Tomatoes Peter the Great: characteristics and yield of the variety

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Author of the article

Yakov Pavlovich

Professor, Head of the Department of Vegetable Growing

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The Peter the First tomato variety has an excellent presentation, so it is a leader on market shelves. The fruits ripen early and have excellent taste. Tomatoes are universal in use. They are consumed fresh at the dinner table and can also be preserved for the winter. Peter 1 is practically not susceptible to diseases, which makes the variety even more attractive to gardeners.

Caring for tomato bushes

Almost immediately after planting seedlings in open (or closed) soil, further care begins

First of all, you should pay attention to fertilization, watering, pinching and requirements for soil care under a growing crop.

Fertilizers and watering

The first feeding of Katyusha variety tomatoes is carried out a week after planting the plants in their permanent place of growth. In this case, you need to dissolve 1 tbsp in a bucket of water. a spoonful of nitrophoska and 0.5 liters of mullein, then distribute the resulting mixture at the rate of 1 liter per 1 bush. It is advisable to combine plant fertilizer with regular watering, thereby protecting the root system of the crop from burns.

The second feeding of the tomato should be done soon after the formation of the first flower cluster. Now to fertilize the variety you can use 0.5 liters of chicken manure, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of superphosphate and 1 teaspoon of potassium sulfate, dissolved in 1 bucket of water.

Third feeding

As for watering, it should be moderate and take into account the condition of the upper soil layer. During the rainy season, additional liquid is not required, and even vice versa: overmoistening the substrate threatens the gardener with unnecessary problems in the form of the development of putrefactive processes and late blight.

Stepping and bush formation

Many varieties of tomatoes require timely pinching and staking of shoots, without which the vines can be pulled out and broken, as well as their fruits can be crushed. The hybrid plant variety Katyusha is no exception in this matter, and experienced gardeners recommend forming it into one stem (until it stops growing on its own) or constantly changing the growth point, replacing it with lateral shoots. The choice of a specific method depends on the place where tomatoes are grown (the second option is more typical for greenhouses), but in order not to get confused in the actions performed, you can form all the plants into one stem.

You can do pinching in the morning or evening hours, breaking off the excess shoots not at the root, but leaving a small stump about 2 cm long. This way, you will prevent the re-formation of unnecessary stepsons.

Loosening the soil and weeding

Loosening the soil and simultaneously removing weeds from it will definitely not hurt when growing tomatoes of the described variety, especially if we are talking about young plants that have not yet become strong and have not adapted to open soil. It is advisable to carry out both procedures after the next moistening of the substrate, but without deepening the tool more than 10–15 cm into the soil thickness.

How to grow tomatoes

Tomatoes require daily attention from gardeners. Following the recommendations for growing Peter the Great hybrid tomatoes will ensure healthy plants and a rich harvest.


Peter the Great tomatoes are planted in greenhouses in mid-May - early June. By this point, night temperatures in the greenhouse should not fall below 10 °C.

Planting density per 1 sq. m is 3 bushes when subsequently formed into 2 stems or 4 bushes when formed into 1 stem.

The soil in the greenhouse is prepared in the fall, replacing its top layer with soil from carrot beds. Then they add manure and dig up the soil without breaking up the lumps.


10 days after planting tomatoes in permanent soil, it is well loosened and organic fertilizers are applied. Mineral fertilizers are added before flowering and during the period of fruit appearance.

Plants require abundant watering with warm water - drying out of the deep layers of soil is unacceptable. The soil is loosened weekly to ensure adequate oxygen exchange in the tomato root system.

The bushes grow actively throughout the growing season, and to ripen the fruits, it is recommended to remove the stepsons, pinch the growing points and the crown.

Features of cultivation and possible difficulties

With responsible care, the Peter the Great tomato feels comfortable in greenhouse conditions and enters the fruiting period 110-120 days after germination. Sometimes, despite observing all agrotechnical nuances, difficulties are observed with fruit ripening. To help the plant, experienced farmers advise removing some of the tomatoes that have acquired an intermediate brown color.

Throughout the warm season, it is necessary to maintain an optimal level of humidity in the greenhouse - this is ensured by regular watering of the soil and natural evaporation of moisture, but on dry summer days you can install small containers of water between the bushes.

Diseases and pests

Hybrid Peter the Great is resistant to viral and fungal infections, but for prevention it is recommended to periodically treat the above-ground part of the plant with Fitosporin.

When pests appear, we recommend spraying the bushes with an insecticidal preparation. Root protection will be ensured by watering with a solution of copper sulfate.

How to harden off seedlings?

Not everyone has the opportunity to grow seedlings on their own. You can buy it on the market, but then you need to look at the condition of the plants.

Seasoned tomatoes are firm, with dark green leaves.

Weak seedlings are usually elongated, light-colored, and delicate. This is bad for early and medium varieties. Late-ripening tomatoes have extra time to develop, while others do not.

If you plant diseased seedlings, the yield will be low.

Hardening off young shoots is undoubtedly beneficial, but people who grow tomatoes for sale often do not take this into account. Hardened plants adapt better to changing weather and are not susceptible to diseases and harmful insects.

The ideal soil for growing tomatoes is fertile black soil, on which cabbage, carrots, onions, and cucumbers were previously grown.

Self-collected seeds can be used for planting next season.

What happens if you do it too late?

If tomatoes are sown too late, the plant will not have time to become strong enough before planting in the ground. Consequences of late sowing:

  • Long adaptation of the seedling after planting;
  • The tomato may die;
  • Susceptibility to diseases and parasites;
  • Late harvest or lack thereof.

Expert opinion Ulanin Konstantin Grigorievich Agronomist, experience in the specialty - 12 years

A tomato that has not had time to form may not bring you the long-awaited harvest. Since long adaptation and late development often lead to the fact that the plant does not have time to go through the necessary stages of growth before the end of the summer season and lower temperatures. Or there will still be a harvest, but it will be very meager.


Preparing the seeds is where you should start. After all, correctly selected and prepared seed material is the key to a good harvest.

Tomato seeds can be purchased:

Prices for planting material can range from 10-15 rubles to 100-150 rubles per package. It depends on the variety of tomatoes and the quality of planting material.

Since you can grow tomatoes from your own seeds, you need to carefully approach the issue of collecting seed material.

How to collect seeds yourself:

You should choose a fruit of brown ripeness. Cut it open in reproach. Carefully squeeze the seeds into a container along with the juice. Place in a warm place for 2-3 days to ferment. If a thin film and bubbles appear on the surface, and the seeds sink to the bottom, then fermentation is complete. The liquid is carefully drained and the seeds are washed under running water. Then they should be spread out on a cotton cloth in a thin layer and placed in a warm and dry place. Here they dry out for several days.

Attention! Overripe fruits and fruits of F1 hybrids should not be used for collecting seeds.

Seed preparation and processing:

  1. Disinfection. To make plants less sick, seeds are disinfected before sowing. To do this, they need to be soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate (1 g of product per glass of water) for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Soaking in a special solution. To do this, prepare a solution: 1 teaspoon of nitrophoska, 1 tbsp. spoon of wood ash, 2 teaspoons of sodium humate, 1 tbsp. l fertilizer "Idel". The seeds are placed in the solution for 12 hours.
  3. After this, the seeds are placed in warm, clean water for 24 hours.
  4. Now the seeds need to be sown immediately into the soil.

Fruit differences

Tomatoes reach a weight of 250 g, the main mass is 200-220 g, flat-round in shape, fleshy, smooth and dense, do not crack. Tomatoes have a distinct red color and hold well on the stalk.

As the description of the Peter the Great variety says, it has a universal purpose. It is equally good fresh, canned and processed. Ripe tomatoes are used to make salads, sauces, snacks, caviar, tomato puree, paste, juice, marinades and jam. Unripe fruits are salted and pickled.

Important! Tomatoes collected in green and brown form can be ripened by placing them next to red ones. Forced ripening has been practiced for a long time

Green, pink, brown and blanc tomatoes are placed in 2-3 layers in wooden boxes. Several ripened fruits are evenly placed in rows, the main thing is that they are not spoiled or wrinkled. After some time, unripe tomatoes will turn red. The taste characteristics of tomatoes ripened in this way are satisfactory.

Forced ripening has been practiced for a long time. Green, pink, brown and blanc tomatoes are placed in 2-3 layers in wooden boxes. Several ripened fruits are evenly placed in rows, the main thing is that they are not spoiled or wrinkled. After some time, unripe tomatoes will turn red. The taste characteristics of tomatoes ripened in this way are satisfactory.

Description, varieties and varieties of plants with photos

Heliotrope seeds ripen only in countries with long summers. In the wild, the bushes grow 20-60 cm in length. The inflorescences are large, up to 20 cm in diameter, and consist of many small flowers. Coloring - purple, lilac, white or blue. Peduncles bloom for a month; when the inflorescences ripen, seeds are formed. The leaves are oblong, dark green, with slight pubescence.

Tall plants look good in group plantings, low-growing bushes are grown in pots and cache-pots. There are varieties of heliotrope:

  1. Thyroid is a tall (up to 120 cm) ornamental plant. The stems are erect, the leaves are elongated, boat-shaped. The flowers are blue or dark blue, collected in inflorescences up to 10 cm in diameter.
  2. Peruvian - sprawling bushes 40-60 cm high. The inflorescences are lilac or bright blue, bloom until the first frost.
  3. Kurasavsky is a spreading shrub up to 120 cm high. The flowers are pale blue, with a long peduncle.
  4. Stemless - a low-growing plant with long lanceolate leaves and purple flowers.
  5. European is a bush-shaped perennial, the above-ground part grows up to 40 cm in length. Flowers are located in the axils of the upper foliage.

In Russia, the Peruvian and European species have gained the greatest popularity. The varieties are distinguished by their unpretentiousness, dense and fragrant flowering. For planting in open ground, it is recommended to choose zoned species. The table shows popular varieties of heliotrope of the Peruvian and European varieties.

Sea breezeHeliotrope is 45 cm high, the plant is heavily leafy. The leaf blades are reverse ovoid, dark green, with a wine-purple tint. The flowers are small, collected in inflorescences, purple
Sea dwarfAnnual, average bush dimensions - height 50 cm, width 30 cm. The foliage is small, pubescent. The flowers are bright purple, collected in spherical inflorescences. Heliotrope planting period is in March, flowering period is from July to September
White LadyCompact low-growing flower crop. The flowers are small and white. Before the inflorescence forms, pale pink buds appear
Princess MarinaBushes 30 cm high. Leaves are dark green, with shiny veins over the entire area of ​​the leaf blade. The flowers are violet-blue, with a pleasant vanilla scent. Blooms from March to September
Baby BlueIt has a persistent aroma during flowering. The inflorescences are bright purple, large, appear from March to July
Black BeautyPerennial with powerful dark brown stems. The leaves are green, pubescent. Purple inflorescences with vanilla scent
MarinHeliotrope is a flower 25 cm high; compact bushes can be grown in boxes on the balcony. The leaves are spear-shaped, wrinkled, emerald. Inflorescences dark blue, thyroid


Heliotrope Lord Roberts looks good in the garden - an evergreen shrub that grows up to 1 m in length and width. The bush blooms with soft purple flowers from early spring to late summer.

Tomato “Tsar Peter”: description of the variety

Variety nameTsar Peter
general descriptionMid-ripening determinate variety
Ripening period110-110 days
Average weight of tomatoes130 grams
Productivity of the variety15 kg per square meter
Features of cultivationStandard agricultural technology
Disease resistanceResistant to most diseases

“Tsar Peter” refers to a varietal species, not a hybrid. A variety for open ground and light film greenhouses. Medium ripening period. The time to obtain ripe fruits is 100-110 days from the moment of germination.

The bush is determinate, about 50 cm high, compact, with medium foliage. A simple type of inflorescence, the first inflorescence is formed above the 3-5th leaf. The peduncle has no articulations. The fruits are oval, ovoid in shape. Dense, smooth, do not crack. Rich red color.

The tomato has few seeds and has up to three nests. With proper agricultural technology, the weight of a ripe tomato reaches 130 g. The juice contains 4-5% dry matter, about 2.5% sugar. Has excellent taste. Sweetish with soft sourness, it has a pronounced tomato aroma.

You can compare the weight of the fruits of this variety with others in the table:

Variety nameFruit weight
Peter the First30-250 grams
Crystal30-140 grams
Pink flamingo150-450 grams
Baron150-200 grams
Tsar Peter130 grams
Tanya150-170 grams
Alpatieva 905A60 grams
Lalyafa130-160 grams
Demidov80-120 grams
Dimensionlessup to 1000 grams

Tomato is universal. Suitable for salads, homemade marinades, pickles, industrial canning. Suitable for processing into juices, tomato paste, sauces. The Tsar Peter tomato variety is recommended for zoning in the Urals, Transbaikalia, Sakhalin, Primorye, Siberia, Kamchatka, the Amur region and Altai. The author of the variety is breeder Lyudmila Myazina.

Green and brown tomatoes ripen well without losing their commercial qualities. It is best to ripen the harvest in wooden boxes, laid in 2-3 layers. It is useful to add a few red tomatoes along with unripe tomatoes. Ripe tomatoes release ethylene and promote the ripening of their neighbors.

If necessary, you can store separately stored green fruits in a dark room for up to two months, maintaining a temperature of 5-8°C. The variety is high-yielding, up to 2.5 kg per plant.

Further in the table you can compare the yield of these tomatoes with other varieties:

Variety nameProductivity
Lazy15 kg per square meter
Honey Heart8.5 kg per square meter
Summer resident4 kg per bush
Banana red3 kg per bush
Doll8-9 kg per square meter
Nastenka10-12 kg per square meter
Broody10-11 kg per square meter
Olya la20-22 kg per square meter
Fat Jack5-6 kg per bush
Bella Rosa5-7 kg per square meter

Read more about tomato diseases in greenhouses and methods of combating them in our articles.

We will also tell you about all the means of protection against late blight and diseases such as Alternaria, Fusarium and Verticillium.


The average productivity of 1 bush is 3.5-4 kg. From 1 m2 they collect 8-10 kg.

When choosing a new variety (hybrid), first of all, pay attention to the characteristics:

  • ripening period;
  • disease resistance;
  • purpose of use;
  • type of bush;
  • color, shape, weight and purpose of a ripe fruit;
  • productivity.

Ripening time

The plant belongs to the group of tomatoes with medium ripening periods. For tomatoes included in this group, the fruits begin to ripen after 105-110 days. The countdown is not from the day the seeds are sown in the ground, but from the day the green sprouts appear. Knowing the ripening time, the time for sowing seeds for seedlings is determined.

The timing is almost the same for the Urals, the Middle Zone and Siberia. It is better to sow in the first ten days of March. In mid-May, you can transplant 60-day-old seedlings into a greenhouse (tunnel), and pick the first tomatoes at the end of June or early July.

The hybrid will make optimal use of the greenhouse space. Powerful bushes reach 2 meters in height. Peter the Great is an indeterminate plant by type of growth, which needs to be pinched at its growth point. Without pinching the crown, the bush will grow until the end of the growing season.

Bushes need strong support. Old style wooden stakes or lightweight plastic stakes will do. There are two ways to plant seedlings:

  1. Place 3 bushes per 1 m² and form them into 2 stems.
  2. Place 4 bushes per 1 m² (dense planting), form into 1 stem, removing all stepsons.

Original, elongated, pepper-shaped fruits with a small spout, small in size, have a good tomato taste. The weight of an average fruit is 100-120 g, length 12 cm. The color of the skin and pulp of a ripe fruit is bright red. The pulp is dense, the percentage of dry matter is high.

The skin is durable and protects the fruit from cracking during preservation. The purpose of the fruits is universal, but the best option for using them would be to make canned tomatoes. The fruits of the hybrid are perfect for making sun-dried tomatoes.

Features of care

At least 2 months must pass from the moment the first shoots appear and the seedlings are transplanted into the greenhouse (tunnel). The manufacturer's instructions contain recommendations regarding the age of seedlings. It is recommended to replant 60-day-old seedlings; they adapt faster, grow and begin to bear fruit.

The plant is indeterminate and has great growth vigor. For good fruiting, it needs to create certain conditions:

  • a bed filled with organic matter and mineral fertilizers;
  • compliance with the recommended planting density;
  • the presence of a strong support;
  • watering;
  • root and foliar feeding;
  • removal of stepsons and leaves;
  • partial collection of brown fruits that have not reached ripeness;
  • regular monitoring of air humidity in the greenhouse.

Add superphosphate in the fall, a tablespoon per square meter. I'm going to dig up without breaking the clods. In winter, cover it with a thick layer of snow. In the spring, scatter ammonium nitrate (1 tbsp. l/m²) over the surface, dig up the ground, level it with a rake, and mark holes. At the end of April or in May, transplant the seedlings.

The first Peter the Great tomatoes ripen at the end of June - July, the harvest ends in September. During this time, farmers manage to collect up to 10 kg of fruits from 1 square meter. m greenhouse.

The variety is good for fresh consumption and for preservation. The taste and density make it possible to prepare sauces, juices, and tomato paste from these tomatoes. When preserving whole fruits, the strong skin does not burst. The Peter the Great variety is perfect for withering.

Hybrid tomatoes tolerate transportation well and are stored for a long time, so surplus crops can always be sold at a profit. After picking, brown or green fruits are sent to ripen using the traditional method: they are laid out in wooden boxes in 2-3 layers, covered with paper.

The yield from each bush varies from 2.5 to 5 kg, i.e. The yield per 1 m2 reaches 10 kg.

Recommended regions for cultivation: middle zone and Moscow region. It also produces a good harvest when grown in more southern regions.

Description of the tomato variety EM Champion and its characteristics

EM Champion is a large-fruited salad variety of Siberian selection. Like all similar varieties recently, it is approved for cultivation in all regions, which was recorded in the State Register in 2005. Recommended for cultivation in open ground, where, thanks to its resistance to extreme conditions, it grows and bears fruit safely even in the harsh Siberian climate. EM Champion tomatoes ripen 110-115 days after germination. Judging by some descriptions, the variety has good immunity to the main fungal diseases of the crop, including late blight. The yield of marketable fruits, according to the description of the State Register, is in the range of 6.8-10 kg/m2, and according to information from the seed packaging - 7 kg per bush. The percentage of marketable fruit yield in Siberia (Novosibirsk region) is 68%. In regions with a milder climate, this percentage will be higher, but exact information could not be found.


The bush is standard, determinate, which means its growth is limited by the formation of a flower cluster at the top (topping). The height of the plant is 60-70 cm, there are few leaves, the first fruit cluster is laid above the fifth leaf, and subsequent ones - at intervals of 1-2 leaves. The inflorescence is simple, the stalk has an articulation.

EM Champion tomato bushes have weak foliage

Description of fruits

The fruits are large, smooth, heart-shaped, similar to the famous Ox's heart. The average weight - according to the description of the State Register) is 126-134 grams, and according to information from seed packages and some reviews - 150-300 g and even up to seven hundred. Unripe fruits are green, and ripe ones are orange-red (according to the State Register) and red-pink (according to the Siberian Garden). The pulp is dense and fleshy, its taste is good and excellent. The skin is thin, but rarely cracks. The fruits are intended for fresh consumption on site, as they are absolutely not transportable and do not have a shelf life.

When rationing the harvest, EM Champion tomatoes can grow to significant sizes

Advantages and disadvantages, features and differences from other varieties

For clarity, let’s summarize all the advantages and advantages of the variety into one list:

  • ease of care;
  • resistance to extreme weather conditions;
  • immunity to major crop diseases;
  • decent yield;
  • large fruit;
  • good salad taste of fruits;
  • the ability to collect your own seeds for propagation.
  • the need to garter stems and fruit clusters;
  • fruit rationing is required;
  • poor transportability and keeping quality of fruits.

Advantages and disadvantages

The fruits are universal in use


  • abundant yield;
  • resistance to typical crop diseases;
  • wide range of applications: suitable for fresh consumption and for preservation.

Similar information is presented on the packaging of agro and “Gavrish” seeds. No shortcomings were noticed.

Description of the method

The method of growing tomatoes with 2 roots helps solve a number of problems. In this way, you can give greater vitality to those seedlings that did not have enough light, and therefore they grew thin, long and weak (read about methods of growing seedlings and rules for caring for them here). Or there are too many seedlings, and using this method you can use all the young plants, planting them in a relatively small area.

The essence of this method is to combine two plants into a single organism, which will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the tomato bush and its productivity, because two root systems will feed one above-ground part.

Tomato Peter 1: characteristics and description of the variety, photo

For people who grow vegetables and fruits in their gardens, it is very important to choose a tomato variety that is multifunctional and suitable for both eating at the table and for canning. The tomato variety “Peter 1” has exactly these properties; moreover, it is not susceptible to diseases, which makes this variety even more attractive

Characteristics of the variety

Tomato "Peter 1" is a hybrid, has limited growth - height from 50 to 75 centimeters, internodes are shortened, and also:

  • The species matures on average up to 115 days (mostly 90-100 cm) from the moment of sowing.
  • It has a dense compressed bush, not too leafy, which is resistant to many tomato diseases. Does not require stepsoning. Each fruit has about six seed chambers.

From one bush you can collect up to 4.5 kilograms.

The fruits can be stored for a long time; transportation does not impair the presentation or taste.

  • The leaves of the bush are large and dark green. The inflorescence is simple. There are about 2-3 nests in one bush. Pedicel with articulation.
  • This tomato variety is suitable for protected soil. Although the bushes are quite small, it is recommended to place up to three plants per square meter, no more.

Excellent for both greenhouse and outdoor cultivation.

Features of cultivation

It is recommended to grow the Peter 1 tomato variety through seedlings. Seeds should be planted two months before transplanting into the ground.

In order for the bush to subsequently produce a large amount of harvest, the plant must:

  • once a week, feed with mineral fertilizers with organic matter;
  • No pinching or tying of tomatoes is required.

Tomatoes develop well on light, fertile black soils after the following vegetables:

  1. like carrots;
  2. cabbage;
  3. cucumbers;
  4. onion.

Seeds are planted approximately 75 days before transplanting outdoors. Pre-sowing treatment is not required for this variety.

To prepare soil for seedlings, you need to mix peat (can be replaced with humus) and turf soil. It is recommended to add wood ash and superphosphate there. Sowing is done in dug rows of holes (depth not less than 3 cm). Plants should be in a warm and bright place.

Next, you need to wait until the seedlings sprout, and after that, after three weeks, three leaves should appear on each plant.

After the tomatoes are picked, they need to be fully fed with complex fertilizer. It is worth watering abundantly, but infrequently. A week before you start planting seedlings outdoors, the planted plants need to be hardened off. Watering should be stopped, the seedlings should be taken out onto the balcony or porch, or you can simply open a window in the house.

Seedlings are planted in the ground first in a greenhouse (in good weather, in mid-May), then in the open air - in early June.

To make the soil warming process more active, experienced vegetable growers advise planting seedlings at an angle, on ridges. In this case, the root system is formed much faster.

As they grow and mature, the bushes must be watered moderately with warm water and fertilized about three times.

The best substrate for feeding is a solution of slurry with potassium sulfate, with the addition of superphosphates and complex mineral fertilizers.

Watering is carried out as it dries out. The most important thing is that there is enough water during the formation of the ovaries and until the fruits are completely filled. The most effective is “drip” irrigation, also known as “underground”. Fruits with such watering are much larger in size and more resistant to blossom end rot.

In order for the bushes to bear more fruit, you need to add a couple of pinches of ash per ten-liter bucket to the water for irrigation. Also, after the ovaries appear, you can sprinkle the ground with ash.


Below is a series of photographs of the Peter 1 tomato variety.

Thus, we can say that having planted the Peter 1 tomato variety, you will not spend a lot of time and money on its care, and the taste and quantity of fruits will greatly please any housewife. Salads, ketchups, tomato pastes, preserves - everything will be at the highest level!

Pests and diseases

A distinctive quality of the variety is its resistance to most tomato diseases. The plant may be infected with late blight, tobacco mosaic, or verticillium bacteria.

See also

Description and characteristics of Dina tomato fruits, advantages of the variety

The main danger to the Peter the Great tomato variety comes from insects. To prevent diseases, the planting site must be periodically inspected, and, if necessary, special preparations are used to control pests.

The appearance of aphids and mites in most cases is associated with violation of the rules of agricultural cultivation. To get rid of this problem, the bushes are fumigated with colloidal sulfur or treated with preparations from the group of acaricide insecticides.

Planting and care

To increase the flowering time of the crop, it is recommended to use the seedling method. Old varieties are not suitable for growing from seeds - they have a long growing season, and in the temperate continental climate of Russia, heliotropes will not have time to bloom. In the south of the country, it is easier to propagate flowers from cuttings.

Sowing dates for heliotrope

The period from germination to flowering depends on the variety and averages 80-110 days. To get a flowering plant in June, heliotrope is planted on seedlings from late February to March. In the southern regions, direct sowing of seeds in open ground is possible; work is carried out at the end of May.

Soil and container

Heliotrope grows well in nutritious loose soils. You can prepare the substrate yourself: mix peat and sand in a ratio of 1:4. To protect against fungal diseases, the soil must be steamed in a water bath. The plant tolerates picking well, so the seeds are sown in common boxes.

Preparing and sowing seeds

Planting material is disinfected with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. To speed up germination, use the drug Zircon (3 drops per 100 ml of water). After processing, the seeds are dried, scattered on the surface of the ground, and sprinkled on top. The soil can be sprinkled with snow - the seedlings will be hardened. The container is covered with glass or cling film, creating optimal conditions for seed germination - temperature +20ºС, absence of drafts.

Seedling care

After germination, the temperature is reduced to +18ºС, containers with seedlings are placed on the windowsill on the south side of the house. The first shoots appear after 1-2 weeks. When the seedlings form 2 true leaves, picking into plastic cups is required. Flower care involves watering as the soil dries, removing weeds, and loosening the soil. 10 days after picking, the seedlings are fed with complex fertilizers Uniflor, Fertika Lux.

Tomato hybrids. Tomato F1 Peter the Great. (Tomato hybrid F1 Peter the Great)

Sowing for seedlings: mid-end of March. Seed placement depth: 1 cm. Picking: in the phase of the first true leaf. Planting seedlings in open ground - at the age of 30 - 35 days. Planting pattern - 70 by 40 cm.

Fruiting: starting in mid-July.

The key to choosing this tomato hybrid was its similarity to the Pepper tomato, as well as its stated high taste qualities and the possibility of long-term fresh storage.

About F1 tomato hybrids Peter the Great from the blog:

March 23, 2016

March 31, 2016. No new shoots appeared in the tray with “Pepper and Prides,” but the only tomato that sprouted turned out to be three-leaved, which is called “bestowed with happiness.” But you won’t be satisfied with happiness alone... In the morning I soaked the seeds of the F1 tomato hybrid Peter the Great and almost the entire remaining reserve of seeds of the Pertsevidny variety (from our own preparations - Tomatoes for seeds. We prepare tomato seeds ourselves). In the evening, I sowed the already swollen seeds into a tray - I had to use the soil prepared for picking. It turns out that these tomatoes were sown on an alternative day on the waning Moon in the sign of Capricorn.

PS We have not used growth stimulants during soaking for several years now - they do not affect germination, and the appearance of the first shoots one day earlier is not significant... All sowings were carried out with precise depth.

View other tomato varieties

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What is an F1 hybrid? In our case, this is the result of crossing two tomato varieties, the first generation, i.e. Simply put, seeds obtained as a result of pollination of flowers of one tomato variety with pollen from another variety.

Why are F1 hybrids so common? The designation F1 stands for very simply: the offspring of the first generation. This designation has been preserved since the time of Mendel (the discoverer of the laws of genetics), he then introduced it as an abbreviation for the Latin Filiale 1, and for us it will be mnemonically easier to use the word “Formation 1”. But the main point is not in the designation, but in the fact that it is the first hybrid generation that has two remarkable properties: - the first property, according to the law of uniformity of hybrids of the first generation, is that the similarity of all these plants to each other is higher than that of plants of a well-established varieties; - the second property is that first-generation hybrids have increased vitality, they are larger than their parents and grow faster than them, and most importantly, they are more resistant to diseases - this phenomenon is called “heterosis” in genetics.

So, do not try to save the seeds of the hybrids you like; the F2 hybrid generation grown from these seeds will not have either the first or second properties. The only thing you may be able to get from them is to find out which varieties were the parents of the F1 generation hybrids.

Features of agricultural technology of EM Champion tomatoes

The agricultural technology of tomatoes of this variety has some nuances.


Since, as a rule, these tomatoes are not grown without seedlings, you will have to take care of preparing the seedlings. To do this, first of all, you need high-quality seeds, which are purchased from trusted manufacturers or their dealers, and you can also harvest seeds yourself, since the variety is not a hybrid.

Tomato seeds EM Champion of the Siberian Garden trademark are of good quality

The time for sowing seeds in the middle zone is the first half of March. Seedlings need picking when two or three true leaves form. In the first half of May, when the plants reach 60–65 days of age and have 5–6 true leaves, the seedlings are planted in the ground. If at this time there is still a possibility of return frosts, then the beds should be covered for the first time with spunbond or film along pre-established arcs.

You should also take care of installing supports in advance - these can be wooden stakes about one meter high above ground level, driven near each bush. But, in my opinion, trellises or cords hanging from the crossbar of a U-shaped support are more convenient. In this case, it will be easier to quickly tie up individual clusters with a large number of fruits.

It is convenient to tie tomatoes to hanging cords

It is more convenient to grow these tomatoes with a two-line planting pattern with a distance between rows of 50 cm. Due to weak foliage, the interval between bushes can be small - 30-40 cm.

The rules for growing EM Champion tomatoes do not require much labor.

Shaping, trimming and tying

You can leave these tomatoes to their own devices and let them grow on their own. And they will grow, but they will form a large number of small fruits. To prevent this from happening, you should:

  • Tie up the stem and branches with fruits in a timely manner.
  • Trim the lower leaves back to the first cluster.
  • Seedling the bush, leading it into 1-3 stems.
  • Normalize the harvest by thinning the clusters. The degree of thinning depends on the preferences of the gardener - the fewer fruits left, the larger they will be.


To grow large fruits in sufficient quantities, the plant needs strong and branched roots. For their development, the planted seedlings are moistened abundantly when planting, and then watering is stopped for 3-4 weeks. At the same time, in search of water, the roots will grow laterally and in depth, and as a result form a powerful root system. Subsequently, water the tomatoes abundantly at intervals of 7-10 days. Water for irrigation should be warm - for this it is stored in barrels installed in a sunny place. After watering, the soil should be loosened and mulched with available materials - hay, peat, rotted sawdust, sunflower husks, etc.


EM Champion tomatoes are responsive to fertilizer application. Regular feeding will help you get a good harvest of large and tasty tomatoes. For this purpose, it is best to use natural liquid infusions of homemade preparation. Infusions of mullein, chicken droppings, or ordinary freshly cut grass are excellent as nitrogen fertilizers. To do this, they are loaded into a barrel and filled with water. After 5-7 days of fermentation, the liquid is filtered and used for fertilizing, first diluted with water five times (chicken manure infusion - ten times). 2 liters of fertilizer are poured under each bush.

Mullein infusion is an excellent nitrogen fertilizer for tomatoes.

To obtain potassium-phosphorus fertilizer, 3 liters of sifted wood ash are dissolved in a bucket of water and left for 2-3 days, after which 1-2 liters are watered at the roots of the bushes. Such fertilizing is started simultaneously with the resumption of watering after planting the seedlings and then they are carried out at intervals of 2 weeks, alternating nitrogen with potassium-phosphorus.

Wood ash infusion is a source of phosphorus and potassium for feeding tomatoes

If it is not possible to independently prepare fertilizers, then you can use urea or ammonium nitrate, pre-dissolved in water, at a rate of 20-30 g/m2 as nitrogen fertilizers, and potassium-phosphorus fertilizers - potassium monophosphate at a rate of 10-20 g /m2 (it is also pre-dissolved in water).

Harvest and use

Fruits are harvested selectively as they ripen. Since they are poorly stored, they are eaten as quickly as possible, and the excess can be processed into juice, paste, ketchup, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Peter the Great tomato has many advantages, for which the variety has gained high popularity among gardeners.

The main advantages of the hybrid:

  • compact bushes;
  • no need for pinching and tying up bushes;
  • high immunity to diseases;
  • excellent presentation;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • good yield and smooth ripening;
  • long-term storage and possibility of transportation;
  • versatility of fruit use.

The variety has practically no downsides. Tomato bushes need good lighting, so a shady place in the beds is not suitable for them, and in greenhouses the brightness of the light must be constantly maintained. In addition, the hybrid loves timely fertilizing, with which you can get a good harvest.


Caring for the variety is traditional as for other types of tomatoes. It includes weeding and hilling. You need to mulch with straw and lay in a thick layer.

Additionally, it is allowed to lay:

  • pine needles;
  • sunflower husks;
  • freshly cut grass.

It is important to follow the rule:

  1. Mulching is carried out only after the earth has completely warmed up. Otherwise, plant growth will slow down.
  2. Mulch should only be laid on moist soil.

One of the advantages of this type of tomato is:

  • Resistance to adverse weather conditions. Even a rainy summer is not an obstacle to the development of ovaries.
  • One of the advantages is that the seeds obtained from ripe fruits can be collected and used to plant new plants the following year.
  • Unripe green or brown tomatoes arrive perfectly, while maintaining their commercial properties and appearance. Fruits placed in wooden boxes folded in several layers will last longer.

As a last resort, you can store unripe tomatoes set aside in a dark room with a low temperature (about 5-8 degrees) for up to several months.

Reviews from gardeners about the variety

Liana, 31 years old We have been growing the Pert First variety for the second year now. Tomatoes are not only beautiful, but also tasty. I like the fact that the fruits can be used in cooking in various ways. The lecho made from them is simply superb.

Nina Nikolaevna, 49 years old The variety is not capricious. It does not require any special care. The big advantage is that the bushes do not need tying or pinching. I am very pleased with the harvest. I use the fruits for canning, and due to the fact that the tomatoes are medium in size, they fit perfectly into jars.

Ekaterina, 37 years old I am planting seedlings of the Peter the Great variety in a greenhouse. I would like to note that it is necessary to ventilate daily and it is important to follow the planting rules (especially the diagram). The first time I planted it, almost all the bushes were affected by fusarium. Therefore, the harvest could not be harvested. The next year, the seedlings were planted less densely and after 97 days our family harvested the first ripened tomatoes. Tasty, juicy with a characteristic sourness. Just right for a summer salad.

general characteristics

Tomato Peter the first F1 belongs to the mid-early type. The period from seed germination to full ripeness is approximately 110 days, but in unfavorable weather conditions - 120. The plant is suitable for growing outdoors and in greenhouses.

Some people call tomatoes Peter the Great.

The F1 hybrid was developed and documented in 2008. It was created for the regions of central Russia, but it also grows well in the south.

An important feature of the variety is its high immunity to diseases and insect attacks; it grows in greenhouses under film and without heating.

The variety is standard type and does not require pinching. It is characterized by large bushes, up to 60 cm. The shape of the inflorescences is simple, the first of them is formed above the 5th leaf.


The tomatoes weigh about 220 g, they are unusual, oblong, pepper-shaped, rich scarlet in color, fleshy, strong, and do not crack during heat treatment.

The seed chamber consists of 3 nests, the number of seeds is insignificant. Dry matter in the composition is not less than 5.5%. The smell is pleasant, strong, attractive, the juice is sweet and sour.

Home ripening

Green and ripe fruits are placed in boxes in layers, in which a small amount of ripe vegetables is placed so as not to damage the crop.

After a while, the remaining tomatoes will reach ripeness. When unripe, they can be stored for 2 months, always separately from ripe ones. To do this, they need to be loosely folded into boxes and placed in a room with a temperature of 5-8 ° C.

Tomatoes have good keeping quality and can be transported.


According to the characteristics, the king of tomatoes, Peter the Great, is a hybrid (this is indicated by the F1 mark).

From each bush you can remove up to 2.5 kg of tomatoes. At the same time, 3-4 bushes are usually planted per m²; about 10 kg of vegetables will be harvested from this area in the future.

Area of ​​application of fruits

Peter the Great tomatoes are famous for their wide range of applications. According to the description of gardeners, they are excellent both fresh and in the form of preparations.

From them you can prepare:

Unripe vegetables are most often pickled. Sweet tomatoes are good for salads. They ripen in June, which is very attractive to gardeners.


Harvesting of Peter the Great tomatoes begins 110 days after seed germination. The first ripe fruits are picked at the end of the last summer month. In the fall, unripe tomatoes are collected and stored at room temperature until completely reddened.

The fruits sit firmly on the stalk, so you need to pick them carefully so as not to damage the bush. The harvested crop is stored in boxes at a temperature of 10-12°C and air humidity of 80%. Tomatoes keep well for several months.

Cultivation and care

Conditions of detention

If the cultivation is carried out using the seedless method, then after the emergence of seedlings it is better not to disturb them. After the seeds grow and the first true leaves appear, the seedlings open depending on the weather. If the weather is sunny but cool for a few hours, you can remove the plastic film, while the cut-off jar that covers the hole remains.

Banks can be removed only after 3-5 true leaves appear, in warm weather. At first, the jar is removed for no more than 5-10 minutes, then the time is increased by 5 minutes daily. This is how hardening occurs.

If cultivation is carried out using the seedling method, then in the first two weeks after planting in the ground the plant should not be disturbed. At first, you shouldn’t feed a young tomato either. It is necessary to give time for the root system to take root in the soil, and for the plant itself to adapt.


Young tomatoes are watered quite often, since the root system and the plant itself are actively growing, expanding the stem and green mass, which means they are actively consuming water and nutrients from the soil. Young plants are watered with warm, settled water from a watering can. Do not water tomatoes with a hose or bucket, as strong water pressure can damage fragile roots.

Top dressing

  1. After 2-3 true leaves appear, the first feeding should be done. To do this, dissolve 1.5 g of ammonium nitrate in 1 liter of water. No more than 0.5 liters of solution is poured into each well.
  2. The second feeding is carried out after 2-3 weeks. To do this, you can use nitrophoska (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water). No more than 0.5 liters of solution is poured into the well.
  3. The third feeding is done after the formation of the ovary.
    Mullein or bird droppings are good for feeding. The solution is prepared at the rate of 1 part mullein or dung to 10 parts water. Pour no more than 250-300 grams into the hole, so as not to cause burns to the roots.

Attention! Before fertilizing, the plant should be watered thoroughly.

Gardening is a great way to save money and grow healthy vegetables. This is not at all difficult to do, you just need to know the rules and carefully follow them. Knowledge and work will do their job. The result will be a wonderful harvest. But the most important thing is the moral satisfaction from growing plants with your own hands.

Growing tomatoes


High-quality seeds are selected for seedlings. They are sown 2 months before transplanting into the soil.

Seeds are sown in 3-4 pieces. into a bowl, and then the frail shoots are eliminated, leaving the 2 most viable ones.

Some people grow 2 plants per pot to save space, but it is preferable to plant one at a time - this way the seedlings can get enough light, water and nutrients.


During the daytime, it is worth keeping the boxes in the open air, and at night, bring them into the house.

Avoid leaf burns that can occur from too much sunlight.

The time the seedlings spend outside the house should be short at first, and then, as they get used to it, it should be increased.

Thanks to this procedure, the bushes will be strong, with a well-developed root system, dark green, richly colored foliage. Also seedlings:

  • adapts more easily;
  • They can withstand cold and heat.

Consequently, the yield will be much higher.

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