Can essential oils be used to treat fleas and ticks on cats and dogs?

Essential oils can be an excellent natural alternative for treating a wide range of health problems without the need to resort to expensive and potentially harmful pharmaceuticals. It would be reasonable, then, to assume that the benefits of essential oils could work just as well for our pets.

It is important to remember that your pet is not a person, even if it is part of your family. The answer to the question “are essential oils safe for cats?” not simple. Cats, especially their livers, absorb and filter nutrients differently than humans, and this makes some essential oils harmful to cats.

There are several ways to use essential oils for cats, including as a natural flea treatment, a soothing agent, or as a way to naturally repel cats from certain areas in your home.

Features of oils for cats

Aromatherapy for cats may seem strange at first, but diffusing essential oils around cats is one of the safest ways to use essential oils. Diffusing essential oils around cats does not cause harmful health effects, but essential oils can be harmful if directly contacted or ingested by your pet.

Cats are just as susceptible to aromatic influences as humans. Owners looking for calming essential oils for cats should consider essential oils that have traditionally been considered calming or relaxing for humans. Diffusing strong-smelling essential oils, especially lime essential oil and lemongrass essential oil, can help repel cats from certain areas. In general, cats are more sensitive to odors than humans and do not like citrus smells.

If you are allergic to cats, there are essential oils for pet allergies that can help relieve sinus congestion. Peppermint, lavender, and tea tree essential oils help decongest the area when diffused. Chamomile essential oil or frankincense essential oil may also help relieve allergy symptoms.

Benefits of use

Most chemical insecticides have a very unpleasant odor, and a whole bunch of warnings: they are poisonous, and cause allergies, and avoid contact with skin, and this and that. Lavender oil is a completely different matter. It aromatizes the room and has one health benefit: it calms the nerves, kills germs, and takes care of the skin.

From a financial point of view, there are also advantages. One bottle of high-quality oil lasts a long time, the price is quite affordable. People with modest incomes can afford such a purchase. Without extra costs, you can treat the room for preventive purposes, just in case. To prepare the solution, you don’t need gloves or a mask – and this is also a saving.

Is Lavender safe for cats?

Do cats love lavender essential oil? “It seems that most cats love smells as much as we do.” Unfortunately, combining lavender and cats is not safe and is not recommended. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) considers lavender itself to be toxic to cats. This means that lavender essential oil is toxic.

Using lavender oil for fleas on cats can cause serious, life-threatening side effects if your cat has allergies. Be sure to consult with your veterinarian before using any lavender essential oil products on your feline friend.

How to use

One thing to remember when using herbal remedies is that they last as long as the scent lasts. After the smell disappears, the treatment of the room must be repeated.

Aroma oils for controlling insects in an apartment Instructions for using essential substances and their mixtures are quite simple:

  • a few drops are applied to the aroma lamp or candle in the absence of a lamp;
  • the substance or mixture is added to water and the floor is washed or sprayed with this suspension;
  • To protect the body from fleas, a special composition is made and the body is sprayed with it, like perfume.

“Pure” ethereal compounds are too expensive to be used frequently to protect homes from parasites. They are usually used in the form of a suspension, mixed with some water.

On a note!

Essential volatile oils, like ordinary ones, do not mix with water, so the container with the mixture must be constantly shaken, achieving a state of homogeneity - many fat globules evenly distributed throughout the entire volume of water. For this reason, it is much more rational not to wash the floor, but to spray it with a spray bottle.

To repel fleas from humans, it is convenient to use a bottle of eau de toilette with a sprayer.

Rosemary oil for cats

While it is often considered a calming essential oil, pet owners may wonder, “Is rosemary toxic to cats?” According to the ASPCA, Rosmarinus officinalis is completely safe for your pets.

In a 2016 study, rosemary essential oil (along with thyme essential oil and oregano essential oil) was used in a natural shampoo to treat fungal infections in cats, especially in the ears. Overall, essential oil shampoo for cats was well tolerated and did not cause any side effects.

Note. Using essential oils on pets can be dangerous, as many essential oils can be harmful to animals. Extra care should be taken when treating or working with cats and essential oils.

Safety regulations regarding essential oils for animals vary greatly depending on the animal. Do your research on the specific product and always consult your veterinarian before combining essential oils with pets.

Cats and tea tree oil

Is tea tree oil safe for cats? The answer here is unclear, as the relationship between tea tree oil and cats is “complicated.” In high concentrations, tea tree essential oil is very dangerous for felines and can cause seizures and life-threatening complications, especially if ingested by a cat.

However, low concentrations of tea tree essential oil (less than 1% of the product) may not pose a risk to your pet. Just because a product contains tea tree oil doesn't mean it's toxic to your cat, but you need to make sure it's not too concentrated, otherwise it's safer to stay away.

Is mint safe for cats?

Pet owners looking for natural products may be wondering, is peppermint essential oil safe for cats? Once again, the answer to the question is complex. Peppermint essential oil has been used in the past by veterinarians as a disinfectant, but it contains high levels of phenol.

Phenol is a caustic organic compound found in peppermint essential oil. Phenol is considered very toxic to cats. Never use peppermint oil for fleas on cats. Peppermint in its plant form is considered non-toxic to cats and is reported to have an aroma similar to that of catnip.

Is marjoram essential oil safe for cats?

With natural antibacterial properties, marjoram essential oil may be useful for treating ear mites in cats. In a 2016 study, researchers used marjoram essential oil as a natural remedy for Otodectes cynotis, a common cat parasite that can cause ear infections.

Marjoram essential oil was applied to the ears for a 30-day period. Results show that marjoram essential oil reduced the number of ear mite eggs by 99% by 30 days. Although the results are promising, always consult your veterinarian before applying any essential oil to your cat.

Cedar essential oil and its effect on cats

One of the notable properties of cedarwood essential oil is its natural insecticidal property. Cedarwood essential oil has been found to repel ticks and fleas, which can be beneficial for both cats and cat owners.

Cedar oil from the Eastern red cedar (Juniperus virginiana) is safe for cats when properly diluted. However, cedar oil from white cedar (Melia azedarach) is toxic. Check the label carefully before using cedarwood oil for fleas.


Sometimes the smell of lavender causes allergies. This happens in humans and animals. To eliminate it, it is often enough to reduce the oil concentration in the treatment solution. If this does not help, you will have to stop using it. It should be used with caution if there are children under one year of age in the house.

Good to know! Essential oils: how to save yourself from insects and arachnids!

Lavender oil only scares insects, but does not kill them. Therefore, complete removal will require time and repeated treatment. And the protection only works as long as the aroma of lavender is present in the air. If it happens that your household tends to receive such guests, use lavender oil regularly for preventive purposes. It is not difficult. Add a drop of lavender oil when washing the floor and fleas will not go away.

Essential oils for fleas on cats

Essential oils have been used as a natural alternative to remove fleas from pets instead of traditional chemical flea collars. There are several essential oils for fleas on the market today. Safe natural remedies for fleas on cats include marjoram and red cedar essential oils.

Flea collars with low concentrations of these essential oils can be effective in killing fleas. Before using essential oils for fleas on cats, be sure to consult with your veterinarian. essential oils for cats, aromatherapy for cats, tea tree oil for fleas

Cats are the most common pets. They not only create comfort in the home, but also have a beneficial effect on humans.

Everyone knows the effect of lowering blood pressure when stroking these animals. It has been noticed that cats lie down on a person’s sore spot, warming him with their warmth and energetically influencing the source of the disease. Cats get sick too, and it’s the owner’s job to help them recover.

Since essential oils are not poisonous at all, they can also be used as alternative hygiene products for cat care.

Rules for using essential oils for cats


Cats' sense of smell is much stronger than that of humans, so the exact dosage must be observed; as a rule, it is less than for an adult.


Choose only 100% natural essential oils; the article .


When using essential oil for the first time, observe your cat and if you notice any strange behavior or reaction, stop using the oil.

Specialist consultation

If you are concerned about using essential oils on your pet yourself, consult your veterinarian.

Treatment of cat diseases with essential oils

Abscesses in cats

Abscesses often occur in cats, mainly affecting the tail. Abscesses last a long time and are difficult to treat. The use of essential oils is not only effective, but also easy to use.

For treatment, drop the following mixture onto the abscess area:

  • 1 drop of chamomile;
  • 1 drop of tea tree;
  • 1 drop of lavender.

The cat will lick these oils, which will enter the bloodstream through the gastrointestinal tract and have a healing effect. Repeat this procedure once a day until the abscess opens.

Place a gauze swab moistened with lavender solution on the opened abscess:

  • 2 drops of lavender;
  • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil.

Repeat the procedure once a day until recovery.

Colds in cats

Cats are susceptible to colds that are accompanied by coughing. In most cases, colds in cats can be treated in the same way as in humans.

  • 4 drops of eucalyptus;
  • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil.

Mix thoroughly and rub the animal's back and chest once a day.

Ear ulcers in cats

The next problem is ear ulcers, which without treatment turn into weeping eczema, which is difficult to respond to traditional methods of treatment. Ulcers are the result of “washing” cats; they begin with scratches, then a secondary infection occurs, and a focus of chronic inflammation occurs.

In order to prevent the occurrence of ulcers, the ears should be wiped with the following solution, capturing the tissue around the ears:

  • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil;
  • 1 drop of lavender;
  • 1 drop of chamomile.

Mix everything thoroughly. Process once every 2-3 days. The oil is instilled into the ear and the skin is treated daily until recovery.

Scabies in cats

Scabies is not only painful for animals, but also dangerous for humans. To prevent scabies, it is necessary to keep the animal in good hygienic conditions and keep the bedding clean. In case of illness, it is necessary to wash the cat by adding a mixture of oils to a bowl of water:

  • 1 drop of lavender;
  • 1 drop of chamomile;
  • 1 drop of tea tree.

Moisten the entire skin of the animal with this solution.

Arthritis (inflammation of the joints) in cats

With gentle massaging movements, rub the following mixture twice a day into the area of ​​the affected joint, from bottom to top of the paw:

  • rosemary - 4 drops;
  • lavender - 2 drops;
  • juniper - 3 drops.

dissolve in two tablespoons of vegetable oil - daily dose.

Don't worry if your cat licks off the oil after a while. The oil will have a greater effect over the joint, penetrating into the skin. We recommend placing a cabbage leaf on the joint and changing the bandage 4-6 times a day.

Intestinal blockage from hair in cats

When a cat licks, it clogs its intestines with hair, which in the gastrointestinal tract forms hair balls, which can lead to intestinal obstruction. To make it easier to remove the balls, it is recommended to constantly add a small amount of olive oil .

Skin diseases

If your animal’s hair begins to fall out and skin problems arise, then, along with general restorative treatment, you should apply the following solution of oils to the sore skin:

  • 5 drops of lavender;
  • 5 drops of chamomile;
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil;
  • 1 dessert spoon of jojoba oil.

Dissolve essential oils in vegetable oils.

Treating wounds and cuts in cats

Pets are very receptive to natural scents that help heal wounds. Oils will help clean the wound, stop bleeding, and act as antibiotics and antiseptics. It is very important to remove all dirt from the wound.

Treatment of wounds in cats

If your cat has itchy eczema, wounds or ulcers, you should rub the following essential oil mixture onto the sore areas. This mixture will bring healing and relief. In addition, the animal will become less susceptible to insect bites.

to 50 ml of vegetable oil :

5 drops of lavender; 5 drops of tea tree.

Rub this mixture onto the affected areas three times a day until the wounds are completely healed.

Treating scratch marks on cats
  • 4 drops of lavender;
  • dissolve in a teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Treat areas of scratching and irritation on the skin.

Treatment of cuts in cats
  • 6-8 drops of lavender or thyme;
  • 200 ml of warm boiled water.

First, you need to treat the cut with hydrogen peroxide, and then treat the area of ​​the cut or scratch with an aqueous solution of thyme or lavender.

Bandage on the wound
  • lavender - 1 drop;
  • tea tree - 1 drop;
  • lemon - 1 drop.

Dissolve essential oils in 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil . Moisten the bandage and apply to the wound.

If the cat's wound festers

First, thoroughly wash the wound with a solution of lavender oil:

  • 4 drops of lavender;
  • 150 ml warm boiled water.

Then apply an ironed cabbage leaf to the wound, do not forget to change it 4-6 times a day. Afterwards, wash the wound with the same aqueous solution of lavender and apply a bandage with oils to the wound:

  • 2 drops of tea tree;
  • 1 drop of thyme;
  • 1 drop of rosemary.

Dissolve the oils in 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil , moisten the bandage and apply to the wound.

Essential oils for fleas and ticks in cats

Essential oils repel fleas, ticks and other small parasites. Fleas and ticks can be a big problem for your cat. Aromatic oils will not only rid the animal of fleas, but will also keep the cat's fur in good condition.

Flea and tick comb mixture
  • lavender - 1 drop;
  • thyme - 1 drop;
  • eucalyptus - 2 drops;
  • dissolve in one teaspoon of vodka.

Moisten a cotton swab with the mixture, put it on the entire width of the comb and comb the wool well. It is enough to do it once a week for dogs, and for cats before a summer trip to the country.

Removing ticks from cats using essential oils

Ticks can be easily removed using tea tree oil, lavender or thyme . Apply a drop of undiluted oil to the tick and use a counterclockwise circular motion to remove it.

Shampoo for cats against parasites
  • 200 ml shampoo;
  • 20 drops of a mixture of tea tree, lavender, cypress, thyme oils.

Insects are also repelled by the smell of camphor oil , wormwood oil, vetiver, tansy, and sage . A recognized flea repellent is pennyroyal .

Flea collar for cats

To combat fleas, we recommend making your animal an anti-flea collar soaked in essential oils. All commercially available flea collars are saturated with chemicals that are extremely toxic. While such collars are not very dangerous for dogs, they are extremely harmful for cats. Cats lick the fur under the collar, and poisoning can occur.

Making collars for your animal won't take much time, but it will eliminate a lot of problems. Soak flannel folded in several layers, the length corresponding to the animal’s neck, generously with a solution of the following oils:

  • 1 drop of lavender;
  • 1 drop of thyme;
  • 1 drop of eucalyptus;
  • 1/2 teaspoon of vodka;
  • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil;
  • 4 cloves of garlic.

Dissolve the oils in vodka, then in vegetable oil, infused for one week with 4 cloves of crushed garlic.

Dry the collar without wringing it out and put it on the animal’s neck. A flea collar will not only protect your pet from fleas for a month, but will also rid your home of these unwanted visitors. After 3 weeks, replace the collar.

Air aromatization

If there is a persistent smell of animals in your apartment, then you should scent the room with an aroma lamp with the following mixture of oils:

  • 2 drops of geranium;
  • 2 drops of lavender;
  • 2 drops rosemary.

cat litter

The cat litter should be washed with aromatic water:

  • 2 tablespoons of food vinegar;
  • 3 drops of lavender;
  • 2 drops rosemary.

Cat marks

With the help of essential oils, you can solve a small, but not very pleasant problem that arises in the house, if the cat’s character has deteriorated, or the animal is simply not well brought up, that is, it ignores its toilet.

Prepare an aromatic solution:

  • water - 50 ml;
  • detergent - 20 ml;
  • 2 tablespoons vinegar;
  • 5 drops of lavender.

Shake and wipe down areas of the floor that are unlucky. The animal will return to relieve its needs in the right place. The same solution, but diluted in 100 ml of water, can be used for cat litter hygiene, and there will be no trace of cat odor in your home.

If your pets are not very clean and poop indoors, wash the area thoroughly and then apply a few drops of lavender essential oil. Repeat this procedure daily until you achieve the desired result.

Literature: 1. Allison England. "Aromatherapy for mother and child." 2. Anastasia Artyomova. “Aromas and oils are healing and rejuvenating.” 3. Vladislav S. Brud, Ivona Konopatskaya. “Scented pharmacy. Secrets of aromatherapy." 4. Denis Vicello Brown. "Aromatherapy". 5. Lavrenova Galina. “Inhaling a wonderful aroma. Aromatherapy is a pleasant and easy way to heal.” 6. Leonova N.S. "Aromatherapy for Beginners." 7. Libus O.K., Ivanova E.P. "Healing Oils" 8. Tatyana Litvinova. "Aromatherapy: A Professional Guide to the World of Smells." 9. Novoselova Tatyana. "Aromatherapy". 10. Dmitrievskaya L. “Deceiving age. Rejuvenation practices." 11. Kedrova Maria. “Fragrances of beauty and health. Secrets of Cleopatra. 12. Nikolaevsky V.V. “Aromatherapy. Directory". 13. Semenova Anastasia. "Treatment with oils." 14. Edited by Zakharenkov V.I. "Encyclopedia of Fragrances". 15. Carol McGilvery and Jimmy Reed. "Basics of aromatherapy." 16. Wolfgang Stix, Ulla Weigerstorfer. "In the Kingdom of Smells" 17. Mirgorodskaya S.A., “Aromalogy: Quantum Satis.”

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Tagged with: aromalogy, pets, essential oils

Essential oils for cat urine odor

Although the foul odor of cat urine can be strong, essential oils are highly concentrated and can help neutralize or mask the odor. To get rid of odor naturally, mix 5 drops of lavender or orange essential oil with 1 cup of white vinegar in a spray bottle. Spray or soak the stained area to remove the odor.

Mix lavender oil with baking soda and apply it to the urine stain to remove the stain and odor. Make sure you keep your cat away from any areas or clothing that you treat with these essential oils, especially lavender, as they can be very toxic to your pet.

Apple vinegar

Another grocery store product that fleas don't particularly like is apple cider vinegar. While apple cider vinegar is not effective at killing bugs, it can cause fleas to jump out of your cat's body so you can better treat the problem, making it a great first attack in your personal war against fleas.

Try mixing apple cider vinegar with water in a 2:1 ratio and spraying it onto your cat's fur.

Fleas can be a very stubborn bunch, so you may have to go through several home treatments of applying vinegar to your cat's fur to get rid of fleas completely.

You'll also want to vacuum all floors and upholstery (and throw away the vacuum cleaner bag immediately), wash all bedding in hot water, and consider removing pet food bowls, bird feeders, trash cans, and any other food sources from your yard. to avoid attracting wild animals that could reinfect your pet.

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