how to fight aphids on plums
Methods to combat aphids on plums: what to treat and how to prevent the appearance
The varieties of aphids that attack plum trees are very dangerous pests that can destroy plants. Small size
gypsy moth
The voracious caterpillar of the gypsy moth and how to deal with it
A dangerous pest of forests and cultural plantings, the gypsy moth has a wide distribution area. This pest
The meadow moth is popularly called motilitsa
The meadow moth is a nondescript butterfly with enormous harmful potential.
It would seem that the meadow moth, in accordance with its name, should flutter on the lawns and
Hawk Moth Death's Head
Death's head hawk moth - a rare guest from the African continent, features of the species
Hawk moths are a large family that includes 1,200 species of large and medium-sized butterflies. For a special way
Actellik: instructions for use against pests and reviews from gardeners
Home / Preparations and fertilizers Back Published: 09/30/2020 4 Rate this post Pests cause
Do flies bite? Why do they attack people at the end of summer?
Do flies bite? Why do they attack people at the end of summer?
Flies are insects well known to each of us, which become especially annoying with the arrival of
rider insect
Insect rider. Description, features, species, lifestyle and habitat of the equestrian
The wasp (insect) is a beneficial parasite that monitors the number of pests in fields and gardens,
Brazilian banana spider - what it looks like, its varieties, is it dangerous for humans
Wild animals >> Arachnids Banana spider, or as it is also called, golden spider, or wandering spider
How long does a mosquito live: life expectancy, after a bite, in an apartment
How long does a mosquito live: life expectancy, after a bite, in an apartment
Researchers have found the average lifespan of a mosquito depending on its living conditions: it is
Why is scolopendra dangerous for humans and where does it live?
Not every person knows what “arthropod scolopendras” are. Biologists have a lip centipede
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