Essential oils for fleas description, action, effectiveness

Using traditional methods for fleas with essential oils. What oils can be used against fleas and other parasites. Description and mechanism of action. Are essential oils safe for people and animals? Rules for processing residential premises. Security measures.

When apartment owners discover such “uninvited guests” as fleas in their home, they want to get rid of such a neighborhood as soon as possible. There are a huge number of folk methods that are used in the fight against parasites. But some of them, for example, the use of kerosene or turpentine, have some features, such as a pungent odor and toxic fumes.

When small children and animals live in the room, it is unsafe to use such products. One of the popular methods is to use essential oils for fleas, which are considered absolutely safe and quite effective.

Description and principle of operation

We all know that essential oils have a strong, bright aroma, which in this case is the active substance that fights fleas. It is also worth saying that the products have a very wide application, for example, they allow you to get rid of not only fleas, but also other types of parasites. Unlike other products, they are not capable of harming the health of people and animals, do not cause allergic reactions or side effects, and do not emit toxic toxins.

They operate as follows. Fleas have a very well developed sense of smell, they clearly perceive and distinguish odors, and are guided in search of a victim. But there are odors that they perceive as threats to life; it is precisely these aromas that are dangerous for fleas that are released by essential oils. Parasites try to leave the area as quickly as possible, and where there is an odor, fleas will never lay offspring.

Remember that essential oils can be used directly to treat residential premises; application to animals is prohibited. The fact is that if concentrated products are applied to a pet’s fur and he licks them off, they can cause poisoning.

In addition, a fairly strong aroma can irritate and affect the functioning of the receptors of animals, most often cats, as a result of which the pet may cease to distinguish odors. Therefore, when animals become infected, as well as as preventive measures, only specialized means are required.

Forms of wormwood to get rid of fleas

This plant can show equally good results when used in a variety of forms, the main ones being:

  1. A growing or freshly cut plant. In villages and villages, wormwood is usually grown in plots or cut pieces are placed in rooms where pets live; its smell provides reliable and high-quality protection against fleas, and also repels many other types of flying and crawling insects.
  2. Dried wormwood can retain the main effects and have the same properties as the fresh plant, but often the results from its use are much lower . This is due to the gradual weathering of a specific aroma, and the stronger it is, the more likely it is that insects will try to stay away from the source.
  3. Wormwood-based oil can be purchased at various stores or pharmacies. It is a multifunctional product because it can be used to lubricate animal fur to provide protection against fleas, and also to place small containers of this liquid indoors to prevent parasites from trying to get inside. Just one bottle, the volume of which is 50 ml, can provide reliable protection for a city two-room apartment.
  4. Wormwood-based tincture is used mainly only for treating animal hair or bird feathers. Its effectiveness is very high, since fleas are repelled by the combined effects of alcohol and the smell of the plant. Parasites are equally intolerant of both of these components.
  5. The decoction is especially popular because it can be easily prepared independently at home. This product is used to treat animals or premises. If it is necessary to protect pets from fleas, the decoction is usually used as an additional remedy during water procedures.

What essential oils can be used

Since the repellent effect is the presence of a strong aroma, it is permissible to use any essential oil. But as practice shows, there are those who cope with this problem better than others. In addition, you can use only one or several at once. Let's look at them in more detail.


A very popular and effective product that has a disinfecting effect. It can be applied a few drops directly to surfaces, such as furniture, carpets, floors, or wet cleaning by adding a small amount to water.


Used for application directly to areas where parasites most often live. This substance has an antiseptic effect. Therefore, it can be used not only as a repellent, but also applied to the site of bites to prevent bacteria and infections from entering the wound.


This herb with a distinct aroma has been used since ancient times. Now that there are essential oils, they can easily replace it during periods when the grass is simply not in season. This herb contains volatile substances that can irritate the nervous system of fleas and other types of parasites. In the form of grass, it is laid out around the apartment, and in the form of a substance it is poured into small containers and installed in places where fleas accumulate.


It is also often used as a repellent, but has several features. The advantage is that it can be applied directly to bed linen; it has a calming effect and will not cause any harm. But there is a drawback: people who have low blood pressure are not allowed to use it.


This is one of the few essential oils that can be used not only for treating apartments, but also used directly on an animal. Namely, it is added as a repellent to mixtures that are used to treat dogs’ fur before walking.


Even in dry form, cloves have a bright and rich aroma; in the form of essential oil it is much more intense, and it is not perceived by bloodsuckers. But here it is worth considering one point: cats often do not perceive this aroma, so you always need to check how your pet will perceive a new aroma. It should be poured into containers in small quantities and placed around the apartment. If you notice your pet's anxiety, remove it immediately and choose another substance.


This plant was known to our great-grandmothers as a remedy for fleas and other parasites. It was used fresh and dry, laid out near the house so that there were no dangerous insects on the site, as well as in the house. Despite the great benefits, you need to be aware of the dangers of this substance. It is forbidden to use it directly on an animal, it cannot be applied to fur and skin, it acts on a pet as a toxic substance and can cause quite serious consequences.


For our country, the plant is exotic, and we can only observe it as an essential oil that has a repellent effect.


A fairly popular folk remedy that has its own advantages. The fact is that it not only has a repellent effect, but also acts on parasites as a toxic agent. Since the method is a folk one, the effect on pets when using it has not been established. Therefore, in order to eliminate possible side effects, it should be used only to repel insects in the apartment and at the same time adhere to the minimum dosages.


It has a fairly persistent specific odor, so not everyone can enjoy it and apply it in their apartments. But it is ideal as a repellent; in addition, it is absolutely safe for people and animals.


This remedy has a wide spectrum of action. It acts as a fungicidal and bactericidal substance; in addition, it is capable of destroying bacteria, fungi and even parasites due to its toxic properties. It cannot be used on pets' skin or fur, but you can apply a couple of drops to the collar, which will prevent infection.


Has a repellent and antiseptic effect. Its advantage is that it allows you to get rid of fleas, but at the same time it can restore damaged skin from bites. Only dogs allowed. It is dangerous for cats because it has a toxic effect. It is used when bathing a dog.


The bright and rich aroma of fir allows you to get rid of blood-sucking insects and has a beneficial effect on human health.

tea tree

Suitable for indoor treatment, as well as for use on pets. Can only be applied to the withers of dogs and cats. When first applied, only one drop is allowed; you need to monitor the animal’s behavior and condition. If everything is good, then it is allowed to increase the applied drops to 4.

The most effective recipes

There are many different recipes that allow you to prepare various remedies from this plant, which can then become the main assistants in the process of providing protection against parasites.

The easiest way to make a decoction at home is to reproduce the following sequence of actions:

  1. Prepare dried wormwood, which will become the main ingredient of the decoction, and fill it with water brought to a boil. When mixing these components, it is necessary to maintain the proportion of 400 ml of boiling water for every 20 grams of dry herb.
  2. Leave the resulting mixture for 30-40 minutes, during which time it should cool slightly.
  3. Strain the broth through a sieve to get rid of any remaining herbs and unnecessary grounds.
  4. Allow the broth to cool completely, after which it can be used to treat animals or premises.

It is also not necessary to purchase wormwood-based oil in a store; you can easily prepare it yourself using the following recipe:

  1. To prepare the oil, you will need to collect fresh inflorescences and leaves of the plant.
  2. All plant components are additionally dried in the oven. The main goal is to change their structure and get rid of some of the moisture, so complete drying is not required.
  3. All ingredients are first cut into small pieces with scissors or a knife and placed in a glass jar, after which they are further compacted.
  4. Fill the container with as much olive oil as possible.
  5. The jar is tightly closed with a lid , after which it must be shaken well to mix the contents of the container.
  6. Place the workpiece in a dark and cool place , then let it sit for at least 12 days.
  7. After the specified period has expired, check the mixture : if it turns dark green, it means the process is proceeding correctly.
  8. You can uncork the jar and pass the entire mixture through a sieve to get rid of any remaining leaves, inflorescences and other unnecessary grounds. After this, the oil is ready for use; it can be used not only to repel fleas, but also to treat various diseases.

How to use it correctly when processing apartments

The very first thing that needs to be done before treatment is to carry out general cleaning, during which we can get rid of a large number of flea offspring that are found in carpets, furniture, in dust behind cabinets and other places. Be sure to thoroughly vacuum, remove all dust, cobwebs and carry out wet cleaning.

Next, you can begin processing, which adheres to the following recommendations:

  • Add 5 drops of the substance to 1 liter of water,
  • Pour the prepared treatment solution into a spray bottle,
  • Apply to surfaces, paying attention to hard-to-reach places, under the bed, cracks, corners, also furniture, carpets, walls.
  • Since bloodsuckers attack people, and most often the bites occur on the legs, it can be applied to the legs,
  • These products have no effect on egg laying, so the procedure is repeated periodically until complete removal.

You can also apply a few drops, for example, to a bedside lamp or candle.


Lavender essential oil against fleas is a merciless enemy.


It is used as a repellent against insects that tend to live in apartments. Do not use in areas where people with low blood pressure live.

Simple Steps to Use Lavender Oil for Fleas

Since insects love to lay eggs in dog (cat) beds, carpets, blankets and bedding, they should first be vacuumed well and then, if possible, washed in a washing machine. You need to add a few drops of oil to the washing powder. Thus, we sharply reduce the population size - the young ones will die before they have time to hatch.

Wash the floor thoroughly with water and the same lavender oil. We pay special attention to baseboards, dark corners, and the space under furniture. Fleas love these places; having lost their territory to live in, they will most likely try to go to a place where there is no smell that irritates them.

But there shouldn’t be such a place left in the house at all; the aroma should penetrate every corner. And an aroma lamp with the addition of the same lavender oil will help to achieve this. To enhance the effect, it would be nice to add some mint oil or cinnamon there. These scents go well together and have similar insecticidal properties, complementing each other well.

Another place is a wardrobe or dressing room. There lavender oil against fleas, and against moths too - a very good solution. And things smell nice, and there are no insects. You can spread the aroma using a cool mist sprayer or a regular laundry sprayer. The essence of the method is that the smell of lavender follows fleas everywhere, drives them away from everywhere.

Before going to the country, also take lavender oil for fleas

When going out of town, you should remember that at your summer cottage there are always rodents (voles, squirrels), and there are fleas on rodents, and there are plenty of these fleas on garden lawns. And they are looking forward to seeing you. In order not to give them such pleasure and not to return home bitten, it is very good to use lavender oil; in addition, lavender oil is excellent against mosquitoes, midges and other annoying ones.

All you need is to add a few drops of lavender oil to your cream or body lotion. Once they smell the scent, the bloodsuckers will only have to watch you from afar. They won't even dare to come close.

Particular attention should be paid to pets. Their fleas really love them, it is warm, cozy and relatively safe for them to be in thick fur, and there is always unlimited food. And it’s just a stone’s throw from animals to their owners - why not bite on occasion, and then return home to your beloved dog.

It is useless to fight fleas if the animal is not protected. The dog will bring fleas from a walk, you will fight them, and it will turn into an endless cycle. It is much easier to worry about our little brothers in advance. Then there will be no fleas. Additional protection is to apply lavender oil to the rug by the front door; again, the smell of fleas will be removed, and the house will have a pleasant aroma.

Attention! There is an opinion that essential oils dull the sense of smell in animals. This is true, but only if the concentration of aroma is quite high. A slight odor will not harm the animal; it is certainly more advisable to use natural substances, they should be preferable to chemicals. Nothing bad will happen to your cat or dog if, after washing, you rinse the animal with warm water and one drop of lavender oil. And they will smell nice, and fleas will not attack you during a walk.

Fleas bite not only dogs, they happily attack parrots, canaries and hamsters. And, if in the first case the problem can be solved by a flea collar, then a similar trick will not work with a bird. And lavender will help. Once a day, do a wet cleaning in the room with the cage, adding a drop of lavender oil to the water. Fleas and other insects, which often annoy birds, will also escape.

Benefits of use

Most chemical insecticides have a very unpleasant odor, and a whole bunch of warnings: they are poisonous, and cause allergies, and avoid contact with skin, and this and that. Lavender oil is a completely different matter. It aromatizes the room and has one health benefit: it calms the nerves, kills germs, and takes care of the skin.

From a financial point of view, there are also advantages. One bottle of high-quality oil lasts a long time, the price is quite affordable. People with modest incomes can afford such a purchase. Without extra costs, you can treat the room for preventive purposes, just in case. To prepare the solution, you don’t need gloves or a mask – and this is also a saving.


Sometimes the smell of lavender causes allergies. This happens in humans and animals. To eliminate it, it is often enough to reduce the oil concentration in the treatment solution. If this does not help, you will have to stop using it. It should be used with caution if there are children under one year of age in the house.

Lavender oil only scares insects, but does not kill them. Therefore, complete removal will require time and repeated treatment. And the protection only works as long as the aroma of lavender is present in the air. If it happens that your household tends to receive such guests, use lavender oil regularly for preventive purposes. It is not difficult. Add a drop of lavender oil when washing the floor and fleas will not go away.

Animal use

As mentioned above, these substances can be quite aggressive towards pets upon direct contact. Therefore, in this case, you need to be sure that they will not cause allergic reactions or side effects. It would be best to consult a veterinarian.

Not all substances can be used. For processing, a mixture of oils is prepared, which necessarily contains lavender, which can be combined with lemon balm, cloves, tea tree, and eucalyptus. Add 4 drops of a mixture of oils per liter of water.

Security measures

Remember that such substances can only be used diluted with water. Use in its pure form may cause allergies and side effects. Do not apply to animal fur or skin as this may cause serious health problems. Before use, you need to be sure that people and animals living in the apartment do not have an allergic reaction to this substance. It is not recommended to use these traditional methods when pregnant women and small children live in the apartment.

If after treatment symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, cough, etc. are noticed, you need to urgently ventilate the room and carry out wet cleaning; do not use this method again.

Advantages and disadvantages

If we talk about the advantages, they are obvious. The use of such products allows you to get rid of blood suckers without using dangerous chemical pesticides. You can enjoy a pleasant aroma that has a beneficial effect on the body. Quite simple and easy to use. As I show reviews from those who have already used these methods, positive results can be noted.

Regarding the disadvantages, this is first of all that the oils do not have a destructive effect, but only a repellent one. It is also worth considering possible allergic reactions; you should always remember that, despite a natural and harmless remedy, it can cause harm. Do not overdo it with dosages, as this does not increase effectiveness, but only harms it. Also remember the harm to cats and dogs.

Kitchen salt

Salt crystals act quickly: they damage the integument of the parasites, after which they die. When used, the salt spreads evenly onto walkways and carpets throughout the home.

Salt is often used with baking soda in an amount of 200 per 200 grams. The substance acts in a similar way: it comes into contact with blood-sucking pests, damaging their outer coverings, after which the parasites die

Experts recommend waiting a few hours and then carefully vacuuming up the mixture. It is better to use the procedure several times to reduce the number of blood-sucking pests in the house.

Baking soda and salt are two ingredients that are found in every kitchen. They can become useful even if attacked by earth fleas. How to get rid of these pests with their help? Yes, very simple. You need to take both ingredients and mix them in equal quantities. The resulting mixture can be sprinkled on carpets, toys, and bedspreads.

Many even recommend rubbing baking soda and salt for a better effect. This product kills fleas quickly. The very next day you can vacuum the treated surfaces. There will be no trace left of salt and soda. Actually, the same thing will happen with insects. After a few days, you can vacuum the room again. After all, some fleas could still remain. But even if they didn’t die then, the drug will still kill them.

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