Wax moth waste product: properties, production method, benefits and harms

The use of PZhVM has many useful properties. You've probably heard about wax moth tincture, but there is very little information about such a substance as wax moth product. Everyone knows about the benefits of medicines, the preparation of which is based on wax moth larvae, but few people know about the benefits of its excrement. Let's try to understand PVVM, what is the benefit and what diseases can be cured with its help.

Beekeeping has many useful products. An exceptional feature of wax moths is their diet. The mill feeds the moth exclusively with beekeeping products - honey and wax, because all the nutrients are accumulated in its body.

What is PZHVM?

The waste product of the wax moth is a biological substance that can be obtained thanks to this insect, which is also called the bee moth. It is considered a source of a wide variety of waste products. At the same time, the wax moth itself is considered a pest that threatens beekeeping quite seriously.

You can tell that a bee's home has been attacked by wax moths by looking at the wax on the honeycomb cones, which has been chewed. The main evidence of the penetration of this insect is precisely those excrement. The waste products of wax moths are miniature black pellets that look like poppy seeds. This excrement in the hive remains from the larvae that the wax moth lays.

These creatures are very voracious, capable of actively destroying honey, attacking baby bees and gnawing wax. In this regard, beekeepers consider moths primarily to be dangerous pests, and only then can they be considered as a source of useful and healing products of natural origin.

Few beekeepers breed moths specifically to produce excrement. However, there are still such people. True, because of human disgust, they prefer to call this substance veiledly, often with the same abbreviation PZhVM - waste products of wax moths.


A cure for cancer has not yet been found, but the use of wax moth extract can significantly alleviate the course of the disease . Its use helps eliminate pain , as well as reduce side effects from taking antibiotics .

The components included in the substance have strong anti-inflammatory and antitumor effects. Taking the drug for lung cancer is accompanied by restoration of lung cells, metabolic processes in the body are enhanced, and the rate of spread of the malignant tumor is reduced.

In case of intestinal cancer, the pain syndrome is reduced, the immune system is strengthened, and overall well-being improves.

Unique Digestive Enzymes

It is worth recognizing that scientists do not yet have a consensus on whether the excrement of these larvae is really as useful as some people say about them. An indisputable fact is that the moth is the only living creature capable of digesting beeswax due to its unique digestive fragments. As a result, the waste products of wax moths actually contain a number of unique substances.

As a result of careful research in laboratories, scientists were able to come to the conclusion that these excrement consist of several active chemicals, which determine the properties of this product.


Tuberculosis is considered one of the most common causes of death in adults compared to other infectious diseases. The reason for the relevance of this disease is considered to be the adaptation of the tuberculosis bacillus to antibiotics.

Enzymes in wax moth extract are able to break down the waxy membrane of Koch's bacillus , after which antibiotic therapy shows higher effectiveness.

In addition, the substance has a stimulating effect; the extract promotes the growth and development of healthy cells .

Wax moth extract helps with various forms of tuberculosis, which also occurs in the intestines, kidneys, joints, and lungs. The drug prevents the spread of infection to other tissues and increases the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy.


One of the main components of the waste products of wax moth larvae is flavonoids. These are ingredients that are predominantly found in the plant kingdom. However, in this case they are present in the moth's excrement. These organic compounds have a beneficial effect on the human vascular system. The walls of blood channels are cleared of cholesterol.

This is an effective prevention of varicose veins, increasing their resistance and elasticity to the harmful influences of the environment.

Another of the main components of wax moth waste products (WWM) is iridoids. These compounds are essentially reminiscent of substances found in extracts of certain herbs. However, they are not found in more familiar vegetable and fruit dishes. Iridoids have the ability to reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood, activate the body’s defense systems, and remove toxic substances. It is these substances that provide the characteristic bitter taste to the tincture, which is made from the excrement of these larvae.

Contraindications and harm

Even the most useful product can cause harm to the body if you do not follow the recommendations for use and ignore contraindications. You cannot use wax moth larvae excrement in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance to the product or tendency to allergic reactions;
  • children under 10 years of age;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • bearing a child with complications;
  • tendency to low blood pressure;
  • peptic ulcer in the acute stage.

When taking the tincture, you must remember that it gives an effect only as part of a complex treatment; it will not be possible to recover from serious diseases with the help of PVVM.

Effectiveness of steroids

Finally, they contain steroids. These are almost complete analogues of plant and animal biologically active compounds that have anti-inflammatory and anabolic properties. Once in the body, they help enhance metabolic processes and are able to quickly relieve pain from muscle tension. Due to these healing properties of moth excrement, preparations based on them are recommended for neuromuscular diseases.

It is worth noting that the deciphering of the chemical composition of these excrements has not yet been completed. Therefore, some new useful qualities and properties may be discovered. In this regard, some scientists consider this raw material to be very promising for pharmaceuticals.


The chemical composition of the PZHVM is similar to the composition of the wax larvae extract.
The chemical composition of the PZHVM is similar to the composition of the wax larvae extract. Contains amino acids, cerase - a substance that can dissolve pathogenic microorganisms, fatty acids and trace elements. Acids do not release cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels and retain their elasticity.

But the unique healing properties of the product depend on flavonoids, steroids and iridoids - biologically active compounds that appear in the PVH after repeated excretion by the larvae.

Steroids have an anti-inflammatory effect, but the drug should be dosed as needed. Flavonoids are able to determine the activity of vitamin P and improve brain irridoids.

Biologically active compounds of PZHVM

Flavanoids are physiologically active components that affect enzyme activity.

Beneficial properties of flavonoids:

  1. It has a protective effect and preserves the integrity of body cells.
  2. Slow aging at the cellular level.
  3. They have an anti-inflammatory effect and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  4. Helps women during menopause.
  5. Prevents viral diseases and cancer.
  6. increases immunity, strengthens the heart muscle, immunity, prevents varicose veins.

Iridoids are powerful components with a wide range of biological activities. Phytochemicals produced by insects or plants.

Useful properties of iridoids:

  • normalizes cholesterol;
  • has an immunomodulatory, cardioprotective effect;
  • increases endurance, energizes;
  • prevents the formation of free radicals;
  • improves brain function;
  • delays the aging process;
  • forms new blood vessels;
  • prevents the development of benign and malignant tumors;
  • resists viruses.

Steroids are substances with high biological activity, mainly of plant or animal origin. Steroids are important for humans, as they regulate metabolism, control the course of biological processes, and have a positive effect on reproductive function.

Steroids are subject to processes of carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolism. Substances that support the immune, cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine systems, improve kidney function and strengthen skeletal muscles.

Indications for use

There are many indications for the use of wax moth waste products, since this substance has a diverse biochemical composition. As a rule, a tincture is made from it, which has a fairly wide range of actions. Here are just the main directions when taking this drug is considered the most reasonable.

The waste products of the wax moth and its beneficial properties are considered an effective method of combating tuberculosis. It is recommended to use this substance in complex treatment with medications that will be prescribed by a doctor.

Preparations prepared from the excrement of this insect improve the condition of the blood channels, thereby reducing blood pressure. This helps resist cardiovascular diseases. In addition, the severity of ischemic attacks is reduced, the likelihood of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis is reduced.

These substances help with reduced immunity. They are able to activate its work, which significantly increases the protective forces of the human body. With regular use of the tincture prepared on the basis of PZHVM, the frequency of viral infections and colds is reduced. Some experts even claim effectiveness in preventing cancer.

Recommendations for the use of wax moth waste products

As you can understand from what you read above, this product has proven itself well in terms of improving the general condition of the body, but most often the product is recommended for use for:

  • Tuberculosis. It is a known fact that the tuberculosis bacterium is protected by a thin layer of wax, and the bee moth larva feeds on the wax. And due to the enzyme cerase, which is also contained in the PVVM, the membrane is destroyed and recovery occurs much faster.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Reduced immunity. A wonderful remedy for general strengthening of the body after injuries and illnesses, for the prevention of influenza and colds.
  • For fungal diseases of the skin. By treating the affected areas of the skin, you can achieve a complete cure.
  • For problems with the reproductive system. Naturopaths claim that the product helps increase potency and libido, and increases sperm motility.
  • With regular high sports loads. Helps relieve muscle tension, increases endurance, and strengthens the nervous system.

Fungal infections and infertility

Helps fight PVH and infections of fungal origin. The elements contained in these products are distinguished by increased antimicrobial qualities. If areas of the skin that have been affected by a fungus are treated, then one should expect a pronounced cosmetic and therapeutic effect.

Healers are convinced that this substance can help even with infertility. Allegedly, it helps to increase libido, eliminates hormonal imbalances, and increases sperm activity. All these are factors that contribute to conceiving a child.

Finally, some athletes are convinced that the PVH helps withstand heavy sports loads. It strengthens the nervous system and increases endurance. As a result, the effectiveness of training increases, and the body recovers faster after heavy loads.

Another promising area for using this substance is cosmetics. It is believed that it can be especially beneficial for middle-aged people, helping to overcome the first visible signs of aging.

Chemical composition

The usefulness of PZhVM has not yet been scientifically proven and its composition has not been fully studied. However, scientists recognize the wax moth's unique ability to digest wax.

Did you know? Bee moth larvae, thanks to their active enzymes, are able to digest even plastic bags. In half a day, one hundred larvae consume 92 g of this substance, forming ethylene glycol.

Laboratory studies also found the following substances in the PVH:

  • flavonoids;
  • iridoids;
  • steroids.

These are bioactive substances of animal or plant origin that have healing effects and can have a good effect on metabolic processes.

Preparing the tincture

Beekeepers who sell wax moth waste products specially breed moths for these purposes. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase this substance in the form of finished products from beekeepers who professionally breed bees. In such a situation, there will be no problems with using the tincture, which comes with the appropriate instructions.

In general, the method of obtaining it is as follows. Beekeepers remove the black mass from the hives. Outwardly, it resembles poppy seeds. It is placed at the bottom of a dark glass container, and then alcohol with a strength of 70 degrees is added.

It is extremely important to observe all these conditions when preparing a tincture from the waste products of wax moths. If you use a light glass bottle, sunlight will negatively affect the quality of the product. Stronger alcohol should not be added, as it will lead to coagulation of the protein, which is of great importance in the starting material.

It is recommended to leave the resulting preparation for nine days in a dark place. The tincture is considered ready for use when it begins to look like an opaque black liquid with the aroma of dried fruits and honey. It tastes distinctively bitter.

Varieties of PZhVM tinctures

To prepare a medicinal extract with unique therapeutic properties, two main methods are used:

  1. The drug is obtained from moth larvae.
  2. The drug is obtained from the excrement of larvae.

Take 70% alcohol and pour it over the larvae, leave in a dark place for 2 weeks. Before drinking, the infusion should be strained and poured into a container with a lid for storage.

The medicinal infusion can be obtained from feces.

For information! The more the larvae eat and pass their waste (excrement) through themselves, the higher the value of the PGVM.

Wax moths often eat their excrement, due to the fact that the value of the extract increases significantly. Research has shown that this extract is much more effective

Mandatory consultation with a doctor

The use of waste products of wax moths (WWM) occurs in the form of the use of an alcohol extract, which is considered a concentrated and potent biological additive.

In this regard, it is allowed to use it only after consultation with a doctor, who can give useful recommendations and advise whether the tincture can be combined with medications prescribed to you.

If we take the average recommendations for its use, then it is recommended to take it in a diluted form according to a specific regimen, which depends on the patient’s diagnosis and his age.


An alcoholic moth extract that has no side effects can still cause an allergic attack if the body does not tolerate the bee products contained in this remedy. If nothing is known about the body’s reaction to a product that is being taken for the first time, it is better to start drinking it with small doses. Once you are convinced that it is harmless, the dose can be gradually increased to the required amount.

The use of wax moth preparation - an interesting creation of nature, especially in combination with other bee products, helps to quickly restore health and a weakened body after a serious illness, and improve the quality of life. And this is proven by the experience of our ancestors. By turning to the use of this unique remedy due to various circumstances, we also unwittingly become participants in a centuries-old experiment to study its medicinal properties.

Methods of using the tincture

Adults are recommended to drink 20-25 drops; for children, the dose is calculated individually, based on the age of the minor.

The tincture should be taken 30 minutes before meals. The extract is diluted with water, the volume of which should not exceed two tablespoons. You can give the drug to your child by first mixing it with sweet tea or juice.

The remedy should be taken one to three times a day. For preventive purposes, the tincture is usually drunk once a day. In most cases, the duration of the therapeutic course should not exceed six months. In this case, two and a half months after the start of treatment, it is necessary to take a break for four weeks.

Pharmacy tinctures

Pharmacies sell a large number of tinctures based on wax moth extract, the main difference being the concentration (10, 20, 25%).

In its production, a method of cold extraction of wax moth larvae in ethanol is used, the resulting solution is infused in a dark place at 20 degrees.

The technique allows you to preserve the maximum amount of useful substances; low temperature helps preserve unstable biological elements.

Such drugs are characterized by a long shelf life , during which the composition does not change. The average price in pharmacies for wax moth tincture varies between 450-900 rubles.


In reviews of wax moth waste products, patients who have tried this drug on themselves note that the drug is especially effective in the fight against tuberculosis. Some patients feel an improvement in their health even after long-term treatment, when no results were observed for a certain time.

After taking this alcohol tincture, the first results appear within about one week. The cough decreases, the patient regains his appetite, and he stops choking with each attack. Then the patient regains the lost weight, gains strength, and improves sleep. Here are the positive reviews you can find about PZHVM (the waste product of wax moths).

However, it is worth noting that the reaction to this biological supplement may be individual for each patient. Therefore, you should not take it without consulting your doctor in advance, and also do not use it as the only drug in the treatment of any disease.

Both harm and benefit and... Ode to the wax moth!

*extract/tincture of wax moth in the store

Everything in this world was not created by chance. Even dangerous insects, poisonous plants, and predatory animals can bring a lot of benefits if you use them wisely. One of these organisms is the BEE MOTH (Galleria mellonella). The only creature on the planet that, thanks to the enzymes produced in the process of life, is able to feed on beeswax. It is thanks to this property, or rather the presence of these enzymes, that the tincture of wax moth larvae/caterpillars is able to confidently resist such a common disease as tuberculosis*. And this ability is not the only benefit that such a product is capable of! *unique cerrase/lipase enzymes destroy bacterial walls. The larvae are resistant to the pathogens of plague and diphtheria. Can destroy the waxy membranes of tuberculosis bacteria. A few paragraphs below this property will be described in more detail. Throughout its stay in the hive, the larva, eating useful products*, such as honey, wax, pollen and other waste products of hymenoptera, accumulates many useful substances. *at the beginning of its development, the moth caterpillar feeds on honey and beebread. Next, she proceeds to feeding on wax honeycombs mixed with the remains of cocoons. By eating wax, it damages the honeycombs and covers the passages with silk. Caterpillars damage not only wax honeycombs, but also brood, honey supplies, bee bread, frames and insulating material of hives. When heavily infested, the caterpillars eat each other and the droppings of previous generations. Bee colonies weaken and may die or leave the hive. The composition of wax moth is truly unique. It contains the following substances: - serine protease enzyme. It has a strong lysing effect, prevents the formation of adhesions and scars, especially recommended after extensive inflammatory processes, operations and suppuration; - amino acids (histidine and methionine). They perfectly remove toxins and salts of heavy metals, thereby protecting the body from intoxication and ionizing radiation; - acidic peptides, nucleotides and nucleosides in combination with amino acids (valine, histidine, isoleucine) accelerate tissue growth and repair, promote better calcium absorption, increase the body's endurance, reduce the time required for rest and muscle recovery, and enhance hemoglobin synthesis in the blood. This is especially necessary for people who have undergone operations and injuries, as well as people exposed to heavy physical activity. - amino acids (phenylalanine and tryptophan). They improve mood, improve memory and learning ability. Just what people engaged in intense mental activity need. The scope of application of such a medicinal drug as Bee Fire tincture is quite wide. Its properties are involved in the treatment and prevention of the following diseases: - bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, allergic manifestations; - diseases of the stomach and duodenum, ulcerative formations; — normalizes hemoglobin levels and the number of red blood cells; - helps restore the immune system; — prevention of giardiasis; - atherosclerosis, hypertension; - promotes the resorption of scars after hemorrhage into the heart muscle; - arrhythmia, heart defects; - increased thrombus formation; - infertility, toxicosis, menopausal disorders; — improves sexual function in men; — with reduced immunity in order to prevent colds; - with anemia; - taken by athletes to increase muscle mass and endurance; - has a good anabolic effect; - relieves stress; — effective against fungal diseases; - softens the effect of steroid drugs. Moth (wax moth) treatment. Wax moth for tuberculosis (tuberculosis of the lymphatic and digestive system, tuberculosis of bones and joints, tuberculosis of the genitourinary organs, skin, eyes, tuberculosis of the central nervous system, tuberculosis of the meninges, etc. Wax moth in the form of a tincture/alcohol extract is the most effective cure for tuberculosis . It has a detrimental effect on the causative agents of tuberculosis (Koch bacillus bacteria), destroying their waxy membranes. The extract contains specific digestive enzymes (enzymes) of wax moth larvae (enzymes cerase and lipase), which promote the resorption of focal changes in both the lungs and other organs. The use of wax moth as a medicine for tuberculosis is completely compatible with taking antibiotics (except metronidazole). Taking the extract helps suppress the drug resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to various medications. The effectiveness of antibiotic use increases and the risk of side effects and allergic reactions decreases. The recommended interval between taking the extract and antibiotics is 0.5 hours. The aspartic acid contained in the extract restores liver cells and helps the liver remove residual products of drugs and chemicals from the body. Wax moth treatment of bronchitis, asthma and other diseases of the respiratory system. (chronic bronchitis, including with an asthmatic component, asthma, emphysema, pleurisy, frequently recurring colds, etc.) Wax moth larvae extract has a pronounced protective effect on the respiratory system, improves the drainage function of the bronchi, has a bronchodilator and anti-inflammatory effect. Taking the extract is effective in the treatment of bronchitis, bronchial asthma, allergies, and pneumonia. When taking the extract, a quick and noticeable improvement in health occurs, bronchospasms and wheezing disappear (including in children). Treatment of cardiovascular diseases with wax moth (myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, hypertension, atherosclerosis, cardiac arrhythmias, vegetative-vascular dystonia and other diseases of the cardiovascular system) Dr. Mukhin, a famous cardiologist and homeopath, has studied the treatment of diseases with wax moth for more than 30 years in medical conditions institutions. It was he who practically proved that one of the main properties of wax moths for humans is cardioprotective. When using the extract for 2-4 weeks in patients who have suffered a myocardial infarction, the disappearance of angina attacks and a decrease in signs of heart failure are observed. The use of the drug from the tenth day after a heart attack prevents cicatricial changes in the myocardium, causing their resorption and replacement by contractile muscle tissue. The extract causes a steady decrease in blood pressure by 12-14%, which manifests itself already on the 10th day of administration, inhibits the development of atherosclerosis, and has a cardioprotective effect. Wax moth larvae extract is used to treat thrombophlebitis and vein blockage. The swelling of the veins and their blueness are reduced, and the general condition improves. The drug prevents the formation of blood clots (which can cause heart attacks and strokes) and reduces thrombus formation. Moth (wax moth) for gynecological (female) diseases, including infertility (infertility, toxicosis of the first half of pregnancy, anemia, menopausal disorders, etc.) Extract of wax moth larvae in obstetrics and gynecology is used in the treatment of infertility, anemia, toxicosis of the first half of pregnancy and menopausal disorders. Taking wax moth extract helps improve blood microcirculation in the area of ​​the uterus and placenta, improve metabolism, eliminate blood rheology disorders and increase hemoglobin levels. Wax moth cancer treatment Bee moth (golden moth) is a powerful immunostimulant and antioxidant that increases the body's ability to resist various diseases, including cancer. Wax moth tincture in oncology is used as a powerful immunostimulant and antioxidant, as well as an auxiliary agent that relieves intoxication of tumor decay products and saturates the body with vitamins, microelements and other biologically active substances. During chemotherapy, it reduces its toxicity and improves liver function tests. Wax moth in the treatment of prostate adenoma, low sperm motility, impotence, decreased libido and other male diseases. Infusion of fireweed is useful in the treatment of prostate adenoma. Taking the extract allows you to increase sperm motility, reducing the risk of developing male infertility. The extract stimulates the release of testosterone in men, helps achieve and maintain an erection. Taking wax moth extract effectively affects the genital area of ​​men who, due to age or previous illnesses, have decreased libido or have experienced impotence. Fire after operations and injuries. Wax moth larvae extract contains the enzyme serine protease, which has a powerful lysis effect that prevents the formation of adhesions and scars. This makes the extract very useful after extensive inflammatory processes, suppuration and surgical interventions. Wax moth during viruses and epidemics. The body's antiviral defense is due to bioflavonoids and lysine, an essential amino acid necessary for tissue growth and repair, production of antibodies, hormones and enzymes. Therefore, it is useful to take the extract during periods of high incidence of respiratory viral diseases and influenza epidemics. Fire in sports or people engaged in heavy physical labor. Scientists have found that wax moth tincture contains many amino acids, nucleic acids and their derivatives, fatty acids, biologically active macroelements and microelements, especially zinc and magnesium, as well as biologically active components that stimulate the development and growth of muscle cells. Wax moth larvae extract increases endurance and the speed of muscle recovery after hard work or training, increases the body's energy supply, enhances hemoglobin synthesis and promotes calcium absorption. The essential amino acid valine contained in the extract is a natural anabolic, increases muscle coordination and reduces the body's sensitivity to pain. All this is necessary for people engaged in heavy physical labor and athletes. Taking the extract improves the dynamics of nervous processes in the brain, increases the brain’s resistance to aggressive influences, improves memory and mental activity, and has an activating effect on learning. This makes it useful for people engaged in intense mental work. Methods of use for adults are as follows: If you have chronic diseases, you need to recover after long-term treatment with chemicals, improve immunity, you need to take up to 20 drops per 50-100 ml of water three times a day. The tincture should be consumed half an hour before eating or an hour after a meal. The course of treatment is 3 months, then you must take a break. If necessary, you can repeat. When treating infectious and viral diseases, tuberculosis, take the tincture as follows - 30 drops per 100 ml of water three times a day. After taking it for 2-3 months, you need to take a break and then repeat the therapy. When treating tuberculosis, a gradual increase in dosage is necessary. During therapy, an increase in temperature and increased sputum production are possible, but you should not interrupt the process, you can only reduce the dosage. After the signs of the disease disappear, it is recommended to take the tincture of moth for another month. To prevent colds, take up to 20 drops of tincture, diluting it in water before or after meals. Take for 1 month during seasonal exacerbations of diseases. How do children take the drug? In order to treat chronic diseases, children are given bee moth (tincture). The method of application is as follows: the dosage is 1 drop for 2 years of a child’s life. Also taken on an empty stomach or an hour after meals. Add drops to water or herbal decoction. The course of therapy can last a couple of months; after a break, treatment can be repeated. To prevent seasonal diseases, take the tincture once a day, half an hour before meals. Take for 1 month twice a year. After 12 years, the dosage for use is the same as for adults. Bee moth tincture can be given to small children under 1 year of age only under the supervision of a doctor. It is imperative to take into account the child’s weight when calculating the dosage. How to start taking the tincture. First of all, it is necessary to check how the body tolerates such a drug, whether it will cause an allergic reaction. It is imperative to familiarize yourself with the treatment regimen if you begin therapy with a remedy such as bee moth (tincture). It is advisable to discuss the method of use and dosage with your doctor. The contact test should be carried out as follows. Dilute one drop of tincture in a teaspoon of water, then drop a couple of drops on the inside of the lower lip. After 30-60 minutes, look for redness, swelling or rash, as well as itching or tingling. If there were no such reactions, then the drug is not dangerous from an allergic point of view. It is necessary to start taking the drug with caution. In the very first days, take only 1 time in the morning. If the tincture does not cause any adverse reactions, it can be increased to a therapeutic dose. If the drug is to be taken by a child, such a tolerance test is mandatory. It is necessary to carefully monitor the child’s condition while taking the drug. During such treatment, it is possible to shorten the baby's sleep period, since the tincture has good tonic properties and has many components that increase activity. In this case, you can not stop giving bee moth, but reduce the dose of the drug. Fire in cosmetology. It is worth noting that fireweed heals wounds and scars on the skin well. It is an excellent rejuvenating agent, easily restores the body’s strength, and increases resistance to infectious and viral diseases. For cosmetic purposes, it can be added to creams and also taken orally. ===================================================== ================

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: in addition to positive reviews, there are also opinions regarding the ineffectiveness of this remedy, so it is advisable to take this drug as maintenance therapy, since in the absence of results from using the tincture of wax moth larvae as the main remedy, the health risk is too great.

In official medicine, tincture of wax moth larvae is not used.

is used a tincture based on PZhVM - a waste product in moths . But more about this... some other time

How the substance is prepared

PZHVM is a dark mixture that is extracted from bee hives and placed in a glass jar. To make the tincture, use 70 percent alcohol. This infusion should stand for 14 days; then it is filtered and poured into a storage container. The result is a black liquid with a honey smell.

Important! The container for PVHM should be made of dark glass and the sun’s rays should not fall on it - they will lead to damage to the product and loss of useful elements.

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