Coca-Cola against ants and aphids: how to use, reviews

In fact, aphids are a rather dangerous pest that can significantly harm various crops: currants, apple trees, pears, raspberries, and gooseberries. The list of crops that aphids can harm is quite large, so gardeners are taking significant measures to combat aphids. You probably know that it is undesirable to treat with chemicals during flowering and fruit ripening. It is for this purpose that many summer residents are looking for effective folk remedies in the fight against aphids, so as not to harm the fruits, and then human health. Many gardeners ask the question: is it possible to exterminate aphids with Coca Cola? It is the use of Coca-Cola among many summer residents that deserves attention. This is not only a drink that millions of people drink, but is also used for gardening purposes, to treat plants against aphids. Therefore, this article will focus on the Coca-Cola drink against aphids as a plant treatment.

Milk serum

Whey is the residual liquid after curdling and straining milk. In addition to being used in the food industry, this dairy product can also be effective in ridding garden plants of various types of aphids.

In a situation where plants begin to bloom and bear fruit and when the use of pesticides is undesirable, an anti-aphid serum may be the ideal option.

Milk whey against aphids acts quickly enough (1-2 weeks), retains a long-lasting effect and is easily combined with other folk remedies when fighting aphids.

In addition, its use does not require additional or special weather conditions and tools.

The whey is easy to get or even make yourself. There is no need to dilute it with water and measure out identical exact portions.

For a positive effect, you just need to apply it correctly - namely, water each seedling at the root instead of water. This should not be done often - 1-2 times a day (depending on the climate).

Aphid whey is not poisonous and therefore does not pose any danger to humans. Additionally, read the material “The best folk remedies for combating aphids (part 1).”

On trees and bushes

You will need an iron bucket, not necessarily a new one. You need to make several holes at the bottom. Then we throw an old shoe or a worn-out rubber galosh into the bucket and set it on fire. Cover the top of the bucket with a piece of tin sheet to prevent fire from escaping. Smoke will come out of the bucket, and this is what needs to be used to fumigate the affected plants. This is perhaps the fastest way to fight, because the result will be in just a quarter of an hour. When the shoes burn, transfer the ash into a whole bucket, fill it with water and add half a glass of vegetable oil. Mix and generously water the trees where the aphids have settled. You won't see her again. If the plants are severely affected and the solution did not help the first time, repeat.


Along with the appearance of aphids, you can often observe hordes of ants crawling nearby. This is, of course, no accident. Ants and aphids form a kind of symbiosis : the aphids produce a sweet substance for them - honeydew, and in return the ants transfer the aphids to plants, trees and hide the aphid larvae in winter.

Therefore, you can thin out the rows of aphids by destroying ants , and one of the tools for their destruction is ammonia for aphids.

Do not confuse ammonia, an odorless white crystalline powder, and ammonia, a colorless aqueous solution with a pungent odor.

Aphids also cannot tolerate ammonium hydroxide and suffocate from its fumes.

It is better not to combine ammonia against aphids with other means. When used correctly, it can completely rid an area of ​​pests.

To prepare the solution , you need to dissolve 50 ml of ammonia in 10 liters of water and stir about 25 g of laundry soap in it (for better adhesion).

Sometimes a more concentrated solution is used : 50 ml of alcohol is dissolved in 4 liters of water.

Damaged bushes should be thoroughly sprayed with this infusion, paying special attention to the inside of the leaves , because this is where the aphids lay their larvae.

It is better to use ammonia against aphids in dry sunny weather no more than 1-2 times a week.

You should be very careful with ammonia , as it can cause both internal (from fumes) and external burns. Fighting aphids with ammonia will give excellent results.

Properties of soda

There are huge differences between baking soda and soda ash, although they are similar in appearance. White powder, odorless and bitter taste. Soda ash often appears as white crystals, while baking soda is a powder that can crystallize in high humidity.

Sodium bicarbonate (sodium bicarbonate) belongs to the category of food additives. On product packaging it is designated as E500.

It is used as a baking powder and acidity regulator.

Baking soda has no shelf life as long as the minimum requirements are met. At high humidity, the product may clump, but does not lose its qualities.

Soda ash is sodium carbonate. This substance has greater alkaline activity and is used to remove stains during laundry, washing stoves, and heavily soiled surfaces. In recent years, due to the production of new cleaning and laundry products, soda has not been very popular.

Calcium carbonate has increased hygroscopicity. Therefore, when stored in a damp place, it cakes quickly.

Soda ash is classified as hazard class 3. It can cause irritation and burns of mucous membranes. When working with it, the use of protective equipment is required.

Both types of soda are suitable for gardeners and gardeners. They are successfully used to treat plants against various types of fungus and protect them from insect pests.


Don’t take away the imagination of experienced summer residents! Very often they recommend regular vodka in the fight against aphids. Vodka against aphids always turns out to be an effective remedy.

Vodka is not dangerous for external use in humans, combines well with other drugs and does not require additional conditions or tools.

Typically, vodka is not dissolved in water, but a ready-made alcoholic drink is used. You can add laundry or liquid soap to it for better adhesion. Choose the quantity based on the size of your plot.

Plants should be sprayed as usual, avoiding, if possible, the inflorescences and paying attention to the inside of the leaves.

Dishwashing liquid

Absolutely any dishwashing liquid will do. You will also need some water and a spray bottle. Mix the liquid with water in equal proportions, pour it into a spray bottle and treat the plants. By the way, this method is also great for irrigating flowers, which aphids also love.

Look through your chrysanthemums - these are her favorite flowers. This solution does not harm the plant itself, and the aphids die. Instead of detergent, you can use good old vodka, preferably even the cheapest one. The sprayer can be placed directly on the bottle and treated the plants. But there is one condition: it is extremely undesirable to carry out processing in the heat. It is best to wait until the evening cools or do it early in the morning. It is not recommended to dilute vodka during the first treatment. This can be done for prevention; in this case, prepare the solution from equal parts of vodka and water.

Coca Cola

Coca-Cola, a carbonated drink that contains phosphoric acid , is increasingly being used for other purposes: against scale, rust, stubborn dirt, blood, and now also against various insects, including aphids.

It is the presence of acid in the drink that pests do not like . Phosphorus is generally extremely useful in killing most garden insects - it is part of many pesticides and insecticides.

Coca-Cola against aphids acts quickly and creates a long-lasting effect: after the destruction of aphids with Coca-Cola, the pest is unlikely to return .

The duration of use of Coca-Cola depends on observations, but usually 1-2 weeks of spraying is enough to completely get rid of aphids, and the effect appears immediately after the first use.

There are several recipes for preparing a solution against aphids:

  1. 5:1 coca cola and water . A very concentrated mixture, used for large numbers of affected plants.
  2. 1:1. Less concentrated, but more often used mixture.
  3. 2 liters of Coca-Cola per 7 liters of water (small bucket) . This solution is suitable when aphids are just beginning to appear on the leaves. At the same time, it is important not to miss the moment and carefully examine the inside of the leaves, where the aphids lay their larvae.

Do not use undiluted Coca-Cola, otherwise all kinds of insects will flock to the smell of caramel and sugar, and there will be no effect, apart from the time spent.

Spray the bushes of garden plants with this solution without touching the inflorescences. Coca-Cola is not dangerous to humans unless it is often taken internally.

To see how Coca Cola works against aphids, watch the following video.

Cleaning rusty tools

After each use of garden tools, they must be wiped with a brush or cloth, water and dishwashing detergent. Try to store them in a dry and ventilated area. But if it turns out that the tools are rusty, use this advice:

  1. Take the required amount of cola and soak the equipment in it for 3-4 hours.
  2. Use a rust removing brush to thoroughly scrub the items.
  3. Then rinse with water and dry them.

The fact is that cola can easily remove iron oxide from any tool thanks to the phosphoric acid contained in the drink.


A simple flea shampoo can rid an area of ​​aphid infestation . It works after the first use, but it is better not to use it together with other products.

It should be remembered that flea shampoo is not exactly a folk remedy and that it almost always contains ingredients that are part of many pesticides. So, if you were motivated by the desire to protect the plant and its fruits from chemicals, think carefully before using shampoo.

It is better not to use flea shampoo against aphids during the flowering period. The best time to use flea shampoo is spring, when the inflorescences have not yet appeared and the fruits have not yet ripened.

It is very important to choose the right proportion when diluting shampoo with water. A highly concentrated solution can leave burns on the leaves. Usually just one tablespoon per bucket of water is enough, but if the result does not appear within 2-3 days, the share of shampoo can be doubled.

You need to spray the plants with the solution carefully, paying attention to the inside of the leaves.

Flea shampoo is completely safe for humans .


Let's find out what experienced gardeners think about this treatment option.

  • Pavel, Yekaterinburg: “I have the same problem every year at my summer cottage - aphids. This pest attacks currants, of which I grow a lot. The struggle is life and death, so many remedies have already been tried - both store-bought and homemade. A friend advised me to try Coca-Cola, I laughed at first, but then I read reviews on professional forums and decided to try it. I treated the bushes, and was surprised to discover after a few days that the leaves had become green and clean again. The aphids have disappeared. Now I plan to use this recipe all the time; it is also good because it does not harm plants and beneficial insects: bees, on the contrary, are attracted to the sweet smell.
  • Ekaterina, Novorossiysk: “We have many fruit trees in our garden, and there are also berry bushes. The pest problem arises regularly, we fight it as best we can. Aphids are especially annoying on pears and currants. Fortunately, we found a simple recipe on how to get rid of this pest - you need to use regular Coca-Cola. A 2-liter bottle is diluted in seven liters of water, and then sprayed on trees and bushes. The method is effective - after spraying, the aphids disappear and do not appear again this season. But the procedure must be carried out carefully, without skipping, so that the liquid gets onto the lower part of the leaves - only then will it be useful. I recommend this method - our people will probably find additional use for any product.”

Potassium permangantsovka

Very often , with the help of a solution of manganese (potassium permanganate), gardeners hope to get rid of aphids and many other insects. But rarely does anyone manage to completely get rid of pests using potassium permanganate alone.

A solution of manganese is good when used together , for example, with a solution of laundry soap or as a prophylactic agent.

As a preventative measure in the spring, seedlings are watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Do not water young plants with the solution too often or with a highly concentrated solution. Such use is not beneficial either for the plant or for its fruits.

Aphids - what kind of insect?

These parasitic insects maintain life with the help of plant juices. They are very small, literally 5 to 7 mm in length. Aphids secrete a sweet and aromatic liquid that attracts other insects, such as ladybugs.

These harmful insects usually have the same color as the plant on which they parasitize. Aphids usually base themselves on the undersides of leaves, stems, fresh buds and young shoots.

Aphids can settle on many crops - fruit trees, berry bushes. If you don't fight it, it can infect the entire garden.


Often the most effective remedies are herbal infusions . Celandine is one of the most commonly used plants in the fight against aphids.

An infusion based on celandine is absolutely safe for humans and harmful to pests. It combines well with other herbal infusions and is quite easy to prepare.

300-400 g of fresh or 100 g of dry celandine leaves are poured into 1 liter of water (room temperature) and infused for 24 hours. The resulting broth is boiled for 30 minutes and filtered.

The plants are thoroughly sprayed with the prepared solution.

See the photo below for celandine against aphids.

What plants is it suitable for?

A soap solution against aphids is universal and helps get rid of pests on any plants. If regular soap is not available, you can get rid of aphids by applying tar soap to the plants.

Fruit trees

Aphids suck sap from tree leaves, spoil shoots and leave behind a substance that attracts other harmful insects. As a result, the foliage of fruit trees turns yellow and then dies. As a result, the yield level decreases. The plant becomes vulnerable to diseases and fungi.

To remove aphids, you need to use soap in solid or liquid form. First you need to grate the soap on a coarse grater. After this, you need to dilute 1 liter of warmed water. The required amount of soap is added to it.

This product covers the leaves with a film that makes it difficult for insects to move. In addition, laundry soap reduces the risk of plant disease.


Usually in the spring, aphids appear on rose bushes. It damages the stems and peduncle, sucking the juice from it. As a result, the rose dries out, its leaves curl and are affected by fungus. The bush dies.

To prevent this, you need to use soap. For a liter of warm water, take 50 grams of solid and 2 teaspoons of liquid. Every evening you need to spray the stems and foliage of the rose, after two weeks the pest will disappear from the flower.


Aphids on cucumbers cause their death in just a couple of days. Plant leaves turn yellow and fall off, and ovaries do not form. Therefore, you need to use means that will prevent this.

A mixture of ash and soap helps insects stick to the stem and leaves. To create a solution, you need to mix 200 grams of ash and 50 grams of soap per 10 liters of warm water. Stir the mixture and sprinkle it on the cucumber shoots.


The harmful insect damages the bush, reducing productivity and spoiling the inflorescences. A soap solution will help you cope with aphids on currants. This component interferes with the feeding of aphids, making it difficult for them to move.

You can use soap in both liquid and solid form. To protect the currant bush, you need to dilute 300 grams of the product in 10 liters of boiled water. After this, you need to spray the plant several times a day.


The insect appears on peppers due to the juicy fruits of the plant. After the aphids appear, the pepper leaves will begin to wither and deteriorate. As a result, the plant may not produce a harvest at all.

A soap solution will help exterminate the harmful insect. You need to dilute 5 grams of product per 1 liter of water. After this, the solution should be infused for 5 hours. When the deadline is up, you can spray the plant bush. In order for aphids to completely disappear from peppers, you need to spray the bushes 3-4 times.


After the appearance of aphids on the cabbage, various harmful microorganisms begin to multiply - rot, fungi, mold. Soap will not only drive away insects, but also restore leaves. You need to dilute 100 grams of the product in 1 liter of water at room temperature. After thorough mixing, you need to add another 9 liters of water, but this time cold. Next, the head of cabbage is sprayed.


Adult aphids suck the juices from the plant, causing the leaves to curl and become spotted. Insects damage flowers and young shoots. You need to use laundry soap in combination with wood ash to finally get rid of pests.

200 grams of ash and 50 grams of grated soap are added to the water. Everything is mixed and infused for an hour. You need to spray the viburnum with the prepared solution every day.


Aphids appear on the plant in June. As a result, the greenery does not grow, turns yellow, and mucus appears on it. Soap combined with garlic will help get rid of pests. For a liter of water you need to add 1 cup of crushed cloves and 200 grams of soap. It is necessary to mix the mixture and leave for 24 hours in a closed container.


If aphids appear on a raspberry, the plant will stop growing, its inflorescences will fall off, and the leaves will turn yellow. To prevent this from happening, you need to use a soap mixture. It is necessary to grate the product and mix with water until a soap mass is formed. You can spray the bush with the resulting solution.


The presence of insects can be determined by the type of plant. If it does not grow, the leaves dry out and the buds fall off, it means that aphids have settled on it.

To remove pests, you need to dissolve 50 grams of laundry soap in a liter of water.

A nicotinic acid

Nicotinic acid is often recommended to control aphids . And for good reason. It really can rid plants of aphids.

The results from its use will appear within 5-10 days.

5 tablets of nicotinic acid are diluted in a bucket of water (10 l) and the plants and bushes are thoroughly watered at the root.

Nicotinic acid against aphids is completely safe for humans and in this concentration does not in any way affect the quality or taste of the fruit.

As a compost accelerator

Coca-Cola will help speed up the process of recycling waste in compost pits. To do this, you need to water each layer of organic residue with soda, every 10 days, remembering to stir the compost and add a little water. In just 1.5-2 months it will be ready for use, while under normal conditions the compost will not be ready until the next season.


Tar is a widely used product in folk medicine and gardening. With its help you can get rid of aphids , Colorado potato beetles, caterpillars and other garden pests.

Tar against aphids does not combine well with other means, but it can quickly “drive” aphids out of the area. Already after the first spraying with tar, the result is noticeable.

To prepare a tar solution, dilute 100 g of birch tar in 10 liters of water, adding 25-30 g of laundry soap.

Tar does not dissolve well in water because it is much lighter than it.

The entire plant (without inflorescences) and the soil at the root are sprayed with tar.

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