Why do woodlice dream in a dream book?

Are you afraid?

Why do you dream of especially many woodlice in the house? The dream book suspects that you are chasing imaginary values, forgetting about more important ideals.

Seeing a lot of bugs in a house in a dream literally means that you are paranoid, you are afraid of every rustle and suspect everyone you meet.

Did you dream that you found woodlice in your house? Your bad thoughts and fears about illness or the future have attracted real trouble. And if you don’t immediately stop feeding them, something irreparable will happen.

Meaning in a dream

Seeing a lot of woodlice in a dream means minor problems, says Miller’s dream book. Trouble will be caused by external unexpected circumstances and will require an immediate solution. If you have successfully exterminated the insects, you will quickly complete the tasks. These creatures remained in place - you will certainly resolve the troubles, but you will need to make an effort to do this.

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The psychological dream book reports that if you happen to see woodlice in a dream, then this indicates your internal fatigue and irritability. Often such a dream comes to business and hardworking people, since they devote a lot of time to their work and little to themselves. Allow yourself to relax, spend the weekend doing something you love, and you will see how internal tension evaporates.

If you dreamed of a wood lice in the house, you suddenly realize that your previous life goals are irrelevant, and change them dramatically. It is likely that this will happen under the influence of external circumstances. For example, a careerist suddenly realizes the value of family after meeting his “other half.”

You will be glad to know what fat woodlice dreams about – big income. You may be waiting for an increase in wages, a lucrative offer for a part-time job, or a win in a seemingly unsuccessful lottery. Be sure that in the near future you will begin to have a white streak of prosperity.

Woodlice is included in the Modern Dream Book as a symbol of loneliness. However, this is a delusion of the dreamer - most likely, during this period of time he really does not communicate much with loved ones, but this is temporary. Such a vision can come during a business trip, preparing for exams, or while on vacation. Don't worry, soon you will again feel the joy of communicating with friends and relatives.

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In your dream, the woodlice ran quickly - a journey is ahead. Suddenly you will be offered a fun trip. This could be a walk through the beautiful places of your city, or maybe a flight to another country.

If the woodlice, on the contrary, crawled slowly, then there will be some stagnation in your affairs due to external circumstances or other people. The dream book recommends that you show initiative and perseverance - these qualities will allow you to quickly move things forward.

If you crushed an insect in a dream, you will lose a small amount of money. You might end up losing a few coins from your pocket or wasting money on a useless item. If you ran away from woodlice, you will avoid trouble. If you caught centipedes, you will have a pleasant time doing useless activities.


In a dream, did you happen to pick up some object and a woodlice fell from it? You are afraid of loneliness, or are not satisfied with your current situation.

Did you dream of a motionless woodlice? You are on the threshold of a completely new life. This same plot, according to the dream book, marks the arrival or fear of old age, as well as a transition to another level of dreams.

Seeing a woodlice pulled out of a body is even worse. This is a warning: some dangerous (perhaps even life-threatening) situation will be directly related to water.

Why do you dream of woodlice in the house - Snopedia

Unpleasant-looking woodlice appear in our homes for obvious reasons - they are attracted to high humidity, constant dampness, in a word, a special microclimate. But why do these arthropods come into our dreams and what do they symbolize? Let's try to figure out why woodlice dreams?

How to decipher a dream

The designation of a woodlice that appears in a dream may differ according to different sources.

What will the dream books say?

  • Miller's dream book speaks of this crustacean as a symbol of stagnation in business.
  • The Dream Interpretation Book states that woodlice is a sure sign of imminent profit.
  • The noble dream book interprets a dream in which there were a lot of them as deceptive goals and imaginary values ​​that you are chasing in vain at this stage of life.
  • According to the summer dream book, if you have crushed an unpleasant creature, then in real life it makes sense for you to prepare for a trip.
  • If you turn to the autumn dream book to decipher such a dream, you can read the following in it: crushing woodlice means troubles that will be directly related to your slowness - you simply will not have time to achieve your goals.

On a note! Most dream books, after a dream about wood lice, recommend very carefully reconsidering your life priorities and set of spiritual values. Right now it is advisable to renounce actions that may entail criminal liability!

Astrologers associate woodlice directly with the water element and call it a water sign. For this reason, future events will one way or another come into contact with bodies of water:

  • dreamed of woodlice - do not rush to go on a sea voyage, as there is a high probability that it will not end in the best way;
  • after such a dream it is not recommended to go fishing - any body of water, even the smallest pond, after dreaming about these crustaceans poses a serious danger;
  • You should also postpone or reschedule seemingly harmless trips on pleasure boats and water buses - there is a risk that the weather will suddenly deteriorate and as a result you will get not entertainment, but a cold.

What do popular beliefs say?

According to popular observations, seeing woodlice in a dream does not mean something specifically good or bad. First of all, this is a warning, that is, you have the opportunity to change the course of events or to properly prepare for them. After all, with a strong desire, it is possible to easily overcome any difficulties and adversities.

  • If you dreamed of one small woodlice, then it does not pose any particular danger. This is a sign that with some effort you can avoid trouble.
  • Arthropods are crawling over your body - events await you that will lead to some discomfort and may affect your mental balance.
  • There are many crustaceans sitting on various objects, indicating the possible appearance of these same objects in your life.

In general, wood lice that appear in a dream want to remind you that you should not give up in any situation. Set the right goals for yourself, identify and remove ill-wishers from your life in time, and you will definitely succeed.

  • https://beetlestop.ru/k-chemu-snyatsya-mokritsyi/

Source: https://snopedia.ru/k-chemu-snyatsya-mokricy-v-dome/

Time for a change

In a dream, did a harmless creature cause an attack of disgust? Some important event or person will suddenly lose value for you, and you decide to change yourself or your life.

If various insects regularly appear at night, then the dream book is sure: it’s time to change your job, place of residence, or other circumstances.

Did you dream that woodlice suddenly disappeared by themselves? This is a sign of a break in some spiritual or physical connection.

What does this mean

Before solving a dream about woodlice, you should find out what kind of creature it is.
Woodlice is a small crustacean with a slightly convex oval body up to 50 mm in length (depending on the species). On top it is covered with a shell consisting of seven segments. Each segment corresponds to a pair of legs. The body of the crustacean is flexible, and in case of danger it quickly curls up into a lump protected on all sides. Animals prefer a warm, humid environment, so they can be found in greenhouses, damp basements, and even seen in apartments. They are not dangerous to humans, but can cause enormous harm to greenhouse and irrigated crops, as well as food supplies in cellars.


Why do you dream about woodlice?

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Did a woodlice appear in your dream? You'll get huge profits soon! But the dream book reminds us: this is far from the only thing that the mentioned booger dreams about and offers various variations of interpretations.

Miller's Warning

Seeing swarming woodlice at night, according to Miller’s dream book, is bad. You are destined for illness or great grief. Did you dream that you harassed them? You will certainly be lucky, but first you will have to pass some test.

Get ready!

Why do you even dream about these unpleasant insects? In general, the interpretation of the dream is not the most rosy.

A situation will happen in which you realize your complete insignificance. The same image warns of unpleasant things that have to be done instead of other and numerous, albeit rather minor problems.

Did nasty insects appear in huge numbers in your dream? This means that you are overly irritated or mired in a series of troubles.

Are you afraid?

Why do you dream of especially many woodlice in the house? The dream book suspects that you are chasing imaginary values, forgetting about more important ideals.

Seeing a lot of bugs in a house in a dream literally means that you are paranoid, you are afraid of every rustle and suspect everyone you meet.

Did you dream that you found woodlice in your house? Your bad thoughts and fears about illness or the future have attracted real trouble. And if you don’t immediately stop feeding them, something irreparable will happen.


In a dream, did you happen to pick up some object and a woodlice fell from it? You are afraid of loneliness, or are not satisfied with your current situation.

Did you dream of a motionless woodlice? You are on the threshold of a completely new life. This same plot, according to the dream book, marks the arrival or fear of old age, as well as a transition to another level of dreams.

Seeing a woodlice pulled out of a body is even worse. This is a warning: some dangerous (perhaps even life-threatening) situation will be directly related to water.

Prosperity or envy?

Why do you dream of big woodlice crawling on the ground? The dream book predicts a good period, prosperity and general luck. If you dreamed that insects crawled into a plate in a dream, then they are silently harming you out of envy.

Did you dream about large black woodlice? You will cry and lament. Sometimes the same plot reflects a very real meeting in dreams with evil entities living in the dream world.

Get ready!

Why do you dream about centipedes? Pack your bags - a long trip awaits you. Did you see a centipede? The dream book predicts the arrival of very noisy and annoying guests.

In a dream, the centipede also hints that something has slowed down. Take your time and use this forced respite wisely.

What they were doing?

You should definitely consider your own actions when you see woodlice. The Dream Interpretation believes that future events in reality directly depend on dream behavior.

  • I had to put pressure - a loss of small money or a minor victory.
  • Run away - avoid some assignment.
  • Catching - waste your energy on an unimportant activity.
  • Poisoning is a serious effort to achieve a goal.
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