An overview of what earth fleas look like and where they come from: habitats, development and nutritional features, what is the danger, instructions on how to fight

Having pets is not the only reason why fleas appear in your home. Practice shows that they settle not only in private houses, but also in apartments in multi-storey buildings. Although insects are called earth insects, some species are true bloodsuckers that feed on the blood of not only animals, but also people.

The body of these insects reaches a length of five millimeters. It is covered with bristles and flattened on the sides. Due to the structure of their body, fleas are able to firmly adhere to any vertical surfaces, fur, and folds of clothing. Insects have a powerful hind pair of legs. This allows you to make fairly high jumps.

Causes of earth fleas

There are several main ways fleas enter a home:

  • Fleas enter first-floor apartments and private houses from the basement, through the smallest cracks in the floor;
  • Pets walking through the grass pick up parasites, bringing them into the house;
  • Often fleas are brought in by people themselves on their clothes;
  • If one of the apartments of a multi-storey building is heavily infested, insects, in search of a larger area, crawl into neighboring apartments;
  • Rodents (mice, rats, hamsters) are also carriers of fleas;
  • Fleas can enter an apartment through an open door.

Dampness is the main factor influencing the appearance of fleas. This is a favorable environment for parasites, allowing them to live comfortably and actively reproduce. Insects also love warmth, so they can often be found in well-heated rooms in winter. If, in addition to this, the home does not meet hygienic and sanitary standards, you can be sure that fleas will definitely appear in this place.

Fleas do not need to be constantly on their prey. Having had their fill of blood, they are able to hide for a long time in baseboards and other secluded places.

( Video: “How to get rid of fleas in a house or apartment quickly, effectively and safely”)

Social structure and reproduction

Photo: Little flea

Life cycle details are available for only a few flea species. They have four life stages - egg, larva, pupa and adult. Pearly white, oval eggs are laid on the body, nest, or habitat of the host animal.

The larva is small and legless and feeds on organic debris such as dried excrement, dried pieces of skin, dead mites or dried blood found in the host's nest. Adult fleas quickly pass freshly absorbed blood through the intestines to produce feces to feed their babies, which is necessary for the successful metamorphosis of some species of flea larvae.

After three (in rare cases two) molts, the larva unwinds a silk cocoon, which includes debris from the nest and enters the pupal stage. The pupa develops into an adult after a few days or months. Some species may enter a developmental arrest at the end of the pupal stage and will not become adults until a host emerges. Depending on the species or environmental conditions, the time required for a flea to complete its life cycle varies from two weeks to several months.

Interesting fact: The lifespan of an adult flea ranges from a few weeks (for example, Echidnophaga gallinacea) to a year or more (Pulex allerans).

The life cycle of the European rabbit flea (Spilopsyllus cuniculi) and its host are perfectly synchronized. Sexual development of male and female fleas is directly controlled by the rabbit's sex hormones. Thus, the eggs of a female flea only mature successfully if she feeds on a pregnant rabbit.

When young rabbits are born, both sexes of fleas mature and leave a mother for the chicks and a nest where they copulate and lay eggs, thus providing the flea larvae with a suitable habitat for development. If the female rabbit's sex hormones are artificially controlled by the administration of a synthetic progestin (contraceptives), the female flea's sexual development is also stopped.

Although a similar case among other flea species is not yet known, it has been documented that rat fleas are less fertile when fed on infant mice than on their parents, and that the mouse flea (Leptopsylla segnis) is more fertile when reared in larger family units. than in individual adult mice. It is therefore likely that the influence of host hormones is more widespread than expected.

Why are earth fleas dangerous?

It all depends on the type of parasite.
Of course, there are earth fleas that feed on blood. In our region, herbivorous fleas are most often found, but they are not dangerous to humans. But they are capable of causing serious damage to the crop. During the dry season, pests attack cultivated plants, sucking the juice out of them. This leads to dehydration and death of the plants. The main symptoms of the appearance of earthen fleas in the garden plot:

  • dark spots on leaves;
  • plant leaves are completely eaten away;
  • holes appear on the stems;
  • a seemingly healthy plant suddenly dries up;
  • clusters of small bugs can be seen on the inflorescences.

As for the home, when pests get here they attack indoor plants. Ground fleas can be found on harvested crops, but they do not feed on the fruit, so there is no need to worry about this.

Fleas, like any other parasites, can be carriers of diseases dangerous to humans. Therefore, when insects are found in the house, it is necessary to urgently take measures to destroy them.

What earth fleas look like (photo)

Earth flea bites on humans

Due to the small size of fleas, without a microscope it is impossible to determine what type of parasite is in your home. People often notice fleas biting their legs. This means that you have a type of parasite that feeds on blood. These fleas are universal. For example, the rat flea parasitizes not only rodents. It can attack pets and humans.

Once inside a home, parasites leave the body of their victim, hiding in basements and other secluded places. When hungry, the insects go hunting again. If possible, they attack not only animals, but also people.

Danger of insects

Earth flea bites are far from harmless. On the contrary, they pose a great danger to humans. First of all, it is severe itching and allergic reactions. Even anaphylactic shock cannot be ruled out. Bite wounds can fester and eczema forms in their place. Infection is also possible .

In addition, fleas carry dangerous, fatal diseases . These are typhus, plague, hepatitis, encephalitis, salmonellosis. Fleas are also carriers of helminths: cucumber tapeworm, nematodes, and toxocara. Added to this is sleep disturbance due to fear of bites, the inability to invite guests, and, as a result, extreme stress.

In case of bites, you should never scratch them to avoid infection. First, the wounds should be washed with soap and water. Then treat with an antiseptic, for example Chlorhexidine. To eliminate swelling and itching, use antigestamines and ointments. In particularly serious cases, you should consult a doctor.

For animals, flea bites are no less dangerous. Small dogs or kittens can even die from parasite bites. Animals scratch itchy areas and can cause infection.

Controlling parasites in the home

Regardless of what type of fleas you have in your home, these parasites must be dealt with. If no measures are taken, they will soon multiply, which will lead to severe infection of the house. Naturally, in this case, the fight against parasites will be difficult and lengthy.

There are special chemicals designed to combat these parasites. Also, in some cases, you can use folk remedies. Regardless of which option you use, you need to make some preliminary preparations:

Determine where fleas are coming from to prevent further infiltration;

Block all routes through which parasites can enter your home;

Wash all items at high temperatures.

Where does the flea live?

Photo: Cat flea

Native flea species are found in polar, temperate and tropical regions. Fleas, especially Xenopsylla cheopis, are considered the main carriers of murine (endemic) typhus, a rickettsial disease of humans. The source of infection are rats and mice. Fleas are considered important for the maintenance and spread of many locally limited infections among rodents and other mammals, including tularemia and Russian spring-summer encephalitis.

Fleas transmit myxomatosis, a viral disease of rabbits, which is used deliberately to control rabbits in areas where they are a serious pest (eg Australia). Fleas are likely carriers of canine filarial worms and serve as intermediate hosts for the common tapeworm (Dipylidium caninum) in dogs and cats and sometimes children. If the infestation is severe, animals may be seriously injured or killed by flea bites and may lose blood as a result. Fleas are susceptible to parasitism from external mites, internal nematode worms, as well as bacterial, fungal and protozoan infections.

The female piercing flea burrows into the skin of its host, usually on the legs, and lives in a cyst that forms around it. Severe itching accompanies the development and expansion of the cyst, as the belly of a pregnant flea grows to the size of a pea; secondary infections can present serious complications.

Now you know where fleas are found and how to deal with them. Let's see what they eat.

Remedies for earthen fleas

The following are widely popular:

  • "Sinoisan";
  • "Effective Ultra";
  • "Biorin";
  • "Chlorpyrimark."

These remedies have long proven their effectiveness. They come in the form of sprays, aerosols, powders or crayons. There are also other poisons that can quickly solve your problem:

  • Preparations containing pyrethrin will help you quickly get rid of parasites. Such drugs have a paralytic effect. They have a negative effect on the nervous system of insects, which leads to rapid death. Such poisons include permethrin, phenothrin.
  • Karbofos and dichlorvos are organophosphorus agents. They are designed to treat many surfaces in a residential building.
  • Imidacloprid has a nerve-paralytic effect. This substance stops the functioning of all vital organs of the insect.

If pets live in the house, most likely they are the main sources of infection. Therefore, they also need to be processed. To do this, you can use gentle drugs, which include Fipronil, Selamictin, Metaflumizone.

Folk remedies for fleas in the house

If you managed to detect the infection in the initial stages, perhaps folk methods of combating this parasite will help you:

  1. Table salt or baking soda.
  2. Wormwood and other herbs with a pungent odor.
  3. Garlic.
  4. Peels of citrus products.
  5. Brewer's yeast.
  6. Coniferous or pine shavings.

The pungent aroma of these products has a negative effect on many parasites, including fleas. Although this will not kill the insects, it will force them to leave your home.


Also, modern medicine offers a large number of different ointments that help against bites of small fleas, which can be identified from the photo. They promote accelerated regeneration of the skin, relieve itching and other unpleasant sensations that occur after bites.


Fenistil has a wide range of actions, including antipruritic. The composition of the drug contains dimethindene maleate, which blocks histamine H1 receptors. They are the ones that cause skin reactions such as itching, redness, and rash. Before treating the skin with this drug, it is necessary to lubricate it with some kind of antiseptic. Or at least wash it under water with antibacterial soap. Fenistil should be spread in a thin layer, then a bandage should be applied. It will start working in a couple of minutes and you will feel immediate relief. The drug is contraindicated for babies under one year of age.


Another effective ointment that helps against flea bites and other blood-sucking parasites. It not only eliminates allergic reactions and itching, but also relieves irritation, swelling, and has an analgesic effect. Diphenhydramine has two release forms:

  • Psilo-balm – gel;
  • Dermadrin - ointment.

These drugs are based on an emulsion that has a cooling effect. It can last for several hours. The product should be applied in a thin layer using a smoothing action. It is instantly absorbed into the skin and does not leave a sticky film.

Hydrocortisone ointment.

Hydrocortisone ointment is a universal drug. It is able to stop an allergic reaction and has antipruritic and anti-inflammatory effects. This drug has a cream-like consistency, so it is absorbed very well. To achieve a sustainable result, 2-3 applications are enough. But the drug has several contraindications. Thus, it cannot be used on children under two years of age, pregnant women, and for viral or fungal skin lesions.


Sinaflan is an analogue of hydrocortisone, which is also used externally. However, the composition contains glucocorticoid hormones, so it cannot be used by everyone. The product is prohibited for use by pregnant and lactating children, babies under one year old, with cancer, tuberculosis, and trophic ulcers. The product has antipruritic, decongestant and antiallergic effects, therefore it alleviates the condition of bites from fleas, wasps, mosquitoes and other insects.

The preparations must be used twice a day on clean skin. A thin layer is enough for the medicine to work. It is recommended to apply a bandage to the treated skin. If the affected area continues to hurt and is very swollen, you should urgently make an appointment with a therapist.

Methods of controlling parasites

Not everyone understands how to properly deal with earthen fleas that have settled in the house. There are several methods of disinfestation.

  1. Treating your home with insecticides. This method is very labor-intensive, but most effective. It is used by sanitary and epidemiological services.
  2. Freezing. The method is effective in the winter season. The fact is that fleas die at temperatures from -20 degrees, so they will be destroyed in a few hours. You just need to insulate the water supply and heating pipes to prevent a break.
  3. Exposure to heat. This method requires special equipment and is therefore carried out only by professionals. The processing temperature must be at least +45 degrees so that all insects die.

Most often, owners of infested apartments also use insecticides to get rid of fleas that have infested the house. You can see from the photo how small they are, but it’s not easy to get them out. Hardware stores sell a large number of available drugs, which come in several forms:

  • gels. These are very effective drugs whose task is to repel parasites. Drops of the drug should be placed at an equal distance from each other. Gels can be squeezed onto the floor or onto paper;
  • concentrates. They must be diluted with water to avoid poisoning. The prepared solution should be poured into a spray bottle, then treat all places where parasites often appear;
  • powders. They also need to be scattered evenly along the walls in places favored by insects;
  • sprays. The most popular form of insecticide. Processing must be carried out indoors. It is important not to miss the slightest gap, otherwise the procedure will have to be repeated;
  • crayons. Used on almost all surfaces;
  • traps. Special devices that lure insects with their smell, after which they kill them or make them unable to move.

Before carrying out chemical treatment, you need to do a wet cleaning in all rooms, remove and wash curtains and curtains. Using a disinfectant, wash all floors, vacuum rugs, carpets, and sofas. If you have pets, they should be removed from the house. Of all kinds of sprays, the following have proven themselves well: “Epair”, “Raptor”, “Dichlorvos”, “Raid”, “Effective Ultra”. Take:

  • Raptor aerosol (or other insect repellent).

Wear gloves while processing. It is also necessary to use a medical mask to protect your respiratory system.

  1. Shake the can, then spray the chemical from a distance of about 20 cm. It is important to treat all places where parasites accumulate, not to miss a single crack.
  2. After 15 minutes, ventilate the room.
  3. It is advisable to repeat the treatment after a month, since fleas could lay eggs, and insecticides do not affect them.

One can is enough for a room with an area of ​​55-60 m². After 3-4 hours, you need to wipe all the furniture, and wash the floors only after 5 days. You can also get rid of dangerous fleas that have settled in a private house using folk remedies. This will help you deal with them:

  • salt;
  • baking soda.

The quantity of ingredients should be such that the entire apartment can be treated. It is advisable to combine the use of home remedies with proven commercial drugs.

  1. Mix soda and salt in equal proportions.
  2. Sprinkle the mixture over all cracks and baseboards, rub into carpets and upholstery.
  3. Every other day, thoroughly vacuum all treated surfaces.

You can also use plants that fleas do not like. For example, wormwood, cedar leaves, tansy with mint, eucalyptus. They need to be placed throughout the apartment so that the pungent smell repels insects. It is recommended to combine this method with the use of purchased chemicals. To consolidate the effect, it is recommended to place small pillows with pine sawdust on the bed or sofa in each room. Parasites are very afraid of their smell.

Turpentine can also help with the question of how to get rid of fleas. But it is advisable to use it to treat utility rooms: barn, basement. The fact is that the product has a very persistent and pungent odor, so it will not be easy to remove it from an apartment or private house. But it’s better to be patient than to look for a photo later to understand what the fleas living in the house are.

Professional services

Many owners of infested homes try to get rid of fleas living in the house using folk remedies. There are effective methods, but they do not guarantee the destruction of all insects. If there are too many earthen fleas in the apartment, and you cannot remove them yourself, it is recommended to contact professionals who use effective methods for the total destruction of insects.

Of course, you can try to solve this problem yourself, but difficulties often arise already at the stage of selecting a product that saves you from fleas. These harmful insects quickly adapt to many insecticides and therefore do not react to them. In addition, owners of private houses or apartments can become poisoned when they try to remove fleas from their homes. To prevent this, it is better to entrust the processing to professionals. Experts know exactly how cat fleas differ from dog or earth fleas. They also have several advantages:

  • safe but very effective drugs are used;
  • long-lasting effect without the need for a repeat procedure;
  • the use of high-quality professional equipment, which is very expensive and is not available without a license for pest control;
  • A guarantee is provided for the provision of services. Specialists will repeat the procedure if fleas appear again;
  • Many organizations work on weekends and holidays.

Exterminators don't need to look at photos because they know what fleas look like and can get rid of them in an hour and a half maximum. Specialists use professional products that cannot be purchased at a hardware store, since they are sold only to organizations with the appropriate license.

Thanks to special equipment, specialists can use temperature methods that have a very effective effect on parasites. Fleas cannot tolerate temperatures that are too high or low.

An effective method is the cold fog method. Using a generator, craftsmen spray an insecticidal composition containing tiny particles throughout the room. The essence of this method is that the insecticide is evenly distributed over all surfaces, including penetrating into the smallest crevices. In addition, the fog stays in the air for a long time, and then settles, filling all the cracks and crevices. The method has several obvious advantages:

  • the equipment allows you to pour any liquid preparations into it;
  • you can treat the entire room at once;
  • fog will not spoil furniture, wallpaper or flood the floor;
  • one procedure has a long-lasting effect;
  • insects die instantly.

The hot fog method is also very effective. It penetrates absolutely into all crevices, destroying not only adult individuals, but also their eggs and larvae. Chemicals are heated to the required temperature and have a detrimental effect on parasites that cannot tolerate extreme heat. This method is effective not only against fleas. With its help you can destroy ants, moths, cockroaches, bedbugs, and silverfish. The insecticide covers the surface with a film, so insects have no chance to survive. Hot fog has several advantages over cold fog:

  • chemical activity is lower;
  • longer exposure to parasites;
  • fog settling speed is lower.

Hot fog is not only effective against insects. Such treatment prevents the appearance of mold and reduces the number of microorganisms and bacteria that are in the air. Its particles are smaller than those of cold fog. This method is used in cases where the infection occurred a long time ago and there are a huge number of insects in the room. This is the so-called heavy artillery.

On their company websites, exterminators often post photographs of equipment, among which you can find drip spraying devices. This is a pump irrigation method that has been successfully used for many years. Manual processing has several advantages over hot and cold fog methods, which makes it worthwhile:

  • with the help of manual processing, you can carry out local disinfestation where insects live: sockets, household appliances, baseboards, shelves;
  • Fewer insecticides are required, so financial costs are reduced;
  • a smaller amount of the drug is used, so the smell will disappear much faster;
  • Mechanical irrigation will allow infecting a certain number of parasites. They, in turn, will infect their relatives.

A quality company has several methods in its arsenal, which they choose depending on a particular situation. Sometimes the infestation is so severe that a comprehensive treatment that combines cold or hot fog with hand spraying is required. The interaction of several complexes gives a more effective result.

Addresses where to order processing

When you order services, be sure to ask the manager to demonstrate a license to conduct pest control. You can search for reviews on the Internet to read the opinions of people who have already used the services of the company. A competent specialist will always question you thoroughly to clarify all the nuances. For example, the presence of allergy sufferers, small children, pets or birds.

1.Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of MoscowMoscow, Dmitrovskoe Shosse, building 64+7(495)792-1-444From 1.7 thousand rubles.
2.SES ProfiSt. Petersburg, st. Startovaya, 10 +7From 1.7 thousand rubles.
3.Ural-decenterEkaterinburg, Chelyuskintsev, 2+7 (3432) 885259From 1.3 thousand rubles.
4.Novosibirsk city disinfestation and deratization serviceNovosibirsk st. Spring 12a cab. 242a +7From 890 rub.
5.Unified disinfection serviceNizhny Novgorod, Office. Druzhaeva street 7a. +7From 1.3 thousand rubles.
6."Dez-master"Kyiv, st. Kirilovskaya, 15 +38(099)093-18-15From 550 UAH.
7."Center for Preventive Disinfection"Minsk,
st. P. Brovki, 11a
+375 17 292-13-03From 67.4 rub.

If you decide to get rid of the population of fleas that have taken a fancy to your home, disinfestation should be carried out with the windows open. After work, the room should be closed for at least 1-3 hours so that the insecticide does not erode and has time to act. After this, you need to open the windows in all rooms and ventilate the home for 3-5 hours. Be sure to wet clean all surfaces that household hands often come into contact with:

  • door handles;
  • tables and chairs;
  • armrests for sofas and armchairs;
  • toilet;
  • shells.

You should not carry out general cleaning of far corners, baseboards and walls if long-acting insecticides that contain special microcapsules were used. They can work for several months, so they will kill fleas that hatch from the eggs laid.

The longer the drug remains on the surface, the greater the chance that all insects will disappear. If additional barrier protection with the help of gel was used, it should not be washed off for at least a month in order to remove the entire population of bedbugs. You should also refrain from washing floor coverings, because water will immediately wash away all the chemicals that have a detrimental effect on parasites. It is recommended to carry out cleaning only after 2-3 days, when all the parasites have died. But you still shouldn’t touch the walls and baseboards.

If clothing ends up in the treatment area, it must be washed at high temperature, then rinsed thoroughly and ironed. It is advisable to use a steamer that can destroy even parasite eggs. It is necessary to wash all dishes, as well as household appliances used for cooking and, accordingly, in contact with food. It is best to use alkaline formulations because they help remove toxins. When cleaning, pay special attention to mirrors and polished furniture, as they may be left with residue from sprayed chemicals. After wet surface treatment, it is advisable to vacuum all furniture, baseboards and walls with a powerful vacuum cleaner, which can remove all dead parasites and their eggs.

Preparing the apartment for processing

The rules for preparing an apartment for disinfestation do not depend on where exactly small fleas come from. The better you prepare your home, the more effective the procedure will be. It doesn’t matter whether you do it yourself or call exterminators who know where earth fleas came from in your house and how to get rid of them.

  • Before carrying out the treatment, you need to remove all children and pets from the apartment, do not forget to take out the cage with the parrot if it lives in the apartment. If you have an aquarium with fish or a terrarium, during the procedure and within an hour after it, you should close the lid and turn off the oxygen supply system;
  • food and utensils must be removed from tables and hidden in airtight packaging or in the refrigerator;
  • remove all personal hygiene items from bathrooms;
  • hide soft toys and personal items in closets;
  • cover oil paintings, household appliances and furniture with plastic wrap so that drops of sprayed products fall on them;
  • move all furniture away from the walls to gain access to the far corners;
  • Boil all bedding and iron with a hot iron.

No matter how many fleas are in your home, and how you decide to fight them, disinfestation should not be carried out in the presence of small children and pets. If the treatment is carried out on your own, you must wear clothing that completely covers the body. The respiratory tract should be protected with a respirator or medical mask. When pest control is carried out by specialists, the equipment must be professional, as they use very toxic substances and temperature methods that can be harmful to health. Some companies provide apartment owners with a special respirator, sealed goggles, and a suit. You will also need gloves, sleeves and a head scarf.

Prevention of parasites

It is hardly possible to find a person who likes the proximity of earthen fleas. Those who have encountered the problem at least once try to do everything possible to prevent re-infection. In order not to have to re-purchase medications developed for fleas living in the house, it is recommended to carry out prevention. If you have cats or dogs at home, they should be wearing flea collars. Especially when pets regularly walk outside. They should be washed with special medicated shampoos and treated with insecticidal drops. Unless necessary, try not to visit basements and other utility rooms, which are potential breeding grounds for parasites. If you do have to go there, after returning home, be sure to wash all the clothes you were wearing and take a shower.

Clean your home regularly using disinfectants. Wipe the floors with a damp cloth, do not forget about the far corners and spaces under the furniture. It is advisable to place sprigs of tansy or wormwood throughout the apartment, which repel fleas with their pungent odor.

From time to time, it won’t hurt to treat your home with insecticidal sprays, which are used to remove all fleas that have settled in the house. Be sure to seal any gaps in baseboards or walls, if any. Pay attention to wallpaper that is coming away from the walls. They should be glued.

All of the above measures are not complicated, but effective. If you carry out timely prevention, you won’t have to think about where cat or earthen fleas usually come from in the house.

Ground fleas, how to get rid of the area

An integrated approach to the problem provides reliable protection of garden crops from the invasion of earthen fleas:

  • During the dry period, do not forget to water the plants, especially young ones;
  • Regularly change the places of crops on your site;
  • Cruciferous plants are particularly attractive to flea beetles. If possible, it is better to refuse to grow such crops;
  • Since the pest does not like lettuce leaves, this plant can be planted between different beds. This way you can prevent the flea from spreading throughout the area;
  • Cultivated plants should be treated with effective insecticides. It is recommended to use different drugs every year so that parasites do not develop immunity to them;
  • Spray the affected plants with a concentrated decoction of tansy;
  • Plant celandine, tobacco, wormwood, anabasis. These plants can repel not only fleas, but also many other pests.

To combat earthen fleas in the garden, there are special preparations:

  1. Raptor . The product is presented in the form of a spray. It is used to spray affected plants. The active components will quickly destroy the pest.
  2. Antibug . The drug not only destroys earth fleas, but also protects plants from re-infection.
  3. Aktofit . The product is based on natural ingredients. The drug quickly destroys not only fleas, but also many other pests.
  4. Ratibor . The drug is presented in the form of a concentrated liquid. It has a detrimental effect on many types of garden pests.
  5. Aktara. This product belongs to modern insecticides. It combines economy and high efficiency.

How do earth fleas differ from cat fleas?

Cat fleas have virtually no external differences from other types of fleas. However, representatives of this species feed on blood. Moreover, they choose not only cats for food. These parasites are capable of attacking dogs, other warm-blooded animals, and people.

As for earth fleas, the main harm they cause is damage to plants. As a rule, they live in the upper layers of the soil. They can also hide in basements with high humidity. Private buildings and the first floors of multi-storey buildings are often infested by fleas. They rarely appear on the upper floors. Ground fleas are not able to jump too high. That is why, when fighting them, it is enough to treat not the entire wall, but only a meter from the floor.

Origin of the species and description

Photo: Flea

Fleas form a small group of insects that are probably descended from the ancestor Mecoptera (scorpions), with which they share certain characteristics. Both groups have a spinous stomach, sex differences in the number of ganglia in the ventral nerve canal, six rectal glands, and a simple ovary type.

Males have a similar type of sperm, unique to the arthropod phylum, in which a motile flagellum or tail, lacking an outer ring of nine tubules, is located around mitochondria (cellular organelles). Fossil fleas discovered in Australia are said to be 200 million years old. Two other known fossil fleas come from Baltic amber (Oligocene) and are very similar to "modern" fleas.

Video: Flea

Because fleas are capable of jumping horizontal or vertical distances up to 200 times their body length and achieving accelerations of 200 g, they have been described as insects that fly with their feet. Some species that live in nests high above the ground or in other unusual habitats crawl rather than jump.

Fun Fact: Occasional uses of fleas' unusual strength occur in "flea circuses" in which they pull miniature carts and perform other feats.

Preventing fleas

In order not to encounter the unpleasant problem of fleas in your home, it is recommended to carry out simple prevention:

  • Keep your home clean, constantly do wet cleaning;
  • Ventilate the room regularly, even in winter;
  • Do not allow things to stagnate;
  • Treat your pets with preventive shampoos;
  • If possible, reduce the number of carpets in your home;
  • Sometimes disinfest the premises using special products for cleaning floors;
  • A floor that is several decades old should be thoroughly processed;
  • You can place wormwood or other aromatic herbs in the corners;
  • After adding Bars or another similar preparation to the water, periodically spray the basements;
  • Check mattresses and sheets regularly. If fleas appear, you will be able to detect parasites at the initial stage of infection;
  • Make sure the basement remains dry at all times;
  • All existing leaks must be repaired immediately;
  • Take blankets, mattresses, pillows, and winter clothes out into the sun.
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