
An insecticide based on chlorpyrofos, used to kill any “household” insects. It is safe for people and pets. The product is mixed with water in a ratio of 1:10 and sprayed with a spray bottle. When it evaporates, microcapsules containing poison remain on the treated surfaces. The effect of a single treatment lasts for about six months.

You can buy high-quality chemicals to get rid of cockroaches, bedbugs, ants, and other pests in the online store Repellers com.ua. The online store also has a wide range of products:


*traps for moles; *traps for cockroaches; *traps for cockroaches;


*cat repellers; *marten repellers; * snake repellers;


*from fleas; *from lice; *from odors; *from mosquitoes; Agriculture *bacteria for cesspools and septic tanks; *soil ameliorants; *bacteria for soil; You can find out more information about the store on the website

https://otpugivately.com.ua/shop/preparati/klopov/sredstvo-insektitsidnoe-get, or by phone +38- (063) -941-83-00

Prevention of the problem

It will not be possible to get rid of cockroaches forever if you do not follow preventive measures. After all, chemicals and folk remedies can give temporary results, but they cannot eliminate the possibility of these annoying pests reappearing in the house.

Wet cleaning

When carrying out wet cleaning, it is recommended to periodically add essential oils or vinegar. You should also thoroughly wipe all secluded places, as cockroaches do not tolerate cleanliness.

Removing food debris

Do not leave food crumbs or leftovers on the table. After all, this is a food source for cockroaches. The lack of free access to food will force insects to go in search of more favorable living conditions.

Trash Bin Insulation

In everyday life, you should use a trash can with a tight-fitting lid. This will prevent insects from getting inside. You should also take the bucket out regularly and rinse thoroughly each time, which will eliminate the possibility of food waste smelling.

Application of funds

Sometimes insecticides should be used to prevent re-infection. For this, traps and gels containing slow-acting poisons are best suited. They also guarantee a long period of protection and eliminate the possibility of mass reproduction.

Eliminating paths

To forget about cockroaches forever, you need to eliminate the ways they enter the house. These nimble insects are able to enter a person’s home through cracks in the floor and walls. In this case, you need to carry out cosmetic repairs and seal all the holes. Insects also enter the apartment through the ventilation. And to prevent this, it is necessary to seal the hatches with a fine mesh, through the holes of which the pest will not be able to get through.

The use of special means cannot completely eliminate the likelihood of cockroaches appearing in your home, but reduces it to a minimum. But such drugs must be used taking into account the instructions for use and without exceeding the dosage specified by the manufacturer. Otherwise, disinfestation may negatively affect the well-being of all residents of the house.


A mixture of silicon dioxide and boric acid in a ratio of 3:1. It has the same effect on cockroaches of all types; insects are not able to develop immunity to it. It has an enteric-contact principle of action. The product is completely safe for humans and pets.

The smallest particles that fall on the body of a cockroach and stick to the whiskers penetrate the body through the oral cavity and microcracks in the chitin, corroding the insides and causing severe dehydration.

The powder is available in plastic bottles of various sizes. It is enough to scatter it near discovered nests of cockroaches and places potentially suitable for their habitat, as well as along travel routes.

Important! At high humidity, the Gektor mixture significantly loses its effectiveness, so it is not suitable for bathrooms.


A domestic broad-spectrum insecticide that helps get rid of not only cockroaches, but also many other flying and crawling insects. The desired effect is provided by a combination of thiamethoxam and zeta-cypermethrin.

Once inside the body or on chitinous integuments, it causes paralysis of the nervous system after several hours. The insect dies due to the inability to breathe, eat and move, having previously infected its relatives and introduced poison into the nest.

The drug is powdery, available in 10 g bags. Before use, it is diluted in water, the liquid is used for spraying. It is used economically and does not leave stains on furniture or wallpaper.

The effect of one treatment lasts for 5-6 weeks. The product is also toxic for people and pets.

Borium dohlox “Get lost!” No. 76

Available in different versions, used depending on the type of premises (residential or non-residential) and the degree of neglect of the problem. The described No. 76 is a yellowish gel with a strengthened formula that helps get rid of cockroaches, even if they have managed to breed in large numbers.

The main effect is provided by diazinon (neurotoxin). Auxiliary component is boric acid. The principle of action is enteric contact. Cockroaches die due to a combination of paralysis, dehydration and corrosion of internal organs. They are attracted to the gel by an attractant mixed into it.

The drug is available in soft plastic tubes or “syringes”. The thin spout ensures ease of use and dosage accuracy. This gel is non-toxic for humans and pets, but it is difficult to wash it off the treated surface. The substance dries out quickly, so you have to renew the “protection” every 2-3 days.

Causes of cockroaches

A person’s home has all the conditions for these pests to live. After all, it contains warmth and nutrition. And, if cockroaches appear in the house, then getting rid of them is not so easy, because they are characterized by increased vitality. And only comprehensive treatment can help clear your home of these annoying insects.

Cockroaches are particularly agile and are able to enter the house through any small opening. Initially, pests appear in the basement, and then spread throughout the house in search of food.

The appearance of cockroaches can be caused by untimely removal of food waste and the regular presence of dirty dishes in the sink. Pests are able to move from neighbors through the ventilation hole and cracks if they have carried out the treatment. Moreover, initially one scout cockroach goes in search of better living conditions. And subsequently the entire colony is resettled.

Pests are also able to enter the house through an open door to the entrance, in a bag with things after a business trip, with newly purchased furniture, inside household appliances and with parcels.


A German gel that helps get rid of cockroaches and ants, not only from individual individuals, but also from large colonies. The active ingredient is chlorpyrophos (acts upon direct contact), attractants attract insects to the gel. You can’t expect immediate results; cockroaches begin to die en masse after 12-15 days.

The drug is mustard-colored and is available in small tubes. For greater plasticity and ease of application, it is recommended to warm it up in your hands (7-10 minutes). The effect of a single application lasts for about a month; contact with oxygen, high humidity, and direct sunlight do not reduce the effectiveness.

The light smell of the gel is tolerated by humans and pets without problems, the substance is safe for them. It is recommended to apply it to small pieces of cardboard and plastic - it is quite difficult to wash any surface on which it dries.

Liquid insecticides for cockroaches

If you have been fighting cockroaches for a long time and have tried all of the above remedies, then the only solution is to use liquid insecticides. There are many such products on the market, so you can purchase a drug that suits you, both in price and in effectiveness. All liquid preparations are diluted with ordinary tap water and applied using a household sprayer, however, they differ in the principle of action and are divided into odorless and odorless products.

The most effective remedies for cockroaches

Tetrix is ​​considered the most effective remedy for cockroaches. This product is toxic and has a pungent odor. It is not at all suitable for independent use, therefore it is used only by special services. To apply it to surfaces you need a cold fog generator. Available in aluminum liter bottles. The rest of the packaging options are fake.

Lambda Zone is a modern effective remedy for cockroaches. A completely new Korean drug, but one that has already successfully proven itself on the Russian market. Ideal for self-use, due to the fact that it is odorless and completely safe for your household. One bottle of microencapsulated Lambda Zone allows you to treat a room of up to 60 square meters. m., leaving insects no chance of survival.

Get Total is an insecticidal suspension for the control of cockroaches. A fairly effective microencapsulated product that is in good demand among buyers. When used, there is a slight smell of orange, the only drawback is that it is used in high concentration, so to treat a large room you will need several bottles of Get. There are many fakes, not to be confused with Gett!

To summarize, it can be noted that not all cockroach repellents are effective in a given situation. And in order to achieve the required result, it is necessary to understand at what stage the problem with cockroaches is, determine the degree of infestation, and only then choose the most effective remedy for cockroaches, in relation to your situation. Will it be a gel, a glue trap, an aerosol spray or a liquid concentrate. If for some reason you cannot do analysis, choose a product from professional liquid insecticides. It’s true that getting rid of cockroaches on a budget won’t work in this case, since professional products cost several times more than household ones.


A domestic insecticide based on fipronil (a potent neurotoxin), which helps get rid of any crawling insects, including those with multiple nests. A transparent gel with a bait flavor begins to act when it enters the stomach, paralyzing cockroaches in 2-3 days.

Preservatives provide a long-lasting effect; the gel needs to be renewed no more than once a month. It is easy to apply and comes in a convenient syringe. But insects are able to adapt to it, so it is not advisable to carry out more than two treatments in a row. Another significant disadvantage is that after drying, the gel practically cannot be washed off from any surface.

Cockroach traps

The use of traps is perhaps the simplest and most affordable way to kill cockroaches, but it cannot be called the most effective. The advantages of cockroach traps are their safety, ease of use and price. If the apartment is seriously infested, the use of traps alone, unfortunately, will not be sufficient.

You can use traps only if the insects do not live in your apartment, but periodically run from neighbors or from the entrance. It is necessary to place traps in the kitchen, in the bathroom, near hoods, on the balcony, then cockroaches, penetrating into the apartment, will successfully fall into them.

The most effective traps are those that have a sticky consistency inside. It’s even better if the glue has a baiting effect; such traps come in paper and plastic. It is better to give preference to plastic traps; they will last you longer than paper ones.

Along with conventional glue traps, there are electric traps on the market; when caught in them, cockroaches die from an electrical discharge. It is also impossible to say that this is an effective remedy, and in terms of efficiency it is inferior to Velcro traps.

You can make a trap with your own hands. Take a regular bottle, cut off the bottom, place a piece of banana on the bottom of the bottle, add a drop of honey and coat the sides with vegetable oil. In the morning, all you have to do is flush the trapped cockroaches down the toilet.

When reviewing effective cockroach repellents, you can take a closer look at crayons and powders, which are also effective only when the insect infestation is low. A good example of such means is the long-proven Mashenka chalk, which is still a reliable means of protection against insects. Not to say that this is an effective remedy for cockroaches, but it is still in demand.

Combat Super Spray against crawling insects

An insecticide from South Korea, as you might guess, in aerosol form. Using a special nozzle, it is applied not only “fan-wise”, but also “pointwise”. The active ingredients are imiprotrin and cyphenothrin in high concentrations. Insects die within a few hours due to paralysis. They do not develop resistance to aerosol.

This spray is safe for people and pets and does not leave stains. However, it has a pungent odor, so during processing it is necessary to wear goggles and a respirator, then leave the room, and upon returning, ventilate it.

Terms of use

  1. Be sure to shake the can before use.

  2. Hold the can at a right angle, pointing the sprayer at the desired area.
  3. During processing, the room temperature should be below 10 degrees. You need to open all the windows to create a draft.
  4. After spraying the product, you need to tightly close all windows for at least 30 minutes and leave the room. This way the product will work better.
  5. If the substance gets on the surfaces, after treatment they must be thoroughly washed with detergents. Depending on the toxicity of the substance, many do not require additional treatments.
  6. Pay special attention to places in the apartment that require careful treatment: baseboards, areas behind furniture, sinks and sewer pipes, all containers containing food.
  7. If there are pets in the house, you need to pay special attention to treating places where the animal sleeps and lies, as well as near bowls of food.

Important. Take precautions.
Even if it is indicated that the spray is non-toxic, you still need to spray wearing protective gloves and a protective mask to avoid microparticles getting into the lungs and respiratory tract. To prevent cockroaches from appearing again, you need to thoroughly and daily wet clean the entire house. Especially behind cabinets and furniture. Disinfectants can be used . Throw away unnecessary magazines and newspapers; various insects often live in them.

Cover the kitchen hood with a dense mesh so that insects, in particular a cockroach, cannot penetrate. Very often, it is through the kitchen hood that cockroaches enter the apartment from places of accumulation. It is very important to protect yourself from insects.

Eliminate all kinds of cracks using sealant and construction foam . So that as few areas as possible are open to public access. It is very important to thoroughly clean the kitchen from leftover food and debris. Food is the most important thing that attracts insects.

Such simple methods will either eliminate the appearance of insects or prevent the appearance of new ones . It is not difficult to follow such rules. But if you encounter cockroaches in your own apartment, you need to be prepared for the fact that fighting them takes time and the use of good, high-quality products.

"Raptor" of increased efficiency

One of the newest domestic insecticides. A combination of cypermethrin, imiprothrin and piperonyl butoxide provides a literally “killing” effect for cockroaches and other insects. Upon contact with the substance, about 90% of individuals die within a few minutes, the rest die within 1.5-2 hours, having managed to infect their “relatives”.

The spray does not cause addiction in cockroaches; it even works on insects that have developed immunity to other drugs. The flexible nozzle allows you to spray it into hard-to-reach places. The premises are treated using personal protective equipment, then leave them for several hours. This drug is also toxic to humans and pets.

In most cases, a single treatment is sufficient. If the problem was very advanced, it will have to be repeated in 2-2.5 weeks.

Aerosol Raid

Raid is a product that allows you to quickly clear a room of cockroaches. In order to fully treat an apartment, it is enough to spray one bottle of Raid. The components that make up the insecticide have a high damaging effect. Among them, the most important are cypermethrin (a chemical compound included in the group of contact-intestinal pesticides) and imiprothrin (a synthetic pyrethroid created by analogy with the natural one).

Raid has high insecticidal activity and is effective against crawling insects that have developed immunity. Peritroids enter the body of cockroaches through the mouth or chitinous membrane and have a nerve-paralytic effect. Poisons cause hyperactivity, motor dysfunction, convulsions, paralysis and death of insects.

The aerosol form of Raid allows you to spray the toxic substance from the greatest possible distance and uniformly treat the entire area of ​​the room, or act locally, choosing the places where insects are most concentrated.


  • does not leave fingerprints on wrapped surfaces;
  • effective against cockroaches;
  • has a low cost;
  • the drug has no odor;
  • economical.


  • has a short-term effect, approximately two hours;
  • does not work against individuals at the larval stage of development;
  • disappears quickly.

Go to the store

Raid against crawling and flying insects

Aerosol from a brand from the USA. The spectrum of action is very wide, including not only cockroaches, but also most other flying and crawling insects.

It is a plant-based insecticide whose active ingredient is cypermethrin, obtained from chrysanthemum and Persian chamomile flowers. It is safe even for people with a tendency to allergies and diseases of the bronchopulmonary system. The composition includes a flavoring agent that provides a light and unobtrusive lavender aroma.

The spray does not leave marks on the surfaces being treated and is not addictive to insects. After contact with the chitinous covering of cockroaches for 7-10 days it causes muscle paralysis and death.

To completely get rid of insects, three treatments will be required. The second - 7-8 days after the first to destroy individuals hatched from eggs. The third – after about a month to “consolidate the result.”

The best means to control cockroaches

There are a lot of chemicals available to get rid of these ubiquitous insects. They can be divided into several groups:

  • aerosol sprays (Dichlorvos, Combat, Globol, Raid, Tetrix, Executioner, Raptor, Clean House, Baygon, Sinuzan);
  • aqueous suspensions (Dobrokhim Micro, Get, Dobrokhim FOS, Lambda Zone, Cucaracha);
  • gels and pastes (Raptor, Global, Clean House, Dohlox, FAS, Sturm, Killer, Liquidator);
  • traps (Combat, Clean House, Raid, Raptor, Globall, Forsyth);
  • crayons (Clean House, Mashenka, Brownie, Titanic, Tornado);
  • powders (Pyrethrum, Boric acid - a famous folk remedy, Regent, Clean House, Karbofos).

The most effective are sprays, traps, suspensions and gels.

Aerosols are used if there are a lot of cockroaches in the apartment, and you need to get rid of them quickly. They act almost instantly, but not for long.

Pastes and suspensions can also be used for large numbers of Prussians.

They do not start working immediately (after 3-4 days), but the effectiveness of such drugs remains for quite a long time.


It has long been a well-known remedy for cockroaches, which has received the status of “folk” and has managed to get into jokes. Looks like a regular piece of white chalk. In principle, this is a pressed mixture of chalk and gypsum with the addition of deltamethrin and zeta-cypermethrin.

The chalk is easily crushed and dissolves in water. The resulting powder or liquid is used to treat the habitats and movement routes of cockroaches. Individuals smeared in the substance or swallowed it die from paralysis on the 4th-5th day. Additionally, gypsum that enters the digestive system “glues” the insides together.

The product is convenient to use and safe for people and animals. However, there are also significant disadvantages, first of all - a short-term effect, high consumption and lack of results in advanced cases. You need to “draw” with chalk on a grand scale, creating long and wide stripes.


Initially, this fipronil-based substance was created to combat the Colorado potato beetle, but the manufacturer quickly discovered a “side effect”: it is effective against cockroaches, bedbugs and fleas. The release form is water-soluble granules, the mechanism of action is enteric-contact.

The solution is used to spray all “suspicious” areas. The treatment is carried out using at least a minimum set of personal protective equipment, after which you need to leave the room for 1.5-2 hours, and then ventilate it well.

"Clean house"

If the problem is noticed at an early stage, special strips will be enough to get rid of cockroaches. In severe cases, the same insecticide is used in the form of an aerosol or powder. The product is also effective against fleas, bedbugs and flies.

The drug is very effective and cheap, but at the same time extremely toxic. The treatment is carried out in compliance with all precautions, after which you cannot remain in the room. The “residual effect” of it lasts for about a month.

Criteria for choosing an effective remedy

When choosing a cockroach repellent that is suitable specifically for your situation, you need to adhere to a number of criteria:

Price. The main thing to understand is that a truly effective drug cannot be cheap. On average, the price of an effective remedy is equal to calling the emergency services. Here, it’s up to you to decide whether to fight insects yourself or seek the help of specialists. To begin with, you should evaluate the degree of occupancy of the apartment and your capabilities, then make the right choice.

Efficiency is the most important criterion for choosing a product. Many manufacturers focus on safety, ease of use and price, but this does not mean that the product is effective. A good example, in this case, is electronic cockroach repellers, which are in great demand among consumers (no need to use chemicals, completely safe, easy to use), but they will not help get rid of insects.

Safety. There are a number of effective means that an ordinary person, without special equipment and protection, cannot use on their own. Therefore, when choosing effective drugs, it is recommended to take into account its safety for you and your household.

Validity. Before purchasing products, you need to assess the situation and understand how long it will take you to get rid of cockroaches. For some, it is important to get rid of cockroaches within a day and completely clean the room; for others, time is not critical and treatment can be done in stages. But again, we should not forget that when the apartment is heavily infested with insects, one treatment is not always enough. Only with a specific goal and a correct assessment of the situation will you be able to choose an effective remedy that is suitable for you.

Easy to use. This criterion is one of the most important for the consumer. It is much easier to purchase an effective, safe drug and “sweep” the apartment according to the instructions than to look for places where they accumulate, track their movements and lay out traps, bait and poison that pets may stumble upon.

Let's look at effective means that are suitable for self-destruction, safe and easy to use. From this list you can choose the drug that is suitable specifically for your situation.

"Boric acid"

Folk remedies in the fight against cockroaches should also not be neglected. The effectiveness of boric acid has been time-tested and proven by the experience of several generations of Soviet citizens. To kill insects, you need a substance in the form of a powder, not a liquid. It is also dangerous for pets.

To attract cockroaches to boric acid, it is mixed with something edible - mashed potatoes, boiled egg yolk, cottage cheese. You can add sugar, vanillin, cinnamon. Small balls are molded from the resulting plastic mass and placed in places where insects appear most often.

Getting into the gastrointestinal tract when swallowed, boric acid corrodes it from the inside. At the same time, it dries out the insides, causing severe dehydration. The process is slow and takes 1.5-2 weeks. During this time, the cockroach manages to infect its relatives.

Important! For the most pronounced effect of baits with boric acid, you must take care in advance to block the cockroaches' access to any sources of water.

Another folk remedy comes from

Why are nasty insects dangerous?

Cockroaches are tenacious and can survive without food or water. They can be frozen, but it is impossible to make a freezer from your own apartment. Why are small bugs dangerous?

Moving through many rooms in a day allows the cockroach to drag a huge number of infections, pathogenic bacteria and helminth eggs on its legs and back. Everything can end up on the dining table and food cabinets. And then get into a person’s mouth and the troubles will become very strong.

Many girls are afraid even of the sight of cockroaches. When uninvited guests appear, many begin to experience neurosis and various manifestations of illness, including hypertension. Many people are afraid to fall asleep, develop insomnia, and as a result get more serious illnesses.

Recently, doctors have begun to diagnose allergies to cockroaches. The etiology of the disease can be manifested by a runny nose, sneezing, itching and eczema on the skin. If symptoms persist for a long time, it is better to consult a doctor. And you need to get rid of unpleasant guests without waiting for serious complications.

Causes of cockroaches

The main nuisance is the movement of adult individuals throughout all premises. Cockroaches can be brought into a house from the street, factories, or other apartments. But often they crawl on their own through any cracks in apartments. Through toilets, baths. They can climb elevator shafts, basement entrances, or just streets.

People often associate the appearance of cockroaches with the opening of grocery stores, cafes or restaurants nearby. Malicious insects love such places and appear there with regularity. If the source is located there, it is necessary to contact the management of the establishment and fight together.

Try to find out the source of the appearance. This will help prevent the insects from reappearing and get rid of them forever. Even if one individual gets into an apartment under good conditions, it will instantly multiply, and exterminating them is quite difficult and time-consuming.

Prevention of cockroaches

You need to fight them at home regularly. Where to start a complex struggle with your own hands? Let's start with prevention:

  • regular cleaning of the premises;
  • constant ventilation of kitchen cabinets and careful inspection from the inside;
  • timely disposal of food residues;
  • take out the garbage every day, and if food waste appears, you should get rid of it immediately;
  • block access to water, do not leave glasses or water for watering plants in the open.

Also, do not eat in rooms other than the kitchen. By having breakfast in the bedroom, you risk dragging cockroaches into your resting place, and this is completely unpleasant: waking up with something crawling on your body.

All remedies are good against cockroaches

You can use homemade recipes, but according to buyers, it is better to immediately purchase cockroach control products in specialized stores. Insecticides are almost always chemical agents, with varying effects on the insect’s body. All of them are designed for the mass destruction of individuals, not only those that move on the surface of furniture, but also the destruction of eggs that have just hatched.

Many people use an ancient remedy - acid. Most often, the fight begins by spraying or moistening the cabinets with acetic acid. There are many different offers in the trading network with boric acid, both in the form of dry powder and for preparing a solution.

There are many types of drugs, you need to choose the optimal one for your conditions and immediately start using:

  • powders and crayons;
  • gels and pastes:
  • traps;
  • aerosols and spray;
  • ultrasonic repellers.

Each product has a set of advantages and disadvantages. Not all products can be used in apartments where there are small children and pets.

Baking soda with onions

THE USSR. It does not work quickly, but it is effective. With its help, you can get rid of cockroaches in 6-8 weeks. The mixture is laid out in their most “favorite” places, changing every 5-7 days.

Soda is mixed with onion gruel in approximately equal proportions. The smell, despite its harshness, attracts insects. If desired, you can add vegetable oil or powdered sugar, increasing the effectiveness of the bait (about a teaspoon per tablespoon).

In individuals who swallow it, soda comes into contact with gastric juice. The chemical reaction that begins includes the release of carbon dioxide, and they die from poisoning.


Its main advantage in the fight against cockroaches is its high chlorine content. It is harmful to cockroaches not only when swallowed. It is enough for them to inhale the vapors to get severe swelling and irritation of the respiratory system, the insects die from suffocation.

The surviving individuals are urgently “evacuated” from the apartment. But after a few days they may return. To “ward off” them for good, treatments will have to be carried out for a month, 2-3 times a week.

The concentration of the solution varies from 2-3 to 8-10% and depends on the degree of neglect of the problem. They wash the floor with it and wipe all surfaces. Undiluted liquid is poured into saucers and placed next to the discovered nests. “Whiteness” has pronounced disinfecting properties, which is very important, since cockroaches are carriers of many diseases.

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