How to properly use Pediculen Ultra anti-lice shampoo

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


Pediculen Ultra is an anti-pediculosis agent, which is available in the form of lotion, spray and shampoo, having a slightly different composition, but the active substance is 6% anise oil . It has a nerve-paralytic effect on parasites. Causes death of adult parasites. The oil penetrates well through the chitinous cover and into the respiratory tract. Alcohol in this case speeds up this process.

In addition, anise oil destroys the adhesive substance of nits, with the help of which they are attached to the hair, so the process of combing them out is easier. The important thing is that anise oil is non-toxic for children and this is its advantage over products containing chemicals. Also, parasites do not develop resistance to it, so the effectiveness is not lost.

The shampoo contains petroleum jelly , which envelops the parasites, blocking the access of oxygen. Has the scent of jasmine.

Treatment begins with lotion, spray or shampoo - it depends on preference and there is no big difference in effectiveness.

When the exposure time is maintained, adults and nymphs die, and nits lose stability. The procedure is completed by combing out dead parasites and nits with a comb, which has an optimal distance between teeth for this purpose - 0.9 mm. After the procedures, you can apply a spray conditioner. It makes combing easier, soothes the scalp (contains jojoba oil ), and restores lost hair shine and elasticity.


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General information

Pediculen Ultra is a Russian-made drug. The anti-pediculosis product is produced in a series that offers an integrated approach to the disease. The manufacturer claims that with this approach you can get rid of parasites in one go.

When all components of the series are used together, it is possible to destroy adult individuals and their larvae. In addition, the comb and magnifying glass included in the kit allow you to examine the destroyed insects on the hair and comb it out without irritating the affected skin.

Instructions for use Pediculen Ultra (Method and dosage)

Shampoo Pediculen Ultra, instructions for use

Before using it, the hair is well moisturized. Apply shampoo so that the foam covers the entire head well. After this, a plastic cap (or bag) is put on the head. Exposure time - 3 hours. Comb out lice and nits with a comb, rinse with plain water; if desired, you can wash your hair with regular shampoo.

Spray Pediculen Ultra is sprayed along the entire length and always directly onto the hair roots. You should try to do this evenly, wetting your hair well. Also put on a cap and wait 30 minutes. After this, wash your hair as usual.

Wet the hair generously with the lotion for several minutes, rub it into the scalp and leave on the hair for 30 minutes, after which the hair is washed in the usual way.

You can use any form of this product that is convenient for you, but after the procedures you must comb your still wet hair with a thick comb. When combing, the comb must be constantly dried with a towel. It is necessary to continue combing out the nits with a comb for longer than after treatment, which removes even the smallest individuals, which cannot be done with a comb.

If necessary, you can re-treat after 7 days. But remember that lice extermination procedures can be carried out no more than twice a month.

If contact lenses are used, they must be removed before the treatment procedure. Below the hairline, make a cotton bandage (kerchief) to prevent the substance from getting into your eyes. In case of contact with the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose or eyes, rinse them with water. It is advisable to protect your hands with rubber gloves.

When treating pubic lice, you need to prevent the product from getting into the genitals and anus. To do this, you can use cotton swabs.


Combing out dead lice and nits is the last, but not least important step in treating parasites. That is why each of the above drugs comes with a special comb. Also, the manufacturer offers a magnifying glass in the kit.

Instructions: After processing your hair, comb it and collect it into several “tails” or into one high ponytail. Separate one thin strand and comb on both sides, checking with a magnifying glass, until lice and nits are completely free.

Will you use a lice and nit comb?

Not really

How does it work? The comb has a comfortable rounded shape, which allows for thorough combing without damaging the scalp. The teeth are located at a distance of 0.9 mm from each other, due to which parasites, nits and their remains are easily removed from the hair shafts.

Price: from 206 rubles.

Where to buy: in a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.

Reviews about Pediculen Ultra

Of the entire product line, the most popular product is Pediculen Ultra shampoo, reviews of which are often positive. It is noted that it is easy to use (applied like regular shampoo), lacks a pungent odor, is economical and has an affordable price for such a volume.

Opinions were divided regarding the effectiveness: for some, the drug helped the first time (most likely, there was a slight infection and careful daily combing after treatment), while others had to use it repeatedly. Treatments are still worth repeating, since with one not carefully carried out treatment, nits remain, which then go through a full development cycle.

There are also cases when the drug, due to uneven distribution, does not destroy adult individuals. One of the unpleasant aspects of using this product is the smell (mostly related to lotion and spray), which remains on the hair for another week, and on the hands if you do not use gloves.

  • “... We bought lotion. The smell is simply unbearable - strong and very pungent. The child could not sit for 30 minutes. Because of the alcohol in the composition, my daughter’s skin tingled.”
  • “... The product is effective, but I didn’t like the smell - not very pleasant. “In general, we are happy with the product; it helped us get rid of lice.”
  • “... The spray has a terrible smell, the burning sensation is unbearable, I could only stand it for 20 minutes. What about the children?
  • “... They used a spray. After the procedure, due to the smell, you have to ventilate the room. But the main thing is that it helps.”
  • “... The spray is easy to apply, really enough for 20 uses, but the smell is acrid and terrible.”
  • “... The children were simply suffocating from the spray and could barely last the allotted time.”
  • “... Shampoo consumption is small; long hair took less than half the bottle. The shampoo has a pleasant aroma."
  • “... We bought it in a set - it’s more profitable. Included was shampoo, conditioner, magnifying glass and comb. We were satisfied."
  • “... The shampoo helped us in one treatment. Now this is a proven remedy. You really need to keep it on your hair for a long time.”
  • “... I’m happy with the fact that the composition is chemical-free! The smell of the shampoo is not pungent.”
  • “... I can say that the spray is effective against lice, but does not destroy nits 100%. Careful combing and re-application is required. At the same time, it is economical, easy to apply and does not damage the hair.”
  • “... According to my observations, not all nits are removed. Therefore, after 2 weeks we repeated the treatment and thorough combing.”
  • “... If you don’t want to use chemicals for lice, then you can use this. It helps with lice in one or two applications.”

As for the destruction of nits, almost all the products available on the pharmaceutical market cannot cope with them. Nits have a protective shell that does not allow drugs to penetrate inside. Therefore, it is necessary to use means several times to destroy the newly emerging offspring. A more effective way to combat nits is to comb your hair.


The composition of medicinal shampoo for the most part includes only natural ingredients, so it is safe and can be used to remove lice from children, which is another significant advantage.

If we look at the constituent components in more detail, the drug includes:

  1. Anise oil 6% is the main element that provides high efficiency in the fight against lice and nits.
  2. Vaseline oil, which helps create membranes around parasites that prevent them from breathing normally.
  3. Chemical compounds such as surfactants.
  4. A number of component additives.
  5. Isopropyl or ethyl alcohol.
  6. D-Panthenol, which promotes accelerated healing of small wounds and abrasions that occur at the site of scratched bites.
  7. Allontoin, which helps relieve itching from parasite bites and prevent scratching of damaged areas.

Pediculen Ultra price, where to buy

The entire line of this anti-pediculosis product is widely represented in the pharmacy chain and can be purchased at any pharmacy. The price of shampoo is 573-740 rubles, spray - 291-345 rubles, lotion - 180-185 rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Pediculen Ultra pediculicidal shampoo 200 ml OOO DINA+ / OOO BIOPHARMLAB
    680 rub. order
  • Pediculen Ultra comb for combing. lice and nits YANGZHOU HUATING BRUSH CO., LTD

    RUB 259 order

  • Pediculen Ultra set (shampoo + conditioner spray + comb + magnifying glass) Dina + LLC

    RUB 1,123 order

Pharmacy Dialogue

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Precautionary measures

Despite the fact that Pediculen is a drug based on components of plant origin, it contains a number of excipients that can have a negative effect on the body . Taking this into account, the following precautions should be observed:

  • Do not allow the product to come into contact with mucous tissues, mouth or eyes.
  • Wear rubber gloves before working.
  • After the procedure, open the windows and do a general cleaning of the room.


If the drug is not suitable for you for some reason, you can consider some of its analogues.


The medicine is primarily intended to eliminate fleas and ticks in animals, but, according to the manufacturer, it is not at all dangerous to humans. But can it be used to eliminate lice? Dermatologists do not advise doing this. Even if the product kills the parasites, it may have negative consequences in the form of unpredictable irritation and skin rashes. The human epidermis may simply not be ready for such a concentration of active substances.


Unlike most antiparasitic agents, Nyuda spray has a physical rather than a chemical effect on lice and nits. It envelops each insect with its oily substance, clogging its respiratory organs, as a result of which the parasite dies from oxygen starvation.

Full Marks

The product cannot be classified as a budget analogue of Pediculen, but nevertheless it has very positive reviews from both doctors and consumers . Today it is one of the most popular imported anti-lice products. Included with the product you can find a specialized comb that simplifies the process of combing out nits and lice.

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