Varan A universal dichlorvos for bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas, ants, mosquitoes, flies (green), 190 ml


The product has minimal toxicity, but it is important to follow personal safety precautions. Be sure to keep both people and pets away from the spray area. Additionally, use a closed gauze bandage or a respirator, and Dichlorvos should be applied at a distance of at least 20 cm from the surface.

Leave the room immediately, and after eight hours you can return, organize ventilation and a good wet cleaning. Additional treatment should be carried out if you notice several more pests.

With the help of this Dichlorvos you will kill cockroaches without much effort and significant financial expenses.

Operating principle

The insecticides included in the composition act on the nervous system of the insect, causing paralysis and subsequent death. The effect is noticeable within 15 minutes and lasts up to 3 weeks. Due to the lack of addiction, the treatment can be repeated after a while.

Optimal results are achieved when used indoors. If you are bothered by flies on the street, we can recommend other effective remedies. For example, the Russian drug “Flight” protects against flies in the house and on the street for 2.5-3 months. You can read more about it here. The Swiss insecticide "Agita" for non-residential premises and outdoors guarantees a lasting effect for several months. You can find out where and how best to use it on this page.

Positive and negative aspects of the drug

According to customer reviews, the advantage of Varan insecticide is its affordable price and ease of use. One bottle of aerosol replaces several products at once - there is no need to buy crayons, checkers, traps, or powders to combat insects. The product has an advantage over Soviet Dichlorvos - the absence of a pungent odor. Advantages of the chemical:

  • effectiveness against all groups of pests - you need to choose the right spray from the series;
  • there is no possibility of resistance (addiction) - the product contains 3 active substances;
  • rapid elimination of insects, prevention of re-emergence;
  • significant coverage area - up to 70 m2;
  • does not leave stains, does not damage furniture, clothing and metal and plastic products;
  • when sprayed, the toxic composition penetrates into narrow crevices where the concentration of pests is maximum;
  • the product is economical - one bottle is enough for a one-time treatment of a two-room apartment against bedbugs;
  • ease of use - the bottle is equipped with a thin tube for spraying in hard-to-reach places;
  • in places of spraying, a specific film is formed, upon contact with which surviving individuals die;
  • the drug is ready for use - no preparation is required.

Instructions for use

To get rid of uninvited guests, you just need to follow the instructions. The product belongs to hazard category 3, which is insignificant. There are 4 hazard classes in total, 4 are harmless, 1 is dangerous. 3 is low-risk, but this does not mean that you do not need to protect yourself and your loved ones from it. Before use you need to do the following.

  1. Prepare a respirator, goggles, gloves and clothes that you don’t mind (you can use disposable ones, like doctors). This is your personal protective equipment.
  2. Remove all personal items (phone, computer, dishes, toothbrushes, combs, glasses, etc.) and food from the processing area.
  3. Think of a place where you will then remove the container with the remaining toxic substance. It must be inaccessible to children and animals. Remember that aerosol products must not be stored near heated devices and surfaces!

The precautions are simple. Since the product is low-hazard, you just need to avoid direct contact with it. It should not get on your skin or mucous membranes. If this happens, simply rinse the contact area thoroughly with clean running water. Do not inhale the drug.

Benefits of bedbug repellent Varan

Aerosol preparations are considered the most effective, unlike traps, pastes, liquids, crayons and powders. There are several reasons why a spray composition is chosen:

  • no need to prepare the product;
  • it is easy to use;
  • gets even from inaccessible places;
  • does not leave marks on upholstered furniture;
  • safe for plastic, polish, fabric and wallpaper;
  • features reliable, long-lasting results;
  • bedbugs do not have immunity or addiction to it;
  • has a mild lemon aroma;
  • safe for the environment;
  • It's relatively cheap.

Composition of Varan

This synthetic insecticide is not addictive to insects. Its effect lasts up to 20 days. This allows you to get rid of even those pests that were not subject to primary treatment. After direct contact with the treated surface, the insect dies in no more than 5 minutes. It contains several main substances.

  1. Dimethyl dihorvinyl phosphate. It is he who most actively affects the nerves of bedbugs and destroys them.
  2. Tetramethrin and cypermethrin. These plant alkaloids paralyze the nerve impulses of pests within a few hours.

Varieties of dichlorvos

Many companies make bedbug killers. Moreover, insecticides have different names, compositions and smells.

Often the active ingredients of the drugs are identical, but their additional composition may differ. Modern odorless dichlorvos for bedbugs is a poisonous agent, which should be taken into account when using it and safety precautions must be observed.

To understand which dichlorvos is better, you need to consider each popular aerosol separately. Common sprays for bedbugs are Eco, Neo, Varan, Triple Strike.

Dichlorvos eco

The insecticide is produced by the Russian company Arnest. The composition of the drug is pyrethroids of synthetic origin and an extract from Dalmatian chamomile.

Eco is effective if there are bed bugs in the house. The product has a lavender scent that has a repellent effect.

Reviews from most people using the drug demonstrate that it quickly destroys adult bloodsuckers.

A cylinder with a volume of 190 cm costs about 100 rubles. Despite the availability and effectiveness of Eco spray, it is worth remembering that it is flammable and toxic.

Dichlorvos neo

The spray was developed by Arnest. Neo for bedbugs has almost no odor, so it is ideal for treating rooms where allergy sufferers, children, and pets are often present.

To understand whether bedbugs are afraid of this type of insecticide, it is necessary to consider its composition. In addition to pyrethroids, dichlorvos Neo contains organophosphorus substances and a synergist, which improves the penetration of poison through the hard shell of bedbugs.

The effect of the aerosol is observed for another 2 weeks after its use. A can of Neo, volume 190 ml, costs from 62 rubles.

Dichlorvos monitor lizard

This type of insecticide is available in several forms - Varan Forte, Aetiklop and Universal. The products help well against bed bugs, and their antiparasitic effect lasts up to 23 days.

Varan is produced by the Novosibirsk company Sibiar. It is advisable to poison with the drug the areas of maximum accumulation of bedbugs - a sofa, a bed, an armchair.

Varan has a powerful effect. The spray has a pleasant lemon scent. The cost of an aerosol is from 120 rubles.

Dichlorvos triple strike

Destruction of bedbugs in an apartment requires the use of potent toxic agents. Triple Impact, produced by Domovoy Proshka, is considered an effective insecticide.

But is it possible to get rid of bedbugs using this aerosol? The spray contains tetramethrin, cypermethrin, a synergist, which makes it a powerful insecticide that destroys parasites after the first treatment.

The advantages of the drug are convenient use and relative harmlessness to humans. Disadvantages - dichlorvos has a strong unpleasant odor.

After spraying the aerosol, the death of bedbugs occurs within 6 minutes. The effect lasts up to 14 days.

A cylinder containing 200 ml of a chemical solution costs about 140 rubles.

Chemical composition and manufacturer

Varan is produced by the Novosibirsk Household Chemicals Plant. The insecticide is time-tested - the chemical has been produced for 40 years. The composition includes poisons from the pyrethrin group: tetramethrin, cypermethrin, piperonyl butoxide. As excipients - fragrances, preservatives, flavorings. The manufacturer offers a wide range of drugs; insecticides differ in different amounts of active substance.

NameBottle colorVolume, mlEfficiency against insectsFeatures of application
Universal insecticide Varan ForteGreen440Flies, mosquitoes, moths, mosquitoes, bedbugs, fleas, skin beetlesThe drug is colorless and odorless. Residual effect – 28 days
Varan Extra, Forte, Ultra, MolemoreRed180, 300Wasps, bedbugs, ants, moths, cockroachesElimination of adults and larvae. Protection against re-emergence of pests.

Release form: aerosol cans, soluble concentrate, plastic strips impregnated with a chemical composition.

Customer Reviews

How to use
The effectiveness of the product is confirmed by numerous customer reviews.

Elena, 19 years old, St. Petersburg

“Varan used dichlorvos for the first time when she entered college. The first night in the hostel was a shock for me, because in the morning I discovered a trail of bites on my leg. I bought dichlorvos against bedbugs at the nearest household chemicals store. I was very surprised by the lack of smell. I poisoned bedbugs 2 times. The first one was the most effective, and I understood how dichlorvos acts on bedbugs - it simply kills them. The second one was done as a preventive measure. I really liked that the product is cheap and even students can afford it.”

Ivan, 42 years old, Taganrog

“Two months ago I noticed bedbugs in the house. I don’t know where these creepy insects came from; it was not pleasant. The wife refused to even look at them. In order to exterminate the little creatures, I had to go to friends for the night. I processed everything I could. Doesn't smell and doesn't leave stains. To this day everything seems to be fine. It’s good that I chose Varan Extra, advised the seller, who also encountered this problem. I recommend to all".

Irina, 36 years old, Rostov-on-Don

“I prefer to poison bedbugs and other insects with Soviet drugs, which have always had the best effect. We are talking about an old thermonuclear agent that can kill bedbugs in one go. Of course, if there are a lot of them, you will have to treat them again for prevention. I like the low price of the drug and the cost-effectiveness of spraying. And it doesn't leave stains. Accidentally got it on my clothes, no traces left, just as clean. I give it a 10 on a ten-point scale.”

How safe is the drug?

Dichlorvos "Varan A" is a low-toxic product. If it comes into contact with the skin, it can cause an allergy, so wash it off immediately with soap and water. Rinse your eyes with plenty of water, even if a small amount of the product gets into your eyes. During processing, the manufacturer recommends using goggles, a mask, and gloves to protect the skin of the hands and mucous membranes.

There should be no pets in the room, the aquarium must be hermetically sealed, food and utensils must be removed. Do not spray near fire sources or incandescent objects. Store in a dark place, out of reach of children, away from food.

Aerosol cost

The advantages of Dichlorvos are its affordable price and the opportunity to buy poison for arthropods at the nearest store that sells household chemicals. The comparative table lists the estimated prices for aerosols from different manufacturers (data as of January 2022).

Table - Comparison of prices for "Dichlorvos" against bedbugs

NameVolume, mlCost, rubles
"Antiklop Varan"180145
"Clean house"15065

Toxic damage when working with Dichlorvos is extremely rare. The primary symptoms of poisoning are dizziness, nausea, and an unpleasant taste in the mouth. Sometimes these symptoms are accompanied by an allergic skin reaction and seizures.

First aid for a toxic injury is to remove the victim to the open air and wash the affected areas of the skin and mucous membranes under running water. Before the ambulance arrives, the patient is given a sorbent so that the poison leaves the body as quickly as possible.

Some say that Dichlorvos copes with the task perfectly. Others insist that by buying it, they threw money away. Reviews of Dichlorvos for bedbugs will clarify the situation completely and help you understand whether the product will be effective in your case.

Video on the topic

How to use Varan A

Before disinfecting the room, close the window. To combat flies and other flying insects, start pest control from the far corner area. Move towards the door, directing the stream away from you. In a room up to 18 square meters, spray poison into the air for 4-5 seconds, more than 25 square meters - 10-13 seconds.

To combat cockroaches, house ants and bed bugs, spray aerosol spray from a distance of 20 cm in areas where they accumulate. Pay special attention to baseboards, gaps in walls and furniture, areas with peeling wallpaper, and the backs of carpets. When treating for bedbugs, do not forget to treat the upholstery of furniture, and for cockroaches - risers in the toilet, areas around ventilation, sockets and switches. When processing locally, the windows can be left open.

In both the first and second cases, after 15-20 minutes, ventilate the room for 30-60 minutes until the product has completely evaporated. Be careful, the aerosol cannot be used if the temperature is below +10 degrees. In one day on an area of ​​30-34 sq. meters you cannot use more than 1 cylinder.

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