All the “whys” about mosquito bites: Why and how do they bite? Who gets bitten more often? What attracts them to a person?

Blood-sucking insects are a real scourge of the spring-autumn-summer period. They are active most of the year, excluding only the coldest periods. Mosquitoes are no exception. These are not only unpleasant, but also dangerous insects. They carry many diseases. And in some people it can cause serious allergic reactions.

Knowing how a mosquito finds a victim and why it bites can partially reduce the risk of being bitten.
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Why and who bites

Do females or males bite?

Mosquitoes are bisexual insects. The main role in reproductive activity is assigned to the female. The insect cycle is designed in such a way that without sufficient nutrients, the offspring are born weak and hardly viable. This is a feature of blood-sucking insects.

There is a huge amount of protein and other nutritional compounds in the blood. They are exactly what we need. They act as a kind of building material for eggs. Due to the nature of reproductive roles in insects, it is the female that bites. She consumes a huge amount of blood compared to her own weight: several times her body weight. Then all the substances go to the development of eggs.

If the situation develops favorably, the mosquito lays up to 150 eggs at a time. The offspring are born healthy and have every chance of surviving to the age of an adult insect.

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Interestingly, without blood, females can also continue the race. But the number of eggs will be several times less, from 10 to 50. Future mosquitoes take nutrients from the mother’s body, so the female dies very soon. With an average life expectancy of 30-150 days, such an individual will no longer be able to produce offspring.

Humans are not the only victim of blood-sucking insects. It turns out that he is just a substitute. The blood of cattle, rats, and mice is much preferable for mosquitoes. But in the absence of these animals in the area, in cities, mosquitoes attack people. It also goes to the birds.

Male insects lead a carefree life and do not depend on blood in any way. They don't bite. They feed only on nectar and plant foods and do not harm the population of cities or tourists who come to nature in any way.

Genetic factors

The genetic factor also plays an important role for mosquitoes. A study was conducted on twins at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. During the experiment, it was found that the body of some people produces certain substances that repel mosquitoes. Others lack them, making them very attractive to blood-sucking insects.

Mosquito bites can cause a severe allergic reaction

Bite process

The way a mosquito bites is determined by its physiology. In the front of the insect's head there is a so-called piercing mouthparts. It is a long, sharp proboscis, similar to a stiletto. The proboscis is hollow inside. As soon as the bloodsucker finds a sufficiently convenient place, it attaches itself to an unprotected area of ​​the body and pierces the skin. Usually the frontal surfaces of the hands, fingers, neck, face, and shoulders are attacked, since the skin here is thinner and is not covered by clothing.

During the bite, the mosquito injects a mixture of substances into the blood that have an anticoagulant and analgesic effect. This allows you to get enough blood so that the victim does not notice what is happening. Anticoagulants reduce the rate of blood clotting.

How many times a mosquito bites depends on the completeness of the feeding process. If startled, it may bite several times. Under normal conditions, we are talking about one single bite. The accumulated amount of blood is enough for the entire current reproductive cycle. And so on until next time.

Are they dangerous for humans?

Despite the fact that the caramora is completely indifferent to blood, the insect poses a serious problem for agricultural land. The following representatives of the order Diptera insects can cause the greatest harm:

  • Marsh Centipede;
  • Cabbage caramora;
  • Autumn ballerina.

These pests have a detrimental effect on plant crops that love moisture. Caramora larvae can destroy a significant part of the crop sown on wet mineral soil and peat bogs. Ballerina can harm berries, legumes, root crops and cereals. Cultivated pastures located near water are most susceptible to mass attack by caramora larvae.

In the summer, centipede larvae are fought, like all pests, with the help of modern insecticidal agents and fall plowing is done. In summer cottages, the same methods are used to combat ballerina. However, if there is no body of water near your site, there is nothing to worry about; the larvae will not be able to damage the crop.

Now you know how dangerous large mosquitoes are.

What signs does a mosquito use to find its victim?

Bloodsuckers have extensive sensory capabilities. They rely on touch, smell and vision. First things first:

  • The antennae are highly sensitive. They pick up the slightest unnatural vibrations in the air. These antennas replace ears, full hearing.
  • Mosquitoes have a very strong sense of smell. They fly towards carbon dioxide and lactic acid smells. Research also shows that they are attracted to other smells. For example, some alcoholic drinks.
  • Vision has a specific structure. Bloodsuckers see in the ultraviolet spectrum, just like people. But the ability to see is seriously different from the human one. For example, these creatures are very nearsighted. They focus on colors and quick movements. They also have the ability to see in the infrared, thermal range. A person with his typical temperature in the darkness of the night looks like a bright lantern that attracts uninvited guests.

According to various estimates, a female can fly up to 5 kilometers in search of the necessary food. And this does not take into account wind currents, which help it cover even greater distances. Uninvited guests find people at a distance of up to 15 meters, without any problems catching all the mentioned signs right in flight.

Interesting: What diseases do mosquitoes carry?

Mosquito sense of smell

This sense organ is well developed in them, but they are only concerned about the smells of prey and repellents. This is the basis of the action of anti-mosquito sprays. The spray applied to the skin interrupts the natural scent of a person, which is regarded by the mosquito as the smell of prey. When regularly showering with aromatic gels, the mosquito is also less likely to find a person, since the first signal - sweat with lactic acid - is washed away.

On a note!

The mosquito loves the smell of bacteria feeding on sweat. Given a choice, the insect will prefer a person who has not washed for a couple of days.

Which one of us is more attractive to bite?

What attracts mosquitoes to humans depends on many factors. Insects of this type have preferences in the number of smells and colors. As well as species-specific antipathies that drive the bloodsucker away from a potential victim. What odors do they react to most aggressively and actively:

  1. Carbon dioxide. The main sign that a living creature is nearby. Excessive exhalation of carbon dioxide is possible after intense physical activity, against the background of heart disease or other pathological processes. Such persons are in a high-risk group.
  2. Lactic acid. It is released through sweat during intense physical activity. It can be called a component of the smell of the human body. The degree of lactic acid secretion cannot be controlled artificially; all that remains is to mask the manifestation. People who engage in intense physical labor or athletes are at increased risk.
  3. Alcohol, but not all. A series of experiments were carried out. Bloodsuckers are most interested in the smells of beer. What this is connected with is not yet known.
  4. Individual body odor. It is caused by the vital activity of bacteria and microorganisms living on the surface of the body. This is the calling card of an individual representative, which is why insects are drawn to some more actively than to others.

In addition to smells, bloodsuckers navigate by colors. They are attracted to bright colors. Therefore, it makes sense to dress in darker colors when going outdoors. For example, brown or dark green, blue. Yellow, red, light green, acid green are not recommended.

In addition, they are easier to navigate by temperature. For this reason, people with elevated body temperatures attract insects like a magnet.

Who else is at increased risk?

Some people don't seem to get bitten by mosquitoes. And they fly at others in a whole swarm. This is not entirely true. They bite everyone, just in different quantities. This happens due to the individual characteristics of each individual organism, which are subject to comparison. Bloodsuckers have their own preferences.

So who does mosquitoes bite more often and who is ignored:

  • Pregnant women. It has been proven that pregnant women exhale 20-30% more carbon dioxide than other people. Also, the body of a woman in position exudes a specific aroma, which is so attractive to females, who attack people.
  • People who are prone to excessive sweating. Including completely healthy representatives who suffer from natural hyperhidrosis.
  • Blood type. What blood type does not get bitten by mosquitoes? The most attractive are carriers of the 1st group. Then come 3 and 4. But the second one is not of such interest to insects. Although without another victim around, even such lucky ones risk being bitten.
  • Drinking alcohol, as mentioned earlier, attracts mosquitoes.
  • Some diseases. Bloodsuckers are more interested in people who suffer from diabetes, heart and vascular diseases, and hormonal disorders.

There are also factors that reduce the likelihood of bites:

  1. Oncological diseases, cancer. This is due to the specific smell from such people.
  2. The already mentioned carriers of blood group 2. Although this is conditional.
  3. Features of genetics and physiology. When the body secretes natural repellents. Substances that are unpleasant to blood-sucking insects.

The answer to the question of why mosquitoes bite some and not others lies in the peculiarities of physiology and genetics.

Are emotions important?

Human emotions do not affect the behavior of blood-sucking insects. That's why mosquitoes attack us when we laugh or cry. The reason mosquitoes do not touch aggressive or agitated people is because they have a lower pain threshold. In other words, a person simply does not notice a violation of the integrity of the skin. To prevent attacks by blood-sucking insects, you must use protective equipment:

  • Aerosols and sprays. Repellents and extracts are used to prepare them. With their help, the likelihood of pest attack is reduced.
  • Creams and gels.
  • Plant extracts. Insects cannot tolerate the rich aromas of citrus fruits, geranium, and wormwood.

Is it worth starting a war with one mosquito in the house?

If we take into account all of the above, it is not difficult to understand that even one mosquito is capable of biting a person several times during the night. What if this is a child, and even one suffering from allergies? Is it worth protecting ourselves from one female that accidentally flew into our house?

Definitely worth it. And we should start with preventive measures that will stop the bloodsuckers on the threshold of our home. The most reliable protection will be mosquito nets installed on windows and doors.

A few more simple preventive measures recommended to prevent insect bites on your property:

  • remove all sources of standing water around the house, including even water containers for pets;
  • in areas with high concentrations of mosquitoes in the evening and at night, wear clothes that cover the body as much as possible, as well as socks and a hat;
  • Be sure to stock up on natural or chemical repellents. Among natural remedies, essential oils of strong-smelling plants (citronella, lemon eucalyptus, mint, vanilla, cloves, lavender) are considered the best.

According to Australian scientists, lemon eucalyptus oil provides 95% protection against mosquitoes within 3 hours.

A mixture of citronella, lemongrass, peppermint and vanillin oils, which has a pleasant aroma for a person’s sense of smell, can repel not only mosquitoes, but also other flying blood-sucking, as well as ixodid ticks.

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