Cockroach mesh for ventilation. Find out how to protect your apartment from insect infestation

Ventilation mesh The ventilation mesh against cockroaches is constructed independently. Installed on top of the ventilation grille. Small cells protect the premises from the penetration of insects into the house, apartment, and protect against infection. The method is effective if other ways for the Prussians to enter the premises are eliminated.


Cockroaches are guaranteed to appear if conditions favorable for them are created in the house, even if not consciously. These insects are synanthropes by nature, that is, organisms that vitally need interaction with people. It’s very easy to protect yourself from them – just follow basic hygiene rules:

  • place leftover food in hermetically sealed containers, bags and put it in the refrigerator or other hard-to-reach place, unless we are talking about perishable foods;
  • do not leave dirty dishes for a long time - in dry weather, cockroaches can hide in the pipes, and plates with leftover food in the sink will attract them with the smell;
  • wipe the surfaces of sinks and washbasins to remove moisture;
  • When wet cleaning, add a few drops of ammonia to the water - this will repel parasites.

Do not neglect wet cleaning in your apartment or house. It is done 1-2 times a week with plain water or a simple detergent. It is worth carrying out the procedure using disinfectants monthly.

And remember: clean is not where they clean, but where they don’t litter. By eliminating the habit of leaving litter behind, you can minimize the risk of infection. And if it does happen, the parasite will not be able to survive for long in a room where cleanliness is constantly maintained.

Unfortunately, these precautions will not help 100%. You cannot guarantee that your neighbor’s home is not infested, and cockroaches can easily get everywhere and find something to feed on even in a perfectly clean apartment. For example, in the absence of other food, they crawl under the wallpaper and eat glue.

Sometimes the number of synanthropes is so large that it is simply impossible to cope on your own. In such cases, you should not waste time - you need to contact a professional exterminator.

If you are confident in the cleanliness of your apartment, take care that the pest does not enter from the outside.

Favorite habitats of insects

Insects hide in places where there is access to water and food, warmth and safety. They do not like temperatures below 15°C, so they are usually not found in cold houses and apartments. Pests are attracted to the presence of crumbs, sweet and greasy stains, and food debris. A dirty stove, an uncleaned table, or an open trash bin create favorable conditions for insects to live.

A dirty stove creates favorable conditions for cockroaches to live in.

However, the most basic condition for the prosperous existence of pests is free access to water. A cockroach can go a long time without food, but water is vital for it. First of all, it absorbs wet food, and if it is not available, it switches to dry food, while the cockroach is able to digest even cellulose. Cockroaches most often live in the bathroom and kitchen. The appearance of insects in other rooms indicates a significant expansion of their colony.

Favorite places for pests to settle are:

The back wall of the refrigerator is one of the favorite places for cockroaches.

  • Cabinet under the kitchen sink. The presence of a water source and a trash can makes this place very attractive to cockroaches.
  • Rear wall of the refrigerator. It’s warm there and there’s a reservoir of water, and the refrigerator is rarely moved away for cleaning.
  • The space under the bathroom, especially if the bathroom borders the kitchen.
  • Grocery cabinets and shelves, as well as dish drainers. You can detect the presence of pests by looking at excrement on doors and in corners.
  • Central heating radiators. Especially if the owners have a bad habit of making them into storage for newspapers and magazines.
  • The space between kitchen cabinets, stove and sink. Food crumbs often end up there and are rarely cleaned up.

Insects are surprisingly unpretentious and omnivorous. They can live for a very long time, eating only paper, old newspapers, wallpaper and glue for them. Therefore, insects can be found on mezzanines and in storerooms where there are piles of paper and trash.

Ventilation grilles

Ventilation ducts are the main route of movement for cockroaches. You cannot completely close them, as this is dangerous and the gas service workers will definitely pay attention to this. The markets offer special nets, which, unfortunately, are of little use in practice. Female cockroaches, when faced with an obstacle, lay eggs from the opposite side. And newly hatched individuals are so small that they easily pass through the holes in the mesh.

It is not difficult to block the ventilation yourself by stretching a mosquito net over a plywood frame constructed to fit the opening. You can do without it by following the following algorithm:

1. Measure the length and width of the ventilation hole.

2. Draw the boundaries of the required segment on a piece of mesh.

3. Cut it out using scissors.

4. Spray disinfectant in the ventilation shaft.

5. Attach the mesh to the hole.

For spraying, you can use any drug that is effective against cockroaches. For example, the following products are suitable: “Clean House”, “Globol”, “Phenaxin”, “Arsenal”.

But ventilation is far from the only way parasites enter human housing. Protection against pests must be comprehensive; this is the only way to achieve the desired effect. Pay attention to any vulnerable spots in your home to prevent a red cockroach infestation.

Using check valves

The device is a housing that is similar in shape and size to the ventilation hole. It is installed instead of the old grille.

Check valve design

a fan is provided. This device helps speed up the process of updating air flows.

Moreover, the likelihood of the return of exhaust air along with unpleasant odors is reduced to zero.

Check valve for ventilation

Mosquito net

This device protects your home not only from mosquitoes, midges and other midges. Residents of apartment buildings, and especially the lower floors, have probably noticed that cockroaches can enter the premises through the windows.

In the heat of summer, when parasites multiply quickly, even apartments on the upper floors can be infected. Most often, cockroaches choose the kitchen – it’s warm and smells of food.

An ordinary mosquito net can do a good job in preventing synanthropes.

You need to know the enemy “by sight”: we study the habits of uninvited guests

To remove cockroaches forever, you also need to know the habits of these pests. For example, they are afraid of light, so they are mostly “awake” in the dark. But they most often leave the clutches of their eggs under the baseboards (where it is dark, dry, and warm). And even if all the insects were destroyed, cockroaches may appear in the house again after 1 - 2 weeks. So it takes a long time to fight them.

Another nuance: without food, an adult cockroach can live 3–4 weeks. So keeping your kitchen tidy may not be enough. But without water they live no more than 1 day. That is, if you deprive them of any access to moisture, cockroaches will disappear within 2 to 3 days.

Sewer insulation

A sewer riser is a very convenient route of movement for cockroaches. They quickly make their way out of the basement or infected apartments along it. For insulation, use the most reliable material - cement. Other putties wear out quickly, and insects can even eat the polyurethane foam. They hide in the resulting cavities and lay eggs. Thus, they can multiply rapidly without you noticing. Sometimes this “secret” population grows so much that the pests simply begin to run out of space in their shelters, and they crawl into the apartment. In such cases, you cannot cope without the help of a specialist.

see also

  • Galvanized ventilation
  • Ventilation in the bedroom
  • Wall ventilation valves
  • Ventilation in an apartment with plastic windows and suspended ceilings
  • Fire safety requirements for ventilation and heating systems
  • HVAC Design Courses
  • Supply ventilation for an apartment with air heating
  • Facade ventilation grille
  • Checking the crankcase ventilation valve
  • Adjustable ventilation grille
  • DIY cellar ventilation in the garage

Minimalism in the interior

In construction, false panels are now often used. Such structures have holes, and this is an ideal refuge not only for rodents, but also for insects. If red pests have chosen wall cavities, it is very difficult to get rid of them. You will probably have to disassemble and possibly redo the structure. Other interior details to pay attention to:

  • skirting boards that formed gaps during fastening;
  • suspended ceilings;
  • polystyrene slabs for ceilings;
  • plastic panels for walls.

If you are doing renovations to get rid of a pest, it is not enough to simply eliminate the entire population. Preventative measures must be taken. Buy special gels and use them to treat all secluded places so that insects do not get there again. Choose only drugs with a long shelf life. Then wash the floor and all surfaces of the room with disinfectants. Wait for the time specified in the instructions and carefully remove the poison with water.

In such cases, disinfection service employees will quickly identify the source of infection and deal with it.

Block the entrance

It is very difficult to cope with parasites in an apartment building infested with them. They easily and unnoticed move from apartment to apartment, climb through door cracks or pass through doorways in the dark, as people say, “on foot.” To prevent pests from entering your home, treat the threshold with special gels. Crayons can also be used for this purpose, but they are not as durable and effective.

Such preparations are contact-intestinal, that is, the poison gets onto the insect’s paws, and then it is poisoned by it when washing.

It is useless to poison cockroaches alone if at least several apartments are infested. Cooperate with your neighbors and carry out the treatment at the same time. Use store-bought chemicals and clean stairwells regularly with water and a few drops of ammonia.

A more reliable option would be to contact a professional exterminator.

Let's briefly look at the main methods of removing cockroaches that are used today:

To remove bedbugs and cockroaches in Pushkino today, such products as “Combat”, “Raptor”, “Karbofos”, “Raid”, “Dichlorvos”, “Globol” and many others are widely used. These drugs may come in different forms, and before use you must read the instructions that come with them.


Removing bedbugs and cockroaches in Korolev using sprays is a simple procedure: it is necessary to carefully treat the places where they are most concentrated. After finishing the treatment, it is not recommended to stay in the room for some time, then the room should be thoroughly ventilated.


Powders are no less popular; in everyday life they are often called generically “dusts,” which is not entirely correct. Products such as Pyrethrum, Phenaxin, Insorbcide, Phenax, Oradelt and others are widely used.


To remove cockroaches from an apartment, they also use crayons (pencils) such as “Mashenka”, etc., which have been known for decades.


Today, gels, effective and convenient products produced in syringes or tubes, have become widely used to remove bedbugs and cockroaches in Ivanteevka. It is very convenient to apply such products; in case of a significant concentration of cockroaches, they perfectly perform the task. The gel is applied in small drops onto baseboards, along cracks, and in places where cockroaches move and gather.

All of the above products can be purchased freely in specialized stores and markets. If you were unable to destroy cockroaches, or you do not want to engage in this tedious procedure, you can contact specialized companies that are trusted to remove bedbugs and cockroaches in Fryazino. You just need to take a balanced approach to choosing an organization; you should not use the services of companies that do not have a decent reputation, since there are high risks that you will spend money but will not be able to get the desired result.

Traditional methods

There are quite a lot of folk methods of fighting cockroaches, or those based on the use of inexpensive “improvised” means. These methods include removing cockroaches with boric acid. It is distinguished by its effectiveness, accessibility, and complete harmlessness for people and pets living in the apartment.

If this type of removal of cockroaches is used in an apartment, the cost of the issue is minimal, since boric acid is sold in every pharmacy. It is enough to sprinkle the powder on the place of accumulation or movement of cockroaches, apply it to baseboards, ventilation ducts, etc.

Please note that when exterminating cockroaches using this, as well as other methods, it is necessary to exclude any access of insects to water sources!

Removing cockroaches at home will take a minimum of time and will practically not disrupt your usual way of life if you entrust the fight against insects to specialists!

How to act independently

The easiest and fastest way is to use store-bought products. These can be disposable traps, all kinds of gels or sprays. Before use, carefully read the instructions and place the product out of the reach of children and pets:

  • under the washbasin;
  • behind the toilet;
  • under the bath;
  • behind furniture standing against the wall;
  • for household appliances (washing machine, refrigerator, TV, etc.);
  • in ventilation.

If there is a risk of cockroach infestation in your apartment, do everything possible to prevent it. Regularly, together with your neighbors, carry out wet cleaning with the addition of vinegar and ammonia. Seal cracks in floors, walls and baseboards. Remove loose tiles or install them on cement. Check the condition of water and sewer pipes and close those that are not functioning.

A radical solution to the problem?

For those who are looking for an answer to the question of how to destroy cockroaches in an apartment forever, there is not very good news: if you live in an apartment building, such a desire is impossible.

You need to strive for it, but with a high probability there will be at least one apartment in the house in which the owners will allow cockroaches to appear, which will gradually begin to invade neighboring dwellings. You need to look for an answer to the question of how to effectively destroy cockroaches in an apartment together with your neighbors. Only in the case of simultaneous treatment of all apartments in the entrance, there is a possibility that the insects will leave you for the longest possible time. If the neighbors do not want to participate in such a comprehensive solution to the problem, you can only carry out periodic treatment of your home, and in order to maintain the achieved success for as long as possible, you need to hermetically seal all the cracks near the communications, and also install fine-mesh, or better yet, mosquito nets on the ventilation systems.

This will reduce the risk of insects entering your home, and make their destruction easier. Many, in search of an answer to the question of how to destroy cockroaches forever, decide to use aerosol insecticides.

They treat all places where insects accumulate (cracks behind baseboards, in furniture, door frames, etc.). Aerosol products such as “Raid” and “Baygon” have proven themselves to be quite good. However, if you decide how to quickly remove cockroaches using a spray, you must remember that cockroaches quickly develop immunity to such drugs and their effectiveness is significantly reduced. If all the measures you took did not give the expected result, if neither chemicals nor folk remedies worked, you can make the right decision and contact the company, whose employees know how to destroy cockroaches effectively, quickly and for the longest possible time.

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What to pay attention to during repairs

If you have started a major renovation of your apartment, spend a little time on some of the nuances, and you will not know what cockroaches are. By providing high-quality insulation, you will prevent the appearance of not only insects, but also rodents and even fungi or mold. Pay attention to:

  • interpanel joints - even the tightest seam can come apart due to temperature changes, so they should be processed. Don't forget about the ceilings;
  • sockets, chandelier mounting points, switches are not only “tunnels” for movement, but also cavities in which the pest can hide. After turning off the electricity and pre-treating problem areas with boric acid, they are sealed with foam;
  • ventilation - usually found in the kitchen and bathroom, but sometimes found in other rooms. Cover it with a mosquito net, but make sure it is removable;
  • windows and doors - seal the cracks with sealant, mosquito nets may also be necessary

By taking care of everything in advance, you will save yourself from problems later. Minimal effort during renovation can really save you from a cockroach infestation.

How to understand that you have cockroaches

Longhorned beetles are a constant problem in apartment buildings with shops or catering establishments located on the ground floor. They can live in basements or attics, not to mention neighbors’ homes.

Since this topic is extremely unpleasant, people usually do not believe that they have parasites until they see them with their own eyes. Indeed, there is no need to panic in advance, but the sooner you identify synanthropes, the easier it will be to deal with them. The following signs indicate that cockroaches have settled in the apartment:

  • surfaces on which insects moved become sticky;
  • traces of excrement (in the form of small dots) are clearly visible on wallpaper or lacquered furniture;
  • an unpleasant sweetish smell in rooms where parasites live;
  • When cleaning, eggs are found in secluded places (behind or under furniture, between the wall and baseboard, etc.).

Female cockroaches lay a capsule filled with eggs in several rows. It looks like a small dense leathery bag, the same color as the insect. This is a sure sign that there is a pest in the apartment.

Control of cockroaches in office buildings and residential premises

At large facilities, professional products are used (toxic, because they act faster and more reliably).

exterminators are often called in.

This method is also suitable at home, but it is usually used in cases of severe infection. Otherwise, the recommendations for preventing infection of different types of objects are the same. However, in large office buildings it is much more difficult to completely eliminate all entry points for cockroaches.

Cockroaches can also feel comfortable in office spaces

What to do if cockroaches come from your neighbor

No one is safe from insects in the house. Most likely, your neighbor is not to blame and he is suffering in the same way. To get rid of cockroaches, you need to poison them approximately at the same time, otherwise you will not be able to completely eliminate them - after some time after treatment, the pest will populate again.

After killing the parasites, do a thorough cleaning. Be sure to move all furniture away to clean hard-to-reach areas. Sometimes cleaning takes several days. You will need to treat each surface with a disinfectant solution. Special preparations can be bought at any store; follow the instructions for use.

Also don't forget about prevention. Block all entry points for cockroaches. Block ventilation, seal cracks, etc.

Seeking Professional Help

There is a disinfection station in almost every locality - this department must be present in the sanitary-epidemiological station. In order to request treatment of an entrance or home, you need to decide which company you will use. Employees of government organizations often do not respond to a single call. But a private service will answer any request.

Very often, apartments of disadvantaged residents, for example, people suffering from alcoholism, are a breeding ground for cockroaches, as well as other pests. In this case, it is often impossible to obtain permission to treat the lesion. You can contact your local housing and communal services authorities for help.

Barrier protection

This includes techniques that involve preventing insects from entering the room. Anything can act as a “barrier”, the main thing is that it fulfills its main function - blocking the paths of cockroaches. There are different types of such obstacles:

  • passive or mechanical protection - mosquito nets on ventilation or windows, clogged cracks, etc.;
  • active or chemical protection - special preparations, the function of which can be both repelling and exterminating insects.

It is worth noting that these methods only work truly effectively when combined. Therefore, it is recommended to first provide your home with passive protection and thereby cut off the paths of new insects, and then take more active measures. In stores today there is a huge selection of different drugs in different price categories. These are all kinds of crayons, sticky tapes, gels. Pay attention to prolonged, that is, long-acting, products. For example, insecticidal gels retain their effect for up to 10 days or more.

As an example of high-quality barrier treatment, one can cite a procedure performed by SES specialists. They spray insecticides throughout the room, but pay special attention to areas through which insects enter.

For treatment, sanitary station employees use means of hazard class 4 or 5, which cannot be used when carrying out the procedure independently. It is, of course, possible to obtain such drugs, but it is unlikely that you will be able to find special equipment used by professionals, and poisons must be sprayed under certain conditions.

Barrier protection is the best tactic in the fight against cockroaches, but it will not be advisable in all cases. Such procedures will be effective as prevention when a potential pest has not yet entered the premises, or as a consolidating stage after all parasites have been eliminated.

Remember that the products used for treatments are highly toxic and can cause irreparable harm to small children or pets. Be extremely careful when using them. Contacting the SES can guarantee safety.


Scientists have created a large number of various means to combat insects. These include traps, insecticides, repellents, as well as electromagnetic and ultrasonic repellers. Some of these drugs can be successfully used to protect a home from the invasion of insects running from neighbors.

Ultrasonic cockroach repeller

For these purposes, it is better to use poisonous baits and glue traps, as well as repellents of natural and chemical origin. The insecticide is not suitable for these purposes; most often it poisons rather than repels insects. You can order barrier protection against pests using long-acting microencapsulated insecticides.

Traditional methods of prevention

There are a lot of folk recipes for cockroaches, but their effectiveness is controversial. But we can identify truly effective ways to prevent cockroaches from infesting your apartment:

  • washing floors with vinegar or ammonia - this has already been mentioned earlier, these substances have an unpleasant odor for cockroaches, which will not allow them to hide in a safe place while treating the room with poisons;
  • bay leaves or orange peels placed in the corners of the room also serve as a deterrent;
  • Some plants (geranium, fir, lemon bush) contain essential oils, which many insects do not like. They can repel the pest.

If you find cockroaches in your home, be patient. Sometimes it takes months to completely get rid of them. The most important thing is to choose the appropriate method. You may need to seek professional help - this is often the best option. Call Biotrix!

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Chemicals for home use: effects

In Balashikha, when pests are discovered in a home, most people first try to remove cockroaches using chemicals (so-called “insecticides”). In principle, they are no less effective than boric acid. Conventionally, all such means for removing cockroaches at home can be divided into the following categories:

  1. Aerosols. They allow you to quickly remove cockroaches by repeatedly treating the room where the pests were found. Using aerosols, hard-to-reach places can be easily treated, including baseboards and cracks between furniture. Many of these drugs are toxic, so you should follow safety rules when using them. After some of them, you cannot use the premises at all for the next 5-10 hours (and this also applies to pets - they must be temporarily removed).
  2. Powders, gels, capsules. They are most often based on the same components as in aerosols, sometimes boric acid. They give a prolonged effect, but require regular replacement. Some of these products can be dangerous for pets; this nuance should be taken into account.
  3. Traps. The action is similar to the same gel against cockroaches. But traps have a significant advantage: they add special substances that literally lure pests. Therefore, they will be effective even if the cockroaches have a lot of other food sources.

In general, it is quite possible to remove cockroaches from your home using chemicals. But if there are too many insects and there is no way to prevent their re-infestation (for example, they enter the home from neighbors through cracks in the walls of panel houses), then it is unlikely that it will be possible to do without the help of specialists.

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