Anteater against garden ants - instructions and reviews

Damage from ants in the garden, country house or plot

These are arthropod insects that settle in colonies, have a highly developed ability to build and organize their life activities, actively reproduce, feed on the larvae or adults of other, smaller insects, as well as plant foods. In total, biology includes 12 subfamilies, their genera are 297, and their species are about 8800.

The harm caused by these seemingly beneficial insects is as follows:

  • Whole herds of aphids are grazed and bred, which destroy the tops of young shoots, transferring aphids from one cultivated plant to another. Blackcurrant, plum, pear, apple and other shrubs and trees are especially attacked.
  • They take the aphids to their nests for the winter, and in the spring the cycle repeats.
  • They spoil the landscape and the planted plants by building their own ant hills, which grow deeper and higher every day.

Ants in the house: what to do?

Anyone who has seen house or house ants is unlikely to confuse them with their forest counterparts. These small red pests are not able to survive in nature. Their place is here - next to us. Once in the house (and they can do this by moving from neighbors or moving with some kind of purchase), insects very quickly get used to the new place.

The lifestyle of house ants is similar to garden ants - they form a colony, where the queens, safely hidden, breed offspring, and the worker ants look for prey. Moving in a chain, the pests create an odorous path along which they can easily return. Other worker ants can also use this trail - this is how the entire colony moves to a new “fat” place.

In addition to moral suffering - who would like small parasites scurrying around food shelves, the appearance of house ants is fraught with real danger. In search of food, ants crawl throughout the house, visiting trash cans, food, and cabinets with things. Carrying many different bacteria on their paws, insect pests often become a source of infections.

Ants crawl all over the house in search of food.

By dragging food supplies, the ants create real storage facilities, invisible to the owners. Such a warehouse often rots or becomes moldy, and this is a real threat to human health. Ants regularly clean their nests, removing garbage and excrement from there, and they can store all this anywhere - on food shelves and in linen closets.

Which plants are attacked by ants?

Ants love to eat flowers. That is why those flowers that ants eat sometimes do not open, or grow ugly and with significant changes. Ants also love to create their anthills in strawberries or thyme. Ants also love to eat various vegetables, fruits and berries. If you have a lot of them, then it is even more difficult to fight them. First, you can try to drive out the ants using folk remedies. If you don’t get results, you will have to use a powerful tool such as Ant.

The best remedy for ants is Anteater insecticide

If you are reading this article, it means that ants have already become not just guests of your site, but have turned into garden pests, methodically damaging your plantings and, in addition, promoting the proliferation of another pest - aphids, which can damage even mature trees.

What measures and means should be taken to destroy ants in a summer cottage or at least protect some crops from them. You can, of course, try all sorts of folk remedies for ants, including watering the anthill with urine, sprinkling with millet, etc., but all this will only reduce their numbers in the garden, but will not solve the problem completely. To prevent ants from settling on fruit trees, many gardeners use trapping belts to prevent insects from climbing onto the tree. We will consider options for destroying anthills in beds, flower beds and lawns.

Today, the best remedy for garden ants is Anteater, produced by the company August. We will describe below how to dilute and use it, as well as how effective it is.

Agrotechnical measures

It may be a little unusual, but the number of colonies will decrease significantly if you kill the aphids. By the way, you don’t need to completely get rid of ants. New, more adapted pests will take their place. Aphids are the main “herd” that supplies “sweet milk” - honeydew to the voracious ant larvae.

The duration of maturation of the egg lasts 35 days, larvae - 7 days and pupae - 23 days. The lifespan of the larvae is 7 days and they enter the pupal stage, which stops eating. These 7 days are the weakest link of the ant colony. They intensively supply food to the larvae. If you feed the larvae poisoned food during this period, the colony may not be revived.

So, to successfully remove ants from a site, you can perform the following procedures with large colonies:

In late autumn and early spring, be sure to clear the trunks and skeletal branches of garden crops with a thick solution of freshly slaked lime with the addition of any toxic substance. With this technique you will destroy the ants dragging their precious cargo from the trees to the anthill for overwintering.

Around the bushes, stepping back from the base, sprinkle ash thickly in a ring, you can mix it with lime. Lime is poisonous to ants.

Approximately in the middle of the trunk (40-80 cm), secure the fishing belts, treating them with insecticidal agents. To prevent ants from crawling over the barrier, lubricate the bole around the perimeter with special slow-drying glue (buy in a store). They will not be able to overcome the adhesive barrier and will die along with their expensive burden. Hunting belts can also be used in the spring and summer (October and March), periodically replacing them with fresh ones.

Simultaneously with the hunting belts, for 8 days in a row, having dug up the ant colony to a depth of 3-8 cm, poison them in the evening (when the ants return home), pouring hot boiling water over the stirred up anthills, preferably a hot decoction of tomato tops (literally boiling).

You can dig it up and fill it with a mixture of ash and lime or ash and salt, or treat it with a mixture of ash and soda.

A good result is obtained if you fill the anthill with a mixture of water and kerosene (100-200 ml per 10 liters of water), digging it deeper.

Large winged female and male black garden ant.

Daily treatment for 8 days will destroy the larvae, some adult ants, possibly the “queen,” eggs, and pupae. Such treatments must be carried out systematically throughout the year, and the ants will leave the inhospitable dacha. Ants love peace and settle in places where the soil is not subject to frequent turning, that is, it is not dug up, stones, weeds, etc. are not removed. If you are farming without digging, then surface treatment of the top 10 cm of soil is required. Look under a stone or cardboard or board that has been lying there for a long time and you will see a bunch of ant eggs with nannies right on the surface of the earth.

Black garden ant and aphids.

Plantings around the perimeter of the dacha, individual beds, under the canopy of trees and, especially, between berry bushes of tansy, parsley, mint, valerian, wormwood, lavender, and garlic can serve as preventive preventative measures against the colonization of ants.

On a note!

garlic in the rows of strawberries/strawberries and between the berry bushes saved the berry patches from ants and at the same time from some fungal diseases.


The group of insecticides of the Anteater series is designed to control the number of all types of ants - red house ants, red forest ants, garden ants, nomadic ants, meadow ants, etc.

Insecticides are mainly used for the needs of private farms, as well as for household and sanitary treatments.

Algorithm of action of the drug

The drug against garden ants "Aardvark" is an insecticide with enteric contact action. The substance diazinon included in the composition penetrates the pest’s intestines in two cases:

  • With self-absorption of poison.
  • Upon contact with an infected individual.

Once in the insect's blood, the poison blocks the activity of enzymes that provide signals to the nervous system. Thus, the brain stops giving the necessary commands, resulting in paralysis and death of the pest.

The highest activity occurs during the first three hours. During this time, the active substance affects not only those ants that were in the anthill during treatment, but also those that were absent and returned.

General characteristics

“Aardeater” as a remedy for ants is considered one of the most effective drugs with which you can actively fight various types of insects, including aphids.

The main active substance is Diazine, characterized by contact-intestinal effects. An insect can get poisoned in two ways:

  • contact with insecticide;
  • ingestion of poison.

When the substance penetrates the blood, a process of inhibition of nerve impulses occurs by destroying cholinesterase enzymes. As a result of this action, signals are not sent to the muscles. Which leads to paralysis and death. The process is quite fast, but many insects manage to reach the anthill, thereby infecting several more relatives.

Chemical formula of Diazine

“Anteater” is also interesting because it does not disintegrate after the death of the insect. When cannibalism occurs, healthy individuals, eating a poisoned corpse, also die.

Pros and cons of the drug

Anteater has the following positive characteristics:

  1. High efficiency indicators. Unlike insecticidal aerosols and traps that contain pesticides, the drug is poured directly into the anthill. Due to this, a high rate of insect destruction is achieved. Moreover, they do not even need to eat the poisonous substance; it is enough that they have direct contact with it. And an infected individual will definitely “share” the poison with its relatives, making its way into the very depths of the nest and infecting the uterus.

Particles of the substance penetrate through the chitinous layer

  1. High infection rate. After 3-5 minutes after the drug enters the anthill, you can first notice high activity of insects that want to save their eggs. After a few more minutes, their activity gradually slows down, and they begin to die right before our eyes.
  2. Prolonged action. Thanks to its unique composition, the active substance “works” for three hours after use. Due to this, it is possible to exterminate those individuals that were absent at the time of disinfestation.
  3. The active substance does not linger in the soil, but breaks down into compounds that are safe for plants.
  4. The anteater is harmless to bees (they will not die when pollinating nearby plants), and is also not capable of harming pets (subject to safety rules).
  5. Economically beneficial. For disinfestation, 1 ml of the drug is enough.
  6. Suitable for use in hard to reach places.

If we talk about the disadvantages of this remedy, then some people who have already used Anteater note its high toxicity towards humans. However, this can be avoided if you follow safety rules when using insecticide.

VIDEO: Top 3 garden pests

Release form

Anteater is produced in various volumes:

  • ampoules of 1 ml;
  • bottles of 10 and 50 ml.

Regardless of the volume of the active ingredient, the packaging is equipped with instructions for using the Anteater CE product. It may be in the packaging or attached to the back of the plastic bag with the drug.

Ampoule - the most convenient form of release

Now regarding the cost of this insecticide. For an ampoule with a volume of 1 ml, you need to pay about 15 rubles. A bottle of 10 ml costs approximately 55 rubles, and a 50 ml bottle costs no more than 150 rubles. You can purchase such a product in specialized stores or on online trading platforms.

I would also like to note that the Anteater ant repellent is sold exclusively in the form of a concentrated liquid emulsion. All drugs with the same name, but in a different form (powder, spray, gel, etc.) are fakes that do not correspond to the declared performance characteristics.

Instructions for use

To implement high-quality control of garden ants, you must adhere to several recommendations that relate not only to the processing method, but also to mandatory safety rules.

Reviews for the drug are 90% positive, which once again confirms its effectiveness.

Before starting pest control treatment, prepare the working fluid in the following order:

  1. First you need to dissolve one ampoule (1 ml) in a small amount of water - 1 liter.

To dilute the insecticide, it is strictly forbidden to use well, river or other water without prior purification. The impurities contained in it neutralize to some extent the effect of the active substance, and the effectiveness of the drug is reduced to a minimum.

  1. Next, stirring constantly, bring the total volume of working fluid to 10 liters.
  2. Now you need to carefully remove a small layer of earth from 50 to 150 mm from the anthill. At this stage, our task is to find oviposition and pupae. Their uterus is also located in this place. By destroying this “heart” of the anthill, you will neutralize the remaining inhabitants - the remaining ants will simply leave this area in search of a place that is safer for their livelihoods.

The anthill is carefully dug up to notice the queen and oviposition.

  1. After this, we water the places where their increased activity is observed. Here you need to spray the nearby area within a radius of half a meter from the anthill itself.

All that remains is to sprinkle the treated area with previously removed soil and wait for complete destruction.

To prevent ants from stinging when removing part of an anthill, put on gloves, loosely tie their bell at the wrist, and coat your hands up to the elbows with vegetable oil.

Processing rules

To make pest control as effective as possible, experts recommend following several tips:

  • processing is best carried out in the morning or evening;
  • It is extremely undesirable to exterminate an anthill when it is sultry outside (over 25°C);
  • the effectiveness of disinfestation will be higher if it is carried out in calm weather;

During the week after treatment, it is prohibited to carry out any manual or technical work at the pest poisoning site.

If ants “attack” your garden or vegetable garden, then the minimum consumption rate for disinfestation is 1 ml of concentrate to treat an area of ​​5 sq.m.

Anteater: instructions for use

This is an insecticide of contact-intestinal action, it acts against black, red, and in general any types of ants. Once in the body of an ant, it paralyzes the insect, which leads to its death. Most of the inhabitants in the treated anthill will die within 3 days from the moment of treatment. Also, along the way, this drug helps get rid of cabbage flies, psyllids, fruit moths, weevils, wireworms, and mole crickets.

The active ingredient is diazinon.

Packaging - 1 ml ampoule in a bag, 10 ml and 50 ml bottle, 7x1 ml ampoule.


  • Purpose
  • Composition and dosage form
  • a) Con
  • b) “Aardeater-SUPER” (gel, bait traps, granules)
  • c) “Aardeater-ECO” (powder, gel, traps)
  • Mechanism of action
  • Application regulations
  • a) Regulations for the application of laws
  • b) Regulations for the use of gels "Aardeater -SUPER/ -ECO"
  • c) Regulations for the use of traps and baits “Anteater -SUPER/ -ECO”
  • d) Regulations for the use of granular and powder insecticides “Anteater -SUPER/ -ECO”
  • Compatibility
  • Benefits of use
  • As recommendations

A distinctive feature of the Anteater series of drugs is different active ingredients and different preparative forms, which allows you to optimally select treatment regimens and, accordingly, ensure maximum efficiency.

How to use

Before treatment, it is advisable to remove the top of the anthill so that the Anteater solution gets on both the pupae of unhatched ants and adult individuals. The solution is simply watered over the anthill and a small area next to it in order to maximally cover all the passages and exits made by the ants in the ground. It is best to carry out the treatment early in the morning or in the evening, after six hours, when the maximum number of ants are in the anthill.


Method of applicationDilution rate

Pest Consumption rateNumber of treatmentsTime until harvest (days)
AntsApplication to the soil in places where ants accumulate during the growing season1 ml/10 l water10 l/5 m2140

Flowers, strawberries (after harvest), ornamental shrubs

Method of applicationDilution rate

Pest Consumption rateNumber of treatmentsTime until harvest (days)
AntsApplication to the soil in places where ants accumulate during the growing season1 ml/10 l water10 l/5 m21

Fruit trees, shrubs, near buildings

Method of applicationDilution rate

Consumption rate

Number of treatments
Time before harvest (days)

AntsApplication to the soil in places where ants accumulate during the growing season1 ml/10 l water10 l/5 m21-220


Raptor granules against garden and house ants

Raptor anti-ant granules can be used either dry or diluted with water. They have a wide spectrum of action and are effective against a variety of home and garden pests. The granular product is based on fipronil, an insecticide that has a poisonous effect on insects. An attractant serves as an additional component.

Use the drug in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations:

  • To kill ants in the house, use an aqueous solution, which is prepared in a ratio of 10 g of granules per 0.5 liter of water. A solution of the same concentration is made for treating plants in a greenhouse or greenhouse.
  • When using granules in dry form, they are poured into crevices under baseboards and cracks in floors, as well as in places where there are ant paths in the garden. The product is used at the rate of 10 g per square meter of area.

The effect of the granular product becomes noticeable after 8-10 hours from the moment of application. The maximum effect is achieved after 10-14 days. Another advantage of the drug is its long residual effect, which lasts for 60 days.

The granulated drug Raptor is available in two dosages: 100 g (small sachet granules) and 500 g.

Period of protective action

The Anteater product lasts for at least 3 weeks, only after this period the drug completely breaks down into safe natural components. Anteater is a selective insecticide, therefore, while killing many insects, it is absolutely harmless to earthworms and beneficial soil microflora.

Do not forget that this drug has a long waiting period - 30-40 days, which is exactly how many days must pass before the processed crops are used for food.

After treating an anthill or just a cluster of ants, it is immediately noticeable how their movement slows down, that is, the drug begins to act immediately. Ants die within 3 days, other sucking and gnawing insects die earlier. This product is very quickly absorbed by plants through leaves and stems, which is why insects such as aphids or weevils die very quickly. Some insects only need to touch the sprayed part of the plant and its death is inevitable.


Ant repellent Anteater allows you to quickly destroy pests in the garden and in the apartment. An ant that has come into contact with the substance becomes infectious. It poisons other individuals and causes their death.

Anteater poison is available in bottles of different sizes:

The product can also be bought in powder, which is convenient to mix with bait. This mixture is used in enclosed spaces, houses, apartments. The poison is called Anteater Super.

The poison should be stored in a dark place from +5 to +35°C. It should be kept away from small children and pets.

Ant repellent Anteater The active ingredient diazinon gets rid of ants as follows:

  • enters the bloodstream and begins to affect the insect’s nervous system;
  • the ant begins to experience convulsions;
  • Death from suffocation soon follows.

The ant dies within a few minutes after contact with the toxic substance.

A person can observe how, after using Anteater, individuals become too active. They run around in panic and don’t know what to do - save the larvae and the queen or run away. Soon the insects' actions slow down and they die.

Advantages over other means

One of the main advantages of Anteater over other means is its relative safety. It belongs to the second class of chemical hazard and is practically harmless to humans. Also, the product does not harm the soil and does not accumulate in it. All microorganisms living in the soil remain unharmed.

The insecticide poisons insects in a short time. Three days after using the product, results will be visible. The effectiveness of the product is the same both in the form of a solution and in the form of a powder.

One Anteater capsule is enough to destroy 5-10 anthills.

Use the product outdoors and indoors, taking all precautions.

In order not to waste energy and money in the fight against ants, you should regularly carry out preventive measures in your apartment, house and on your property. Dishes must be washed immediately after eating, and crumbs and leftover food must be removed from the table. The floor is washed with a damp cloth or vacuumed. Keep kitchen cabinets clean. Food waste is collected in a dustbin and thrown away regularly. All cracks are insulated, complicating access to the room.

Precautionary measures

Video: Chiktonik for chickens: instructions for use

Anteater CE instructions for use strongly recommends following the following precautions:

  • Protect the roots of trees and plants from contact with the product;
  • Do not pour Anteater into waterways or sewers;
  • Diazinon is a substance that can penetrate the skin, so hands and face should be protected from contact with the solution. Hands are dressed in gloves, hair is collected in a bun and hidden under a headscarf or rubber cap, the airways are closed with a respirator. After the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly with soap. Clothes are washed separately from other items.

Important! If the substance comes into contact with the skin, immediately rinse the area of ​​contact with cold water and soap.

Cost of the drug Anteater

The undoubted advantage of the drug, in addition to its effectiveness in killing ants and other garden pests, is its affordable price. This year, 2022, the price for 1 ml of Anteater is 15 rubles, 10 ml - 60 rubles, 50 ml - about 150 rubles.

If you consider that 1 ml of Anteater is enough to prepare 10 liters of working solution, then you get a very budget option for getting rid of ants in just 1 application.


  • Has high contact-intestinal activity.
  • Does not negatively affect microorganisms in the soil.
  • Economical consumption of the drug: 1 ml is enough to treat approximately 10 anthills.


1 ml (plastic ampoule); 7 x 1 ml (ampoule); 10 ml, 50 ml, 500 ml (bottle)

Wholesale order conditions

  • The order is available only for legal entities
  • Order from 1 box
  • Cashless payment only
  • Flexible discount system

Go to bulk order


Available in Moscow and the Moscow region with an order amount of 100,000 ₽


from warehouse Moscow region, Kotelniki, Silikat district, building 4 Show on map

Security and restrictions

The Anteater instruction classifies the insecticide as hazard class 3 (moderately hazardous compound). When working with the drug, generally known measures to ensure personal safety should be applied, such as:

  • It is prohibited to store the drug together with food and medicines;
  • It is prohibited to eat or smoke during preparation and treatment of areas;
  • use personal protective equipment, especially when using the drug "Aardvark CE" in the form of an emulsion concentrate, ensuring proper protection of the respiratory system, vision and skin.

At all stages of handling a pesticide, precautionary measures must be observed in accordance with SanPiN 1.2.2584-10 “Hygienic requirements for the safety of processes of testing, storage, transportation, sale, use, neutralization and disposal of pesticides and agrochemicals” and “Unified sanitary-epidemiological and hygienic requirements for products (goods) subject to sanitary and epidemiological supervision (control).”

Negative effects on beneficial entomofauna when using the product are practically excluded, since the drug is used locally only for the treatment of ant colonies. But in any case, the use of the drug is prohibited in water protection zones of water bodies.

Residues of unused drug should not be disposed of with solid waste and should not be allowed to enter wastewater, groundwater or sewerage systems. They are subject to either thermal disposal or removal to places approved by local environmental authorities and Rospotrebnadzor institutions.

The Anteater instructions stipulate the time frame for safe access to the treated areas - they must be at least 7 days.

Precautionary measures

Although Anteater is not very dangerous, in any case it is a chemical poison, and the necessary safety precautions must be observed when working with it.

Security measures:

  1. Under no circumstances should food containers be used to dilute the product. This is allowed if, after the ant poisoning procedure is completed, this dish will never be used for food again.
  2. You should always work with gloves. Precisely in rubber ones, since they do not allow liquid to pass through and do not allow it to come into contact with the skin. When poison comes into contact with bare skin, it is unknown what reaction may result: either an allergy, or irritation, etc. Cloth gloves are in no case suitable, as they easily allow any liquid to pass through. If the product gets on your skin, wash the area thoroughly with soap, possibly several times.
  3. When baiting ants, especially if there is wind, you need to wear a respirator and goggles. Drops of the substance can get on your face, or even worse, in your mouth or eyes. If the solution gets into your eyes, you should immediately rinse them with clean hands with plenty of water.
  4. The solution is always used freshly prepared. If there is excess solution left after treatment, or all of it is not needed for any reason, it must be immediately poured into a separate latrine. Under no circumstances should you pour it anywhere on the ground. If, however, some part of the product, or an already prepared solution, ends up on the ground in a place where it should not have gone, this area can be sprinkled with a small amount of earth, allowed to soak in for a few minutes and then remove up to 15 cm of earth from this place with a shovel and also recycle.
  5. While cultivating the land, you should never drink, eat or even smoke at the same time. You can wait until the work is completed; it won’t take much time. Then you need to take off your dirty clothes, wash your hands and wash thoroughly, and only then approach food or water.
  6. You should always follow all instructions on the packaging. There is no point in inventing or listening to other people who may have done things differently.


As for compatibility with other pesticides, the manufacturer does not recommend mixing with other drugs in private farm conditions. However, on an ongoing basis, you can use “folk methods” of getting rid of ants - kerosene, boiling water, salt, “deadly” baits, repellent odors, hunting belts , etc.

Tips and recommendations for using the drug

  • The optimal time for use is early morning or late evening.
  • The maximum air temperature at which treatment is allowed is 25°C.
  • The weather should be calm.
  • After using the insecticide, manual treatment of the area is carried out no earlier than a week later.

"Anteater" is a new generation insecticide. It is harmless to humans, easy to use, effective against harmful insects, and affordable. It is also worth noting the high speed of action of the insecticide. The ants usually disappear within a few days.


Anteater from garden ants

There are different reviews about the Anteater.

There are ants in the greenhouse. The plants began to die, at first I couldn’t understand why. Then I discovered ant nests. I bought an Anteater ampoule and diluted it properly. Filled the holes in the nest. According to the manufacturers, the solution should work in 3 days. During this time I didn’t see any insects, I even felt ashamed of my actions that I began to exterminate innocent creatures. A week later I went into the greenhouse and gasped in surprise - there were even more ants.

Irina, Moscow

There are ants in the cracks in the foundation. We couldn’t decide for a long time what to use to poison the pests and what to do next with the foundation. We had to beat him a little, the holes were filled with solution. At first the insects rushed in different directions, then they calmed down and fell. The whole family died out in 3 hours. The product works almost instantly. It's inexpensive. But it should be remembered that it can also destroy other insects; it should be used in emergency cases.

Anna, Tver

A very effective product, I didn’t find any shortcomings, I recommend it to everyone. Convenient release form - 1 ampoule is enough to destroy an entire anthill. There were ants under the floor, pouring solution into the cracks. We bought Anteater Super. We forgot about the insect infestation within a week. After a while I had to treat the dacha plot, and the product also worked within a week.

Veronica, St. Petersburg

You can buy the product in a specialized store, hardware departments, or order online. The cost of an ampoule is within 20 rubles. If you cannot find this drug, you should pay attention to other effective remedies presented in the review.

Thuja western Danica - planting and care, description, photo

Reviews of the Anteater anti-ant product

Angelika Stanislavovna, Voronezh.

This summer, whole hordes of ants have chosen my rose garden. Over the course of a week, almost a third of the flowers suffered; the greatest damage was to branches with unopened buds. This was not only offensive, but also caused serious damage to my business, because I grow flowers for sale.

I asked my husband to bring some effective insecticide from the city. My husband brought me “Aardvark”, and one package was in the form of a pack of ampoules, and the second was with powder. I decided to try the powder first, but, unfortunately, I didn’t see much effect. But I was very pleased with the contents of the ampoules! The “killers” of my roses completely disappeared after 3 days. I didn't see them again. I recommend the Anteater product, but only in ampoules!

Valentina, Krasnodar.

Arriving at the dacha in the spring, I almost cried. The cherry tree that my father planted was covered in carpenter ants! I was always afraid to deal with insecticides, so I tried to fight insects with traditional methods, but the ants not only did not leave my favorite tree alone, but it seems, on the contrary, there were even more of them. Internally, I was already prepared for the fact that I would have to cut down the cherry tree when a neighbor advised me to try “Aardvark”. It turned out that she herself recently experienced the same “invasion” on her property, and this drug helped her save her garden from ants. I was afraid that after I used this remedy, I wouldn’t be able to eat cherries from the tree, but the adviser dispelled my fears. Indeed, “Aardeater” turned out to be safe!

Since I couldn’t find the anthill, I simply poured the solution on the ant path leading to the tree. A few days later, my cherry got rid of the ants that were destroying it. I recommend the effective insect repellent “Aardeater” to everyone!

Tatiana, Tomsk.

The summer turned out to be very hot and dry; we had to constantly travel to the site to water the plantings. But to top it all off, my carrot beds were attacked by garden ants! As soon as I noticed them, I immediately went to the store for an insecticide (I prefer to use them, I don’t really trust folk remedies), where I was advised to take “Aardeater”. I bought only one ampoule of this drug, because... According to the seller, the solution is one ml. (this is exactly the amount of chemical one ampoule holds) should be enough for an impressive plot of land. In the evening I prepared the solution and used it according to the instructions. A week later there were no more ants. I recommend the drug!

A little caution: use Anteater at least a month before harvest. This time is enough for the drug to completely decompose and become harmless.

Nuances of surface treatment

“Raptor” with a gel base guarantees effective destruction of pests, but at the same time it is completely harmless to people, pets, including birds. But if the farm has an apiary, bees must not be allowed into these places when treating with gel. If there is an aquarium in the house, then it is better to take the fish to a safe place during this time.

According to the instructions for “Raptor” (gel against cockroaches), before you start fighting pests, you should especially carefully clean the room. It is necessary to hide food securely, as cockroaches on their legs can leave poison on unclosed food.

Due to the fact that the gel is contained in a convenient tube - a container with a long thin spout, it is possible to apply the toxic substance to the most inaccessible places, where it is convenient and safe for insects to hide.

The product should be left in the places most frequented by cockroaches. Ease of use greatly increases the demand for this drug.


It is imperative, as the manufacturers advise, to apply the gel in a special way: with a dotted line, the length of which does not exceed 2 cm. It is convenient to apply the product on thick sheets of paper so as not to leave a toxic substance on the furniture and to protect children and pets. Although the product is washed off very easily and quickly, and does not leave any traces.

To calculate how many packages are needed, it is calculated that the package will be enough to process a room whose area is 10 m3.

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