Tsifoks for fleas - description, treatment, effectiveness 

The human home attracts many insects, because here there is food and favorable conditions for life and reproduction. But such a neighborhood brings a lot of trouble to people, since the appearance of insects leads to damage to food, property, and bites on the body.

Blood-sucking parasites pose a particular danger, since many of them are carriers of infectious diseases. Disinfestation with chemicals helps get rid of insects. One of them is Tsifoks, which has long established itself as an effective remedy.

  • 5 Precautions
  • 6 Advantages and disadvantages
  • 7 Conclusion
  • Advantages and disadvantages of the drug Cifox

    The drug Cifox gained popularity due to its positive qualities, which are much more numerous than the disadvantages.
    These include: After treating a room with Tsifox, a persistent odor remains for a long time. You should not be afraid of it, since under the influence of oxygen the toxin contained is destroyed.

    The disadvantages include the following:

    Rules for carrying out Tsifoks treatment indoors

    To safely treat a room from unwanted insects, you need to remember some important rules:

    1. Carry out wet cleaning in the room.
    2. Place food and medicines out of reach of the sprayed solution.
    3. Prepare a container for the finished mixture and a sprayer. Ideally, a special spraying apparatus would be suitable.
    4. Take care of the personal safety of the person carrying out the processing. He must wear closed clothing, shoes, a scarf, gloves, and a respirator for breathing safety. After the event, you must take a hygienic shower, wash used clothes, and clean your shoes.
    5. During the event, be sure to ventilate the room.
    6. Do not eat, drink or smoke in the treatment area.
    7. 12 hours after the work, wash the room with warm water.

    For chemical treatment, you can use a regular sprayer.

    Preparation of a solution for the destruction of ixodid ticks

    To prepare a solution against ixodid ticks, you need to dilute 5 ml of concentrated emulsion in 1–2 liters of water. The volume of the finished solution is calculated per 1 hectare of the area surface. The rules for preparing the solution are described above.

    Rules for processing a land plot

    To effectively treat an open area against ticks, you must adhere to the following rules:

    Treat the area twice per season: in early spring before planting seedlings (April - early May) and in late autumn after harvesting (late October - November). Choose a dry, warm, windless day. In such weather, ticks are on the surface, making them easier to destroy. Ideally, three days before treatment and three days after it there will be no precipitation in the form of rain or snow. If it rains immediately after using chemicals, the poisons will be washed away and the result will be zero. So check the weather forecast. Perform the treatment no later than 40 days before harvesting. This is necessary so that the chemicals that fall on garden crops have time to be neutralized by rain, watering and plant activity. The danger of poisoning and severe intoxication of the body is high during the first month after treatment. Before the procedure, also remove garden furniture and equipment. On the day of the procedure, exclude children and pets from the area. Don't forget to take care of yourself too. Over the main closed clothing, put on a robe or a special protective suit, a scarf, gloves, and put on high boots or closed shoes. Protect your breathing with a respirator. After work, wash your clothes, shine your shoes and take a hygienic shower. Avoid chemicals getting into water, especially drinking water.

    Enter the territory without protection after 3 days. Pay special attention to garden paths, recreation areas and areas near the entrance to the room. Spray any shrubs and trees no more than 1.5 meters high

    The above makes no sense: there are no ticks there.

    In this medical article you can familiarize yourself with the drug Tsifoks. The instructions for use will explain in what cases the solution is used, what the remedy helps with, what are the indications for use, contraindications and side effects. The annotation presents the forms of release of the drug and its composition.

    In this article, consumers can only leave real reviews about Tsifoks. The instructions list analogues of Tsifox and the prices of the drug.

    Use of Tsifoks against ticks

    Before treating the area against ticks, it is necessary to prepare the area:

    • put the area in order: remove last year’s leaves, dry branches, etc.;
    • mow all overgrown grass;
    • Containers with water must be tightly closed;
    • remove children's toys and garden tools;
    • remove or cover lawn chairs, tables and other furniture.

    When starting pest control, you need to remember some important rules:

    1. Treat the area twice during the spring-summer period: before the start of garden work (April-May), again in mid-autumn after the end of the season and before frost (October-November).
    2. Study the weather forecast. The ideal time for disinfestation is dry, windless days. There should be no rain for 3 days before and after the event. Processing should be carried out during calm periods. Rain and wind will neutralize or significantly reduce the effect of the insecticide.
    3. Notify your neighbors of your intentions. Processing carried out together will enhance the result.
    4. Do not under any circumstances cultivate the area before harvesting.
      For a month after spraying Cifox, vegetables, fruits and other food products from the treated area should not be eaten to avoid poisoning. It is optimal to wait 40 days after treatment. The toxins contained in the drug Cifox must undergo a breakdown process so as not to cause harm
    5. While spraying the drug, do not allow children, pets, women while expecting a baby, and nursing mothers away from the area.
    6. Protect yourself from unnecessary exposure by wearing insecticide-treated long sleeves, shoes, safety glasses and a respirator.
    7. After completing work, take a hygienic shower, wash used clothes, clean or wash shoes.
      Clothes and shoes must be washed and washed to avoid unnecessary contact with toxic substances of the drug
    8. All family members can go to the site after 3 days.

    Instructions for treating the area:

    Wear protective clothing. Prepare an emulsion solution and a spray bottle. Start processing from distant areas. Spray the product evenly, moving around the perimeter. Pay special attention to garden paths and areas with dense vegetation. Do not cultivate land intended for planting vegetables, berries, fruit crops, a sandbox, a playground, or an apiary. Apply the product to bushes and trees no higher than 0.5 meters from the ground. There are no ticks above. Repeated disinsection is allowed after 1–1.5 months

    The exact time depends on the intensity of precipitation and the presence of parasites on the site, but not earlier than 2 weeks after the last treatment. The amount of the finished solution depends on the density of vegetation and the number of parasites localized in the area

    Repeated disinsection is allowed after 1–1.5 months. The exact time depends on the intensity of precipitation and the presence of parasites on the site, but not earlier than 2 weeks after the last treatment. The amount of the finished solution depends on the density of vegetation and the number of parasites localized in the area.

    Approximate consumption rate of acaricidal liquid:

    • with a low number of ixodid ticks and a small amount of grass cover - 0.25 l/ha;
    • with an average and significant number of individuals and dense vegetation - 0.75 l/ha, sparse cover - 0.5 l/ha;
    • if mites of the genus Dermacentor and Haemaphysalis are detected or likely to be present - 1.25 l/ha.

    Treatment of clothing and equipment with Tsifoks for protection against ticks

    Tsifoks can be used as an acaricidal agent for disinsection of clothing. To do this, you first need to prepare the correct solution:

    • the amount of active substance in the finished suspension should be 0.125%;
    • approximate spray rate - 40 ml/m2;
    • One set of an adult should require approximately 160–200 ml of solution.

    It is very important to dry the treated items to prevent contact of the insecticide with the skin: this will cause irritation and allergies. Rules for processing clothing:

    1. Spray the drug outdoors. As a last resort, it is possible indoors, but in this case it is necessary to ensure high-quality ventilation.
    2. Wear safety glasses and a mask.
    3. Prepare the solution.
    4. Unfolded clothing and equipment should be laid out or hung up.
    5. Apply the drug at a distance of 20–25 cm from clothing with an outstretched hand.
    6. Spray the product in the direction of the wind.
    7. Treat items until lightly dampened.
    8. After disinfestation, clothes need to be dried. Do not apply to skin.
    9. Store treated clothing in a tightly closed bag.

    Description of the drug

    In the bottle, tsifox looks like a liquid with a yellowish tint and a strong specific odor. When diluted, the solution loses its transparency and acquires a white milky color. The drug is almost invisible on the surface after drying, which cannot be said about its smell. The persistent aroma persists for a long time after treatment and it is better to leave the room for a day so as not to inadvertently get poisoned.

    The product is usually sold in transparent plastic bottles of 50, 500 and 1000 ml. If you have to treat a one- or two-room apartment, then it is more advisable to buy a small 50 ml bottle. This is quite enough for 1-2 disinsections.

    The active ingredient of Cifox is cypermethrin. This is a broad-spectrum insecticide belonging to the second generation pyrethroids. In addition to Cifox, this substance is contained in many other insecticides, for example, in Cucarache, the use of which can be read in the article:

    The Zifox bottle contains a 25% solution of cypermethrin. When ingested by arthropods, it paralyzes the nervous system, which leads to the death of insects.

    Tsifox helps not only against bedbugs. With its help you can get rid of fleas, cockroaches, midges, flies, ticks, lice and garden pests.

    Most often, Tsifox is sold in bottles of 50 and 500 ml

    The prepared solution cannot be stored. In this form, tsifox quickly loses its activity, and it must be used no later than 8 hours after dilution.

    How to breed?

    So, how to breed tsifoks from bedbugs? According to the instructions developed by the Research Institute of Disinfectology of Rospotrebnadzor, the drug is mixed with cold water in the following proportions:

    • if the room is heavily infested with insects, take 2 ml of the product per 1 liter of water;
    • when the population of bloodsuckers is small, 0.4 ml of insecticide is dissolved in 1 liter.

    In the first case, a 0.05% solution is obtained, which acts for a long time after application - 3-4 months. One 50 ml bottle is enough to prepare 25 liters of the composition. This is a lot for treating an apartment, so it is more advisable to use half a bottle - 25 ml per 12.5 liters of water.

    The second method can be used when the apartment is infested with insects only slightly. In this case, 4 ml of the drug is taken per 10 liters of water. The result is a 0.01% solution. At this dosage, Tsifox protects against bedbugs for a month.

    When diluting, the following precautions must be observed:

    • use gloves and protective clothing;
    • keep the bottle with the drug low from the surface of the water to avoid splashing and splashing of the product;
    • Wear special glasses to protect your eyes;
    • Cover your mouth and nose with a respirator.

    After pouring the product into water, the solution is stirred for 5 minutes. and pour into a spray bottle.

    It is important to remember that the drug retains its properties for only 8 hours, so when treating the room it is advisable to use outside help, or purchase a garden sprinkler

    How to use?

    The treatment is carried out in protective clothing with the windows open. The drug is toxic to humans. If it enters the respiratory tract or digestive system, it can cause severe poisoning. To avoid this, use respirators and cotton-gauze bandages. The skin and eyes should also be covered with clothing and glasses, as the composition has corrosive properties.

    The diluted tsifox is applied using a sprayer to the following surfaces:

    • baseboards;
    • walls behind paintings;
    • sockets;
    • shelves;
    • cabinets;
    • bed frames;
    • the inside of the sofas;
    • curtains;
    • bedspreads;
    • walls under peeling wallpaper.

    Since Tsifox should be diluted against bedbugs depending on the degree of infestation of the apartment, the consumption rate of the drug depends on its percentage composition. For residential premises it will be as follows:

    • 0.01% solution – 50 ml per 1 m2 of poorly absorbent surfaces and 100 ml on highly absorbent surfaces;
    • 0.05% - 50 ml per 1m2, regardless of the type of materials.

    The drug begins to act within 10 minutes. after use. Insects crawl out of their hiding places and after 20-30 minutes. die. As a rule, re-treatment of the room is not required, since bedbugs hatched from eggs are also exposed to the toxic substance.

    Cleaning can be done after 8-12 hours of exposure to the drug. All hard surfaces with which contact is possible are wiped with soap or soda water. Sofas and carpets are vacuumed, curtains, drapes, bedspreads are washed.

    Upon completion of disinfestation, the room should be thoroughly ventilated for at least half an hour. The smell will completely disappear in 2-3 days.

    Safety precautions and contraindications

    Working with the insecticidal drug Tsifox implies mandatory compliance with all safety rules:

    1. Persons under 18 years of age, women nursing or bearing a child, and persons prohibited from contact with pesticides for health reasons are not allowed to participate in the processing.
    2. After completing the work, you should take a hygienic shower, wash your clothes, and wash your shoes.
    3. Smoking, eating and drinking are prohibited during the event.
    4. For personal protection, you need to wear a special suit or clothing made of dense natural fabric, a hat, safety glasses, a respirator, gloves, and closed shoes.
    5. During processing, interrupt work for 15–20 minutes every 45 minutes. Take a break outside or in a separate room where treatment was not carried out.

    When carrying out disinsection, it is important to protect the mucous membranes of the visual organs from insecticide, since the toxin can affect eye health

    Preparing the room for processing

    Before processing housing, you need to carry out preparatory work:

    • carry out wet cleaning of the room: wipe the dust, vacuum the carpets, wash the floor;
    • remove all existing cobwebs;
    • move furniture away from the walls by 30–40 cm to free access for processing;
    • remove things from surfaces: vases, photographs, souvenirs, keyboard, books, etc.;
    • Also remove all hygiene items from the bathroom: toothbrushes, sponges, towels;
    • remove bedding, clothes, shoes from the internal shelves of closets;
    • remove all bedding from the beds and place the mattress in an upright position;
    • remove paintings, mirrors and other objects from the walls;
    • Pack food and kitchen utensils tightly into containers;
    • Wrap household appliances in plastic film;
    • if you have an aquarium or terrarium, take care of its inhabitants: a small one can be taken out of the home, and a bulky one can be securely covered, turn off the filter and compressor;
    • all animals, children and other family members not involved in processing should leave the premises;
    • persons who will work with the insecticide must take care of personal protection;
    • set the windows to ventilation mode;
    • After treatment, leave the room without closing the windows.

    During the disinfestation process, it is important to prevent the insecticide from entering the respiratory system.

    Activities after insecticide treatment

    Actions after spraying the drug:

    • ventilate the room for at least half an hour;
    • carry out wet cleaning 8–12 hours after completion of treatment;
    • use protective clothing and gloves;
    • Surfaces that will come into contact (cabinet shelves, window sills, door frames, etc.) must first be wiped to remove the drug initially, and then washed with soapy water and soda;
    • Places that do not pose a risk of contact with insecticide (the back of furniture, behind doorways and baseboards, etc.) should be washed only after all parasites have died.

    Storage of the drug

    Tsifoks is stored in a production bottle with a tightly closed lid away from fire and heating devices. The drug should be kept separate from food and not given to children. Permissible storage temperature is from -10°C to +25°C.

    Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

    This product has much fewer disadvantages than advantages. The pungent smell always comes first. The strong aroma disappears within 4 days. According to user reviews, an “echo” of disinsection has been felt in the apartment for several months. A relative disadvantage is the risk of poisoning people and pets. This happens when disinfestation rules are not followed.

    Advantages of a professional product:

    High efficiency

    Buyers pay special attention to this point. One thorough treatment can destroy a large colony of parasites in 1 day

    The final disposal of the apartment occurs within a month.

    Minimum effort. It is enough to treat the apartment well once, without torturing yourself with daily ineffective procedures.

    Low cost. Cifox is one of the few drugs that provides high performance at an affordable price. For 1 bottle of an effective product with a capacity of 50 ml you will have to pay about 114 rubles. There is a discount when ordering multiple bottles.

    Availability. The drug may seem difficult to access for those who do not know what online shopping is. Everyone else buys Digital without any problems. The domestically produced product is sold through a number of official websites. The likelihood of fakes is minimal.

    You can read about the effect of the drug on forums where issues of fighting bedbugs are discussed.

    How to breed Tsifoks from bedbugs

    The entire procedure is clearly described in the instructions. Preparing the solution does not take much time and does not cause difficulties. It is enough to find the necessary containers, get a spray bottle, and protect yourself from poisoning.

    • The concentrate is diluted in water at room temperature.
    • In case of severe contamination of the room, prepare a more concentrated solution - 1 liter. 2 ml of product. The consumption of the product is calculated based on the area of ​​the room.
    • For repeated treatment, moderate infestation of bed bugs in an apartment, 0.4 ml of Tsifox is diluted in 1 liter of water.
    • Mix thoroughly for 5 minutes.
    • Pour into a spray bottle, or even better, dilute it directly in it.

    For the initial treatment of an apartment in case of severe infection, a solution with an active substance concentration of 0.05% is obtained. Regarding the required quantity, half a bottle is enough for an apartment for complete, high-quality disinfestation. 25 ml of the drug is diluted in 12.5 liters. water. In this case, it is advisable to initially dissolve in 1 liter, then add the rest of the water, mix everything well again. If you have to treat a house or a large apartment, use the entire bottle of insecticide per 25 liters of water. After treatment with 0.05%, the concentrate continues to act on the surface for up to 4 months.

    In case of mild contamination of the premises, as well as during repeated disinfestation, prepare a 0.01% solution. To do this, dilute 4 ml of the drug in 10 liters of water. The protection is valid for a month.

    During the preparation of the solution, safety precautions must be observed:

    • You should wear rubber gloves on your hands, protect your respiratory tract with a respirator, and wear a suit with trousers and a long-sleeved jacket. To protect your eyes, it is recommended to wear special glasses. Only in such uniforms is it allowed to carry out disinfestation.
    • To prevent splashing when adding concentrate to liquid, the bottle must be kept close to the surface of the water.
    • You need to choose a container that you don’t mind throwing away later.

    Proper preparation of the solution is the key to a successful operation against bedbugs!

    Fighting cockroaches

    It is recommended to pay attention to the main points of combating mustachioed pests:

    1. If the insects have appeared recently, you can first treat only the places where they accumulate.
    2. In the fight against cockroaches, the frames of sofas and beds, the joints of baseboards with wallpaper, carpets and furniture walls must be thoroughly treated.
    3. In case of severe infestation, treat everything where cockroaches can live: the bottom of window sills, chairs, electrical appliances, painting surfaces.
    4. If the surface to be treated is made of a material that quickly absorbs liquid, it is recommended to increase the volume of the product used.
    5. Treatment with this product should be carried out with the windows open.

    Pharmaceutical property

    According to the instructions, Tsifox provides high-quality destruction of ants, various types of cockroaches, rats, as well as scabies mites, bedbugs, fleas, larvae, flies, lice. All listed insects are destroyed within 20-25 minutes. The duration of action of the pharmaceutical drug depends on the type of room being treated and the concentration of the emulsion. Basically, the drug lasts from one week to several months.

    The residual effect of Cifox is from 1 to 3 months. In an aquatic environment, the residual effect of the drug is 1-3 weeks. As for open nature conditions - from 1 to 6 weeks (when combating midge components).

    If a person treats the surface against ixodid ticks, the residual effect of the drug is from one to two months. As a result, after contact with clothing, ixodid breams die, and the acaricidal effect of the product persists for several weeks.

    According to Tsifox's reviews, it became clear that the effectiveness of the drug mainly depends on the sensitivity of the arthropod population to its active components.

    Some reviews of Tsifox say that when the drug is used to kill insects that have pronounced resistance to peritroids, its insectoacaricidal effect is noticeably reduced.

    Directions for use and dosage

    The acaricidal drug is diluted based on the degree of contamination of the premises and the sensitivity of the population to the substances. To get rid of ants, the solution is used in the dosage: 2 ml per 1 liter of water. To disinfect ticks, 6 ml of emulsion is diluted in the same amount of liquid. The liquid is poured into the sprayer and the entire area is treated. A small brush is used to disinfect hard-to-reach areas.

    How to breed Tsifoks

    You should follow the dosage given in the instructions for the drug. Diluted with running water. The solution must be used immediately after its preparation. The emulsion is stirred for several minutes to evenly distribute the active substance. After this, the liquid is poured into prepared devices for processing. All work with this product is carried out in special clothing.

    Tsifoks from bedbugs

    The effectiveness and long-term residual effect of the drug helps to cope not only with adult individuals, but also with bedbugs that have not even hatched from the eggs. The prepared solution is applied to cracks and holes in walls and floors, window sills, the back of furniture, bed frames, carpets

    After disinfestation, it is important to thoroughly wash all surfaces and fabric items to avoid poisoning. The premises must be ventilated for at least one hour

    Tsifoks from cockroaches

    Cockroaches die within 30 minutes after the start of treatment. In some cases, repeated disinfestation may be required. If the room is heavily infested with cockroaches, dilute 2 ml of the product per liter of water. Not only places where insects accumulate are processed, but also all possible surfaces of their movement, including sockets, electrical appliances, and the back of carpets.

    Treatment against flies and mosquitoes

    For this type of insect, a 0.1% emulsion solution is used. If you are treating a summer cottage, be sure to spray near the toilet and trash cans. It is better to carry out pest control in the summer months. It is allowed to use in water bodies if there is no commercial fish farming on them. In this case, a weak concentration solution is also used.

    Processing instructions on how to breed and recommendations for use for different types of insects

    An emulsion is prepared before direct use. Tsifoks is diluted with water, stirring continuously, for about five minutes. The solution is stored for a maximum of eight hours, so you should not make it in advance and for future use.

    To treat small areas indoors, you can use a hand sprayer; for summer cottages and adjacent areas, you will need a garden sprayer.


    1. Prepare protective equipment (respirator and rubber gloves).
    2. Remove food and aquarium. Take the children and animals out. Mow the grass before treating the area for ticks.
    3. Dilute the drug concentrate according to the standards given below for each type of insect.
    4. Spray surfaces thoroughly, including those where cockroaches, ants, or bed bugs are likely to travel.
    5. It is advisable to leave the premises for 8-10 hours. After this time, wash the floors, kitchen cabinets and dishes, and vacuum the upholstered furniture.

    To get rid of bedbugs and cockroaches, re-treat after a week. This will allow the newly hatched individuals to be destroyed.

    It is convenient to measure the required amount of concentrated product using a syringe.

    From cockroaches

    Tsifoks is diluted in a ratio of 4 ml per 1 liter of water. The resulting solution is used to spray the areas where cockroaches accumulate, as well as the paths where they were spotted and the routes of entry into the room.

    As a rule, it is necessary to treat floors along with baseboards, door thresholds, walls, furniture, ventilation grilles, and shelters in walls.

    From bedbugs

    Tsifox in an amount of 0.4 ml to 2 ml is diluted in 1 liter of water. The dosage depends on the number of insects. It is imperative to treat the main places where bedbugs can live.

    These include sofas and beds. Don’t forget to spray the wallpaper and its areas, the space along windows and doors, ventilation grilles, and baseboards.

    From mosquitoes

    When exterminating mosquitoes, it is necessary to be guided by the regulations in force in Russia. Mosquito larvae are found in water, but individuals are strictly prohibited from using Zifox in natural bodies of water.

    To determine the type of mosquitoes, the timing and number of treatments for certain areas, they resort to the help of entomologists.

    In closed reservoirs, use a 0.01% solution of the active substance (0.4 ml of tsifox per 1 liter of water). 10-30 ml per 1 sq.m of water surface is enough. In open reservoirs, use 0.01-0.05% (from 0.4 to 2 ml of tsifox per 1 liter of water) aqueous solutions by spraying over the surface of the water.

    To combat adult mosquitoes, 0.01-0.05% (from 0.4 to 2 ml of tsifox per 1 liter of water) solution is used to treat places where they can fly and interfere with humans - tents, houses, commercial buildings.

    From flies

    Treatment indoors is carried out with a 0.05% solution (2 ml of tsifox per 1 liter of water), outdoors - with a 0.1% solution (4 ml of tsifox per 1 liter of water) by spraying

    It is important to treat areas where flies congregate, such as outdoor restrooms and garbage containers.

    For fleas

    To combat fleas, you can use a solution of fairly low concentration - from 0.01 to 0.1% (from 0.4 to 4 ml of tsifox per 1 liter of water). This solution must be used to treat all floors, baseboards and walls to a height of 1-1.5 m, as well as basements.

    From ticks

    Ticks are carriers of many diseases, the most famous and dangerous of which is tick-borne encephalitis. Therefore, it is necessary to subject both personal areas and public recreational areas and crowded places - parks, tourist centers, playgrounds - to anti-tick treatment.

    Treatment is carried out in good weather, in the absence of forecast precipitation for the next three days.

    The area is sprayed with a solution of 0.0625 to 0.3% (from 2.5 to 12 ml of tsifox per 1 liter of water). The denser the vegetation in the area, the greater the consumption of the product.

    You can also treat clothes with a solution of Tsifox before going to places potentially infested with ticks and fleas. The concentration of such a solution should be 0.125% of the active substance (5 ml of tsifox per 1 liter of water).

    The product is sprayed onto clothing from a distance of 20-50 cm, treating it from the front and back, paying special attention to trousers (since ticks mainly climb onto clothing from below). It is advisable to carry out the treatment of personal items before going into the forest in the open air or in a well-ventilated room

    Before wearing, clothes must be dried and aired for at least two hours.

    It is advisable to carry out the treatment of personal items before going into the forest outdoors or in a well-ventilated room. Before wearing, clothes must be dried and aired for at least two hours.

    Scope of use

    Cypermethrin has many positive qualities, so it is used in various fields. In each case, a certain dosage and consumption rate are required. In agriculture, the drug is used to protect vegetables, legumes and cereals. Fruit-bearing bushes and trees are also treated with this product.

    The insecticide is aimed at destroying various insect pests:

    • aphids;
    • moths;
    • caterpillars;
    • fleas;
    • flower beetles;
    • leaf roller;
    • codling moths;
    • drinkers;
    • Colorado beetles.

    Treatment is carried out by spraying from a sprayer with adjustable droplet size in the stream

    At home, bedbugs, cockroaches or fleas often appear, which can also be gotten rid of with Cypermethrin. The product is suitable for disinsection of city apartments, private houses, industrial buildings, hospitals and hospices.

    Working solution

    After studying the instructions, Cypermethrin is diluted in water in the required proportions. Although the drug is low-toxic, work with it must be carried out using personal protective equipment.

    Cypermethrin for bedbugs is used to prepare a solution with a concentration of 0.05%. 5 ml of emulsion is diluted in 1 liter of water at room temperature. Per square meter of treated area you will need 50-100 ml of solution. The volume of product used depends on the absorbent properties of the surface material. The insecticide is sprayed with a spray bottle or sprayed with a paint brush.

    Composition against other pests:

    1. For fleas: a 0.1% solution is sprayed on the floor, walls and baseboards.
    2. Against mosquitoes: a working emulsion of 0.01% is sprayed onto areas where parasites are concentrated, which usually inhabit garbage cans, outside walls of houses and damp places.
    3. From ants: the composition of 0.01% is distributed along “ant” paths and other areas with pests.
    4. For cockroaches: a 0.1% solution is used to treat not only the main areas of the house, but also pipes and ventilation shafts.
    5. Against ticks: Cypermethrin is diluted to a concentration of 0.05%. Per square meter you will need 50 ml of working emulsion. The room is treated completely, not forgetting about heating appliances, thermal communications and furniture. Repeated treatment is carried out after a week.

    Wasps and hornets can settle in planted areas and near garbage cans. Insects are lured with sweet fruits, and then a 0.1% composition is sprayed on them. 100-150 ml of product are used per square meter. After possible rain, the treatment is repeated. This procedure should only be performed by experienced people. Beginners are advised to consult a specialist, since wasps can attack in a swarm.

    Rules for disinfestation of premises

    Cypermethrin must be used strictly according to the instructions. First, you should take into account the area of ​​​​the territory that will need to be treated and calculate the dosage of the drug. The types of insects and environmental conditions in which the solution will be used play an important role.

    The room must be isolated from children and animals. The room is cleared of food, dishes, personal hygiene items, aquariums and terrariums. All windows in the room should be open so that it is well ventilated.

    When working with the product, you need to wear protective clothing, a respiratory mask, special glasses and a headgear (scarf or plastic cap). The solution is prepared in the proportions recommended by the manufacturer. It is prohibited to exceed the dosage.

    The use of cypermethrin will be successful only if the pest concentration areas are known

    It is necessary to treat not only those areas where insects are currently located, but also places in which they can hide. It is recommended to spray other surfaces with the product, as pests may migrate after applying the solution.

    After the work is completed, leave the room, leaving it to ventilate for 2-3 hours. Then the room is cleared of dead parasites and wet cleaning is carried out using a soap solution with soda.

    Instructions for use

    The product is suitable for treating premises of all types (apartments, houses, basements, warehouses, hotels, sanatoriums), as well as for treating areas during mosquito infestations and during the period of tick activation.

    Solutions are prepared immediately before use. It is necessary to mix water at room temperature with a certain amount of Tsifox concentrate, then stir for 5 minutes.

    Then pour the insecticide into sprayers and distribute the substance evenly over all treated surfaces.

    The residual effect indoors lasts 1-3 months, and outdoors 1 month.

    Below is a table for different types of insects per 1 liter of water.


    InsectConcentration, %Tsifoks volume, mlWater volume, ml
    Bed bug0,052998
    Mosquitoes and their larvae0,14996
    Flies indoors0,052998
    Ixodid ticks0,28992

    How to breed Tsifoks from mosquitoes?

    The drug Tsifoks is effective for treating mosquitoes and their larvae in basements, closed urban reservoirs (where there is no fish), for killing mosquitoes and their larvae in household plots and cottages.

    Under no circumstances should it be used in reservoirs where fish are found, as they will all die, as well as sources of drinking water.

    There are two very important points:

    • This solution is not suitable for spraying on the body. At a working concentration of 0.01% it can cause irritation, redness and local allergic reactions;
    • When sprayed on clothing, Cifox does not repel mosquitoes. They simply die upon contact with the poison, but may manage to bite you.

    It is not a mosquito repellent and will not repel them. But if it is used to treat an infected area, for example, a place where fishing will take place, the number of mosquitoes will be reduced significantly.

    On an industrial scale, processing begins in the spring. All closed reservoirs, basements, pits, and ditches are processed. Use a 0.01% solution at the rate of 10-30 ml per square meter of area.

    When processing sushi, use a 0.01 - 0.05% solution with a consumption rate of 50 -100 ml per square meter of surface to be treated.

    If mosquitoes are tormented at the dacha, it is important to spray the entire area with Tsifoks, do not forget about tree hollows and small puddles. It is important that the solution does not get into drinking water

    You must understand that Cifox is not selective. All insects affected by it will die. These are both harmful beetles and beneficial bees.

    How to kill ticks with Tsifox solution?

    Ticks carry Lyme disease or tick-borne encephalitis

    Therefore, it is important to treat parks, playgrounds, children’s forest camps and sanatoriums, areas where outbreaks of diseases are observed

    The problem becomes especially acute in the spring, when people go outdoors.

    Before spraying, be sure to cut all excess and tall grass and then apply the treatment.

    Treatment is carried out 3-5 days before visiting this place. The consumption rate is 100 liters per 1 ha. The duration of action of the insecticide is 1 month; in case of heavy rainfall, the period of action is reduced.

    There is no point in spraying yourself with Cifox solution if you are going to the forest. Since the drug is not a repellent and is not able to repel ticks.

    Breeding Tsifoks from bedbugs

    To kill bedbugs, use a solution with a concentration of 0.05%. Consumption rate is 50 ml per square meter. The residual effect lasts 3 months if it is not washed off.

    This product is not a panacea for bedbugs and therefore it is important to thoroughly spray all possible surfaces where bedbugs are hiding

    Directions for use against cockroaches

    To get rid of cockroaches, you need to properly dilute the Tsifox solution. For cockroaches, a 0.1% solution is used. After which it is sprayed at the rate of 50 ml per square meter for non-absorbable surfaces and 100 ml for absorbent ones.

    All their habitats and penetrations into the house are being processed.

    How to use against fleas, ants, flies?

    A 0.05% solution is used.

    To kill fleas, treat the floor and walls no higher than 1 meter.

    The ants' paths and routes into the house are treated.

    If there are flies, first of all, spray their landing sites, as well as windows, walls and mirrors.

    Destruction of mosquitoes and midges

    To eliminate midges, Tsifoks is used to treat:

    1. Clothing, equipment, tent sites. The instructions for treating clothing and travel accessories are the same as when applying Tsifox to the same items against ticks. The only difference is in the dosage of the active substance (see table). If the clothing has already been treated against tick attacks, then re-application of the anti-midge drug is not required.
    2. Lawns, shrubs, paths on a summer cottage in the event of a massive accumulation of adult mosquitoes and midges. Tsifoks does not have the selective property of killing insects, therefore it is strictly forbidden to carry out treatment during the flight of bees and in the apiary. The method of applying the drug in open areas is the same as when treating an area against ticks; you just need to prepare a solution with the required concentration of cypermethrin according to the table.
    3. Cellar, basement, pond. A reservoir is treated if it becomes a site of significant breeding of midges. Drinking water sources, fishing ponds, and swimming areas must not be disinfested.
    4. Buildings for animals and other outbuildings.

    Treatment of water, outbuildings and outbuildings, as well as living quarters from mosquitoes and midges is carried out only in cases where there is a risk of malaria infection in the region. In such situations, it is better to entrust disinfestation to special competent organizations.

    How to properly poison bedbugs with Tsifoks

    The drug is very strong. Most parasites die within 30 minutes. During the first 3 hours of exposure, the entire colony of insects is destroyed. However, there are still eggs left. Unfortunately, Tsifoks cannot cope with them. The dense shell of the egg protects the embryo from the action of the poison. The bedbugs continue to develop as if nothing had happened. This takes approximately 2 weeks under favorable conditions. After this time, new parasites appear. When initially treated with a 0.05% concentrate, the effect of the drug lasts for 4 months. New parasites

    After birth, they immediately become infected, without having time to give life to new offspring. However, to be on the safe side, manufacturers recommend re-treatment after 10–14 days.

    It is mandatory to disinfect the apartment again if a 0.01% concentrate was initially used. Every day the activity of the insecticide weakens under the influence of sunlight and room temperature. A protective layer on surfaces may not be sufficient to kill insects. Moreover, a low concentration of poison increases the risk of bed bugs developing resistance to cypermethrin. A small dose of the drug acts on them similarly to a vaccination. The bugs will get sick and become even stronger. Then it will be more difficult to deal with them. You will need a product based on another insecticide. And the point is not in the effectiveness of Tsifoks, but in the incorrect disinfestation procedure.

    Final cleaning should be carried out no earlier than 1 month. Immediately after disinfestation, wash only those places. Where a person's hand can touch. The insecticide should remain on other surfaces. You will have to process the entire room along the perimeter up and down. Bed bugs even have the ability to climb onto the ceiling and from there fall onto a sleeping person.

    Instructions for use of the drug

    To combat ticks, it is important to breed Tsifoks strictly according to the instructions, otherwise:

    • it will not be possible to eliminate pests;
    • pests will continue to multiply and attack people as well as pets;
    • the risks of the spread of dangerous diseases will not decrease.

    The manufacturers of the substance have developed detailed instructions, which state that the drug is needed:

    Handle with protective gloves and make sure that it does not come into contact with the skin.

    Store in a place that:

    • prevents exposure to sunlight;
    • will be inaccessible to children and pets;
    • There will be a minimum distance of one meter from food and drink storage areas.

    Important: “Zifox” is included in the group of flammable substances, so the bottle with this substance cannot be placed near a stove, fire, heating devices or healing devices.

    Use within the period indicated on the package.

    Note: if you dilute a product that has expired, you will not be able to get rid of parasites, and most importantly, the drug can cause considerable harm to health.

    How to breed Tsifoks against ticks?

    In order to remove Cymphox ticks, it is supposed to be properly bred. Recommended:

    1. Take a clean plastic bucket.

    2. Pour 5 liters of water at room temperature into it.

    3. Put rubber gloves on your hands.

    Advice: if a person is too sensitive to chemical odors, then it would be a good idea to dilute the drug in a special face mask.

    4. Take a bottle of the substance and carefully remove the cap. 5. Pour a certain amount of product into the prepared water, which depends on the concentration:

    5. Pour a certain amount of product into the prepared water, which depends on the concentration:

    • if it is 0.1%, then two milliliters is enough;
    • at 0.05% you will need to add 10 milliliters;
    • 0.01% needs 10 milliliters.

    Note: the amount is based on five liters of water.

    6. Stir the prepared mixture with a wooden stick.

    After this, the prepared “Tsifoks” can be poured into a spray bottle and begin processing the required area.

    Rules for carrying out Tsifoks treatment indoors

    In the case where ticks are supposed to be removed from the premises, a number of rules must be followed:

    1. 1 – 1.5 hours before treatment, wash the floor in the house or apartment and wipe off the dust with a damp cloth.
    2. Make sure all food and drinks are put away in the refrigerator or cupboard.
    3. Put medications in the first aid kit.
    4. Make sure that there are no people in the room, especially children, or pets.

    Important: “Tsifoks” can lead to the death of fish, so treating rooms where aquariums are located is unacceptable.

    When all the preparatory stages are completed and all safety rules are followed, the person is required to:

    wear clothes that completely cover the entire body;

    Tip: ideally, the person will be wearing pants, a long-sleeved jacket, socks, a scarf and glasses.

    • put on rubber gloves and pick up a spray bottle;
    • Process the premises within 1.5 - 2 minutes.

    Note: it is important to ensure that the product gets onto all surfaces, and not just sprayed in one place.

    When the work is finished, the person should take off his clothes and take a shower.

    An important point: after 10 - 11 hours, the treated room needs to be ventilated and also wet cleaned.

    Rules for processing a land plot

    Treatment of land plots follows identical rules as spraying indoors, only in this case the person is required to:

    1. Make sure that all people and pets have left the area where spraying will take place.
    2. Spray the prepared “Tsifoks” on:


    An important point: there is no need to spray trees and bushes above 1.5 meters, since there are no ticks at a higher distance.

    • garden paths;
    • benches;
    • areas near the entrance to the house, barns, bathhouses and other buildings.

    Note: after spraying outdoors, ticks will die within three days.

    Land plots should be cultivated:

    • in dry weather;
    • when there is no wind;
    • in the morning;
    • at least 1.5 months before harvest.

    It is important to know: that if it rains after spraying, the ticks will not be destroyed, therefore, the procedure will have to be repeated again, but when all the precipitation has ended.

    Precautions and side effects

    When removing ticks using Tsifoks, you need to remember precautions. In this regard, manufacturers recommend:

    In this regard, manufacturers recommend:

    1. Dilute the drug only while wearing a protective mask and gloves.
    2. Spraying should be done in closed clothes.
    3. Be sure to take a shower and wash your hair with shampoo after disinfection is completed.
    4. If the substance gets on the skin, immediately wash the area of ​​the body with water and a household mule.

    An important point: in situations where a person feels unwell while using Tsifoks, one should immediately contact a medical facility without hesitation.

    In general, when the drug is used strictly according to the instructions, there are no side effects. In exceptional cases it happens:

    • Allergic reaction to a substance.
    • Burns on the skin if the drug gets on the epidermis.
    • Death of bees.

    Note: bees may not tolerate the treatment of areas with this substance if it was sprayed no less than 3 - 4 meters from the hive.

    Continuation of the pincer attack.

    Important: flares do not disappear after spraying if all recommendations for using Tsifoks have not been followed.

    Impact of Tsifox on the human body

    Tsifox belongs to toxicity class III, i.e. it is a moderately dangerous concentrate. If all safety measures are followed, the likelihood of an allergic reaction or poisoning is low, but not completely excluded. If the rules of use are violated, irritation may occur on the mucous membranes of the eyes or skin. In severe cases, breathing becomes difficult, headaches and other symptoms of an allergic reaction or chemical intoxication (poisoning) appear.

    In this regard, it is important to strictly adhere to all recommendations specified in the instructions for the drug. Complete isolation from the product when sprayed is necessary for children and women during pregnancy and feeding.

    When the first signs of an allergy to the drug appear, you should immediately move away from the place where the product was sprayed.

    Precautions when working with Tsifoks

    Cypermethrin is a rather dangerous substance for humans. Therefore, if you use Cifox indoors and without special protective clothing and a mask, poisoning may occur. You need to treat the room with the windows open. Upon completion of work, you need to leave the room for ventilation for 30 minutes. You should return to the apartment no earlier than one day after spraying. Considering the high toxicity of the drug, you need to be extremely careful with it, and if you still lack self-confidence, you should entrust this work to a professional.

    Before use, you must read the instructions as carefully as possible.

    It lists all the precautions that a person must take into account. It is worth noting that a protective mask is needed not only in order not to inhale the poison, but also because of the very pungent odor that the solution, and especially the concentrate, gives off

    The unpleasant aroma is one of the main disadvantages of Tsifoks. After treatment, the drug will remind itself of itself for a very long time with the smell of solvent.

    Pregnant women and people prone to allergies should not spray the room with Tsifoks. Before starting work, you need to put on protective clothing that will cover your entire body. It is advisable that things be made of water-repellent fabric. In addition, you need to put on shoe covers over your shoes, and then gloves with a mask or respirator.

    Tsifoks in a closed room and without special protective clothing and a mask, poisoning may occur

    Under no circumstances should you eat while working. It is also better to drink in another room and after the work clothes have been removed. After thorough treatment, you must take a shower. It is advisable to use laundry soap, as it best neutralizes the effect of Cifox.

    Experts do not recommend using this drug in a child’s room. For such a room it is better to take a less toxic drug. In other rooms that will be treated with Tsifoks, it is necessary to carry out high-quality treatment of all surfaces after 12 hours. Fabric elements must be vacuumed and, if possible, washed. In another couple of hours you will be able to return to the premises.

    The Cifox remedy for cockroaches and bedbugs has a long-lasting effect. Therefore, cockroaches, ants or bedbugs that do not die immediately will be gradually destroyed over the next 20 days.

    Danger to humans and animals

    When working with the drug, you need to be very careful; you must not allow the poison to get on the skin, mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and mouth. In addition, toxic fumes are also dangerous, which is why it is very important to ventilate the premises. In case of contact with the body, rinse thoroughly with water and if allergic reactions occur, consult a doctor.

    If during work you experience symptoms such as headache, dizziness, nausea, weakness, vomiting and others, immediately stop the procedure, go outside, wash, rinse your mouth and call an ambulance.

    Instructions for use

    Pest and parasite control will be successful if the concentration of the finished composition is observed. To prepare the solution you will need Tsifox emulsion and clean water. Accuracy, accuracy, correct calculation of the volume of insecticide and liquid are prerequisites for the most effective action of the composition.

    Important! During disinfestation, it is important to follow the rules to prevent poisoning and allergic reactions.

    Fighting cockroaches

    You will need a solution with a concentration of 0.1%. Spray the prepared liquid throughout the room where mustachioed pests are found. To process 1 sq. m, 50 ml of solution is enough.

    Destruction of ants, scabies mites, fleas, bedbugs

    Parasites die from a solution of weaker concentration - it is enough to prepare Tsifox 0.05%. Spraying of the composition is carried out using a sprayer of the “Rosinka” type.

    Careful treatment of areas where harmful insects accumulate is necessary. 12 hours after disinfestation, the remnants of the potent product must be removed with a damp cloth and soap solution.

    Anti-fly treatment

    The recommended concentration is 0.01% for the drug Cifox. Dilute the emulsion according to the instructions, and spray the areas where flies accumulate with the working solution.

    When treating the local area, it is important to spray the product near trash cans and toilets. Solution concentration – 0.1%

    The optimal time for disinfestation is summer. One procedure is enough for a noticeable effect. Consumption of insecticidal and acaricidal agent – ​​100 ml / 1 sq. m regardless of the conditions (indoors or in the yard).

    Mosquito control

    Near open water bodies where there is no industrial fish farming, a concentration of 0.01% is sufficient (ground-based treatment is carried out). In underground communications and basements, pest control specialists use prepared liquid of the same strength. Consumption – 100 ml of working solution based on the drug Tsifoks per 1 sq. m. territory.

    General characteristics of insectoacaricide

    An effective drug developed and produced domestically, which has been on the market for more than 15 years. The Tsifox product has a wide range of effects on synanthropic insects - cockroaches, ticks, bed bugs, ants and other parasites. The insecticide is a concentrated yellowish liquid with a specific pungent odor. It is packaged in dark plastic containers with a volume of 50 to 1000 ml.

    The active component of Cifox is cypermethrin (25%). It has a neuroparalytic effect on cockroaches and other types of pests. Penetrating into the body of the Prussians through the chitinous shell and natural openings, the poison provokes paralysis and death of the parasite. Approximately half an hour after disinfestation of the premises, not a single living individual remains in it.

    The composition contains additional substances - emulsifiers, solvent, fragrance and stabilizer. Pyrethroid is dangerous for parasitic insects; its effect on warm-blooded representatives is minimal if precautions are taken. The duration of exposure of the product to pests is determined by the concentration of the drug Tsifoks in the working solution. On average, in a treated room, it remains effective for 3 months.


    Cypermethrin is one of the most effective insecticides, made from Persian chamomile. It belongs to the group of pyrethroids that block the nerve cells of parasites. Analogues - Raptor, Clean House, Fas, Raid, Dichlorvos, Yurax. All these products contain cypermethrin.

    Principle of action on pests

    The drug acts on pests according to the following principle:

    • When sprayed, “Tsifoks” gets on the outer surface of walls, floors, furniture and other objects, as well as on trees or foliage if land was sprayed.
    • After this, a chemical substance enters the body of ticks and other parasites, upon contact with treated objects, which instantly causes paralysis in the parasites.
    • Ticks and other insects die, and in addition, the treated areas remain protected from pest attacks for a long time.

    An important point: you should know that this product can kill not only the most dangerous ticks, but also bees, so spraying this product near the hive is unacceptable.

    First aid to the victim

    The first step is to take the poisoned person out into the fresh air. Make a two percent solution of baking soda to rinse your nose and mouth. Force you to take activated carbon (1 tablet per 10 kg of person’s weight) or another absorbent.

    Albucid is instilled to protect the eyes. The exposed surface of the skin on which the drug has come into contact is washed with soap and water.

    The Cifox product has many positive reviews and is used not only to get rid of bedbugs. It helps get rid of ants, ticks, cockroaches, wasps, fleas and other insects.

    If you adhere to all of the above recommendations and precautions, the disinfestation of the apartment will be carried out efficiently and safely for the health of both the person carrying out such a procedure and the rest of the family members.

    They can no longer cope, the called specialists use Tsifox - a powerful insecticide. It is used more often against “floor” insects, forgetting about the ability of Tsifoks to destroy flying pests. Tsifoks against mosquitoes is used not only indoors, but also in open spaces. This effective insect repellent can be purchased at garden centers and used independently. But compliance with safety measures when spraying Cifox is mandatory.

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