for use must be followed as precisely as possible. If you use the Combat anti-bedbug spray for baiting, you need to generously spray the areas where living creatures accumulate. Particular attention is paid to hard-to-reach places where bloodsuckers can rush in panic.

After the procedure is completed, the room is left for 4-5 hours. Upon return, you should ventilate the apartment well, remove dead bloodsuckers and carry out wet cleaning. After a couple of weeks, when new bedbugs emerge from the eggs, the baiting is repeated.

Gel “Combat” against cockroaches

The gel is one of the most convenient and practical insecticides. Sold as a 30 mg syringe with a gel composition. The syringe has a thin tip, which allows you to treat the apartment in the most difficult to reach places, for example, between baseboards and furniture joints. Experts consider the drug to be very effective with a long-lasting effect.

Pros of gel “Kombat”:

  • Economical. To treat an apartment, one syringe of the drug will be enough.
  • The gel retains its properties for a long time. Newly hatched cockroaches can feast on the remains of the poison and die.
  • Efficiency. The insecticide has a detrimental effect on the insect's body.
  • The product is easy to apply thanks to its narrow spout.
  • The gel is non-toxic, so it can be used in the apartment without fear that it may harm your family members.

Cons: the product begins to act in 7-14 days.

Instructions for use:

  • Apply in dotted lines, approximately 2 cm apart.
  • You should pay attention to baseboards, areas under the sink and cabinets.
  • If necessary, you can re-treat after 2 months.

Features of application

Combat aerosols are not diluted with water or mixed with anything else, because they are already ready for use. Apply the product wherever bedbugs have been spotted and in places where they may live. These include:

  • walls, corners and floors behind cabinet and upholstered furniture;
  • baseboards, ceilings, cornices;
  • doorways, all cracks, sockets;
  • external parts of upholstered furniture and its frame;
  • bedside tables and wardrobes located by the beds;
  • paintings and various objects near the sleeping place, behind or under which bedbugs are hiding.

Bed bugs settle in places where people often visit, especially in upholstered furniture

How to treat rooms with aerosols

The procedure for killing parasites using sprays is as follows:

  1. Preparing the room and protecting the person who will carry out the processing.
  2. Spraying an aerosol in places where parasites live.
  3. Cleaning the home after the procedure.
  4. Reprocessing. It is carried out after 1–2 weeks to destroy the bedbugs that hatched from the eggs remaining after the first treatment.

Preparatory stage

Before spraying, you must:

  1. Remove paintings and other large objects from the walls.
  2. Remove bed linen and other textiles from rooms.
  3. Disassemble beds and sofas if possible.
  4. Empty closets with clothes and shoes from things.
  5. Remove all food products or cover with thick cling film.
  6. Move appliances and furniture away from the walls.
  7. Pets, small children and other people should be removed from the room.

Don't forget about other pets - reptiles, rodents, birds, fish, amphibians. They may suffer from poison that comes into contact with them.

How to spray an aerosol and what to do after treatment

Before use, the container is shaken and the bedbug habitats are treated from a distance of at least 20 cm - first, all surfaces of the room (walls, floors, baseboards, etc.), and only then individual objects.

It is necessary to spray all crevices, cracks, and openings where bedbugs can live with an aerosol.

All the windows in the room are opened during this. After completing the procedure:

  1. Leave the room closed for two hours.
  2. Ventilate the home for half an hour.
  3. Vacuum the carpets.
  4. Carry out wet general cleaning.
  5. Wash linen and all home textiles (bedspreads, curtains) in water at a temperature of +55 degrees. Hide everything that is not used in plastic bags. It would be better if they were vacuum.

Precautionary measures

As when using any chemicals in everyday life, when exterminating bedbugs with Combat products, follow the safety rules:

  • spray them from a distance of 20–30 cm from you;
  • ventilate rooms after work;
  • It is better to carry out wet cleaning the next day, paying special attention to hard-to-reach places;
  • Return animals and small children to the house once all surfaces have been wiped down.

Is Kombat dangerous for humans and pets?

Although the active substances of any form of Combat belong to the third class of danger, when using them it is better to protect yourself. To do this, just wear rubber gloves and a mask or respirator.

When treating rooms against bedbugs with Combat aerosols, use a respirator

The third class is moderately hazardous substances. They have relatively low toxicity levels, but when ingested they cause poisoning.

The active ingredients of aerosols are quickly eliminated from the body and do not cause serious health consequences. Poisoning with large doses is dangerous, but with proper use of Combat products and respiratory protection, this is impossible. Signs of poisoning:

  • weakness;
  • elevated temperature;
  • Strong headache;
  • tremor;
  • itching and burning of the skin in areas of contact with the product.

The appearance of such symptoms requires immediate consultation with a doctor. You also need to drink more water and wash your skin with soda or soap solution.

Aerosol Combat

The spray product contains substances that are harmful to insects, but safe for humans and pets.
However, you still need to take precautions, because we are talking about chemicals, and quite strong ones at that. Aerosol against cockroaches Combat is available in two versions:

  • Multispray. The volume of this can is 400 ml. The product is suitable for killing almost any insect, not just cockroaches. The “spectrum” of action also includes flying parasites, which are not so easy to remove with traditional insecticides.
  • Superspray. An enhanced version of Multispray, aimed at killing cockroaches. It contains the safest components for humans and pets. Available in 400 ml and 500 ml bottles.

Please note that the use of sprays is more suitable for situations where cockroaches have not yet completely infested the home and have not begun to actively reproduce. . The spray is very easy to use

Using a flexible nozzle, the product is sprayed on infected areas, as well as places where insects are most densely concentrated:

The spray is very easy to use. Using a flexible nozzle, the product is sprayed on infected areas, as well as places where insects are most densely concentrated:

  • space behind the baseboards,
  • cracks in the floor and walls,
  • lower parts of the walls,
  • back walls of furniture.

It is easy to handle with Combat - the cylinders are equipped with flexible nozzles that can “reach” the most secluded corners of the apartment. At the same time, the product has not only an insecticidal, but also a disinfectant effect. This is especially useful, since cockroaches are carriers of a large number of infections. Combat spray costs from 400 to 600 rubles.

Important. The “lethal” effect of the aerosol is weakened by exposure to intense light. After about 2-3 days it becomes completely safe for insects. .

How does Combat work against bedbugs?

The manufacturer offers several types of Kombat drugs. These include:

  • gel. Allows you to destroy adult individuals. However, the gel has one significant drawback - it is powerless against eggs;
  • spray. The concentration of special components here is much higher, so the spray can deal with bedbugs almost immediately. The aerosol allows you to destroy adult individuals, but has virtually no effect on eggs;
  • trap. An effective product that looks like a box. The main advantage is the slow action. The bugs manage to crawl to their nest, where they infect other adults.

When purchasing any Combat anti-bedbug product, instructions for use are included.

How to make the right choice

If you need to choose an insecticide for treatment at home, you should always be guided by two main selection criteria: effectiveness and safety. Of course, you need to take into account the size of the area that will be processed. And the number of cockroaches in the room is very important.

  1. Aerosols should be used when there are large numbers of cockroaches in a room, as this form of release is the most effective. But be aware of the high level of toxicity.
  2. Gels will provide prolonged action.
  3. The trap is not able to cope with severe infestation, but can act as an auxiliary and preventive tool.

Quite often, in order to achieve quick results, combat weapons are used in combination. It looks like this. The room is treated using an aerosol, which allows you to exterminate all adult individuals very quickly. Next, the gel is applied and traps are set. They kill insects that, for example, came from neighbors, preventing them from settling in and reproducing. In addition, the larvae that remained untouched will appear in the form of young individuals, which will be immediately exterminated.

Precautionary measures

Combat line drugs received the third category of danger, that is, they can be called moderately toxic. They are practically harmless to people and animals, but killing bedbugs with these insecticides requires taking precautions.

Since the active substances are dangerous for fish and reptiles, the aquarium should be covered with thick fabric. After the procedure, it is necessary to ensure that pets do not lick insecticide residues from furniture and other surfaces.

The room is processed using a respirator, gloves and a protective suit. If the substance does get on the skin, wash it well with soap and water. If the product gets into the respiratory tract, rinse your mouth with plenty of water.

There should be no strangers in the apartment during the bullying process. It’s good if the family has the opportunity to live in another place for a couple of days after treatment.

Danger to people and animals

Like any other insecticide, Combat is toxic and can harm humans and pets. Aerosol forms should not be used in areas where people with upper respiratory tract diseases, allergic reactions and asthma live. Refrain from using toxic forms if pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers and small children live in the premises. The insecticide is no less dangerous for pets; use with extreme caution to avoid contact.

Always use protective equipment; in case of contact with skin or mucous membranes, rinse with plenty of water. If you experience any adverse symptoms, go out into fresh air and consult a doctor.

Let's sum it up

Combat is a truly effective and fast-acting remedy that helps you get rid of parasites yourself at home. As reviews show from those who have already used the drug, it allows you to clean the room in one treatment. But you should always remember the safety of people and animals and adhere to safety measures.




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