Gel - as an effective remedy for domestic cockroaches

Cockroaches are a problem that every person has encountered, some by hearsay, some personally. The cockroach is a tenacious insect; it will survive radiation, hunger, thirst, and if it is deprived of its head, it will survive for up to 10 days. Therefore, this parasite is not so easy to kill. The market is filled with all kinds of insecticides in the form of powders (dusts), aerosols, traps and gels. And in this article we will talk about this type of insecticide as gel.

What is the gel?

The insecticide in the form of a gel is a thick mass (poisonous bait) that attracts cockroaches (ants also like it).
It is based on water and food bait with aromatic additives, which attract cockroaches. One or more insecticides are added, which, when ingested, cause the death of the insect. To describe it more simply, cockroaches follow the smell of food, eat it and die. The base may include the following insecticides: fipronil, cypermethrin, deltamethrin, chlorpyrifos, etc. All of them have a nerve-paralytic effect; when they enter the digestive system, they block nerve impulses, which causes paralysis of the insect and subsequent death. They are used equally effectively not only for cockroaches, but also for woodlice, silverfish, and ants. Bitrex (a very bitter substance) is also added to the composition so that if detected by animals or children, they will not swallow it. It also contains all kinds of preservatives, thickeners and stabilizers. They help the gel not dry out longer. The drug is produced in syringes and tubes (tubes), which allows you to conveniently distribute it on the surface and in crevices. Interesting fact: It is often said that only cockroaches will survive after a nuclear explosion. There is no confirmation of this, although there are studies confirming the resistance of cockroaches to radiation. A person can withstand 500 rads (radiation exposure units), and a cockroach can withstand 6,400 rads!

TOP 10 best traps for cockroaches and their prices

Today, more than one thousand varieties of various pest control products and “traps” for them are produced in the world.

Among such a large list of these repellers and poisons, it would be useful to highlight the most popular:

  1. Mashenka is a special white chalk that acts both as a bait for insects and as a poison that destroys them (approximate price 25 rubles);
  2. RaidMax - ultrasonic cockroach repeller (from 210 rubles);
  3. Tsifox - capsules that lure "mustache" and kill them with their chemical composition (about 200 rubles);
  4. Combat - a house belonging to the poisonous type (the approximate cost fluctuates around 280 rubles);
  5. A trap is a “house” that includes bait and a sticky bottom. It belongs to the adhesive type (the price starts at 160 rubles);
  6. TAR-GAN - a set of devices that belongs to the adhesive category, has high demand on the market (from 150 to 360 rubles);
  7. ULTRAS - a device designed to repel and destroy pests is of the ultrasonic type (the cost of the mechanism starts from 500 hundred rubles);
  8. Jab is an adhesive bait that includes five replaceable sticky sheets (the cost of such a complex will be 500 rubles);
  9. Ecosniper GH-180 is one of the most effective devices designed for exterminating insects; it operates on mains power (the price, although not low, is justified: about 2.5 thousand rubles);
  10. Agrus is the cheapest glue bait (can be purchased for 75 rubles);

Why is gel better?

How do they stand out from other insecticides:

  • Convenient use - the product is ready for use, the packaging allows for convenient spot application around the entire perimeter or directly to places where insects accumulate. Residues can be easily removed with a damp cloth.
  • Long-lasting effect of the drugs - the gel does not dry out and lasts up to 2 months.
  • Not dangerous for people - low toxicity for humans, and a bitter additive that will prevent a child or animal from swallowing poop.
  • Economical to use - dotted application of the product allows you to treat a large area. For a 2-room apartment you will need approximately 25 - 30 mg, approximately the volume of one tube or syringe.
  • Efficiency - gels are considered the most effective and safe means.
  • Use as a product - you do not have to breathe the substance as when treating with aerosols, the gel does not spread like powder (dust) preparations, and it does not need to be prepared in advance.

Errors in use

You bought the product, treated it, and the cockroaches kept running around! You begin to think: perhaps this remedy is not effective? Sold a fake? There are several factors that can negate all your efforts:

  • Low concentration of the toxic substance - 2% is the maximum mass of the toxic substance that must be contained in the drug, but the manufacturer can put from 0.1 - 1.9%. Check the ingredients.
  • Resistance is the resistance of cockroaches to a given insecticide. If you have already carried out treatments earlier, subsequent offspring develop resistance to the same insecticide. Try to choose products that contain several types of poison.
  • Expiration date - when purchasing, check the expiration date of the drug.
  • Several drugs at once - not all drugs can be used at the same time. Aerosols that are aimed at repelling cockroaches from places will not help you when paired with gel. Use aerosols immediately, and then gel to consolidate the result. In this case, the gel will also serve you as a prophylactic agent.
  • Are you expecting quick results - many manufacturers claim that the first results can be seen in the first hours. Let the adults die, and the little things that hatch from the eggs. Complete extermination of the colony can occur from 2 weeks to several months, it all depends on the number of cockroaches in your home.
  • Root cause - the root cause of the appearance has not been established. You poisoned your own people, but they still ran from their neighbor to you.

Harm to people

The active ingredients in the gel are considered low-hazard for people. However, it is important to follow the rules for its use.

  • Do not allow the gel to come into contact with your skin.
  • After use, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly, even if you think you have not had contact with the substance.
  • Protect children from contact with the gel.
  • Check the packaging for damage before use.
  • Do not leave packaging near food.

However, with all care, it is possible for the substance to enter the body. Symptoms of poisoning are as follows:

  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • arrhythmia;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • heavy sweating.

As a rule, these signs appear within fifteen minutes after poisoning. Further they will only get worse. Therefore, it is extremely important to consult a doctor immediately. While waiting, carefully examine the victim. If you find gel on your skin, rinse it well. If the substance gets into your eyes, you should also rinse them, and then use any antimicrobial eye drops.

The only way to eliminate the effects of poisoning that doctors use is gastric lavage.

If the situation is not that serious, you can help yourself. To do this, you need to take activated charcoal and drink a lot of water.

Most popular gels

There are several types of gel packaging - a tube and a syringe. The thin spout on the packages allows you to conveniently apply the product onto surfaces using dotted dots or lines. Both horizontal and vertical surfaces can be processed. Apply either directly to the wall, furniture or to a sheet of paper or adhesive tape glued to the wall.

Brownie Gel is used against both cockroaches and ants. The active ingredient is fipronil, the gel is colorless and odorless. A syringe with a capacity of 15 g and 30 g is enough to treat up to 50 m2 of area. Residual effect up to 2 months.

Kapkan - Kapkan storm gel paste with two active ingredients Diazinon and Alpha-cypermethrin. Available in syringes of 30 g, 50 g and 75 g.

Rubit zindan - contains 2 insecticides, chlorpyrifos (an organophosphorus compound) and the neonicotinoid imidacloprid. Which gives 100% results. The capacity of the syringe is 30 g, enough on average to treat a one-room apartment.

Gel Legion is a Russian manufacturer. Based on 2 drugs deltamethrin (toxic effect) and diflubenzuron (destroys the chitinous cover of the insect). Available in tubes of 50 ml and 125 ml.

Gel Absolute is based on chlorpyrifos and is available in a 125 ml tube. Works equally well against cockroaches and ants.

Medilis anti-Cockroach - 30 ml syringe, active substance zeta-cypermethrin. Residual effect for cockroaches up to 2 months, for ants up to 3 months.

Raptor is a gel for killing cockroaches and ants, available in a 75 ml tube. The active substance lambda-cyhalothrin from the group of peritroids has a contact-intestinal effect.

Globol - German quality. The composition includes cocoa butter, which attracts cockroaches, gives a pleasant smell, and the addition of bitterness will prevent children and animals from being eaten. Available in a 75 ml tube.

Clean House - Available in a 35 ml syringe, based on chlorpyrifos (an organophosphorus compound).


What pests will the Sturm gel paste help control?

  • First of all, it is a reliable remedy for cockroaches. Moreover, it is capable of destroying all the most common types of these pests - red, black and American (don’t let the name confuse you, these insects are often found in Russian apartments).
  • The paste will also get rid of ants.

The substance can be used in different rooms:

  • apartments;
  • food industry buildings;
  • shops, cafes and restaurants;
  • hotels and sanatoriums;
  • cars, trains, water and air transport.

Methods of application

Let us highlight two main methods of using the gel:

  1. Directly applied to the surface of the baseboard, cabinet, back wall of the refrigerator, etc. A dotted line is made with dots every 1 - 2 cm on the intended habitats or trails of insects. Or in lines of 1 cm every 1 - 2 cm in the same places.
  2. If you have established a place where insects are hiding or from where they appear, then take a substrate made of cardboard or a sheet of paper and apply the gel there in dotted lines or in lines. And we install the gel next to those places. We check places every 3-4 days and update where they are eaten.

As soon as the parasites are no longer visible and the bait is in place, wash off the remains with a damp cloth. The most vulnerable places for insect penetration are the openings of ventilation shafts, places where water and heating pipes pass through the walls. We treat them around the perimeter and leave them as a preventive measure, renewing the gel from time to time.

Forum for residents of new buildings. — Today, in the kitchen, I saw two white-haired cockroaches, one of the new residents brought with them. I had to kill them. - Tough! “Are you sure that you killed exactly those residents?”

Safety in use

Any serious manufacturer of insecticides pays a lot of attention to the safe use of their products. But whatever one may say, in fact it is a poison, and when using the drug you should take some precautions:

  • Try to use gels that contain bitterness - then neither the child nor the pet will enjoy it.
  • Apply in hard-to-reach places behind cabinets and pipes. And hide the poison pads under the bathroom, cabinets and refrigerator.
  • Make sure your pets don't eat dead cockroaches.

Conclusions from Tikhon: Insecticides in the form of a gel are quite effective at any stage of infection; they can be used in combination with other insecticides. Disinsection of cockroaches is a comprehensive measure aimed at both eliminating the population and preventing re-infestation. Team up with your neighbors if possible, most likely cockroaches run from you to them and vice versa.

If you have experience using the gel, leave your feedback in the comments below. Perhaps he will help someone make the right decision.

Happiness to you and your home.

How safe is the drug?

According to the hazard criterion, the insecticide belongs to class 4 of low-hazard substances (GOST 12.1.007-76). Does not cause local irritation upon single contact with skin. Does not require the use of respiratory protection.

It is advisable to wear gloves when working with the insecticide; after treatment, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Do not use in areas accessible to children.

From a safety point of view, the product is suitable for treating residential, office premises, medical, food, trade, and educational transport organizations.

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