Chickens of the Brekel breed - features of keeping and breeding

Brekel chickens are one of the oldest egg-laying birds. It is difficult to establish the true and exact origin of the breed; there are opinions that Brekels were created thanks to aboriginal breeds. The birds were popular in Belgium for several years. Brekel is also called Campin; they are endowed with decorative characteristics, therefore they are in great demand among breeders.

Brekel Brekel silver (rooster and chicken)

Rooster and hen of the breed Brekel golden

History of the breed

The history of the origin of chickens goes back a long way. Until now, no one has been able to find out how old Brekel is. The same situation is observed with the area where they were bred. Many historians believe that Brekel chickens first appeared in Belgium and are descendants of indigenous birds.

Records have been found that say that the Brekel cross has been popular in our country for more than 600 years. Records describe this breed from the early 15th century.

At the end of the 19th century, a club for chicken lovers was opened in Nederbrekel. After 1 year, poultry farmers insisted on creating an official bird standard. Based on this data, poultry farmers classify Brekel as a Belgian chicken.

According to historical information, it is known that crosses were created in order to obtain a large number of eggs with white shells. In the 20th century, due to the World Wars, the number of Brekel birds decreased significantly. In the 80s of the 20th century, only 5 Brekel individuals were found in their homeland.

Poultry farmers did not despair and revived the breed in a special club. At the end of the 20th century, a book was published telling about the content of crosses. In this century, the demand for birds has fallen slightly; Brekel has been replaced by new, more productive crosses. But there are quite a few lovers of this breed, since Belgian birds have a large number of advantages.

Features of reproduction

Natural instincts and pack formation

Brekels are characterized by an active lifestyle. Chickens find it difficult to sit in one place, so they lack parental instinct. Laying hens are not able to hatch eggs. It is impossible to raise a mother hen. Hens do not care for newborn chicks. But they can easily handle older chickens.

The young grow quickly and become stronger. Brood mortality is low. Plumage occurs early. Because of this, the stamina of chickens is high.

For positive fertilization, a balance is maintained between roosters and hens: for every 7-10 hens there is 1 male. Layed eggs are taken from the hens immediately after hatching. Small eggs are left for consumption, large ones - for breeding.

Proper incubator and egg selection

To incubate eggs, specialized devices are used to make the work of farmers easier. The incubator has ventilation, an independent operation mode, and is equipped with temperature and humidity sensors. The device with automatic egg turning is easy to use.

Eggs are taken from healthy, strong chickens. Upon visual inspection, the testicles do not contain chips, cracks or other defects. Eggs are taken fresh, no more than 7 days.

They are first examined with an ovoscope to determine the presence and location of the yolk. It should be in the center, and there should be an empty area at the blunt end of the egg. To disinfect eggs, soak them in a manganese solution.

Incubation stages

Before laying eggs, the incubator is heated to 35-38 degrees. The eggs are placed on the nets with the blunt side up. Marks are made on them, and the start date of incubation is recorded.

In the first week - a stable temperature of 37 degrees, humidity - 55-65%. From the fourth day, the eggs are constantly ventilated and turned over every 2-3 hours.

In the first days of the second week: temperature 37 degrees, humidity – 40-50%. Turn the eggs twice a day until they hatch.

From the 12th day ovoscoping is carried out in order to select non-developing chicks. A dead embryo resembles an uneven spot and is located close to the shell.

A normal embryo begins to hatch on the 24th day of incubation. The temperature at this time is 39 degrees, humidity 70%. The chicks hatch approximately on the 25th day. The babies remain in the incubator until completely dry. For some days, 24-hour light is required.

Selection of young chicks

After a week of life, the chicks are culled. Signs of healthy birds: an overgrown umbilical cord without blood or dirt, pronounced fluff. The beak is without irregularities, the wings are of regular shape. The chicks are active, react to movements and sounds.

Newly hatched chickens are placed in prepared cages with straw. For healthy growth and a strong body, the chicks are fed with crushed cottage cheese, herbs, and pureed boiled eggs. A solution of glucose, fish oil and yeast will help strengthen the immune system of chickens.

Main features and characteristics

Representatives of the Brekel breed are egg breeders. They are distinguished by strong immunity and resistance to many diseases. Individuals quickly get used to a new area, so they can be transported from place to place.


The appearance of the birds is recognizable; many poultry farmers keep them not only because of their high egg production, but also because of their decorative appearance. Representatives of Brekel are of strong build and short in stature.

The main characteristics of birds:

  • the body is small, low, set horizontally;
  • the belly is bulging;
  • the wings are well developed and fit tightly to the body;
  • paws are small, gray in color, legs are poorly developed;
  • the neck is small, the plumage is massive;
  • head of medium size, with a pronounced scallop;
  • massive forehead;
  • the beak is strong and sharp;
  • silver Brekel is a color of black and white feathers;
  • the earlobes are blue, the earrings and crest are bright scarlet;
  • the young are born black.

The difference between a rooster and a chicken

Newly born young animals are not very different from each other. They can only be distinguished in adolescence. Signs of a male: the crest is large and erect, with 5-6 petals. In chickens it is much smaller, and even slightly tilted to the side.

They differ in the dimensions of the tail; roosters have massive plumage and have hanging braids; laying hens have a miniature fan. The male is large and muscular, the females are thinner and more fragile. The male has a large collar on his neck; hens boast smooth, close-fitting plumage.

Brekel breed rooster

Brekel chicken

Puberty and egg production

Brekel birds are distinguished by early maturation and rapid growth. According to statistics, laying hens rarely show excellent productivity characteristics. Already at 4 months of age, laying hens begin to lay eggs; after a month, females completely “master” this business.

Egg production rates are average, even if the poultry farmer uses food to improve egg laying, laying hens still lay about 200 eggs per year. The shell is white.

Hatching instinct

Only purebred breeds of birds possess maternal instinct; hybrids and crosses cannot boast of this; Brekel birds are no exception. I would like to watch how “mothers” run around with their “children,” but alas.

Laying hens have a poorly developed maternal instinct; poultry farmers cannot place them on eggs, so breeders have to use hens of other breeds. An incubator helps a lot. Features of incubating chicken eggs are described here.


The main feature of the birds’ character is their pronounced rebellious disposition. They are impulsive and cocky, they fight very often, and they cannot stand birds of other species, even other breeds of chickens. The roosters begin to fight among each other; the ladies do not take part in this action.

Another feature of the breed is that males never offend females, only if by accident. In addition to excessive impulsiveness, birds have a lively and active interest in the environment, and sometimes their curiosity leads to injury.

Due to the excessive curiosity of laying hens, the poultry farmer must completely fence off the walking yard so that they cannot climb over it and damage the owner’s garden.

Tendency to disease

Birds boast strong immunity; they do not get sick from many diseases. However, birds have difficulty surviving smallpox and salmonellosis. Modern veterinary medicine has created reliable vaccines against these diseases. If vaccinations are done on time and all sanitary conditions are met, then the likelihood of males and females becoming infected is small.

Another disease that can attack birds is inflammation of the oviduct. There is a possibility of infection because birds are characterized by an early onset of egg production. To prevent this problem from arising, experienced poultry farmers purposefully set dietary restrictions and reduce daylight hours 2 months before puberty.

Feeding birds


Brekels are unpretentious eaters. Chickens are fed three times a day at certain times. In summer, the daytime meal is skipped, as the chickens themselves find food in the pasture.

The diet consists of natural products and combined feeds. The first type of food includes all types of greens, grains, beans, and vegetables. Fish or bone meal is mixed into food.

In the morning, the brekels are given wet feed mixed with grain. During the day, chickens prefer a mash of beans, herbs and vegetables. In the evening, chickens eat a dry mixture of grains and grass.

The grass is harvested and dried for winter. To improve the egg production of brekels, calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin B supplements are used. They are contained in charcoal, salt, and yeast.

The diet must include shell rock and fine gravel. These components have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract of brekels.

Nutrition rules and consumption standards

Nutrition becomes more intense during molting, in winter and when laying hens. Make sure that the food is always fresh, prepared from unspoiled products.

Leftover food is removed after half an hour. Vitamins are added to laying hens. To improve the productivity of chickens, eggshells, pine flour, and vegetables are mixed into the diet.

Chickens' food should be warm. Hot food will burn the Brekels' stomach, and insufficiently heated food will cause indigestion. In winter, food quickly reaches a comfortable temperature, so it is served hot. This also applies to water.

Table of daily feeding rates by season:

Conditions of detention and care

Brekels are active birds, so they need a lot of space. Cage keeping is not suitable, nor are closed, narrow enclosures suitable. For 1 sq. m place 2 laying hens.

Birds love to fly, so the ceiling should be at least 2 m, then the birds will be able to stretch their wings and take off. For the summer season, it is better to equip a walking yard with grass and shrubs. The area is fenced off with a net; it is better to make something like a roof on top; you can use wood or slate.

Birds need a roof to prevent them from flying away from the coop, and it also protects birds from rain and bright sunlight. The bottom of the chicken coop is reinforced with bricks to prevent various rodents from approaching the chickens. For the same purpose, the floors in the chicken coop are raised 0.4 m from the ground and a flooring is constructed from thick boards (0.15-0.2 m).

Chickens can easily withstand frost, but you should take care of warmth, otherwise egg production will be significantly reduced. Sudden temperature changes are especially dangerous because they deteriorate the quality of eggs. Our other article will tell you more about how to increase egg production in winter.

Birds can be kept in a chicken coop at a temperature of +15 degrees. The indicator can be reduced to +12 degrees Celsius, but this is already associated with certain risks. Wall surfaces are treated with insulation and checked daily for cracks and holes. To avoid drafts, you can build a vestibule leading to the main “room” of the birds.

The air vent is responsible for high-quality ventilation. To prevent bacteria from multiplying in the chicken coop and moisture from accumulating, it is better to ventilate the room while the birds are walking in the walking yard. Special attention should be paid to the floor covering; it is better to make it from clay, and lay straw and sawdust on top. In winter, you can pour peat on top and install heaters.

If you put straw on the ground in the walking yard, you can walk the birds at temperatures down to -10 degrees Celsius. Perches of various sizes are installed in the chicken coop. Both young and adult birds love to climb on them.

The nests are placed in the corner; they can stand separately from each other, or they can be a multi-tiered cabinet with ladders. Straw is placed in the nests, the size is from 0.4 to 0.5 m. As for containers for food and water, they are installed in one place and are not rearranged. How to build a roost for chickens - read here.

You can install a special compartment in the chicken coop for storing available equipment: shovels, troughs, etc.

Poultry house sanitation consists of regular cleaning: replacing bedding, ventilating the room. Containers for food and water are washed and treated daily; leftover food is not kept in them. From time to time, the poultry house is whitewashed with lime to prevent fungi, bacteria and parasites from multiplying.

Be sure to install ash baths; birds use them to clean their feathers from insects. During the summer season, such containers are placed outside.

It is important to keep the coop clean and dry. Roofs are built sloping, gutters are installed, walls and floor coverings are treated with impregnations to prevent water from entering the room. To eliminate excess moisture, it is better to make the floor at an angle; the water will begin to flow into one place, and it will be much easier to remove it. Find out how to make a chicken coop yourself according to all the requirements in this article.

Daylight hours for birds are 16 hours. During the daytime and summer, windows provide assistance, and in winter, artificial lighting is necessary.

Feeding and diet

Newly born chicks are fed boiled eggs with semolina. Fish oil, yeast, ascorbic acid, bone and meat-and-bone meal are given as useful elements. Gradually, adult products are added to the menu; by 1.5 months, the young animals are transferred to adult feeding.

Up to 60 days, the chicks are fed 4 times a day, then the amount of food is reduced by 15%. When the young animals are just born, they need to be fed every 2 hours, then the number of meals is reduced.

Adults are fed 3 times a day, the interval between meals is 6 hours. Minerals are added to the diet: calcium, phosphorus and sodium, and vitamins are also needed.

In the morning it is better to give wet mash, as it is quickly digested and after a while the chickens will want to eat again; in the evening there is no need to give such a dish. To improve productivity, they need to add eggshells, vegetables and pine flour to the menu. Laying hens enjoy eating wet mash consisting of a mixture of feed and vegetables. You will find more information about feeding laying hens in the following article.

In winter, the amount of food is increased; bowls with shells or pebbles are placed next to containers with food; they help the gastrointestinal tract digest food faster. Water should always be fresh and clean.

Shedding season

Molting is a common phenomenon, there is no need to be afraid of it, birds do not experience pain or discomfort during this period. Old feathers fall away, new ones appear.

During this period, laying hens suffer from increased sensitivity - hens freeze and need more micronutrients, which are spent on restoring plumage.

During the molting season, laying hens stop laying eggs because the body is already too overloaded, and if egg laying does not stop, then the death of the female is not far away.


Feathered crosses need a free chicken coop with a walking yard. Individuals are unpretentious, so they can be kept in a small personal household. To prevent chickens from developing health problems, birds are given mandatory vaccinations at the age of 2 months.

They are not afraid of diseases associated with colds. When freezing, chickens can freeze their combs and earrings, which leads to a decrease in productive characteristics. In general, breeding Brekel birds does not cause much trouble. There are enough eggs and bird meat for your own small farm; breeding such a breed on an industrial scale is not justified.

For propagation, it is better to use incubators that can maintain optimal temperature conditions. You can also place eggs under laying hens of other breeds. For breeding, use only high-quality and large eggs.


Brekel is not susceptible to viral or colds, but if hypothermic, it can easily freeze its comb and earrings. This will lead to a decrease in productivity.

  • Parasites
  • Infectious
  • Other

Chicken mite

How to treat a chicken coop and how to treat a bird. Description of drugs and methods of control



Thirst, loss of appetite, swelling, bloody droppings, anemia, weakness, poor coordination



Loss of appetite, liquid droppings, pale mucous membranes of the comb, limbs, ruffled plumage, lethargy, vomiting



Symptoms of the acute form: apathy, general weakness, decreased or lack of appetite, breathing problems, unsteady gait, retarded growth and development



Decreased mobility, loss of appetite, unsteady gait, bloating, fever, impaired egg laying, exhaustion


Knemidocoptic mange (“lime foot”)

Acute symptoms: light gray bumps appear on the legs, the bird limps and stands on one leg, the cloaca and joints become inflamed, the beak is deformed



Symptoms: indigestion, diarrhea, loss of appetite, lethargy, decreased egg production, retarded growth and development



Symptoms of the acute form: fever, depression and loss of appetite, diarrhea with gas bubbles and a putrid odor, enlarged goiter, difficulty breathing and swallowing


Pullorosis (typhoid fever, salmonellosis)

Weakness, lack of coordination, drooping eyelids, difficulty breathing, lack of appetite, indigestion



Lack of appetite, thirst, sudden increase in temperature, pale scallops, diarrhea



Fever, foamy mucus, change in stool color, refusal to feed, thirst, lethargy, wheezing, heavy breathing


Marek's disease

Paralysis of the limbs, difficulty breathing, severe exhaustion and loss of strength, refusal of food and water, pallor of the scallop


Gumboro disease

Diarrhea, loss of appetite, trembling legs and head, sudden death



Weakness, swelling of the neck, difficulty breathing, cough, wheezing, blood clots in the mucus released when coughing, lack of appetite, indigestion


Bird flu

Refusal to eat, anorexia, diarrhea, purulent discharge, hoarse breathing, greenish-brown droppings, seizures, darkening of the ridge


Newcastle disease

Decreased appetite, fever, respiratory distress, immobility, conjunctivitis, bloody diarrhea



Complete or partial absence of plumage, loss of tail feathers, broken embryonic fuzz in young animals, delayed growth of plumage, pecking



Plucking and eating feathers. What is the reason, why does it require urgent intervention and how to prevent the disease?


Yolk peritonitis

Symptoms of the acute form: loss of appetite, gray-green color of feces, sudden drop in egg production, calcareous deposits on the shell, bluish tint and baldness of the abdominal skin



Symptoms: depressed state, decreased appetite, weight loss, increased need for water, loss of plumage, inflammation and bulging of the cloaca, the presence of ulcers on the mucous membrane, decreased egg production


Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

Before you start breeding this cross chicken, you need to familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of the breed.

Advantages of the Brekel breed:

  • decorative appearance – the beautiful appearance of birds pleases the eye and decorates the yard;
  • juicy and tender meat - I especially like the aftertaste, the product serves as a festive dish;
  • high egg production - the number of eggs is sufficient both for personal use and for sale;
  • stable productivity – egg production year-round (except for the molting period);
  • low maintenance - can be bred in any climate, building a chicken coop is not difficult;
  • simple diet;
  • opportunity to walk birds in winter.

Disadvantages of the Brekel breed:

  • impulsive and aggressive disposition, vindictiveness;
  • lack of maternal instinct.

There are significantly fewer disadvantages; with such a set of advantages, you can easily raise a large number of Brekel chickens, bringing a high-quality product to the owner.


Silver Brekel is bred only in an incubator, as the breed has completely lost its maternal instinct.

Table of temperature and humidity modes

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