What is lamb tail and where is it located, what does it look like and the benefits and harm

The benefits and harms of lamb tail

To evaluate the benefits of fat tail as a nutritious food product, it is enough to study its composition and effect on life processes in the human body.
So, what are the benefits of lamb tail? It is important to know:

Fat tail fat is a real natural storehouse of vitamins and minerals.

B vitamins, especially B12, have a beneficial effect on cardiovascular activity, and in combination with folic acid prevents early heart attacks and strokes. Vitamin E in fat tail is involved in metabolic processes and is vital for skin health. Iron, which is important for the blood, tissue-strengthening fluorine, potassium, essential for cardiac activity, iodine for the thyroid gland, as well as zinc, phosphorus and fatty acids are contained in valuable fat tail fat. This product is indicated for chronic diabetics to regulate sugar levels and stimulate the pancreas. Of all animal fats, lamb tail contains the least amount of cholesterol, which is harmful to blood vessels.. For your information! Kurdyuk is not recommended for patients suffering from cardiac arrhythmia, gout, atherosclerosis and gastritis with high acidity

For your information! Kurdyuk is not recommended for patients suffering from cardiac arrhythmia, gout, atherosclerosis and gastritis with high acidity.

The negative effect of fat tail fat can manifest itself in the presence of advanced diseases. Peptic ulcers and any pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract will interfere with the absorption of a light fatty product. It is undesirable for people suffering from kidney and liver failure to eat dishes with the addition of fat tail fat.

How to cook

Lamb fat can be prepared in various ways: it can be melted for consumption, for frying, and the fat tail can also be fried, salted, smoked or stewed in the oven. Below are several recipes for preparing this product.

Preparing honey fat tail

The algorithm for preparing this recipe is as follows:

  1. Cut the lard into thin pieces and place in a cast iron pan.
  2. Cook over high heat until the volume of lard is reduced by half.
  3. Remove the fat tail from the pan and place it in a well-heated frying pan.
  4. Remove the lard after it turns golden.
  5. Pour the prepared fat tail into a container with honey.

Salting fat tail

Under no circumstances should lard be cut into pieces; it should be salted in one piece. Place it in a pan, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and cover with a gauze bandage. After this, the lard is left in a dark, cool place for five days. After all this has been saturated with salt, it is necessary to store the fat tail in a suspended state in a dark place for another 7 days. After 12 days it can be cut and eaten.

For the first acquaintance, it is better to choose the fat tail of a young lamb, since lamb fat tail fat has a specific smell. Properly processed fat has virtually no odor and looks like cracklings. Before use, it is recommended to soak fat tail fat for several hours, preferably in cold water. In different countries they prefer to prepare this product in different ways.

For example, Adyghe people boil fat tail in boiling water, then cut the cooled product into thin slices. Serve boiled fat tail fat with bread and garlic sauce. To rid the product of a specific smell, it is marinated in spices, herbs, and wine. The fat is left for about 12 hours, then it can be easily grilled and smoked. When smoked, the product is stored slightly longer.

Lamb lard is melted depending on the specific dish. If you need to add a little fat to first courses or mashed potatoes, it is better to melt it in a water bath. It is worth noting that the pieces must be small, otherwise the fat will take a long time to melt. To do this, you need to finely chop it or grind it in a meat grinder.

Breeding Features

Breeding fat-tailed sheep can become quite a profitable business. However, before you start organizing your own business and purchasing animals, you should familiarize yourself with the features and rules of their breeding.

First of all, you need to understand that in order for such an activity to make sense and be profitable, you need to purchase a livestock that will consist of at least 12 animals. This is justified by the fact that 1-2 rams will not bring you enough fat, milk or wool, but at the same time they will have to be properly cared for. That is why it is believed that it is much more profitable to purchase a small herd at once.

In order to begin direct breeding, you need to wait until the fat-tailed females reach sexual maturity. This usually occurs at 5-8 months of the animal’s life. In general, the mating process can be carried out at any time, however, late autumn is considered the most favorable period.

If you plan to perform artificial insemination, it is recommended to carry it out during the same season.

Your herd of fat-tailed sheep should contain several males at the same time, who will serve as a producer. The ideal option is a situation where you have a pair of main males on your property, as well as several spare males.

The pregnancy process in fat-tailed sheep lasts about 5 months, and the birth itself occurs quite quickly - the maximum duration is 60 minutes. From 1 to 5 lambs can be born at a time, but the latter case is more an exception and rarity than the rule.

After the lamb is born, some mandatory procedures must be carried out. You immediately need to clean his nose and mouth (mucus usually accumulates in these places), and if necessary, you need to puncture the amniotic sac. After this, the baby is returned to the mother, placed next to the nipple.

Not only the mother, but also any other uterus can feed a newly born lamb. This is important if a sheep has given birth to several babies at once, but does not have the ability to provide milk for all of them.

What goes with it?

Sheep fat is a unique product that can transform any dish. Eastern peoples have long used raw materials for preparing vegetables, meat and cereal products, where the most popular and famous are pilaf and shurpa. The specific smell can be minimized with the help of herbs and spices.

Healthy and nutritious dishes are prepared using fat tail fat. Caucasian cuisine is not complete without adding an essential ingredient. If you try to replace the substance with the fat of another animal, the taste and aroma of the food will not fully appear.

Some peoples prefer to dry and smoke the product, and some can eat it pickled. Before withering, the raw materials are thoroughly washed and treated with salt using a special technology. Such dishes are stored for many months.

Kyrgyz and Kazakhs are accustomed to adding the product to salty tea. This amazing drink quickly restores strength after prolonged physical activity and is a good protection against the cold. It is difficult for compatriots to understand the taste of an exotic drink, but even they note the beneficial properties.

Beneficial features

Thanks to its unique composition, the raw material has long won many fans. Despite its calorie content, the tasty substance is quickly absorbed. Unlike lard, it does not put a strain on the digestive system, which allows it to be used for various purposes.

What is the benefit of a sheep's fat tail? Being a natural source of saturated and unsaturated acids, it helps in the synthesis of sex hormones. The lack of substances in men results in impotence, and in women - infertility.

Vitamin A is needed to maintain natural protein and fat balance. A small amount of the product will help you forget about vision problems and will perfectly activate your immune system. By the way, thanks to the presence of beta-carotene, the element is absorbed much better than synthetic analogues.

Is fatty lamb tail good for physical activity? If a person is involved in an energy-consuming sport, then doctors recommend a high-calorie product to give strength. A small piece will allow the body to quickly replenish reserves and adapt to any difficulties.

The benefit of fat is that its unique composition protects brain cells from aging. The substance acts on the body from the inside, accelerating tissue restoration and maintaining the beauty of skin and hair. By the way, thanks to vitamin B1, the body is able to regenerate and not be afraid of dangerous ultraviolet radiation.

Unusual story

One Moscow orientalist journalist (who told this story) was once preparing an essay about the rural residents of the Fergana Valley. Sitting with Kyrgyz women by the fire and eating delicious pilaf, she noticed that they were snacking on it with dumba plates. The crispy pieces exuded a wonderful aroma, and the journalist - a fairly young girl who uses expensive cosmetics and is significantly inferior to her older interlocutors - asked them a question:

— Tell me, in your village, do they really give babies raw dumba? “Look at us,” the women laughed. She looked. The women were like a picture - with smooth skin, sparkling mischievous eyes, moon-shaped faces, luxurious hair. - This is all dumbba - we all grew up on it! My grandmother fed us with it from the first days of our lives - so that the horsemen would love it as we grew up, because we would be famous for our beauty and health. Tell me, Muscovite, did it work? - And how! – the journalist smiled.

The women really looked great.

Methods of application

Opponents of consuming fat tail fat cite its high calorie content. Oddly enough, the product is actively used in diets and is involved in the manufacture of drugs for figure correction. The consumption of fat as part of the main diet is insignificant, but this does not prevent it from dulling the feeling of hunger, replenishing energy and elevating mood.

For food

Tasty, nutritious and healthy dishes are prepared using fat tail fat. More than one generation of Caucasian peoples grew up on it, showing by clear example how great its benefits are.

Wide possibilities for using fat in first, second courses and even desserts. Kirghiz and Kazakhs add melted fat tail to salted tea. This exotic drink is not for everybody, but, by the way, it perfectly restores strength, increases the body’s endurance and warms you up in the winter cold.

For beautiful skin and hair

World-class cosmetics companies actively use fat tail fat to develop effective cosmetic products. Creams based on it rejuvenate the skin, making it smooth and radiant.

For teenagers and people with problem skin, it helps get rid of wen. A small amount of raw material is melted, then cooled to room temperature and problem areas of the skin are lubricated. The course of treatment is individual and takes a different period of time for everyone, depending on the degree of neglect of the problem.

To rejuvenate, improve the health of the body and prolong longevity, it is recommended to regularly take lamb fat orally. Vitamin B1 in its composition allows you to be in a good mood and of sound mind until old age.

If you consume lamb fat in unlimited quantities, it may cause extra pounds. But with a balanced diet and good physical activity, fat tail has one benefit!


About the dangers of lamb tail

The main argument of opponents of using fat tail for food is its fat content and the presence of cholesterol, which can form plaques in blood vessels and affect the health of the cardiovascular system. This is a moment that is undoubtedly relevant and important. Especially for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. They, of course, should limit their consumption of fatty foods, which include fat tail dishes.

Careful use of products with tail fat is also necessary for persons with exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver, who have a tendency to obesity.

With excessive consumption of fat tail, problems with the figure may begin due to an excess of fats and, as a result, their deposition in unnecessary places. This should not be forgotten by those who take care of their appearance and physical fitness.

And thirdly, allergy sufferers should take into account that, like any natural product, fat tail fat can cause an unexpected allergy attack. Therefore, before consuming or using it as a medicinal or cosmetic product, you should consult a doctor.

Summing up, we can state that the benefits of using fat tail in cooking, medicine, and cosmetology are much greater than the harm. The main thing is to observe moderation and the rules for preparing dishes, medicines, or preparations for cosmetic needs. And then no negative aspects will arise.

Lamb fat is a valuable product of the national cuisine of the Caucasus and the East. Particularly useful is considered to be fat tail, extracted from bags located in the tail area of ​​the “tail-tailed” breed of sheep. The internal fat that envelops the animal’s organs is also famous for its healing properties.

It should be noted that in our age we are wary of animal fats. Nutritionists talk about their undeniable harm to the human body, but it makes no sense to deny their beneficial properties, since they are obvious.

Varieties of fat-tailed sheep

Several new breeds were bred from the ancient fat-tailed sheep, which inherited the best qualities of their ancestors and their distinctive features. Popular varieties include Gissar, Kalmyk and Edilbaev sheep.


Gissar breed of sheep
The animals are black, brown or white in color. Wool has a high price, but its individuals produce little, and therefore it is preferable to breed them for milk, meat, and lard.

Lambs can be slaughtered for 4-5 months; the meat yield from the carcass is 60%. The Gissar sheep is the largest of all species.


Kalmyk breed of sheep
The breed received its name due to crossing with Mongolian sheep, which came with their owners to Russia in the 17th century. The skin of individuals is not highly valued due to its roughness; it is used to make carpets, burkas, and felted shoes. The Kalmyk species is bred for lard and meat.

Be sure to read:

Dressing sheep skins at home, step-by-step processing instructions


Edilbaevskaya breed of sheep
The breed was bred from crossings with Astrakhan sheep. Animal wool is coarse, long, and is used for carpets. The Edilbayev ram is valued for its early maturity. The weight of the young at birth is more than 5 kg, after 4 months the weight reaches 40-45 kg.

Lamb tail - what is it?

The word "tail" comes from the Turkic kuyruk, which means tail. This round-shaped fatty deposit is found in fat-tailed sheep. In young animals, the “tail” weighs on average 7-10 kg, but under favorable conditions it can reach 25-30 kg.

For comparison, the fat tail is the same accumulation as the humps of a camel. With good nutrition and plenty of drinking, fat is deposited in the area of ​​the 5th vertebra at the base of the tail, and can be consumed by the animal during dry periods and under other unfavorable conditions.

For sheep producing offspring, the fat tail is a valuable deposit, and nature has taken care of good protection of the reserves with the help of thick skin and thick wool.

Historical reference

Images of fat-tailed sheep are found on mosaic frescoes and pottery of the ancient Sumerians. The age of these archaeological finds is more than 5 thousand years. Based on these historical artifacts, we can safely say that fat-tailed animals fed delicious meat and valuable animal fat to many generations of eastern peoples.

Fat tail fat was described in the medical works of Galen and Avicenna. Recipes using this miraculous remedy are found in ancient manuscripts of Persia, Greece, Babylon, Rome and Egypt.

The collected knowledge and experience were passed on in ancient treatises from generation to generation, and today, based on the accumulated information, fat tail fat can be used in cooking and folk medicine.


There are many breeds of fat-tailed sheep, each of which has its own physique, character, advantages and some disadvantages.

But if you compare not different fat-tailed breeds, but fat-tailed sheep with wool and meat sheep, then you can find certain external features of these animals:

  1. Fat-tailed sheep are always large. The height of a ram at the withers is about 110 cm, and that of a sheep is 75-90 cm.
  2. The weight of the animal can range from 60 kg (female) to 150 kg (males).
  3. The head is narrow and small with a hump on the nose.
  4. The ears are long and usually hang down.
  5. horns , but there are exceptions.
  6. All representatives of the species have a fat tail
  7. The fat-tailed ram has a tail of medium length, about 9-10 cm.
  8. The coat is thick, but always coarse, hard and short, there is no fluff.
  9. Color depends on the breed. Most often there are red ones, less often – brown, dark brown, black, gray, white individuals.


  1. To prepare a dish or use the product as an additive, it is better to use the fat tail of a young sheep. It has a solid structure of white or slightly yellowish color, without meat inclusions, with an unobtrusive lamb smell. After melting, the fat becomes transparent, without sediment.
  2. To make a cough compress, lamb fat must be melted and gauze or soft cloth folded in several layers should be soaked in it. Then put the compress on the lungs or back, cover with a towel to warm up.
  3. Another type of compress is done for wen, when other methods have not helped. In this case, the product is applied warm to the affected area and covered with a bandage. Remove after the product has completely cooled.
  4. To get rid of a dry cough, you can use fat tail fat internally. To do this, add one tablespoon of the product to warm milk and let it dissolve. This combination may not appeal to everyone, but the result will not be long in coming.

Fat tail fat is a product of longevity and a cure for many diseases

Fat tail fat is the fat of some breeds of sheep, especially those with thick tails, accumulated in baggy deposits in the animal's hindquarters on either side of its tail and in the first 3-5 caudal vertebrae.

The weight of tail fat can reach 30 kg. These hindquarters are used to store fat for later use during the dry season and function similarly to a camel's humps.

Fat tail fat is better known as fat tail in Russian and Central Asian languages.

Fat tail fat does not harden at room temperature and is often used in the kitchen. The crispy cracklings left over after frying the fat tail can be used as an appetizer.

Kurdyuk has a rich, rich taste when ready to eat. In particular, fat tail fat is used to prepare kyufta, pilaf and other traditional dishes.

Known prejudices

For many years, it was believed that animal fats were harmful - they clogged blood vessels and raised cholesterol. Therefore, we mainly prefer to use liquid vegetable oils.

However, contrary to popular belief, fat tail fat is healthy.

Unlike other solid fats, which are not natural fats but rather trans fats and pasteurized margarines, fat tail fat, as long as it is not used excessively, provides some health benefits.

Benefits of fat tail fat

Fat tail fat is a product containing organic acids, some minerals, including magnesium, zinc, copper, vitamins, including groups B and A, sterols, an essential element of beauty and youth - lanolin, etc.

For internal use:

  • According to a study conducted by the US Food and Drug Administration, fat tail fat, consumed from an early age, can prevent joint diseases that are common in older people.
  • In the east, fat tail fat is considered a panacea for many diseases, a product of longevity, it is recommended almost from infancy. In addition to its health-promoting qualities, it is believed to increase potency, acting as an aphrodisiac for men.
  • It is very effective in the fight against cardiovascular diseases, since, like vegetable oils, it is rich in omega acids.
  • Provides the body with energy, strengthens the immune system and circulatory system, increasing brain activity and strengthening memory.
  • Due to the content of vitamin B, it has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, eliminating anxiety, stress, and normalizing sleep.
  • Fat tail fat helps relieve pain from inflammation of the sciatic nerve.
  • It is especially effective in the treatment of respiratory diseases, as it thins mucus, softens throat pain during sore throat, and reduces the inflammatory process. In this case, it is recommended to drink warm herbal tea or milk with the addition of fat tail fat.
  • Recommended as a restorative and strengthening remedy after infectious diseases, injuries, exhaustion of the body and dystrophy.
  • It is believed that fat tail fat helps to increase fertility and normalize hormonal levels, therefore it is recommended during menopause and menstrual irregularities.

For external use:

  • smoothes rough skin, softens it;
  • helps treat cracks, dryness, irritation;
  • relieves pain and redness, also in children;
  • useful for nursing women, for example, with painful, irritated nipples;
  • effectively penetrates deep into the skin, has antifungal and antibacterial effects;
  • For external treatment of disorders such as rheumatism, fever, tremors and paralysis, olive oil and fat tail fat in equal proportions are mixed and rubbed into the skin with a massage.

For beauty

Fat tail fat contains water-insoluble lanolin, which is capable of absorbing water, i.e. absorbing it. It can absorb twice its weight in water, which cleanses, smoothes and nourishes the skin.

Thanks to these properties, fat tail fat can be added to cosmetics intended for skin care and hair balms.


Fat tail fat contains 60% unsaturated fat, which is known to be beneficial for human health. However, its excessive consumption can lead to blockage of blood vessels, increased cholesterol levels, and obesity.

People with diseases of the stomach, liver, heart and kidneys, or high blood pressure should limit the consumption of fat tail fat.

German Merinoland sheep ('Württemberger sheep')

Breed characteristics:

  • economic production of lambs throughout the year at different production intensities
  • best results of feeding and carcass in the production of breeding lambs due to high food conversion
  • ewes are ideal for crossing with meat breed rams to produce lambs for slaughter
  • good maternal qualities, off-season hunting and breeding
  • high fertility
  • most suitable for keeping in pastures and paddocks
  • year-round transhumance grazing, excellent adaptability to traveling long distances and being kept in a pen at night
  • strong, resilient animals
  • high quality merino wool
Data, productionramsyearling ramsuterusyearlings
meatlive weight:125-160 kg100-120 kg75-90 kg65-70 kg
farm growth:330g/day
woolwool clipping:6.5-7.0 kg7.0 kg4.0-5.0 kg4.0-4.5 kg
coat type:white wool merino
fiber diameter:26 – 28 microns
breedingFertility of ewes/lambs raised:212/190 %
twins:73 %
breeding:1.25 lambings/year (out of season)
age - first mating:12 – 18 months

This white, medium to large sized breed is characterized by a wedge-shaped, long head and a fleece coat that extends to the eye line (Schaupe). The ears are long and slightly drooping. The chest is wide and deep. The ribs are well rounded and the flanks are well developed. The sacrum is located in the back, the legs are full and regular. Skin folds are undesirable.

Where is it used?

The sheep's tail also has practical applications. The raw material has long been used in folk medicine as an external remedy for burns and severe wounds. A thin layer of fat has antibacterial properties, stopping the proliferation of pathogenic microbes.

The melted medicine is rubbed on the chest and back, and then wrapped in film overnight. The substance does not cause allergic reactions, so it will be safe even for children. A spoonful of fat is dissolved in a glass of milk and given to drink before bed, and within 3 days there will be no trace of cough.

The presence of lanolin in the composition is used to restore youth and beauty of the skin. For small wrinkles, it is recommended to make homemade masks with the addition of a little fat tail. To maintain hormonal stability during menopause, women add the product to their daily diet.

Thanks to its regenerating properties, fat helps in the treatment of advanced varicose veins. Thin pieces are wrapped around the affected areas and secured with a bandage. Rendered sheep fat relieves joint pain, so it is often prescribed in the form of compresses. The substance restores the skin after deep wounds, burns and ulcers.

Where and why else are raw materials used? The product is a traditional component of national dishes of the peoples of the Caucasus, Central Asia and the Middle East. It is added to tea and sweets, and soap is also made from it.

What is lamb tail and where is it used?

Sheep need fat tail to accumulate fat, which they can use during periods of scarcity of food and drink. The fat-tailed breed of sheep is often compared to camels, in which the function of storing nutrients and fat is performed by the hump. The size and weight of the tail may differ in some rams depending on heredity, feeding and local conditions.

The weight of a sheep raised in favorable conditions can reach 20-30 kg. On average, this is 40% of the total body weight.

Of particular value is fat tail fat, which is an indispensable product for the peoples of Central Asia, Arab countries, the Caucasus, and Iran. In cooking, many meat and vegetable dishes are prepared on its basis. Sweets and tea are made from tail fat. Since ancient times, the product has been used to extend the shelf life of perishable foods. Even in the heat, the meat does not spoil in it.


Fat-tailed sheep were first mentioned in the 3rd millennium BC. All evidence of the presence of such animals was found in Asian countries, while in Europe at that time there were simply no meat-and-fat animals. Experts explain this by the poor feed resources inherent in the states of the Central Asian region.

The main feeding grounds were pastures with sparse and nutrient-poor vegetation, so animals were selected in such a way that on this poor food they could gain weight and store fat.

In addition to these factors, an important reason for the popularity of fat-tailed animals in this region was the lard they produced, which made it possible to preserve the resulting meat in hot climates. This was especially appreciated by nomadic peoples.

Since its appearance, the distribution area of ​​the fat-tailed varieties has not increased much. This is explained by the specificity of such sheep breeds and the differences in cultures and mentalities of different regions of the world.

Meat-fat types of sheep were and are reluctantly bred both in Russia and in other European countries. This is due to the low fertility of such animals and differences in the gastronomic tastes of the populations of Europe and Asia.

Now experts are making attempts to increase the number of tallow animals, but so far they have not achieved much success.

As it turned out, fat-tailed breeds are poorly suited for intensive methods of modern farming and many modern technologies are not applicable to them.

About the benefits and harms of lamb tail

In the countries of the East - Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Turkey, Chechnya - lamb tail is credited with magical properties that can keep the human body in good shape, heal and prolong life. Let's figure out, from a scientific point of view, whether this is so.

Let's start with the fact that fat tail has a low melting point, so it is easily absorbed by the body and improves digestion.

Vitamin D contained in lamb fat improves the absorption of calcium, therefore, eating fat tail strengthens bones.

Vitamin A improves vision and promotes body growth.

Unsaturated fatty acids lower blood cholesterol levels, reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, strokes, and atherosclerosis.

Restrictions on the consumption of fat tail include its high calorie content - 897 kcal. Obese people should not abuse this product.

Those who have allergic reactions to lard should exclude lamb tail from their diet.

Watch a video about the benefits of fat tail fat

What is the benefit of fat tail for women?

The benefits of fat tail for the female body are as follows:

  • Vitamin E contained in fat tail fat helps improve the general condition of women during menopause. It is also responsible for reproductive function and helps the female body prepare for pregnancy.
  • Vitamins A and E promote skin rejuvenation and hair growth.
  • Unsaturated fatty acids are believed to improve hormonal levels in women.
  • Vitamin D contained in fat tail improves metabolism and prevents skin aging.

What are the benefits of fat tail for men?

It is beneficial for men of any age to consume fat tail fat.

Fat tail has a high calorie content, a lot of protein and supplies the male body with energy

This is especially important for those who engage in physical labor and go to the gym. Fat tail fat reduces the negative effects of alcohol on the body. They usually drink strong drinks. Men who quit smoking can use a fat tail to cleanse their lungs of harmful tars. It is believed that lamb fat improves hormonal levels in men due to the presence of unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E.

About the benefits of lamb tail for children

Lamb is a cleaner meat than pork, beef or chicken. Sheep are not given antibiotics or chemical supplements to increase muscle mass. They eat organic grass.

Lamb fat increases the immunity of babies, protects the body from hypothermia in winter, and fills it with energy. In the East, lamb fat is used in the treatment of colds and sore throats in children. Melted lard is diluted with hot milk and given to the sick.

Lamb meat can be introduced into the diet from 1 year of age, but fat tail should not be given to children under 2-3 years of age. Restrictions also apply to children with gastrointestinal diseases, allergies, and excess weight.

Lamb fat is used in the treatment of colds in children

How to make lard from lamb tail

  • fat tail fat - 500 g;
  • hot red pepper - ½ tsp;
  • allspice - ½ tsp;
  • ground black pepper - ½ tsp;
  • salt - 50 g;
  • paprika - 1 tsp.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Clean the fat tail, remove the pit, divide into 2 pieces, cut into portions weighing no more than 50 g.
  2. Mix salt and spices.
  3. Place the lard in a non-oxidizing container, add the curing mixture, stir, cover with a lid, and leave in the refrigerator for 4 days.
  4. Clean the finished fat tail from excess salt and cut crosswise into slices.

The calorie content of the dish is 707.05 Kcal.

Fat tail can be salted dry or wet using marinades and brine. Some pickling recipes are similar to making salted lard.

How to make lard from lamb tail


  • fat tail fat - 500 g;
  • hot red pepper - ½ tsp;
  • allspice - ½ tsp;
  • ground black pepper - ½ tsp;
  • salt - 50 g;
  • paprika - 1 tsp.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Clean the fat tail, remove the pit, divide into 2 pieces, cut into portions weighing no more than 50 g.
  2. Mix salt and spices.
  3. Place the lard in a non-oxidizing container, add the curing mixture, stir, cover with a lid, and leave in the refrigerator for 4 days.
  4. Clean the finished fat tail from excess salt and cut crosswise into slices.

The calorie content of the dish is 707.05 Kcal.

Fat tail can be salted dry or wet using marinades and brine. Some pickling recipes are similar to making salted lard.

Lula kebab

  • Time: 40 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 299 kcal per 100 grams.
  • Purpose: for lunch, dinner.
  • Cuisine: oriental.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Long-livers of the East claim that the guarantee of their health and well-being lies in special food products, among which is fat tail. Lula kebab is a national dish in the Caucasus, Central Asia, and Turkey. One of the ingredients is lamb fat, which gives the whole dish a special taste and aroma. Zira and coriander are spices that go perfectly with lamb pulp; you can adjust their quantity at your discretion.


  • lamb pulp - 500 g;
  • fat tail - 150 g;
  • coriander - 20 g;
  • zira - 20 g;
  • salt - 5 g;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • ground black pepper - 2 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Traditionally, lamb with fat tail is chopped into minced meat with a sharp knife, but this is a very long and painstaking work that only real professionals in this matter can do. To speed up the cooking process, you can use a meat grinder or blender.
  2. Add spices to the minced meat and “beat” it with your hands for some time so that it is saturated with air and enriched with the aroma of spices.
  3. The mixture must be tested for strength so that it does not collapse during frying. To do this, you need to roll one sausage and place it on a skewer. If the minced meat holds well, then you can start frying, otherwise you need to knead it further or add one chicken egg.
  4. Wet your hands with water, form a meat patty weighing approximately 150 grams and distribute evenly on a skewer.
  5. Fry lula kebab over coals until golden brown on all sides.
  6. Serve the dish with freshly sliced ​​vegetables and plenty of herbs.

Use in cooking

Lamb fat is an essential ingredient in the national cuisines of Asia and the Caucasus. There it is valued for the specific smell of lamb meat. Vegetables are fried in fat and made into a base for pilaf or soup.

Dishes prepared using sheep or lamb lard:

  1. Kutaby. For this dish, lard is mixed with minced meat. Adding lard helps maintain juiciness and taste.
  2. Chickpeas. This is an Azerbaijani national dish, which is prepared exclusively with lamb fat.
  3. Samsa. To prepare samsa, fat must be added not to the minced meat, but to the dough. The dough is kneaded exclusively by hand.
  4. Baked leg of lamb. This recipe is especially popular in the Caucasus. Lard cubes are used to stuff a leg of lamb. Melted fat makes the dish more juicy and also helps achieve a crispy crust.

Step by step guide

This dish requires a deep cauldron with thick walls. Chop the lamb fat, cover the bottom of the dish with it, and place pieces of meat on top. Pepper and salt. Cut the onion into half rings and completely cover the ingredients. Don’t worry, the product will completely dissolve during the simmering process. The next layer is tomato slices sprinkled with basil.

Cover with carrot cubes and sprinkle with cumin. Cut the eggplants into thin slices (you can use zucchini) and place them in a cauldron. Place sweet pepper on top, then chopped garlic and chili. Chop the cabbage, knead with salt, and spread in a thick layer. The final link will be chopped greens.

In order for all the products to cook evenly, you need to weigh the cauldron down with something heavy, such as a baking sheet. After boiling, reduce the heat and simmer for 2.5-3 hours. At the end of cooking, remove the cabbage and boiled peppers from the cauldron - they have served their purpose. Gently mix all the ingredients and enjoy the delicious dish!

What it is?

The fat tail is a fatty deposit in the tail area of ​​a special breed of sheep, which is formed throughout the life of the animal and can reach 30 kg. Externally, it consists of two halves located under the tail of a sheep and covered with wool and long hair. This product can be compared to lard, but it is harder and harder to melt. What makes the fat tail unique are interesting features that have been known to people for a long time. For example, this fat has become a good natural preservative due to its ability to remain liquid even at room temperature.

Fat tail is collected during the fattening period, and is consumed when the weather deteriorates and nutrition deteriorates. Therefore, the quality of fat tail depends not only on the vegetation of the region, but also on the potential of the soil and climatic conditions

It is important to understand that fat tail does not occur in every animal; it is a property of a certain breed. This type of fatty deposit is not found in all livestock.

The product goes on sale already in a processed state. Therefore, fat tail comes in three varieties:

  1. The highest grade has a characteristic white color, a “mutton” smell and is obtained by melting fat. It is stored for a very long time and does not lose its taste during storage;
  2. The first grade has a gray or greenish tint and is also prepared from lard of the highest quality;
  3. The second grade is cloudy, especially if you melt it. It is formed according to the residual principle. It contains raw materials unsuitable for higher categories. It may have yellow and dark inclusions.

Naturally, not everyone can afford a premium fat tail. This is far from a budget product, but the price is logically understandable. It cannot be artificially stimulated and produced; nature itself imposes restrictions on the extraction of this raw material. You need to wait for ripening, properly process and store the goods, otherwise all the work will go down the drain.

Application in medicine and cosmetology

In Asia, the older generation often talks a lot about the healing properties of fat tail fat, used in ancient times. A thin layer of fat tail was placed on the head for headaches, and it was used to treat poorly healed wounds and colds. When a horseman was wounded in battle, they would push fat tail fat into his head and not worry about anything. Since this healing agent also served as a disinfectant. An ointment made from fat tail oil “Dumi Dyat” with honey surpasses bear and badger fat in its healing qualities. For a patient with tuberculosis, the disease went away in a week - if he lay for several hours a day, covered with large pieces of fat tail covering his naked body from the waist to the neck.

Old people still use an ancient eastern aphorism: “How many pieces of fat tail you eat, the number of diseases that will disappear from your body.” Kurdyuk is able to restore vision and nourish the brain - when treating it, just do not add salt to it. There are known cases where the use of dumi cured prostatitis, impotence and even the initial stages of cancer. Women use fat tail soap and other cosmetics, the effect of which on the skin is superior to all known aromatic oils. Regularly rubbed with this soap, the skin becomes as smooth and velvety as the skin of a child. Lamb fat is known for its beneficial properties and is considered the most effective among other animal fats. It is used to treat various diseases. Lanolin, which is part of lamb fat, is used in official medicine.

In folk medicine, fat tail fat is the most popular remedy for colds and inflammatory processes in the pulmonary system. In practical application, there are various methods of use, for example: ointments, compresses, syrups, rubbing (even for infants).

Treatment of cough and pneumonia

Using lamb fat you can cure pneumonia without taking antibiotics. To do this, rub and massage with warm fat. For coughs and bronchitis, a napkin soaked in a melted fatty substance is applied to the chest as a compress. Use internally for colds in the form of a cocktail (1 dessert spoon of fat per 200 ml of hot milk). Rubbing helps relieve joint pain and eliminate swelling.


In cosmetology, wen is removed using melted fat. To get rid of excessive sweating, fat is mixed with garlic and sunflower oil, then rubbed into problem areas. When warm, it eliminates dermatological problems (irritation, inflammatory processes). When applied to the skin, it acts as a nourishing cream, especially effective for dry skin and flaking.

Beneficial features

Thanks to its unique composition, the raw material has long won many fans. Despite its calorie content, the tasty substance is quickly absorbed. Unlike lard, it does not put a strain on the digestive system, which allows it to be used for various purposes.

What is the benefit of a sheep's fat tail? Being a natural source of saturated and unsaturated acids, it helps in the synthesis of sex hormones. The lack of substances in men results in impotence, and in women - infertility.

Vitamin A is needed to maintain natural protein and fat balance. A small amount of the product will help you forget about vision problems and will perfectly activate your immune system. By the way, thanks to the presence of beta-carotene, the element is absorbed much better than synthetic analogues.

Is fatty lamb tail good for physical activity? If a person is involved in an energy-consuming sport, then doctors recommend a high-calorie product to give strength. A small piece will allow the body to quickly replenish reserves and adapt to any difficulties.

The benefit of fat is that its unique composition protects brain cells from aging. The substance acts on the body from the inside, accelerating tissue restoration and maintaining the beauty of skin and hair. By the way, thanks to vitamin B1, the body is able to regenerate and not be afraid of dangerous ultraviolet radiation.

Substance content

The benefits and harms of lamb tail are concentrated in its composition. It is rare that fat can boast an abundance of microelements and amino acids. The energy value of 100 g of product is almost 900 kcal, which is much higher than the daily requirement of a person. In addition, the substance contains vitamins:

  • group B;
  • A;
  • E;
  • RR.

Lamb fat contains vitamins

The raw materials are enriched with saturated and unsaturated fatty acids necessary for the human body. Natural lanolin and harmless cholesterol are present in abundance. Lots of minerals:

  • magnesium;
  • copper;
  • sodium;
  • zinc;
  • selenium;
  • phosphorus.

Even after heat treatment, at least 50% of monounsaturated acids remain, among which Omega-9 ranks first. The presence of beta-carotene allows vitamins to be better absorbed by the body. No matter how much doctors say, the product remains a popular fat in many cultures.

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