External description of birds A bird has a whole list of external features. If we give a brief description of white
A long time ago I wrote an article about sensory boxes for very young children. These were the most
Grade Maker is a meat cross of turkeys bred by Canadian breeders. Representatives of this species quickly gain
Chlorpyrimark is an emulsion concentrate containing the organophosphorus compound chlorpyrifos as an active ingredient.
Home Diseases and Pests The cutworm caterpillar causes a lot of trouble for the gardener and damages most of the crop.
Useful qualities of zucchini: Contains microelements and vitamins necessary for the body; help cleanse the body of toxins
Hunting in pigs (desire to go for a walk) is the period of ovulation during which the animal must be
A sudden encounter with a cockroach in an apartment guarantees very unpleasant emotions. Therefore, even an isolated case
Tick-borne encephalitis is a very severe acute viral disease of the nervous system. The brain is affected and
Before breeding sheep, it is necessary to create conditions for their maintenance. If the owner