Cucaracha bedbug repellent: reviews and instructions for use

Composition of the drug

Chlorpyrifos 0.5% (main active ingredient), bitrex, preservatives, dyes, plasticizers, food baits and filler. The action of the drug is based on chemical poisoning of insects. It spreads according to the “epidemic” principle - insects, after coming into contact with the granules, transfer the drug to other individuals, causing the death of the entire colony. Available in packages of 50 and 100 grams.

Lethal granules (bait) for Cucaracha cockroaches

The drug should be used as an additional remedy or for preventive treatments.

How to use

Cucaracha cannot be used in purchased form. The drug must be diluted with water in a ratio of 2.5 grams per liter of water. Take water at low and not high temperatures; preliminary infusion of the composition is not required, that is, it can be used immediately after dilution.

Approximately 50 ml of liquid is consumed per square meter. Only if untreated wood is sprayed can the consumption double.


I'll tell you about my experience, maybe it will be useful to someone. I work in a dorm, well, you understand that in such places bedbugs are an integral part of the building. In general, we tried a lot of poisons, but Tetrix helps the best. I work for them, a service that poisons insects. You just can’t buy it yourself. We found a good alternative to Tetrix, Cucaracha. It is relatively inexpensive to poison. If you distribute it correctly, you can treat all three floors. I really like this product, even though it smells terrible. But at the sanitary and epidemiological stations, you know, it doesn’t smell like daisies either.

Ulyana Mikhailovna, Vologda

The easiest and most convenient way is to place the solution in a special spray bottle and use it to thoroughly treat all surfaces, beds, furniture, not forgetting to look into the most secluded corners of the rooms. And don't forget about the various pantries and baseboards. These creatures can definitely be caught red-handed there.

And people usually forget about such places as:

  • all backs and sides of furniture;
  • frame parts of upholstered furniture;
  • space near the window sills.

After the treatment is completed, ventilate everything. You don't want to get poisoned, do you? Open all the windows wide for about four hours, and after that you can start washing. Dilute the soap solution and thoroughly rinse off any traces of the product.

Be sure to do another treatment in a couple of weeks! This is necessary so that the individuals hatched from the eggs also receive their dose of poison. Otherwise, the nightmare may repeat itself!

Preparation for work and method of application

When preparing to treat a room, follow simple, well-known measures - wet cleaning the room, isolating pets, and ensuring the safety of food products.

Mode of application . The granules are placed indoors on special substrates, and placed in places where insects are located - places of accumulation, habitat or movement. The number of substrates is calculated based on the calculation of 3-5 pieces per room of 10-12 square meters. m. Substrates must be replaced as they become dirty. Replacement should be carried out at least once a month. Cockroaches and other crawling household pests are very sensitive to insecticides and their actual death from contact with granules occurs within 2-3 days.

Liquid concentrate for cockroaches “Cucaracha”


The drug is one of the most effective, as evidenced by reviews of Cucarache.

Last year we poisoned cockroaches in the apartment. Initially, they used a concentrate, then laid out traps. Within a month we managed to get rid of the Prussians.

Anna, Moscow

Cucaracha helps well, but the unpleasant smell remains for a long time. Even after ventilation it remains indoors. They poisoned me twice. After 14 days, small cockroaches began to appear again. When I treated the baseboards again, the floor behind the kitchen table, the refrigerator, the Prussians disappeared.

Veronica, St. Petersburg

We used Cucaracha gel. Doesn't smell like anything and leaves no traces. After 2 days, dead cockroaches began to appear. Within a month the insects had disappeared.

Irina, Perm

Precautionary measures

  1. use personal protective equipment, avoid contact with skin and mucous membranes;
  2. in case of unintentional contact of the drug with the skin, rinse the damaged areas with running water;
  3. in case of contact with the eyes and mucous membranes, rinse with running water or disinfect with cotton swabs a 2% solution of baking soda for at least 10 minutes; if irritation occurs, drip the eyes with a 20-30% solution of sodium sulfate;
  4. upon ingestion, into the gastrointestinal tract, drink 2-3 glasses of water with 10-15 tablets of activated carbon, depending on the weight of the victim, following the instructions for use;
  5. in case of inhalation poisoning, rinse your mouth with water or a 2% soda solution.

A flying cockroach from an insectophobe's nightmares

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Good day to my dear readers. I’m sure each of us has heard the funny word “cucaracha” at least once. This is the name of an effective and easy-to-use remedy for cockroaches, and it is also the name of a humorous song in Spanish. “Cucaracha” translated from Spanish means “cockroach” - this is what government troops were called during the Mexican Revolution at the beginning of the 20th century.

In addition, the cucaracha is the name of the flying American cockroach. So, let's find out what Cucaracha is, where you can find the flying giant insect and how to use the drug.

A flying cockroach from an insectophobe's nightmares

Imagine for a moment an ordinary and familiar Prussian. Introduced? Did you feel disgust and a desire to quickly kill the bastard? Now sympathize with the Americans, who have the same one, only flying and up to 5 cm long. This creature, called the “cucaracha,” is actually nothing more than an American cockroach. Africa is considered its homeland, and since 1695 the flying giant has lived in North America.

Fortunately, we don’t have any of these here, but if you’re planning to travel around America or Europe, be on your guard and don’t accidentally bring a couple of individuals home - our compatriots will have enough of ordinary cockroaches. Below I will tell you how, using a product named after a comic song and an American cockroach, you can successfully fight against domestic Prussians.

How does this product with a strange name work?

The drug contains two active substances - cypermethrin and malathion. The first is a powerful pesticide that poisons the body by penetrating through the chitinous integument. Malathion accelerates the action of cypermethrin, leaving the individual no chance. In addition, the product sticks to the legs and abdomen of the cockroach, so one individual upon returning to the nest can infect the entire population. Death occurs on average half an hour after contact with the poison. As you can see, Cucaracha helps to quickly and effectively destroy insects in the apartment. Now I will tell you how to use this product and in what form the manufacturer produces it.

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Cucaracha emulsion

The most common format of the product is an emulsion, packaged in bottles of 50 and 1000 ml. A small bottle will be enough to treat an apartment, and a large bottle will be useful for disinsection of large industrial premises. Each package contains instructions, but just in case, we’ll talk in detail about how to use Cucaracha against cockroaches:

  • First, prepare the apartment for disinfestation: take children and pets away, hide toys and dishes, take away plants and flowers, put food in the refrigerator.
  • Before use, dilute the emulsion in water in the following proportion: 3 ml of emulsion per 1 liter of water. It's better to take cool water.
  • After the solution is ready, do not forget to wear personal protective equipment: gloves, goggles, a respirator and clothing that covers the entire body.
  • Are you packed? Let's start processing. Using a spray bottle, we apply the solution in corners, on baseboards, on the back surfaces of furniture, in the ventilation shaft and sewer riser - in general, in all those places where cockroaches live or can crawl.
  • After all insect habitats have been generously sprayed with the solution, you need to open the windows and leave the apartment for 4-5 hours.

Cucaracha is highly poisonous to people and animals, so do a thorough cleaning when you return. Do not forget to listen to how you feel: nausea, dizziness, headache and weakness can become symptoms of intoxication. In this case, you must immediately seek medical help.

Deadly Cucaracha granules

In addition to the emulsion, the product is produced in granular form in packages of 30 and 100 g. I have recommendations for you on the use of granules to achieve a quick effect:

  • Put on gloves and carefully open the packet of poison.
  • Place a few granules (about a teaspoon) on a backing (you can use a piece of paper, but usually special plastic backings are sold complete with the poison).
  • Leave poisonous treats in places where cockroaches are likely to be: near the trash can, on kitchen cabinets, under the refrigerator, etc.

Read on topic: Great Warrior from cockroaches instructions for use

One individual, having been in contact with the granules, will provoke an entire epidemic, destroying the entire population of cockroaches. The complete death of all individuals will take two to three days.

Please note - the product is highly toxic, therefore it is prohibited:

  • pour the granules into the drain;
  • leave poison in places where children and pets can find it;
  • use food containers to place granules - such dishes will have to be thrown away;
  • work with granules without appropriate protection - rubber gloves, a respirator and long sleeves.

Cucaracha - all the pros and cons

Like any pest control product, Cucaracha has a number of advantages and disadvantages. Let's first consider the positive aspects of the product:

  • Maximum effectiveness - the poison leaves no chance for a single individual thanks to the combination of two active substances in its composition.
  • Speed ​​of disinsection - complete destruction of all cockroaches will take a maximum of three days.
  • Cheap and accessible - the drug is sold in hardware stores and is inexpensive.
  • Lack of smell - Cucaracha has such a subtle aroma that you will only notice it if you sniff it specifically. As you understand, it is prohibited to do this, otherwise you risk getting poisoned.
  • Versatility - with the help of Cucarachi you can defeat not only cockroaches, but also woodlice, silverfish, bedbugs, ants and, in general, any insects that have entered your home. As you can see, the product has all the qualities of an ideal pest control agent. Now let's look at its disadvantages.
  • The first and main drawback is that Cucaracha is very toxic. If your pet licks the solution or eats a few granules, your pet could be killed. A person should exercise no less caution to avoid the hazardous health consequences of intoxication.
  • Inconvenient to use - the emulsion must be diluted with water, look for a suitable container; The granules need to be poured onto a substrate and placed around the apartment. This is a serious drawback, especially compared to modern insecticidal traps, which simply need to be taken out of the package and left indoors.

We read on the topic: ammonia for cockroaches, we carry out aromatherapy with improvised means

Actually, these are all arguments against the use of this product in the fight against domestic insects - Cucarachi has many more advantages. Most importantly, do not forget about personal protective equipment, carefully read the instructions for use on the packaging and strictly follow all the manufacturer’s recommendations.

After disinfestation, do not forget to ventilate and wash the apartment, and also listen to your health - if the alarming symptoms of poisoning do not go away for more than two hours, this is a serious reason to consult a doctor to prevent serious health consequences. Subscribe to blog updates so as not to miss important and interesting information. See you soon! Sincerely, blog author Mikhail Leshchenko

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

The advantages of the drug include:

  1. Low cost - 35-50 rubles. per package 50 grams;
  2. The universal purpose of the drug is for cockroaches, woodlice, and silverfish;
  3. Full readiness for use of the product;
  4. The product is non-toxic, belongs to hazard group 4 - not dangerous to humans.

As a disadvantage, it can be noted that the drug should be used as an additional remedy, or for preventive treatments.

Security measures

  • The drug is a toxic insecticide that is dangerous to people and animals. If used incorrectly at home, it can cause great harm to health. Symptoms such as dizziness, weakness, nausea, vomiting, convulsions, loss of coordination, and others may occur. If any of the symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  • The drug is dangerous for another reason. The fact is that it contains malathion, which has the ability to accumulate in the body and act as a carcinogen. When repeatedly introduced into the body, it causes the appearance of malignant tumors.
  • In addition, the toxic chemical is dangerous not only for people and animals, but also for fish and other aquatic inhabitants. Therefore, after treatment, the remaining solution cannot be poured into sewers, reservoirs, or simply onto the street. You will need to contact a specialized service and clarify the disposal procedure.
  • At the first stage of treatment, it is imperative to prepare the living space for the disinfestation procedure. Hide food, dishes, kitchen utensils. Also remove towels and personal hygiene products. If you have an aquarium, then it is better to take it out of the room for a while; when this is not possible, then be sure to turn off the compressor and cover the aquarium with a lid. All residents and animals must leave the premises, only the one carrying out the procedure should remain.
  • Be sure to wear overalls, safety glasses, gloves and a respirator. If you don’t have overalls, you should wear pants and a long-sleeve shirt. Clothes after the procedure should be washed and dried outside. Protective equipment should be used during the solution preparation procedure and not removed until processing is completed.
  • As soon as the processing is completed, you need to leave the apartment. It is correct to leave the apartment overnight, but in cases where this is not possible, people do not enter the apartment for several hours. Upon returning, the apartment must be well ventilated, it is advisable to create a draft so that the insecticide vapors disappear. Dangerous malathion vapors disappear within a few hours, so it is so important not to stay indoors during this period. The applied insecticide will be effective for 2-3 weeks.
  • Also, upon return, in addition to ventilation, be sure to carry out wet cleaning. All accessible surfaces must be washed. The product should remain only in hard-to-reach places where it will be inaccessible to children and pets. Wet cleaning is carried out using a solution of soda and soap, which neutralizes the effect of chemicals.

Conclusions and recommendations

The line of preparations of the Cucaracha trademark for crawling cockroach pests includes Cucaracha gel, Cucaracha traps and a liquid concentrate, which we recommend for joint complex use.

Traps and gel for cockroaches "Cucaracha"

Thus, “Cucaracha”, a granular insecticide for killing cockroaches, is very effective. We recommend using this inexpensive product in combination with other drugs against harmful insects. We pay attention to the timeliness and frequency of processing.

In a separate material on the website there are general recommendations on how to get rid of cockroaches yourself.

Where to buy the product?

We are waiting for you in Ulyanovsk at the specialized store “Disinfector”. The range includes insecticides from trusted Russian and foreign manufacturers. Favorable prices for drugs due to direct deliveries. We come out to carry out disinfestation of objects of any scale, and help create a comfortable, clean space for work and life. On this page you can read more about our services.

Find out the cost and availability of the drug in the store by calling +7(8422)455-288, +7(8422)455-292.

Disinsection of premises

  • Immediately before treatment, the solution is prepared and poured into a container with a spray bottle.
  • Close all windows and doors tightly. The room should be de-energized, as sockets and switches will need to be treated (these are favorite places for bedbugs).
  • At the beginning, the places with the greatest concentration of pests are treated - these are usually cabinets, bedside tables, beds, upholstered furniture, sockets, carpets, walls, ceilings, baseboards, balconies and loggias, etc.
  • After disinsection, leave the room for a day.

It is important to know! Do not pour the remaining solution down the drain, as it is toxic!

Operating principle

All forms of release of the insecticidal product Cucarach against bedbugs, cockroaches and fleas have a contact effect. The active components, getting on the paws and body of the insect, quickly penetrate inside and block the transmission of nerve impulses from the brain to the limbs. This initially causes paralysis and then death of the pests.


The peculiarity of the gel, granules and concentrate is that the poison has a delayed effect. And the infected insect still remains active for some time. This facilitates the transmission of poison to other individuals, and causes mass death of parasites.

Strategy for exterminating woodlice

Eliminating arthropods from your apartment is not an easy task. Setting traps or trying to collect individuals manually will lead to nothing. Such actions are not effective. As a rule, woodlice populations are very numerous and losses are easily replenished due to the fertility of these creatures. Any half measures will reduce their number only temporarily, especially if their main habitat is outside your home (for example, in the attic or with neighbors).

Thus, only comprehensive measures can solve the problem:

  1. Blocking possible entry routes for arthropods from the outside.
  2. Extermination of pests that are already present in the home.
  3. Creating an unfavorable environment for life.
  4. Destruction of an external source of influx, if any.

The most effective way to get rid of these pests is to eliminate excess moisture. Then they simply will not be able to survive, since they use the gills on their legs to breathe. However, this is practically impossible in the bathroom, where they most often live.

Distinctive features

It differs in that removing insects (bugs and cockroaches) is a labor-intensive process.

Attention! These insects are tenacious and reproduce quickly. Various techniques are used to remove insects.

Features of the destruction of bedbugs and cockroaches

InsectLiving conditionsMeans for destruction
Cockroach, fleaThey live in warm places.
They die at a temperature of −5 degrees
Freezing is used.
Products that smell like food and contain poison.

Boric acid and baits with it. Chemicals

(multiple means may be used)

During disinsection, parasites are deprived of access to moisture and food.

BugThey camouflage and hide perfectly.
They feed on the blood of humans and animals. A swollen bug is vulnerable. Favorite places to stay are cracks in the baseboard, in the mattress, in household appliances, books, under the carpet.
Class 4 insecticides are applicable. Safe for humans and animals.
Pyrethrum is poison. Dilute the product in places where the insect stays.

Karbofos - powder or concentrate.

The composition of the products is permethrin, cypermethrin, a substance that enhances the effect.

The disinfection attempt is repeated after hatching of the offspring.

Let's sum it up

As you can see, there are significantly more minuses than pluses. But it is also worth saying that there are disadvantages in any insecticide, so you will not find an ideal product. Take into account safety aspects, because you will be working with a dangerous substance, this is especially important when there are small children. As to whether to use cucaracha or not, each owner decides for himself. But you should always remember that there are specialized services that are professionals in the fight against bedbugs and they can guarantee an effective result. In addition, they will save you from unnecessary hassle and save your energy and time.




What is Cucaracha?

The product was produced in Russia, has a wide spectrum of action and is available in the form of powders, gels and emulsions. As stated on the label, Cucaracha is used to kill virtually any type of harmful insect.


Neither gels nor powders are suitable for fighting bedbugs, so in the future we will consider the liquid form.

The instructions for the drug specifically indicate that only liquid concentrate is used to combat bedbugs.

The emulsion itself is a blue or yellow concentrate. The insecticides included in the composition give the solution a pronounced unpleasant odor. Manufacturers produce the emulsion in bottles with a volume of 0.05 liters for residential premises and in canisters with a capacity of 1.0 and 5.0 liters for professional processing on an industrial scale.

The manufacturer warns against counterfeits: the largest form of the original Cucaracha product is bottled in 5-liter canisters


The active substances in the drug are:

  • Cypermethrin - 20%. A third generation substance developed on the basis of pyrethrum. The insecticide has a nerve-paralytic effect, to which bedbugs are not able to develop an addiction. The period of active action lasts up to 40 days, the substance is resistant to oxygen, high temperatures and sunlight.
  • Malathion - 10%. It multiplies the effect of cypermethrin, turning into an instantly acting poison in the insect's body. Active for 2–3 hours, then the effect weakens.

Malathion is another name for the long-known karbofos.

How does it work on bedbugs?

Both active substances included in the preparation Cucaracha affect adult insects and their larvae. Under the influence of toxic components, the instinct of self-preservation disappears in bedbugs and orientation in space is disrupted. Insects crawl out of the cracks and receive an even larger dose of poison.

When contacted with adult pests, the drug acts instantly

The drug destroys a single insect almost instantly. The death of all larvae and adult pests in the treated area occurs within 2–3 hours. It is worth considering that both active substances are not able to penetrate under the shell of the egg, so the product is not effective against nests of pests.

The durable shell of bedbug eggs prevents the drug from affecting pest embryos

However, due to its long period of activity, Cucaracha is able to destroy insects as they hatch. Since bedbugs do not develop habituation, new generations of pests fall under the influence of the toxic substance in the same way and die.

The drug Cucaracha is designed to combat bedbugs within a month after treatment


The insecticides included in the preparation Cucaracha belong to hazard class 3 (moderate danger). For warm-blooded animals, including humans, this means low toxicity. They are easily removed from the body and do not actually accumulate.

Karbofos (malathion) is an organophosphorus compound recognized as carcinogenic.

Despite the low toxicity, the use of the drug is allowed only with the use of protective equipment. The manufacturer also warns about the possibility of individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Doctors do not recommend using chemicals for people prone to allergic reactions.


As we have already found out, the drug shows excellent results in the fight against adult insects and their larvae. However, the product is not capable of destroying bedbug eggs, which affects the overall assessment of effectiveness.

Several applications with Cucaracha may be required to kill the entire bedbug population.

The greatest effectiveness can be achieved through repeated use of the drug.

Price and analogues

The approximate cost of Cucaracha is:

  • 0.05 liters - from 200 rubles retail;
  • 1.0 liters - from 1,300 rubles retail;
  • 5.0 liters - from 6,500 rubles retail.

This is one of the most budget-friendly products on the market.

Among the most well-known analogues are the drugs Delta Zone, Get, Executioner and Hector. It may seem that among them there are more economical means, but this is not so: to treat the same area, a larger amount of the drug will be required.

Photo gallery: analogues of the drug Cucaracha

Delta Zone is odorless, price from 650 rubles per 0.05 liter

The drug Get for bedbugs is considered completely harmless to humans and animals. Price for 0.1 liter from 750 rubles

An effective remedy for bedbugs, costing 70 rubles per 5 ml. An average room may require 10 bottles of the drug

The newest odorless product, costing from 550 rubles per 0.1 liter. Officially approved for household use

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