Lice remedies with permethrin - rating of the best, reviews and prices

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Svetlana Tarasova

Hairdresser-stylist with more than 8 years of experience, expert in the field of haircuts, styling, hair care, coloring.
Lice are carriers of many infectious diseases, so it is necessary to treat lice. Today, the pharmaceutical market offers many effective products to combat lice and nits. One of them is Permethrin. This drug is based on a group of synthetic rethroids. The product not only eliminates lice in people, but also works well against fleas in pets, and is also used to treat premises against bedbugs and fleas.

Permethrin for lice - what is it, how does it act on parasites and in what products is it used?

Permethrin is a yellow-brown liquid that is sold in the following forms:

  • shampoo;
  • cream;
  • spray;
  • solution.

Reference! The drug has only an external effect, it is safe and can be used to treat head lice in children.

In addition to pyrethroids, the drug contains the following auxiliary components:

  • ethyl and isopropyl alcohol;
  • Macroglycerol hydroxystearate;
  • purified water.

The medicine is used in the presence of parasites on the scalp and scabies mites. The active substances affect not only sexually mature individuals, but also the eggs and larvae of parasites. The effect of the drug is to damage the nervous system of the insect, which after some time leads to its death.


Composition of the drug:

  • 1% permethrin;
  • benzyl alcohol;
  • polysorbate;
  • cocamide extract;
  • sodium alkyl ethoxy sulfate;
  • glycerol;
  • sodium chloride;
  • betaine;
  • disodium edetate;
  • lemon acid;
  • purified water;
  • apricot and mint flavors.

The medicine is available in the form of a yellow pearlescent liquid.

The active substance penetrates the parasite's body and paralyzes its nervous system . This is a contact nerve poison that deactivates cell membranes, as a result of which repolarization processes are inhibited and sodium passages are blocked. These processes lead to the death of the parasite.

The active substance of the Hygienica drug is not dangerous for humans and other warm-blooded animals; when it enters the body in extremely small quantities, it quickly transforms into the form of a non-toxic compound under the influence of metabolic processes. The cost of the drug does not exceed 250 rubles per bottle.


Medifox is available in the form of gel and concentrates of different compositions:

  • gel – 50 grams;
  • concentrate 5 and 20% - in ampoules, bottles and vials.

The concentrate contains:

  • permethrin – 5 g;
  • Castor oil;
  • ethanol;
  • butyl acetate

The gel contains:

  • permethrin – 1 g;
  • gelling agent;
  • additives.

Medifox super concentrate contains:

  • permethrin – 20 g;
  • kerosene;
  • surfactant;
  • fragrance

The drug is indicated for the treatment of:

  • lice of the scalp;
  • lice of the pubic area;
  • scabies.

The active substance has a negative effect exclusively on the body of insects . By disrupting the conductivity of sodium channels, it inhibits the nervous activity of parasites, which leads to their death.

The price of the drug ranges from 80 to 140 rubles, depending on the concentration of the active substance and the form of release.

Composition, features and properties of tar soap

Tar soap got its name due to the fact that one bar contains from 8 to 10% tar, a substance obtained by distilling wood. Birch and pine tar are often added to natural healing ointments. This component gives the product the ability to disinfect and heal wounds.

Tar soap also contains sodium salts based on fatty acids (they form foam), alkalis, water and palm oil. It has a specific odor, which forces some manufacturers to add flavorings to the product. The bar has a dark color, resembling laundry soap in appearance, and the section shows the heterogeneity of the structure.

Tar soap is available in solid and liquid form. They do not differ in their effectiveness, and the choice between a bottle and a bar depends only on personal preference. You should carefully read the composition written on the packaging: some brands add not pure tar to their products, but its extract . In this case, the soap will be useless against lice.

Numerous beneficial properties of tar soap have been confirmed by doctors. It destroys parasites that live on the hair of people and animals. Other positive effects are also observed:

  • skin oiliness decreases;
  • hair shines more intensely;
  • the manifestation of seborrhea, acne and psoriasis decreases;
  • the fungus disappears.

At the same time, tar soap has features that do not always bring a positive effect. It dries the skin and requires the parallel use of moisturizers, and in allergy sufferers it provokes skin irritations and rashes.


This product is available in the form of 1% cream and 0.5% solution.

The cream contains:

  • permethrin;
  • gelling agent;
  • functional additives.

The lotion contains:

  • permethrin;
  • alcohol;
  • distilled water;
  • sterogenol – antiseptic;
  • Castor oil.

The active substance paralyzes the nervous system of parasites and causes their death . Castor oil, which is part of the lotion, makes it difficult for parasites to move and feed.

The price of the drug is 93 rubles.


The drug is available in the form of a solution and shampoo.

The drug contains:

  • permethrin;
  • alcohol;
  • glycerol;
  • polysorbate;
  • purified water;
  • fragrances

Like all previous drugs, the active substance of Mirrolla is permethrin, therefore, the mechanism of action of the drug is to damage the insect’s nervous system, resulting in its death.

Mirroll solution can be bought for 175 rubles, shampoo costs about 125 rubles.


Malathion is a substance that has a similar effect on parasites as permethrin . The substance penetrates the chitinous shell of the insect, accumulates in high concentrations, irreversibly paralyzes the nervous system and causes the death of the parasite.

Malathion is a brown liquid with a characteristic odor. On average, medications based on Malathion can be purchased for 150 rubles.

Where to buy and how much does it cost?

Tar soap is sold in any pharmacy. The price depends on the size of the bar, which ranges from 30 to 200 rubles . You do not need a doctor's prescription to purchase it. It can also be found on store shelves in departments with household chemicals and cosmetics. A 250 ml bottle of liquid soap or shampoo will cost 100-150 rubles . The advantage of purchasing is that the soap is manufactured according to established GOST standards and has a proven composition.

Also in recent years, home-made soap with the addition of tar has been gaining popularity. The craftswoman can give it an unusual shape or decorate its surface. Its cost is somewhat more expensive, and the price for a small piece weighing 90 grams starts from 100 rubles.

Handmade bars often already contain essential oils, so after using them, the hair smells less like tar. They can be ordered online directly from home. On the other hand, home production is not controlled by anyone, and improperly made soap can lead to skin irritation and other unpleasant consequences.

Alternative remedies against lice and nits

Although anti-head lice medications are non-toxic to humans, in some cases they can cause side effects such as allergic reactions. In addition, the listed remedies have contraindications, one of which is age. It is important to understand that treating head lice in young children with aggressive means may be unsafe . In such cases, it is recommended to get rid of lice using alternative methods that are safer but no less effective.

  • Scallop. The comb must be special - with frequent teeth. Lice should be combed out with a comb over the bathtub - this reduces the risk of parasites spreading throughout the apartment. You need to take small strands of hair and pull them from root to tip through the comb. Lice and nits from the surface of the comb should be removed under running water or using wet wipes. The combing procedure should be carried out several times a day for 7-10 days. Combs for combing out parasites can be metal, plastic or wood. There is an electric comb with which you can get rid of lice as quickly as possible.

  • Ointments. There are currently a large number of ointments available for the treatment of head lice, here are the most popular: sulfur (fights lice and microbial diseases), serormercury (an effective remedy that must be rubbed into the scalp), mercury (requires repeated use), turpentine (has a mild effect, has an antiseptic effect), Benzyl benzoate cream (destroys parasites and their larvae in 5 hours), boric (has anti-pediculosis and fungicidal effect), Permethrin cream (destroys eggs, larvae and adults), Lauri (recommended for the fight against pubic lice), Nyx (allowed for use on children after 6 months).

  • Sprays. Leopard, Nuda, Pediculen, Full Marks - These are sprays that destroy lice and nits. The algorithm for using sprays is the same - the product is applied along the entire length of the hair (from roots to ends), then lightly rubbed into the scalp. Next, you should wait a while (according to the instructions) and rinse off the product with water, and then wash your hair with regular shampoo. After this, you need to comb out the dead insects with a fine comb.

  • Pills. Pediculosis can also be treated using tablet forms of drugs. The principle of their action is to saturate the patient’s blood with substances that are poisons for parasites. Despite the fact that lice tablets are only harmful to insects and do not harm humans at all, they should only be prescribed by a doctor. The most effective remedies are: Albendaol, Levamisole, Ivermectin, Butadione. Trimethoprim has a weaker effect. Lice tablets are taken at intervals of 7 days, and as an additional treatment, the infested areas can be treated with 0.5% malathion lotion.

  • Shampoos. Nix, Paranit, D 95, Hygia, Nit free, Veda-2 - these are the most popular shampoos for lice and nits. These drugs are very effective and absolutely safe. But in some cases they can cause allergic reactions; in addition, contact of the products with the mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth should be avoided. The active ingredients included in anti-lice shampoos can be different - these include permethrin, malathion, mineral oils and others. But their action is directed in one direction - the destruction of parasites, their eggs and larvae. Using shampoos is not difficult - you need to apply shampoo to your hair, wait half an hour, then rinse with water and comb out the dead insects with a comb.


Ready-to-use pediculicides based on pyrethroids (permethrin, tetramethrin, d-phenothrin):

  • pediculicidal product "Pedilin" in the form of shampoo RU. dated 01/20/2012 permethrin 1% DV; KRKA, (Slovenia)
  • pediculicidal agent “Higia” for the fight against head and pubic lice (in the form of shampoo) RU. dated 05/10/2011 permethrin 1% DV; JSC "Medika" (Bulgaria)
  • pediculicidal agent “Nittifor-cream” RU. dated 10/05/2011 permethrin 1% DV; "Pharmaceutical plant Teva Private Co. Ltd.", (Hungary)
  • pediculicidal shampoo “Veda” RU. dated 09/22/2011 permethrin 0.4% DV; CJSC Experimental-Production (CJSC DDD), (Russian Federation)
  • pediculicidal agent "Veda-2" RU. dated 01/19/2011 permethrin 0.5% DV, Experimental-Production CJSC (DDD CJSC), (Russian Federation)
  • pediculicidal agent “DIS” RU. dated 02/15/2011 permethrin 0.7% DV, tetramethrin 0.5% DV, pyriproxyfen 0.05% DV; CJSC Experimental-Production (CJSC DDD), (Russian Federation)
  • pediculicidal agent "Medifox - pediculicidal gel" RU. dated 08/17/2011 permethrin 1% DV; LLC NPC "FOX & Co", (Russian Federation)
  • pediculicidal agent “Samarovka-lotion” RU. dated 02/21/2011 permethrin 0.2% DV; Samarovo LLC, (Russian Federation)
  • pediculicidal product “Hygea - pediculicidal shampoo” RU. dated 02/01/2011 permethrin 0.9% DV; Samarovo LLC, (Russian Federation)
  • pediculicidal agent “Mirrolla permethrin “FORA+” RU. dated 04/24/2014 permethrin 1.5% DV; LLC "Mirrolla" (Russian Federation)
  • insecticidal agent "Zitol-spray" RU. from 07.12.2011 permethrin 0.3% DV JSC "NPF "Ekoprom", (Russian Federation)
  • insecticidal soap “VITAR” RU. dated 09/27/2011 permethrin 0.5% DV; CJSC, (Russian Federation)

Appendix 5

Folk remedies

It is recommended to use the following folk remedies to combat lice:

  1. Vodka or medical alcohol. First you need to comb your hair well, then process it along the entire length, without missing any strands. Put a rubber cap on your head and wait 30 minutes. Then rinse off the vodka with water, and then wash your hair with regular shampoo. After the procedure, comb your hair with a fine-toothed comb to collect dead insects.

  2. Tar soap. The soap should be grated and soaked in warm water. When the mixture looks like thick shampoo, lather your hair with it and leave under a rubber cap for half an hour. Then rinse with water. Two treatments are enough to get rid of head lice.

  3. Kerosene. Kerosene enters the respiratory tract of insects, and they cannot breathe. To treat pediculosis, it is better to choose a clarified or technical product. Aviation or automotive kerosene cannot be used. Pure kerosene is diluted with vegetable oil and shampoo. The mixture is applied to dry hair and left under a rubber cap for 2 hours. After this, the hair must be washed and combed with a fine comb.

  4. Cranberry. Squeeze juice from berries. Wash your hair with regular shampoo and apply cranberry juice over its entire length. Put on a rubber or plastic cap, and after 20 minutes, rinse your hair under running water without shampoo. Comb with a fine comb.

  5. Vinegar. You can use wine, table, apple or spirit vinegar, but the concentration of vinegar essence should be no more than 9%. Otherwise, you can burn your scalp. Vinegar can be mixed with mustard, vegetable oil, tea tree oil, egg, alcohol and salt, and so on, but the principle of using the product is the same. It is necessary to apply vinegar or a mixture based on it on the hair, put on a rubber or plastic cap, leave for 2-3 hours, and if a mixture with oils is used - 7-8 hours, then rinse the hair and comb thoroughly with a fine comb.

Do you trust folk remedies for treating head lice?

Not really

Despite such a variety of methods and drugs for the treatment of head lice, it is necessary to understand that each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, contraindications and side effects, and age restrictions. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the elimination of lice seriously and competently.

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Advantages and disadvantages


  • Tar-based medicinal products, including soap and shampoos, have proven themselves to be excellent. They have many advantages over other products: they destroy parasites, especially when used in combination.
  • They improve the condition of hair - they replace restorative procedures using expensive cosmetics: they accelerate growth, fight hair loss, make curls soft and silky, and add shine.
  • They increase blood flow to the bulbs, helping to strengthen them.
  • Regulates sebum production, gets rid of excess fat and dead skin particles.
  • Help eliminate itching and accelerate wound healing.
  • Acts as an antibacterial agent.
  • They are an excellent prevention of recurrent disease.
  • Safe to use for people of any age.
  • Soap is inexpensive and can be easily purchased at pharmacies or online stores.


  • It has a strong unpleasant odor, which can even cause headaches and nausea in some sensitive people.
  • It is difficult to wash off and sticks strands together.
  • Their negative manifestation is expressed in skin irritation, allergic reactions and peeling.
  • Not suitable for daily use.

Note! Tar soap does not solve the problem of killing insects at once; complete cure may require at least two weeks.

It is not recommended to skip procedures - there will be no effect from the treatment.

You can cause harm to yourself if used incorrectly - too often and for a long time.

It can slightly change the color of dyed hair, and also gives an undesirable tint to blondes. But this process is reversible - it is restored after the end of using tar soap.

A wonderful remedy - with the help of tar soap, without extra costs and negative side effects, you can perfectly cope with an unpleasant disease - pediculosis.

What other folk remedies are effective against lice, as well as the rules for their use, you can learn from the following articles:

  • laundry soap;
  • cranberry;
  • kerosene;
  • dichlorvos;
  • vinegar;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • Polish for hair;
  • ammonia hair dye.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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