Electric trap
Be gone, bloodsuckers! How to Control Mosquitoes with Beer, Mint and Vinegar
Let's protect ourselves Mint. 4 tbsp. pour spoons of fresh mint leaves into a glass of water, hold on
Green spider. What types of green spiders are there?
Treatment and prevention The most elementary and known since ancient times method of treating a poisonous bite
Peacock eye
Peacock butterfly - description, lifestyle and habitat
Nature has many creatures of amazing beauty and grace. One of them is a bright peacock butterfly
Mosquito fumigants
Plants with a pungent odor, essential oils, repellents - so what are mosquitoes more afraid of?
Mosquitoes are annoying pests that irritate not only with their buzzing, but also with their painful, itchy
Carrot fly - how to fight it. Prevention, drugs and folk remedies
Carrot fly All pests can be divided into 2 groups: omnivorous, damaging various crops and
Mosquito traps
Outdoor mosquito killer: overview of installations operating on an area from 50 to 5000 m2
It’s hard to say what’s worse – the way the mosquito buzzes or the unbearable itching
Photo of aphids
How to get rid of aphids on currants: a review of the best remedies
Aphids are one of the most common insects. Colonies of this pest can be found almost
How to get rid of flies on the street and in the house quickly and effectively: the best instructions + folk methods
Why are flies dangerous? The main danger of flies is that they are carriers of various
Mosquito exterminators
TOP 7 best mosquito repellents: choice of experts and practitioners
Updated: 02/26/2021 14:03:23 Expert: Nikolay Vladmirovich Ostrovsky *Review of the best according to the editors of expertology.ru. ABOUT
How long does a midge live, what does it eat, what do their larvae look like?
Sometimes even the smallest creature can cause a lot of trouble. In the modern world there are more
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