Rules and nuances of using barrier protection against bedbugs

A protection method such as a barrier against cockroaches and bedbugs is used to limit the access of insects to residential and non-residential premises. Special mechanical obstacles or chemical agents can act as barriers to unwanted guests. If you have bedbugs in your sofa, then they obviously crawled from your neighbors and you urgently need protection.

By type, barrier protection can be of two types:

  • passive;
  • active.

What types of barrier shield are there?

Barrier protection is a set of measures to prevent pests from entering a living space. There are different ways to control parasites:

  1. Mechanical. Mosquito nets on windows and air ducts, traps and canopies over beds are passive methods of pest control. This method works until the first bug accidentally enters.
  2. Repellent. Using repellent to repel arthropod guests. This element mainly repels blood-sucking parasites.
  3. Exterminating. The classic fighter barrier is a professional treatment.

Traditional methods

This is perhaps the most harmless protective barrier for human health:

Traditional methods

  1. Vinegar essence. Bedbugs are very afraid of its smell. It is enough to treat the furniture with the product, and parasites will definitely not appear in it.
  2. Kerosene and turpentine have similar properties.
  3. Wormwood is effective in the fight against bedbugs. Our grandmothers used this plant to repel pests. An apartment in which the smell of wormwood is present will not become a habitat for bloodsuckers.
  4. Valerian tincture also has a repellent effect. It is enough to treat the sleeping area (bed, linoleum, window sill, heating radiators) with it and insects will not bother you.

What is a repellent barrier?

Barrier treatments of the premises are prescribed in the presence of parasites in neighboring apartments, to eliminate the constant penetration of linen bugs. With the help of special preparations, an exclusion zone for parasites is created in the apartment. The repellent effect is created by impregnating the walls with products based on repellents. They are evenly applied to the surface and create a protective shield.

Such insecticides contain enzymes that bedbugs can smell from several meters away. The protective film on surfaces lasts up to six months. This method of treating a room not only repels insects, but also affects their nervous system for several months. Barrier treatments are carried out only after thorough destruction of insects and their larvae.

Advantages of this method:

  • It has been observed that pigeons carry bedbugs on themselves to the balcony. Barrier treatment will prevent unexpected guests from entering the apartment.
  • If you have a parquet floor, bed bugs settle in the cracks between the boards. Repellent liquids will prevent them from coming to the surface.
  • Repellents repel all types of insects.
  • The drugs are odorless.

Validity period of professional barrier protection products in Moscow

Professional treatment of residential premises is carried out with special preparations of hazard class 4-5. Modern professional products have a prolonged effect and guarantee absolute protection of a residential property from insects for up to four months. These pesticides cannot be purchased by the average person and are not recommended for use on their own.


“I tried everything I could when cockroaches appeared in the apartment. I smeared, laid out, sprayed every day... I don’t even want to say how much money I spent on these experiments. The price of each product in the store is from 200 to 600 rubles, but how many were there? When I realized that my attempts were of no use, I turned to specialists. And, lo and behold, I even forgot what these red monsters look like!”

When is protection required?

If the premises are located close to infested apartments, the installation of barrier protection against bedbugs is required immediately. The main risk-prone objects include:

  • wooden buildings;
  • premises in poor repair;
  • communal apartments and dormitories.

Usually, after the first disinfestation, insects do not enter human homes for a year. To perform the processing correctly, it is best to invite specialists. Experienced SES workers treat all kinds of surfaces through which pests can enter the house. On average, such events cost from 2 to 5 thousand rubles.

Electric barriers

There are also electric bed bug barriers. Such fumigator repellers have gained great popularity among consumers today, as they have many advantages:

  • safety;
  • long service life;
  • simple method of application;
  • affordable price.

Electric barriers come in the following types:

  • Electromagnetic devices . They emit high-frequency waves that cause disturbances in nerve impulses in parasites, resulting in their death.
  • Ultrasound devices. Bed bugs do not like their high-frequency sound, as a result of which the parasites tend to leave the room faster. However, not all reviews about barriers against bedbugs of this type are positive due to the low effectiveness of such devices.
  • Aroma fumigators - according to consumer reviews, these are the most effective devices for protecting an apartment from bedbugs. They are electrical appliances that, when heated, emit a smell that repels insects.

Aquafumigator Raptor

How to process it yourself?

Not all victims of insect attacks can afford expensive services from special services. So maybe try to save your home yourself? To do this, it is necessary to use long-acting drugs with a residual effect. The most common of these chemicals is Get. When renovating a room, this drug can be added to wallpaper glue or putty. It is also necessary to treat all places where pests move:

  • ventilation;
  • ceiling;
  • sockets and switches;
  • all the cracks.

One of the easily available insect repellents is the wormwood plant. Dry branches of grass are laid out under mattresses, on window sills, under entrance mats and near pets’ sleeping places. However, this method is not more effective.

Today we have determined what barrier protection against bedbugs is and what types of protection can be used. To summarize the above, you need to remember:

  • It is necessary to use an insect barrier only if you are absolutely sure that there are no pests in the room yet.
  • Calling specialists will cost more, but will be more effective.

Disadvantages of using a bedbug and cockroach barrier yourself?

Using natural ingredients to repel bedbugs and cockroaches, including plants, herbs, boric acid and ammonia, will not bring much results. Some insects will probably smell unpleasant odors and leave the apartment. But in the case of red-haired and mustachioed immigrants, such a trick will not work.

As for the use of household pesticides, you should be as careful as possible. This is especially true when small children and pets live in the house. For a baby, as well as for a furry pet, a small dose of a toxic substance is enough to cause severe poisoning. Therefore, crayons, pencils, powder and gel insecticides are not relevant in some situations to create a chemical barrier.

The disadvantages of using a household barrier against cockroaches and bedbugs yourself include the fragility of the result obtained. The maximum validity period for most store-bought products is 10 days. This means that you will have to treat your apartment three times a month. In terms of cost, this can be much more expensive than the price of professional treatment of housing from insects.

Product description

The product is made in the form of an aerosol. It is a transparent liquid ranging from colorless to pale yellow. The spray has a pronounced alcohol smell. The product is available in 80 ml metal bottles. The bottle is equipped with a convenient spray. With its help, you can easily process any room size.

Thanks to the special shape of the atomizer, the aerosol is consumed economically and focusedly. This will allow you to easily process even the most difficult to reach places. These include ventilation pipes, areas behind heavy furniture that is difficult to move, and cracks in walls or baseboards. You will be able to see the effect after treating the room with the spray in a few days. There will be significantly fewer insects, and soon they will disappear altogether.

Professional processing and protection

If it is not possible to achieve maximum results by self-treatment, it is better to use the services of pest control specialists who are engaged in the destruction of bedbugs with a guarantee. The principle of their operation is based on the use of two main methods of exterminating parasites: cold and hot fog.

Cold Mist and Barrier Protection

This processing technology makes it possible to break down chemicals into microparticles, which cannot be achieved by any sprayer. It is thanks to this feature that insecticidal components penetrate even the most inaccessible places. As a result of cold fog treatment, the maximum surface area in the apartment becomes covered with an antiparasitic agent. The insecticide will work even if the bug for one reason or another managed to survive the treatment process. After all, he becomes a distributor of poison, infecting more and more of his fellows.

After treatment, it is advisable to install barrier protection. As a rule, these are special barrier gels that are applied around the perimeter of the entire apartment.

Hot fog and barrier protection

Hot and Cold Mist Treatment
This barrier treatment method differs from the previous one by using a highly toxic gas-like substance. Due to this, hot mist seeps into all hard-to-reach cracks, cracks, air ducts and risers. As a result, the bedbugs will inevitably die. To achieve maximum effect, leave the treated room closed for at least 2 hours. After which it is thoroughly ventilated and wet cleaned.

To exclude the possibility of repeated penetration of bedbugs from neighbors or from the basement, experts recommend barrier treatment with gel.

Mode of application

The spray should be used indoors. Before use, the container must be shaken several times so that its active ingredients react with each other. Spraying is recommended for 10-15 s.

To prevent the appearance of non-flying insects with an aerosol, it is necessary to treat doors, baseboards, sections of walls, and ventilation openings. The product can be used not only to treat premises, but also individual pieces of furniture, clothing, bed linen, etc.

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