Spiders in Russia: common and rare representatives of the fauna

Over 1 thousand species of spiders live in Russia. Some are quite often found in residential areas and their proximity does not pose a threat, others can be seen exclusively in the wild, but it is advisable to avoid contact with them. The full list of them is quite large and therefore today we will focus only on a few - we will talk about those who really deserve attention. What are they - the most famous, large and dangerous spiders in Russia?

Six-eyed sand spider

The six-eyed sand spider is the most dangerous in the world.
Lives in the south of America and Africa, hiding under sandy cover. Prefers not to encounter people, but will deliver a fatal bite whenever possible. Accustomed to attacking with lightning speed, catching the victim by surprise. It takes pride of place among the five most dangerous arachnids in the world. The toxin affects vascular tissues, causing their damage. This leads to internal bleeding. There is no antidote. At the moment, science does not know the name of the necrotic toxin that accumulates in the mandibles of the Sicarius hahni spider, but its effect is well known: the poison gradually destroys the walls of blood vessels and red blood cells. The six-eyed sand spider is found exclusively in the deserts of South America and Africa, so only 2 cases of fatal encounters with this arthropod have been recorded in medicine - victims of the bite died from internal hemorrhage.


In Russia the following families of arthropods are represented:

  • wolves;
  • hunters;
  • funnel;
  • horses;
  • cibeids;
  • diggers;
  • black widows;
  • steatodes;
  • side walkers;
  • knitting spiders;
  • orb weavers.

These are not all species of spiders living in Russia, but a significant part of them. Most arthropods are able to live in any conditions. Photos and names of cosmopolitan spiders can be found in the description of the fauna of any of the regions of Russia. Some prefer a dry, hot climate and live in the southern part with an abundance of steppes. Others need water or damp places; such arthropods are usually found in the central part, where there are many forests with lakes and swamps.

Industrial murder

Few entomologists include larvae in their collection, but the Voronezh biologist has the largest one in the country. Here are the larvae of antlions, caterpillars, ground beetles, weevils, golden beetles, trilobite beetles, dragonflies, caddis flies, and silkworm pupae, from which silk thread is obtained. The pupa is thrown into boiling water. The larva dies, and the cocoon is unwound by a thread.

“The caterpillar has salivary glands, which begin to produce silk before pupation,” noted Sergei.

One of the most spectacular parts of the collection are butterflies from all over the world: large pear saturnias that live in Krasnodar, giant butterflies from the swallowtail family - blue morpho butterfly, yellow swallowtail and the largest in the collection, the atlas peacock eye with a wingspan of up to 19 cm. Many rare ones Lepidoptera were given to Sergei by his friends.

He plans to breed butterflies in a future insectarium and complains that many entrepreneurs who create traveling butterfly exhibitions do not know biology. They buy pupae, hatch them, and the newborn butterflies die on the second or third day.

– Essentially this is industrial murder. And if you grow butterflies, then children can be shown the full cycle of their life - from egg to butterfly. Given a certain humidity and the presence of protein food, many are able to live not for a couple of days, but for several months,” the biologist said.

Photos and descriptions of the most prominent representatives

Spiders in Voronezh live in places where there is vegetation and food. You can meet them in nature - forest, river, field, meadow, park, garden, as well as in your own home. House spiders live in the corners of rooms, behind furniture. They are active at night, eating flies, moths, and mosquitoes. They are safe for humans, the main inconvenience is that spiders spin cobwebs almost every night. The most striking representatives of the fauna are found in the wild.


Spiders are medium-sized and belong to the orb weavers. At night they weave a large openwork web, during the day they sit in the center of their creation, waiting for the victim. The colors can be different - beige, gray, black, brown, white tones.

Cross spiders

Crosses are classified as poisonous creatures, but their bites do not cause significant harm to humans. Edema, swelling, redness, and pain appear. The skin recovers in 7-14 days. However, individual intolerance to poison occurs. People prone to allergies experience dizziness, weakness, headache, abdominal discomfort, arrhythmia, etc. In this case, medical attention is required.

Spider wasp or Argiope bruennicha

Belongs to the orb weaver family. It has an unusual appearance and bright color. Outwardly it resembles a wasp. The body is elongated, painted with black and yellow stripes. The legs are long and equally striped. Thanks to this camouflage, the paca wasp has practically no natural enemies. Females reach sizes of 15 mm, males are half that size.

They are nocturnal and actively weave fishing nets. They eat insects, their larvae, and small relatives. Argiope brunnich prefers sunny meadows, weaves openwork nets, which then shine under the rays of the sun and attract victims. The hostess herself sits in the center of the web in the “X” position, with her limbs spread apart in pairs.

Wasp spider and sack spider


Residents of the region raised the alarm because of one incident that occurred in the Talovsky district. A seven-year-old boy was bitten by an unusual spider. The child's hand was swollen and his health worsened. Spent 7 days in the hospital. Information spread throughout the region that poisonous spiders in the Voronezh region began to attack people. The answer was provided by experts, assuring that there is no reason to panic.

The sak spider became a poisonous creature. Other names: yellow, heyracantium. A predator with a bright color and unusual appearance more closely resembles a scorpion. The legs and abdomen are amber-yellow, the cephalothorax is red. The chelicerae are bent into the shape of fangs or claws. Before rushing to attack, it takes a fighting position - it rises on its hind limbs. Females reach sizes of 1 cm, males are slightly smaller. Together with the leg span it reaches 2.5 cm.

In Europe it is one of the most poisonous. Lives among dense vegetation in dry areas, under stones, in bushes. Spider venom is not fatal to humans, but causes an allergic reaction of varying degrees of intensity. The bite is more difficult for children, people prone to allergies, and people with weak immune systems. The reaction depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

Possible consequences of a bite:

  • burning pain;
  • edema;
  • redness;
  • swelling;
  • tumor;
  • increased body temperature;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • headache;
  • dizziness.

In some cases, blood pressure increases, heart rate increases, and breathing becomes difficult. Medical attention required. Bites on the body disappear within a few weeks.

Half-eaten bread means cockroaches

Sergei has been popularizing entomology for seven years, running the “Entomology for Everyone” (insect lovers club) page on the social network. The young biologist’s plans include creating the first permanent exhibition of insects in Voronezh. He made all the exhibits with his own hands - from stands to the educational game “Guess the Insect”. The exhibition should also include models of insects and animals that resemble each other in size and color: hawk moths and hummingbirds, stag beetles and longhorned beetles. The evolutionary similarity (convergence) between them arose due to a similar lifestyle, Sergei explained.

For now, the future residents of the insectarium live in the entomologist’s small room. Stick insects, spiders, scorpions, exotic cockroaches, scolopendra sit in terrariums and jars, and a praying mantis proudly sits on a tropical liana. There are no problems finding food for pets.

“I don’t finish the bread, I give it to the cockroaches.” The cockroaches multiplied - I fed them to the scorpions. This is a closed cycle of biocenosis,” says the biologist.

According to Sergei's plans, the insectarium will be divided into two parts. In the “dry” part you will be able to see on special stands a collection of dried insects, as well as insects from arid regions. Accordingly, in the “wet” one, visitors will get acquainted with the insects of the “wet” regions, including caterpillars that will turn into butterflies.

White karakurt - Latrodectus pallidus

Image of white karakurt

This is a white spider, with long legs and a round abdomen. The abdomen is white or milky in color, with 4 indentations. The legs and cephalothorax are yellow or light brown. The white spider has a body 10-20 mm long. Females are larger than males. White spiders weave a web in the shape of a cone, which is connected to a trapping net. They live in North Africa, the Middle East, Iran, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan. The white karakurt spider is not aggressive, but its poison is toxic and can cause complications. Children and the elderly are most susceptible to the effects of the poison. Toxicological studies have shown that the poison of the white karakurt is similar to the poison of the karakurt (Latrodectus tredecimtugattus). If you are bitten by this spider, you should consult a doctor.

General morphology

An ordinary spider is an animal with 6 pairs of limbs. But a person notices only 4 pairs of legs, since the first 4 limbs of a spider are transformed into organs of nutrition and touch. The body of the arthropod is divided into 2 sections: the cephalothorax and abdomen. Both parts are connected by a short jumper. In the close-up photo of the spider you can see that the cephalothorax is divided by a groove into two parts: the thoracic and cephalic. On the chest there are limbs that provide the spider with movement and help weave a web.

On the head section there are:

  • the first pair of limbs transformed into chelicerae;
  • the second pair of limbs are pedipalps, which perform the functions of touch and help the spider catch and hold prey;
  • eyes;
  • mouth opening.

The number of eyes spiders have varies. The majority of arthropods have 8 eyes. Some species have fewer eyes, even their complete absence in spiders living in the eternal darkness of caves.

Killer Soldier (Brazilian Banana Spider)

Since 2010, the recognized leader has been the Brazilian banana spider. He is also called a traveler, soldier or runner. He never stays in one place for a long time, does not weave a web. The killer with furry legs can reach 15 cm. Most often it has a sandy color, which allows it to camouflage perfectly on the ground. Only the canine-cheliceral area is bright red. Males are smaller in size and more pronounced in color. They express their readiness to mate with an original dance.

Traveling spiders do not have a permanent habitat. They move through the tropical jungles of Central and South America. They are often found in bananas, which is how it got one of its nicknames. While wandering, the soldier spider crawls into houses, where it hides in secluded corners: closets, closets. They also crawl under things thrown on the floor, into shoes or cars.

That’s why most bites happen due to a person’s inattention or carelessness.

Banana spider venom contains a powerful neurotoxin. It causes severe pain and inflammation, paralysis. If help is not provided in time, death from suffocation is possible. Some sources note that in 85% of cases, when poison enters the circulatory system, it leads to heart failure. Scientists have found a use for spider poison and use it to create a medicine against male impotence.


Hornets are considered the largest wasps in Europe. The working individual of the common hornet reaches a length of 20-25 mm, and the uterus reaches up to 35 mm. Again, only female hornets are dangerous to humans; males do not even have a sting.

Hornet venom has a strong allergenic effect. It contains histamine and some toxins that promote the additional release of this substance from the cells of the affected tissue. Histamine accelerates allergic reactions, so even for people who are insensitive to the components of the poison, a hornet bite will be painful. Hornet venom contains a large amount of acetylcholine, which causes severe irritation of nerve endings and acute pain at the site of the bite.

The reaction to a hornet attack varies greatly from person to person. For some, the allergy manifests itself only as swelling, while for others the temperature may rise, headache and heart rate increase. In rare cases, anaphylactic shock and even death can occur.

Features of reproduction

During the process of active growth, spiders from time to time shed their tight shell, which consists of a chitinous structure. They gradually acquire a new, stronger one.

Over the course of their entire life, they can molt up to 10 times. Spiders are heterosexual individuals, with the female being much larger than the male.

The mating period lasts quite a long time, its season begins in mid-autumn and lasts until early spring. At this time, the male fills the bulbs, which are located at the ends of the pedipalps, with sperm, then he goes in search of the female.

As soon as 2.5 months have passed, the female lays eggs. After 35 days, spiderlings hatch from them and live in the web until the first molt. Sexual maturity in females occurs at the age of 3-5 years.


99% of spiders eat animal food. They prefer insects. On average, they eat 650 tons per year. Digested externally. The esophagus of spiders is very thin. Able to pass only liquid food. The straining apparatus in the pharynx does not allow large pieces (more than one micron) to pass through. The digestive enzyme is secreted by the liver. This function is also performed by the labial gland (located on the upper lip).

They have a taste organ. A group of receptor cells in the walls of the pharynx. Spiders refuse flies coated with table salt and quinine. But they enjoy eating elderberry core soaked in meat broth.

Spiders of different species prepare their prey in 2 ways. Most creatures inject the enzyme into an insect, then knead it and tear it apart with chelicerae. This procedure is carried out several times. After each manipulation, drops of nutritious juice appear on the surface. The spider eats them with its rostrum.

Spiders that feed on hard-shelled insects simply inject secretions into the wound. Then all the nutrient fluid is sucked through one hole.

The tarantula enzyme can dissolve 3-4 grams of mouse meat in 24 hours.

These arachnids are predators. The exception is a species of jumping spider called Bagheera Kipling. They sometimes feed on nectar. But most often with the tips of acacia leaves, as they are rich in proteins. In addition, 60 species were caught occasionally consuming “vegetarian” food.

The largest spiders on the planet

In the previous section, we looked at the largest representatives of arachnids, but there are other, no less terrifying species (Figure 2).

These include:

  1. Tegenaria wall: with a small body length of 3 cm, the paw span is 14 cm. This spider is found in the desert regions of Israel and Jordan. This is a nocturnal predator that also poses a danger to humans, since when it bites it releases life-threatening poison into the wound.
  2. Brazilian wandering spider: not the largest, but one of the most dangerous insects. Its body length is 10 cm, and its paw span is 7 cm. It lives in the forests of South and Central America. This is the most dangerous spider on the planet. It usually feeds on bananas, but may eat other insects, small animals and birds. It is also dangerous for humans, since its poison can kill an adult man in 2 hours.
  3. Camel spider: it was included in our selection because of its unusual appearance and extreme jumping ability. Such individuals live in desert areas around the world, with the exception of Australia. This spider is not poisonous, but its powerful jaws can even bite through a human nail. Such a bite is very painful, and particles of food debris can get into the wound and cause inflammation.
  4. Ornamental Rajai tarantula: a brightly colored spider with a body of 8 cm and a leg span of up to 20 cm. It lives on old trees and in old buildings in Sri Lanka. This spider feeds on small animals, lizards and birds. This species was discovered relatively recently, in 2009, and its research continues.

Figure 2. The largest spiders in the world look scary

In Australia

Australia is an isolated continent, so unique animals and insects have been preserved here (Figure 3).

The largest varieties on the Australian continent are considered to be:

  1. Huntsman spider: one of the most common varieties. These spiders quite often get into the homes of Australians and, although they do not pose a danger to humans, the very fact of their presence in the house causes serious discomfort. They are predominantly nocturnal and openly hunt their victims.
  2. Nephilous orb weavers: In Australia, this species is often called the large tree spider. The individuals themselves are small, up to 4 cm in length, but are capable of weaving very strong webs, which sometimes even trap small birds. The venom of this spider is quite strong, but does not pose a danger to humans.
  3. Black House Spider: As the name suggests, this species is often found in homes, although the spiders spend most of their time in funnel-shaped webs. It does not attack a person first, but if the spider does bite, a deep groove and painful swelling will remain at the site of the wound.
  4. Redback Spider: One of the most venomous species on the Australian continent. It is easy to distinguish it from other individuals by the bright red stripe on the upper part of the body. This spider also poses a danger to humans, since its venom can lead to systemic disorders, and without medical assistance it can even lead to death.

Figure 3. Australia has many large and dangerous spiders

Cerbal Arabian

Despite its large size, this species of spider was discovered only a few years ago and is one of the newest among arachnids. Official sources record a maximum paw span of about 14 cm, but the few who have met it talk about larger individuals.

Its silver body and black-striped legs allow it to remain undetected in the deserts of Jordan and Israel. During the day, the arthropod prefers to bury itself in the sand, going out to hunt when the destructive sun disappears behind the horizon.

Cerbal Arabian

Much in the life of this giant has not yet been studied, and arachnologists are only speculating about its habits and taste preferences.

Spiders of Russia

In Russia you can meet a wide variety of spiders. It is estimated that the country is home to approximately 2,880 species with specific characteristics. Below are the main and most common ones.

House spider

House spider

This species prefers to live in residential buildings and outbuildings. It eats small insects: bedbugs, moths, flies, etc. If there are no human settlements nearby, it can live in fields and forests, using a crack in a tree or thick grass as a home. The color of the spider is yellow-brown, with a dark pattern on the back. An adult grows up to 1.2 cm.

Orb weaver

Orb weaver

A poisonous spider that lives in nature. The predator climbs trees and weaves a large round web between the branches, into which insects fall, which later become food. Orb weavers can also hunt frogs, rats and other small animals.

Interesting fact: the poison of the orb weaver paralyzes a frog in 15 minutes. For humans, the bite is practically harmless, although there may be discomfort in the affected area.

Argiope arthropod

Argiope arthropod

Males of this species rarely grow more than 5 mm, but females stretch up to several centimeters. The spider is yellow and black in color, which makes it look like a wasp. Argiope is found in central Russia. The spider is poisonous and rarely attacks first in case of danger. Having spread a web, the predator often sits right in its center and does not hide from potential prey.



This species of spider lives in grass and dense thickets and loves temperate climates. Adults grow up to one and a half centimeters. The color is light brown, sometimes there may be a green tint. Chiracantids are nocturnal, do not build permanent housing, travel across territories and hunt insects. The bite is considered highly poisonous.

South Russian tarantula

South Russian tarantula

Grows up to 3 cm, prefers areas with low humidity, mainly steppes. He builds a house in loose soil, digs a hole several tens of centimeters deep. During the hunt, he sits inside and waits. When an insect runs nearby, the tarantula jumps out of the hole and bites the prey. The poison almost immediately paralyzes the enemy, and the spider only has to drag him home.

Silver spider

Silver spider

In Russia, you can find the silver spider in the Far East, Siberia and the Caucasus. The legs and front part of the predator's body are dark brown, the back part is gray. The size of an adult does not exceed 2 cm. The silver spider has a calm character and does not attack without reason. Spends most of its time in water, where it hunts small creatures.



The species is found in the Caucasus and southern Russia; it prefers to settle near humans and hunt in gardens and vegetable gardens. The spider is black in color with orange-red or gray patterns on the back. It is poisonous, but the bite is not capable of causing severe harm to humans. But it quickly helps to cope with insects.

Black Eresus

Black Eresus

The spider has a rather unusual color, which makes it look like a ladybug. Eresus lives in the Rostov and Novosibirsk regions. It digs a small hole as a home, to which it is attached all its life. Often the male and female live together to regularly produce offspring. The spider grows up to 2 cm in length.



The spider lives in the Crimea, has white-yellow legs and a gray body, which is why it is perfectly camouflaged in the sand. It is most active at night and can move quickly. When hunting, it uses long jaws, which help cope not only with insects, but also lizards and rodents. Salpugs grow up to 7 cm in length.

Pouch spider

Pouch spider

It is an aggressive predator that is capable of attacking even a large opponent. It has an elongated body of yellow color with a greenish tint. Lives in the Volgograd and Rostov regions. Prefers to live in fields with tall grass, but can also be found near trees. The average length of an adult is 1.5 cm.

False black widow

False black widow

The false black widow is dark in color and sometimes has red spots on its body. Individuals with light-colored paws are also sometimes found. The spider grows no more than 1.2 cm in length and hunts small insects. Considered highly poisonous. The bite can cause discomfort to a person for 2-3 days. The bulk of the population lives in Dagestan.

Why are spiders scary?

First of all, people are afraid of the appearance of spiders. Their body consists of two parts. The first is called the cephalothorax and includes eight eyes, and a pair of movable limbs, with the help of which males attract females and push food into their mouths. The second part is the abdominal cavity, which contains all the other internal organs of the animal.

The location of the spider's eyes: four small ones at the bottom, two large ones at the top and another pair on the sides

The body of spiders is colored black, gray or brown, and light-colored individuals are very rare. Dark coloring helps spiders hide from predators by camouflaging themselves under foliage and tree bark. Their appearance also helps them to be invisible to prey, which they can see at a distance of up to 30 centimeters and attack in a jump.

Internal structure

Spiders have a complex internal structure. They have circulatory, excretory, respiratory, digestive, and nervous systems.

Digestive system

The intestinal canal runs directly from the mouth to the anus. Consists of 3 parts. Divided into the esophagus, stomach with five pairs of blind tubes, and intestines. Processing and absorption of nutrients occur in the stomach. The intestines include two branched urinary canals. Liver juice has an effect similar to that of the pancreas of higher vertebrates.


Consists of the pharynx, sucking stomach, and esophagus. Covered with chitin. Equipped with powerful muscles. The esophagus is thin and tubular. Forms a right angle with the pharynx. The sucking stomach has the shape of a pyramid with 4 sides. It absorbs part of the food. It also helps with swallowing as it has strong muscles.


The stomach of spiders is the anterior section of the midgut. It does not have an internal cuticle. Represents large branched protrusions. It happens: simple, intermediate, classic, complex. Connects to the intestine, which extends through the stalk into the abdomen.


Large bulge on the intestine at the beginning of the abdomen. Gray or brown. Consists of many blades (lobes). Surrounds all organs except the pulmonary sacs. Releases digestive enzymes and destroys semi-digested food particles.


A voluminous pouch at the end of the intestine. This is where excrement accumulates. The Malpighian vessels flow into it. It continues with the chitinous hindgut. Followed by the anus. Spiders defecate droplets of liquid. After drying, the stains from them become white with a dark center.

Respiratory system

The respiratory organs are unique. The hemolymph of many spiders contains the respiratory pigment hemocyanin. It speeds up metabolic processes. The number of spiracles corresponds to the number of respiratory organs.


Consist of many plates. Their appearance resembles a stack of paper. Primitive groups of spiders have 4 lungs. In most spiders, the posterior pair of lungs is transformed into trachea. There are representatives who do not have this body. That is, according to the way they breathe, spiders are divided into:

  • Quadruple lungs;
  • bipulmonary;
  • lungless.


Oxygen enters them through air holes. According to development and location, there are local and general significance. The second ones extend into the cephalothorax and limbs. The first ones do not extend beyond the abdomen.

The trachea is more efficient for breathing than the lungs. This has been confirmed by experiment. The stigmata of spider lungs were covered with Vaseline. After 4-7 hours, blood circulation stopped. Then the spider died. Representatives of species with developed tracheae lived significantly longer during the experiment.

Interesting fact. The water spider has predominantly cutaneous respiration. With completely covered spiracles, it lives 4-15 days. Underwater it breathes oxygen, which collects between the hairs on the body.

Circulatory system

The circulatory system is not closed. Heart pulsating. Located in the abdominal cavity. It has lateral stomata that help pump hemolymph (the equivalent of white blood). When the heart contracts, blood enters the artery and the lateral stomata close like valves. Flows through the arteries to the extremities. It rotates around the lung sacs, then returns through the lateral stomata into the posterior vessel.

central nervous system

Consists of the brain and subpharyngeal nerve mass. Concentrated in the cephalothorax. It consists of paired ganglia that act as local control centers for all segments. The brain is created by the fusion of ganglia. Spiders have a centralized nervous system, characteristic of arachnids. There are two visual centers in the brain. One is responsible for the main eyes, the other for the others.

Despite having a relatively small central nervous system, some representatives exhibit complex behavior. For example, the ability to use trial and error.

Biological characteristics

In official biological language, argiope belongs to the family of orb-weaving spiders. This family is characterized by the production of a large circular catch net with a pronounced spiral stabilimentum in the center. This section of the web is clearly visible in ultraviolet rays, which are distinguishable by many insects, and therefore the stablimentum is so attractive to various insects and beetles.


According to the description, the Argiope spider really looks like a wasp or a zebra. The body of the arthropod clearly shows an alternation of black and yellow stripes, however, this is characteristic only of females. Males of this species are small and inconspicuous.

Argiope Brünnich spiders exhibit pronounced dimorphism. The female has a body size of 15-30 millimeters in length, while the male Argiope barely reaches half a centimeter.


This striped black and yellow spider mainly inhabits the middle and southern regions of Europe and Russia. But recently, thanks to climate warming, argiope has begun to be found in the northern regions. There is information that our spider was seen in the Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod regions, and even further north.


The usual colony of Argiope settles in forests or meadows. where there is a massive number of potential casualties. The number of one settlement is usually about two dozen spiders.

A yellow striped spider weaves its webs in the twilight evening. He spends no more than one hour making his trap. After the web is woven, its owner is placed in the center of the network and, taking the shape of the letter "X", awaits the victim.

It should be noted that the Argiope catching net is very beautiful; it is distinguished by the presence of a pronounced circular shape and small cells, through which even the smallest mosquito cannot break through.


The zebra argiope spider feeds on the insects that fall into its web. These are mainly numerous Orthoptera, although various flies or mosquitoes often find themselves in the web. The spiders inject poison into them and entwine them with cobwebs, then they suck the juices from the victim’s body, which has begun to dissolve.


The female reaches the age of sexual reproduction after the last molt of her development. During mating, the female wraps a web around the male, and if he fails to get out, then his fate is unenviable - he will certainly be eaten.

And the female will then weave a large cocoon, into which she will place her numerous eggs, which she guards with the care of a loving mother.

At the beginning of autumn, the spiderlings emerge from the cocoon, and, being attached to the webs, are carried by the wind around the area, thus creating new colonies of spiders.

In other cases, the female can lay eggs, and there are up to a hundred of them in one cocoon, in late autumn, and the young spiders hatch and settle with the arrival of spring. The female herself does not overwinter, but, having laid eggs, dies.

What types of spiders are there?

Arthropods have occupied almost all levels of living space on the planet. They can be found in burrows, on the ground, on bushes, and in trees of any height. The only thing they haven't mastered is air. And that’s conditional. Some species spread on webs that they release in windy weather. A spider on a web flying in the wind is able to cover enormous distances.

Unofficially, spiders can be divided into groups:

  • burrows;
  • ground;
  • under-bush;
  • woody

The familiar round web in the shape of a “target” belongs to tree spiders. Burrows use cobwebs to secure the ground so that their home does not collapse. Terrestrials “spread” webs along the ground, weaving pieces of soil into it. They use their web as a signaling system. Sub-bush species live at the base of bushes and weave webs in the form of a hut, which is camouflaged with branches and soil.

Brazilian spider soldier

Brazilian soldier spiders (lat. Phoneutria

) is a fast, very active and, most importantly, poisonous animal. It is also called the armed or banana spider. It got its name due to the fact that it does not spin webs like most of its fellows, because it does not need it, as it prefers a nomadic lifestyle. He loves to enter human habitation, where he can hide in shoes, clothes or dishes.

Humans don't usually make it onto lion lists, but some have already shown interest in differentiated food. Now that you are knowledgeable, just try to stay smart. Of course, for most people these animals are not part of everyday life, but you never know.

And we from Unknown Facts really love to write stories about the animal kingdom, an example of this is our subjects with and, and today will be no different, let's talk about the strange sexual relationships that exist in the animal kingdom. Well, have you ever thought that there could be cannibalism among animals? Or just a woman killing a man after sex? Yes, it happens, and we will show you in this issue the 8 worst sexual relationships in the animal kingdom.

He lives in South America. He hunts insects, other spiders and even birds, and loves to feast on bananas. The 10-centimeter predator has a toxic venom that can kill a child or weakened adult before help can be provided. The poison of some specimens can be so dangerous that a person can die in 20-30 minutes.

Snails are hermaphrodites, and their genitals are located near their necks, just behind their eyes. They throw calcium "love darts" in front of two baby snails, allowing them to store more sperm in their wombs. As if these were people with a penis of 170 centimeters, on average. Because they are hermaphrodites, they all have a male reproductive organ, and during mating they must find partners with penises smaller than their own, so they do not get caught during mating or have to pull it out.

During winter, all females become aroused simultaneously, causing reproductive agitation in the species. Men try to mate with as many women as possible, and it doesn't happen in a loving way. They grab their assistants by the neck and drag them away. Pairing sessions last on average three hours, but can last a full day.

Black Widow

Black widows (lat. Latrodectus mactans) are a species of spider that is distributed throughout the world and is notorious. The bite of widows is very dangerous to human life. It poses a particular danger to young children, the sick and the elderly. They were called widows because after mating, the females eat the males.

Females are much more poisonous than males, who pose a danger only during the mating season. Interestingly, black widow bites have killed more people than other species. These spiders love to crawl into human habitation, where they find suitable places to hunt. Once in the blood, the poison spreads throughout the body, causing strong, persistent and painful muscle cramps.

Safe types

It should be noted right away that absolutely all spiders are poisonous, but only a few will be dangerous to human health - arthropods with highly toxic poison. In this chapter we will look at those whose venom is lethal exclusively to insects.

House spiders

These are perhaps the most famous and most common spiders living in Russia. They got their name because they love to be neighbors with people - they can be found in a private house, in a city apartment, and in outbuildings. This spider usually weaves a funnel-shaped web in dark corners under the ceiling or in more secluded places, for example, somewhere behind a closet. The owner himself usually sits in the center of the fishing net and patiently waits for the prey to fall into it. And as soon as the victim is in the web, the spider runs up to her with lightning speed and immediately straightens out.

You can recognize a house spider by the following signs:

  • the integument is yellowish-gray or brownish-gray;
  • on the back there are usually brown spots arranged in a pattern;
  • the legs are dark brown, their length is approximately twice as long as the body;
  • The size of females is about 12 mm, the male is no more than 10 mm.

Knitting spiders

There are quite a few species of crocheters, and these spiders are found in Russia more often than others. They are distributed throughout the country and live exclusively in natural conditions. Their trapping nets are circular in shape and have very large meshes. Because of them, at first glance, it may seem that such a web is not suitable for hunting. However, it is not. The net is designed for a specific victim, namely long-legged mosquitoes, which are a favorite delicacy for knitters.

The knitting spider has the following description:

  • elongated body;
  • legs are long;
  • chelicerae are covered with numerous projections;
  • Females are usually about 10 mm in size, males are somewhat smaller.

Who should you be wary of?

Other arachnids also live on the territory of Russia - their venom is very toxic and delay after a bite is fraught with serious health consequences. And in order to protect yourself and know in which cases you should immediately seek medical help, it is advisable to know such representatives of the spider kingdom “by sight.”

So, next we propose to find out the names, and also consider the description of poisonous spiders living in Russia.

Cross spiders

The diet of spiders of this species includes mainly flying insects: hornets, flies, butterflies, mosquitoes, bumblebees and bees. Hunting occurs with the help of a web. The crossfish immobilizes caught prey with poison, entangles it in a web and injects digestive juices into the wound. After some time, it eats the partially digested contents of its victim. If the spider is not hungry at the moment, then it hangs the prey on the edge of the trapping net in reserve.

These spiders are distributed throughout central Russia. They are often found in spruce, beech and pine forests, as well as in raised bogs, less often in gardens, arable lands and meadows.

Characteristics of the cross spider:

  • females are approximately twice as large as males with body sizes of about 20-25 mm;
  • the main color depends on the ambient light; on the upper side of the abdomen there is a pattern in the form of a cross;
  • the body is covered with a layer of waxy substance necessary to prevent moisture evaporation;
  • The cephalothorax is covered with a dense “shield”, on the front of which there are 4 pairs of eyes.

As a result of a bite from a cross, an infection can occur in the wound, so it is imperative to seek medical help as soon as possible.


Chiracantids belonging to the species Cheiracanthium punctorium are dangerous for humans. They can be found in grass and bushes. These creatures have won the title of the most poisonous spiders in central Russia.

This is interesting! Some species of chiracandids are characterized by matrifagy - hatched spiderlings eat the female who protects them!

Chiracantids do not weave trapping nets, as they are wandering hunters. They are active exclusively at night. They react to the prey tactilely - when the insect touches the spider’s legs, it attacks it with one sharp jump. The diet usually includes leafhoppers, caterpillars, moths, aphids, grasshoppers and some types of mites.

This is interesting! When studying chiracantids in laboratory conditions, it was noticed that they avoid any contact with ants and parasitic wasps!


  • the covers are colored yellow, light brown, sometimes greenish;
  • body size ranges from 5 to 15 mm;
  • abdomen oval, slightly pointed at the end;
  • the front pair of legs are approximately twice as long as the body.

After a bite from a Hyracantida spider, intense burning pain occurs in the affected area, which soon spreads over almost the entire corresponding segment of the limb. In this case, there is no itching or “locking” of the muscles. After a few minutes, the lymph nodes located on the way from the bite site begin to “ache” and swell. A little later, swelling develops in the affected area and mobility is impaired. Sometimes there is difficulty breathing. The pain goes away after about 10-20 hours, local symptoms - after 1-2 days.


This is the most poisonous spider living in Russia. Karakurt belongs to the family of black widows. Its body is painted black and has 13 red spots with a white border. Adult individuals no longer have spots - their body is usually painted uniformly in a glossy black color. The body size of a female can be from 10 to 20 mm, males are much smaller - their size usually does not exceed 7 mm.

Poisonous spiders such as karakurts are found in the following regions of Russia:

  • Saratovskaya;
  • Kurganskaya;
  • Orenburgskaya;
  • Rostovskaya;
  • Novosibirsk;
  • Volgogradskaya.

Despite the fact that karakurts are considered the most dangerous spiders in Russia, they do not attack people without reason, but bite solely for the purpose of self-defense. After a bite, the poison acts immediately and within a quarter of an hour the pain spreads throughout the body. Particularly severe pain occurs in the abdomen, chest and lower back. At the same time, a strong tension in the abdominal muscles is felt. The victim may experience shortness of breath, tremors, increased heartbeat, increased pulse rate, headache, nausea, dizziness, pallor or hyperemia of the skin.

In Russia, antikarakurt serum is used to treat the consequences of the bite of these poisonous spiders.

In hot years, karakurts are also found in the northern regions, for example, in the Moscow region; sometimes they rise to much higher latitudes, where they can live until winter

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