The most poisonous spiders you really should be wary of

Welcome to the world of the most dangerous spiders. The ancestors of spiders (Araneae) lived on our planet more than several hundred million years ago. By the way, modern spiders in their genetic portrait are related to crabs. And today, just imagine, almost four tens of thousands of species are known. By the way, for those who don’t know, spiders are not insects. They form a separate order, and accordingly a separate class of animals.

These creatures live everywhere, even in water. As a rule, they have eight legs, a pair or even several eyes, and the forelimbs are called chelicerae. At their tips are miniature claws, which the predator plunges into the body of its prey, after which it injects saliva into it through the mandibles, which has the property of turning the tissues of living creatures into jelly. After such gastronomic preparations, the spider simply drinks the victim.

Fortunately, spiders prefer insects and small animals. Representatives of the entire class are poisonous, but people should only beware of meeting certain species. They will be discussed in this article.

List of the most dangerous spiders in the world:


Brazilian spider soldier / Phoneutria

Aggressive, fast and poisonous creatures. Known as armed or banana spiders. By the way, the name is associated with the animal’s ability to do without a web. These spiders just don't weave it. Moreover, they are nomads and do not stay anywhere for long. This travel spider can be found not only in tropical forests, but also in huts and other dwellings.

Favorite hiding places in the house are dishes, clothes and shoes. So, if you are planning to visit Brazil, be sure to make sure that there is no such “guest” in your shoes or bed. After all, its bite is very dangerous for humans. A bite can kill a person with a weakened immune system within 10 minutes. If an antidote is not administered within 20–30 minutes, even an adult and healthy man can die from the bite.

By the way, on our website there is a fascinating article about the most poisonous insects on the planet.


Behavior of the redback spider.

Redback spiders are secretive, nocturnal arachnids. They hide in dry places under sheds, in old barns, among stacked firewood. Spiders live under rocks, logs, or among short plants.

There is an expressive red spot on the back of the spider

Like most spiders, females weave unique webs woven from strong threads; males are not able to create trapping networks. The web structure looks like an irregular funnel shape. Redback spiders sit motionless in the back of the funnel most of the time. It is built in such a way that the spiders feel the vibration that occurs when prey falls into the trap.

During the cold winter months in Japan, spiders go into torpor. This behavior has not been observed in any other part of the world where these spiders live.

Redback spiders are sedentary animals and prefer to stay in one place. Young spiders disperse with the help of a web thread, which is picked up by the air flow and carries them to new habitats.

Red-backed spiders use red markings on the carapace to warn predators of their poisonous nature. But it is not at all surprising that such dangerous spiders have natural enemies who attack and devour poisonous spiders. These predators are white-tailed spiders.

funnel web spider

Funnel web spiders are distributed throughout the world, there are more than 500 species. For the most part, the bites of these spiders do not have serious consequences for humans, but some species can pose a serious danger.

In the photo: Sydney leukoweb spider / Atrax robustus.

So, for example, the bite of a Sydney leucoweb spider can instantly kill a child, while an adult will suffer for no more than 15 minutes... Death occurs due to intoxication of the body and irreversible damage to the central nervous system. Primates can also suffer from a bite, while other mammals may not worry - the venom of the funnel-web spider does not have lethal properties for them and can only cause a slight illness.

Sydney leukoweb spider

Atrax robustus (Sydney leukoweb spider) is the most venomous spider in the world. It is included in the Guinness Book of Records. This is one of the few species of spiders that can kill a person with poison:

  • The spider lives in Australia, mainly in the state of New South Wales. Often found around Sydney.
  • Has a black or brown color.
  • Its length can reach 5 cm, and the largest individuals are 10 cm.

The spider's diet consists of large insects and other arachnids. Atrax robustus is dangerous for humans because it has a very strong poison and this species weaves webs in residential buildings, which increases the chance of residents encountering a spider. The arthropod immediately attacks if it believes that there is a threat to it.

Sydney leucopaweb spider: Wikipedia

Determine the location of the bite by fang marks and a strong burning sensation. The spider bites tightly into the victim and can bite several times, introducing more and more poison. After a bite, symptoms appear almost immediately, which progress and can be fatal:

  • salivation:
  • muscle spasms;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • confusion and disorientation.

Without immediate medical attention, a person may lose consciousness and die. Since the invention of the antidote in 1981, no deaths from Atrax robustus venom have been recorded.

Black Widow

In the photo: a female black widow guards a egg cocoon.

The bite of Latrodectus mactans poses a serious danger to humans. These creatures are also unkind to their relatives. So, for example, females eat males after mating, hence the name - widow. Moreover, the poison is more toxic in females.

This type of spider also belongs to the genus of the same name, which has 31 species. Not all types of black widows are dangerous.

They often crawl into people's houses in search of a more comfortable place for a brood of spiderlings. The female guarding the egg cocoon is very aggressive. She can easily bite anyone who invades her territory. Once in the human body, the poison provokes convulsive muscle contractions. And before the invention of the antidote, about 5% of people bitten by a black widow died.

Yes, and the male sometimes manages to escape from the female after mating!


Life of spiders in nature

Almost all camel spiders are nocturnal. During the day, the phalanxes hide in various shelters: rodent burrows, under stones, and are capable of digging a lair themselves. Some individuals look for a new home each time, others can use the den for a long time. By the way, nocturnal spider species are attracted to various light sources. For example, in the desert they can approach the light of a fire, a massive accumulation of them is observed under lanterns, and poisonous spiders also penetrate into illuminated living spaces.

If the phalanx runs into the tent, it is impossible to drive it out; unless killed or swept outside the home with a broom. In this case, be sure to wear thick gloves and trousers tucked into boots. It is worth knowing that it is also impossible to crush a phalanx on the sand. If the result is disastrous, namely a camel spider bite, the damaged area should be washed with any antiseptic (iodine, brilliant green, alcohol); If the wound festers, you should start taking antibiotics.


It can easily be confused with a black widow due to its external resemblance. But Latrodectus tredecimguttatus is still larger in size. They prefer to avoid living near human habitations and are distinguished by their peaceful disposition. They attack only when they are disturbed. And this is not an attack, but self-defense. Large horned animals often become victims of this species. Latrodectus tredecimguttatus has been known to bite people. There have even been cases of fatal bites.

The bite of the karakurt is very painful. The victim feels a sharp pain and burning sensation. And after 10–15 minutes, when the poison spreads throughout the body, people begin to experience pain in the lower back, abdominal area or chest. All this is often accompanied by headaches, shortness of breath and vomiting.

I wonder how the person in the photo is not afraid to hold this dangerous karakurt? Maybe he's holding a dead spider?


After Spider-Man 3: No Way Home, they revealed what happened to Tobey Maguire and his universe

In the superhero action movie Spider-Man 3: No Way Home, the fans' favorite Spidey, played by Tobey Maguire, returned, and after the film, what happened to his universe was revealed.

Spider-Man: No Way Home pleased fans with the return of two versions of Spider-Man from previous adaptations, played by Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire. In the action movie itself, their universes were not shown. During their conversation with Tom Holland's character, they revealed some details of their worlds, but most of them remained hidden from the audience. Now fans are trying to collect all the information from Spider-Man 3: No Way Home and understand what happened to the Tobey Maguire universe. In this reality, unlike Tom Holland's world, there has never been a team of superheroes called the Avengers. This means that Spider-Man remains the main character that people know about.

Fans of the Marvel

also came to the conclusion that superheroes themselves could exist in the world of Spider-Man, played by Tobey Maguire. He didn't say anything about them in Spider-Man 3: No Way Home, but fans remembered that in the original trilogy, J. Jonah Jameson mentioned Doctor Strange when he was trying to come up with a big villain name for Doctor Otto Octavius. At the same time, Tobey Maguire did not react in any way to the Supreme Sorcerer and his portals. Apparently, he had never met this character in his world. Fans have also speculated that Captain America exists in Tobey Maguire's world, but he remains frozen in ice. If this film version progresses, he may yet be saved.

Fans of Spider-Man 3: No Way Home also decided that Thor in Tobey Maguire's world never appeared on Earth, and Bruce Banner did not turn into the Hulk. Most likely, Black Widow (Natasha Maksimov) and Hawkeye (Clint Barton) exist and work for the S.H.I.E.L.D. organization, but their operations are secret, so Peter Parker simply has not heard of them.

The events of the film "Spider-Man 3: No Way Home" take place in 2024. Fans believe that Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker came from the same year in an alternate reality. This means that after so many years, neither the Avengers nor other famous superheroes have appeared in his universe. Apparently, Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man remains the only and most famous defender of people. Fans hope that they will be able to learn more about this in future projects.

Brown recluse spider

This not very attractive creature lives in the east of America. The bite of Loxosceles reclusa is dangerous for humans, since the venom contains substances that can cause necrosis of the subcutaneous tissue. Moreover, these spiders, it turns out, love to live next to people. They can be found behind paintings, baseboards, and in shoe boxes. In the wild, you can meet them under tree bark, in crevices or in burrows. Naturally, this meeting cannot be called friendly.

The bite of recluses is not fatal, although rare cases of death have occurred. Victims describe the moment of the bite as a faint feeling of a needle prick. Some people don't even notice the moment of the bite. But after some time, the poison begins to act, causing tissue necrosis near the bite site.


Golden spider

The sak spider, or golden spider (Cheiracanthium), has a size of only 10 mm, but with its bite it is capable of causing extensive tissue necrosis (necrosis), which is very painful. Its habitats: European countries, Australia and Canada.

Externally small, the spider is yellow or greenish in color and produces a strong cytotoxin poison. In the bite area, redness and sharp pain first appear, the area swells, gradually turning into a blister or wound.

According to experts, it is these spiders that cause the most trouble for people compared to other types of arachnoids.


Belongs to the family of wolf spiders. The tarantula can be found anywhere it is warm and humid. Lycosa live for more than 30 years and are considered true centenarians. They feed on small mice, toads, and insects. The bites are very painful, but not fatal. Often in people bitten by tarantulas, the area near the bite site becomes yellow for several months.

Currently, more than 200 species of tarantulas are known. If you want, TopCafe will write an article about the most beautiful tarantulas. Write in the comments if you want to admire it.


Black Widow

The black widow is a family of spiders and a separate species (Latrodectus mactans), in the United States it is considered the most poisonous representative of arachnoids. It is famous for the fact that females sometimes eat their partners.

The North American black widow gets its name from the color of its body, but its abdomen has red or orange spots. The size of spiders is small: about 4 cm, but their poison is very toxic; a bite can end in disaster for a person.

Such spiders pose a danger to children, weakened and elderly people, as well as allergy sufferers. Their poison causes severe muscle pain, increases blood pressure, pain in the lymph nodes, interrupted breathing, nausea and vomiting. Unpleasant symptoms may last up to 7 days.

The redback spider is also a member of the black widow family and is considered an iconic spider in Australia, easily identified by the red stripe on its back. It is smaller in size than the black widow and is less common.

However, in Australia, such spiders can live indoors and live in some areas of cities and suburbs in the tropical climate zone. They have recently been spotted in Japan.

The red-backed spider is small in size: females are up to 10 mm long, males are 3 mm smaller. These insects are nocturnal, hiding in old sheds or under stones, among plants. They hunt other insects and small animals (mice, birds, lizards, beetles, etc.).

The consequences of a bite from such a spider appear only after a day, and they are very toxic: acute pain and swelling of the bitten area, abdominal cramps, severe sweating. The most severe systemic condition, called “latrodectism” (50% of cases), can be fatal if an antidote injection is not used in time.

Yellow sac spider

Cheiracanthium punctorium lives in Europe, but it is not so easy to meet it, since it has a timid disposition and prefers to avoid random meetings with people. If he realizes that he has been discovered, he hides in the leaves. The venom of the yellow-sac spider is very dangerous and gradually affects the body. At first, the person experiences nausea and headache, then the condition worsens. Spiders do not attack people, but the latter can become victims through negligence. The bite is very painful, comparable to a stinging wasp. After a bite, even with the introduction of an antidote, long-term non-healing ulcers and wounds may remain on the skin.



When studying analytical data and articles on the topic of spider behavior in nature, it was noted that he himself does not want to meet a person and avoids it. Perhaps this is why only one case was recorded where it was accurately described that the killer of a person was a Sicariidae spider, which fatally bit him.

For bites from other poisonous spiders, it is known to use chestnut oil topically after the bite.

In any case, in the absence of an antidote for the Sicariidae spider, it does not matter how much time has passed since the bite, since there is no chance of survival.

White tail spider

Until recently, spiders were considered one of the most dangerous spiders; their bites left ulcers and wounds on the skin. But more recently it was discovered that white-tailed spiders... are not poisonous. True, some scientists still question the results of recent research. And there have not yet been any brave souls ready to test the toxicity of the bite.

In the photo: Australian Lee Porter

There is widespread material on the Internet about how the bite of a white-tailed spider greatly ruined the life of one Australian. After the bite, the young man developed a non-healing wound, which later developed into a tumor. As a result, doctors had to remove the tumor, which had spread to the Australian's eye.



The first Spider-Man villain we'd like to introduce to you is the Chameleon . It first appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 1 No.1.

Dmitry Smerdyakov, his real name, was a boy with a difficult childhood who grew up with a half-brother who treated him poorly but whom he respected greatly. As he grew older, he became a criminal whose powers included the ability to transform into any quasi-human form, thus completely displacing his personality. He caused Spider-Man a lot of trouble, such as being accused of stealing American secrets, which he actually didn't do.

Mouse spider

Spiders were given such a strange name because of the mistaken belief that, like mice, they dig holes for themselves. The myth has dissipated, but the name remains. True, spiders are still related to mice. They feed on them, like other types of spiders. But nature tries to balance everything. Therefore, she turned mouse spiders into prey for wasps, scorpions and centipedes. The venom of these creatures is also toxic to humans, but, fortunately, these spiders do not like to live near human habitation.

Today, eleven species of these spiders are known, and all of them are endemic to the Australian continent.



Another famous villain is (never said it better) Spider-Man Morlum . He first appeared in the life of our arachnid friend in The Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 2, No. 30 next to the heirs. These are vampiric creatures that feed on the arachnid power of Spider-Man.


Scorpion is another scientist who, like Spider-Man, was bitten by an altered scorpion, giving him superhuman strength. The difference is that he was later given a costume and weapon based on the animal that bit him.


Venom wasn't the only symbiote stalking Spider-Man. On the other side was Carnage , the merger of Cletus Kasady (the hitman) and the descendant of Venom. This was found by Spider-Man in Secret Wars.


Last but not least, we have Shock, Shock or Shock , which has been known by all these names. One of Spider-Man's greatest enemies, first appearing in Amazing Spider-Man #6.

His childhood seemed promising and his path was cut short as he used his intelligence and skills to dedicate himself to robbing safes. While he was in prison, he developed special gloves capable of launching high-frequency waves, air waves and seismic waves. What, of course, he was running away from. It was at this point that he took on the name Shocker to commit his crimes.

These are the main villains Spider-Man has faced. Do you miss anyone?

Hairy spider

A collective name that rather characterizes the spring feature of spiders than a specific species. However, a large hairy spider, regardless of its species, is already a cause for concern. A hairy spider already sounds disgusting!

If its venom is also toxic to humans, then it would be best to beware of encountering a large hairy spider. However, today more and more spiders are kept as pets. By creating comfortable living conditions for them, owners can observe the life of predators live.

As a rule, beautiful and spectacular photographs of hairy spiders depict tarantulas, tarantulas or jumping spiders.


Benefit or harm?

It is impossible to remember cases in which a six-eyed sand spider has benefited humans or

animal world. Apparently, only harm comes from him, since meeting him can only mean one outcome - fatal. And everything will depend only on the time required to kill the victim.

For nature and insects, this arachnid species can be called an instrument of natural selection, which eats weak, sickly and careless insects.

Spider baboon

One of the most poisonous and large spiders. Fortunately, it is not found in Russia, but lives in Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya. Spiders live in deep, up to 2 meters deep, burrows; the hind legs are much larger than the front ones. At the entrance to the hole, the spider spreads a web, which catches insects and small animals (even snakes). Hearing the vibration of the web when the victim is in it, the spider crawls out of the hole and starts eating. All that remains of the victim is its paws, because the predator is merciless.


Description of the camel spider

Since such an individual is a desert inhabitant, its color is appropriate: sandy-yellow or brown-yellow.

Several tropical species are characterized by bright colors. Sopulga (as they used to call it in Russia) is a rather large individual, whose body (5-7 centimeters in length) and limbs are covered with numerous bristles and hairs, which gives such a spider a rather threatening appearance. The ocular tubercle with a pair of convex eyes located on it is clearly visible on the anterior edge of the head shield; the lateral eyes of the phalanx are not developed. Of course, among these inhabitants of the planet there are also babies that do not exceed 15 mm in size, but this does not at all change the natural predatory essence of the insect. Due to the specific shape of the body, camel spiders are distinguished by amazing maneuverability and mobility; some individuals are capable of accelerating up to 16 km/h. For such skill they are also called “wind scorpions.”

Red-backed Australian Widow

Australia is home to many different poisonous and very dangerous animals. And spiders are no exception. The creatures' long and strong fangs are so powerful that they can bite not only human skin, but also a human nail. Spiders attack instantly, having previously performed a ritual dance and demonstrated their fangs. The victim is paralyzed not only by the poison, but also by fear of the dancing killer.

It is considered the most dangerous and poisonous resident of Australia. Its venom is filled with neurotoxins. When bitten, a person feels severe pain, from which even an antidote, which can only be purchased at your own expense, will not help. TopCafe does not want anyone to experience this for themselves.


Pecilotheria (tarantula)

The same family includes tarantulas - large, hairy spiders whose name comes from the Spanish tarantella dance. The spider has double fangs with which it pierces its prey. Tarantula is the most dangerous spider and one of the largest living in Russia (5 cm). The most famous is the South Russian tarantula, common in the forest-steppe zone of Eurasia.

Due to the small size and amount of poison released during a bite, the consequences for humans are not very toxic, but the poison acts on the nervous system, provoking minor convulsions and severe shortness of breath. Their toxicity is highest in July, when females reach sexual maturity and mating.

Goliath tarantula

Are you afraid of spiders? After meeting this species, you will become even more afraid of them. Theraphosa blondi is also known as the tarantula spider or goliath tarantula. What does this monster look like? Adults can reach sizes of up to 25 centimeters, with legs measuring 15 centimeters long and body length 10 centimeters.


Spread of the redback spider.

The redback spider is distributed throughout Australia. This species also lives in New Zealand (North and South Islands), and was introduced there by accident during the transportation of grapes from Australia. The habitat covers most regions of Southeast Asia and northern India. The redback spider has recently been spotted in southern and central Japan.

Australian redback spider (Latrodectus hasselti)

Brown Widow / Latrodectus geometricus

Brown widows are thought to have originated in Africa, but the first described specimen lived in South America. Representatives of this species settled in many parts of the planet. Populations of brown widows are found in southern California, the Caribbean, many US Gulf Coast states, as well as Japan, South Africa and Madagascar, Australia and Cyprus.

They can be found in residential buildings, garages, inside old tires and under cars, as well as among bushes and other vegetation.

The brown widow's venom is twice as strong as the black widow's. However, this species is not aggressive. Even when they bite, spiders do not inject all the venom they have. However, there were two reported cases of death from brown widow bites in Madagascar in the early 1990s.


Sand Spider

The six-eyed sand spider has 8 legs and 6 eyes and lives in the deserts of South Africa and western South America. Its scientific Latin name Sicarius translates to "killer". By nature, he is a hunter who waits for a long time for his prey (other spiders and scorpions), buried in the sand. When prey runs past, it attacks - it bites it, and within a few hours the insect or animal dies. Its size is about 5 cm, its abdomen is light brown or red-brown.

The venom of the six-eyed spider is a strong cytotoxin (similar to the effects of sulfuric acid), producing a hemolytic and necrotic effect, which means the rupture of blood vessels and tissue decomposition. There are only 2 cases of such spiders biting people, but both were fatal.

Bishop's Widow / Latrodectus bishopi

This is a rare species of black widow that lives in Florida, USA. They feed on insects, and are not considered aggressive towards people. However, human bites do occur when widows protect their eggs or when a person accidentally gets caught in a web. A red widow bite is similar to a black widow bite and has identical symptoms (pain, cramps, nausea, etc.). Deaths from a red widow bite are rare since the spider injects such a small amount of venom. Young children, older adults, and people with health problems are most vulnerable to red spider bites.


Spider against its victims

Being essentially predators, these large spiders, of which there are more than 1000 species in nature, are omnivorous and also carnivorous. They will dine appetizingly on their fellow spiders, woodlice, bees, termites, darkling beetles, and will not refuse larger prey, for example, lizards, baby rodents and chicks of small birds.

In fights with scorpions, the phalanx almost always emerges victorious. Grabbing prey with lightning speed, the camel spider holds it tightly, tears it, and then appetizingly kneads it with chelicerae (oral appendages), well developed and externally resembling large forceps or claws. The camel spider is aggressive and capable of fiercely defending itself with increased attention to its person. There is also hostility towards each other. An interesting feature of the camel spider is that it intimidates the enemy with a loud sound when attacking. It is formed from the contact and friction of the chelicerae against each other.

Feeding of the redback spider.

Redback spiders are insectivores and hunt small insects caught in their webs. They also sometimes catch large animals that get caught in the web: mice, small birds, snakes, small lizards, crickets, chafers, and white crosses. Red-backed spiders also steal prey caught in the trapping nets of other spiders. They set unique traps for the victim. At night, females construct complex webs running in all directions, including gluing them to the soil surface.

Next, the spiders rise up and secure the adhesive thread, they repeat such actions several times, creating many traps, the caught victim is paralyzed with poison and entangled in a web.

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