The largest spiders in the world, which of them are the most dangerous and poisonous?

Nature has endowed each dangerous spider with quite powerful poisonous fangs that paralyze the victim. The spider's venom is so strong that it can literally turn the victim's body tissue into slurry. There are about forty-two thousand species of spiders on Earth, but only a few pose a threat to human life. Due to its size, it is difficult for a spider to bite through human skin, but if it succeeds, it is unlikely to cause serious harm to health. However, there are a number of spiders that can kill a person. It is these species that we will talk about today. We recommend that you get acquainted with ten far from harmless, but even the most dangerous spiders in the world.

Karakurt - the most dangerous spider in the world

Karakurt, or as it is also called, the black widow, cannot boast of its impressive size, but it is capable of producing such a powerful poison, in which the content of neurotoxins is many times higher than that of a cobra. After being bitten by a dangerous karakurt spider, a person feels a sharp pain that spreads throughout the body within half an hour. The next five days of the bitten person pass as if in a fog, with weakness, dizziness and vomiting. If the victim is not given appropriate assistance, he will die. Only female karakurts pose a danger to the life of Homo sapiens, since males very often become victims themselves. The habitats of the most dangerous spider are the steppes of Ukraine, Russia, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan.

Horrible in person

But almost cute on the inside. All tarantulas are poisonous, but their venom is low-toxic and the bite of these spiders is not dangerous to humans. Unless the victim has an allergic reaction to spider venom. But in this case, the size of the spider is not so important.

If you arrange spiders in descending order, you will get something like this rating:

  1. Theraphosa blondi (Goliath species).
  2. Heteropoda maxima (species of Heteropoda maxima).
  3. Acanthoscurria (genus of spiders Acanthoscurria).
  4. Nhandu coloratovillosus (Coloratovillosus species).
  5. Nhandu tripepii (Nandu tripepii species).
  6. Brachypelma smithi (Species of Brachypelma smithi).
  7. Lampropelma nigerrimum (Lampropelma nigerrimum species).
  8. Lampropelma nigerrimum arboricola (species Lampropelma nigerrimum arboricola).
  9. Aphonopelma seemanni (species of Aphonopelma zemanni).
  10. Avicularia purpurea (Species of Avicularia purpura).


The female's body grows up to 10 cm. Males are smaller - 8.5 cm. The paw span can be 28 cm. The color is dark brown. The body is completely covered with short reddish-brown bristles. Lives in the tropical zone of South America.

The most terrible spiders

Heteropoda maxima

It rivals Goliath in size, although the female’s body length is only 4.6 cm, the male’s is 3 cm. But the limb span is 25-30 cm. The species was recently discovered in Laos. The color of spiders is brownish-yellow. There are no gender differences in color. Presumably the species lives in caves. The toxicity level of the venom and the strength of the bite are unknown. But this tarantula looks really creepy. Especially because of the large chelicerae.


This is a genus of large spiders. The paw span of the smallest species is 12 cm. The largest is 22 cm. The color is dark brown with a light border along the cephalothorax and light stripes on the paws. Outwardly it resembles the South Russian tarantula, but has a more attractive appearance.

Nervous character. If disturbed, it may bite. Considering the easily excitable nervous system of arthropods and their number in tarantula lovers, the venom of representatives of this genus is low-toxic.

Rhea coloratovillosus

The body and paws of the animal are covered with thick and long reddish bristles. The length of the female is up to 9 cm. The paw span is up to 18 cm. A native of Brazil. Stubble that easily falls out poses a danger to humans.

Rhea thriperia

A very fluffy arthropod whose pink or red bristles perform a protective function. Therefore, the spider itself does not exchange bites and is valued for its docile disposition. The paw span is up to 18 cm. Females grow up to 8 cm, males up to 5 cm. Country of origin is Brazil.

The most terrible spiders

Brachypelma smithy

The body dimensions are close to Goliath: up to 9 cm. The paw span is up to 17 cm. The tarantula has a very beautiful coloring: a dark background with red spots on the paws. With age, the contrast intensifies.

It uses bristles as protection, since the poison is slightly toxic. The bite is not dangerous to humans. In addition, the animal has a very calm disposition.

Lampropelma nigerrium

The body size of adult individuals is 6-8 cm. The paw span is 17-19 cm. In particularly large specimens, the leg span can be 20 cm. The color of females is jet black, males are ashen, with a striped pattern on the abdomen.

Lampropelma nigerrium arboricola

Body size up to 8 cm, paw span up to 18 cm. Females are black, males are ash-yellow. Animals are burrowers. They hunt at night.

The character is similar to its brother in its genus: an aggressive, fast arthropod with strong poison. In the absence of shelter, it is prone to bites. The poison can cause several unpleasant days for a person.

Afonopelma zemanni

The paw span is up to 14 cm. The color is black or dark brown with light stripes on the paws. They are nocturnal. Fast and active only at night. The rest of the time they prefer to sit in shelters, as they do not like sunlight.

The poison is weak. The bite is similar in strength to that of a wasp. When a person is bitten, local irritation and swelling go away on their own after 2-3 days.

The most terrible spiders

Avicularia purpura

An inhabitant of Ecuador in nature builds nests in hollows. Likes to use voids in human habitation for nesting. Completely covered with thick black bristles that glow purple-blue in the sun. Grows up to 6 cm. Leg span up to 14 cm.

Protection is provided by irritating bristles, since the venom is weak and the bite is not dangerous to humans.

Although photos of scary tarantula spiders make an impression, it is not these giants that are truly dangerous, but modest little spiders. Often these spiders have an inconspicuous camouflage color.

Sydney funnel web spider - one of the 10 most dangerous spiders

The Sydney funnel web spider is very aggressive and always attacks humans first. Its bite causes paralysis of the human nervous and respiratory system. Males are more poisonous than females and more confident, and therefore fearlessly penetrate human dwellings. The victim needs to be administered an antidote as soon as possible; it’s good that this type of dangerous spider lives in Sydney, where an antidote was invented long ago.

The Australian widow is one of the most dangerous poisonous spiders

Every resident of Australia knows this dangerous spider. The Australian widow spider differs in appearance from other spiders. It has a red longitudinal mark on its round belly. The spider lives in urban environments, and therefore its encounters with humans are not uncommon. During the bite, the Australian widow controls the dosage of the poison, but small children and elderly people die without the necessary medical care. After the bite of the Australian widow, swelling, colic, excessive sweating and unpleasant nausea persist for a long time.


He has a very calm, balanced character. By nature, this type of spider is very shy, so they try in every possible way to avoid unwanted encounters with people. If, sometimes, bites from representatives of this species occur, they are inflicted by females. Females are much larger than males and more hot-tempered. Although, usually, they also do not want to conflict and try to escape in time.

North American black widow

The terrible name of a spider does not make a dangerous representative of the order of arthropods a maniac killer. The black widow injects a poison that causes a terrible allergic reaction. Over the past hundred years, thirteen people have died from black widow bites, although before the development of a vaccine, more than five percent of those bitten died. North America, New Zealand and Australia - these are the regions where dangerous representatives of the order arthropods live.

Chinese tarantula

This species is a subspecies of tarantulas. This is a fairly large (up to 20 centimeters) spider with a characteristic appearance. So named because of its extremely aggressive behavior and tendency to destroy the nests of small birds. The venom of this spider is not particularly dangerous for adults, but it is extremely unpleasant, causing severe pain and muscle cramps, fever and headache. The bite of the Chinese tarantula can be dangerous for children, the elderly and people with allergies.

Brown recluse spider

The brown recluse spider is also called the fiddle spider. It is found in the south in the USA and northern Mexico. Residents of these regions try to avoid contact with the recluse spider, as its venom is toxic enough to kill a person. After exposure to toxic substances contained in the venom of a recluse spider, tissue rejection begins at the site of the bite, which without medical assistance can lead to tragic fatal consequences.

Who is scarier

Speed ​​and aggressiveness should also be added to the criteria for evaluating scary spiders. What is the use of strong poison if the spider moves slowly and is only able to catch prey sitting still.


The fastest spiders today are the crab spiders, which wait in ambush for prey. It is unknown how strong their poison is, since the arthropods are small and do not bite humans. But the speed of rotation of their body when catching prey reaches 3000° per second. That is, in a second, a crab spider can rotate around its axis 8 times.

If you choose creepy spiders by size, then the entire top 10 scary spiders will be occupied by tarantulas.

Brazilian wandering spider

The jumping and lightning-fast wandering spider very easily penetrates into a home, car, bag, and clothing pockets. A contact encounter with a Brazilian spider usually ends in paralysis of the muscular system and suffocation. Although poison rarely causes death, it is still unpleasant to feel the effects of toxins with a lack of air. Men should generally avoid contact with the wandering spider, as there is a high risk of becoming impotent after being bitten.

The six-eyed sand spider is a dangerous representative of the order of arthropods

The six-eyed sand spider earned its name due to the fact that it is quite skillful at burrowing into the sand and hunting prey. Nature did not reward the six-eyed sand spider with the ability to weave a web. This feature distinguishes this representative from other classes of spiders. The bite of this dangerous spider causes hemorrhage, but science knows of only two cases of death. Scientists conducted more than one experiment on rabbits, as a result of which all experimental subjects died after being bitten by a six-eyed spider.

Tarantula - the largest dangerous spider

The tarantula is the largest representative of the arachnid class in the world, which lives in the desert or arid steppe. For humans, tarantula venom is not fatal and only causes swelling. Legends about the poisonousness of the tarantula have been circulating for centuries. Entire epidemics have been linked to a single tarantula bite. Even a dance called “tarantella” arose thanks to the myth that frantic dancing saves you from a tarantula bite.

Today we introduced you to ten dangerous spiders that pose a threat to human life. Try to avoid contact with the above dangerous spiders, which nature has awarded with a real opportunity to “defeat a person” in the literal sense of this expression. Don't risk your life. Be vigilant and careful!

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