Instructions on how to choose a smoke bomb against cockroaches and fight insects: the best brands, instructions for use, advantages and disadvantages, safety measures, tips

Operating principle

A cockroach smoke bomb is a small cylindrical container containing an insecticide. When activated, a huge amount of thick, toxic smoke is created, which is very toxic to insects. This method is effective due to the strong penetrating effect of the smoke. Thus, the insecticide penetrates into places that are inaccessible even with a spray.

The strong spread of smoke in the treated room leads to several ways for the active substance to enter the cockroach’s body - through the respiratory tract, intestines and through the chitinous membrane. Triple exposure to insects increases the effectiveness of the Raptor smoke bomb.

The article describes the composition of a smoke bomb and how to use it in various places.

Pros and cons of the technique

Reasons why you should use cold mist to get rid of cockroaches:

  • Instant penetration throughout the entire room and a detrimental effect on cockroaches
  • Without leaving any stains on the surface
  • Effectively tested against cockroaches
  • Environmentally friendly if all rules are followed, since the method allows you to use fewer chemicals with the same efficiency
  • Ease of use of the tool itself
  • Reliable


  • The method is labor-intensive for preliminary preparation and subsequent tidying
  • Quite dangerous in terms of toxicity
  • Expensive

Composition and active ingredients

The composition of the smoke varies depending on the manufacturer and intended use. The main reason for this difference is that in different rooms each substance has its own characteristics that make it more effective in specific cases.

You need to know! The wide variety of active substances used in smoke bombs reduces the resistance of cockroaches to a particular type of insecticide.

The following substances are most often used as toxic substances.

Permethrin is a powerful paralytic nerve poison that enters cockroaches through the intestines. Due to toxicity, it is not used in residential areas and is used to protect agricultural buildings from all types of flying and crawling insects. Content – ​​no more than 10-15%.

Hexachlorane is another effective nerve agent that is used against all types of insects, even locusts. Contains small amounts of permethrin or hexachlorate to enhance toxicity and treatment efficacy. Didecyldimethylammonium bromide is a broad-spectrum toxic agent that, in addition to cockroaches, can kill bacteria, fungi and other infections. Smoke bombs based on this substance are important in old houses and in addition to sanitary protection of premises from other pests. The most commonly used insecticides are sulfur-based. When burned, a large amount of acrid and dense smoke is produced, which has insecticidal, antibacterial and antifungal properties. Ideal for residential premises. They are also used in agriculture to get rid of cockroaches in technical rooms. Pyrethroids are used in the production of smoke bombs for the treatment of residential premises in private houses and apartments.

The smoke contains poisons in concentrations exceeding 5-7 standard cans of insecticidal aerosols.

Advantages and disadvantages of smoke bombs against insects

Smoke bombs have real advantages over other means for killing cockroaches:

  • efficiency;
  • profitability;
  • the ability to simultaneously process large areas and volumes;
  • wide spectrum of action (the drugs destroy all parasites in the house;
  • prolonged action (insecticides act on cockroaches for several weeks);

Among the disadvantages it should be noted:

  • persistent odor;
  • inability to clearly control the processing process and its intensity.

Treatment of residential premises

Smoke bombs are primarily used in indoor residential, domestic and commercial spaces. The advantage is that you save time and effort on treatment. There is no need to crawl along baseboards with gels and sprays, sticking traps and tape into the house.

The basic set of preparations for this event is as follows.

  • Sealed packaging for food, clothing, bedding and other household items. Plastic bags are used and must be airtight, wrapped and sealed with adhesive tape. If this is not possible, it is advisable to remove things from the house so that they do not become saturated with the dangerous insecticide (especially underwear and food).
  • All furniture - sofas, wardrobes, bedside tables - should be moved away from the walls - this creates space for high-quality processing. smoke. Doors and cabinets are open.
  • Ventilation holes. For a fire alarm system, turn it off (preferably) or cover the sensors with plastic to prevent them from going off.
  • Keep doors and windows tightly closed.
  • Don't stay inside. Occupants and their pets must vacate the home for a period of time depending on the type of smoke detector (read instructions included).

WARNING: Warn neighbors not to inhale smoke - no matter how carefully you insulate your home, smoke will find a way out. Alert neighbors may unknowingly call the fire department.

One smoke bomb is enough to heal a living space of up to 300 square feet. It is not recommended to use several smoke bombs in one apartment - there will be a lot of smoke, and the remaining smell will not disappear for a long time.

Effective, but not in demand

Effective, but not in demand.

Paradox! With such efficiency , such low demand. Frankly, we had a hard time finding people who could give more or less intelligible reviews about checkers against cockroaches. The main reason for the lack of popularity is the stereotype about the extremely powerful impact , which is simply unnecessary for ordinary residential apartments.

But this is not the root of evil. The fact is that checkers are similar in their effect to equipment for “foggy” treatment of premises against parasites . Is this beneficial for pest control companies? Considering that many of them have quite influential owners who can launch any rumors on the Internet, the answer to this question lies on the surface.

Treatment of cellars and basements

Fewer requirements for processing technical rooms. It consists of opening cabinets, sliding furniture, and insulating windows. If pets have free access to the treated premises, then they are fenced off for several days, since high concentrations of the poison are harmful to cats and dogs (the former are especially susceptible to such poisons). Otherwise the principle is the same. Do not forget to ventilate the room after taking the product.

A few weeks after the first treatment, another paper clip is allowed to be used to kill individual survivors.

Recommendations before processing

According to reviews from people who have used the method of using hot and cold steam, before carrying out the treatment it is recommended:

  • remove all food from the open space, carefully pack dishes and personal hygiene products;
  • move furniture away from the walls;
  • remove paintings and carpets from the walls;
  • cover computers and electrical appliances with polyethylene or thick cloth;
  • close the ventilation hatches leading into the apartment with bars, which will prevent the migration of cockroaches from neighboring rooms;
  • seal existing cracks in any way;
  • carry out wet cleaning.

During the treatment period, people and existing livestock should be removed from the premises. If one of the residents decides to monitor the work of the exterminator, he should wear a respirator and special clothing.

How to use

Depending on the type, the period of room isolation during treatment can vary from several hours to a day.

Place a metal bowl or pot with a rim at least 20 cm wide in the center of the room being treated. It has a small wick that can burn for 10-15 seconds, giving you time to leave the room before activating the active ingredient. Immediately after lighting the wick, leave the room, closing the door tightly. Don't stay and watch the smoke spread. The sulfurous husks of cockroaches and bedbugs can burn for 5-20 minutes, the smoke will fill the room and last from several hours to several days. Upon returning to the apartment, immediately open the windows, doors and vents. Ventilation should be left in the apartment for at least an hour, and then the apartment should be completely cleared of moisture.

Against cockroaches - cold fog

The destruction of cockroaches with cold fog is based on the decomposition of the working solution into microparticles, the temperature of which is similar to the temperature of the external environment. Drops of cold fog ejected under pressure are slightly larger in size than those of hot steam, so they do not warm up and correspond to the temperature of the surrounding space. Microparticles first rush upward, then descend down, completely fill the internal space and remain in the air for 3-4 hours from the moment of treatment.

When filling a room with cold mist, you must strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions to avoid increasing the humidity in the room too much. Destruction of cockroaches with cold fog, reviews of which still indicate the need to lower the humidity level before treatment, does not allow floors and furniture to flood. The settling droplets of the sprayed product do not leave stains or marks on textiles.


Raptor (liquid version)



Quiet evening

Japanese smoke bombs

Japanese smoke bombs

You can buy it in most hardware stores in all cities of Russia. Depending on the manufacturer, the area of ​​possible treatment and the active substance, the price is 450-600 rubles and more.

Precautionary measures

Although checkers are not considered fatal to humans, if you inhale this smoke heavily, you can get serious poisoning . In addition, the active substances have a bad effect on the skin . So, what precautions should you take when working with this insecticide?

  • Be sure to use personal protective equipment . Moreover, you can’t get away with a mask and glasses; you need a suit that completely covers the body.
  • All food must leave the apartment. If this is not possible, then they are all packed in foil and put in the refrigerator, which is securely sealed with tape.
  • We cover upholstered furniture and soft toys with thick cellophane . This is not so much a safety issue as it is odor - it evaporates very poorly from such materials.
  • Under no circumstances should the treatment be carried out on people who suffer from lung diseases . If a healthy person tolerates several breaths of smoke quite easily, then the patient will certainly face an exacerbation of his illness.

Also, make sure your pets don't eat dead cockroaches . Along with cockroaches, poison enters . Moreover, dogs tolerate this easily, but cats are very poisoned.

Attention. Monitor your health after treatment. The first sign of poisoning is excessive salivation, both in humans and animals.



I decided not to use sprays and gels and immediately laid a smoke bomb. The smoke came out so strong that I almost suffocated, the smell was disgusting, it was ventilated for about a week. We haven't seen cockroaches for a month now, and I'm thinking about another treatment just in case.


I didn’t read the instructions - I placed the file box on 13 squares in room 20. There was smoke, but even visually it was clear that it was not enough. I bought a second one for 25 squares, put on a respirator and lit it. I was able to enter the room after 6 hours, the smell is terrible , my eyes burn. I haven’t had cockroaches for a week; before that they literally crawled into my eyes.


After the first treatment, we had to carry out a second treatment, because not all the insects died. For effectiveness, we took a smoke bomb with a different active substance. After the second procedure, there was peace and quiet.

What to do if cockroaches don't go away

If cockroaches remain after using checkers, you can try:

Insecticide - Raptor

  • purchase another product, but of a different brand and manufacturer;
  • treat the rooms with aerosols (advantage - they disappear quickly, there is no need to inform neighbors about the upcoming treatment);
  • mark all free surfaces with crayons and set traps;
  • apply freezing (increase the temperature);
  • purchase an ultrasonic repeller.

If none of the above helps, and the cockroaches remain even after repeated use of the sulfur bomb, after the required 2-3 weeks, try to negotiate with the neighbors about mass treatment of the entire entrance or even the house by professional exterminators. Specialists use drugs that are not commercially available, which means that cockroaches have not yet acquired resistance to them and therefore the probability that the insects will be expelled after general disinsection is about 95%.

Important! Alternatively, you can try to renovate your apartment by changing the old wallpaper and sealing all the cracks where insects usually hide

Particular attention is paid to plumbing and the holes left in the walls after its installation. In the future, the homeowner will only have to maintain cleanliness after repairs and promptly poison insects that run in from neighbors

Safety precautions when working

Despite the fact that modern insecticides are relatively safe for humans, however, when working with insecticidal smoke bombs (as, indeed, when using any chemical insect repellent), it is important to follow certain safety rules.

In particular, first of all, it should be taken into account that with prolonged inhalation of smoke, a person can develop poisoning. In addition, cases of the development of allergic reactions when insecticidal aerosols come into contact with the skin and respiratory tract are rare, but have been described.

Therefore, when working with a checker, the following safety rules must be observed:

  1. Leave the room immediately after smoke steadily pours out of the bomb, do not inhale it;
  2. When airing an apartment, enter it, holding your breath, open the windows, and leave the room again for the duration of the airing;
  3. Carry out all work in clothes with long sleeves, and after completing all procedures, take a bath.

Despite the absence of open fire when the checker is smoldering, in order to avoid damage to the floor or furniture from heating, it is imperative to place the checker in a large metal container from which the product will definitely not fall out. It is advisable to place the vessel itself on a heat-resistant surface - a brick or a metal stand.


“I treat the cellar and greenhouse against mold with sulfur bombs every year, but from my own experience I can say that they are useless against cockroaches in the apartment. The smell of burning sulfur was terrible, it was impossible to breathe, but cockroaches came into view in the evening, alive and unharmed. They apparently need something more lethal..."

Alexey, St. Petersburg

Preliminary practical recommendations

  • Bomb type. There are several types of smoke bombs available for use. And among them there are those that can be used without worrying about leftovers. However, before using any smoke bomb, make sure you pay close attention to the instructions and follow them strictly. Before using any bomb on cockroaches, make sure you cap and isolate anything that you might then ingest. After all, you are using real poison, and it is better to think about your safety in advance than to regret later.
  • Ventilation. Once you have waited the required amount of time before returning to the house after the cockroach extermination procedure, the first thing you need to do is ventilate the room. Open all windows and doors to the hallway and balcony to provide additional air flow. You will immediately feel a little easier to breathe. Allow items to air out for about one hour while you do your deep cleaning.
  • Wipe down all surfaces. Using a scouring pad and warm, soapy water, wash all surfaces in your home. EVERYTHING means EVERYTHING!!! Take this recommendation literally, and go with a sponge or a special rag everywhere: from the TV to the bookshelves, from the kitchen table to the window sills. Everything must be washed, wiped, cleaned. This prevents accidental ingestion of poison into food or prolonged contact with poison.
  • Wash and wash everything that was in the apartment. Everything that can be washed must be washed. The living room, kitchen, children's room and bedroom must be washed from floor to ceiling. Wash all your plates, glasses, pots and anything else you put food in that may have been exposed to insecticides. Also wash your sheets, bedspreads and curtains, they too have absorbed harmful toxins.
  • Vacuum carpets and furniture. Do this as many times as necessary to remove all traces of the insecticide. On average this will be three or four times. When cleaning your floors, make sure you use the right cleaner, but for the most part, plain warm, soapy water will do the trick.

Organization of the process of baiting cockroaches with smoke bombs

  • Step 1: Remove food, cooking utensils, hygiene products, animals, and other people from the room to be smoke-bombed. If you light bombs throughout your living area, make sure your family and pets stay elsewhere for the next 24 hours. Close all windows and doors in rooms where smoke is not expected. Turn off any air conditioning systems.
  • Step 2: Put on a paper mask or respirator to cover your nose and mouth. Place one or two smoke bombs in each room. Point the fuse of the bomb away from you, light it and quickly leave the room.
  • Step 3: If you are treating more than one room or entire area with smoke, work from the back of the house to the front door. Close the front door behind you. Stay away for the required amount of time or day if the entire house is affected by smoke.
  • Step 4. When you return to your home, immediately open all windows and doors. You need to vacuum and wash the floors, then wipe the walls, baseboards, borders, and cornices with a damp cloth. Turn on the air conditioning system if you have one before allowing pets in.


Wipe down any clothing you wore when firing smoke bombs, as well as rags used to wipe down walls and surfaces.

TOP 3 best checkers against cockroaches

  1. Quiet evening. The active ingredient is permethrin. Checkers of this brand are known everywhere and are quite effective. Can be used both indoors and outdoors. Cost - from 370 rubles.

  1. Raptor. The active ingredient is cyphenothrin. The peculiarity of this checker is that it acts upon contact with water. One of the most effective means of this class. Will cope with parasites in a few hours. Cost - from 480 rubles.

  1. Samuro. The active ingredient, permethrin, is dangerous only for insects. It acts on all types of crawling and flying representatives, acts quickly and effectively. The death of parasites occurs within 2 minutes. A special feature of the Samuro checker is its fire safety. Cost - from 290 rubles.

Instructions for use

Before starting the destruction of bedbugs with smoke bombs, the owners carefully think through everything and prepare in detail for such manipulation. When killing bedbugs with smoke, the room will be filled with a thick fog of insecticide.

Over time, it will settle on surfaces and objects in the room in the form of a thick white coating. They think in advance about how to protect property.

Preparing the premises

While you are using a smoke bomb for bedbugs in your apartment, you need to consider the following points:

  1. You will need to leave the premises not only on the day of treatment, but it is also better not to return home for another 5 days. Especially if the family has small children and pets.
  2. When returning to the apartment after the first treatment, it is better to have a special protective suit, goggles, a respirator and rubber gloves. Some people use a face bandage made of gauze soaked in soda solution during treatment.
  3. All valuable items or expensive household appliances are removed from the apartment so that they do not have to be cleaned of insecticide residue. This is especially true for children's accessories (books, toys, clothes). At the same time, every item taken out of the living space is carefully inspected to identify bedbugs.
  4. It is not advisable to leave food in the room being processed, even in sealed packaging.
  5. Before the treatment procedure itself, mattresses are removed from the beds and placed vertically. Furniture is moved away from the walls, and doors in cabinets are opened and drawers are pulled out. They remove paintings, clocks and other interior items from the walls. Place them with the back side up. All this will contribute to better penetration of the insecticide.
  6. Ventilation holes are sealed with tape, windows and vents are tightly closed. This will prevent smoke from penetrating outside the specified room. It is advisable to open interior doors.

The premises should be used by people who do not suffer from allergic reactions, asthma or acute respiratory diseases.

Premises treatment

Bedbug checkers are used for treatment as follows:

  1. place a smoke bomb inside a metal container. To protect surrounding objects from accidental contact with combustion products.
  2. Light the fuse. After making sure that it is fully lit, they leave the room, tightly closing the front door.
  3. Do not enter the room for at least 2 hours (that is how long the checker continues to operate), but preferably 3-4 hours in order to increase efficiency.
  4. They put on protective equipment and return to the treated apartment. Open windows and doors wide for ventilation. This should be done at least for 60 minutes. It may take more than 5 hours for the air to clear completely.
  5. After complete ventilation, begin wet cleaning. Make it with soap and soda solution. After cleaning, take a shower and rinse your mouth and throat with a soda solution.
  6. Repeated treatment is carried out after 14 days according to the previous scheme.

At least 2 people should treat a living space with an insecticidal spray. The partner is always on the street for backup.

Causes of cockroaches in an apartment

To maintain their existence, cockroaches need to eat, for this reason, in most cases they appear in houses and apartments where they do not keep order very well and leave food and uncleaned food scraps in the kitchen.

Cockroaches do not need many supplies for a favorable existence. A bowl of cookies or sweets forgotten in the dining area, unclean dishes left overnight, or even small crumbs on the dining area and floor can cause cockroaches to appear and remain in the house.

From what and for what reason do cockroaches appear in apartments where they are often cleaned and kept tidy? Another significant condition important for the existence of cockroaches is moisture.

There may be a vessel with water in the kitchen, or a leaking faucet, or there may be wet drops on the sink after washing dishes. All this may seem trivial at first glance, but this may already be enough for cockroaches to appear in your apartment.

To prevent cockroaches from entering your home, you must be vigilant about objects appearing in the house and monitor the neatness and cleanliness of the room.

Find out why spiders appear in an apartment and how to get rid of insects.

Read this article for useful information about which concentrated washing powder is best for washing.

Instructions for use

Before you start treating a room with a smoke bomb, you need to carefully think through everything, weigh it and carry out a number of preparatory measures. After all, during treatment, the room will be in a thick fog of insecticidal smoke, which will then settle on objects and surfaces, forming a thick layer of white plaque.

Preparation for processing

Processing, subsequent ventilation and cleaning will take several hours. Think about where you, your household and pets will spend this time. In addition, it must be taken into account that the residual odor persists for up to 5 days. And perhaps it makes sense to find another place to live during this time. Especially if you have children and pets. Animals, in particular cats, survive the effects of insecticidal treatment extremely poorly. Decide on the number of smoke bombs needed for the entire volume of the room and purchase them. Take safety precautions. Many preparations are equipped with a wick that delays the release of smoke for 1–2 minutes. During this time, you can safely leave the premises. But you still have to return. And at that moment the room will be filled with thick toxic smoke. Ideally, it is better to have a chemical protection suit. Well, or at least safety glasses, a respirator and rubber gloves. As a last resort, there should be a gauze bandage soaked in a soda solution at the rate of 1 teaspoon per glass of water. But it is still better to provide yourself with more serious means of protection. Remove especially valuable items and equipment from the house if you do not want to subsequently clean them of insecticidal residue. In large cities, you can rent special storage boxes for this purpose. Or distribute among friends and acquaintances. All children's things must be “saved”: books, toys, clothes

But please note that absolutely every item removed from the house must be thoroughly examined for the presence of bedbugs. These parasites even live well inside phones. Clothes can be washed, dried and packed in airtight plastic bags

But food should not be left in the house, even in sealed packaging. Immediately before processing, reduce the number of smoke obstructions. Remove mattresses from beds and place them upright, move furniture away from the walls, and open doors in closets. Smoke penetration will be easier and more effective. Remove frames, paintings, photographs, clocks, panels from the walls. Place them on horizontal surfaces with the back side facing up. Seal the ventilation holes with tape. The smoke will not be able to quickly leave the premises and will work against bedbugs in a given space. Close windows and vents tightly. On the contrary, open the interior doors. Turn off fire detectors, if equipped. Read the instructions for the drug carefully.

Processing process

  1. Place a smoke bomb inside a metal bucket. This measure will protect the interior of the room from accidental exposure to combustion products.
  2. Light the fuse. Make sure it is lit and leave the room, closing the front door tightly.
  3. The destruction of bedbugs occurs 2 hours after the start of the process. A smoke bomb is designed for approximately the same time. But it’s better to leave everything as is for 3-4 hours for greater effectiveness.
  4. After this time, you must return to the room, having first put on personal protective equipment, and open the windows wide for ventilation. Manufacturers recommend ventilating for at least 1 hour. However, this time is too short to fully clean the air and it would be better to increase ventilation to 5–6 hours or more.
  5. Only after the air in the room is clean can you begin wet cleaning using soap and soda solutions.
  6. At the end of the process, take a shower and rinse your mouth and throat with a soda solution.
  7. Repeated treatment should be carried out after 2 weeks according to the same scheme.

What is a sulfur bomb Fas: composition, weight

The main active ingredient is sulfur: the composition of the universal FAS checker consists of 80% of it.
Product weight is 300 g (+- 5%). The outer skin of the product is made of polycarbonate. The shape can be cylindrical or triangular. The product package includes a wick so that it can be lit. The wick is long enough so that after setting fire the user can leave the treated area in a timely manner.

The Fas checker looks similar to a military smoke grenade (the casing of which is also made of carbonate), and the principle of its use is exactly the same. Therefore, when transporting a product to a dacha through traffic police checkpoints, problems may arise with explaining its purpose.

Where is it sold and how much does it cost?

You can purchase the Fas checker in stores specializing in pest control products. Sometimes it is sold in flower shops and home improvement stores. You need to look for it in the insect control department.

Checker Fas and its packaging

The average cost is 50-70 rubles.

Purpose: where and for what can the Fas smoke bomb be used?

The main purpose is to destroy fungal microorganisms (mold), remove small rodents (for example, it can be used against mice) and fight insects.

The product is not intended for treatment of residential premises. It can only be used in non-residential premises: basements, greenhouses, hotbeds, as well as in outbuildings after relocating pets from them.

Basements must be treated before storing food. Processing of greenhouses is carried out after harvesting, before the next planting.

The Fas checker should be used in the following cases:

  1. For disinfection purposes. The product is used to destroy mold microorganisms and some types of bacteria. You can use the product in the cellar and in the greenhouse to combat mold. This method is quite effective: smoke easily penetrates into all corners, neutralizing mold deposits.
  2. For disinfestation purposes. The product is perfect for killing insects (cockroaches, ants, bedbugs, etc.).
  3. For breeding small animals (moles, mice, rats). The saber simply drives away the most persistent rodents, and kills the weaker ones, paralyzing the nervous system.
  4. To combat unwanted vegetation (for example, moss).

Is the Fas checker dangerous for humans, crops, and plants?

The manufacturer assures that the smoke from the bomb does not affect the human body (when wearing a respirator or gas mask), and if it does, it is minimal. In fact, inhaling sulfur dioxide is dangerous, so when using the product you should definitely use protective equipment and leave the room as soon as possible after setting it on fire.

There is a potential risk to human health. The hazard class of the product during combustion is second (dangerous compounds). It is not recommended to stay in the treated area for a long time, even in PPE (personal protective equipment).

Instructions on the package

The effect of smoke on the body of animals is fatal - therefore, they (if we are talking about pets) must be removed from the room being treated, as serious disruptions to the functioning of internal organs are possible. It's all about the sulfur contained in the product: when it burns, it releases dangerous sulfur dioxide.

Smoke from a bomb can negatively affect various foods and plants (from potatoes to flowers). All products (even canned ones) must be removed from the area being treated.

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