The main host of Plasmodium falciparum. Life cycle and reproduction of malarial plasmodium

Malaria is an insidious disease that kills millions of people every year. Despite the existence of effective medications, treating the disease is not an easy task. The fact is that the causative agent of the infection is the parasitic microorganism Plasmodium malaria. Its development cycle is quite complex. For this reason, the disease can occur in a latent, chronic or acute form, and also have relapses.

In our publication we would like to talk about who is the intermediate and main host of the malarial plasmodium. We will also consider the reproduction features of the pathogen and its life cycle.

Malarial plasmodium: characteristics

The presented infectious agent belongs to the category of protozoan microorganisms of the genus Plasmodium. There are thousands of single-celled creatures in the world that belong to this genus. However, malaria is caused by only a few species, which are found in tropical areas of Asia and Africa.

All Plasmodium falciparum species are eukaryotes. In other words, the basis of their single-celled organism is the nucleus, in which all genetic information is stored. A specific feature is that the reproduction of malarial plasmodium occurs in human red blood cells. The parasite is characterized by all sorts of transformations, which can affect the state of the body of the carrier of the disease in the most unexpected way.

The life cycle of Plasmodium falciparum is quite complex. It often has a long period. This is due to the need of the parasite to change its development environment. We are talking about the movement of a microscopic infection in separate forms from the main to the intermediate host and back.


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As noted above, there are separate types of parasitic pathogens of the disease. Each form of infection can provoke the development of pathologies with its own specific characteristics. To avoid confusion when diagnosing and drawing up a treatment program, the following classification of malarial plasmodium has been developed:

  • Malariae-malaria is an infectious pathogen characterized by an incubation period of 4 days.
  • Plasmodium vivax is a three-day variant of malaria.
  • Plasmodium ovale is another form of the pathogen, when infected, the first symptoms appear within 3 days.
  • Falciparum is a tropical type of infection.
  • Plasmodium knowlesi is the most dangerous class of malaria pathogen, since in this case the phase of active reproduction of the parasite in the host’s blood begins after 24 hours.


The isolation of individual types of parasites began in 1880 by A. Laveran . Conducting multiple experiments, he came to the conclusion that in some patients malaria developed within 72 hours , while in others the cycle took only 48 hours . In this case, he suggested that there were several types of Plasmodium. There are about 6 types :

  1. Falciparum.
  2. Vivax.
  3. Ovale curtisi.
  4. Ovale Wallikeri.
  5. Malariae.
  6. Knowlesi.

The structure of the parasite

The development cycle of such a parasite is reflected in the structure of the malarial plasmodium. In the early stages, the infectious agent is presented in the form of so-called schizonts. This asexual form of the parasite has the appearance of a ring, which consists of a nucleus and rough cytoplasm surrounded by a vacuole. Subsequently, the microorganism develops pseudopods. A sexually mature malarial plasmodium lacks a vacuole, and the cytoplasm acquires a reddish tint due to the absorption of hemoglobin from the host’s blood.

General information

Adult trophozoites and schizonts resemble those of Plasmodium malariae (the pigment is in the form of individual large grains, schizonts occupy most of the red blood cells, the shape is round, pseudopodia and vacuoles are absent, the nuclei are large and irregular in shape).

Red blood cells containing Plasmodium ovale rings almost do not change in size, with the exception of red blood cells containing 2 or more rings. At the mature trophozoite stage, red blood cells enlarge, become discolored, and in some, granularity becomes visible (large, few grains of a dark red color). In approximately 1/3 of the affected red blood cells, the shape changes. In thin areas of the smear, individual red blood cells have an oval shape, which gave the name to the pathogen, and one end of the red blood cell stretches and becomes fringed. In the thick part of the smear, some red blood cells take on a round, star-shaped shape.

The morula contains 8-12 large merozoites, arranged randomly around a pile of pigment. All stages of development of the Plasmodium ovale parasite can be detected in peripheral blood.

The most characteristic differences between Plasmodium ovale and Plasmodium malariae are: the presence of several parasites in one erythrocyte with a generally small number of them in the preparation, a random arrangement of merozoites in the morula, changes in the affected erythrocytes (enlargement, discoloration, granularity, oval-elongated shape, fringe or stellation edges).

Changes in red blood cells may make it difficult to differentiate Plasmodium ovale from Plasmodium vivax. The most characteristic differences for Plasmodium ovale are the presence of several parasites in the erythrocyte with an overall small number of them in the preparation; the shape of the affected red blood cells; long-term preservation of the vacuole and ring-shaped structure in the absence of characteristic outgrowths (pseudopods); absence of young trophozoids of bizarre shape; larger sizes of nuclei and more intense coloring.

Life cycle

What are the stages of the life cycle of Plasmodium falciparum? Before forming into an adult organism capable of reproduction, such a parasite exists in several intermediate forms. First, human blood becomes infected with microscopic sporangia of an infectious pathogen through a mosquito bite. Then the formation of sexually mature individuals of malarial plasmodium in the body of the intermediate host is observed. The consequence may be the division of mature unicellular organisms or their return to the mosquito, which acts as the main host. In general, the life cycle of Plasmodium involves a periodic change of host.

Main owner

To form a sporogonium capable of reproduction, the malarial plasmodium must enter the body of a female Anopheles mosquito, which lives in the tropical regions of the planet. It is these insects that act as the main host of malarial plasmodium.

Inside the mosquito's body, the microscopic parasite divides, during which independent female and male cells are formed. Each of them has one set of chromosomes. When gametes of individual sexes fuse, cells with a complete chromosome complement are formed. The latter are presented in the form of elongated zygotes. They are extremely mobile, which allows them to penetrate into the tissues of the mosquito’s body, where new incubator cells are formed, covered with a protective membrane. Hundreds of sporangia develop in such containers. After maturation, the walls of the incubator are torn. Single-celled parasites begin to move to the salivary glands of their main host. The malarial plasmodium subsequently seeks to enter the human body.

Intermediate host

The main host of Plasmodium falciparum, which is the mosquito, transmits the causative agents of the disease to humans during a bite. Microscopic parasites quickly spread through the bloodstream throughout the body, concentrating in the liver tissues. Here the stage of asexual reproduction is activated. The result is the formation of so-called merozoites, which infect red blood cells, actively absorb hemoglobin and multiply intensively.

Subsequently, the parasite leaves the red blood cells. It forms digestive vacuoles where nutrients are concentrated. During the processing of food by a pathogenic microorganism, toxins are formed that enter the blood along with the products of its vital activity.

The above stages are repeated periodically. During such cyclical processes, unpleasant symptoms of the disease appear, from which the intermediate host begins to suffer. The malarial plasmodium eventually reaches the apogee of its development, transforming into gametocytes. With the next mosquito bite, the parasites in the presented form penetrate back into the insect’s body, where they return to active sexual reproduction.

Features of the organization of Protozoa

Plasmodium is a representative of the most primitive group of animals - the subkingdom Unicellular or Protozoa. They are characterized by the following signs:

  • the body consists of one cell, which performs the functions of the whole organism;
  • presence of a core;
  • lack of a dense cell wall;
  • movement with the help of specialized structures: cilia, pseudopods, flagella;
  • the presence of digestive and contractile vacuoles;
  • gas exchange through the cell surface;
  • sexual and asexual reproduction.

How is malarial plasmodium detected in the blood?

To detect a parasitic infection, a blood sample is examined under a microscope. The sample is taken from a person's finger in a standard way. A smear is then applied to a sterile glass slide. A specialist examines under magnification traces of the presence of malarial plasmodium in any form. The compliance of red blood cell parameters to normal is also monitored. After all, when infected by the malarial plasmodium pathogen, they change not only their shape and size, but also their shade.

Signs of damage to the body by malarial plasmodium

When a tropical mosquito, the final host of Plasmodium falciparum and a vector of infection, infects a person, the disease does not immediately make itself felt. Signs of the parasite's vital activity appear after the incubation period has passed, which often lasts just over a week.

The development of malaria is most acutely felt at the moment when infectious pathogens leave the red blood cells. During this period, the person begins to suffer from fever. A clear sign of the presence of the disease is a significant increase in body temperature, which is accompanied by chills and a feeling of heat. Those infected often fall into delirium caused by severe attacks of headache.

Over time, the above signs of malaria development fade away. Body temperature decreases. Subsequently, the intermediate host of the parasitic infection weakens. However, after some time, the unpleasant symptoms return again. Without proper treatment, destructive changes occur in the structure of the liver and spleen. The body of the infection carrier becomes exhausted. Often, the rapid progression of the disease without adequate help leads to death.

Methods for eliminating infection

The most effective pharmacological agent, the active substances of which slow down the vital processes of malarial plasmodium in the human body, is the drug quinine. The parasitic infection is also low resistant to the substance artemisinin, which is synthesized from the wormwood plant.

To relieve the main symptoms of the disease, the drug primaquine is often prescribed. It is also used for the final destruction of sporangia of the infectious agent in the body.

As you can see, there are several pharmacological drugs to combat Plasmodium falciparum. Despite the availability of drugs on the market, epidemics of the disease are still quite common in tropical regions of the planet. The reason is often the reluctance of the population of underdeveloped countries to use drug treatment, despite the fact that the costs of purchasing effective drugs are often insignificant.

There is also immunity to malaria

  • " Innate immunity ". Intermediate carriers with a genetic indicator show some resistance to parasites.
  • " Acquired active immunity ". It appears only when a person has had this disease. The level of immunoglobulins increases.
  • " Acquired passive immunity" . It appears when ready-made antibodies are introduced into the body.


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  • Parasitic diseases of horses / A.I. Yatusevich [and others]. – Mn., 1999. – 78 p.
  • Kaplich, V.M. Gnus and measures to combat it in Belarus / V.M. Kaplich, A.I. Yatusevich, M.V. Skulovets. – Mn.: Urajai, 1994. – 120 p.
  • Dubina, I.N. Guidelines for the diagnosis of larval cestodiasis in animals / I.N. Club. – Vitebsk: VGAVM, 2008. – 39 p.
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Prevention of Plasmodium falciparum infection

The main preventive measure to prevent the spread of malaria is the destruction of the tropical Anopheles mosquito, which acts as the final host and carrier of the infection. Without such insects, the microscopic parasite simply does not have the opportunity to begin and complete its life cycle.

In order to protect against the bites of malaria mosquitoes, they often resort to the use of concentrated repellents. When staying in potentially dangerous areas, it is recommended to wear clothes that cover exposed areas of the body and use mosquito nets.

If you plan to travel to places where there is a possibility of infection with malarial plasmodium, prophylactic use of medications such as Chloroquine, Delagil, Rezoquin, which are available in tablets, is required. The action of these drugs is based on slowing down the synthesis of nucleic acids in the body, which leads to inhibition of the vital activity of the infectious agent. It is advisable to take pills for preventive purposes for another month after leaving a potentially dangerous region.

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