Which flea collars are best for kittens and at what age can they be worn?

How do flea and tick collars work?

The accessory, which protects against flea and tick attacks, looks like a regular collar, but its surface is covered with a thin layer of polyvinyl chloride, which contains microcapsules with insecticides and repellents.
Insecticides are chemicals that interrupt the life processes of insects. Manufacturers use carbonate pesticides, peritroids, and organophosphates. Once in the insect's body, they block the passage of nerve impulses, which causes paralysis and death. In mammals, the nervous system has a different structure, and drugs do not disrupt its functioning. Some models contain S-methoprene, which disrupts the formation of the chitinous shell, and the parasites die at the development stage (eggs, larvae). Insecticides from the surface of the collar get onto the fur and skin of animals over the entire surface of the body.

Repellents are substances obtained from essential oils and plant extracts; their smell repels parasitic insects.

The combination of insecticides and repellents provides reliable protection - most parasites do not even try to attack the cat. And those who were too hungry quickly died.

How to use?

Before putting the collar on the cat, you need to stretch it a little so that the microcapsules burst. A white coating will appear on the surface.

Insecticides and repellents are toxic chemicals, but their concentrations are low and they are not dangerous to a healthy adult cat when worn correctly. But you should not allow the cat to chew, lick the collar, or wear it if there are open wounds on the body.

The straps are made from moisture-resistant materials; the active ingredients do not react chemically with water. When exposed to rain, they do not lose their protective properties.

Animals may have individual intolerance to certain protective components. If the cat is restless, itchy, the skin under the strap is red, or hair is falling out, remove it. Consult your veterinarian and use a cat safety collar with a different active ingredient.

How to choose a flea and tick collar?

The length of the strap should correspond to the volume of the animal's neck. Most manufacturers produce them 30-40 cm long with clamps. But there are also longer or shorter models (for kittens, large cats, etc.). You cannot buy a product for small breed dogs for a cat.

Some protective accessories have a strong, unpleasant odor that is more effective at repelling insects. But this has not been proven. An unscented flea collar for cats will also provide reliable protection.

Manufacturers produce accessories in different colors, with decorative embossing on the outside, with rhinestones, with reflectors, etc. Color and decorative elements do not affect the protective properties.

Check how long the accessory lasts. There are models whose active ingredients work for 1-3 months, others provide protection for up to 8 months. Most products begin to work within 3-8 hours after wearing.

In our online store you can choose a collar against fleas, ticks, lice and other insects:


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BEAPHAR – Beafar collar for cats against fleas and ticks, green 35 cm (1 piece)

1 PC

531 ₽

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BEAPHAR anti-flea and tick collar for cats, red 35 cm (1 piece)

1 PC

531 ₽

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BOLFO – Bolfo collar for small dogs and cats against ticks, fleas, lice and lice, length 38 cm BAYER (1 piece)

1 PC

522 ₽

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FORESTO – Foresto collar for cats against ticks, fleas and lice 38 cm BAYER (1 piece)

1 PC

1 729 ₽

1 564 ₽

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BARS – collar for cats against ticks, fleas, lice and lice, length 35 cm AVZ (1 piece)

1 PC

203 ₽

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ROLF CLUB 3D collar for cats against ticks and fleas length 40 cm (1 piece)

1 PC

384 ₽

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Cats and dogs

The Bolfo flea and tick collar is not the first collar we bought for our dogs, including our dachshund. A very good collar, long, does not rub, does not smell (there are those that have an incomprehensible aroma at first and dogs sneeze, we had one like that), colorless (there are those that are covered with a white coating, which also sometimes makes them sneeze), also serves for a long time. But nothing is perfect; sometimes a dog still brings fleas and ticks from a walk. And for us this is a whole tragedy, because there is also a cat living in the house. If strangers enter its territory, everyone, cats and dogs, itches. In addition, ticks are an infection. Having such a collar, I would still advise purchasing some kind of spray that needs to be used to treat the dog, especially in the summer, before a walk.



The collar protects against fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, lice and other living creatures. Made from oils, which is safe for animals. But the smell of the collar is thermonuclear. I observed the effect of the collar at the dacha. Flies and mosquitoes flew around the dog, but did not land. No fleas yet. The dog loves to run in inaccessible overgrown places. Last summer there were fleas. When using the Bars collar. There have been no ticks yet either. I try to change the collar every month or so. Just in case. Fine. I recommend it.



We bought a Rolf Club Premium collar for our dog. It holds perfectly, will not unfasten on its own under any circumstances, does not rub or press, or scratch the animal’s neck. It's easy to use and doesn't smell at all - that's a big plus. I once bought an inexpensive collar for a cat, but it stank so much that my pet went into hysterics. I had to throw it away. And since then she generally does not recognize anything that is put on her neck. But the dog doesn’t care - she has long been accustomed to collars and leashes, the foreign smell does not irritate her, because there is simply none. Expensive, but convenient and good protection is provided. Although the little dog roams around in all sorts of “dangerous” places, actively communicates with other dogs, scurries around in the grass and bushes, she has neither fleas nor ticks and, I hope, never will.



The “COMFORT” bio-collar against fleas and ticks for cats is ineffective. We bought this collar for our Murzik because the BIO prefix made us think about the safety of this product. But it looks like the collar is safe for the fleas themselves. Of course, their number has become a little smaller. But it did not save our pet from this misfortune. It all ended with Murzik simply losing him somewhere after a couple of weeks.



Doctor Zoo Biocollar. On the very first day of wearing this “miracle” collar, my dog ​​turned inside out several times. Then we thought it was because of the diet, but the next day the situation repeated itself. My pet has become lethargic and inactive. It seemed to me that she was dying. It was only when I took her to the vet that they explained to me that this collar was not as good as I thought. They bought another collar for the dog, but only put it on it two weeks later. Now my pet is full of strength! Don't be lazy and ALWAYS check what you buy for your animals.



For many years I have been purchasing flea, flea and tick collars from Hartz for my Yorkies for puppies and adult dogs. Their main advantage for my pets was the absence of a pungent odor, as well as long-term protection against fleas, flea eggs and ticks. They begin to act immediately after putting them on and reach maximum protection after a few days; after removing the collar from the package, you shake it, powder appears, and this is the active substance. We put it on in early spring and don’t take it off until late autumn. Taking into account that dogs are “sofa-loving” dogs and often sleep in their owners’ beds, the absence of a pungent chemical odor is not unimportant. As a rule, the collar lasts throughout the warm period; in especially humid years I add drops of the same company to the withers. Collars do not need to be removed during bathing. The price seems a little expensive, but if you count how many collars you purchased during the warm season and at what price, then the material benefit, as they say, is obvious. I am writing for owners of dogs suffering from allergies and who are in doubt about which brand of collars to buy. Tested on myself, as they say, and I recommend it to you.




Insect collars have several advantages over other methods of protection:

  • ease of use - putting the strap around the neck is much easier than giving a bath to a cat who doesn’t like water with flea shampoo;
  • comprehensive protection - the animal is not afraid of not only fleas, but also ticks, lice eaters, and other parasitic insects;
  • validity period - after using the shampoo, fleas can settle and begin to reproduce within a few days, and the strap with microcapsules is valid for several months;
  • There are models for kittens and pregnant cats;
  • the ability to use if necessary - wear it before traveling to the country, but do not wear it in a city apartment when frost sets in;
  • a cat in a collar will not be touched by utility workers catching stray animals.


Hartz flea collar for kittens
Anti-flea accessories from an American manufacturer occupy a leading position in the list of antiparasitic products. They have a long-lasting effect (7 months). The devices are also distinguished by good moisture resistance, a pleasant fresh smell and a safe lock that allows you to quickly remove the collar if necessary. Accessories can be used by little pets over three months of age. The price range varies depending on the region within 200-300 rubles.


The Hartz collar is a very effective flea control product for cats. We started using it when the kitten was 3 months old. Now our favorite is very big, but he continues to wear Hartz to this day. We change the strap periodically, so we don’t have any problems with parasites.

Alina, Vitebsk

Disadvantages and precautions

The main disadvantage of a collar is that it can cause injury or suffocation if the animal gets caught. You need to wear the accessory correctly - not too tight or loose. A finger should fit between the neck and the strap.

If the animal gets caught in the rain, the accessory will not lose its protective properties, but its validity period will be reduced.

Some models have a strong, unpleasant odor, but odorless models are sold that provide good protection.

Uncertified products from unknown manufacturers are dangerous. They do not always correctly calculate the dosage of insecticides and repellents, which can lead to poisoning.

Before purchasing, check with your veterinarian which collar is best for your cat, taking into account his age, weight, lifestyle, and health status.

Which flea collar is best for cats?

We cannot recommend the best flea collar for cats to everyone. A model that well protects a large adult cat may cause a deterioration in the kitten’s health, or allergic reactions in some animals. But after studying the reviews of veterinarians and cat owners, we can name several of the best flea collars.

"FORESTO" - contains imidacloprid and flumethrin, which provide effective protection against fleas, ticks, mosquito repellents, mosquitoes. Recommended for kittens over 10 weeks. The accessory is resistant to moisture and odorless. Validity period – up to 8 months.

"Bars" - Russian uses the active substance - fipronil. The protection lasts 3-4 months. Can be used for adult animals and kittens over 9 weeks.

Beaphar produces homeopathic medicines for animals, which are purchased in Europe. Protection is provided by a natural substance - margosa extract, it is gentler, less toxic, can be used for kittens over 6 weeks old, and for pregnant cats. The products do not have an unpleasant odor.

"Bolfo" - a German manufacturer produces several models for animals of different weights and ages. Validity period: 3-4 months. There is no unpleasant odor, allergic reactions occur very rarely.

"Clandestine" - inexpensive and reliable products with the active ingredient - permitrin and pine fragrances.


There are several types of tick collars for cats:

  • Chemical - such accessories are impregnated with toxic insecticides. Toxic substances spread through the skin and fur of the animal, protecting it as effectively as possible from the invasion of uninvited guests. They work quite well and over a relatively long period of time. However, it is not recommended to use them for kittens, as well as for pregnant and lactating cats.
  • Based on natural ingredients – the filling here is made up of extracts from various plants. Such accessories can already be used to protect children and weakened pets, since the filling in them is exclusively natural. Their service life is significantly shorter than that of chemical ones, but this is compensated by their safety.
  • Ultrasonic - are in the highest price category, and therefore have little distribution. Such devices have earned very controversial reviews: some are distrustful of such inventions and consider such an acquisition a waste of money, but at the same time, ultrasonic collars also have defenders who are quite satisfied with the results of their use.

Important! Manufacturers of chemical-based collars claim that their products are safe for animals. However, no matter what, the higher the concentration of chemical components, the greater the likelihood of developing an allergic reaction, even in a completely healthy cat!

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