Fleas on a cat: are they transmitted to humans, the causes of infection and how to treat them

Not a single cat is immune from the appearance of fleas, even those that have never been outside the apartment. Fleas not only cause pain to pets, but can also infect them with serious diseases. Fortunately, fleas on a cat are not forever; there are effective ways to get rid of parasites using industrial preparations, as well as to remove fleas with home remedies. Home remedies do not work very quickly, but they are not toxic and are suitable for almost all animals - from pregnant cats to small kittens.

What do fleas look like?

Fleas belong to a large order of insects, which include different subspecies. They feed on the blood of various animals and are parasites. Using a photo of fleas on a cat, you can determine the type of flea and understand that the animal is attacked by these insects.

The cat flea is one of the most common species; its body length reaches up to three millimeters. The flea has a body that is flattened on the sides, and their hind legs are very long.

  • It is thanks to their long legs that they are so easily carried along the fur; female fleas are larger than males, since they lay eggs and carry them in their abdomen.
  • The flea has a sucking and piercing mouth, with which it pierces the cat's skin and drinks its blood.
  • There are many bristles on the surface of the flea's body, which also allows the parasite to cling tightly to the fur.
  • The color of the flea can be light brown and reach black.

Features and signs of fleas

The flea is a small insect (from one to five millimeters in length) brown in color, has six legs with characteristic bristles. It differs from other external parasites (ear and ixodid mites, lice, lice eaters, coccidia) by its incredible jumping ability due to its long hind limbs. It has a special mouth mechanism designed to pierce and suck the blood of the host.

At optimal temperatures and humidity, a generation of fleas can grow in ten days, they spread very quickly and live up to two years. Larvae can develop both on the body of the host and in its habitat. In the house, this could be bedding or an animal’s house, carpets, or furniture upholstery.

The initial infection of a pet is impossible to notice, but as the insect colony develops, the signs become obvious:

  • the cat shows increased anxiety;
  • often itches and bites teeth into fur and skin;
  • characteristic red dots appear on his body - places of bites, from single to numerous;
  • appetite decreases;
  • looks lethargic and apathetic - anemia develops;
  • worms often appear;
  • an allergy occurs.

Also read the article about why a cat may itch if it doesn't have fleas.

How do fleas get started?

There are many ways your pet can become infected with parasites.

  1. Walk outside (fleas can be on the grass, ground and asphalt).
  2. Human contact (fleas can be brought home on clothing or shoes).
  3. Transmission from the mother (if a pregnant cat has fleas, there is a high chance that the parasites will be transmitted to newborn kittens).
  4. Contact with rodents.

A cat's resting place is a flea breeding ground

Usually, cat fleas, having fed and satiated with the blood of the animal, leave their usual carrier to lay eggs. For this purpose, a place with high humidity and no access to sunlight is suitable for them. Some species groups of parasites reproduce their own kind directly on the host. Meanwhile, jumping insects, remaining near the egg clutch for some time, can attack a passing “victim”, including a person who does not always feel how they bite him. The flea senses the approach of a potential “breadwinner”, information about which is conveyed to it by air vibration, temperature fluctuations, odors and carbon dioxide emissions.

In general, it should be noted that parasites jumping on a person can not be found very often, for example, in the case when the pet has more than just cat fleas. Having brought home insects dangerous to humans on itself, the cat settles down as usual in its favorite resting place, and at this time human fleas are located nearby, awaiting their long-awaited owner. And so, as soon as a guest approaches the cat’s house, the parasite, sensing the smell of his sweat or breath, attacks.

Fleas: The Danger of Parasites

It is important to know that fleas on a domestic cat can be very dangerous for your pet.

  • Fleas carry various diseases and even worm eggs.
  • Because of the bites, wounds appear on the cat's skin, the fur becomes dull and begins to fall out.
  • If the number of fleas constantly increases, this leads to feline anemia and negatively affects the health of the animal.
  • Development of allergies.

Fleas particularly affect cats in poor health, as well as newborn kittens and older cats. In addition, the presence of fleas can be potentially dangerous for humans; if a flea gets into food, poisoning is possible. The parasite can bite through human skin, which will lead to dermatitis and various skin diseases.

Emergency help for bites

The site of any insect bite should be washed well with running water and soap. When scratching, there is a high probability of introducing an infection from a neighboring area of ​​skin.

Any alcohol-containing tinctures or antiseptics are suitable for treatment. You need to lubricate not only the wound, but also the area around it. Applying cold can help reduce itching and burning.

If there are signs of allergy development - severe swelling, sore throat, lacrimation - take an antihistamine.

For severe itching - Golden Star balm, plantain tincture, Fenistil, any remedy available in the home medicine cabinet.

Symptoms of infection

Flea infestation has three main stages, each of which is accompanied by certain symptoms.

  1. Initial stage - at this stage, parasites can be detected if you carefully examine the cat's fur and skin.
  2. At the second stage, the pet’s health becomes worse, the cat becomes nervous and constantly chews something out of the fur, eats and sleeps poorly.
  3. The third stage is accompanied by severe hair loss, weight loss and anemia. Ulcers and redness are clearly visible on the cat’s skin.

It is important to notice the appearance of fleas in a cat in the early stages and begin treatment immediately.

Knowing how to remove fleas from a cat, you can help your pet recover and start living a full life without constant scratching and pain.

Description of insects

The insects' body is smooth and equipped with spines that help them cling to their prey. Fleas have 3 pairs of legs; the rear ones are longer and provide jumping ability. Insects are good jumpers, so they fly to the victim without direct contact.

Body length – 3 millimeters, color – brown. The compressed sides allow for easy movement between hairs. They usually live outside the human body, visiting for food. They jump quickly, up to 50 centimeters. It is difficult to catch and crush an insect.

The eggs are thrown in small batches in different places, sometimes on the host. Larvae hatch, similar to worms, which actively move, live in garbage and dust, and feed on organic debris there.


They feed on the blood of warm-blooded creatures, including humans. They can live near people or animals, hiding almost all the time when they are not looking for food.

They live up to 500 days, but usually much less. If they don't find people, they terrorize domestic animals.

Why are they dangerous?

The main threat lies in the diseases that fleas spread. Among the most significant and likely:

  • salmonellosis;
  • hepatitis;
  • helminthiases;
  • tick-borne encephalitis.

Even if infection does not occur, many people suffer from skin irritation, peeling, and loss of appearance. Often, especially in children, allergic reactions are added. Unpleasant neighbors can seriously ruin your life, leading to neurosis.

What does a bite look like?

The bite site is a small red bump that rises slightly above the skin. With a large number of wounds, they resemble a large rash. If scratched - swelling of the skin, abraded areas of the epidermis, redness.

Distribution routes

The human flea takes a liking to empty rooms near humans. They live in close proximity and are brought in mainly by the person himself on clothes, shoes, things from the attic or closet.

Fleas move well on their own, they sense where they can feed, so they try to live nearby. They easily migrate from the extreme floors of houses to apartments.

Signs of the presence of a parasite

If fleas have settled down to live in an apartment, it is impossible not to detect their traces. Household members are covered with red spots and itch. Small eggs are easy to spot in different places. Although the tracks resemble those of mosquitoes, flying squeakers are usually detected immediately.

Removing fleas at home

If fleas are found on your pet, it is necessary to carry out a thorough general cleaning of the premises so that the parasites do not spread throughout the house.

Most often, flea eggs and the parasites themselves can be found on carpets and upholstered furniture, which should be vacuumed and treated with special products.

To remove fleas at home, you can use the following remedies.

  • Special shampoo;
  • Flea drops for cats;
  • Spray;
  • Medical collar;
  • Pills;

The best option is to use several remedies that will give a positive effect. Many drugs can be dangerous for a cat, so it is advisable to consult a veterinarian or not use too aggressive drugs.

Intradermal allergy test for flea saliva

The third type of research should be carried out in laboratory conditions. Before prescribing an intradermal allergy test for flea saliva, the veterinarian will conduct a general clinical examination of the cat and collect an anamnesis. A specific study may be necessary if the cat has developed flea dermatitis, which is an allergic reaction to the saliva of blood-sucking insects, but there are no fleas themselves.

In a clinical setting, the doctor gives the cat an allegotest. To do this, allergens are administered subcutaneously to determine the body's sensitivity to certain substances. Based on the data obtained, the specialist develops treatment tactics.

Flea prevention

The easiest way is not to treat your pet, but to prevent the appearance of parasites. It is important to keep your home clean and practice hygiene regularly. It is important to change and wash outer clothing, wash shoes, and keep the floor clean.

If your pet goes outside, it needs to be bathed and its paws washed. If your cat is often outdoors, use a flea-repellent collar.

They contain a special flea remedy for cats, which repels parasites and prevents them from settling in the animal’s fur. It is important to change such a collar on time, taking into account their expiration date.

The positive properties of the collar include the following qualities:

  • Easy to use.
  • Suitable for animals that do not like water treatments.
  • Protection not only from fleas, but also from ticks.
  • Can be used by pregnant cats and small kittens.

Popular questions and answers

We discussed the most pressing questions that cat owners ask about fleas with veterinarians.

Why are fleas dangerous?

– Fleas can cause not only an allergic reaction, but also severe anemia in weakened and young animals with severe infestation. They are also carriers of helminthic and infectious infestations, such as feline hemobartonellosis,” says veterinarian Marina Mikheenko.

How to check if a flea treatment will cause an allergy in a cat?

“If you decide to use a spray, first spray it on a small area of ​​fur and wait a few hours,” advises veterinarian Lyubov Bogdan. – If the product does not cause an allergic reaction, it can be used. But most often, allergies occur to collars, however, it is difficult to test them. They are selected only empirically.

What to do if your cat's fleas don't go away?

“This happens in rare cases; most likely, the instructions for using the flea remedy were violated or the drug was expired,” says veterinarian Lyubov Bogdan. – But if the fleas really don’t come out, you need to combine treatment. For example, add tablets to the collar, or combine a spray with injections. But it is better to contact a veterinarian so that he can prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Is it necessary to treat the apartment where the cat lives?

“Yes, it is necessary, because flea eggs may remain,” explains veterinarian Lyubov Bogdan. – Thorough cleaning and disinfection of the premises must be carried out simultaneously with treating the cat with flea products. Before disinfection, it is necessary to carry out general cleaning: wash everything that can be done at a temperature above 60 ° C and then iron. And treat the apartment itself with flea repellent.

Is it possible to treat a pregnant or lactating cat for fleas on your own?

– Pregnant and lactating cats can be treated for fleas with Frontline (the safest) and Stronghold sprays, Bravecto drops and Brondline spot on (the latter only under the supervision of a veterinarian). But it’s better to see a doctor,” recommends veterinarian Marina Mikheenko.

Are there differences between fleas in cats and kittens?

– The difference between flea infestation in cats and kittens is only that kittens may experience more serious consequences with severe flea infestation. In addition, not all drugs are suitable for kittens; it is important to read the instructions before use, explains veterinarian Marina Mikheenko.

  1. Lyutikova I.A., Arkhipov I.A. Methodological recommendations for the treatment and prevention of ctenocephalidosis in dogs and cats // Russian Journal of Parasitology, 2008 https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/metodicheskie-rekomendatsii-po-terapii-i-profilaktike-ktenotsefalidoza-sobak-i-koshek
  2. Glazunova L.A., Tkacheva Yu.A. Comparative effectiveness of drugs for flea infestation in dogs and cats // Veterinary Doctor, 2017 https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/sravnitelnaya-effektivnost-preparatov-pri-bloshinoy-invazii-sobak-i-koshek

Traditional methods for fleas

If for some reason you do not want to use store-bought flea products, you can turn to traditional medicine and rid your pet of parasites.

  1. It is necessary to prepare an infusion of celandine and salt, in which the cat must be thoroughly bathed and allowed to stand in this water. For 50 grams of celandine, take 1 liter of water.
  2. Two or three cloves of garlic need to be turned into a liquid pulp and mixed with 700 ml of water. This infusion must be rubbed into the cat's fur at night, and the pet must be combed in the morning.
  3. A strong infusion is made from dry and fresh wormwood. The product is applied to the cat's fur, then the animal must be bathed with shampoo and combed well.

Getting rid of parasites

You cannot live with fleas in the house; you need to get rid of them as soon as the first individual is discovered. General cleaning of the apartment and treatment of animals is required.

Since fleas can live in any place, the main thing is to thoroughly clean all rooms, wash surfaces, and wash things. Bedding and pet houses - change or treat well. Nothing can be excluded; all processing is carried out at one time.


Often only insecticides can completely clean houses of fleas. Let's highlight the best chemicals - ordinary and professional, which will prevent insects from living in the apartment:

  • Raptor;
  • Pyrethrum – Persian chamomile powder, natural insecticide;
  • Combat;
  • Biorin, Sinuzan - strong professional products;
  • Chlorpirimak is a drug against garden pests;
  • Gett;
  • Empire 20;
  • dust

All of these products require caution when used, but guarantee reliable freedom from all insects.

Folk remedies

Simple folk remedies can relieve itching and irritation. For this use:

  • thick soda paste, which is used to lubricate the damage;
  • fruit juices – lemon, orange;
  • juice of dandelion, marigold, plantain, mint - the leaves must be thoroughly mashed until moisture appears;
  • house plants - aloe, kalanchoe - apply leaves or pulp;
  • lotions from good tea - not from bags.

These remedies should be used as early as possible.

Professional pest control

If you cannot cope with the flea infestation on your own, you can call special services to clean the area.

They will inform you how to properly prepare for cleansing from parasites and will carry out the necessary measures using insecticides and special equipment for spraying them. They will tell you how to clean the premises after cleaning.

Usually all rooms in the house, the surrounding area and buildings are processed simultaneously. Recommendations are also given for preventing areas where fleas may live.

Insecticides: Rules for use

Flea allergies in cats can have dire consequences, so it is best to use proven insecticides that will give positive results.

  • Under no circumstances should the insecticide come into contact with the cat’s mucous membranes;
  • The cat should not reach with its tongue the place where its fur was treated with drops;
  • Spray treatment should be carried out carefully; the spray should not come into contact with the cat’s eyes, nose and mouth;
  • After treating your pet, you need to ventilate the room;

If the product gets on the mucous membrane, you need to rinse it with plenty of clean water.

How do parasites threaten humans?

In addition to being an annoying “neighborhood”, these creatures can cause a lot of problems not only for animals. They actually transfer to people and can “reward” them with unpleasant problems with unpredictable consequences. It is not surprising that owners of four-legged animals, as a rule, try to quickly get rid of the potential danger in the form of blood-sucking cats or dogs. Surely many people remember from history the frightening events of the Middle Ages, when almost half of the population of the Old World died from the bubonic plague, which was carried by fleas.

At the same time, there is no need to panic. The likelihood of a pet becoming infected with fleas does not mean that cats should not have a place in a human home. If only because not all types of fleas that live on cats can pass to humans. In addition, four-legged domestic animals are not bitten by parasites that carry such a terrible disease as plague. Therefore, you should not be afraid of such blood-sucking creatures, but it is imperative to fight them.

The life cycle of a flea is divided into four stages

The life cycle of a flea is divided into four stages:

1. To mate and lay eggs, an adult female flea needs blood, and she attacks the most suitable host - your animal. After a 23-day feeding period, the adult female flea begins to lay eggs. Fleas are extremely prolific, with an adult female laying up to 50 eggs a day! To the naked eye, flea eggs look like grains of salt. A fertilized female throws out eggs with force, usually in portions of several pieces so that they do not remain on the animal’s fur, but fall to the ground or a place that it constantly visits.

2. The eggs hatch into legless larvae. Using a special “egg tooth”, they seem to cut the shell of the egg in order to get out. The larvae feed on waste products (semi-digested blood) of adult fleas and various decaying organic debris for 4-8 days.

3. The larva spins a thick cocoon, which provides ideal protection from environmental factors and insecticides.

4. The pupa, while in the cocoon, will develop into an adult insect, which will not come out until it senses the proximity of the “master”. Thus, the duration of the pupal stage is several days or months, depending on environmental conditions. The adult is born in response to carbon dioxide, heat and vibrations created by animals and people. Having emerged from the cocoon, she is ready to begin the life cycle again and go through it in three weeks.

Can they live on humans?

When answering the question of whether fleas pass from cats and dogs to people, they definitely say that they do not stay on the body for long. Having bitten the owner, the bloodsuckers jump to the floor to further lay eggs. Basically, adult individuals parasitize animals and hide in the fur of pets; people do not have productive “vegetation,” which makes insects uncomfortable when attaching. Hence, some individuals suspect that cat fleas can live in human hair, which imitates animal fur. This is also incorrect, since the human body has a temperature of 36.6 C, and in animals this figure reaches 38-39 C, which significantly improves living conditions for pets.

Therefore, if there is any doubt whether cat fleas can live on humans, the answer is no. The appearance of blood-sucking parasites occurs near the location of the victim. A large number of fleas are found not only on the body, but also on animal rugs or floor carpets. If we talk about the street, then insects settle under leaves, stones, in garbage, and rodent burrows. By temperature fluctuations, vibrations, and smell, they determine the appearance of the victim, jumping onto it.

Symptoms of a human being bitten by a cat flea

On the human body, a cat flea bite is recognized by the following signs:

  • Fleas, unlike bedbugs, can bite at any time of the day or night.
  • Cat flea bites on a person’s body are located no more often than 2-3 cm apart from each other. They can be localized in the area of ​​the arms, back, lower leg, and neck.
  • Blisters form in the area of ​​the bite. They swell and take a long time to heal.
  • The area around the blister may be itchy and painful.
  • The bite is painful because an enzyme in the saliva prevents blood from clotting.

With individual intolerance to the saliva of the parasite, some people, when fleas from cats or dogs are temporarily transmitted to a person, experience a severe allergic reaction.

In this case, antihistamines and ambulance are needed.

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