10 most effective remedies for cockroaches in an apartment - the most complete review and tips for use

The easiest way to get rid of cockroaches is to contact the sanitation service. However, the cost of professional treatment of an apartment does not seem justified for everyone. In addition, it is quite difficult to choose a good one over scammers. An alternative option to hiring exterminators would be to purchase a powerful insecticide and treat the apartment yourself. A professional cockroach repellent can be purchased in online stores or on sanitary service websites, and the review below will help you choose the most effective product.

A little about cockroaches

Cockroaches are truly amazing creatures. Their resilience and ability to adapt can only be envied. Here are some facts about these insects:

  • the lifespan of an individual is up to 16 months;
  • they can survive without food for 40 days;
  • one female is capable of laying up to 40 eggs, and they reproduce year-round, and therefore the size of the colony grows on a terrifying scale;
  • these creatures have high resistance - adaptability to poisons, i.e. if you treated with some substance and destroyed 95% of the insects, then the remaining 5% will be resistant to this poison and will reproduce the same new generation;
  • the parasite has an amazing ability to heal. If, after consuming poison, the Prussians have access to water, then consider that all efforts are in vain;
  • when a colony is looking for a new shelter, the scouts set off first, and the rest of the flock follows them, focusing on the special trail left by the scout;
  • They are small in size and have a flat body, thanks to which they are able to penetrate even the narrowest crevices. In addition, cockroaches can move along walls and glide onto the floor using their wings.

In addition to the disgust of such a neighborhood, living with pests poses serious health risks.

  1. They crawl in sewers, garbage chutes and other not-so-clean places, and therefore serve as carriers of many diseases: cholera, dysentery, hepatitis, polio, tuberculosis.
  2. They spread worm eggs and mold spores.
  3. Their excrement and chitin residues enter the respiratory system and provoke asthma, cough, runny nose, and allergic reactions.
  4. Hungry pests can crawl into your bed at night and bite, chew off your eyelashes, and burrow into your nose and ears.

Brrr, what a horror! But, unfortunately, that's not all. They spoil food, as well as things that are inedible from our point of view: leather goods, paper, plants.


Aerosols are often recommended as an instant remedy for cockroach control. However, their main disadvantage is high toxicity and spread through the air. For this reason, you can only work with aerosols to combat cockroaches while wearing a respirator. At the same time, there should be no pets, children or people without protective equipment in the apartment. After using the aerosol, the room must be thoroughly ventilated and extensive cleaning carried out.

Causes of insects

It is believed that cockroaches are the province of dormitories and dirty premises. However, this is not entirely true, and unwanted migrants may choose a completely safe and clean apartment or house. The reasons for the appearance of barbels are:

  • non-compliance with the rules of room hygiene - crumbs lying on the floor and under cabinets, a full trash can: all this is a treasure trove of food for the mustachioed;
  • cockroaches “escaped” from their neighbors - they felt crowded due to their large numbers or the neighbors poisoned insects: in any case, you are under attack;
  • the parasites arrived along with personal belongings - you can bring a couple of individuals from friends and relatives, bring them from the hotel after a vacation, or one of your guests will “deliver” them to you;
  • natural migration - these beetles are heat-loving, so in the summer they are able to live outside and feed on scraps that they find there. But the cold snap forces them to look for a warm shelter, which could very well be your family nest.

Cockroaches come out to hunt mainly at night, so owners may not be aware of the presence of illegal residents for a long time. The following signs indicate that they have settled in your living space:

  • black dots appeared on the walls, floor and furniture;
  • there is a characteristic stench in the kitchen;
  • Clutches of eggs can be seen in cracks and corners.

The presence of any of these signals means that you will have to take urgent measures, otherwise your square meters will soon be occupied and it will become difficult to live there.

The work procedure of professional exterminators

When ordering a disinfestation service, the time of arrival of specialists is agreed upon with the client, and in addition, recommendations are given on how to prepare the premises for the procedure.

The arriving exterminator preliminarily inspects the premises, determines the degree of infestation and selects the most optimal type of treatment. There are several methods:

  • manual (the insecticide is sprayed using an electric or mechanical sprayer);
  • processing with a cold or hot fog generator;
  • barrier (in places where insects can penetrate, a protective layer of gel is applied).


The specialist also decides on the spot what exactly to poison cockroaches with, based on the chosen treatment method.

An employee of the pest control service provides the owner of the apartment with a contract, certificates for the drugs used, a receipt for payment, after which he puts on a protective suit and begins processing. The owners leave the premises before starting the procedure. If one of the household members decides to control the process, he should also wear protective clothing and a mask.

Poisoning of cockroaches begins in the kitchen, bathroom and hallway. First, the places where insects are most likely to be found are sprayed, namely technical risers, the space under the sink, under the bathtub, behind the refrigerator and kitchen cabinets, baseboards, and the back walls of furniture. Then the walls and floor are sprayed. After this, a similar treatment of living rooms is carried out.

Methods of disposal

For a comfortable life, cockroaches need water, food and warmth. These are the factors worth influencing.

First of all, limit access to food: cover the trash can, sweep and remove all crumbs from the table and floor, and store all edibles in an airtight container.

Next, you need to block the paths to the liquid: wipe all puddles and condensation from the pipes, eliminate leaks, close the drain holes.

However, it is unlikely to be limited to such methods, and one cannot do without toxic substances and repellents. Here you can use purchased products or turn to folk experience.

One of the proven products that can be easily purchased in a store or online is the GEKTOR bait gel. She looks like this:

If the number of unpleasant neighbors exceeds reasonable limits or none of the methods help eliminate them, then it is better to contact a special organization. Disinfectors will treat your home with a professional poison and, with a high degree of probability, will save you from trouble for a very reasonable fee.

Traditional methods

People have been trying to get rid of these parasites for a long time, and therefore an extensive database of recipes has accumulated to solve the problem.

Interesting video on the topic.


By removing access to drinking and food, you can deprive the Prussians of warmth in winter. Freezing is used for destruction.

Turn off the heating system, open all windows and doors wide and allow the apartment and everything in it to freeze.

For the creatures to die, the temperature must drop to -10 degrees Celsius and remain this way for at least three hours.

This method is difficult to implement in a city apartment, since individual heating in such rooms is still rare.

In addition, it is difficult to qualitatively reduce the temperature here. Nothing will prevent some of the insects from hiding deeper in the ventilation, hiding in holes on the warm wall, and returning when the procedure is completed.

But in a private home or country house, such an event can be quite effective.

Homemade traps

Help reduce the population. They are placed in places where parasites are concentrated: under the sink, near the trash can, under cabinets, near the ventilation hole. They will have to be checked frequently, freeing them from dead individuals and renewing the bait. These effective methods are recommended.

  1. Adhesive tape – double-sided tape should be attached to the cardboard. You can drop sweet syrup, jam or honey into the middle to attract barbels.
  2. Jar with bait - you need to pour beer or something sweet into a half-liter jar, and grease the walls with Vaseline or vegetable oil so that the reptiles do not get out.
  3. Plastic bottle - you need to cut off the neck of the container, turn it over and insert it into the lower part to form a kind of funnel. The delicacy placed at the bottom will lure gluttons, but they will not be able to crawl back out.

The results will be better if you set several traps at once.

Be sure to remove all edibles! Otherwise, the cockroaches will not covet the treat in the trap.


There are proven substances that cause longhorned beetles to die when eaten. This is for example:

  • boric acid - so that the insects eat the poisonous drug, it is better to make a special “delicacy”. The powder is mixed with boiled egg yolk or potatoes, rolled into balls and laid out along the route of the insects;

You can make a mixture of borax with sugar or vanillin.

  • Pyrethrum is pureed chamomile inflorescences. It must be handled in the same way as in the previous method - make poisonous balls.


Prussians have a developed sense of smell, and therefore do not like strong odors. This can be used against them in order not to let them under your roof and create uncomfortable conditions for those already settled. For this purpose the following are used:

Essential oils – lemon balm, eucalyptus, geranium, lemongrass, lemon tree seed. Oil is used to lubricate drain holes, edges of trash cans, and surfaces near cracks in floors and walls. You can add a couple of drops to water and wipe all the shelves in the kitchen with the composition. And cotton pads soaked in aromatic composition can be placed in the ventilation hole to repel scout cockroaches.

Plants – You can use live plants in pots, such as geraniums or mint. It would be nice to hang bundles of dried herbs around the room.

Ammonia - dissolve a small amount of ammonia in water and wash the floors as usual. The smell will soon disappear, but a small concentration will still remain and will repel parasites. If there are already uninvited tenants in your house, then it is advisable to do this every time you clean. For prevention, this procedure should be carried out periodically.

Vinegar – all surfaces are treated with a solution of acetic acid, and you can use a sprayer to go over the walls. A significant disadvantage is the persistent aroma of vinegar, which does not dissipate for a long time.

Kerosene and turpentine are a desperate method, since not only insects, but also people suffer due to the unpleasant and pungent odor. When using kerosene and turpentine, it is recommended to leave your native place for several days. To make a repellent mixture, you need to mix kerosene and turpentine and coat all baseboards, cracks, areas under the bathtub and near the trash can. After a couple of days, it is advisable to repeat the procedure. After fixing the problem, you need to do some general cleaning.

Special means

Folk recipes are, of course, good, but often they do not bring the desired result and do not allow you to completely get rid of the dominance of voracious creatures. Specially developed chemicals are much more powerful.

The form of release of such chemicals varies:

  1. Gel – has a rather liquid consistency, which thickens over time. Gels are applied with a dotted line at points of accumulation and along the route of cockroaches. They are convenient to apply due to the fact that they are packaged in syringes and tubes. The price of such compositions is usually low, and they give a good effect.
  2. The paste is similar in consumer qualities to the gel, but is characterized by a slightly different consistency.
  3. Powder is not the best option if it is not possible to leave your home for a while, since in the process a suspension is formed that enters the lungs of people and pets. And it’s not far from poisoning. There are drugs that are diluted in liquid: they are safer and more convenient.
  4. Chalk is a compressed powder impregnated with an insecticide solution. They need to outline all the surfaces the cockroaches love. The insects eat the chalk and soon die. This product costs a penny, but it successfully copes with the problem.
  5. Spray is the most practical form, since it can be used to deliver poison even to the most inaccessible places. Cockroaches die quickly, and you can even spray the composition directly onto the insect.
  6. Trap - above we already touched on the topic of traps and talked about homemade devices. You can also buy ready-made ones. Their operating principle is the same: to lure parasites inside and prevent them from getting out.

Be prepared for the fact that you are unlikely to be able to get by with just one product. Most likely, a whole range of measures will have to be applied. And more than once. For example, poison the main part of the colony with an aerosol, lure survivors into a trap, or treat them with poisoned gel. And to scare away those who survived even after such measures, you can use ammonia and essential oil.

There are also ultrasonic repellers on sale that reproduce sound at a frequency inaudible to humans. But cockroaches hear him perfectly well, and they don’t like him.

If the colony is small and there are no other conditions for a happy existence, then the survivors can pack their bags and go in search of a better life. This method will also help prevent new uninvited tenants from moving in after bullying.

How to choose a reputable pest control service

  • The most difficult thing when ordering pest control services is choosing a reliable and conscientious company. In large cities, this is especially difficult to do, because there are a lot of different organizations that are engaged in professional pest control of premises. Of course, there are also unreliable organizations that deceive their clients. We list the basic rules that will help you avoid running into such companies:
  • Pay attention only to large companies that have several branches in other cities. Such companies usually do not inflate prices.
  • Read people's reviews of the company on its website.
  • When you call the service, check with the employee whether they have certificates for the products used and a license for the work performed. Ask the employee to bring them with him.
  • Check whether the organization enters into an agreement with the customer and whether a seal is placed on it. If this is not the case, then it is better to contact another company.
  • Also, when calling the disinfection service, find out if they can treat the premises using hot fog technology. Unreliable companies usually do not have the funds to purchase expensive equipment to use this technology. This means that it is better to avoid such services.
  • Ask the manager if household members and pets are allowed to be in the home during the treatment. If he gives a positive answer, you should look for another service.

When the service has already arrived at your home, we recommend that you follow the following rules:

  • Immediately ask the employee for all the necessary permits.
  • Look at the contract and make sure that it bears the company's seal and clearly states the terms of the guarantee.
  • Check the pest control product itself and compare its name with the certificate.
  • Try to control all the work being carried out (of course, wearing personal protective equipment). Pay attention to how long it takes the specialist to process the room and how carefully.
  • Pay money for pest control services only after it is completed and only when you see the result.

Top 10 best products

This section contains the top insecticides for cockroaches. They have different forms of release, are affordable, have received rave reviews, and therefore rightfully deserve their position in the ranking.

  • GEKTOR gel (I mentioned it in the middle of the article and attached a photo) - the high effectiveness of this product is due to its unique bait, which no cockroach running past can resist. Once inside a cockroach, the gel not only poisons the insect, but also deprives it of its ability to reproduce.
  • Borax is essentially the already mentioned boric acid. And it should be used in the same way: scatter it around the apartment or roll eggs and potatoes into balls. From such a killer delicacy, insects begin to dehydrate, the digestive organs are destroyed and paralysis of the nervous system occurs.
  • Gel “Dohlox” – causes paralysis and death after 6–8 hours. The effect is immediately visible, as the pests begin to move more slowly and stop reacting to danger and food. At the same time, poisoned individuals are safe for humans and domestic animals.
  • Tarax is also intended for getting rid of ants, fleas, and bedbugs. The contents of the package must be dissolved in water and areas where parasites accumulate are treated. Individuals not only die themselves, but also bring poison into the habitat of the main colony, infecting their fellows.
  • Mashenka is a famous super chalk that has long been successfully used by property owners. Non-toxic for people and pets. They need to outline the approaches to the watering hole and the places where cockroaches enter the home. You can “draw” on furniture legs. Insects die a day after eating the dangerous treat.
  • Vofatox - available in powder form for preparing a solution. It is also allowed to be added to porridges for bait. The drug blocks the respiratory system of parasites and at the same time has a contact effect: one specimen infects many relatives.
  • Baron is a spray that is safe for humans, but harmful to barbels. It does not have a strong odor, is easy to use and economical - one can is enough for 30–40 sq. m. m. To become infected, the Prussian only needs to run through the sprayed area: death occurs within a few hours.
  • Globol - comes in the form of a paste and helps clean even heavily contaminated rooms. One drop of paste destroys up to 500 individuals! True, you will have to wait for the results: the peak occurs after 2–3 weeks of use.
  • The “Combat” trap is a disk trap with several entrances and exits, and a poisoned bait is located in the center. After eating the substance, the Prussian dies a few hours later, but its body continues to be poisonous. Therefore, if relatives want to eat it, they will also be poisoned.

  • Tetrix is ​​positioned as a professional remedy for bedbugs, but it also perfectly gets rid of cockroaches. Contains two active components: cypermethrin and metaphos. They destroy pests on contact and when they enter the digestive tract. It is produced in the form of a suspension and requires dilution with water in the proportions specified in the instructions. For home use, it is recommended to purchase a 250 ml bottle (the poison is not released in smaller containers). A quarter of a bottle is enough for an area of ​​up to 60 square meters. m. The disadvantage is the rather high price.
  • Raptor is an aerosol that copes with all the creeping parasites that have filled the apartment. Kills larvae, and thanks to its convenient shape makes it possible to treat hard-to-reach areas. At the same time, it does not have a strong aroma and is safe.

Boric acid

I would like to start with one of the most effective folk remedies - boric acid.
Although it has been used to combat cockroaches since the end of the last century, it still remains the most optimal solution among non-specialized options. The uniqueness of boric acid is that cockroaches, which are famous for their vitality, have not been able to adapt to it. To combat cockroaches, boric acid is most often used in powder form, which is mixed with egg yolk. Then, bait balls are formed from the resulting “dough” and placed in the cockroaches’ favorite places. You can also add vanillin to the bait, which will attract insects.

Although boric acid is harmless to humans in small quantities, you should take precautions and wear gloves when working with it. You should also make sure that the balls are kept out of the reach of animals and children.

Prevention of occurrence

To prevent unpleasant neighbors from settling in with you, you should follow the following rules:

  • regular cleaning will prevent the accumulation of crumbs on the floor, which means cockroaches will have nothing to eat;
  • take out the garbage in the evening so as not to lure the Prussians with scraps;
  • all edibles should be kept in containers, bags or put away in a closet;
  • it is worth eliminating all leaks in the pipeline and taps;
  • Place a fine mesh grille over the ventilation hole;
  • From time to time, use some repellent techniques, for example, washing the floor with ammonia.


Another equally effective folk method of fighting cockroaches is ammonia. Unlike boric acid, its task is not to harm the insect, but to scare it away. Cockroaches have an extremely well-developed sense of smell, so when they smell an unpleasant odor, they will try to avoid it.

To combat cockroaches, ammonia is diluted with water based on the proportion: one teaspoon of ammonia per liter of water. The resulting solution is used to treat “approaches” from which uninvited insects can come, for example, a gap under the front door or holes in a plumbing unit. The procedure is carried out every 2-3 days and is repeated until the cockroaches lose interest in your apartment.

At whose expense?

Sanitation of cockroaches in common areas: basements, garbage chutes, stairwells is the responsibility of the management company. Moreover, you won’t have to pay anything extra, because cockroach disinfestation is included in the tariff. The management company (management company) must regularly take measures against cockroaches, as well as ensure good sanitary condition of the house - a dry basement, a clean garbage chute.

If insects appear at the entrance of your house, you need to write a statement to the Criminal Code with a complaint about the quality of the services provided. An answer about the timing of disinfection must be given within 3 days from the date of receipt of the application. If you have not received a response to your application, feel free to contact Rospotrebnadzor. In this case, based on the results of the inspection, not only will the house be treated, but the negligent management company will also be punished.

But getting rid of insects that have already made their way into the apartment is the responsibility of the owners of the premises. It is better if disinfestation is carried out simultaneously with the entrance, this will significantly increase the efficiency of treatment.

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