Insect repellent Taran 10% (50 ml): instructions for use and reviews

The insecticidal agent Taran is intended to destroy parasites such as cockroaches, mites, ants, and bed bugs. The drug is designed for a wide audience and can be used by both professional exterminators and ordinary residents.

This remedy cannot be called widespread. The lack of advertising and manufacturers' emphasis on eliminating bedbugs, and the small list of ingredients do not contribute to its popularity. At the same time, with a competent approach and compliance with all precautions, a ram can forever rid a room of blood-sucking parasites.

The product is sold in the form of a 10% milky-white suspension, bottled in 50 ml and 1 liter bottles or filled in 5 liter canisters. The basis of the drug is the insecticide zeta-cypermethrin. To obtain the finished solution, dilute the concentrate with water in the proportions specified in the instructions.

The insecticide is produced domestically.

Taran, 50 ml

, Russia

  • Active ingredient: Z-cypermethrin 10%
  • Instructions
  • Declaration
  • Certificate

Insecticidal action

Residual effect

Consumption of funds


Insect and tick repellent, available in 50 ml bottles in the form of a thick milky emulsion. Contains a highly active compound from the group of pyrethroids, zetacypermethrin (10%) and auxiliary components. The product has an acute effect against cockroaches, ants, bedbugs, fleas, flies, mosquitoes, and ticks. Residual activity of the drug persists for 4-8 weeks. Intended for combating insects in residential and non-residential premises, exterminating agricultural pests, as well as for anti-tick treatment of territory or summer cottages. Shelf life: 2 years.

Where to buy and how much does it cost?

The insecticide can be found in the following forms of release:

  1. Bottles of 50 ml. This form of release is optimal for home use. One bottle is enough for a one-room apartment, two bottles will be enough for a two-room apartment. The approximate cost of a bottle is 400 rubles.
  2. Containers with a volume of 1 liter. Used by professional pest control services. The cost of one such bottle is about 1200 rubles.
  3. Five liter canisters. Used for professional processing. The cost of one canister is about 12 thousand rubles.

The battering ram is sold in agricultural stores and retail outlets that sell goods for the garden and vegetable garden. This product is not on the list of the most popular insecticides, so in some cases it will be easier to purchase it online.

Insecticidal action

The insect repellent Taran has a wide spectrum of action and is intended for the destruction of cockroaches, ants, bedbugs, fleas, flies and mosquitoes in various facilities - in apartments, houses, dormitories, catering establishments, medical and preventive institutions and children's institutions. Just like Dobrokhim FOS, the insect repellent Taran has acaricidal properties directed against a number of ixodid ticks - taiga and dog ticks. Along with the ability to treat areas from ticks and mosquitoes, Taran can be used to treat garden pests: Colorado potato beetle, aphids, moths, leaf rollers, spider mites, white bugs, etc. The drug is effective for luring insects out of shelters and has minor repellent properties.

special instructions

In order for the tick repellent to work as effectively as possible and not cause side effects, you must adhere to the following rules.

  • It is prohibited to use the drug without personal protective equipment. Immediately after work, wash your hands with soap, throw your clothes in the wash, and take a shower.
  • In case of accidental contact with the skin, eyes, rinse immediately with running water, into the stomach, respiratory tract - drink activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight or another sorbent. If you experience nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea, seek help from a specialist.
  • Pregnant, lactating, young people under 18 years of age, patients with asthma, tuberculosis, and allergy sufferers should not use the drug or carry out disinfestation.
  • It is recommended to carry out the procedure in the morning or evening in dry, windless weather. If it rains within 2 hours after spraying the area, you will have to repeat the treatment after 1-2 days.

Protective equipment when working with Ram

After disinsection, a large number of ticks die in the first 2 hours, the protection remains valid for another 60 days. The drug destroys larvae, nymphs of different ages, adults.

Consumption of funds

When killing bedbugs or cockroaches with Taran insect repellent, freshly prepared aqueous solutions are used. A pump sprayer or other available sprayer is suitable for processing. After contact of the container with the insecticidal emulsion, it is not recommended to use it for other purposes, even taking into account its subsequent disinfection with a soap-soda solution. To prepare working emulsions, the product is diluted with water at room temperature, stirring evenly. On surfaces that do not absorb water (tiles, plastic, varnished, laminated surfaces), the consumption of the diluted product is normally 50 ml/1 sq.m., on surfaces that absorb moisture (wood, chipboard, plaster, etc.) it should not exceed 100 ml/1 sq.m.

Bed bugs

We recommend using Taran insect repellent only if bedbugs are highly resistant to FOS group drugs. To destroy bed bugs, use aqueous solutions diluted in a concentration of 0.025% according to the DV of the product (at a dosage of 2.5 ml/1 l of water). If the premises are sparsely infested with bedbugs, carefully treat their habitat - bedroom furniture, as well as places where they may settle: cracks along floor and ceiling baseboards, moldings, places where wallpaper is peeling off, around door and window frames and ventilation grilles, cracks and joints in walls, seams and folds of furniture, places behind heating radiators, along heating risers, as well as carpets on the back side. If there is a large population and if the walls are covered with plaster, wood or other absorbent material, the consumption of the finished liquid when spraying should be increased - up to 200 ml per 1 sq.m. or double the concentration of the product in the solution. Bedding is not processed. Simultaneous treatment of all premises is carried out only in dormitories, where frequent introduction of insects is possible, or in apartment buildings in which the presence of bedbugs was recorded in several apartments in the neighborhood. Repeated treatments are carried out when bedbugs are detected, but not earlier than after 10-14 days.


To destroy cockroaches, use solutions of 0.05% DV (5 ml/1 l of water) at a flow rate of 100 ml/sq.m., treating surfaces in places where insects are detected, localized and along the paths of movement of insects. Particular attention is paid to the space behind electrical appliances, kitchen cabinets, under the sink, holes and cracks in walls, door frames, thresholds, along baseboards, in cladding, as well as ventilation vents, and the joints of pipes in water supply, heating and sewerage systems. Treatment is carried out simultaneously in all rooms inhabited by cockroaches. In case of high and very high numbers, cabinet furniture, as well as adjacent rooms, are treated for preventive purposes: to prevent migration and subsequent colonization by cockroaches. Repeated treatments are carried out when insects appear.


Ram insect repellent is suitable for killing red house ants and other types of ants. In order to destroy ants, which often penetrate into rooms, their paths of movement (“paths”) are treated - the joints of tiles, baseboards, furniture edges, or places of accumulation. The product should be diluted in a concentration of 0.025% according to the DV (dosage 2.5 ml/1 l of water). Treatments are repeated when ants appear.


To kill fleas, the product must be diluted in a concentration of 0.05% according to the DV (1.25 ml / 1 liter of water), and treat walls to a height of up to 1 meter, the bottom of upholstered furniture, the floor surface in places where linoleum and baseboards lag, cracks behind baseboards, carpets, rugs on the reverse side. When treating cluttered basements, these rooms are first cleared of debris and then thoroughly irrigated. If the number of fleas is large, you can double the consumption of the working water emulsion or its concentration. Repeated treatments are carried out 2-3 weeks after thorough wet cleaning.


To destroy ixodid ticks, the product is diluted in a concentration of 0.05% according to the DV (5 ml/1l of water), if there is a high number of ticks in the area - in a concentration of 0.075% (7.5 ml/1l of water). The consumption rate can vary from 1 to 3 liters per 1 hectare of area cleared of debris and tall grass. Repeated treatment is carried out 14 days after the first.


When our apartment was literally filled with bedbugs, many poisons were tried. And one day, on the Internet, my husband and I came across a special remedy under the formidable name Taran, but we didn’t dare try it ourselves. There are too many rules in the instructions, and you have to buy special clothing, which is an extra expense.

As a result, they called our SES service and were very pleased with the work done. We would not have been able to cope with such a scope of work, but they did a great job of carrying out everything in a coordinated manner using special equipment and various mixtures. They'll come back in 3 weeks to do the re-processing.

I see many people here write about unsuccessful attempts. The reason, most likely, is that people often use professional tools incorrectly and try to do everything on their own. But we are convinced that everyone should mind their own business.

Review 1. Yana, Moscow

It’s simply unbearable to dilute the solution and destroy bedbugs yourself. Whether with balloons or without them, you crawl on all fours for three hours, then you don’t know how to get up and there are stars before your eyes. You can’t argue with age; pensioners can’t handle bullying on their own. Not everyone can afford to buy and wear special clothing, as well as spend extra free time on baiting insects. Therefore, without hesitation, I decided to turn to qualified specialists. Very pleased, everything was processed quickly and efficiently.

Review 2. Elena, Ekaterinburg


According to the parameters of acute toxicity when applied to the skin, the product is classified as class 4, slightly hazardous, according to the GOST 12.1.007-76 Classification. Persons carrying out disinsection, packaging the product, and preparing the solution must use personal protective equipment that protects the skin of the hands, mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory tract from contact with the product. The product does not have a pungent odor. The room must be treated in the absence of people, pets, birds, fish, and with open windows. Food, dishes and children's toys should be removed, the interior surfaces of cabinets should not be treated, and it is also advisable to cover indoor furniture and other delicate surfaces that are sensitive to moisture. After treatment, the room should be well ventilated for at least 30 minutes. Remove the product from treated contact surfaces (part of the floor on which you move, tables, door handles, etc.) with wet cleaning - soap and soda solution (at a dosage of 30-50 grams of soda ash per 1 liter of water, or 100 grams of baking soda soda per 1 liter of water) no earlier than 24 hours after use, but no later than 3 hours before the start of use of the room. From other places - 8 weeks after losing its effectiveness.

Precautions when working with pest control

Taran is a chemical substance and therefore should be handled with caution. Although it is a moderately hazardous substance, you should not allow it to come into contact with the skin, mucous membranes, or lungs. Therefore, when dealing with chemical destruction, wear a respirator, gloves and closed clothing.

If you purchased a battering ram for bedbugs, the use of which requires precautions, remember what to do in case of contact with it. So, if it gets on your skin, wash it with soap. Rinse your eyes with water. If the medicine gets into your stomach, immediately induce vomiting and drink activated charcoal (10-15 tablets) - and be sure to call a doctor.

What to remember

  1. Taran is an effective remedy for bedbugs that leaves no odor or traces behind; the chemical hazard category is medium.
  2. You can enter the house after spraying after 2 hours.
  3. The drug not only acts instantly - on insects that have already bred - but also retains the effect for up to 8 weeks, killing the hatching “newcomers” from the clutch of eggs.
  4. Be sure to use the dosage indicated in the instructions.
  5. Wear covered clothing, gloves, and a respirator before handling your home.
  6. In case of contact with skin or eyes, rinse the area with water. If it gets into the stomach, induce vomiting, take activated charcoal and call a doctor.

Specifics of the mechanism of action

Long-term practice of using Taran against bedbugs shows the high effectiveness of targeted action. Immediately after direct contact with the pesticide, the action of Zetacypermethrin is triggered, which causes a malfunction of the sodium-potassium pump in the membranes of the parasite's nerve cells. Increasing regeneration of the nerve impulse develops, which is manifested by progressive muscle tension, and then leads to paralysis and death of the insect.

Particularly valuable is the contact effect of Zeta-cypermethrin, which provides maximum effect when baiting bedbugs. These bloodsuckers will never approach poisoned bait, so it has no analogues in terms of its mechanism of action. It is interesting how Taran acts on bedbugs - the reagent penetrates through the chitinous cover and spiracles, which is not characteristic of any known poison. That is why the product is almost instantly delivered to the insect’s body.

Adults are affected first, and the larvae die immediately after hatching and coming into contact with the treated surface. Therefore, the complete destruction of the entire colony occurs after some time, provided that the effect persists for up to one and a half months. A distinctive feature of the remedy for bedbugs Taran is the complete absence of an unpleasant odor. All thanks to the exclusion of various harmful chemical impurities from the composition.

How to understand that there are pests

Bedbugs are small insects that are difficult to see or notice. And given that these parasites hide in secluded places, you simply don’t see them themselves.

But they will definitely give themselves away with the help of indirect signs of presence:

  1. Bite marks on the body (red spots) and itching are the main evidence. Bloodsuckers “go hunting” at night, so they bite at this time, not immediately, but people notice this, because the constant desire to scratch interferes with comfortable sleep.
  2. The smell of almonds or cognac is a non-standard symptom, but it also indicates that these bloodsucking creatures live in the house. Of course, unless you keep open bottles of cognac in your apartment or treat yourself to almond treats.
  3. Waste products of parasites or, simply, traces of molting, droppings, eggs. Strong accumulations of such “garbage” are visible to the naked eye if you examine the secluded places of the house. The colonies of insects themselves may also be located here - when they gather together, they are visible to humans.

These signs indicate that pests have already entered and even taken up residence. Removal will require effort. A proven remedy that will help get rid of an unpleasant neighborhood is the Anti-Bedbug Ram. We will tell you further how it works and how effective it is.

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