Homyakam.Ru – pet care
TOP 6 breeds of red rabbits and how to choose a pet, rules of maintenance and care
Home Rabbits Breeds 01/11/2019 The red rabbit is found among representatives of several species. Coat color –
malarial plasmodium development
Plasmodium malaria. Morphology. Development cycles. Immunity against malaria. Chemotherapy drugs
Life cycle of development of malarial plasmodium in the organs of a mosquito When sucking the blood of a person with malaria
8 popular myths about ticks that we continue to believe - photo 1
8 popular myths about ticks that we continue to believe
The season of tick activity is in full swing, so hundreds of articles continue to circulate on the Internet telling
Ear mites in humans - description, symptoms, treatment
A tick under the skin of a person. How to remove a tick correctly to avoid complications
Ticks are insidious - most of them, at the time of the bite, release an anesthetic along with saliva,
Features of cultivation and beneficial properties of red onions
Features of cultivation and beneficial properties of red onions
Choosing a red onion variety is not a problem for experienced gardeners. But for beginners
Bed mites
Linen mite: what does an insect bite look like and how to treat it?
The bed mite belongs to a type of arthropod of the class of arachnids. These are synanthropes (not to be confused with
mite activity
The whole truth about the Biostop anti-encephalitis suit
A tick is a small insect, reaching 4.5 mm in size. It can be found everywhere on
Bed mites
Bites of bedbugs and ticks, fleas: what they look like, symptoms, treatment, how to get rid of bed bugs
How often, after a hard and boring day, a person just wants to come to his bedroom,
What to do with a greenhouse in the fall: processing, preparation for winter and the new season
Probably, on every plot of a private house or dacha there is a greenhouse or greenhouse. And to
Tick ​​harvester photo
Ticks: description, types, what they look like, features and lifestyle
The onset of spring brings not only great weather, outdoor picnics and walks,
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