Clean House universal aerosol against bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas, ants, flies, wasps, moths (odorless), 600 ml

“Clean House” is available in aerosol form. The drug has a wide spectrum of action and is effective against many types of insects. It is not addictive even for cockroaches and bedbugs. One cylinder is enough to completely treat 80 square meters. meters of space.


  • active against many insect pests (cockroaches, ants, bedbugs, moths, flies, wasps);
  • is not addictive;
  • does not leave marks on furniture and clothes;
  • economically consumed due to the fine-jet spray;
  • at the same time prevents the appearance of small rodents in the room;
  • Convenient for treating the entire room, spraying on individual insects or in hard-to-reach areas.

Advantages of a “Clean House”

The main advantage of the drug is its unique chemical form and versatility of action. In addition to bedbugs, the product effectively destroys other types of parasites:

  • moles;
  • cockroaches;
  • woodlice;
  • fleas;
  • bed lice.

It has a negative effect even on small rodents - mice and rats.

The second undoubted advantage is that after treatment with “Clean House” there are no stains left on clothes, furniture upholstery, carpets, curtains, etc.

The consumption of the drug is economical, since due to the equipment with a finely targeted sprayer, it can be used locally, only in places that need treatment and hard to reach - crevices, cracks, etc. A 3-5 second spray is enough per square meter.

Operating principle

The active components have a contact-intestinal effect. The combination of cypermethrin and tetramethrin creates a powerful effect. Once the poison hits the chitinous shell, it easily penetrates and causes paralysis and death.

As a universal remedy, “Clean House” is effective against many types of insects. If you are interested in targeted insecticides against wasps, check out the drug “Moskitol” for wasp nests. To combat flies where it is unacceptable to use chemicals, we recommend “Flycatchers” - effective glue traps for mechanical catching.

Mode of application

The room to be treated must be properly prepared. All strangers and pets, including an aquarium with fish, are removed from the room. If it is impossible to remove the aquarium, it is tightly closed. The air compressor is turned off during the procedure and ventilation.

Furniture, as far as possible, is laid out and disassembled, dishes and food are taken out or placed in sealed bags.

All rooms of the apartment must be treated simultaneously to avoid migration of parasites from one room to another.

Before starting the procedure, the can of the drug should be shaken vigorously several times.

All potential places where insects accumulate, including baseboards, ventilation holes, etc., are subject to particularly thorough disinsection. Spraying is carried out from a distance of approximately 20 centimeters.

Ideally, the apartment should be closed and left for 48 hours to allow the drug to take effect.

Then the home is ventilated for at least 2-3 hours until the smell of the product completely disappears. After which a thorough wet cleaning is carried out.

After a week, the treatment must be repeated to destroy newly hatched parasites.

How to use?

The manufacturer recommends shaking the can well before use. The optimal spray distance is 20 cm.

The release format allows for different applications. The aerosol is convenient if used locally - sprayed on individual insects or places where they accumulate. Economical consumption does not create problems for treating the entire room - a three-second spray is enough to completely disinfest 1 square meter. When pressed, the product is directed in a thin stream; it is convenient to use behind wallpaper, in cracks, between walls and furniture. This expands the ability to effectively kill all insects.

After one or two weeks, it is recommended to repeat the disinfestation; in this case, the insect embryos in the new clutches will die.

If you are treating the entire apartment, it is better to do this in all rooms at once. Pay special attention to potential areas where pests are crowded (baseboards, ventilation, sinks). After treatment, the apartment is closed, if possible, for 12-48 hours to completely destroy the parasites. Then ventilate for 2-3 hours and carry out wet cleaning.

Features of the drug, principle of action

For many consumers, an aerosol product is the most preferable. The drug contains 2 active substances:

  • cypermethrin (0.18%);
  • tetramethrin (0.2%).

Both are poison for cockroaches. But, acting simultaneously, they enhance the effect and reduce addiction to the drug. In addition to active substances, the product contains: catalyst, solvent, synergist, propane-butane. When sprayed, Clean House blocks the functioning of the nervous system, causing paralysis in cockroaches, leading to death. Retains its properties on surfaces for 20 – 30 days. The product has a faint scent of chamomile, which is due to the presence of tetramethrin in the composition.

Instructions for use

Aerosol Clean Home is an economical product. One can is enough to disinfect a room of 80 square meters. m. If you prepare a solution from powder, the required amount of product is 10 g per 1 liter of water at room temperature.

  1. It is necessary to close all windows, doors, and ventilation hatches, and, if possible, limit exit routes from the apartment. During disinfestation, insects will flee. They will move in with neighbors, but will be able to return to their place of residence whenever the opportunity arises.
  2. It is enough to carry out the treatment in the kitchen, bathroom, pantry - in those places where barbels have been noticed. Parasites settle closer to food and water - they are of little interest to the rest of the house. If the infection is not severe, such measures will be sufficient.
  3. Furniture should be moved away from the walls, since the favorite hiding place of cockroaches is under baseboards, in cracks, under peeling wallpaper and floor coverings. The product should get into hard-to-reach places.
  4. The aerosol is held at arm's length, but not higher than 20 cm from the surface to be treated. The final result depends on the thoroughness of processing.
  5. After finishing, you must leave the room closed for 1–2 hours. Then ventilate for another 2 hours.
  6. Wash the floor and furniture in places where hands may touch. Add soap solution and soda to water. There is no need to wash everywhere. After a few days, the insecticide will lose its effect when exposed to light and room temperature.
  7. It would be a good idea to sprinkle Clean House powder. This is done along baseboards, around the trash can, near water pipes. This necessity is explained by the fact that the ootheca may contain larvae that are fully mature before birth. The durable capsule layer protects them from the effects of poisons, water and all adverse factors. Therefore, the larvae will remain unharmed.

Release form and mechanism of action

The drug is produced in the form of a gel-like substance. Designed to combat ants in residential and non-residential premises. The gel is packaged in syringes for convenient and easy use. The volume of one syringe is 35 ml, this amount is quite enough to treat an apartment.

The main active substance is chlorpyrifos, which is a potent pesticide. Sold with instructions for use, which must be read.

The mechanism of action of the drug is as follows: when the gel is applied to the surface, insects run over it and the active components remain on its legs and body. Next, the substances penetrate the ant’s body and affect the nervous system. At first the insect is paralyzed, but then death occurs.

In addition, individuals, having become soiled in the pesticide, return to their colony where they transmit the poison to other goosebumps. Which allows you to completely clean the room, including destroying the uterus.

Composition and action

Clean Home products are designed to kill all domestic parasites. A broad-spectrum drug. Available in aerosol and powder form. To effectively treat a room from cockroaches, it is better to use both at the same time.

Aerosol is the most preferred form of release of any insecticide. The substance is concentrated in a can in finished form. Just shake, remove the cap, and you can start disinfestation. The remedy for cockroaches works instantly, but all those parasites that were in close proximity to the poison remain at risk. If someone hides, he may remain unharmed. A fairly thin layer of insecticide is created on the surface and there is no prolonged action as such. In this case, dust will complement the effect. The powder is scattered in the most dangerous places and left to prevent re-infection.

The composition includes 2 insecticides at once:

  1. Tetramethrin;
  2. Cypermethrin.

Each of them can kill an insect, but together they enhance each other’s effect. In addition, this combination reduces the possibility of insects adapting to it.

Unpleasant housemates

Domestic red ants, despite their small size and inability to bite a person, when they appear in an apartment, cause some inconvenience to the owners, crawling into flour, sugar and other food products. In addition, by moving from the trash can to food supplies, they can carry intestinal bacteria, worm eggs and other pests.

Clean House from Ants Therefore, if even a few red-haired individuals are found in a room, it is necessary to immediately take measures to destroy them.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Affordability - low price
  • Low toxicity - approved for use in both schools and medical institutions
  • Efficiency - effective in the initial stages of infection and as a preventive measure
  • Availability - sold in markets, stores and on the Internet


  • Safe for egg laying - may require re-treatment
  • The sharp specific smell of the aerosol (dissipates), but during processing it can cause irritation of the mucous membranes

Product description

The insecticide is produced in the form of an aerosol. It is a clear liquid that can sometimes have a bluish tint. The aerosol is odorless, which is why it is used in schools, childcare centers, and hospitals. The product is produced in metal cylinders with a volume of 600 ml. This amount of insecticide is enough to get rid of insects in a small house or apartment.

The aerosol contains a fairly high concentration of the active substance, so it affects pests instantly. Another advantage of the Clean Home aerosol is that it leaves no traces, with the exception of light streaks that may appear on polished furniture, glass or mirrors. These marks can be easily removed with a rag soaked in water.

Benefits of the gel

The 35 gram syringe tube is perfect for killing ants in a home up to 50 m². Dosing packaging makes it easy to apply the product along the entire ant path, capturing the most inaccessible places.

The gel is safe for humans and animals: even if it gets on the mucous surface, it does not cause severe poisoning. To prevent pets from feeling the desire to eat the poison, the product was provided with a bitter taste, which discouraged them from continuing to get acquainted with it.

The product is practically odorless and can be easily removed from any surface after its expiration date. Economical packaging allows you to use it directly in places where ants accumulate or where their movement is observed.

The gel has a fairly long period of action: for 1.5-2 months, annoying insects will definitely not bother the owners of the premises. In the future, if the pests appear again, you can re-treat. It is best to do it 4-5 weeks after 1 use of the drug.

Along the way, the gel also helps get rid of other uninvited guests, in particular cockroaches: within a few days after application, you can notice dead insects, and the likelihood of new ones appearing is greatly reduced. The gel deals with ants the very next day after treating the room.

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