The best Gels for bedbugs: Global, Absolute, Fipronil, etc.

  • By Vil Malinoshevsky
  • Destruction of bedbugs

Over more than 13 years of work, we have managed to test 71 professional bedbug repellents in real home conditions, in a variety of apartments. Some of these products are no longer produced, some have appeared on the market literally in the last few years, and among them we have already found drugs that are the most effective in certain cases.

One shelf in the Disincity warehouse in Moscow

For example, when you need to poison bedbugs that have previously encountered some kind of insecticide, you need to use only drugs. When you need to destroy bedbugs in the same apartment as cockroaches, the means may be different. When traveling to a room where bedbugs have not yet been poisoned with anything, you can use other drugs.

At one time, there was a very inquisitive exterminator working in DezinCity, who was very fond of testing insecticides and their mixtures. He was simply a fan of such experiments, both in the laboratory and in real conditions, in clients’ apartments. Thanks to him, we have studied the properties of various drugs very well and know what products need to be taken for treatment in a particular apartment.

Plus, relatively recently, our colleagues from klop911 began testing drugs on bedbugs that are used to independently exterminate bedbugs by the population at home. These are not professional products, but among them there are very effective compounds that are not inferior in strength to the products used by specialists. The rating of such tested products was published on a separate page...

Exterminators do not use such preparations in their work only because they can only be purchased in retail packaging, which is unprofitable for professional use (if there is a constant need, it is more economical to buy the preparations in canisters). But it is precisely these household products that are most convenient and profitable to purchase specifically in order to remove bedbugs once in a separate apartment.

And one more very interesting point: in almost all the apartments in which we poison bedbugs, the residents themselves, before calling the service, tried to remove these parasites using various means. Over the course of 13 years, we have collected certain statistics and we know after which treatments there are practically no bedbugs left in the apartment, and to which bedbugs do not react at all.

Having all this data, we can accurately identify fairly effective drugs that really kill bedbugs. And alas, the same statistics show that even with the most effective and truly working means, you most likely will not get rid of bedbugs.

But first things first. First, here are a few of the products that exterminators most often encounter with the consequences of using them and which people most often search for on the Internet. And then - about why these remedies most likely will not help you.

Rating of anti-bedbug products

The emergence of the TOP was helped by a thorough analysis of customer reviews, in which we took into account, first of all, their attitude to the effectiveness of the nominees. Among the selection parameters were:

  • Product quality;
  • Safety for humans, animals and the environment;
  • The smell of the products;
  • The time for which you need to leave the room after application;
  • Method of using the composition;
  • Speed ​​of odor dissipation;
  • Composition, what components are included in it;
  • Versatility, whether the insecticide destroys other insects;
  • Ease of disinfestation;
  • Duration of action;
  • Difficulty in preparing for use;
  • Value for money.

We compared the products taking into account their type, of which there are 5 - aerosol, powder, liquid (concentrate) for preparing a solution, gel and spray.

The best remedies for lice and nits

Bed bug powders

Powders are less toxic than aerosols and more economical in consumption; they act precisely and with 100% results. Among them there are both those that can be used in pure form and those intended for preparing solutions.

Gektor against bed bugs

The product destroys both common and resistant insects and larvae. Gektor kills pests by causing dehydration within 1-2 hours. The powder continues to work for several more weeks. The main advantage of the insecticide is that there is no need to prepare a solution. The preparation does not contain oily components that leave stains on things, and does not contain aggressive substances with a pungent odor, and therefore it is not necessary to leave the house during treatment.

Gektor also fights lice, fleas, and ticks. It is suitable for indoor use and is safe for animals. The granules are small enough to be pushed into narrow crevices and cracks in walls where insects often hide. One press is enough to squeeze out the powder. Before doing this, it is recommended to wear a medical mask and rubber gloves.


  • Environmental safety;
  • Harmless to people and animals;
  • Prevents insects from developing immunity to the formula;
  • Convenient packaging in the form of a bottle;
  • Large volume.


  • Effectiveness decreases upon contact with water.

To effectively destroy parasites in the house, it is recommended to scatter Hector powder in those places where parasites are most often active at night.

GreenBelt Karbofos

The product is sold in powder form and requires the preparation of a working solution, which takes some time. For 5 liters of water you need to take 60 g, the entire contents of the package or half of it. There are two volumes – 30 g and 60 g, so it’s difficult to get confused about the proportions. This amount is enough for 100 sq. m. To spray the composition you will need a spray bottle.

Pests from the drug die 3-4 hours after application, but the eggs of the larvae are not very susceptible to the insecticide, so disinfestation should be repeated after 5-7 days. The powder is designed to combat street bugs, codling moths, mites, and aphids. GreenBelt Karbofos remains active for 1.5-2 weeks after completion of treatment.


  • Simple solution preparation;
  • Easy spraying with a spray bottle;
  • Low level of toxicity;
  • It dissolves well in water.


  • Spraying requires goggles, gloves and a mask;
  • Not the most convenient packaging.

Depending on the crop being treated, the consumption of the drug is 60 g per 7-10 liters of water, and to kill bedbugs it is better to adhere to the dosage of the product.

Clean House Dust

A direct-acting product that needs to be scattered in places where they accumulate. For 1 sq. m. no more than 2 g are required. A package of 50 g is enough to process more than 20 sq. m. m. It is safe for health, having low toxicity, not like poison. It’s easy to protect yourself from it – just wear gloves, a mask and goggles.

The substances in the composition decompose in 2 weeks, and all this time the drug destroys the remaining insects, including larvae. The product's action is also aimed at combating ants, fleas, flies, and cockroaches. It is a dry powder without a pungent odor. The most effective way is to pour odorless bedbug repellent into the cracks between the baseboard and the wall, under carpets and paintings.


  • Most pests die within 1-2 hours;
  • Convenient release form;
  • No need to prepare a solution;
  • Economical consumption;
  • Can be sprinkled even in hard to reach places.


  • You need to be careful with animals;
  • After disinfestation, it is advisable to do wet cleaning.

After 2 weeks, the powder must be collected and, if necessary, replaced with fresh if there are still any individuals left.

Disinsection without odor.

Unscented remedy for bedbugs It is a mistake to think that insects are destroyed by the smell of disinfestation. This opinion is only true for karbofos. The active ingredients of modern drugs themselves have a very faint odor. Where does the smell come from? It's all about the auxiliary ingredients - solvents, emulsifiers, stabilizers. Only chlorophos dissolves in water. Other drugs are soluble only in organic solvents or oils. It looks like water-based paint. The solvent will dry, there will be no odor, and the product will last 4-6 weeks or more. Thus, the task of the solvent is:

  1. Dissolve the active substance;
  2. Attach it to the surface;
  3. Cause insects to panic and force them to crawl out of the cracks;

Aerosols for bedbugs

This form of release is very convenient to use, because it is completely ready for use. For the composition to help, you just need to properly spray the aerosol in areas where parasite activity is noticeable, and then clean up well.

Raptor Bedbug extermination

The professional product has an innovative formula. The composition includes two active ingredients - alpha-cypermethrin and neopinamine forte. With this combination, insecticides have a powerful neurotropic effect on insects and kill them almost instantly, about 15 minutes after spraying. At the end, drops remain on the surface, so the effect lasts for a long time.

The aerosol is easy to use, but before doing this it is recommended to clean the surfaces to be treated with a vacuum cleaner. Also, to be effective, you need to spray the anti-bed bug remedy in an apartment up the room, closer to the center. Particular attention should be paid to cracks in the walls and joints of parts in upholstered furniture. Rubber gloves should be used when applying the product. The benefits of Raptor have been confirmed by the Research Institute of Rospotrebnadzor of the Russian Federation.


  • Does not contain substances that destroy ozone;
  • Almost 100% efficiency;
  • When using it, insects do not develop immunity for a long time;
  • Completely ready to use, no need to buy a sprayer;
  • Reasonable price.


  • Be sure to ventilate the room 15 minutes after treatment;
  • When washing contact surfaces, you should only work with rubber gloves;
  • Acrid odor that takes a long time to dissipate;
  • Small text on packaging.

Before using the Raptor aerosol, it is recommended to vacuum the room where the treatment will be carried out.

Clean house Dichlorvos

An inexpensive product that comes in a 150 ml bottle. This is enough for 20 sq. m. It destroys insects on average within 30 minutes after spraying, which is ensured by the inclusion of cypermethrin and tetramethrin in the composition of insecticides. You can spray the aerosol directly in the center of the room at temperatures above 10°C, that is, at any time of the year.

Aerosol "Clean House Dichlorvos" is intended for the destruction of a wide range of insects - moths, ants, hornets, wasps, flies, cockroaches. The product is designed for indoor use. It does not leave marks on walls and things, is harmless to health and does not cause sneezing attacks, therefore it is also relevant when living in a house with allergies.


  • Non-toxic;
  • Tolerable odor;
  • Versatility, suitable for eliminating any insects;
  • Safety for humans;
  • Long shelf life.


  • Disinfestation requires certain preparation - you need to remove clothes, food, etc.;
  • Requires the absence of other people and especially children in the room.

To ensure that not a trace remains of insects, you need to treat the room with a remedy for house bugs in the apartment 2 times with a break of several minutes. You should leave the house for a maximum of 2-3 hours, including time for cleaning.

Raid Lavender

A product with a universal effect, as it also fights cockroaches, ants, and other insects. The aerosol not only kills them, but also provides reliable protection for at least a week. All this time there are no unpleasant odors in the room, and some even like the lavender aroma.

The container volume of Reid Lavender is larger than that of its competitors - 300 ml, and the composition is consumed very slowly. It works 100%, but the contents of the bottle should be sprayed only in the center of the room and not on things. The minimum permissible distance to the surface is 20 cm. The aerosol is created for use in rooms that need to be ventilated for half an hour after treatment.


  • Cover in the form of a spray;
  • The bottle fits comfortably in the hand;
  • Simple application scheme;
  • Lasts a long time;
  • It affects both adults and larvae.


  • The instructions are written in small letters;
  • Chemical smell.

Reviews about Raid Lavender are mostly positive; buyers are somewhat confused only by the fact that they need to ventilate the room well and carry out thorough cleaning 20 minutes after spraying, but this is also required when choosing an aerosol from other manufacturers from the rating.

Henkel Combat

Henkel Combat kills even those insects that hide in narrow crevices. This is possible thanks to the narrow and flexible tube-nozzle of the bottle, which easily penetrates inside and is convenient when applied to baseboards. The aerosol is safe for the health of people and animals, without causing allergies. Despite this, it must be sprayed in the absence of animals and other people in the house.

During processing, food and utensils should be hidden. The composition is gentle on surfaces and does not leave marks that cannot be wiped off. The smell of the anti-bedbug product in the apartment is acceptable, floral, but it is still better to use a mask to protect the respiratory tract. At the end you will have to ventilate the room.


  • Point impact;
  • Efficiency;
  • Safety;
  • Large volume;
  • Thorough treatment of the room.


  • Toxicity;
  • Your head may hurt a little after use.

According to reviews, “Henkel Combat is suitable for treating rooms up to 25 square meters. m., with a larger square area, insect control will not be cheap.


Probably the most popular drug now is Executioner. There are three options on the market:

  • German Executioner;
  • Pseudo-German in ampoules and bottles, with the name in German, but descriptions and instructions in Russian;
  • Russian Executioner.

We poisoned bedbugs in apartments in which we had previously tried to exterminate them with all these Executioners separately, and in general there is no difference in effectiveness between them. No matter what Executioner a person uses, exterminators still have to exterminate the bedbugs.

We tested the Russian-made Executioner on bedbugs. Of all the products available in retail sales, it is the fastest acting. It kills bedbugs when directly sprayed in 8.5 minutes, and when moving them over a surface on which the Executioner’s working solution has dried - in 2.5 hours. It's fast. Other non-professional means poison bedbugs more slowly.

According to our observations, there is no difference between the speed of action and effectiveness of the Russian and German Executioner. Despite the fact that the German preparation contains a mixture of two insecticides of different groups - fenthion (an organophosphorus compound) and cypermethrin (pyrethroid), while the Russian one contains only fenthion. Most likely, cypermethrin does not enhance or accelerate the action of fenthion, but only ensures that the product will poison bedbugs if they are resistant to fenthion itself. But the Russian Executioner is cheaper.

The Executioner has a significant drawback for many people: it has a strong unpleasant odor. This smell disappears after the product dries and the room is ventilated for 2-3 hours, but during the treatment itself the apartment smells strongly.

Plus, in Moscow there are already known cases of bed bugs being resistant to fenthion. There is documentary evidence of the detection of fenthion-resistant bedbugs in several old Moscow hospitals. We also have reason to believe that some DisinCity clients in Moscow and St. Petersburg, whose exterminators poisoned bedbugs after they were independently treated by the Executioner, did not remove the bedbugs in the apartment after the persecution by the Executioner precisely because of their resistance to this product.

In any case, the likelihood that the bedbugs specifically in your apartment are resistant to Executioner is very small - it does not exceed tenths of a percent. And in any case, it is lower than the probability that you will not remove bedbugs simply because you do not know the nuances of such removal.

Be that as it may, exterminators often treat apartments in which people have not been able to exterminate bed bugs with the Executioner on their own. This means that even the efficiency and speed of the Executioner does not guarantee the removal of bedbugs if the handler lacks experience and special knowledge.

Bedbug sprays

This is a ready-to-use clear or white liquid, poured into a container with a dispenser. It has low consumption, does not require preliminary preparation of the solution and saves time on surface treatment. The project team conducted a comparative analysis of 7 applicants and settled on 2 winners.


An insecticidal drug with effect for 1-2 months. The composition includes 3 nerve agents that destroy parasites without a chance of salvation - permethrin, cypermethrin, tetramethrin. The poison is poisonous to parasites, but does not pose a threat to humans, although personal protection will still be required. To carry out successful disinfestation, one time is enough.

Medilis-anti-BLOCK is released in the form of a spray, convenient for spraying, and even kills larvae. Its purpose is to treat premises. To do this, spray a jet at a distance of 10 cm from the surface where insects are most often found - joints of parts in upholstered furniture, baseboards, window and door frames. The product is consumed sparingly at a rate of 10 g per 1 square meter. m.


  • Convenient packaging;
  • Valid for at least 2 months;
  • You can treat sofas and other surfaces;
  • A bottle is enough for a room larger than 18 square meters. m.;
  • Quickly disappearing odor;
  • Effective composition.


  • Unpleasant smell.

The insecticide can be used at temperatures not lower than 10 degrees. 15 minutes after this, it is necessary to ventilate the room and wipe the work surfaces.

Environment harmful to bedbugs

The optimal conditions for the existence and rapid reproduction of bedbugs in the house are air temperatures in the region of 20 to 30 degrees. This is the microclimate they “love” most. Exceeding the specified temperature thresholds means creating an environment harmful to bedbugs, which they are simply afraid of.

In order to really affect a bedbug colony by increasing the temperature, values ​​close to 45 - 55 degrees Celsius are needed. In this case, a repellent or even destructive effect will appear. It is extremely difficult to reach such temperatures in a city apartment and can be dangerous for furniture and decoration. In the context of free-standing furniture, this is quite possible, so you can still warm up a sofa or bed if necessary in a particular case.

An even greater effect can be achieved through the so-called freezing, which is relevant for winter. Minimum temperatures to achieve the effect are from -10 to -15 °C. This option is used, for example, for a country or country house, which is used for seasonal living. It is also quite possible to use the method in an apartment during the departure of residents, but this may raise quite reasonable questions from neighbors, defrosting the heating system and damaging furniture and repairs.

Another negative factor for bedbugs is sunlight or electric light. It is difficult to perceive it as an insect repellent, but it is safe to say that bedbugs are very afraid and do not like brightly lit rooms. Therefore, this method, at least temporarily getting rid of annoying neighbors, has the right to life.

Gels for bedbugs

The product is a gel-like liquid or a thick mixture that needs to be lubricated in areas where bedbugs are most often found. Its advantages are quick action and absence of odor, the disadvantage is the price is above average. To prepare the rating, the characteristics of 10 products were studied, of which the first place went to the following gel.


Gel-like product for the destruction of young and adult individuals - flies, cockroaches, fleas. It is effective for 45 days both indoors and outdoors. After using the product, it is not necessary to ventilate the room due to the absence of a strong odor. It is applied to furniture, pipes, walls. The optimal consumption of the composition is from 15 to 30 g per 1 sq. m. m.

To suppress insect activity, the formula is based on the substance “alphacypermethrin” in a volume of 3% and imidaclopriod (0.2%). The gel does not have a very thick consistency, so it does not harden on the surface and does not flow onto the floor. Due to this, consumption is saved and the product lasts longer. The drug begins to act a few minutes after treatment of the coating.


  • Safe for people;
  • Does not leave marks on the surface;
  • Easy to apply;
  • Odorless;
  • Does not lose its properties during storage.


  • One package is enough for a maximum of 2.5 square meters. m.

The manufacturer notes that re-treatment can be carried out no earlier than a month after the first.

Are bedbugs afraid of alcohol?

Alcohols can kill bedbugs if you pour this odorous liquid into a nest of pests. Alcohol literally dissolves the chitinous shell of young insects if it gets directly onto the body. The smell of alcohol is unpleasant for bedbugs, but not so unpleasant that they will leave. Ethyl and isopropyl alcohols erode quickly, so they need to be renewed very often, for example, by wiping the surfaces every few hours or spraying them with a spray bottle. Ammonia is more persistent and odorous, and is often used to repel insects.

Solutions for bedbugs

They are called so due to the need for preliminary dilution with water in the proportions specified by the manufacturers. The advantages of this option are cost savings and low cost. The disadvantage of concentrates is that you need to mix them in some container and, perhaps, wait for some time to infuse. By eliminating the least safe, functional and beneficial products, the 2 best bed bug killers were selected.


The drug is included in the rating due to its effectiveness, safety and versatility. The product also fights fleas, ticks, flies, and ants. It affects both adults and larvae. The insecticide belongs to the professional group, but can also be used independently. It is produced in the form of a concentrate based on 2 active substances - chlorpyrifos and cypermethrin.

On average, one bottle of 100 ml is required to disinfect a two-room apartment. The drug can be used both indoors and outdoors. However, first you need to prepare a solution of 1 liter of water and 25 ml of liquid. The finished composition is sprayed using a spray bottle, which will have to be purchased separately. The effect of Zonder lasts for 49 days, and gradually the product loses its activity.


  • Completely destroys the population of insects, including larvae;
  • Effective for treating construction sheds;
  • Rapid ventilation of premises;
  • Easy to prepare solution.

Flaws :

  • Reviews advise working in a painter's suit and mask.

The drug is harmless to animals and people, has a quick effect and does not leave marks on treated surfaces.


It is not surprising that the manufacturers called their product this way; it really “mercilessly” kills both adults and larvae. It is produced in concentrated form, requiring dilution with warm water, which reduces consumption. The solution is effective both at low dosages (1 bottle per 0.5 liter of water) and at high dosages (3 bottles per 1 liter of water).

“Executioner” is sold in convenient plastic jars with transparent walls with a capacity of 6 ml. To spray the composition, you need a container with a 1.5-2 liter dispenser, for example, from a windshield wiper. You need to treat furniture, cracks in the floor, and the inner surface of carpets. If there are a lot of insects, then you will additionally need to spray things. To consolidate the results, it is recommended to repeat the manipulations after 5 days.


  • Convenient to use;
  • Can be used for sleeping places;
  • Harmless to health;
  • Simple instructions for use.


  • The room must then be left for 4-5 hours;
  • You should additionally buy a sprayer;
  • The smell takes a long time to dissipate.

The reviews note that the result is already after the first treatment, but it is better to reuse the bedbug remedy, then the effect will be 100%. However, for this you need to strictly follow the dosages.

Get Total and Get Express

Get is very advertised and popular today. The flagship product of this brand is Get Total, the auxiliary product is Get Express. We often work in apartments that people before us treated either with Get Total or with a mixture of Total and Express, and we can’t say anything outstanding about this product.

The main problem with Get is that its active ingredient is chlorpyrifos. On its basis there is a professional drug Agran, only Agran also contains cypermethrin. So, Agran poisons bedbugs in all services in a row, mainly due to its cheapness. It is especially loved by novice exterminators and those who are not involved in pest control professionally, but want to quickly make a pretty penny in the summer, during the season. They have this classic of the genre: buy a garden sprayer, a canister of Agran and advertise “professional removal of bedbugs the first time.”

Because of this, almost all bedbugs in Moscow, St. Petersburg, throughout the Moscow region and in many regional capitals have already encountered chlorpyrifos in Agran, and many have already managed to develop resistance to it. And that’s why Get Total based on it often doesn’t work.

It is interesting that the manufacturer is actively focusing attention, and buyers are relying on the microencapsulated structure of Gets. This is not entirely correct: the microencapsulated structure of Geta does not increase its effectiveness. Microencapsulation allows you to increase the safety of the product for people and pets, and Get Total is really good at this - it is low-hazard and practically odorless. But it poisons bedbugs in the same way as pure, unencapsulated chlorpyrifos. And whether it will work for you is a big question.

Theoretically, the mixture of Get Total with Get Express should kill bedbugs for sure, because the active substance of Get Express is lambda-cyhalothrin, a substance of a different class. But in fact, due to errors in processing, even with such a mixture, people often fail to remove bedbugs. Although we almost always remove bedbugs with professional preparations based on lambda-cyhalothrin the first time.

Pencils for bedbugs

An insecticidal pencil is so called because it is designed to draw stripes where bedbugs move. However, in fact, it looks like an ordinary chalk, which comes in completely different colors - white, blue, red. The product may have an oval, elongated, or round shape, like a tablet. Having studied 10 nominees, VyborExpert specialists chose one option with a large number of positive reviews.


The drug is sold in the form of a chalk, which draws lines well on almost any surface - asphalt, linoleum, tiles. Stripes are applied in places where insects live, gather and move frequently. Their minimum permissible width is 2-4 cm, otherwise their effectiveness is questioned. The main active ingredients are deltamethrin (0.05%) and zetacypermethrin (0.1%). This concentration is safe for humans and lethal for bedbugs.

To make chalk so that it draws well, plaster and chalk are used. The density of the pencil is quite high, so the product does not crumble when applying stripes. It is also effectively used in the fight against flies, fleas, and ants. Mashenka does not wash off for several days, so it works even in the rain.


  • Light weight – 0.02 kg, making it convenient to draw lines;
  • Optimal dimensions – 2.2 x 9 x 2.2 cm;
  • Available in white and does not stain your hands;
  • No pungent odor;
  • Doesn't break.


  • When exposed to water, it begins to become limp.

Reviews note that due to its white color, the pencil is practically invisible on light-colored surfaces, and it is more difficult to monitor the reaction of insects.


AI: fenthion 25%

Ingredients: organophosphorus compound fenthion (25%), as well as antioxidant, stabilizer, fragrance, solvent.

Consistency, properties: emulsion concentrate in the form of a transparent liquid of light brown color.

Purpose: the product is intended for the destruction of cockroaches, ants, bedbugs, fleas, flies, mosquitoes and rat mites in the practice of medical disinsection at objects of various categories; as well as for treatment with ixodid ticks - carriers of tick-borne encephalitis, Lyme disease and other diseases - when processing natural stations.

The product has a rather pungent odor that dissipates quickly. The emulsion is not able to evaporate into the air, which indicates the harmlessness of the drug.

Forsyth is capable of destroying parasites at all stages of their development (from larvae to adults), except for eggs, the protective shell of which does not allow the insecticide to penetrate inside and poison the nascent parasite. However, this is typical for all chemicals. Therefore, repeated (and final) treatment to consolidate the effect is still desirable, despite the long prolongation of the product.


It has an acute insecto-acaricidal effect against cockroaches, ants, bedbugs, fleas, rat mites, as well as adults and larvae of flies and mosquitoes. Residual activity persists for 3-5 weeks.


According to the degree of impact on the body of warm-blooded animals when introduced into the stomach and applied to the skin, it belongs to class III of moderately dangerous drugs according to GOST 12.1.007-76. Upon single contact with the skin, a mild local irritant effect was established; causes a moderate irritant effect when exposed to the mucous membranes of the eyes. When inhaled in the zone of acute (in the form of aerosols) and subacute (in the form of vapors) biocidal effect, the working aqueous emulsion belongs to classes II and III of highly and moderately dangerous disinfestation agents according to the hazard classification.

How to choose a bedbug repellent

The product should work for at least several days, preferably weeks. If you plan to use it outdoors, it is important that it is resistant to high humidity. For indoor use, it is recommended to choose odorless compositions so that they do not erode for a long time when the room is ventilated. Otherwise, even the most effective remedy for bed bugs can harm a person.


Pencils are the easiest to apply - just draw stripes about 4 cm wide in the place of greatest concentration of insects: furniture, walls, floor. Thanks to spot processing, product consumption is saved and it lasts for a long time. However, depending on the manufacturer, it may leave marks on the surface.

The most practical thing is to use ready-made aerosols and sprays, which just need to be sprayed in a problem area and left to work. To do this, they are produced in containers with a special dispenser, thereby reducing consumption.

Of the highly active products, solutions that require dilution with water have proven themselves well. Such liquids are produced in the form of a concentrate with 1 or 2 active substances. After mixing the components, they may require infusion for several minutes or hours.

Insect species

First of all, we are talking about the fight against bed bugs, since there are also outdoor insects. Usually one product is not limited to their destruction; it can also cope with other species - ants, fleas, cockroaches, flies. The more versatile the composition, the more expensive it costs.


The products are created to destroy insects already present in the house. They paralyze the bug, suppressing its motor activity. As a result, after a few minutes or hours, young and adult individuals die. Effective products can further repel them and prevent attacks on humans. However, it is not recommended to constantly use such gels, solutions, etc. indoors.

To prevent bedbugs from returning

After chemically treating surfaces, do not rush to return the textiles to their place.

  1. First
    , check to see if the bedbugs have become active after the first treatment. If the situation has not changed, it means that the colony is resistant to a specific poison. Insecticides should be used in the following order: neonicotinoids, organophosphorus compounds, pyrethroids, carbamates.
  2. Secondly
    , when the sheets are laid out and the curtains are hung in place, keep them clean and wash them regularly, do not neglect thorough cleaning.
  3. Thirdly
    , be careful when visiting or in hotels - bedbugs or their eggs can be brought home on clothes or luggage without noticing it.

What is the best remedy for bedbugs?

If you can leave the house for a day, you can use powdered preparations. In cases where it is necessary to quickly eliminate insects in hard-to-reach places, it is better to choose aerosols. For disinfestation of sofas, cabinets, and carpets, the best option would be concentrates intended for dilution with water.

To determine which bedbug treatment works well, you should take note of the following tips:

  • If there are animals in the house, then it is better to buy Henkel Combat aerosol.
  • If you need to get rid of pests in less than one day, then you should pay attention to the drug “Zonder”.
  • The “Raptor” and “Dichlorvos Clean House” aerosol can handle the treatment of hard-to-reach places - baseboards, peeling wallpaper, etc.
  • To avoid repeating disinfestation after some time, it is better to remove both larvae and adults with Hector powder.
  • If it is not possible to leave the premises where disinfestation will be carried out for a long time, you can buy an effective aerosol “Raid Lavender” or powder “GreenBelt Karbofos”.
  • Those who do not want to spend time preparing solutions and spraying compounds can poison parasites with Dust Clean House powder.
  • For sleeping places - mattresses, sofas, etc., con and "Executioner" are intended.
  • If an infestation of fleas and cockroaches is also noticed in the house, then Get Dry is a win-win option.
  • Among the inexpensive but effective products from the review, we can recommend the Mashenka pencil.

Even after choosing an effective remedy for bedbugs, it is recommended to carry out the treatment several times, just in case. If everything is done correctly, then there should be no trace of insects left.


Amount of drug required to prepare 1 liter of working solution:

  • Cockroaches – 10ml
  • Bedbugs, ants, fleas, adult flies and larvae, adult mosquitoes – 5ml
  • Mosquito larvae – 1.2ml

Based on reviews, the drug is effective. Kills a wide range of insects. Long residual effect.

This drug is used by almost 90% of all organizations involved in the extermination of bedbugs, cockroaches and other living creatures. Averfos contains the so-called chlorpyrifos. Chemical class - FOS (organophosphorus compounds). Essentially it is a crystalline substance. This can be understood by the cap of the Averfos bottle; it always seems to be covered in sugar. Chlorpyrifos forms a crystalline film at the site of application, and the insect dies when it comes into contact with it. The active phase of action of chlorpyrifos is 2-3 weeks, the passive phase is 1-2 months.

The principle of action of chlorpyrifos is that when it comes into contact with a crystal, the insect’s nervous system is affected and the bug or cockroach simply loses the ability to move. A slow and painful death ensues.

Chloropyrifos is deservedly considered one of the best active substances (active ingredients) in insecticides used to exterminate cockroaches, fleas, ants, adult flies, bedbugs, mosquito larvae and adult mosquitoes.

The Averfos product contains a number of original components that can ensure complete extraction of DV from the preparative form, which distinguishes it with considerable benefit from other similar drugs that were made on the basis of Chlorpyrifos.

Treatment area, concentration and modest price - these parameters allow us to confidently call Averfos the best product when you need one hundred percent and the fastest possible result.

"Averfos" is a product that does not have a sensitizing effect; in case of contact with the skin, the local irritant effect is rather weakly expressed. Upon contact with the mucous membrane of the eye, it causes irritation and miosis.

Toxicity: III hazard class (moderately hazardous substances)

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