How to get cockroaches out of the microwave, what should you do to get them out quickly?

Methods of disposal

If there are cockroaches in the microwave, insecticide service staff can tell you how to get rid of them. First of all, they recommend treating the device with effective detergents.

There should be no food or dirt left inside it. They clean not only accessible surfaces, but also open the back panel in order to identify pests among the wires and microcircuits.

Using boric acid

If cockroaches have settled in the microwave in the kitchen, then boric acid is an effective remedy for these insects. It is easy to purchase at any pharmacy. Boric acid is laid out inside the microwave, forming balls from it, which also include the yolk of a chicken egg. The proportions of the components are 1:1. The balls should be approximately the same shape.

They are laid out inside household appliances, having first turned them off. The microwave is not allowed to be used for 7 days. After this period, the corpses of dead parasites are collected. Some recommend using an alcoholic or aqueous solution of boric acid, but as practice shows, the powder form of this drug is the most effective.

Destruction with chalks

Among the ways to remove cockroaches from a microwave oven, crayons against these parasites are popular. The well-known remedy for cockroaches Mashenka has the appearance of an oblong gray-white block. It weighs 20 g.

The chalk is wrapped in polyethylene, which contains all the necessary information about the method of use.

Composition of Mashenka chalk:

  • zeta-cypermethrin;
  • deltamethrin;
  • chalk;
  • gypsum.

Two components have insecticidal properties: zeta-cypermethrin and deltamethrin. This is a pyrethroid group of contact poisons. The crayons are assigned a fourth degree of danger because they are toxic to humans, so it is better to use the product with gloves.

It is possible to remove cockroaches from the microwave using crayons, but this must be done very carefully. The product is applied to the surface in the form of a chalk line. Do not heat food in the microwave while using the chalk.

If the device is planned to be used for household needs, the substance is thoroughly washed off with warm water. After manipulation, you should wash your hands thoroughly.

Using aerosols

Among the popular recommendations on how to get rid of cockroaches in the microwave are aerosol methods of control. But the maximum effect is achieved when the aerosol acts directly on insects.

When the vapors disappear, the use of such insecticides will be useless, since they will not harm the parasites.

Raptor aerosol for crawling insects is popular among consumers. Composition of the product :

  • cypermethrin;
  • tetramethrin;
  • piperonyl butoxide.

When sprayed, aerosols form droplets, which, when contacted with insects, lead to the rapid penetration of the insecticide through the chitinous cover and the respiratory system.

In case of local contact with the product, the pests die instantly. But it is inconvenient to use such a product in the confined space of a microwave oven.

Use of gels

Gels are also actively used to combat cockroaches. Gels sold in tubes or large syringes are popular among consumers. They are already ready to use.

A few drops of the gel are applied pointwise using a syringe at a certain distance from each other along the perimeter of the microwave. Do not use the device for 7 days.

In addition to the insecticide, the gels have a fatty base, which prevents rapid drying. They also contain food attractants that attract parasites with their smell. This form of insecticide is economical, since the product applied to the surface retains its properties for 4-8 weeks.

Gel against cockroaches Raptor is very popular. It comes in tube form. Contains a broad-spectrum pyrethroid insecticide with contact, intestinal and residual effects, as well as repellent properties.

Causes paralysis of the nervous system and death of insects within 24 hours after surface treatment.

Once an individual eats the gel or comes into contact with it, it becomes a carrier of the toxic substance . Returning to the population, the cockroach dies, but first manages to infect its relatives.

The gel does not dry out for a long time and remains attractive to insects due to its unique consistency that retains moisture, but at the same time it is odorless and does not harm people.


Supporters of natural remedies prefer ground chamomile. You can buy it at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself at home by grinding the dried flowers of the plant. This product is placed in the microwave for 2-3 days.

It is prohibited to use the device during processing. During this time, cockroaches die or run away. After the allotted time, it is recommended to wash the microwave thoroughly with a soda solution.

Using flour and asbestos

A mixture of flour and asbestos is a good method for removing running insects from a microwave oven. These components are combined in a 1:1 ratio, laid out in the microwave oven, as well as next to it, and left there for a day.

Within 24 hours, cockroaches will eat the bait, consisting of parts of asbestos and flour; the esophagus glued together with asbestos will cause the death of the parasites.

Impact of temperature

Cockroaches cannot tolerate low temperatures and die in the cold. The most comfortable temperature for the pest is 28-35 °C. To remove insects from the microwave, place it in fresh air. But such manipulation will only be effective if the air temperature is below -1 °C.

The freezing method is effective only in winter . The death of sexually mature individuals and their offspring can only be guaranteed at temperatures below -10 °C. It is enough for the microwave to stand in this cold for 2-3 hours. If it’s warmer outside, you’ll need to keep it outside longer.

Even though cockroaches love warmth, heat kills them. Some housewives try to influence parasites by exposing the microwave to direct sunlight on a hot summer day.

If the temperature reaches +50 °C, this will affect the normal functioning of the pest and cause its death.

Another option for getting rid of insects is to turn on the device, setting it to high temperatures. It is recommended to leave the microwave oven to heat up for half an hour.

The parasites will not be left to fry, but will quickly begin to leave their habitat. This method is quite effective, but can cause damage to the device, so it is used extremely rarely.

What to do if pests are in the microwave

Having discovered that cockroaches have settled in the oven, you should immediately begin to destroy the parasites. Behind the metal casing of the microwave oven there are blocks and microcircuits that create comfortable living conditions. It is unrealistic to expel them from the microwave with a vacuum cleaner, so you should use proven methods.

Use of special means

Before getting rid of cockroaches in the microwave, disconnect the device from the power supply and only after that carry out disinfestation measures.

One of the effective methods of exterminating cockroaches is the use of modern insecticides. Before starting treatment, the electrical device is disassembled, allowing the active substance to penetrate into hard-to-reach places and destroy pests. When working with chemicals, you should wear personal protective equipment and act strictly in accordance with the instructions.

Do not allow liquid toxic chemicals to come into contact with the microwave electronics. To avoid damage to equipment, it is recommended to use a sponge to wipe surfaces.

Means to remove cockroaches:

  1. Boric acid. Balls made from powder and yolk, taken in equal quantities, are laid out inside the microwave. After a week, the poison can be removed from the device.
  2. Chalk Mashenka. The drug is applied only when the unit is turned off. Before using the oven, the product is thoroughly washed off with warm water.
  3. Gels Exil Schaben paste, Dohlox, Lethal force, Raptor, Brownie Proshka. The long-lasting action of insecticides will allow you to expel cockroaches from the microwave.
  4. Aerosols Dichlorvos, Reid, Raptor. Effective, but not entirely safe means.
  5. Fumigators and sticky traps Combat, Forsyth, Raptor, Dohlox.

Ineffective methods

Among the ways to expel cockroaches from a microwave, there are also absolutely ineffective ones.:

  1. Household chemicals and fragrant herbs. They use decoctions or infusions made from fragrant herbs or household chemicals with a pungent odor. Prepare a solution, soak cotton pads in it and thoroughly treat the microwave with the product to repel cockroaches. Pests do not like this smell, but only a few die from it. However, this method can be supplemented with insecticidal microwave treatment. Or you can use it for preventive purposes.
  2. Ultrasonic repellers. Fleeing insects from the cockroach family do not have sensory organs that perceive ultrasound waves. It is not advisable to use such repellers to combat these parasites. Cockroaches in the microwave will not disappear from such devices.
  3. Magical ways. Some housewives are absolutely sure that you can get rid of cockroaches using a variety of magical rituals. But esotericism has nothing to do with pest control. If you place your hopes on such methods of influence for a long time, the population of cockroaches will fill the entire living space.

To combat running pests, experts recommend combining several products at once . Primary treatment is carried out with instant-acting agents, and then, to consolidate the result, odorless preparations are used that are safe for people and pets, but have a prolonged effect.

How to remove odor from a microwave effectively, inexpensively and quickly?

It would seem, where can the smell of burning in a microwave come from? It’s very simple, we can heat up a banal sandwich or meat dish and simply leave the kitchen.

But you can get rid of it, and it’s not difficult:

  • You can remove the smell of burnt food using the usual and readily available lemon and water. To do this you will need a whole lemon and two glasses of clean water. To get rid of the unpleasant odor, you need to pour half a glass of lemon cut into slices with a glass of water and, setting the oven to full power, let this water boil for 5 minutes. After this, take the remaining half a lemon, fresh water and repeat the procedure. The aroma will disappear as if it were not there;
  • Another surefire way to help clean the stove from strong aromas is the usual vinegar, which, by the way, also has a disinfecting effect. Dilute the essence in water, maintaining a 1:1 ratio, and wipe the microwave working surfaces with the prepared solution. After this treatment, leave the oven open for a few minutes. Next, we wipe everything with a clean damp cloth - the microwave no longer smells like burnt food.

From the video you will learn how to deal with the burnt aroma.

Unpleasant smell after cooking

If you sometimes heat up food that has a strong, distinctive aroma, you are bound to be faced with the question of how to remove the smell from the microwave afterwards? After all, dishes with garlic or fish leave the aroma for several days. Removing such consequences is also possible, moreover, it is not difficult to do if you know a few tricks:

  • The first method is regular soda. A simple remedy will help remove the smell as it arises - 2 teaspoons of soda diluted in 50 ml of water. Just dip a cotton pad in the prepared solution and wipe the walls of the stove with it. There is no need to rinse off, and after 30 minutes the procedure should be repeated, preparing a fresh portion of the product. We assure you that the question of how to eliminate the smell of food from the microwave will disappear forever;
  • Another reliable, “fragrant” option for the fight is regular natural coffee. Wipe the walls of the appliance with the brewed drink, and the unpleasant smell of leftover food will be replaced by a pleasant coffee aroma.

Smell of fat

If you, like most people, often forget to cover the food you are heating with a protective cap, then you, along with the question of how to clean the microwave, inevitably face the problem of dealing with the unpleasant odor of fat particles. You can clean the walls using any cleaning product you like, but you can fight the aroma in the following ways:

  • place about 100 g of ordinary table salt in the microwave overnight; being a natural absorbent, it will completely rid your oven of the unpleasant amber;
  • The usual and affordable activated carbon works on the same principle - crush a dozen tablets and leave in the oven for several hours. There is no need to heat the device, the aroma will go away on its own.


However, why fight unpleasant odors if their occurrence can be prevented? Moreover, there are a number of simple and accessible ways to do this:

  • After each use of the microwave, open the device door for a few minutes: this will allow odors to evaporate naturally;
  • do not forget to cover the food with a lid before heating it: this way you will prevent the fat from splashing, and therefore the smell will not arise;
  • You can carry out monthly general cleaning in the microwave: just treat all hard-to-reach surfaces with regular toothpaste, remembering to rinse it off with water.

These simple methods will help once and for all answer the question of how to effectively get rid of the smell of burning or grease in the microwave, without requiring a lot of time and material costs.

Be sure to try them all in practice, you will be convinced of their effectiveness.

Video “Fighting unpleasant odors”

From the video you will learn how to clean a microwave from unpleasant odors.

Reasons for appearance

Cockroaches settle in the microwave because in winter it is warm in such equipment and the presence of ubiquitous crumbs also attracts them. If careless owners have a microwave that is constantly dirty and is washed very rarely, food debris and grease accumulate inside the device, then these are optimal conditions for cockroaches.

If it is warm, dark and there is food, then such parasites do not need anything else for normal life and reproduction.

Why is it necessary to get rid of cockroaches in a microwave oven?

Despite their small size, cockroaches cannot be called harmless insects. These parasites can cause significant damage to property and human health. Remember that a turned on microwave and cockroaches in it can cause a fire in the house!

Prussians are one of the hardiest types of insect pests. Most of them are able to survive without food for a month. Some varieties may resist radiation. Cockroaches are able to reproduce in a short time. Before you even have time to blink an eye, they will already fill the entire house or apartment.

They can easily damage book bindings, leather goods, plants and food. There are types of cockroaches that eat all kinds of garbage, including feces. In this case, insects become carriers of various infectious diseases: worm eggs and dysentery.

Preventive measures

If cockroaches once appeared in the microwave and the owners successfully removed them, then in the future, to prevent them from appearing again, you need to adhere to the following preventive measures :

  1. It is necessary to constantly monitor the plumbing so that the taps do not leak and water does not stagnate in sinks, bathtubs, and washing machines. Excessive indoor humidity and dampness attract cockroaches.
  2. It is important to ensure that there are no cracks in the living space where cockroaches could hide, reproduce and raise new offspring.
  3. Keep the kitchen clean. Do not store dirty dishes in the sink or leave crumbs or leftover food on the dining table. Clean your microwave oven regularly.
  4. Be sure to ventilate your living space several times a day. Especially on frosty days in the kitchen, you need to leave the window open for 10-15 minutes. Such measures will not only get rid of parasites, but will also have a beneficial effect on the general well-being of household members.

The microwave is one of the favorite habitats of cockroaches. But clean people will not have them in such devices. They will simply die of hunger there.

But even if such a problem has already appeared, then having a good understanding of all possible methods of removing insects, the owners will be able to get rid of them even in inconvenient places and devices.


Craftsmen could not ignore this issue, so there are several options for fighting with the help of homemade traps (if you do not want to buy a repeller). The components for them can easily be found in any store. Let's look at a couple:

  1. Based on a glass jar. For the trap you will need a relatively small jar, for example, a half-liter jar. You need to pour a little honey or beer on its bottom, and grease the inside directly under the neck with vegetable oil. The jar should be placed in the place where cockroaches are expected to appear overnight, and the ones caught should be shaken out in the morning.
  2. Based on adhesive tape. You will need cardboard and tape. Double-sided is best, but if you have glue, regular glue will do. Place the tape on the cardboard (sticky side up) and drop a little honey on it. Place the cardboard in a suspicious place. Scotch tape is sticky enough for cockroaches to get stuck in, and honey is attractive enough for them to come after it.

The downside of this folk remedy is the fact that it is necessary to get rid of caught individuals, and this procedure is not for the squeamish.

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