Scheme of an electronic mouse and rat repeller, for DIY assembly.

Ultrasonic repelling is a safe and inexpensive method of rodent control. The devices are tuned to an oscillation frequency from 20 to 70 kHz.

The human ear does not perceive these sound waves (the limit is 16 kHz), but they are very annoying to mice. The rodents do not leave immediately, trying to adapt, but after 2-3 weeks they are still forced to leave their habitat.

Maximum results from using the device can be expected after 2 months.

What parts to use

The device can be assembled using a ne555 or ne556n timer.
Microchips P416 and KT315 will make the signal, which is responsible for repelling rodents and insects from the house, stronger. Before you begin assembly, you need to acquire the necessary parts:

  • capacitors C1, C2, C3 - one piece each;
  • resistors R1 and R2 – 2 pcs.;
  • resistors R3, R4, R5 – 1 pc.;
  • transistors KT361, GT404, GT402 – 1 pc.;
  • 5 V battery – 1 pc.;
  • dynamic head – 1 pc.

Parts can be removed from unnecessary or old electronic boards or you can look for components of the microcircuit on the market.

Variable resistors (R1 and R2) help set the output level of ultrasonic waves. Simple resistors (R3, R4, R5) reduce the voltage in the electrical networks.

Capacitors and transistors allow you to make a frequency circuit. DIY repeller You will also need the following components:

  • diode - will protect the device if it is incorrectly connected to the network;
  • piezo emitter – produces an ultrasonic signal;
  • toggle switch – turns the device on and off.

You will need to buy a soldering iron. Without it, the rat and mouse repeller circuit will remain unassembled.

Combined model

According to consumers, this device is a unique rat and mouse repeller. After all, its operating principle is based on the radiation of electromagnetic and ultrasonic waves. As a result, small pests receive a double dose of irritant; their psyche is not ready for such an attack. They leave home in a short time, and as practice shows, they never return. You can even install the device in a children's room.

The only drawback of the device is the high cost of acquisition. However, having bought such a device once, you can part with pests forever and in a short time.

Making a mouse repeller body

It is convenient to make the device based on a cylindrical metal can of coffee, animal food, etc. Repeller assembly procedure:

Advice. It is best to place the printed circuit board in a plastic bag. At the point where the wires exit, tie it with thread.

Instead of a telephone capsule, you can use a purchased piezo emitter. The principle of assembling the repeller in this case will remain unchanged. Only the ultrasonic wave generator will require additional insulation. The can will add additional distortion to the radiation, so the sound of the repeller will seem even more disgusting to rodents and moles. In fact, the metal itself will vibrate, receiving an impulse from the emitter.

Close the jar with a lid. Then bury it in the chosen location. The depth is approximately half the height so that water does not get under the repeller cover. It is far from ideal in terms of tightness.

Be prepared that you won’t be able to eliminate the pests right away. Time must pass - up to 2 months. If you plan to place the repeller indoors, make it more powerful. Walls and other obstacles will reduce effectiveness when the sound is low.

Other pets may also react negatively to the waves. In this case, adjust the frequency. Experiment with this at the stage of assembling the repeller circuit.

The problem of stray dogs in Russia

Doomed to freedom

Homeless animals in Russia are a real problem for the country, despite the fact that the root of the evil lies in the attitude of citizens towards pets. For some, it is the norm to get an animal and care for it until the dog or cat gets tired of it, and then turn the animal out onto the street.

Many breeders consider it inhumane to deliberately kill an animal, because they can be given the opportunity to live out their lives on the street. However, if your dog is acting aggressively, a dog repeller can help you safely move away from the threat without harming him.

There is no point in judging the behavior of a person in relation to his pet, since the circumstances may be different: moving to another region or country, lack of funds for maintenance, disappointment in the breed, inconsistency of expectations from purchasing a pet, allergies to wool in young children and much more.

The problem lies quite deep in every person and affects the depths of human consciousness, attitude towards responsibility, love, compassion.

Experts identify two main reasons for the regular increase in the population of stray animals:

  • intentionally abandoned;
  • lost individuals.

Once on the street, a dog or cat is forced to urgently adapt to life in harsh conditions of freedom, independently obtain food for itself, win a sleeping area, protect its offspring from attacks from other individuals, and protect its life.

Thus, the number of stray dogs and complaints of attacks are significantly reduced.

Tree protection

The main thing when deciding how to get rid of mice in the country is to prevent them from eating your plantings. The most common way to do this is to wrap the trunks of fruit trees with roofing material, several layers of cellophane or roofing felt. The lower edge should rest against the ground (or, even better, be dug into it), and the upper edge should significantly exceed the possible snow level.

A simpler and more feasible option is to wrap the trunks in nylon stockings or tights, or cut up sugar bags. You can also use plastic bottles if the trees are not too old and the volume of these containers is sufficient. If there are birch groves nearby, you can tear up old birch bark and wrap tree trunks with it; rodents don’t like it either. In any case, all “wrapping” (except for birch bark, which is still a natural material) must be removed with the arrival of spring so that the trunks do not rot or rot.

A good option would be to coat the trees with clay mixed with cow dung and creolin. The first two components are taken one to one, the last - in a very small amount (only 100 g per 8 kg of mixture).

Glass wool

It does not emit a smell, so it is convenient to use it when baiting rodents in the house. You can purchase insulation at a hardware store. It is necessary to carefully close the glass wool cracks, openings, holes in the home. You can also use it in the local area. Properties of such insulation: it is durable and strong. The passages in it cannot be chewed by rats.

Opinions differ regarding glass wool. Sometimes you can observe how rats in glass wool arrange their homes and feel great in them.

Glass wool is also added to food baits for rodents. Place “treats” near rat holes. When glass wool gets into the animal's stomach, it is wounded. The animal dies instantly from internal bleeding.

You can scatter glass wool on paths where rats move, or add it to the soil mixture.

Other options

Such devices can be based on various emitters, which also leads to the existence of numerous amateur electronic circuits. One of these schemes is shown in Fig. 2.

Fig.2. Ultrasonic repeller circuit

It is based on 2 elementary logic chips, a transistor and several other elements. A self-made repeller is distinguished by its negligible electricity consumption (3 AA cells with a capacity of 1 Ah are enough for 5-6 months). Emission mode: the sound signal has a frequency of about 485 Hz and is sent for 2 seconds with a frequency of 1 time in 30 seconds.

Radiation is provided by a generator consisting of:

  • elements DD1.1 and DD1.2;
  • frequency divider based on DD2 chip;
  • logic type signal adder based on DD1.3;
  • transistor (VT1);
  • sound emitter (BA1).

The oscillation frequency is set by a circuit consisting of resistor R1 and capacitor C1. The sound signal has a rectangular shape. The required frequency of pulses is ensured by supplying them from pins 1 - 3 and 15 through diodes to the 12th pin of element DD1.3, closing it.

Homemade ultrasonic repellers of various rodents have been tested by many fans of radio-electronic circuits. Numerous reviews indicate that with their help you can effectively solve the problem with mice and rats that have uninvitedly settled nearby. You just need to choose the standard, simple scheme you like and assemble it with your own hands.

Generator circuit for repelling rodents

  • The electrical circuit of the generator includes an ultrasonic vibration generator (C3, C4, DD1.3, DD1.4, R3, R4), a low frequency modulator (C1, C4, DD1.4, R1, R2), a power amplifier using transistors VT1- VT3, emitter, which uses a high-frequency loudspeaker 4GDV-1.
  • The generator emits frequency-modulated oscillations in the range of 15....40 kHz. The frequency can be adjusted by resistor R4, the modulation frequency is adjusted by resistor R2 within 2...10 Hz.
  • If you set contact SB1 in such a way that in case of unauthorized entry into the room this contact closes, the generator can work like a security alarm siren, since it begins to emit frequency modulation in the range of 1000...2000 Hz.
  • It is important that when working for a long time in one frequency range, rats get used to it, so you need to change the radiation parameters with resistors R2-R4 2-3 times a week. Or connect capacitor C4 to a piece of wire that creates an additional capacitance that changes with changes in temperature and humidity. Then the frequency will change randomly

Ultrasonic mouse repellers: operating principle

Rodent and mole repellers operate using ultrasound. Signals at high frequencies (30-70 kHz) are not perceived by humans, but are clearly audible to pests. It irritates their nervous system, and animals tend to leave the discomfort zone. Factory-made repellers can also generate electromagnetic waves, which further suppress rodents. Devices can be powered by batteries (rechargeable batteries) or mains power. Electromagnetic pulses, unlike ultrasound, are able to penetrate almost any surface except metal.

To make a mouse repeller, you will need basic knowledge of electrical engineering and the ability to use a soldering iron. There are many examples of working diagrams with photos. Simple and universal repellers have the following advantages:

  • high efficiency;
  • reducing the risk of errors during manufacturing;

High-quality repellers effectively eliminate rodents

  • no need for adjustment devices during design;
  • economical in terms of energy consumption;
  • unpretentiousness to working conditions.

Terms of use

It is impossible to use other means against rodents – traps, bait, etc. – at the same time as the repeller installed in the room. Please note that the ultrasonic device will only work in a separate room. If you need to do this in several rooms, purchase a couple of devices. It will show itself more effectively in a room where there is a minimum of upholstered furniture and other items.

The battery-powered device is recommended to be used only in warm rooms. In low temperatures, batteries can freeze and fail. The continuous operation of the repeller should be from 3 to 4 weeks. After which a thorough cleaning is carried out. And any cracks found are sealed to prevent new pests from entering the home.

While the device is operating, keep the room clean, hide food products, and take out trash on time. Ultrasonic repellers are not intended for the prevention of rodents. After exterminating the pests, you should not keep them turned on. Since when new rodents appear in the home, they may quickly get used to the irritating sound - then there will be no point in using the device.

Assembly Rules

DIY ultrasonic rat and mouse repeller

The rat and mouse repeller circuit is drawn up on PCB. In the absence of one, everything is connected by wires. Separate wires are routed to the battery and speaker. The sequence of assembling the repeller circuit is as follows.

  1. Checking the drawing.
  2. Stripping wires, treating them with tin and rosin.
  3. Sequential soldering of parts.
  4. Connecting the power supply.
  5. Testing.
  6. The homemade device is placed in a suitable housing or box, in which holes are made in the speaker area.

You should not expect instant results from the device. The effect will be noticeable after 2-3 weeks of continuous operation of the electronic device. You can achieve full results in the fight against rats and mice after 2 months.

When using an ultrasonic device against mice and rats, remember that ultrasound is repelled from a hard surface and absorbed by a soft one. Therefore, its use will be more effective in a room that is not cluttered with objects. To get rid of mice and rats in an apartment or private house, it is necessary to use devices of this type in all rooms at the same time, without giving rodents a chance to move from one room to another.

There are plenty of traditional means to control rodents. Among them are poisons, baits, mousetraps. They are effective, but not suitable for use in homes with small children and animals. You can get rid of mice and rats using an ultrasonic repeller. These devices are among the latest methods of controlling household pests.

How it works

The rat and mouse repeller emits sounds at high frequencies that are not perceived by people, but rodents feel ultrasonic waves.
The purpose of the device is to create sound vibrations with frequencies and power that are perceived by rats and mice (frequencies from 30 to 70 kHz).

Most repellers emit only ultrasonic waves, but there are also those that also produce electromagnetic radiation.

Ultrasound devices can only act on the area of ​​a single room, since ultrasonic waves do not pass through walls or floors. Electromagnetic radiation penetrates walls and is blocked by metal plates and objects.

Ultrasound, reaching any surface, is reflected from it. From this we can conclude that one ultrasonic repeller for several rooms in the house will not be enough. There are a large number of such devices on sale, but they are not cheap, so it is more economical to assemble such a device yourself.

Do-it-yourself rat and mouse repeller - diagrams

The circuit described here is nothing more than a passive infrared (PIR) motion sensor for repelling animals from your home or garden.

The circuit is based on a single, easily accessible passive infrared (PIR) motion sensor. A PIR (passive infrared) sensor is a pyroelectric device that detects motion by measuring changes in infrared levels emitted by surrounding objects. The PIR sensor has elements made of a crystalline material that generates an electrical charge when exposed to infrared radiation. Changes in the amount of infrared emission from the element change the voltages generated, which are measured by the on-board electronics circuitry. The device contains a special filter called a Fresnel lens that focuses infrared signals onto the element. As external infrared signals change rapidly, the built-in amplifier activates the output to indicate actual motion.

The PIR sensor has a range of about 6 meters. This may vary depending on environmental conditions. The sensor is designed to adapt to slowly changing conditions that typically occur as the day progresses and environmental conditions change, but reacts by making its output active when sudden changes occur, such as when "real" motion occurs.

Ultrasound has a suppressive effect on rats and mice

The PIR sensor module has a 3-pin connection:

  • ceramic variable capacitor;
  • conclusion;
  • short to ground.

Output may vary, so it is recommended to check factory specifications to confirm findings. Sometimes they are marked on the circuit board next to the pins. In addition, PIR sensor modules also have a 2-pin switch for single or continuous trigger output mode. The two positions are designated "H" and "L." When the jumper is in the "Retrigger" "H" position, the output remains high when the sensor is reset again. In the "L" position, the output goes high and low every time the sensor is triggered. Thus, continuous movement will produce repeated high or low pulses in this "normal" mode.

Glue ambush

Most often, no matter how hard you try, mice still appear in the area. How to fight is a painful question, to be sure. One of the most effective methods is glue traps. An ordinary disposable plate is taken, special glue is applied along its rim, bait is placed in the middle, and it is left in the places most attractive to mice. Rodents, following the tempting smell, stick to the edge of the plate - and this is where your determination comes into play. In most cases, they are simply thrown into a bucket of water or beaten with a broom. Of course, in some ways it is cruelty, but war is war. But the pest does not suffer for long.

How to properly install a rodent repellent and what area does it cover?

Ultrasonic mouse repellent typically works in medium-sized rooms.

In order to more clearly imagine how the device operates, you can imagine a spotlight in its place. This will allow us to understand how sound waves will travel, since their propagation is similar to the propagation of light. It will become clear that the “shadows” will be behind solid pieces of furniture, the sound itself will spread in the form of a cone, and will only penetrate slightly into other rooms.

In order to correctly install ultrasonic rodent repellers, you need to perform the following steps:

  • identify a room with signs of unwanted animal activity;
  • inspect the room for upholstered furniture, and if there is an urgent need, remove it for a while;
  • choose a location that will allow the sound waves to bounce off all hard surfaces and cover the entire room.

In the best case scenario, the device will protect the entire room, including the entrance to it. As a rule, such rooms are kitchens, where there is no upholstered furniture and almost all surfaces reflect sound waves. If done correctly, you won't have to wonder if ultrasound helps with pests, because the results will be obvious.

We make a device at home that frightens pests

The creation of such devices does not require special skills or special knowledge; any novice radio amateur will be able to assemble them with his own hands, based on the included instructions and diagrams.

For this you will need:

  • regular soldering iron,
  • parts R7, R5, C6, C5, DD1.3, DD1.4.

Using a soldering iron, a symmetrical multivibrator is assembled from parts; it is the basis of the entire device.

The frequencies of the emitted ultrasonic waves can be adjusted by adjusting the generator. The signals emitted by the generator are fed to a device that amplifies their power.

The emission of ultrasonic waves occurs due to the operation of the Sp1 element.

The strength and frequency of oscillations can be calculated using the formula F=1/(R5xC6+R7xC5).

To assemble a more complex device with your own hands, capable of constantly automatically changing the range of ultrasound vibrations, you will need a higher level of skill and skill. You can do it based on the proposed scheme:

Modulation of the frequency of the emitted ultrasound occurs after a certain time interval. Setting up the device is carried out in stages and begins with determining the operating frequency of the generating element.

Advantages and disadvantages

Any device, be it mechanical or electrical, has both advantages and disadvantages. The only thing you need to know is how different repeller designs differ.

Ultrasound machines

Such devices have a number of advantages. For example:

  • There are no chemicals.
  • Ecological cleanliness.
  • The repeller is harmless to adults and children, as well as some animals.
  • Can work around the clock.
  • It can repel not only rats and mice, but also insects.

At the same time, the device also has a number of disadvantages. For example:

  • Some pets cannot tolerate ultrasound.
  • If there is a lot of furniture, carpets and other rubbish in the room, then the propagation of waves is greatly hampered.
  • Each room requires its own device, since the waves act only within one room.

Electromagnetic devices

The advantages of such structures include:

  • Effective on rodents both indoors and in ceiling areas.
  • Can work non-stop.
  • Does not interfere with the operation of electrical appliances.
  • No chemicals are needed to function.
  • Safe for people and pets.
  • Can work in large areas.

The disadvantages of such devices include:

  • Special requirements for installation of wires. The manufacturer recommends that the wires be located along at least one wall.
  • The best option is to place the wires on all surfaces. Unfortunately, not all premises have such conditions, therefore, the use of such a device is associated with restrictions. In this regard, preference is given to ultrasonic devices.


Typhoon is not one device against rodents, but a whole series of devices, each of which has certain parameters. All these devices can be purchased not only for apartments and private houses, but also for industrial buildings.

The price of a repeller depends on the area of ​​propagation of the waves emitted by the device. The price for Typhoon 800 starts from 1600 rubles. This electrical appliance has the following characteristics:

  • Can be used in rooms up to 220 meters.
  • It has a surface mount with which it can be attached to walls.
  • Works both from the network and from a car battery.
  • The sound, which is dangerous for rats, is emitted in a wide beam, which increases the efficiency of the device.
  • Typhoon operates in two modes. It is recommended to turn on silent when used in rooms where people live. The sound mode has more power, but it is used in warehouses, basements, and garages.
  • The price of the device depends on its power. If you need a rat repeller for a small room, then you need to purchase Typhoon 600.

The Typhoon device is quite easy to use; after assembly, all you have to do is connect it to the network. After turning on, the device emits a sharp signal for about two seconds, then goes into wave generation mode.

When switching on in unheated rooms, it is necessary to focus on the temperature conditions of operation. Rats begin to leave the premises after about four days.

A design feature of the Typhoon is considered to be the presence of a microprocessor that constantly changes the duration and frequency of sound waves and thereby prevents rodents from getting used to them.

Types of mole repellers

When getting rid of moles and mole rats, devices are used whose actions are based on the use of ultrasound, biological and mechanical principles:

  1. Mechanical devices involve swaying under the influence of wind, collisions of empty cans, metal lids, bolts and nails, generating sounds at a frequency alarming for pests. Their disadvantage is that, in addition to deteriorating the appearance of the area, they produce noise that is audible to the human ear.
  2. The biological principle is implemented by influencing the rodent’s olfactory organs with the help of pungent odors. They can be created by certain types of plants and flowers. In addition, aromatic oils mounted in capsules are highly effective in getting rid of moles and mole rats.
  3. Designs using ultrasonic oscillations or vibrations operate on the principle of sending a pulse generated by a battery charge or connection to an electrical network to a plate or resonant mechanism. As a result of this, the animal’s hearing organs pick up ultrasonic waves or vibrations that are indistinguishable to the human ear, which are perceived by it as a danger signal and force it to leave the area of ​​operation of the device. The advantages of such mechanisms include compactness and no need for maintenance, especially when using solar panels as an energy source.

Implemented in the designs of repellers, these principles make it possible to influence the animal’s organs of hearing and smell. As a result, they pick up sounds that they interpret as an alarm signal or unpleasant odors, forcing them to leave the area.

There are many known designs for getting rid of moles and mole rats, however, given their fairly high cost, not all manufacturers can provide the declared characteristics and proper operation of the device. In this regard, some summer residents resort to making pest repellers with their own hands.

Printed circuit board

Due to the impossibility of manufacturing a printed circuit board for a mole repeller using chemical technology, a mechanical method was used to remove sections of copper foil from foiled fiberglass laminate.

The location of radio components on the printed circuit board of the mole repeller is shown in the photo below.

The appearance of the printed circuit board for manufacturing by photochemical method and the location of radioelements is shown in the photograph below.

The board can be made from 1.5 mm thick fiberglass foil on one side.

A site visitor, who introduced himself as San Sanych, kindly provided his version of a rodent repeller, created in a graphic editor for PCB layout Sprint-Layout 3.0R, for which many thanks to him.

Bird repeller cost

The choice of crop protection products from birds today is quite large. Every gardener can easily choose a device that suits their criteria.

In specialized stores or on the Internet, you can purchase an inexpensive bioacoustic device (from 2,000 rubles). Estimated prices for repellers: ultrasonic repeller - 1,850 rubles, loudspeaker - 18,200 rubles, bioacoustic - 30,000 rubles.

Before purchasing a repeller, it is advisable to read customer reviews. As a rule, their opinions differ. The choice of the optimal means of protection depends on many factors, including the number of birds on the site, their habits, and favorite nesting places.

The bird repellents described above should be alternated or used in combination. As already mentioned, birds have the ability to adapt to various life situations, so scaring them away is becoming more and more difficult every year.

Prevent birds from nesting in your garden

Carry out preventive work in advance, paying special attention to the roof of the house, attic and

Watch a video on how to properly make a bird repeller with your own hands:

Advice from professionals

Repeller criteria that you need to pay attention to when choosing a device for a living space:

  • Range of damage. The most important characteristic of any repeller. Of course, ultrasonic devices have the greatest range, up to a thousand square meters. Only walls in the path of the waves are a serious obstacle to further control of rodents. Electromagnetic devices have a much smaller radius of destruction, up to two hundred square meters, but the uncomfortable magnetic field created drives away rodents and insects.
  • Radiation power. Thanks to this indicator, pests leave the premises. A signal frequency of 100-140 dB is considered negative. To get rid of unforgiven guests as quickly as possible, you should adhere to this indicator. The lower the wave radiation frequency of the device, the longer it will take to expel pests.
  • Power supply. It is convenient to use a battery in remote areas, but the power will be less. For use in a home or apartment, devices are connected to the network; the range of damage and frequency strength are much higher.
  • Most companies produce repellers with low noise operation, which is the best option for placement in a room with people. It should be taken into account that such devices can have a negative effect on guinea pigs and hamsters. It is better to isolate pets while fighting mice and rats.

The effectiveness of an ultrasonic repeller

When dealing with pests yourself, there are a few things to keep in mind. No matter what method you use, physical, chemical or electronic, you must remember to avoid any pests or rodents at all costs. They can be dangerous as some of them are poisonous. Additionally, if they feel threatened, they may bite. Rats, mice and bats sometimes carry diseases, and close contact with them can spread the disease. If you use chemicals and the like to get rid of pests, remember that if they are deadly to animals, then in all likelihood they are also dangerous to you.

Rodents are not only pests, but can also be dangerous to humans

Among the three methods, the safest pest control method you can do is a DIY electronic mouse and rat repeller. All that is required is a simple device that can be connected to electricity and it will work immediately.


There are two types of electronic pest repellers:

Among these two, ultrasonic is more effective. They work by emitting high-frequency pulses that irritate pests and rodents, which have a higher level of hearing than humans. They do not affect pets or people. An average-sized home will need one of these units on each floor, and several more can be placed on the outside of the house.

Ultrasonic rodent repeller Tornado-200

Ultrasonic methods have several advantages over physical and chemical methods, both in general and when they are created independently. In general, they are cheaper and not cruelty to animals. These devices do not have the ability to kill pests, but are very effective when it comes to repelling them. When you do your own pest control, there is no need to use bulky traps or handle toxic chemicals. In addition, with electronic equipment there is no need to worry about the environment as nothing is left behind.

Principle of operation

An electronic repeller uses ultrasonic waves to make sure rodents don't take up residence in your home. Generated electronically, these waves are emitted into an area and come into contact with the mice.

These devices will create a force field that will repel mice and keep them at bay. The problem is that the waves are long and they often follow a small path. For example, if you place the device on the back wall of a living room, the beam can reach half the length of the room. If the rodents are not in the path of the beam, they will ignore the ultrasonic waves and continue walking.

These devices will create a force field that will repel rodents and keep them at bay.

It really makes a difference. These devices are limited in range, so they work in some cases and fail in others. If you want to improve the chances of this method working, there are some things you can do to take your results further:

Install devices everywhere: We know that these waves must reach mice, so the entire interior of the house should be covered with ultrasonic waves. If there is an outlet, try plugging the device into it so the waves can reach any potential mice that might enter the house.

Waves do not pass through objects: you should not place repellers throughout the house, even behind furniture and a sofa. The problem is that the rays can be difficult to pass through.

Place devices strategically: If you can't afford to fill every corner of your home with a mouse repeller, you need to start planning your strategy in an effective manner. Where are mice most common? Where do rodents enter the house? These are the places where the ultrasonic waves must reach to repel the mice.

Let's get acquainted with the miracle of technology

An ultrasonic mouse repeller is a special device that generates high-frequency sound waves (ultrasound) that supposedly repel rodents. An ultrasonic rodent repeller is installed in a room occupied by pests, connected to the network and left there for some time (2-3 weeks). In this case, the pests do not die, but leave the room, as they experience inconvenience due to such constant exposure. An ultrasonic rat repeller is essentially the same device, only more powerful. There is a huge variety of ultrasonic devices for mice. The price range of anti-rodent devices varies from 500 rubles to 10 thousand, and even more.

What you need to know to use electronic repellers

Using a rat and mouse repeller is, in fact, not an easy task in terms of thought and efficiency of use. Let’s just say that not every mouse and rat repellent, either ultrasonic or magnetic, will effectively cope with the task in any conditions and environment.

All anti-rodent devices must be used according to certain rules dictated by science and nature. The devices themselves must have certain characteristics. Let’s admit right away that not everything that is distributed on the market is suitable for effective protection. Let's say even more, the bulk of the anti-rodent devices sold are outright scams. You will understand why further by reading this article.

For now, let's draw some intermediate conclusions.

A scam or does it really work?

Let's say right away - it really works. If it didn’t work for you, then you either used a bad rat and mouse repeller, or, if the device was 100% working, you used it incorrectly. The operating principle of the technology really works. All rodents do not like ultrasound and try to avoid places where such waves exist

But it is important to understand that these waves must be of a certain frequency, and constantly change. Rodents, if there is a lot of food in this place, get used to it or tolerate the same frequency for food

This phenomenon occurs more often in rats.

The effect of ultrasound on pests

Ultrasound works against mice. Some people think that such a device emits some kind of radiation that kills animals. But this is not true. The device simply generates high-frequency sound waves, which the human ear cannot perceive, but rodents can hear. Ultrasound against rats can also be effective. Specific animals react differently to this stimulus.

The effect of ultrasound on people and pets

Everything here is individual. Fortunately, humans are generally not susceptible to ultrasound, unlike rodents and other small animals. So if you did everything correctly and your repeller is working, the mice will run away. But your hamsters, rats, guinea pigs, etc. will feel bad. They will be constantly in a state of anxiety, panic, will try to hide or run away, and will stop eating. There have been observations that dogs and cats also sometimes exhibit anxiety. By the way, if you have hamsters or pigs, with their help you will find out whether the ultrasonic device that you have will help get rid of rodents.

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