Why do cats run around before going to the toilet in a big way?

11/13/2021 92,465 Diseases and treatment of cats

Author: Olga

When a cat itches or diligently licks itself, this is a completely normal and natural phenomenon. However, animal owners should be wary of their too frequent manifestation, which is accompanied by anxiety and irritability. In this case, often the animal already needs help. Remember that itching is not a disease, but its first symptom, so this manifestation cannot be ignored.


Attracts attention

Cats are social animals. They need enough human interaction. Having run around, the cat will calm down and go to rest in its favorite place. Nowadays, it is rare for people to have several pets at once, so you should devote enough time to your only furry pet. Moreover, he himself will let you know when he loses interest in communicating with the owner.

How to help your pet

In most cases, this behavior of cats is completely normal and natural; they do not need any help . When it is difficult for a cat to go to the toilet in a big way (constipation) and he clearly experiences pain or discomfort, you should show him to the veterinarian, as this may be a symptom of some disease. The presence of bloody inclusions in the stool should cause particular concern.

Your cat may be constipated

If everything is in order with the waste products, they have normal consistency and color, then there should be no cause for concern. There is no need to calm your pet before defecation and you should not pay attention to his madness.


If you notice that your cat is constantly itching, licking itself, and at the same time acting restlessly, hitting its tail, you should immediately take your pet to the veterinarian. It is better not to try to establish the cause and diagnosis yourself, since many of the symptoms are similar to each other. Laboratory analysis and proper examination will be required.

If the reason that the cat is constantly itching, licking and licking itself lies in fleas and other skin and fur parasites, then external treatment is prescribed. The veterinarian may prescribe special drops or sprays, or recommend treating the animal with medicated shampoo. As a rule, using all these drugs several times helps to quickly remove itching and irritation and overcome parasites. In the future, only timely prevention will be required.

If the skin ailment is caused by an infection or fungus, medicinal sprays and drops will also help in the early stages. But, as practice shows, special medications and antibiotics may still be required. If the cat is constantly itching, licking its face, scratching its ears and eyes, antihistamines are prescribed. An accurate analysis is performed and the source of the allergy is determined.


Often, as a result of active games with the owner, the cat can become overly excited, and it takes some time for him to calm down after this.

Therefore, the pet can behave hyperactively for quite a long time after the end of the game itself. If cases recur without the owner's participation, you should visit a veterinarian. Cats, like people, can suffer from nervous system disorders. Now there are many ways to bring an animal back to normal.

Prevention of itching: does it exist at all, and what can be done?

Itching is caused by various factors, so following a number of prevention rules will help protect your cat from scratching:

  1. Poison worms in a timely manner. This will also help protect children who constantly play with animals. You should not give your cat raw foods: fish, meat.
  2. After each walk, inspect the animal for abrasions. Treat detected wounds with iodine or other disinfectants.
  3. To avoid infection with parasites, the cat should not be allowed to come into contact with other animals.
  4. Disinfect the cat litter box regularly.
  5. The transition to a new food should be carried out gradually.
  6. Do not punish your cat for minor offenses: this will prevent stress.

Why does a cat run around the house before going to the toilet?

Many owners have noticed inappropriate behavior of their pets before doing their thorough business in the toilet. They begin to run, making circles throughout the house. In this case, not only horizontal surfaces can be used, but also vertical ones, for example, curtains. Some especially talkative individuals emit heart-rending screams of varying degrees of intensity, depending on their temperament.

Cats often rush around the apartment before going to the toilet in a big way.

Unfortunately, the cats themselves cannot explain their unusual behavior before going to the toilet to us, so we can only make more or less logical assumptions. There are several versions:

  • Physical activity, during which the abdominal muscles contract, stimulates intestinal function. As a result, peristalsis improves, and the process of releasing feces is easier.
  • The tray is dirty, smells bad, or there is not enough filler. The pet signals that it would be nice to clean his potty.
  • The act of defecation itself is painful for the cat, so he worries and screams.
  • The animal warns its owners in advance about the upcoming cleaning of its toilet.

The restless behavior of cats before going to the potty can be caused by behavioral characteristics, since they mark their territory not only with urine and secretions, but also with feces. Wild cats leave fragrant heaps along the borders of their territory. Rushing around the house, the pet declares itself the master of this area, but since it is strictly forbidden for it to shit anywhere, it does all the necessary activities in the place designated for this (tray).

Active movements help the intestines work better

Our cat, before leaving to accomplish great things, always begins to look into her eyes, while meowing pitifully, and asking to go outside (where she is not allowed). This action can last for a different amount of time (from 5 minutes to an hour), apparently, it depends on the degree of fullness of the intestines. Realizing that everything is useless and it will not be possible to break into the street again, the kitty goes to the potty and does his “dark” things there. Then he happily runs around the rooms and tears at the carpet with his claws.

The cat is trying to wake up its owner

Almost all pets of the cat family behave extremely actively in the morning, when their owners are still sleeping. When a cat runs and meows, and sometimes even licks, he is trying to wake up his owners. Such actions may be associated with the animal’s diet. Many people are accustomed to feeding their pets in the morning. That is why the cat tries to get its first meal as early as possible.

How to get rid of cat hair in an apartment: examples at home

In order to eliminate this problem, it is necessary to provide a little more food in the evening than usual, so that the animal has enough not only for the night, but also for the morning.

Poor diet and low mobility

If the diet is disrupted, the cat often wanders around the apartment, which may indicate the presence of certain factors, namely:

  • physical inactivity;
  • excess body weight;
  • eating high-calorie foods.

With a lack of an active lifestyle or after castration, cats often develop obesity, which can cause various diseases in the body. In such cases, it is highly recommended to contact specialists.

Advice! And in order to avoid negative consequences, it is necessary to follow a diet and spend a sufficient amount of time with the animal in order to develop its mobility.

Anomalous theory

There is an opinion that cats can see the other world. Some owners notice that animals often look in various places where there seems to be nothing attractive for them, hide in a corner or chase something that is absolutely invisible to the human eye, while for others this does not happen at all nothing like this. All this depends on the faith of the pet owner. But in the case when the owner does not believe in the other world, a logical explanation for what is happening is immediately found.

Cats can see the other world

Wants to “walk”

This applies to variants of absolute norms. The cat's natural desire to continue its breed can result in overly active behavior. Females also ask for a cat with a certain frequency. There are 2 solutions here:

  • regular use of hormonal medications;
  • castration or sterilization.

Owner's behavior after surgery. Surgical removal of genitalia procedures are performed quickly. But recovery will take some time. During this period, the animals are too weak and need special attention from the owner.

It is unacceptable to leave pets after surgery with sources of possible dangers, in particular water.

The toilet lid should always be down. Other containers must also be closed. In addition, it is important to take care of a balanced diet and avoid the development of obesity.

Why do cats leave home?

Often, owners perceive an animal’s desire to leave its habitable place as a sign of impending disaster. It is no secret that these mysterious creatures have always been considered strongly connected with the other world. The logic is simple: since the cat ran away from the house, it means that some kind of misfortune must soon befall him. Until the death of one of the owners.

However, do not rush to wring your hands in despair and distribute personal property among the heirs. Another version of the sign explains the behavior of the animal in a completely different way. Misfortune really threatened your family, but the sensitive four-legged guard found out about it in time and took it away from the house. So there is no need to blame a devoted animal for trying to save its own skin! Perhaps your pet protected you from something truly bad by voluntarily taking on the danger. There is no need to even try to ward off a bad omen. The cat has already done everything necessary for you.

What if your pet left you to protect you?

Many consider it an extremely bad sign for a cat to disappear from a house in which there is a seriously ill person. It seems that the poor fellow's days are numbered; and if the sick person himself is subject to various prejudices, his condition actually begins to rapidly deteriorate. But the event can be assessed in a positive way! Let us assume that the cat does not prophesy death, but takes it with it. Of course, I feel sorry for my dear purr to the point of tears. But instead of indulging in fears, thank her for her kindness and wait for the patient to recover. The sooner he believes it himself, the greater his chances of getting out of bed.

The third option suggests: by leaving, the animal made room for someone else. Your family is expecting not losses, but additions! Are you or someone in your immediate family planning to have a baby?

The belief gives cats of different colors special abilities. So, the black one protects the house from evil spirits, the red one brings love, the gray one strengthens well-being, the white one heals and harmonizes the situation in the family, and the tricolor one promises a whole flurry of good changes. But don’t think that the disappearance of a red cat will erase romantic relationships from your life, and the departure of a white cat predicts illness. In this case, the color, as well as the gender of the animal, do not matter.

Scientific point of view

The loss of a furry pet should not always be taken as a sign of changes in life. Animal lovers who are far from mystical will immediately tell you half a dozen reasons why cats disappear from home. And they will be right.

  • Got lost . There have been recorded cases of dogs and cats traveling thousands of kilometers of unfamiliar terrain to return to their owners. But do not think that all animals without exception are endowed with such a superpower! Your quiet pet Murka can get lost a couple of blocks from her home, just chasing a butterfly or running away from a dog.
  • She left to die. Old animals, sensing the approaching end, often try to retire. Alas, even their beloved owner is an unwanted witness for them at this moment.
  • Kittens. If you didn’t keep track of your pet’s “moral character” or deliberately organized a date for her with a purebred gentleman, the cat probably went into seclusion in order to give birth to offspring. All you can do is wait - in two or three weeks the new mother will definitely return, and not alone.

    Your loss can turn into profit!

  • Mistreatment . If a cat is abused in the house, poorly fed, kicked, one day the proud beauty may get tired of it. One day, a freedom-loving animal will decide that life on the street is preferable to such a dull existence.
  • Replacement . Did you get another pet, get married, or have a baby in the family, and after some time the old cat disappeared? It looks like you have completely stopped paying attention to her. And don’t think that animals don’t know jealousy or don’t know how to suffer, feeling superfluous!

Human rumor ascribes to cats the ability to improve the psychological atmosphere of the home, and scientific research confirms this. But sometimes you come across such owners that putting things in order in their lives is beyond the power of an entire army of big-eared psychics! Is it normal for your family to speak in a raised voice, but is there constant tension in the air? It’s unlikely that a cat would want to live here.

Reasons for constant scratching in cats

As mentioned above, there is a huge list of prerequisites that lead to a cat licking itself intensively. And you don’t need to think that the well-known proverb “to the guests” applies here. This can be a sign of very serious systemic diseases. In many cases, the condition of the skin and its diseases are only the visible cause of a problem hidden deep in the body. It is often very difficult to determine what causes the need to scratch in cats. The most common factors are shown in the table.

CauseHow it manifests itself
Bacterial infectionsChanges that accompany infections are:
  • Local baldness,
  • Papules,
  • Pustules,
  • Cervical erosion
  • Ulcers
  • Scabs.

There may be a characteristic purulent exudate that sticks to hair and envelops the skin in certain places.

FungalRingworm in a cat is contagious; it can be picked up through direct contact with a sick animal or its environment (cage, combing brush, etc.). Itching is not a constant symptom of this disease. Clinical manifestations are varied and varied, with varying degrees of alopecia, erythema and scaly formation predominating. The changes are usually located on the face, head, neck and limbs, but it happens that they are also present on the body.
ParasitesMites live in the stratum corneum of the epidermis without penetrating the hair follicle. The disease occurs with severe itching and peeling of the upper areas of the skin. Dandruff appears on her. These parasites are located on areas of the body covered with delicate skin, especially in the vicinity of the eyes, lips, abdomen, external genitalia, legs, head, ears.
Allergic street dermatitisThe most unpleasant discomfort and hypersensitivity reaction occurs due to antigens contained in the saliva of fleas. Why does a cat constantly lick itself and scratch itself if it has access to the outdoors? This allergic dermatitis is very difficult to diagnose. Even if you take care of your pet and constantly apply medications that prevent the spread of fleas, the presence of this disease cannot be completely ruled out.
Food allergiesFood allergies are a reaction of the immune system to certain proteins contained in food. It appears regardless of age and breed, but Siamese and Burmese cats are more predisposed. Main changes: itching of the facial part of the muzzle, head, neck, symmetrical baldness, dermatitis. In this case, it is better to feed the kitten vegetarian food.
AtopyThe disease is congenital, during which a hypersensitivity reaction develops after exposure to some environmental allergen. The main one is house dust mite, the secondary ones are flower pollen, desquamated epidermis, and mold. Additional symptoms may appear: rhinitis, cough, shortness of breath.
Increased sensitivity to insect bitesOccurs with the formation of skin changes and swelling of varying degrees of complexity: the ridge of the nose, changes in the sense of smell, ears and around the ears. Symptoms disappear after eliminating mosquitoes from the cat's environment.


They have their own territory

Cats are animals with character and their own personal lives. Owners need to understand that their pet has many interests that are not limited to the territory of the apartment. Outside the home, they communicate with their relatives, get food, and hunt birds and rodents. If a sexually mature cat leaves the house, the reason may be that a female in heat has appeared nearby. Woolen robbers themselves determine the territory of their possessions and jealously control it. With a competent approach, the owner can artificially limit the sphere of interests of his pet so that he does not try to run away from home.

Skin diseases

As a rule, they are all infectious in nature and occur after a pet comes into contact with an infected object. Sometimes it is enough for a cat to go outside just once to pick up some kind of infection. Often, diseases such as pyodermatitis, cheyletiellosis, demodicosis, and scabies occur.

They are also caused by mites that parasitize the upper and deep layers of the skin. Severe itching in the first stages very quickly develops into general skin damage and baldness.

If a cat's skin problems are detected, the cat owner needs to thoroughly wash their hands with soap and maintain personal hygiene, since many viruses and bacteria can be transmitted to human hands.


When do you need to urgently contact a veterinarian?

Sometimes the only thing the owner of an animal that is convulsing can do is take it to the veterinarian as quickly as possible. An urgent visit to a veterinary clinic is required in the following cases:

  • too intense muscle spasms, chaotic movements of the limbs during sleep;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • pallor of the mucous membranes;
  • swelling and hematomas on the head;
  • twitching of the eyeballs;
  • lens luxation;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • loss or impairment of movement of individual muscle groups;
  • foam at mouth;
  • respiratory dysfunction;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • incoordination of movements;
  • dilated pupils;
  • changes in behavior (lethargy, apathy, decreased motor activity, lack of response to external stimuli);
  • partial or complete loss of interest in food.

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Symptomatic diet and procedures

To ensure that itching bothers your cat as little as possible, prevention is important. Experts recommend adhering to the following simple rules:

  1. The animal needs to be provided with healthy, balanced food. For these purposes, it is better to use specialized food.
  2. The cat should not be fed smoked meats, sausages, or junk food from the table.
  3. Regularly brush your cat, remove hair mats, and inspect the surface of the animal’s skin.
  4. Once every six months, treat the fur against parasites (relevant for animals that at least occasionally go out for a walk).
  5. Do not allow your cat to come into contact with street animals.
  6. Avoid situations in which your cat can taste or smell household chemicals.
  7. In case of insect bites, promptly treat the bitten area.
  8. Once a week, inspect your cat’s ears for mites and inflammation.

If a cat scratches and chews itself, this is not always bad. The desire to scratch is natural for animals. You should pay attention to your pet when scratching begins to interfere with a full life. Timely treatment will help your cat recover faster and prevent unpleasant complications associated with endless itching.

The fugitive has returned home

What if the cat left home, and after some time reappeared on its own doorstep? Didn't they bring with them the bad things they took away? No and no again! According to tradition, this event... means absolutely nothing! Just be glad that your favorite furry has found his way to you.

And even if you are mystically inclined, think about this: if the cat really disappeared, taking trouble away from you, would it come back, dragging it back on its tail? Of course not. Most likely, the reason for your pet’s spree was spring and ardent feelings for an animal of the opposite sex.

They don't like moving

It is known that cats can be worried about moving to a new place of residence. When moving to another home, it is possible that the pet will not feel entirely comfortable because it is outside its usual territory. It is possible that in the new place there are many competing animals nearby and your pet simply does not have a marked place left. To regain its former comfort, the animal can leave the apartment in the hope of finding its previous housing. Animals have a good sense of smell, so they can easily find their way to their former territory.

If the owners have moved to a new apartment, and the pet has disappeared and does not return within several days, the first place to look for it is its previous home.

The cat itches, chews itself, constantly licks itself: is this normal?

If an animal itches due to severe itching, then with sharp claws it damages the skin, causing infection.
During severe itching, severe irritation of pain receptors occurs, because of this the animal begins to lick and chew itself. The skin on the affected area turns red and wounds appear. The reasons for this condition are different. To relieve the symptom and understand what to do, the pet must be shown to a doctor.

When it's ok

Cats are clean creatures. They wash themselves after sleep and after eating. If your pet eats natural food, then after licking the fur it will smell like the food it ate.

The smell of eaten herring is especially strong. If the animal licks itself too much, then it needs a medical examination.

Signs of a pathological condition of an animal

The painful condition can be determined by itching of the skin or ears. With skin itching, you can notice how the cat itches a lot and tries to bite the source of its anxiety from under the skin with its teeth.

When the itching is localized in the ear, the cat tries to stick its paw deep into it to scratch.

During this period you may notice:

  • constant scratching of the body with a plaintive meow;
  • pronounced biting of the skin;
  • hair loss, deterioration of its appearance;
  • the appearance of dandruff, oily scales;
  • the skin is covered with ulcers or red rashes in the form of small spots;
  • parasites or their excrement are visible on the skin.

It is easy to help an animal if you notice deviations in behavior in time and take him to the clinic. An advanced disease is more difficult to cure.

Why are cats affected by catnip?

Catnip is a plant that has a scent that is extremely attractive to cats. Scientists don't know exactly how catnip affects cats. What is clear is that all cat species, including large ones such as leopards and lions, are susceptible to the effects of this herb. It is worth noting that it does not have any long-term effects on cats. It is likely that in ancient times cats used catnip for some medicinal purposes, but now this is just a fad.

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Causes of seizures in cats

Your pet may have seizures due to:

  • Epilepsy is a rare disease among cats that is difficult to diagnose;
  • Inflammation of the brain - non-purulent meningoencephalitis, which is also problematic to diagnose;
  • Lymph or tumors;
  • Cerebral ischemic encephalopathy, in which blood flow to the cat's brain deteriorates and as a result, seizures begin;
  • Infectious peritonitis is a condition in which damage occurs to the brain, abdominal cavity and kidneys. This disease is provoked by the rabies virus, leukemia, coronovirus and cryptococci;
  • Toxoplasmosis, which affects the cat’s immune system and is dangerous to the human body;
  • A stroke in which only the hind legs cramp. In this case, you should immediately call a veterinarian at your home;
  • Hyperparathyroidism is a disease in which weakness of the pelvic limbs is observed and cramps of the hind legs occur;
  • Calcium leaching from the cat's body, a similar condition can occur in cats after a recent birth. In this case, the kittens are taken away for a while and put on artificial feeding, and the cat is given drugs to replenish calcium in the body;
  • Infections with ticks or helminths;
  • Drug overdose or food poisoning;
  • Rapid change of teeth in kittens;
  • Changes in the peripheral nervous system - convulsions in a cat occur when he sleeps, which means he needs to replenish B vitamins in the body.

There are actually a lot of reasons, so you won’t be able to figure out on your own what caused the cat to have seizures. This should be done by an experienced veterinarian.

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