Star balm: composition, use, benefits, harm

Useful tips

Vietnamese star balm, just star balm, or Vietnamese balm... Just from these phrases alone among people who have at least once used

with this remedy, my nose itches from the sensation of a sharp, intrusive and corrosive aroma.

Star balm has not lost its popularity since Soviet times. What is it due to?

Is this Vietnamese ointment

Is it capable of bringing health benefits or are we talking about another far-fetched panacea? Now you will find out the truth!

Star balm – composition

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If you walk through the markets of Vietnam, you will see an incredible amount of star balm, in various packages. However, on the territory of Russia the same balm “Golden Star”

(this is the name of the version of this product registered for import into our country) is sold in the form of an ointment, balm (oily liquid) and an inhalation pencil.

If we talk about the ingredients that make up the star balm, the most important are aromatic oils. Actually, in many cases the healing effect

is achieved through the aromatic effects of these oils, although in some cases the healing effect is achieved solely through direct contact with the skin. What oils are included in the star balm?

Eucalyptus oil

One of the main components that determine not only certain healing properties of this product in all three of its types (ointment, liquid and pencil)

, but also its specific aroma is eucalyptus oil. The most significant amount of this oil is contained in liquid balm.

This ingredient is known for its healing effect on the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, which is expressed in an anti-inflammatory effect

. Eucalyptus oil is also an excellent antiseptic. That is why this product is used as part of inhalation mixtures.

Peppermint oil

Peppermint oil is included in all three types of Vietnamese balsam. This ingredient also has an antiseptic effect, however, mint oil in the Golden Star balm has more functions than eucalyptus

. In particular, mint oil is a good antispasmodic that can improve capillary blood flow, regulate intestinal motility, and stimulate appetite.

The above types of effects appear when using the balm as an aromatic agent.

. However, peppermint oil has another effect - sedation. That is why the Golden Star balm is used as a kind of sleeping pill.

Clove oil

Clove oil is also a constant ingredient in the Golden Star balm in all its types and designs. Healing properties of cloves

were known in ancient India and China. It was originally used as a spice and also as an antiseptic, particularly in dental treatment.


Another constant component of Vietnamese balm is crystalline menthol. In medicine, this substance is used not only as an antiseptic, but also as a local anesthetic

. Menthol oil alone is recommended to be used to treat runny nose and colds.

Cinnamon oil

Cinnamon oil is a rather controversial product that should not be used without moderation, as it causes skin irritation when applied topically. However, at a minimum concentration

cinnamon oil in combination with any other components, this ingredient turns out to be very useful for the treatment of fungal diseases.

Mosquito repellents from your home medicine cabinet: camphor and “Zvezdochka”

If you have camphor preparations in your home medicine cabinet, they can also do a good job in repelling insects. Any camphor-containing product for external use can be rubbed little by little into the skin behind the ears or lubricated on the wrists. And to drive mosquitoes out of the house, you can boil water in a small saucepan, add a few drops of the product to it and boil for several minutes - the fragrant camphor steam will force the insects to leave the room.

Another excellent mosquito repellent is Vietnamese Golden Star Balm, commonly known as Star. It contains clove, cinnamon, eucalyptus and peppermint oils, and this “cocktail”, applied precisely to the skin in small quantities, quite effectively protects against mosquitoes. However, it should not be used by allergy sufferers, and “Zvezdochka” is not recommended for children under five years of age.

Star balm – application

Insect repellent star balm

If you don’t have a fumigator on hand, and the bloodsuckers simply won’t let you live, star balm will help in the fight against them. One option for use is to apply Vietnamese balm to exposed skin.

. The pungent aroma will repel insects that are very sensitive to strong odors. If you have cologne or eau de toilette, you can rub the ointment with it - this will enhance the effect.

If you made a fire outdoors, lubricate a twig with ointment and lower it into the fire - this will also repel insects

. “Golden Star” can be used to lubricate bite sites - it will have an anti-inflammatory effect and relieve itching.

Star balm for massage

In order to correctly use Vietnamese star balm for massage, you need to know the points where the ointment should be applied. There are a lot of such points on our body.

However, before starting such a massage, you should make sure that there is no irritation on the skin - otherwise the ointment is contraindicated.

The balm can also be applied to the scalp when massaging this area. Such stimulation not only improves blood flow, relieving headaches, but also tones the entire body

. Of course, the smell may scare you away from this venture. However, the benefits of such a massage are undeniable.

The balm is also used for acupuncture massage and acupuncture, although this, of course, requires special knowledge of a specialist in this field. After a regular massage, you should wear something warm to keep warm

. It’s very easy to do acupressure yourself with the help of star balm. In this case, the ointment can be immediately rubbed into the skin, moving your finger in a circle, or you can lubricate the massage site after it has been carried out.

Star balm for colds and flu

One of the accompanying symptoms of a cold is a runny nose. The Golden Star balm itself will not help cure a cold, but it can significantly reduce the intensity of symptoms

. It is proposed to apply a small amount of ointment to the face in the place where the wings of the nose are connected by the areas under which the cheek bones can be felt. The balm must be rubbed in with rotational movements for two to three minutes, sometimes increasing and sometimes decreasing the pressure.

It also makes sense to massage the upper part of the bridge of the nose, almost between the eyebrows. Be very careful

Make sure that the ointment does not get into the eyes under any circumstances, since its active components can greatly harm the mucous membrane of the eyes.

You can also not bother too much with looking for points, but simply rub a small amount of ointment into the skin area around the nose and in the back of the head. Either way it will reduce cold symptoms

. This method is also good as a preventive measure against the flu.

Chest massage perfectly eases breathing and sets the body up for recovery from a cold. It is done very simply - a small amount of ointment is rubbed into the chest area so as not to touch the nipples. Then you should wrap yourself up warm.

You can wipe yourself up to four times a day. Also ask someone close to you to apply the ointment in a similar way with massage movements to the back area between the shoulder blades.


The human body is a complex mechanism in which everything is interconnected. Considering this fact, at the first signs of a severe cold or flu, you can suggest the following: you need to apply star balm to your heels

. Also lubricate the ointment under and above the toes and completely lubricate the big toe, spreading the ointment from the big toe to the heel. Then you should put on warm wool socks.

It is recommended to drink plenty of fluids. Another method is also effective against colds: apply the ointment to the throat with light massage movements, then cover your neck with a warm scarf

or a handkerchief and ensure you drink plenty of fluids. This method is considered very effective against colds.

You can also use star balm for a sore throat. There is a place on our neck just above the Adam's apple where we need to apply some ointment.

, and then rub it with light massage movements. Massage for no more than a minute.

Star balm for inhalation

For inhalation it is very convenient to use star balm in the form of a pencil. The pencil is literally inserted into the nasal passage and one or two full breaths

. Such mini-inhalations can be performed up to 15 times in one day. Such treatment significantly relieves symptoms of rhinitis.

However, these inhalations can only be used for cold-related rhinitis. For allergic seasonal rhinitis, the use of a star balm pencil is undesirable

. In general, allergy sufferers should exercise special caution when using Golden Star balm. This also applies to people suffering from skin allergic diseases.

Inhalations with a pencil also have a positive effect on the throat, trachea and bronchi. You can use the balm for inhalation

, if you add a small amount of ointment to boiling water. Then cover your head with a towel and breathe essential oils over the container. However, remember that such inhalations cannot be done at a temperature!

In order to enhance the effect, you can add the balm not to clean boiling water, but to steamed eucalyptus leaves

. This is an excellent remedy not only for a runny nose. Such inhalation is recommended for cleansing the bronchi.

Star balm for osteochondrosis and radiculitis

Since many of us lead a sedentary lifestyle, it is no wonder that even relatively young people suffer from osteochondrosis. As is known, one of the effective means of treatment and prevention

This disease is a back massage. However, we don’t see an experienced massage therapist as often as necessary.

Therefore, it is worth using several points on our body in order to apply star balm to them and thereby relieve pain.

. One of these points is located on the back of the hand, between the index and middle fingers. Rub the ointment into it for a couple of minutes.

after visiting the steam room is very effective.

. It's great if you visit the bathhouse at least once a week. When you have thoroughly steamed, self-massage the back of your neck and rub in the balm.

As for radiculitis, it seems that almost everyone in the former Soviet Union used star balm. If something went wrong and you are suffering from pain due to radiculitis

, let them rub a Vietnamese star into the place where the pain is located. Then cover your back with a warm woolen blanket, blanket, or at least wrap it with a scarf.

Star balm for herpes

This infectious disease, usually transmitted by contact, causes a lot of trouble for many people

, including those who know first-hand the rules of hygiene. Herpes also causes a lot of trouble because it is not only a rash, but also itching, burning and even pain, usually affecting the circumference of the oral cavity.

Balm “Golden Star” can really help cope with this disease, but it is better to respond to it at an early stage of development

. In other words, treatment must begin before seals appear on the lips.

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To do this, it is recommended to periodically (three to four times a day) apply a cotton swab or sterile bandage soaked in balm

. Apply it briefly - literally for half a minute. Usually the development of herpes can be stopped within a day and relief occurs.

Star balm for headaches

Migraines or headaches – star balm can also cope with these unpleasant symptoms. Of course, the nature of the headache

can be very different (for example, high blood pressure). However, we are talking about spasmodic sensations in the temples or the back of the head.

One of the simplest ways to get rid of pain in the temporal region is to apply a small amount of balm

on the index and middle fingers of both hands, rub the temples for 30 seconds.

If the pain is girdling, you need to repeat this procedure by rubbing a small amount of balm in the area behind the ears. Then we repeat the same for the bridge of the nose, rubbing it on both sides

. You can also rub between the eyebrows, slightly covering the frontal area. Each massage action lasts approximately 30 seconds.

Feel free to also rub the back of your head. The balm washes off well with water, leaving no visible odor. Rub the balm into the middle of the occipital lobe, massaging it thoroughly

. After this, it is recommended not to make sudden movements, but rather lie down and rest. You can also sleep.

Star balm for insomnia

There are a huge variety of ways to combat insomnia - from medications to meditation.

. But if you don’t want to poison your body with chemicals, or spend years studying meditation techniques, try the Golden Star balm. For example, if the reason for your poor sleep is the heat, it makes sense to apply a small amount of balm to your temples and rub in lightly.

In just minutes you will feel relaxed

– this is the effect of the essential oils included in the product. You will also be able to feel a slight, pleasant cooling sensation – a quite common occurrence after applying a small amount of Vietnamese balm to the skin.

The balm has a similar relaxing effect at any other temperature.

environment, so feel free to use this product to normalize your sleep.

Star balm for weight loss

Don’t let it seem impossible to you - the “Golden Star” balm is really capable of making its contribution

to help you achieve good results when losing weight. In particular, we are talking about reducing the layer of abdominal fat.

For this there is the following recipe: a certain amount of Vietnamese balsam (just don’t put too much, the amount is literally the size of a fingernail), a spoonful of baking soda and a crushed camphor tablet

mixed with alcohol so that the resulting amount of a homogeneous mixture can be spread over the place where you want to see the waist.

How to use correctly: features of treatment for cough and runny nose

A cold is always accompanied by nasal congestion, runny nose, cough and sore throat. The Vietnamese “star” fights well against these manifestations. Most often, consumers use ointment and pencil. This is justified by the ease of storage and use. We recommend that you read about what to do if your ear is blocked due to a runny nose in this material.

A small amount of the contents of the jar should be applied to the chest area, gently massaging the skin. It is also effective to rub it a little (until a feeling of warmth) on your back between the shoulder blades and at the base of the neck.

The beneficial properties of raspberries for colds are described in detail in this article.

After a couple of minutes, the patient will feel warmth and even a slight burning sensation at the application sites. When essential oils evaporate, they make breathing easier. The procedure will be effective if you lie down in bed and cover yourself with a warm blanket.

An inhalation pencil is effective and convenient for a runny nose. It can be used up to 15 times a day. Application is simple: insert a pencil into the nasal passage (one at a time) and calmly inhale 1-2 times.

Find out if raspberry jam helps with colds by following the link provided.

A cold is often accompanied by a headache. And here, too, an invariable assistant is the “star” balm.

For a cold, inhalation with a “star” is an effective method of treatment: in water brought to a boil (1 liter), you need to stir 1 tablespoon of salt and throw in a little Thai balsam (a sufficient amount is about the size of a cherry pit). Lean over the steam, covering your head with a towel, close your eyes and breathe for 10 minutes.

Why your ears get blocked when you have a cold, and what treatment should be used first is indicated in the article.

There is no such person who does not suffer from colds at least once a year. A respiratory infection of viral-bacterial origin occurs with a runny nose and sneezing, sore throat or cough.

But among these remedies on the pharmacy shelf there is always a medicine that has become traditional for several generations. This is Zvezdochka for a runny nose, a balm in the form of a thick ointment or in a more liquid form. Knowledgeable people who are attentive to their health and the well-being of their loved ones purchase this particular medicine for rhinitis.

Golden Star or simply Zvezdochka has been used for a runny nose for a long time, but in recent years this medicine has become undeservedly forgotten.

But it is highly safe and effective, which makes the drug an excellent assistant in the fight against rhinitis, sinusitis and other similar diseases.

With sinusitis, a pronounced inflammatory process is observed in the mucous membrane of the maxillary paranasal sinuses (sinuses).

Since they are located near the meninges, treatment of the pathology must be carried out by an otolaryngologist, especially if it is required for a child.

The balm, like the Zvezdochka spray, can be used to combat this disease. The method of their use is the same as described above. Rubbing the chest at night helps especially well with sinusitis.

This helps to facilitate nasal breathing during sleep, normalize the outflow of contents from inflamed sinuses and eliminate headaches.

But if rubbing is allowed without prior consultation with an ENT specialist, then whether it is possible to smear the nose with an asterisk must be agreed with the doctor, since this procedure is one of the warming ones.

Sometimes you can find recommendations to apply a thin layer of balm to the mucous membranes of the nose. This is strictly forbidden, as this will lead to tissue burns and will bring absolutely no benefit. It is also impossible to use Zvezdochka NOZ spray for sinusitis for more than 5–7 days, despite the traditionally long course of the pathology.

To eliminate swelling, it is recommended to alternate drugs with a vasoconstrictor effect, that is, first use xylometazoline-based products, then naphazoline or oxymetazoline.

It's cheap and works well. I think the only drawback of the medicine is that sometimes difficulties arise in how to open a jar of Zvezdochka balm. Katya, 31 years old

It is small so it is easy to carry. And during the cold season, I regularly smear Zvezda ointment under my nose, it protects me from viruses and helps me almost never get sick. Diana, 29 years old

How to open star balm

The answer to this seemingly trivial question is not as obvious as it might seem at first glance

. Indeed, many people do not immediately manage to open the “Golden Star” balm in a metal jar.

If you come across such a “naughty” jar, do not try to demonstrate miracles of power

, trying to literally tear off the top cap. It is recommended to proceed as follows:

1. You can squeeze the top cover more tightly and, using circular movements, a little at a time, pulling it towards you, unscrew it.

2. Or you can simply try to pry the top lid with the tip of a knife up along its edge so that it comes off.

About properties

Many people have known about the healing properties of Golden Star balm since the times of the USSR. The drug was widely used to treat acute respiratory diseases, influenza, headaches and rhinitis. Evidence of this were numerous reviews and great demand for it.

Thanks to the components included in the ointment, Zvezdochka also helps protect against harmful flying insects. After all, the basis of the ointment, in addition to menthol and camphor, is made up of plant components: eucalyptus, cinnamon, clove and mint oils. Each of these ingredients is a natural repellent, the smell of which mosquitoes are so afraid of.

  • Menthol is a local anesthetic that has a refreshing effect, thanks to which it perfectly eliminates irritation and itching in case of burns and allergic reactions. It relieves headaches well, and can also be used for sprains.
  • Cloves are an excellent antiseptic that protects against various infections. Clove ethereal concentrate is also used to protect against bloodsuckers.
  • Camphor is a surface anesthetic that relieves itching after insect bites. Used for neuralgia as a distraction.
  • Cinnamon has an antiseptic effect and is often used to treat the respiratory system.
  • Mint - perfectly refreshes, relieves pain and is a good antiseptic. Mint oil. It is used for colds, as well as inflammatory conditions of the skin. The herbal repellent is also effective against flying insects.
  • Eucalyptus. Thanks to eucalyptus oil, Zvezdochka balm has antibacterial, antiviral and antiseptic effects. Its aroma also repels annoying bloodsuckers.

Star balm - what not to smear

Balm "Golden Star", for all its usefulness, is not a panacea. And sometimes it can cause harm. That is why you should not thoughtlessly apply this product (in the form of an ointment or the same balm)

to any place on the body. In particular, Vietnamese balsam can literally burn any mucous membrane, especially if applied to it in large quantities.

That is why, for colds and rhinitis, the balm should not be rubbed into the nose, but should be applied to the skin near the nose and on the nose itself. Another place where star balm should not be applied under any circumstances

, these are places where lymph nodes are concentrated (especially large ones - for example, on the neck or in the armpit area).

Also, Golden Star balm is not applied to the mammary glands. You can find advice on the Internet according to which this way you can relieve inflammatory processes

for certain pathologies. However, this is extremely dangerous, fraught with aggravation of these very processes and even burns, since the nipples are an extremely sensitive area.

A separate sore subject (literally and figuratively) are jokes about how star balm is applied to the groin area. It’s hard to imagine that a person would do this for the sake of an experiment, but some daredevils

or, rather, fools tried to do this (in particular, they smeared the testicles, supposedly after mosquito bites or supposedly by accident), which usually ended in long-term burning pain and local burns. And of course, you should not treat hemorrhoids with Golden Star balm - the effect can be even worse!

Allergy to mosquito bites

Mosquito bites are similar in appearance to chickenpox or bedbug wounds. The main reason why a person's stinging areas itch and blisters appear is the poison that gets under the skin with the saliva of this insect. It causes an allergic reaction in the body, so we want to scratch the puncture site.

What a mosquito bite looks like - photo:

Photo source:

Mosquito bite: first aid

What to do if bitten by a mosquito? First aid after an unpleasant contact with an annoying insect involves cooling the injured area. To do this, you will need to apply an ice cube tightly wrapped in a bag and cloth to the area. Don't have any ice cubes on hand? Then, after a mosquito bite, you can apply frozen meat, fish or a bag of mixed vegetables wrapped in a towel to your body. After 5 minutes, the unpleasant symptoms will be less pronounced.

It is also worth treating the problem area with an antiseptic. To prevent the formation of lumps and inflammation, as well as to prevent swelling, you can smear the problem area with apple cider vinegar or 3% table vinegar.

Baby cream and vanillin

The first remedy is a mixture of “Baby cream” and vanillin. I used the most ordinary cream, vanillin too - but the effect of this mixture was pleasantly surprising. But first things first.

Baby cream and vanillin

Initially, this method seemed to me one of the most controversial: I couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that vanillin could repel mosquitoes. It turned out that it can! I squeezed half the tube into a previously prepared container and poured in a bag of vanillin and mixed everything.

The mosquitoes didn’t even try to land on my hands, which I smeared with the mixture, either because of the smell of vanillin, or because of the viscous consistency of the cream. By the way, the latter, in my understanding, became a big minus. I was sticky all day, all sorts of debris stuck to my hands. The feeling is not pleasant. But it really repelled mosquitoes. So overall I can say that the product works. As an alternative, you can try diluting vanillin in water (0.33 ml sachet per bottle). This liquid should be sprayed onto exposed areas of the body and clothing. The method also turned out to be effective, but the smell of vanillin quickly disappears, and mosquitoes begin to bite. The cream lasts longer.

People! I read on the Internet about folk remedies for mosquito control... The simplest thing is to use Vietnamese balm Zvezdochka. Has anyone used it on children under one year old? If you don’t have allergies, then it’s probably possible and how effective it is. I put my daughter to sleep on the balcony in the evening, cover her with a mosquito net, but she is still all bitten (her face)... We apply fenistil for the itching... But still, how to deal with these creatures, a fumigator yes, but the sockets are not always nearby... I read the information on the Internet.... About garlic, in my opinion, I’m going overboard, after all, we don’t live in the forest and communicate with people...:)...

Now let's look at traditional methods of protection against mosquitoes. Mosquitoes cannot stand the smell of fragrant herbs: basil, anise, mint, valerian, lavender, thyme, thyme, rosemary. They are used fresh and dried. Used as an infusion, moistening open areas of the body. A decoction of wheatgrass and wormwood roots is very effective. You can also take fresh wormwood by grinding the leaves into a paste. Fresh elderberry branches, flowers and leaves of bird cherry, lilac, walnut, chestnut, serviceberry, tomato leaves, orange, tangerine and lemon fruits, and parsnip seeds repel mosquitoes. These plants are most effective if they are crushed and spread around the room. Houseplants such as pelargonium (geranium) and common ivy can also repel mosquitoes. Essential oils can be used to control mosquitoes. The most effective oils are cedar, fir, mint, citronella, lavender, clove, thyme, eucalyptus, rosemary, anise and geranium. Tea tree oil repels mosquitoes and relieves itchy bites. Any of these oils can be dropped onto a fire source - a fire, a candle, an aromatic lamp, or onto a piece of cotton wool and placed on the window. And if you add a few drops of essential oil to cologne, preferably “Clove,” you will get an effective mosquito repellent. No less effective is the balm “Golden Star” or, as it is more often called, “Star”. Ordinary vanillin, which housewives often use in the kitchen, repels mosquitoes and midges. A spice like cloves is also not to the taste of the mosquito family. If you rub yourself with garlic juice :046:, then mosquitoes will definitely fly around you. :046:

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