How to get rid of dust mites at home?
Dust mites are dangerous microscopic pests that cannot be seen or
How long do ticks live without food: how hardy are dangerous bloodsuckers during a hunger strike?
01/05/2016 Predatory mites are arachnids whose endurance and longevity are unique among arthropods. Predatory
How are rabbits born: how many baby rabbits are born for the first time?
Rabbit breeding is a fairly popular type of business. The fertility and precocity of these animals are significant
Strawberry variety Marshall - description, planting, care, reviews
Strawberry Marshall has large berries, juicy and sweet. The plant is unpretentious in planting and growing
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Dog hair - yarn and its beneficial healing properties
How to make yarn from dog or cat hair with your own hands During the cold season
Gardex (Gardex) Extreme anti-tick concentrate (area protection), 50 ml
Ticks have always been considered incredibly dangerous insects. If other pests can still be temporarily tolerated, then
About all the dangers associated with ticks...
Instruction – conversation with children and their parents “Beware of ticks!”
The simplest surveys show that often ideas about the danger of ticks and the tick-borne encephalitis they carry
What types of subcutaneous mites are there and how to get rid of them?
Types of ticks Scientists count more than fifty thousand species and types of ticks. The most common and
Doctors reminded what to do and where to go if a tick has attached itself to you
Epidemiological situation in Izhevsk According to Rospotrebnadzor, only people in Udmurtia are vaccinated against encephalitis
Photo of demodex mites under a microscope
Demodex under a microscope, photo under magnification, description and appearance
Demodicosis (Demodecosis from lat.) is a common chronic dermatosis mainly of the facial skin, caused by parasitism of a mite
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