Nut moth, what is its harm, how to get rid of food moth

Brief description of the moth

The moth belongs to the order Lepidoptera insects. The color is pale brown, light gray, white with silver pollen on the wings. This small insect is nocturnal and feeds on the substance of the stratum corneum, that is, keratin.

The stomachs contain a large amount of acid, which perfectly digests fur, wool and other materials. The pest adapts well to different climatic conditions.

The greatest damage is caused by the larvae, and adults, upon reaching maturity, only mate and reproduce.

The pest is similar in appearance to butterflies, but its characteristic proboscis is missing. In the caterpillar stage, the butterfly consumes a large amount of food with its mouthparts, and this energy is enough to lay new offspring. The larvae have strong, large jaws with which they even gnaw through seeds, nuts and seeds in fruits.

What to do if there are bugs?

In addition to moths, you can also find small brown bugs in nuts that look similar to small cockroaches. The bugs barely reach 4 mm in length.

These insects are omnivores. If bugs are infested in walnuts, then most likely other products have been spoiled by them.

Before getting rid of the pest using chemical or folk remedies, they sort cereals, flour, legumes, and nuts. Products not touched by the pest are subjected to heat treatment for prevention - bulk products are kept in the freezer for several hours, nuts are calcined in the oven at a temperature of +1000C. The spoiled ones will have to be thrown away.

Kitchen cabinets, tables and other furniture where food was stored are emptied of all contents and vacuumed, paying special attention to corners and cracks. Next perform the following actions:

  • the furniture inside is washed with water and laundry soap;
  • then treated with water acidified with 9% vinegar (1 part table vinegar to 3 parts liquid);
  • the container in which the contaminated products were stored is doused with boiling water.

The vacuum cleaner bag is emptied and washed immediately after work.

Cycle and lifespan

Caterpillars emerge from the laid eggs and turn into butterflies. Having reached puberty, butterflies lay offspring. In favorable conditions of city apartments and houses, this cycle can continue all year round without interruption.

The lifespan of an individual adult with wings is short and ranges from 15 to 30 days, depending on the species.

It moves little and only at twilight, since the wings are poorly developed and there is no protection from predators.

Stages preceding puberty:

  • laying eggs. Young caterpillars appear on average after 2 weeks at room temperature;
  • The larvae make a cocoon around themselves from the stratum corneum and live in it for a long time, from 90 to 300 days per year.

Type of moth

There are many species of this insect, and the most famous of them are:

  • Homemade.
  • Wax.
  • Fur coat.
  • Clothes.
  • Furniture.
  • Walnut.
  • Potato.
  • Cabbage.
  • Food.
  • Chestnut.

All species cause significant damage in many areas of the economy if they are not dealt with in a timely manner.


It poses a danger to bee hives: the caterpillars feed on beebread, collected honey and even attack bee larvae. However, moths began to be used in medicine for medicinal purposes due to their ability to digest wax with the help of special enzymes in the stomach. The result is a unique antibacterial substance with numerous beneficial properties.

Fur coat

Capable of ruining any, even the most expensive fur coat. In it she finds an inexhaustible source of nutrition and comfortable existence. Having eaten the required amount of hair with the help of a powerful mouthparts, the larvae move towards the nest, cutting off interfering hair along the way, resulting in stripes of clipped fur on the surface of the fur coat.

For the clothing type, wool products are a favorite delicacy. The appearance of this species is not very remarkable: light, golden color and small size of 8-9 mm. Females do not fly, they move by crawling to the right place, but males fly in search of females.


Painted in light yellow with a golden tint. Caterpillars of this species are inactive and move only if they eat well. A special feature is a strong fear of light: when exposed to the sun's rays, they immediately hide in cocoons or look for a dark shelter.


It has a dark gray “dirty” color and can cause damage to agricultural areas. The female lays eggs on the inner surface of potato leaves; after 7-10 days, light green or pink larvae emerge from them, which feed on the tops and suck the juice from the bush.


Causes damage to the cruciferous family. The butterfly is elongated and sand-colored and has a special fringe on the edges of its wings. Such a butterfly flies poorly and is always close to the place where it appears. Cabbage caterpillars are green in color and have a brown head with jaws, and the eggs are painted dark green and are therefore hardly noticeable on plants.

Granary (food)

Such moths appear on food products that have been stored improperly, and most often live in cereals and groceries. Under natural conditions, this species feeds on nuts and plant seeds, and therefore is most often found in forest-steppes, mixed forests and steppes.

The length of an adult individual is about 8 mm, it adapts well to environmental conditions and is almost invisible to the naked eye.

The larvae are painted in light colors: pink, milky, sand. The life cycle lasts about 45-50 days.


Lives on maples and chestnuts. It waits out the cold winter time in the pupal state, and when the first warmth appears, adult individuals emerge from last year’s foliage and actively reproduce. The females forge the resulting eggs on young leaves. It is easy to find out about the appearance of such neighbors: orange spots are noticeable on the leaves.

Effective measures

To get rid of a butterfly, you need to know its biology. The mechanical method of dealing with an unsightly pest does not give the expected effect. While you are trying to destroy the pest with a sneaker, the caterpillars continue to develop.

To save the nuts, you will have to destroy:

Moth eggs are very small, their size does not exceed 0.5 mm. They are almost impossible to detect.

There is no seasonality; the parasite can appear indoors at any time.

You should start by fighting the larvae. They are the ones who spoil the nuts. To do this, products are sorted out and those that have become unusable are thrown away. You can learn about popular folk methods of fighting food moths by reading the corresponding article on our website.

Butterflies should be removed mechanically. Just press them down or install adhesive tapes.

Why does moth start living in the house and how does it get into the apartment?

The most favorable living factors for this pest are:

  • presence of twilight;
  • constant access to food;
  • room temperature for continuous life cycle.

And it can get into your home in several ways:

  • Having flown over from the neighbors. Although the pest does not fly well and does not fly much, it is quite capable of covering short distances through ventilation openings or holes near heating pipes.
  • Having flown over from the street. In search of food and for reproduction, they can easily fly into a house from the street.
  • With contaminated food. If the manufacturer did not store their products correctly and did not pay attention to heat treatment, various food products may be contaminated with larvae. They are invisible to the eye, but once in a warm environment they begin to feed again and grow into an adult flying in search of a partner.

The most favorite “delicacies” for the pest are:

  • Flour.
  • Legumes.
  • Tea.
  • Coffee.
  • Cocoa.
  • Seeds.
  • Dried fruits.
  • Dried berries.
  • Cereals.
  • Herbs.
  • Dry mixes.
  • Animal feed.
  • Baby food.

To avoid infection and spread of the pest, when purchasing the listed products, carefully inspect the packaging, and if there is the slightest presence of insects, do not take the product under any circumstances.

When you get home, transfer the contents of the package to an airtight food storage container. In this way you will prevent the pest from multiplying. The larvae are harmful primarily because they spoil food products.

By eating them, they leave behind numerous traces of their activity: eggs, husks, corpses, skins, feces. Yes, and there is a product that is infested with these insects, hardly anyone will want it; they will have to throw away the spoiled product completely.

And adult individuals are dangerous for humans only because they make new offspring, laying clutches in unexpected places.

Causes and signs of appearance

There are many different types of moths found in nature. They feed on various fruits, feathers or animal down.

However, such a diet for them is considered rather meager, and in combination with seasonal weather changes and temperature fluctuations, it seriously inhibits reproduction.

The situation is completely different in human habitation, where there is a huge abundance of varied food and ideal temperature. It is not surprising that the insect tries in any way to enter the house where all the products are collected - the kitchen.

Moths can appear in the kitchen for many reasons , including:

  • entry into the premises of products that have already been infected by the pest;
  • storing nuts and other products in places with high humidity;
  • poor ventilation of the room;
  • getting into the apartment on the body of pets;
  • the absence of protective nets on the windows, through which butterflies can easily fly inside.

Moth caterpillars.

In the first stages, it is quite difficult to determine whether a pest is present in the kitchen.

However, after a certain period of time, the characteristic features of the presence of insects become apparent:

  • in the evening you can find single butterflies flying near light sources;
  • some minor movements are noticeable in nuts or cereals;
  • presence of adult larvae in products;
  • small white caterpillars crawl along the walls near the food.

Ways to fight moths

There are several methods to combat this pest, but the most reliable of them are:

  • The most effective and efficient way is to prevent its appearance in the house. Be sure to follow the rule: after purchasing bulk products, pour them at home into hermetically sealed plastic, glass and metal storage containers. And the best option is to use transparent containers for these purposes.
  • Keep the kitchen area clean and tidy. Do not allow food residues to remain on tables, storage cabinets, and never store cereals, baby food, or animal food in the open. Do wet cleaning more often and periodically review your groceries.

Harm from the parasite

Moths are especially dangerous for walnuts. The appearance of just one or two pests in an apartment or food warehouse can cause mass contamination of products. The larvae of the king nut moth stay in the nut shell throughout the entire development cycle, feeding on its kernels.

Accordingly, it is there that the insect molts; insect excrement, as well as discarded chitinous coverings, accumulate under the nut shell.

When eating a nut infected with a parasite, there is a high probability of developing signs of food intoxication . Pain in the digestive tract, nausea, vomiting, and stool disorders may occur. To prevent poisoning, it is important to choose nuts with extreme caution.

How to save cereals, nuts, flour from moths?

If the pest has already appeared, you urgently need to take action and perform the following sequence of actions:

  • All affected products are thrown away, and if there are a lot of insects, then throw away good-looking cereals and flour without sparing, there is a high risk that pests are there in the form of eggs and larvae.
  • Place all untouched groceries into containers with lids.
  • Thoroughly wash all cabinets, kitchen surfaces and utensils with a strong soapy solution.
  • After drying, wipe the surfaces with a 9% vinegar solution. You can also treat cabinets against eggs, larvae and mature butterflies with aerosols: Raptor, Antimol, Armol.
  • Do a wet cleaning of the entire kitchen.
  • Ventilate the room well.

After such a general cleaning, carefully inspect the contents of the shelves and cabinets for 3-5 days; pests may appear again and then you will have to repeat the entire procedure again.

At the same time, it is possible to use special tools and traps sold in hardware and specialized stores. The traps contain special pheromones that attract adult insects, but such a trap must stand for at least 2 months for a visible effect.

What to do if there are moths in walnuts?

The pest should be combated when the first signs of the appearance of the walnut butterfly are detected. And it is immediately advisable to take the most radical measures: if you do not throw away all contaminated products, you will not be able to completely get rid of this insect.

In order to destroy moths and their offspring, it is necessary to treat containers of walnuts, furniture in which food is stored (possibly the entire room). Various methods are used for this.

Cereals with moth


If there are worms in the nuts, it is recommended to use the following aerosol preparations to combat them:

  • Combat;
  • Armol;
  • Raptor;
  • Antimol.

Sprays are used to treat containers in which nuts are stored, as well as all surrounding surfaces. Particular attention is paid to hard-to-reach places.

When moths have infested peeled walnuts, you simply need to throw them away.

Attention! If the shell seems intact, then in this case the nuts are not treated with insecticides.

You can try to save the stock by roasting the nuts in the oven. Before this, the shells must be thoroughly washed.

Folk remedies for moths

If there are no chemicals on hand or the owner does not want to take risks with their use, traditional methods are used. There are several time-tested recommendations on what to do if there are moths in nuts.


  1. A bay leaf or garlic cloves were placed in a container with nuts . Their smell repels the pest.
  2. Tobacco helps well , which is sprinkled not only on nuts, but also on the places next to the container in which they are located. This advice, of course, is not suitable for cleaned kernels.
  3. You can disinfect the habitats of worms in the house and destroy the eggs using ammonia or table vinegar .
  4. Adults are repelled with a strong scent (for example, lavender or fir oil ).

Before treating the surfaces of containers and cabinets with any of the products, they are washed with soapy water and wiped dry.

Traditional methods of getting rid of insects

Moths do not like sharp and strong odors, so the following tips will help to prevent and combat them:

  • Garlic. Peel the fresh garlic cloves and place 1-2 pieces in each container. The garlic smell from flour and cereals disappears quickly, but is a good deterrent to uninvited guests.
  • Dried branches of geranium or sweet clover have a specific strong smell that the butterfly cannot tolerate. Use this method with caution in families where there are people suffering from allergies.
  • Lavender. A fragrant branch can be placed in a closet; it perfectly scares away uninvited guests from the contents of kitchen cabinets.
  • Wormwood, tansy, and rosemary have a similar effect.
  • Fresh orange peels are often laid out in cabinets. Citrus fruits are very hostile to moths, and they will not breed or inhabit the area.

Features of prevention

“Hercules” porridge is one of the favorite breeding grounds for food moths

  • Wipe down kitchen cabinets with vinegar. Use oils whose odor is unpleasant to insects.
  • Clear out the rubble - get rid of old things. The trash can harbor a parasite that will eventually spread to the kitchen.
  • Store nuts in a plastic container with a tight-fitting lid.
  • Review your inventory periodically.

It is not the butterflies themselves that spoil the food, but the caterpillars. It is quite difficult to see parasites because they do not announce their appearance. The danger is that affected products can lead to serious health problems: allergies, decreased immunity, intoxication.

It is necessary to destroy insects in a comprehensive manner: eggs, butterflies and larvae. The use of insecticides is not recommended, as they can poison the food. If you follow preventive measures, parasites will not appear! At the same time, it is important to carry out timely sanitization not only in the kitchen, but also in other rooms.

Useful tips for your six hundred square meters

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