"Raptor": review of insect repellents, rules for using various release forms

Often, unwanted neighbors move into an apartment or house with people.

Cockroaches, bedbugs, fleas, and midges pose a serious danger to people, as they are carriers of a large number of diseases, including severe ones.

Among the wide range of products aimed at combating parasites, the Raptor product line is popular.

  • 2 How does an aquafumigator work?
  • 3 Nuances of using an aquafumigator
  • 4 Rules of use
  • 5 Other forms of release
      5.1 Spray (aerosol)
  • 6 Preparing the room for treatment
  • 7 Places to treat bedbugs
  • 8 Advantages and disadvantages
  • 9 Conclusion
  • Types of fumigators

    A fumigator is a device that is used to repel and kill insects using steam or gas. Devices can be divided into two categories:

    • traditional electric;
    • aquafumigator.


    Traditional fumigators are most often designed to protect against mosquitoes. An aquafumigator is used to treat a room from various insects. Raptor is a broad-spectrum remedy that gets rid of flying and crawling insects, including ants, cockroaches, fleas, and bedbugs.

    Traditional fumigators

    A traditional fumigator is a small device with a heating element inside. The device is powered either from the mains or from batteries or accumulators. The device contains a plate impregnated with an insecticide or a chemical in the form of a liquid. When turned on, the temperature of the heating element increases. Under the influence of heat, the substance begins to evaporate, poisonous vapors are distributed throughout the room within the radius of action of the device, destroying insects.

    In addition to mosquitoes, you can try using fumigators to get rid of fleas in your apartment. But using a traditional electric fumigator to clean the house of cockroaches and bedbugs is not recommended. In this case, the effect of the device is ineffective; treatment with more aggressive agents is required. The universal aquafumigator Raptor is used to kill fleas, bedbugs and cockroaches.


    The principle of operation of an aquafumigator is similar to a traditional device - it is the evaporation of the active substance. But in this device, steam is formed due to a chemical reaction that occurs when water and a steam-forming agent come into contact.

    The active ingredient cyphenothrin is a broad-spectrum insecticide that has a nerve-paralytic effect on insects and causes their death. The use of an aquafumigator is also effective because cyphenothrin has a prolonged action and continues to work even after it settles on the surface.

    Insecticide vapors quickly fill the entire room, penetrating even the most inaccessible corners. Thanks to this, the Raptor aquafumigator shows good results in the fight against parasites that hide in secluded places most of the day, such as bedbugs and cockroaches.

    Aerosol concentrate Barrier

    The concentrated drug is a professional product used to kill cockroaches. The aerosol contains a formula that has no analogues in the world. This creates an effective barrier for insects. Its effect lasts for six months.

    Aerosol concentrate


    The product formula contains 3 active ingredients:

    • bifenhtrin;
    • Cypermethrin;
    • piperonyli butoxydum.

    The aerosol has a nerve-paralytic effect on insects, providing a long-lasting effect. Therefore, it is recommended to use it in rooms with a large number of cockroaches or to provide a barrier effect.

    The active substances evaporate gradually. This effect is achieved thanks to a special formula. On the treated base, the effect of the drug lasts for a month. By coming into contact with active substances, cockroaches infect their relatives. Both of them die after a short period of time. During spraying, toxic components instantly enter the body of pests. The barrier penetrates well through ventilation barriers, into cracks and other hard-to-reach places.

    Instructions for use

    To obtain the desired effect, the manufacturer advises spraying the product on surfaces that do not absorb liquid. Such materials include: plastic, tile, linoleum, metal. If you treat porous substrates, the duration of the spray is reduced. The room is processed in stages:

    1. The can should be shaken vigorously. Hold it vertically while spraying.
    2. To ensure a barrier effect, the places where cockroaches enter are treated: entrance doors, windows, loggias, balconies, ventilation shafts, cracks.
    3. To destroy existing insects, the places where they are most concentrated are subject to treatment.

    The aerosol is sold in an 80 ml can. It can be used for three years. Average price – 220 rubles.

    How does an aquafumigator work?

    The design and principle of operation of the aquafumigator are very simple. The metal container contains the active substance - insecticide. In the same container there is a vapor-forming agent. There are holes in the top of the container for steam to escape. The metal container is placed in a plastic jar, into which a little water is first poured. The vapor-forming agent reacts with water, resulting in the formation of thick steam, which spreads tiny particles of the insecticide throughout the treated area.


    Using the Raptor aquafumigator is convenient because it does not require supervision. The process takes place without human intervention.

    Alternative to Raptor

    There are a large number of insecticides available in the market in various forms. The operating principle is the same for most.


    The Raid brand produces aerosol spray and ant traps. The first option is the most common. It contains imiprothrin and cyfluthrin - active insecticides - with admixtures of auxiliary substances. The average duration of residual action of the aerosol is 4 weeks. Traps operate on the same principle as those of the Raptor.

    High-speed aerosol Raid - analogue of "Raptor"

    The nuances of using an aquafumigator

    There are some features that must be taken into account before you start treating a room with an aquafumigator:

    • it is necessary to turn off the fire safety sensors in the room (they may be triggered due to the excessive release of steam);
    • Dishes, food, children's things, and indoor plants must be removed from the room;
    • you need to open all the cabinet doors, pull out the drawers - this will help destroy parasites (the same bedbugs and cockroaches), which usually hide in secluded corners;
    • While the device is operating and the drug is being distributed throughout the room, there should be no people or pets in it.

    It is advisable to warn your neighbors about the upcoming treatment so that they do not mistake the steam for smoke from a fire.

    Precautionary measures

    To achieve high efficiency, it is necessary to strictly follow the manufacturer’s recommendations and unquestioningly comply with all existing requirements.

    An aerosol can is unacceptable:

    1. store at subzero temperatures;
    2. expose to direct sunlight;
    3. heat above 40 degrees;
    4. spray near an open fire;
    5. throw into the fire.

    Before starting to treat the room you should:

    • clean up;
    • seal food and utensils;
    • tightly cover aquariums with aquatic inhabitants (chemical composites contained in the aerosol can dissolve well in water);
    • remove all residents of the apartment, including animals and birds.

    Terms of use

    The procedure for using the Raptor aquafumigator against bedbugs, cockroaches, ants and other unwanted neighbors is described in detail in the instructions. Basic rules for using the device:

    • When preparing the device for operation, act carefully;
    • place the aquafumigator in the center of the room on a flat surface;
    • When calculating the dosage, take into account that with the help of one device you can efficiently process no more than 30 m2 of area; if the room is larger, you will need two devices.

    To avoid the reappearance of insects, it is recommended to use Raptor against fleas, bedbugs and cockroaches three weeks after the first treatment.

    Other forms of release

    In addition to fumigators, the Raptor line includes other insect repellents:

    • aerosols;
    • gels;
    • sachet;
    • spirals.

    Some products are designed to combat one type of insect, for example, moths or mosquitoes. Other remedies help get rid of all parasites in the house, including fleas and midges. Depending on what parasites are bothering you, you can choose the most suitable option.

    Spray (aerosol)

    Aerosol is one of the most popular forms of insect repellent. Raptor spray contains three active substances, two of which are strong insecticides, and the third is a synthetic substance that enhances the effect of the other two components.


    Among the sprays produced under the Raptor brand, you can find a remedy for crawling insects: bedbugs, ants, cockroaches. There are narrowly targeted drugs, for example, Raptor for bedbugs. Raptor can be sprayed on clothes to protect against mosquitoes when going for a walk. A spray of increased efficiency will help get rid of even cockroaches and fleas that have adapted to previously used products.

    Instructions for use

    Before treating a room with a spray, it is necessary to remove all people and animals from it, and also if there are aquariums, either remove them or temporarily cover them with something.

    IMPORTANT! Spraying is carried out only with open windows.

    1. The procedure should be carried out wearing goggles, a respirator, a mask, and preferably some kind of protective clothing, since the components of the product in high concentrations can be toxic. Otherwise, you will experience poisoning and headaches.
    2. The aerosol is more effective when directly affecting bedbugs. Therefore, it is more advisable to find in advance the place of their nest or accumulation. During the procedure, it is also advisable to spray all secluded places where bedbugs can hide.
    3. After this, the can is shaken so that all its components are mixed.
    4. The contents of the Raptor product should be sprayed at arm's length, holding the can vertically so that it is 20 centimeters from the surface. At the same time, the favorite locations of adults and larvae are generously treated, since it contains a lower concentration of toxic substances.
    5. After this, the room is left for 20 - 30 minutes. Then the room is ventilated for at least 30 minutes. And then people and animals can return to the apartment.

    The components of the product do not completely disintegrate, having a residual effect on bedbugs for another 2-3 weeks.

    The “Raptor” product is one of the most popular and in demand in the fight against bedbugs. It is available in several forms, but only aerosol and aquafumigator are effective against blood-sucking parasites , and traps and gel are ineffective.

    The main disadvantage of Raptor is its versatility - it is not intended exclusively against bedbugs, and therefore only works when used correctly and sprayed directly on the nest and egg laying. The residual effect of the toxic components occurs within 2-3 weeks.

    We also invite you to familiarize yourself with other remedies for bedbugs: Tetrix, Clean House, Get, Tsifoks, Forsythe, Fufanon, Cucaracha, Karbofos, Raid, Mashenka, Executioner, Combat

    Preparing the room for processing

    Before using Raptor products against fleas, bedbugs or cockroaches, you need to do some preparation in the apartment:

    • remove clothes, dishes, food, personal hygiene items;
    • do general cleaning - vacuum carpets and upholstered furniture, wash floors, wipe all surfaces;
    • move furniture away from the walls.

    After this, closing the windows and doors, the room can be processed. After waiting the time specified in the instructions for the drug, the room must be thoroughly ventilated.

    Bedbug treatment areas

    If household members are plagued by bed bugs, treatment should be carried out in places where they are most likely to accumulate. It is unlikely that bloodsuckers, who attack people mainly during sleep, will settle in the kitchen or pantry. These areas are most often treated for cockroaches, and bedbugs are most likely to be found in living rooms, especially the bedroom.

    When treating rooms for bed bugs, special attention should be paid to the following places:

    • spring blocks, bed frames;
    • in upholstered furniture;
    • back wall or inner surface of cabinets and bedside tables;
    • behind the paintings;
    • cracks under baseboards;
    • under carpets;
    • inside lighting fixtures, in sockets;
    • for furniture.

    Bedbugs rarely remain on a spread bed, but they can be found on a shelf with bedding. In addition, bedbugs can settle under any covering if it is damaged and there is room to get inside. We are talking about wallpaper that has come off the wall, cracks in the laminate, and poorly secured wall panels.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    The advantages of Raptor products include:

    • speed of action;
    • effectiveness (the fumigator acts on all types of insects, including helping to get rid of midges and fleas);
    • ease of use;
    • safety for people and pets (subject to precautions);
    • high penetrating ability (the drug penetrates even hard-to-reach places);
    • availability in stores.

    Disadvantages include:

    • specific smell;
    • insufficient effectiveness in case of severe infection, the need for repeated treatment;
    • the need to leave the premises during treatment;
    • the likelihood of an allergic reaction (sore throat, cough).

    Another drawback is that over time, insects develop resistance to the active ingredients of the drug, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of treatment.

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