Paranit: shampoo, composition for lice and nits, instructions for use

When faced with head lice, people usually run to the pharmacy and buy the most expensive remedy just to get rid of the problem as quickly as possible.

Paranit shampoo really effectively fights lice, but is it worth the money that the manufacturer demands for it? Purpose of Paranit shampoo and types of composition

This composition is prescribed both for the treatment of head lice and for its prevention. The shampoo also effectively fights another type of parasite, the adult.


The composition of Paranit depends on the pharmacological form:

  • Paranit shampoo contains 69% white mineral oil (Clearol), 30% foaming agents and about 1% substances that make up the perfume composition.
  • The product Paranit Sensitive consists of the Oxyphthyrin complex (4% solution of dimethicone and substances that enhance its effect).
  • Spray Paranit contains 4% dimethicone solution and 96% Isopar (mineral oil).
  • Paranit lotion is identical in composition to the spray.
  • Repellent spray Paranit is identical in composition to shampoo.

What will your hair look like after using shampoo?

Dimethicone and mineral oil are widely used not only in pharmaceuticals, but also in cosmetology. Dimethicone is odorless and tasteless. It can be found in creams and various masks.
Added in the manufacture of serums, sprays and balms. He is capable of:

  • prevent moisture loss;
  • soften the skin;
  • soothe irritations.

Hair becomes silky. After using shampoo, they will be neat and well-groomed, just like after your favorite balm or caring mask. Getting rid of parasites and combing out dyed hair will also not harm.

Release form

Available in several pharmacological forms:

  • Shampoo. Transparent, colorless or yellowish liquid, characterized by a faint perfumery odor. Sold in 200 ml bottles.
  • Paranit Sensitive. White liquid with a slight specific aroma. They are sold in bottles of 150 ml per package, in addition to the bottle they include a comb and instructions.
  • Spray. Transparent, colorless or yellowish oily liquid, odorless. Pour 100 ml into plastic bottles equipped with mechanical sprayers. The box should also contain a comb for combing out nits and lice.
  • Lotion. Transparent, colorless or yellow liquid, oily consistency, without a specific odor. Sold in 100 ml bottles.
  • Repellent. Transparent yellowish liquid. Pour into 100 ml spray bottles.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


The products included in Paranit belong to class 4 of low-hazard substances. In dosages that correspond to those recommended in the instructions, sensitizing, locally irritating and skin-resorptive effects are usually not observed.

In order to destroy parasites, one prolonged contact of the product with the hair is usually sufficient. Sometimes you may need to re-treat after a couple of weeks.


Only local use is indicated, so no clinically significant effect on the body as a whole was noted.

Can I wash animals with this shampoo?

To destroy parasites on an animal, one drop of the medicine intended for them in the withers area is enough.

In most cases, animals do not like water and you may face a number of problems. After all, human shampoo needs to be left on for a certain amount of time and washed thoroughly. It is impossible to explain to an animal that a poorly washed product will remain on the fur. This will harm the skin as well. The hair structure of humans and animals is different.

Animals react to foreign odors, which can lead to poisoning of your pet. Therefore, pests should be controlled with the means intended for them. The best person to help with this issue is a veterinarian.

Instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Shampoo Paranit, instructions for use

Recommendations for use of the product:

  • Check for lice and nits on all people living in the apartment. This should be done when the hair is dry, looking through each strand separately. In this case, a comb is used, which is sold with shampoo. Particular attention should be paid to the area behind the ears and at the bottom of the back of the head.
  • Apply shampoo to dry hair and distribute it over the entire length of the hair and scalp, massage the skin well.
  • Leave the product on for 10 minutes.
  • Add water and beat the foam with your hands.
  • Rinse hair and scalp thoroughly.
  • Remove parasites from wet hair using a special comb that was in the shampoo box. To do this, divide your hair into parts and carefully check each of them. Clean your comb after each brushing.
  • After a week, re-treat.
  • Destroy all lice that may be in the house: wash all clothes and bedding used by an infected person in hot water, wash combs and combs, vacuum the house and car to avoid re-infestation.

Spray Paranit, instructions for use

Mode of application:

  • Check the entire family for lice.
  • Spray along the entire length of the hair from a distance of 10 cm. If the hair is long or thick, they need to be divided into strands and then processed each. As a result, all hair should be completely moisturized.
  • Leave the product on your hair for 15 minutes.
  • Wash your hair with warm water and shampoo or soap.
  • Comb your hair with a special brush to remove dead lice, which should be sold complete with a spray.
  • If necessary, repeat treatment after 1-1.5 weeks.

Paranit Sensitive, instructions for use

Correct use of the product includes several steps:

  • Carefully check all family members for lice and nits. For this, a special comb is used, which is sold complete with the Paranit Sensitive bottle. If lice are found on several people, they must be treated on the same day.
  • Shake the bottle well.
  • Apply to dry hair in such an amount that it becomes damp. Distribute the product evenly over the entire length.
  • Leave the medicine on for 8 hours. No need to use a cap. To protect the pillow, you can cover it with a towel.
  • If necessary, the treatment can be repeated after a week.

Lotion Paranit, instructions for use

Shake the bottle thoroughly before use. Further application is similar to the recommendations for using the spray.

Repellent Paranit, instructions for use

The product is applied to clean, dry hair from a distance of 20 cm. Approximately 20-25 sprays are required. After this, the hair should dry without using a hair dryer.

Application of the product is repeated daily or after each hair wash.

Available analogues

It was already mentioned above that Paranit shampoo is not cheap, and this is largely due to its effectiveness. The composition has long established itself as a reliable means of combating parasites, so buyers are ready to pay a decent amount for it, without thinking about analogues.

However, analogues do exist, and they sometimes cost pennies. What analogues of the well-known remedy are especially popular:

  1. Veda , which is considered somewhat outdated, but an accessible way to deal with unpleasant symptoms.
  2. Biosim is one of the most affordable and at the same time reliable means of combating parasites.
  3. Parasidosis is also an affordable remedy, in which there is also a place for natural ingredients.
  4. Pedilin shampoo is also popular .
  5. Hygia shampoo contains a small amount of acetic acid, which softens the shell of nits and facilitates their easy removal.

In almost all of these shampoos, the main component is Permethrin - a synthetic analogue of the natural substances pyrethrin, thanks to which treatment is quick and painless.

The article will tell you which dye to lighten your hair without yellowing.

Full Marks

The listed analogues also effectively fight parasites, but can have a negative effect on the condition of the hair. They are used in a similar way: applied for 20-30 minutes, after which they are washed off. Hair must be combed thoroughly after each use to remove lice and nits.

An allergic reaction can occur to any composition, and it is especially common in children. That is why before use you should either consult a doctor or conduct a skin test.


A whitening face cream for dark spots will help even out your skin tone.

special instructions

When using Paranit, you must remember the following recommendations:

  • You need to be very attentive to skin reactions if you have skin diseases, high sensitivity to chemicals and a tendency to allergic reactions.
  • To prevent contact of the product with the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and facial skin, before treating the head, you should wear a bandage below the hair.
  • The hands of the person performing the treatment must be protected with rubber gloves. After the procedure, hands must be washed thoroughly.
  • During hair treatment you should not drink, eat or smoke.
  • At the slightest sign of irritation of the skin or mucous membranes, the product is immediately washed off.
  • Only external use is allowed.
  • If a person uses contact lenses, the lenses must be removed before applying the pediculicide.

Rules for handling pediculicidal spray

To prevent the shampoo from getting into the eyes and nose, before applying it, the patient wraps a cotton bandage around the head - below the hair.

If the drug does get into the eyes or nose, the person thoroughly rinses these organs with warm water.

If the itching from shampoo does not go away, the patient goes to the doctor.


Reviews of shampoo Paranit

In most cases, the shampoo is effective, but re-treatment is often required. Generally well tolerated by the scalp. Among the disadvantages is the fairly high cost.

Reviews about Paranit Sensitive

The medicine is effective, but not absolutely in all cases. Easy to wash off. Almost never causes skin irritation.

Reviews of the spray for children

The product is effective in most cases, quite safe (does not cause allergic reactions), but is very difficult to wash off. It is not advisable to use before 3 years of age.

Clinical pharmacology

The effect of shampoo on the human body has been tested in many clinical laboratories - as a result, according to research results, such a product has a positive effect in the fight against lice.

“Paranite” simultaneously suffocates lice and deprives them of moisture.

Paranit shampoo does not contain insecticides. As a result, lice die at any time from such a drug - they “do not get used” to it.

Paranit price, where to buy

You can buy Paranit in most pharmacies.

Cost of various pharmacological forms of Paranit:

  • the price of the spray in Russia is 720-800 rubles, in Ukraine – 600-800 UAH;
  • price of shampoo against lice and nits - 920-1020 rubles; 750-950 UAH;
  • Paranit lotion - 250-400 rubles; about 500 UAH;
  • Paranit Sensitive products - 1120-1250 rubles; about 1300 UAH;
  • repellent - about 600 rubles; about 750 UAH.
  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia


  • Paranit Lotion for lice and nits, 100 mlMEDGENIX BENELUX nv
    RUR 427 order
  • Paranitis Pediculicidal Shampoo 200 ml (with comb)MEDGENIX BENELUX nv

    RUR 939 order

  • Paranit Spray pediculicide 100 mlMEDGENIX BENELUX nv

    RUR 796 order

  • Paranit Sensitive pediculicide 150 mlMEDGENIX BENELUX nv

    RUB 1,035 order

  • Paranit Shampoo-conditioner Care after treatment 100 mlSoprodal NV

    RUB 357 order


The following categories of patients cannot use the remedy “Paranit”:

  1. children under three years of age;
  2. pregnant and lactating girls;
  3. people who have individual intolerance to shampoo components.

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